The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, March 04, 1897, Image 8

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MBfcRT GOOD Editor and Publisher
Official vttper of Cherry Comi
ty Nebraska
XOO ler Year in Advance
Entered jit t lie Post office it Valentine Cherry
bounty Nebraska us Second class matter
This paper will be mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a definite order
to discontinue is received and all ar
rears are paid iu full
Advertising rates 50 cents per inch
per nontn J fates per column or for
lohg CAme ads made known on appli
cation to this office
Congress adjourned last night
To President Wm McKinley greet
ing AVe hope for the sake of the peo
ple at large that your administration
will be a prosperous one
Nothing truer nor worse could be
said of either than that In honesty
Village horizon and rise to the level of
-broad minded public spiiit which seeks
to develop the state and draw atten
tion to the advantages it offers to in
vestors and homeseefeers Instead of
decrying Omaha -and attempting to
block its enterprise the state at large
-ought to rejoice at the opportunity
-presented for joining with Omaha in a
grand effort to lift city and state up
-and hasteu the revival of prosperity
Through the courtesy of Hon O M
Kem this office is in receipt of 50 cop
ies of the Year Book of the Depart
ment of Agriculture for 1895 This
Year Book is a volume of some 600
pages of printed matter and is filled
hdck full of interesting matter and
no one who reads them can fail to
material benefit therefrom
Alialfa irrigation soil culture grasses
and other subjects of special import
ance are thoroughly discussed in the
book You are welcome to a copy if
vou call for one
The history of this congress if truth
fully written would show a systematic
neglectGf public business a confusion
-and perversity of counsels a lack of
public spirit and patriotism an exhi
bition of partisanship and malevolence
to a degree that has not been sur
passed in our history
The extravagance of this cbngress
surpasses all previous example This
is a greater public offence from the
fact that the times are bard and the
taxpayers are poor Economy should
fcave been practiced in all departments
of public expenditure Instead of
thrift and economy there has been
wevery wbere profligacy and extrava
gance without bounds Chicago
i -
UCUCllVJV tuu ucu t
uerc and liov 3br Lechleitner travel in
the same class
In the opinion of this paper the
fccrap at Carson on the 17th will be
nothing but a lighting machine against
boxer- with Fitzsimmons in the role
of tire machine
An honest man is the noblest work
of God but a hypocrite in the livery of
foeaven is an abomination in the sight
of God and man This quotation is
very apt when applied to a certain
3ocal num
The folio wrag is clipped from an
Ohio republican paper
The balance ot trade in favor of this
country under the -two years McKinley
law wasoulv 20 millioms more than
under the two ears of the Wilson law
on ten millions 4i year in a total of
1700 million These figures are for
fiscal years ending June 30th If the
calendar years were taken ending Dec
llst the balance of trade would be
larselv in favor of the Wilson bill two
years irr i lie year lbJO
anee in this countrys favor
It is an
disgrace that
ft S nUT 0
Birdie whoever he she or it may
be gets real mad at The Democrat
in last weeks Gordon Journal and says
some awfully mean things about the
paper Birdie calls this office a
cheese press and apple butter and
shoe peg shop says the editor is no
gentleman and after awhile remarks
that life is too short to waste breata
on the desert air and words are in
adequate to express our feelings from
all of which we gather that Birdie is
a womanand that her article was
touched up by Bro Lyou before it ap
peared in the Journal How do we
know these things Why bless you
would anyone but a woman use the ex
pressions quoted aud do not J3ro
Lyons earmarks show This paper
did not susppct that it was going
