The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, March 11, 1897, Image 1

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Comlna Events
ABseBWJrs roectlnK March 16
County Commissioners March 16
Vlllace Council March 17
St Day Uareii 17
Debate March 19
Temperance Meeting March 20
District Court March 22
Jiastcr Sunday April 18
Sign the petition
Miss E I Mills has a house to
Tent 6
Monday was pay day at Icsrt Kio
For Rent Good farm Enquire
of G II Q Smith 4
D E Siierman is quite ill at his
home with lagrippe
Blankets and comforters at greatly
unreduced prices at McDonalds 5
Come in and get a copy of the Agri
cultural Department Year Book
AH wool underwear cheap at Mc
Donalds general merchandise store 5
P O Porter of Wood Lake was in
town Saturday returning Sunday
W F Bullis is now driving the
liosebud stage vice Frank Thompson
Mrs F Fischer was called to Xeligh
last week on account of the illness of
tier mother
Temperance Rally March 20 in
honor of General Neal Dows ninety
third birthday
Lenten services at the Episcopal
church Friday evening to be followed
by choir practice
Mrs V II Carter who has been
visiting friends in town left last night
for her home at -Dead wood
V 1 Bryan is writing exclusively
for the New York World these da s
as -is also John X Sullivan
Miss Edith Stark was dowm from
her school at Grookstoi and spent
Saturday and Sunday in town
jrJK McDonald spent Saturday and
mdaylrTtbwn AVith his family and
bought a lull of spring merchandise
The Y C TSJ will meet with Mis
Ilornhy Tuesday at 230 p m All
members are requested to be present
Dr Nicholson purchased a Russian
stag hound in Bassett last week and
haalett same here with his son M V
The Y 1 S C E will give a play in
a few weeks and that will be followed
by another under the auspices of the
Episcopal guild
A C Reitaenschneider came down
from Cody Tuesday morning A C
is one of the boys who are always wel
comed in Yaleutiise
Miss Mae OSullivan has been suf
fering from neuralgia during the past
week but has remained at her desk in
the postoffice most of the time
Everybody is in favor of the court
house except a few people in the west
end and when matters are explained
to them they will also be in favor
A good question for debate would
be Resolved That G rover Cleveland
was happier at 1 oclock p m March
4 1S97 than was Wm Kinley
Mrs Kate Wellford is agent for all
kinds of musical instruments Best f
manes See her before buying Sheet
music furnished on short notice 5
C M Sageset the barber has pur
chased a new workstand aud mantel
for his tonsorial parlor and has under
contemplation a number of other im
G W Burge and Wm Steadman
were up from Pass Monday and Tues
day the latter being a witness in the
iinal proof of Csowell L Wemple of
Table Rock
When a man takes a cigar out of his
mouth to tell the editor to stop his paper
because he caut afford to pay for it
the editor does not say much but he
keeps up a deuce of a thinkin
J A Ferguson is building an ad
dition in the rear of his residence on
Catharine street 12x12 fet in size to
be used as a laundry after April 1st
by Sam Parry anduDick Zielian
According to an order from Col
Andrews at Fort Niobrara hereafter
bo soldier or non xmmissioned officer
will be allowed to marry until he has
feecn in the 3erree least fivo resrs
Mrs T C Hornby returned from
Chadron where she had been visiting
relatives Sunday morning and now it
is hard work to see Toms face on ao
ount of the smiles with which it is
Daniel Fowler who has been at work
oa the artesian well on th reservation
was in town Monday and informs us
that he is once more at home having
moved onto his farm north of town
again Saturday
M V Xicholson started Sunday
morning for Lincoln to see his little
daughter Estelle who is living with
her grandmother Mrs -John Nicholson
Yal will visit Omaha and Madison be
fore he leturns home about a week
The co urt house petition committee
met last week and compared notes
The petitions are being generally
signed and there seems to be no
doubt that che special election will be
called when the commissioners meet
next week
Remember The Demoouat will be
