The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, March 11, 1897, Image 5

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I 7
QlWW SHapjLEolcsmb
Xlimt Governor James E Harrli
x tcr1fcr el State WF Porter
rreaiurer JNMeaerve
Auditor John F Cornell
Cora Lands and Buildlngu Jacob V Wolfe
Attorney General Constantino J 8mvth
8upt ftibllc Instruction W B Jactaon
fKAHadley Scojla
ICW Kaloym Ked Cloud
Eegents University Hhos Rawlins wakf Id
1 Chas YVeitonHay 8pga
I H L Odold Ofatlla
ICH Morrill Hftcoln
Senators Wm V Allen Madison John M
Thurston Omaha
Ilspresentati ves First Dlsti let Jesse B Strode
Lincoln Second D fl Mercer Omaha Third
Geo WMeiklelohn Ftillerton Fourth E J Hai
ner Aurora Fifth Win K Andrews Hastings
Sixth O M Kern Broken Bow
Supreme Court T L Norval Chief Justice
Harrison and Polk associates
Fifteenth Judicial District- M P Klnkald
ONeill W H Westover Rushvlllc
Representative Fifty second District O P
Billings Nordeu
Senator Fourteenth District Otto Mutz
Reftistfr 0 R Glover Longplne Receiver J
A Fike Newport
Treasurer G P Crabb
Jlerk Geo Elliott
Sheriff Amos Strong
Judge W R Tovrne
County Attorney Fit Walcott
County Superintendent Lillian Stoner
Surveyor Chas Tait
Coroner A Lewis
Max vlertel
Commissioners W A Paiker
f P Sullivan
Overseers of Highways R Hansen and J Raj
Constable R Towne
Justices of the Peace John Dunn and J M
Assessor- John Dunn
Town Board E Sparks president C H Cor
nell treasurer T C Hornby clerk D S Ludwlg
and P F Simons
Marshal and Water Commissioner Henry
school District No 1 MWactt president
M V Nicholson treasurer J C PettljoJ seore
tary W S Jackson OP CrabD and J T Keener
Imp 0 R1M
Sitting Bull Tribe No 22 Improved Order of
Red Men meets every second and fourth Friday
evening of each month at Davenports Hall
Visiting brethren are fraternally Invited to be
present at the councils of the tribe
J H Sears F M Makch
Chief of Records Sachem
Minnekadusa Lodge No 192 A F A
Iniegular communication Saturday even
ing on or before the full moon In each month
xnotnbers of tho order in good and regular stand
ilng cordially and fraternally incited to Attend
W W Thompson Seey
O fi S
Northern Star Chapter No 59 Order of
Eastern 8tar meets on second and fourth Tubs-
i aav eTemnirs oi easa monin m xiwruuj a uu
i Secretary
Worthy Matton
Valentine Lodge No 70 A O U W meets
on l si and 3rd Mondays of oach month
J C Pettijohn Rec 0 W Hahx M W
D of H
Valentine Lodge No Degree of Honor
holds regular meetings first and third Wednes
day evenings of each month
Recorder Ohlef of Honor
Valentine Lodge No 205 I O O F meets
every Thursday evening Visiting brothers cord
Sfally Hvlted to attend our meetings
Noble Grand
Col Wood Past No 208 Department of le-
braska regular meeting 2d apd ith Wflydays of
each montL at 2 n m enarft ComTfla from
other Posts arc cordially invited to aKind
J W Tucker JoSk DVNK
Adjutant OOmiriafcder
Valentine Camp No 1761 Modern Woodmen of
America meets second and fourth wmuMawr
- 4 nAti wiANtk TVnflTinnHti Holt
K of P
Cherry Lodge No 169 Knights of
every xucsaay evening acuavt
W S Jackkox
K of R and S Chancellor
tVteiting nelgtSora oordlally invitld to avteftd
1W B Jackbox w if I
Clerk Venerable
rthUs meeta
Arrival and Departure ef Malls
Mall east and west closes at 8 p m
Rosebud leaves at 8iD0 a m dally except Sun
day and arrives at 500 p m
Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves
at 7 -00 am Mondays Wednesdays and Fri
days and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays Thurs
days and Saturday
Ft Niobrara leaves daily at700 a m and
500 p m arrives at 930a mand 780 pjn
Kewanee and Spark arrlteB Monaayf1
Wednesdays and Fridays at 809 p m and
leavts Tuesdays Thursdays aind Saturdays af
7o m
General dellveryopen frora79 a m to 700
p m General delivery open on Sundays frQm
6 to 10 a m Lock boxes opendally frra e a
m to 800 p m
W EHALKV Postmaster
AUklnds of legal business promptly atteaded to
Valentine Nebraska
Physician and Surgeon
Olhce at C R Watsoas Drug Store Prompt
attention given to all professional calls
valentine - Nebraska
Teachers Examination
The regular monthly Teachers
Examination will be held tho
third Saturday of each month
at my office in the Court House
Supt of Schools
Satisfaction guaranteed
Jteasonable charges
Many Measures of More or Less Im
portance Being Introduced at the
Present Session of the Golden Rod
The first attempt to advance radical rail
road legislation was made in the senate
Wednesday morning Senator Feltz of
Keith County moved to make the 2 cent
fare bill a special order for March 6 While
the attempt failed the roll call showed a
strong sentintent in favor of the bill The
only measure considered besides the above
was the Omaha Charter bill whiclioccupied
the greater part of the session
Speaker Gaffin on Wednesday morning
named the following sifting committee
Jone3 of Nemaha Moran Hull Woodard
Robertson Wiebe and Fouke Severe
from the committee on engrossed and en