after a woman in its former article
or it might have dealt gently with her
As it is we retract the epithets if we
used any and ask her pardon Never
theless Birdie was way oil on her
figures regarding Cherry countys
finances and the statements made by
her were calculated to do great injury
to the county at large Being a
woman she of course did not think of
this and burning with indignation
over the contemplated outrage of fur
nishing the county with a court house
I which will cost practically nothing did
not stop to figure the effect of her
words learn the price of county war
rants or the ability of the county to
pay its debts Once mote we ask
Birdies pardon and if she will send
us her name and address will place it
on our subscription list for a year
This paper has all the time deplored
thejingo sentiment which exists among
those classes of people who were op
posed to the Cleveland administration
and has contended that Secretary 01
ney did right in using diplomacy in
stead of force when dealing with
Spain and Cuba net however from
auy love of Spain Cuba should be
freed and will be soon no doubt Now
that a jingo administration or an ad
ministration which has always been
supported by the jingoists has charge
of affairs at AVashington it is a good
time urge war on Spain Jehosaphat
Shall we stand by and have people
arrested who once visited this country
for a short period anguily without
even sending a warship to see how
about it Can an American partici
pate in a war Uuiz be arrested and
imprisoned without the consent of this
aation How dare the Spaniards
l 1 i 1 J - n
ueurasKHns cumui see uejuuu me searcn a sen conressett iemale spy
fiUlTI tlirJ1 rrll fVlO conrnll ic nlnfnnntnd i nant
by a woman and in a closed cabin
Down with the Spanittrds we say
AArill the American people stand idly by
and permit outrages like those enum
erated War Lets have war Noth
ing but buckets of bind and barrels
of briny tears from the bull fighter will
satisfv us
The following receipt is offered by a
AYesteru paper Just let the subscription-go
Its only a dollar or two
the publisher dont need it
If he asks for it just get as mad as
you can tell him to stop the paper
you never read it anyhow Then
go and borrow your neighbors
AAhen the reporter comes always be
busy Make him feel as if he was in
truding AVhen the advertising and
job man comes tell him you dont
need to advertise everybody knows
you that you will try to get along
without any printed stationery it is
too expensive you must economiize
Never drop in to see the editor un
less you want a free complimentary
notice or a lengthy obituary for a be
loved relative Never recommend the
paper to -anybody AVhen you do
speak ot it say Yes we have a lit
tle sheet but it dont amount to
Keep it up a year or two and you
will -have a dead newspaper a dead set
of merchants and a dead town
The Oracle a monthly magazine
published at AYood Lake made its
first appearance last week The
mechanical woik on the magazine is so
poor one can form a very inadequate
idea of the value of the contents
With good printers behind it the
Jazine might make a success
6 i
Of the latest and best things in Spring Wash Goods Laces Embroideris
Shirt Waists and Muslin Underwear
It will pay every lady to see our fine and large selection before buying
Four years from now McKinley will
be softly singing to himself
Just a little sunshine
Just a littlo pain
A very little president
And a lot of pain
Newspapers over the state are loud
in their demands that thG present law
relating to legal newspapers be allowed
to remain on our statute books
Everybody who believes in fairness
will advocate the defeat of the bill in
troduced for its repeal
AVhether a man steals for himself or
for others the act is theft Whether
an officer converts public funds to his
own use or permits them to be con
verted to the use of others the act is
embezzlement Every unpunished em
bezzlement of public funds is a pre
mium on the betrayal of official
trust Omaha Bee
An exchange says a lawyer in a