sent free for one year to any couple
married within the county this year
the July provision being that one of
the parties interested make applica
tion to this office either in person or
in writing
It is certainly true that Hall street
needs sidewalks bui residents on that
thoroughfare -should not kick because
they have none until they have lirst
petitioned the town board to order
them constructed The board has not
the power to lay them arbitrarily
Judge Dunn is authority for the
statement that there is not a paunor
in Valentine preciuct When it is re
membered that the precinct contains
72 square miles of territory and about
1200 people tire force ot the statement
can be fully appreciated Hurrah for
The straw hat and shirt waist travel
ing men are nowbesieging local mer
chants Their displays aie very sum
mery i looks but no decided
novelties have yet made their appear
ance Shirt waists have much
sleeves than last vear
Itwas rather amusing Sunday to set
George Woods the idluw arrested for
larceny keeping an ee on Sheriff
JStrotfg as though he was afraid the
ofliciftlwould forget to take him to jtil
Had Aaios so desired he could not have
lost the man whom the boys called
Seam squirrel Charlie for short
Rev Fr Cassidy of ONeill was in
town last Friday and we understand
was in search of information regard
ing Fr Lechleitnor Fr Cassidy is
one of the best and most liked priests
in the state and it is such men as he
who redeem tho church from the odium
cast upon it by men like Lechleitner
Auntie Cole and Mrs Yusam re
turned from Washington Tuesday
night and are kept busy telling their
friends about McKiuleys inaugura
tion Auntie Cole says she enjoyed
herself immensely while gone and re
gretted having to come home so soon
but that she would not live in the east
under any circumstances
Some time ago Dan the 8 year old
son of C C Thompson of Hackberry
lake accidently broke his leg on
account of which was given in this
paper at the time The injured mem
ber was not properly set and Friday
he was brought to town and placed in
charge of Dr Dwyer who broke and
reset the fracture and the little patient
is now getting along nicely
Monday Henry Flinneaux of Sim
eon met with a very serious accident
While riding his horse fell catching
Flmueauxs right foot under his body
and breaking the bones thereof uutil
the toe ot the foot could be turned
back to the leg The injured man
came to town and was oared for by Dr
Lewis returning to his ranch yester
day morning
While driving from 3rookston Mon
day evening Ed Cuthbertson repre
senting Allen Bros grocers of Omaha
became too attentive to his companion
a young lady from this place and the
team naturally wandered from the
road The result was an overturned
and broken buggy a wild rfde until 2
a m trying to get to town and finally
a collision with a weter hydrant on
Virginia street Mtemage vsteon
being those
Pujbltahed for fonr Tears as
AFlveAict nramaPresemeUEbv the
A OU IV andiof II a
Lou va the uauuer Sol Crafts bound girl
Carrie Hunter
Dick ml venturer L L Bivens
hol laft a villainous larmer O W Hahri
Mrs Craft Sols w ilu Miss L V Htoner
Ielep Pucker a Yankee redUereo Sctmahn
Will Spriggs Overseer and Louvas accept
ed lover Robert Good
Tony servant to Col Farnain and Wills
friend AT -White
Rub Crafts son G W Beamec
Ool Iarnaiu a wealtly planter C M Sagesvr
Aggie Farnam the Colonels daughter
Gipsy Crone a fortune teller Mrs AT White
Aunt Charity Crafts servant Miss Gillette
Withgow in search of nieco Elmer Bristol
Craukv an old hunter W Holsclaw
Above is the cast of characters for
Louva the Pauper a drama in five
acts which was produced at Cornell
Hall Friday night to a 5290 house
The mere mention of the names of the
players is sufficient evidence upon
which to base the assertion that the
play was good first class in fact
The audience was large attentive and
respectful with a few exceplions and
no one has yet mode a kieK about
being dissatisfied Tho money reall
ized after paying expenses will be used
toward buying a library
As will be seen by the cast Louva
Carrie Hunter was the star of the
evening and the representation of the
character was well done- Sol Craft