rolled bills rose to a question of privilege
He said that it had been stated on the floor of
the house and the statement published in
the newspapers that the clerks in the com
mittee room for engrossed and en
rolled bills had deliberately changed the
wording of bills This he said was false
and that the clerks in that room were
strictly honest and would not do such a
thing for the world As Smith of Douglas
had admitted Tuesday that the clerks had
done so the member from Douglas was
severely lashed over the shoulders of the
press The word association had been
eliminated from the Trans Mississippi Ex
position bill The elimination had been
done at the suggestion of Smith of TDouglas
but the actual work had been authorized
to be done by Chief Clerk of the House
Eager Following the reference of a few
bills on second reading to appropriate
committees the house went into committee
of the whole to consider bills on the gen
eral file with Rouse in the chair
The committee reported back to the house
in favor of passing house roll No 36 the
woman suffrage measure and the report
was adopted by a vote of 66 to 24 Webb
chairman of the committee on printing
reported that of the first 400 bills printed
but 800 copies were supplied by Jacob
North instead of 500 as provided in the
contract North had agreed to print 150
copies more of the missing bills The re
port recommended that North be paid only
for the 300 copies furnished Jenkins
moved that the report of committee be con
tinued and authorized to report further to
the house The motion prevailed The
house then adjourned
The Trans Mississippi Exposition bill
passed the house Thursday without the
emergency clause by a vote of 70 to 20
Sheldons bill house roll No 447 to pro
hibit games theatrical and circus enter
tainments on Sunday was the topic of a
lively debate and was indefinitely post
poned House roll No 485 by Kapp is a
joint resolution authorizing the commis
sioner of public lands and buildings to
select and accept for the state of Nebraska
certain tracts of land in Fort Randal Mili
tary Reservation as school land The bill
passed 90 to 0 House roll No 259 was
next in order The measure amends section
58 chapter xliii entitled Insurance Com
panies of the Compiled Statutes of Ne
braska 1895 and repeals said section It
authorizes the forming of companies to
conduct a line of general insurance on de
tached farm buildings country school
houses and churches also upon cattle
mules sheep and hogs against damage by
fire lightning or tornadoes providing sudi
property be not insured for more than two
thirds of its actual value By a vote of 88
to 1 the measure passed The bill for a
graduated scale of punishments about the
same as the Illinois habitual criminal law
was passed House roll No 254 providing
for an appropriation of the matriculation
fees of the State Normal school for a library
fund for the use and suppprt of the library
of the school passed
Thursday morning when the regular or
der was taken up Mr Howell from the
committee on municipal affairs reported
the Lincoln charter with the recommenda
tion that it be placed on general file For
reasons only known to himself the assist
ant secretary made a verbal addition to the
wording of the report by announcing that
the committee asked that the charter be
placed on general file with the recom
mendation that it do pass A motion to
make it a special order for March 9 did not
prevail and it will have to come up in its
regular order The senate then took up
the order of bills on third reading Senate
file No- 24 introduced by Mutz and relat
ing to salaries for caunty superintendents
of public instruction was passed Senate
Jite No 1W hv Panaday and relating to
teachers fnstitujfls ys nassecj It makes
a few technical changes jn the law
Senate file No 255 by Ransom refating to
the manner of voting on proposed amend
ments to the state constitution passed The
bill provides that the returns made by the
judges and clerks of election shall include
First tho number 9f electors voting at said
general election second the number of
electors who voted WF the amendments
third the number of electors Wbo votefl
against the amendments fourth tjp nunjr
ber of electors who voted for senators
fifth the number who voted for represent
atives sixth the number who voted for
both senators and representatives Joint
resolution proposing an amendment relat
ing to the investment of the permanent
school fund passed House roll No 8 re
pealing the law passed two years ago for
the payment of a bounty on sugar and
chicory pasafl Tne senate practically re
constructed tfe bJM ft t passed the house
and it will have to be Feturne4 to the lower
branch before it can go to the governor
Bills on third reading in the house on
Friday morning McCarthys measure ap
propriating 25000 for a state normal school
at Scotia Greeley County was the first
considered The bill had been recom
mended to pass in committee of the whole
