The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, March 04, 1897, Image 7

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Every thought
word and action
takes vitality
from the blood every nerve muscle
bone organ and tissue depends on the
blood for its quality and condition
- Therefore pure
cSpnlg blood is absolutely
necessary to right
living and healthy
bodies Hoods Sarsaparilla is the great
blood purifier and the best Spring Med
icine Therefore it is the great cure
for scrofula salt rheum humors sores
rheumatism catarrh etc the great
nervine strength builder appetizer
stomach tonic and regulator
Is sold by all
druggists 1
six for 5 Prepared only by C I Hood Co
Lowell Mass Get Hoods and only Hoods
H o od s P 1 1 1 S taken after dinner aid digestion
Richest Congressmen
Congressman Sprnguc of Massachu
setts will if report be true be the rich
est member of the House of Represen
tatives His wifes fortune is estimated
jat 20000000 and on the day she mar
Jed him then a struggling young law
yer In Boston she gave him a check for
1000000 a sum he has since greatly
Just try a 10c box or CscrolG candy ccUiarttc fin
est liver ana bowel regulator made
Woman Suffrage in Sweden
In Sweden women vote for all elec
tive officers except representatives
50 Bus Per Acre
With Salzors now crea
tions In feprinjr Wheat to
bo sown before April 25
yon can raise ivli eat at 40 c
a buHhcland make money
How Why Sahters Mar
vel Wheat has a record of
fiO busperacrc andrijrht
herein Wisconsin It yield
ed in ISDiS over 200 bus
on ilve acres That pays
handsomely at 40c a bu
Its a great wheat
209 Bus Per Acre
Salzers Silver Hne Oats
still leads the world with
a reoord right here in
Witfconsin or 231 bushels
per acre in 1896 What
more do you wish Dont
this beat all You Bee
Salzers Seeds are bred up
to big yields 1
1 73 Bus Per Acre
Jno Ureider Mislilcott
Wis grew in 3890 173
has of Salzcro S UverKins
Barley from one meas
ured acre sworn to by
five witnesses Thafs Im
mense but you see Sal
zers Seeds are bred to
produce Thats why you
xet such big yields Just
try this I
2G6 bus nor acre that
wonderful Well Salzers
Seeds are bred to yields
1667 Bus Per Acre
Wo know you cant be
lieve it its too bis But
Salzers Seeds are bred to
big yields
Largest growers of fresh
live Grasses and Clover
Seeds In the world hence
our seeds are guaranteed
You can bet on our Clover
ami Grass Reeds growing
And such yields 6 tons of
TiTr run o TT7I
7 seo Salzers Seeds are bred
Kn to big yields
Finest earliest to bo had
rOur Wisconsin Seed cant
be beat Why buy your
seeds in stores when for
less money you can buy
them delivered f reo of us 7
Is mailed you free with
10 pkgs of vegetable and
Hower seed novelties up-
Jon receipt of 14o postage
late Seed So
iot affected
hy cases
No RUST nor RATTTK Outlasts tin or iron
r Durable Substitute for Plahter on walls
Vatcr Proof Mientliin of same material the
best A cheapest in the market Write for Eimplesetc
Examination and advice as to Patentability of
tions Send lor inventors uiuue or how to uet a
Pxtsnt Patrick 0Farreu wasmnston JLiu
ul T ut iun H
Hd m cy
Never Falls
eudnurdarcs WewlllmallatriabnUle h V h
DR TAFT BROS 45 tin St Rochester N Y I
laaCorpdlnIOtoEODavo HoPitUU
A Rat of Taste and Talent
A story is told of a recently deceased
rat who obtained oil from a narrow
necked bottle by dipping his tail therein
Then he licked the oil from his long and
well oiled tail and waxed fat The
truth of the story is certified by reputa
ble men and is contained in Stories of
Animal Sagacity a book published by
S W Partridge Co of London
The rat had the misfortune to be bora
in a machine shop where only metal
was used and there was consequently
little good food for his kind He was
brought up in penury by his parents
and after he was old enough to look out
for himself gained a precarious liveli
hood by looking for scraps of food acci
dentally left around
It happened that the men always kept
a bottle of oil uncorked and fastened
by a wire to a certain part of the ma
tfcinery It was in constant use One
evening the thoughtful rat betook him
self to a study of this bottle It lay
open temptingly before him Its con
tents would make him fat and shiny
and a social leader among his compan
Could he not get at the oil He
scratched his head and thought harder
Then his thinking gave a brilliant re
sult He had a tail what use was he