O W Hahn and Mrs Craft Lillian
Stouei made distinct hits the makeup
of the characters as well as the expres
sion and tone of voice being excellent
It is surprising that one who is so
amiable as Miss Stoner can be so sour
on the stage Dick Langley Len
Bivens the real vihian of the play
would have been hard to improve upon
ami from the first he was a prime
favorite with the audience Peleg
Pucker Geo Schwalm the Yaukee
peddler who was robbed by Craft and
Langley amused the audience by his
quaint speeches aud sound philosophy
while Tony Abe White was a darkey
whose humor biought down the house
Bub rat t Will was irresisti
ble and Col Farnam G M Sageser
and his daughter Aggie Tacev
iett were very natural Aunt Chaiilv
Cora Gillette was a drst class egress
and theGipsy Mrs White Mr Witlv
jrow Elmer Bristol uid Crank ey
Banks Wes Holsclaw while playing
minor pails in the drama were always
on hand when wantfdaud wee
lifelike Will Spriggs Robert
to see a
mediocre performance The music
between acts was furnished by Misses
Ednah MacDonald and Estella Bart
ley and wrs very highly appreciated
Card of Thanks
On behalf of the Degree of Honor
aud A 0 17 W Iiodge the committee
wishes to thank those persons who so
kindly assisted us with the play and
the excellent music
By Okder of Committee
Brend and Water Sentence
Friday night one George Woods a
tramp claiming to be a stone mason by
trade and as his home
entered W E Haleys residence aud
stole a suit of clothes He was ar
rested Sunday and seemed to be giad
of it saying that he would 4get only
20 or 30 days and then it would be
summer Monday morning his pre
liminary was held he pleaded guilty to
petit larcenyand Judge Towne sur
prised him b fixing his sentence at 20
days in the county jail 10 days of
that time to be spent on a bread and
water fare He accepted the sentence
with good grace smiling thinly as it
was pronounced If the county owned
a rock pile it would come in handy
just now When arrested the prison
er was so dirty and lousy that Sheriff
Strong would not confine him in the
jail but gave him a good scrubbing
and some clean clothes He should
have been charged with burglary and
given a term in the pen
The Cosmopolitan magazine has
just sent Julian Hawthorne to India
at risk of life and expense going into
thousands to tell to the world in his
graphic style what the great famine
and plague costing so many thousand
of lives really means
F E McLain has resigned his ap
pointment as postmaster at this place
in favor of C L Phelps and has
moved onto his Niobrara river farm
southeast of town and expects to farm
extensively the coming season Mr
McLain has made a number one post
master with whom it was a pleasure to
do business and if his successor deals
out the same satisfaction to the pa
trons of the office is all that could be
asked for Springvieib Herald
Senator Otto Mute of Keya Paha
county is making an enviable record
as a lawmaker His splendid fight
against the Omahn stock yards cti
pany entitles him to the confidence of
every stock raiser in Nebinxka For
years the soek yards company has
uitragecpslv bled the farmers To
charge a dollar a bushel fcrr corn and
twenty dollars a ton tor hay when corn
in the opjyjjnukjiiis worh but ten
-writs per bushel and hav three dollars
a ton is an irjnstlce that should not
be allowed In addition to this the
stock ards company has a monopoly
Uoori modesty nrevenls trom vm unon iswuening ana me seller is
iug but as several of the bryss liav o aubmit Lincoln Post
offered to teach him how to lvi J
it is to be presumed his acting uvj The ciu istiui nomo
not np to the standard K xt Tuesday will lie the fourteenth
All in all the play was a pronounced ajnnveisarv of the founding of the
success the onlv disappointed people unnstian tiome at Couiuil Bluffs and
Mr J W Allison living 2 miles
south of here is considerably richer
than he was a few days ago Yester
day one of his cows gavp birth to three
well formed white faced lively steer
calves all doing nicely Such things
dont happen every day but we trust
Mr Allison will be blessed with many
more such triplets Who says Grant
county isnt a prosperous cattle coun