by a good majority but on the first roll
call It got but thirty nine votes two less
than the reauired number and a call of the
house was demanded Bernard of Pawnee
and Gaylord of Buffalo changed thejr votes
from nay to yea and and the bjll was
passed The final vote showed UO to 39 in
favor of the bill House roll No 187 by
Hull amends section 562 of Cobbeys Con
solidated Statutes of 1891 and repeals the
section It provides that every railroad
company shall have the power to cross
intersect join and unite its railroad with
any other railroad before constructed at
any point upon its route and upon
the grounds suc other railroad
company witii thn necessary turnouts sid
ings switches and utljpr conveniences in
furtherance of the object of its connection
Jt is made the duty of the state bpard of
transportation to investigate all points In
the state touched by two or more railroads
at -which points they receive and deliver
freight At such investigation all parties
shall be allowed to appear and be heard
If it be found to the interest of shippers
that such junction should be formed the
board is directed to order the companies to
do so and it is the duty of said railroads to
comply with the order of the board The
measure was passed House roll No 8 by
Dobson provides for the repeal of the sugar
bounty law of 1895 section 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 and 20 of chapter vi article iv
compiled statutes of 1895 The senate
asked that the house concur in an amend
ment changing the form and the amend
ment was adopted
The proposition to abolish the Soldiers
Home at Milford came up in the senate
Friday morning as soon as the sound of
the chaplains voice had ceased Ever
since the first few days of the session a bill
has been pending to abolish the Home
The bill has been in the hands of the com
mittee on soldiers homes of which Mr
Sykes of Adams County is chairman
Nothing has been heard of the bill but
Friday morning Feltz andGrothan brought
up the subject and insisted upon an im
mediate report Their insistance brought
out an animated debate in which most of
the senators on the floor participated The
senate adopted the minority report and the
bill went to the general file The Omala
charter bill came up on third reading and
the senate then saw that it was in for a
night session The reading clerk attempted
to skip large portions of the reading but
was called down by Mr Graham The
reading was then continued properly At
6 oclock the senate took a recess till 780
After the supper recess the reading of the
Omaha charter was finished and after some
little delay the roll was called and the bill
passed with the emergency clause But
twenty one votes were recorded on the
first roll call and a call of the house was
ordered After the doors had been closed
forty five minutes Senators Muffled and
Lee appeared voted for the bill and it was
John OYeiser made an attempt to get his
bill for the initiative and referendum rec
ommended for passage in the house Satur
day and had it not been for Burkett of
Lancaster he might have succeeded Sixty
seven members answered to roll call An
attempt was made to adjourn This was
defeated and reports from standing com
mittees announced After the reading of
reports the house went into committee of
the whole House roll No 68 by Yeiser
is the bill providing for the initiative and
referendum It was the topic of a long
discussion and considerable amendment by
Yeiser When section thirty was reached
Clark of Lancaster moved that the section
be stricken out and another substituted
making the privileges of the initiative and
referendum applicable to cities only of the
metropolitan class By a close vote Clarks
motion was lost and a division was not
called for Then Clark moved that the
provisions of tho act should not ap
ply to cities having a population of
of over 25000 inhabitants He directed
attention to the fact that judges
and clerks of election could object to any
ordinance passed by the council circulate
a petition secure the names of 15 per cent
of the voters and earn a few dollars in fees
to put in their pockets It was a most vic
ious measure In large cities he said it
would require 50 per cent of the collected
taxes to hold elections under the law
Clark of Richardson then moved that
when the committe rose it report the bill
for indefinite postponement Shull of Ne
maha opposed this He thought it assump
tion on the part of the gentleman from
Richardson to speak for the people of the
whole state Clark declared that he had
spoken only for the people of his own
county Shull pointed out that the initia
tive and referendum had been made an
issue of the Populist campaign Clark re
plied that he had heard nothing of it in his
bailiwick Snyder of Sherman spoke at
considerable length in favor of the bill
Dobson of Fillmore made a savage assault
on the measure He said he was a Pop
ulist but not Populist enough to support
such a measure Then he surprised