court room may call a man a liar a
scoundrel villian or a thief and no
one makes a complaint when court ad
journs If a newspaper prints such a
reflection on a mans character there
is a libel suit or a dead editof This
is owing to the fact that the people be
lieve what an editor says what the
lawyer says cuts no figure
AV E Annin the State Journal
correspondent at Washington has this
to say of J Sterling Morton Secre
tary Morton will go out of office before
the seeds purchased for this years dis
tribution have gone from his depart
ment to the mails He will leave these
seeds behind him as he will also the
more valuable seeds of departmental
economy and garden sass sense which
he has been planting through the four
years in which he has presided over
the agricultural department
We wish through i he o your paper to
lentilalt m articlu published bv Ferdiuand
Leihleiiir in the Valentine Republican of Keb
10 liv07 ttvlHd Defends Jus Position Mo3t
people win rf member that lh man spoken of
here is the Cntiioie m lesc that visits this place
occasionally bin has not shown his ugly mug
here forborne time iowit is not our purpose
to attack the Catholic church or any other
church but will go after him on general princi
ples Tt u oukl seem bv the reading that the
holy father ha been having a little altercation
with one Had which ws think if proper
ly translated would mean Robert Jood but we
arc at a Iosh to know what this man Had as he
calls him has eer had to do with the A P As
of Newporr wuich he lights down on all
sprawled out
Now about the building referred to Wn will
say it stood unocupiedlor a long time lor thu
rea on that the liolv father seemed to have
control of it andwodd not lent it for anjthing
like a reasonable sum While our people looked
upon tliebuiidingasan old lire trap liable to
take lire trom many different wajs bv accident
it being therefore a menace to the town yet no
one e er thought of w recking it or burning it
no we thiow it back in his teeth as an absolute
he and we find tiiat it is not the only one he has
told for he tells another when he says the indig
catholics inarched in a body to Prof
l v Pad V printing shop and demanded their names
io or iiivuu irom me use jNow the tacts are
that this man l5ad be speaks of never ran a
printing shop as he -calls it m this town neither
did any such a thing take place as the Catholics
ordering their papers stopped He says he well
remembers the day when this was dotie and in
the next breath he says that if this is the case
and In has grave suspicious that it is thus ad
mitting that he had lied about the matter
The statements of Father Lechleituer are
wholly false so far as he has made anv refer
ence to the above mentioned are to the people
of Newport Ed Republican
The foregoing is taken from the
Newport Republican of Eeb 19 and is
part of a column article contributed to
that paper by a correspondent Only
that part of the communication is
printed which bears upon our case
The Republican makes charges against
Lechleitner far worse than anything
The Democrat ever said In the
light of the above corroboration of our
denial of Lecbleitners charges he
and the people engaged in cir
culating them will if they are pos
sessed of a spark of decency or love of
fairness immediately make a retrac
tion or stand convicted as dastards and
While returning home from a neigh
bors last Saturday Mrs J A Cronin
living southeast of town had a nar
row escgpe from death AAThen within
about half a mile from home the team
she was driving ran away throwing
her to -the ground The team went
over the sand through blowouts on
side hills and other dangerous places
running at a tremendous gait for about
half a hour when they were captured
The team ran -over places where a
pedistrian could not follow and yet
strange to say neither Mrs Cronin the
team or buggy were injured in the
slightest degree
Mrs Vivian Lawrie started
day morning for Palmer where she
1 will teach school
v - V
jrSfjSSiTCT gt ggT vxtmsiMztywBjniss