try Hyamvis Tribune
The Democrat is in receipt of a
copy of the preliminary report on Ar
tesian Waters of a portion of the
pakotas by Nelson H Darton the
gentleman who was here last summer
connected with the TJ S geologic sur
vey which was last vear at work in
Nebraska Mr Darton says of the
Rosebud well The boring has but
little prospect of obtaining a flow of
water although with the increase of
head westward the waters may rise to
within a moderate distance of the sur
face The aggregate flow from 400
wells in theDakotas is 104000 gallons
a minute 80 per cent of this flow is
fromC8 wells
I desireto say a word to our citizens in
its behalf In my visit to the lw me I
WHS nrifortlinrjf p in irrivinir m f 1in
most inopportune time in ten years as
the regular work of the home was
mush disorganized by the burning of
the largest cottage a few days before
my arrival However I found suffi
cient to show me that the work cf the
home is well done and the manage
ment efficient The scores of children
are well fed and clothed andare hap
py Their condition is prdbably much
above what they bad ever known be
forejand they dwell in an atmosphere of
lov and order We should be much
Interested in the welfare of the home
Dr Lemen makes no requests for aid
except to the God of the orphan and
Jehovah answers by iuspiring human
instrumentality so that since its be
ginning no serious want has been felt
by the hosts of little ones They
trust Dr Lemen and ins faithful help
ers and they trust God and God trusts
us We have four children in this
Home from Cherry county and if they
were with us would still be dependent
on us bhall we not volunteer to help
Papers describing the work of the
Home have been distributed this week
in many of the homes of Valentine
and I ask three things in the name of
these helpless little ones Firstread
the papers and get interested Second
pray for Gods blessing on the work
Third but most important contribute
now to its needs Sums in any
amount may be sent directly to the
Home or left with Geo H Hornby
and the name of the donors will be
printed in the Home paper and a copy
mailed to each one Valentine ought
to pay 1000 every time the rest of
Nebraska pays 9000 Some of our
citizens have done well let tfae rest of
us frse titafc e do our share
O T Moore
6 i J
- Cf v
Ve have an excellent line of new
clothiue penra furnishing
of the husinets whch allows them to goods hats caps boots and shoes
charge excessive rate for avdage and
Have a splendid line of
compelled siloeB for h0th ladies and children
Clothing is cheaper and
better than ever tome and see
Fine line of plain and fancy jew
elry constantly on hand
Repairing promptly executed and
done in the best manner
Full line of sporting goods
I have just opened a stock of
groceries in the old Eed Front
building on Main street and re
spectfully solicit your patronage
Everything new and fresh Pro
duce taken in exchange
ETIES at hard times PRICES Small
fruits in large supply Millions of
Strawberry plants very thrifty and
well rooted Get the best near home
and save frerght or express Send for
price list to North Bend Nurseries
North Bend Dodge County Xeb
Get your envelopes printed at this
NO 7
Davenport T
In Pettycrews stock of groceries fruit confectionery -and feed
All our Groceries are fresh and good Fruit is tho fiuoat and cleanest
Confeciionery the best and sweetest Feed pure and nutritious
Highest prices for Butter Eggs and Farnr Produce
ft s
ft 6 n Vt II H
ans yon can get Ujo beat made finest flai and
JSTA J11 Bnyfrom reliable manutartorere
ttthftT8 Mined a reputation byhonrtnad emm
it V1 u none in tt world that can eoSkl
in Baeohanical construction durabilltT ot worHiS
grtoflnone83 of finish beauty In aroSrinortSi
a many Improvements aa the M EWHOM t
The Few Home Sewing Mine k
urF2rcaooau AthstjuGju
Hair cutting and shaving
Shop in the W H Sloaes buildfng
Valentine Nebr
Paoifio Short Lm
Passenger leaved OXeiSl Xob
at 1005 a m immediately after ar
rival of train from Black
Hills reaching Sioux City at 235 p
m saving three hours time
Lowest rates Purchase local tickets
to OJKeill and rebuv there
Western Line is to best
to and from the