the whole house by voting squarely
against Clarks motion for indefinite
postponement Wooster inveighed
bitterly against the bill Burkett moved
that the committee rise This was lost
Clark of Lancasters amendment that the
bill should not apply to cities of the first
class also failed Then the measure was
amended providing that but one special
election should be held annually unless the
parties signing the petition should deposit
sufficient money to defray the expenses of
the election the money to be returned to
them in case the proposition was success
ful at the polls There was a flury of fili
bustering and a manifest disposition on the
part of the fusionists to shut off Burkett
from speaking on the question He began
however at 1215 with the evident inten
tion of talking against time Sheldon had
moved that when the committee rose i
reconimended the bill for passage Burkett
saitl Ije was willing tq stop talkg anq
allow the committee tq rise and ask leav
to sjfc agajn Bupketf yielded the fjflqr
few minutes to Bollard The latter san
that the sifting committee had jumped the
bill into the house the first tliiug Saturday
morning and he for one hail time to Iqok
it up and examine its provisions Thefl
Sheldqn withdrew hjs motion and
moved that te committee rise ajidjenqri
progress- Tins prevailed Burkett Pftd
carried his point and forced a fair disous
sion on Yejsers bUli
Two Cents Worth of Gas
In a lecture recently delivered at the
Royal Victoria Hall London Prof Carl
ton J Lambert stated that thirty seven
cubic feet of gas which is valued at
one penny two cents and weighs
about 14 pounds can generate ftbqyt
PPP pound Qf Water w hen fturpefl and
about nlueteep oubjc feet of carbonic
acid It can beat thirty gallons of watei
from 50 degrees to 110 degrees for a
bath or it can boll eight gallons ol
water In good kettles and make tea foi
sixty four persons It can work a one
horse power gas engine for one hour oi
lift a weight of eighty eight tons ten
feet high doing the work of six men foi
one hour It can melt ten pounds
iron and make a casting n tVYentj
minutes which prdinrily vfoild re
quire tWQ bqurs and thirty pounds qJ
coke It can braze a metal joint in twe
rolnutea which would require twenty
minutes in ft forge if burned in a six
Inch flue for ventilation purposes It can
induce 80000 cubic feet of pure air It
can give you a brilliant light iWeisbaoh
incandescent of fifty candle power for
nine hours It can in a good radiating
stove comfortably warm a room slx
teen feet square for an hour It can
easily cook a dinner for eight persons-
Practical EngiiiecD
A Weeks Proceedings In tke Halls of
ConstreHs Important Measures Dis
cussed and Acted Upon An Impar
tial Resume of the Business
The National Solons
When the naval appropriation bill first
came up in the Senate Monday after
noon Mr Chandler stated that he would
move later to increase the appropriation
for torpedo boats or decrease the number
provided All the other items were agreed
to without comment except that relating
to cost of armor establishment of Govern
ment armor plant etc which occasioned
extended debate The Chandler amend
ment reducing the price of armor plate to
300 a ton was adopted without a divis
ion Another to reduce the total of con
tracts authorized to 2407500 to corre
spond with the reduction per ton was
adopted The amendment authorizing the
Secretary of the Navy to establish a Gov
ernment armor plate factory at a cost of
1500000 if he failed to make contracts
was lost The naval bill was passed at
midnight and although Mr Chandler
tried to call up the international mone
tary conference bill the Senate adjourned
In the House the bill to prohibit the trans
mission of detailed accounts of prize fights
by mail or telegraph led to a very lively
skirmish in which prize fighting was de
nounced on all sides But the bill met
with most strenuous opposition on the
ground that it would tend to establish a
censorship of the press and was finally
sidetracked A bill was passed to pro
vide for the transmission to Washington
of presidential election returns by mail
The bill abolishes the system of messen
gers now employed
In the Senate Tuesday the fortification
bill was passed as was also the deficiencv
appropriation bill after amendment to
keep the 1310427 claim of the Southern
Pacific Company in the treasury until
final adjustment of the Government lein
upon that corporation The House amend
ments to the international monetary con
ference bill were agreed to and the bill
sent to the President The President sent
to the House a veto message upon the
immigration bill his principal objection
being to the educational clause the Presi
dent holds that the worse class of immi
grants is not found among the illiterate
The day in the House was one of routine
The House Thursday by a vote of 193
to 37 overrode the veto of the immigra
tion bill The conference report on the
postoffice appropriation bill was agreed to