By Kelly
March 2 1897
Snowing today
Jim Day and wife are in town
Mart Dew was in town several days
last week
Prank Kelsey was in from Barnard s
ranch today
A Benson of Arabia was seen on
our street today
Ely Valentine made trip to the
Hansen ranch today
liev DTorton of lirownlee assisted
m revivals last week
Prayer meetings every othergnight
now Everybody should go
C K Walcott and family visited in
town several days last week
L A Eodwell of Ainsworth was in
town last Friday on business
Mr C A Johnson is expected home
from Phoenix Ariz iu a day or two
Ed Bramstadt was in from D
Hannas ranch Sunday and Monday
Mr Davenport o Valentine had
business here one evening last week
Dave and MellHannawere in town
Saturday ot last week to attend lodge
Nick Hansen of Sioux Citv arrived
here last night for a couple of weeks
Pt Kissel of Brownlee was in town
a day or two last week returning home
Chas Barnes and Mr and Mrs
Stevenson spent Sunday with Mr and
Mrs Leach
Joe Pagues smiling countenance
was visible in the metropolis a few
minutes today
Jim AVilson leaves for Ohio tomor
row morning Looks like Jim
wouldnt return all one either
H Lambrecht of near Blair Neb
arrived in town this afternoon with jd
car of emigrants Several more
families are expected soon
AVinter seems to stay with us well
Claud McLoud was bobbing around
these parts last week
Chet Goodrich and wife spent last
week at the Churn Ranch
J T Young has leased the AYm O
AVilson place for the present year
Mrs Norman resumed her duties in
the school -room last Monday morn
James Lawrie was driving around
in the lower part of the precinct last
AVm O AVilson rode the AVoodman
goat at Merriman last Saturdav
ISiobrarn IPaSls
Jake is back once more and has come
to stay
Mrs Johnston is visiting in the Ger
man settlement
The Lansing boys and Lon Mosher
are hauling wood to town
Mrs Reece has gone to the Post to
nurse some sick folks there
Mrs Anna Grooms is home again
and Dick thinks there is nothing like
his boy
D Grooms is working on his water
wheel He is going to try irrigation
again this summer
Bad Boy
Prof n B Ward of the state uni
versity lectured to the farmers yester
day on Parasites and Parasitic Di
seases of Domestic Animals Only
about 25 farmers were present but the
hall was filled with townspeople and
pupils in the higher grades of the pub
lic school In the evening he gave an
interesting talk at the Methodist
church on a journey through Switzer
land on foot G A Marshall presi
dent of the state horticultural society
and Dr A T Peters state veterinarian
will talk this afternoon
Hon C R Glover of Aralentine was
in the village on AArednesday Came
down to do some mechanical work on
a pump on his farm Charley says if
there is anything he likes to do better
than another it is to fix well pumps
Longpine Republican Journal
Rev J M Bates will hold services
at the Episcopal church Sunday Ser
vice win ne neia at tne cnurcu every
AVednesday and Friday evening during
Lent to which all are cordially in
vited Choir practice every Friday
The proceeds of the play
Louva the Pauper will be used
to defray the expenses of the
A O U W library At the
Cornell Hall tomorrow night
A new breed of hog is being intro
duced in the eastern states which has
hoofs like a mule This is said to be a
great improvement over the old breeds
fatting easily and weighing heavy
AA7hile in town this week Jas Gil
lasnie underwent an operation for
cancer on his lower lip Dr J C
Dwycr being the surgeon
Davenport Thaeher carry a com
plete line of cofiiLfi and undertakers
supplies 27 1
We have just finished unpacking a large
invoice of new spring goods and will be very
much pleased if the shoppers of Valentine
will call and inspect the goods Among the
lot arc some of the prettiestjthings ever seen
in this city
A full line of window shades with spring
rollers complete also received
dont worry and dont keep late hours
It is in the latter two points that dan
ger lies not in work Edward AV
Bok in March Ladies Home Journal
UliU iriwsjov IPataf