Then the fight on the naval bill was re
newed the price of armor plate being
the matter at issue The Senate amend
ments to reduce the price from 563 to
300 and to build three torpedo boats and
a practice boat were agreed to The In
dian bill District of Columbia appropria
tion bill and the sundry civil bill were
accepted as they came from conference
The Senates work was confined to clos
ing business and the measures considered
by the House were the only ones in hand
All of them went to the President as
the House accepted them
Both Senate and House adjourned with
out day Thursday In thei Senate agree
ment was unanimous to resolutions ex
pressing the appreciation of the Senate for
the able and impartial discharge of the
duties of presiding officer by Mr Steven
son and by Mr Frye president pro tern
Mr Hoar announced that the committee
of Congress had waited on the President
and that he had asked them to convey
his congratulations on the close of their
labors There was anxious awaitinjr for
the announcement that the President lmd
signed the remaining appropriation bills
But it did not come QraduaUy the iden
tity of the Senate wjs merged into the
more striking features of the inauguration
cerempny and the session came to a close
without further legislative business The
general deficiency bill failed in confer
ence and the agriculture sundry civil
and Indian appropriation bills failed of
executive approval The House was still
in the legislative day of Tuesday when
it adjourned without day The closing
hours were uneventful The statement
had worked hard all night to get the sun
dry civil Indian and agricultural bills to
the president only to have them pocket
vetoed while the general deficiency bill
failed of because
passage the
-Souse re
fused to subscribe to the 500000 of
Bowman claims whicii the Senate insist
ed upon Mr- McMillin pf Tennessee
with a few appropriate remarks offered
a resolution of thanks to the Speaker for
his impartiality as a p1resjdhlg officer
which was unanimously adopted by a ris
ing vote As SoVev Reed mounted the
rosjrum thf members rpse and cheered
valiantly He acknowledged the warm
reception and then delivered his parting
address With a whack of the gavel at
1156 he then declared the House ad
jpurned without day and the members
hurried over to the Senate to participate
in the ceremonies there
The Senate went into executive session
promptly upon the receipt of the Cabinet
nominations and as soon as the announce
ment was made of the appointment of
Senator Sherman whose name headed
the list he was confirmed It is the prac
tice to refer all nomination to committee
but it was the desire tf Mr Shemans
friends to signal thei regard for him
by immediate action There was more
f9TO Vm reality in the reference of the
norniuations to committee Not one
Of the cQfflnAittees held a formal meeting
they being polled on the floor of the Sen
ato in every instance No objection was
made in committee to confirmation While
the Senate was in legislative session the
credentials of Mr Hanna as Senator from
Ohio to succeed Mr Sherman were pre
sented by Mr Foraker an e was sworn
in by Vice President HXPart Mr Davis
was also designated acting chairman of
the Commie on Foreign Relations to
succeed Mr Sherman Boyond the usual
notification to the Prudent nothing f ur
heu was dpue
A anowslide occurred at the Cleopatra
tunnel near Pitkin Colo owned by John
Cudahy of Chicago by which four men
were hurled in their cabin Jack McCar
thy succeeded in extricating himself from
the wreck and without a shred of cloth
ing made his way to the Tycoon mine
where he procured assistance
The colored Knights Templar comman
deries of the United States have organ
ized a grand commandery in St Louis
Delegates fronrseven distific jjere pres
ent and over thirty Stotea weire repre
quickly asms
Notary Publi
Real Estate
Valentine Nebraska
1000000 Bond Filed
Office in JP O Building
Has recently been refurnished and thoroughly renoyated
making it now more than ever worthy of the
reputation it has alwayB borne of being
Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Room Good Sample Room
ST J DONOHER Proprietor
Cherry Qounty Bank
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent with Jconservative banking
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable
rates County depository
i f r
Valentine Nebraska
d General Banking Business Transacted
Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
Correspondents Chemical National Bank Hevr York tf lrst National Bank Oaka
This market always keeps a supply of
In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats
Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Yegetable3
At S tatters Old Stand on Main Street
Ol the Choicest Brands
Valentine - Nebraska
- II I - - - - W
- -
that this office is fully prepared at all times to turn out
on the shortest notice in the most artistic and
workmanlike manner all kinds of
Job Printing