Bran bulk 40c per cwt 700ton
Shorts bulk
Chop Peed
50c per cwt 9 0Q ton
35c 000
Notice to Xon KehiticJit
To Eliza Columbus rron resident defendnat
You are hereby notified that on the 8th day of
February 1S97 Augustus Columbus filed a peti
tion m the District lourt of Cherrv county Ne
braska the object and prnver of- which are to
obtain a divorce from you on the grounds that
you have wilfully abandoned tlie plaintiff with
out good cause for tire term of two vears last
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday the 22nd dav of March 1897
August Columbus Plaintiff
3 7 by F M Walcott his attorney
Land Office at Valentrne Nebraska t
March 2 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that Peter C W
Meinecke of Detroit Mich has filed notice of
intention to make final proof before the Regis
ter or Receiver at his office in Valentine Nebr
on Saturday the 17th day of April 1897 on tim
ber culture application No 7819 for the sw1
of section No 15 Tp 33n R SO w
He names as Avitnesses Peter Reimers Peter
Riege Henry Schlueter and Henry Forath all
of Riege Nebr
Testimony f Claimant will be taken before
the Clerk of tne Circuit Court of Wayne Countv
at his office In Detroit Michigan on April 13
G il C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebr
Feb 24thl87f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the Register
or Receiver at Valentine Neb on April in 1897
Mellissie Ainslie formerly Melissie
Hurshman of Kennedy Nebr
H E 10210 for the wneii e4nwj Sec 22 Tp
He names the following witnesses to prove hi3
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
JohnD Kimes Floyd Kirnes and Theodore
Doyle of Kennedy Nebr Levi N Layporte of
Valentine Nebr
5 10 C R GLOVER Register
TJ S Land Office Aalentiue Neb I
February 20 1897 f
Notice is hereby given that William E Cottle
of Valentine Neb has filed notice of intention
to nrake final proof before the Register or Re
ceiverat Iris office in Valentrne Neb onhatur
day the 3rd day of April 1S97 on timber culture
application No 7902 for the sv J4 Sec 12 Tp 51 n
U -3 w
He namei as witnesses Elbert Preuklander
Sole agents for the famous FLEXTBOXE COESETS
KJ Omaha Neb March 2 1R07 Sealed pro
posals in triplicate wili bo received here until
12 oclock m central standard time April s
IS97 and then opened for constrietrnjr a Hay
Storehouse at Fort Niobrara Nebr U S re
serves the rhriit to reject or accept any or ail
Droposals or any part thereof Plans an J
specifications can be seen and all information
hau here Envelopes containing proposals to
be marked Proposals for Hay Storehouse
and addressed toD D WHEELER Maj Q M
V Omaha Neb February 24 197 healed pro
posals in triplicate will be received here until
12 oclock m central standard time March 29
1897 and then opened for furbishing transporta
tion drayage and for hauling stores in Dopart
nient ot the Platte during fiscal - ear commenc
rns July 11897 US reserves the right to re
ject or accept any or all proposals or any part
thereof Information furnished on application
Envelopes containting proposals to he marked
Proposals for transportation on Route No
andaddiessed to D D WHEELER Major
Q M 5 s
The horse market is gradually I get
ting better in and around Ainsworth
The farmers are in need of more horses
than they now have This is one sign
that the farmers expect something bet
ter in the future Ainsworth Star
The village of Crawford has brought
suit against the five saloon keepers for
the payment of 6250 each being one
half of the 12500 occupation tax re
quired by the village in addition to the
50000 state license and 25 for
United States license Bulletin
Dont get the notion that hard work
kills It dosent it cant AVork may
tire but that is all Then you must
rest AVhat good hard work does is to
make solid men The healthiest men
in the world are the men who work
hardest It gives them appetite for
their meals and brings refreshing
sleep Work all vou like and can only
U S Land Oflicc Valentine Iseb
ieoruarj2i 1S97 f
Aotice is hereby erven that thft fnHr nn
U S Lxsd Oifick Valentine Neb
Robert Johns of Brownlee Nebr
II E No 10314 for the sSne nese1 SWM
mvjiswji sec r Tp 27 n it 28 w
He names the following witnesses to prove
laid iSSffi8 re sfence on aia cultivation of
nZiJf3riln Wallace Waldo K
V u cser an or Urownlee Nebr
U S Land Office Valentine Nebraska
Notice whereby given thahnVlxVeli of
rontiaclh lias filed notice of intention t
make final proof before the Re ister and ii
ver at their office
in Valentine
on Wed
nesday the 24 day of March 1897 on timber cS
turc PPAIcartlon No 7495 for the Lot t sesw4
s4 sei of yection No 7 Tp 27n R w
He names as witnesses Samuel D Mont
Idrngand Evans R Vande
17k CreeSeb r aml0re Axtell of
Testimony ofclaiment will be rakeu before
the clerk of the circuit Court of LivlHSa
2Ti897VltI1S0ficei 10tiac flUnSsJBK
H GLOVER Register
Land Office at Valentine Nebr I
Notice is also hereby given that the following
named settler has ffled notice of his KM
to make final proof support of hlsVaiS and
that sard proof will be made before the Sister
SfZVer at VaIcneebon MarcfflSh
Amos Strong of Valentine Nebr
He names the following
witnesses to nrnvp
Sf5akLtlandUSreSfdeUie AttSffiS
lVilll 7 Vr - -
uwiu y Jiorgareruge John B Lord Charles
Nebraska and AircnAF Carsonl of Simeon
3 8
C E GLOVER Register
Land Ofiice Valentine Neb
alentine Nebraska on Varchz
1S97 VIZ
James E Jordan of Arabia Neb
9182 for the
sc nfcneJSnJSim fc sec 17 Tp
Jieriry j vansteeniK Tospiih p Vmr
CR GLOVER Register
U b LandiOfflce at Valentine Neb i
-Jan 25th lh97 f
otce js hereby given tliatCrowcll L
has hied notice of intention to make final
mvinf J e ISVer r Receiver at thefr
office m alentine Neb
on Tuesday the 9th day
431ja on timber culture application So
6os for the nek Sec 2G Tp 2sn R 30 w
TSVa111 3s wtiieMS Stuart Tait of
nfreAfEv Steadman Robert
M caddis and Charles II Taitof Pass Neb
C RG IO VER Register
Public Land Sale
US Land Office Valentrne Nebr I
Notice is hereby given that inpuSrauce of
instructions from the Commissioner of the
utucim auu juikg uuuci uuinoniy vested in
him by section 3133 TJs Rev Stat asamend
ed by the act of Congress approved Februarv k
isio ue win oroceea to oner ur
public sale on
the 10th day of March next at this office the
E0101 lanJ tovit tlu seseit Sec
J X i oO iw trim
Any and all nersons elkimintr 01-
above described lands are advised to file thfJr
clarnrs m this office on or before the dav above
SeSerftedadSaIC0therrtlSe lh
C R Glovu Register
J A Fike Receiver
Wanied An Idea
Who caa thlafc
of some slmpl
jins w raieat
Lyman H Perkins Edward G Perkins and SipcTS5 r ZJZL3PaT bring you wealth-
William II Uoopti All ol Valentine Neb - I nera Waahlnston TTfrtXSlR TS ttor
5 10
C R GLOVER Register
aai use ot two haaanSmaaum QM9T
named settler has filed notice of his intnntim
make lrnal proof in support of his claim ami that
said proof will be made before th Register or
Receiver at Valentine Nobr on April 9th 1897
Francis M Robinson of Kennedy
Jl E 9312 for the sse neUseJi See 27 and
He nanii3 the following witnesses to prove
ins continuous residence upoH arrd cultivation
of sard land vrz
Annen Barderr Andrew Mark Lars Peder
son and David A Piercy all of Kennedy Nebr
5 h C IS GLOVER Register
U S Land Ofllce Valentine Nebr
Eeb j 1S97 f
Notice is hereby given that the
settler has hied Hotice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim aud
that sard proof will be made before Eesisterand
Rceeryer at Valentine Nebraska on March 29
189 viz
Andrew G Ward of AVood Lake Neb
ifir wN 992 fl Iots G7 ei2SW Sec 6 Tp 29n
He names the following witnesses to prove hLs
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
sard land vrz
9 5cir McDanrel Elv D Valentine
SNebhSn 0uI W5
49 CK GLOVER Register
JCbr G lfW f
f i
notice is hereby pyen that the ollowintr
named settler has ifipl not nf ir iVVi7
X t nnln ml
i iin mini mum in Mipponoi ins claim and
that said proof will be made before Keg stcr and
Kecerver at Valentine Nebraska on MchJsd
lcl VIZ