making of it This tail was an oppor
tunity and he had been wasting it
but now he could use ii
Immediately he inserted he long tail
as far as it would go into the narrow
neck oJ the bottle and soaked it thor
oughly in oil Then he withdrew tt and
licked the oil carefully from on it Af
ter that he repeated the same process
as often as he felt hungry A little judi
ciously selected wood provided the nec
essary solid element in this diet He
became fat and sleek and a leader
among rats
One day he was taking a copious
meal of oil when he realized that he
had forgotten his hereditary caution
and that a man was watching him
The man showed no sign of attacking
him but rather a pleased curiosity and
the rat therefore stayed The result of
this meeting was that in time the rat
got into the habit of taking his meals
in the presence of the workmen and
that to have killed so clever a creature
would have been regarded as a crime
He led a happy life and died of oil and
Strict Justice
Two Arabs sat down to dinner one
had five loaves the other three A
stranger passing by desired permission
to eat with them which they agreed
to The stranger dined laid down
eight pieces of money and departed
The proprietor of the five loaves took
up five pieces and left three tor the
other who objected and insisted on re
ceiving half The cause came before
Ali who gave the following judgment
Let the owner of the five oaves Gave
seven pieces of money and the owner
of the three loaves one for if we di
vide the eight loaves by three they
make twenty four parts of which he
who laid down the five loaves had fif
teen whilst he who laid down three had
only nine As all fared alike and eight
shares was each mans proportion the
stranger ate seven parts of the 3rst
mans property and only one belonging
to the other the money in justice must
be divided accordingly
A Fortunate Alan
Stranger Is the editor in
Sanctum Sentinel No sir he has
just gone out
Stranger This makes three times I
have called to day and each time you
have told me he has just gone out
Sanctum Sentinel Hes the grates
man for luck you ever seen Bostcn
ft Pill Clothes i
The good pill has a good coat The pill coat
serves two purposes it protects the pill en
abling it to retain all its remedial value and it
disguises the taste for the palate Some pill
coats aro too heavy they will not dissolve in
the stomach and the pills they cover pass
through the system as harmless as a bread
pellet Other coats are too light and permit the
speedy deterioration of the pill After 30 years
exposure Ayers Sugar Coated Pills have been
found as effective as if just fresh from the labor
atory Its a good pill with a good coat Ask
your druggist for
Ayers Cathartic Pills
More pill particulars in Ayers Curcbco ico pages
Sent free J C Aycr Co Zrtwcll Mass
My Danrfitcr Learned to Cook
We used to have old fashioned thin S like
hominy and greens
We used to have just common soup made
out of pork and beans
But now its buillon consomme and things
made from a book
And pot an feu and julienne since my
daughters learned to cook
TVe used to have a piece of beef just ordi
nary meat
And pickled pigs feet suareribs too and
other things to eat
While now its fillet and ragout and leg of
mutton braised
And macaroni au gratin and sheeps head
Escallops a la Versailles a la this and a
la that
And sweetbread a la Dieppoise its
enough to kill a eat
1ut while I suffer deeply I invariably
As if I were delighted cause my daugh
ters learned to cook
We have a lot of salad things with dress
ing mayonnaise
In place of oysters blue points fricasseed
a dozen ways
And orange roley poley float and peach
meringue alas
Enough to wreck a stomach that is made
of plated brass
The good old things have passed away in
silent sad retreat
Weve lots of hijr alutin things but
nothing much to eat
And while I never say a word and al
ways pleasant look
You bet Ive had dyspepsia since my
laughters learned to cook
ood Housekeeping
Spiced Grapes
Take ten pounds of ripe grapes Pop
them from the skins and cook in a pre
serving kettle until the seeds can be
pressed out in a colander In the mean
time cook the skins in a very small
quantity of clear water until they are
tender Tut all together in the preserv
ing kettle and add four pounds of
brown sugar one half pint cider vine
gar two table spoonfuls of ground cin
namon one tablespoonf ul ground cloves
and cook slowly until quite thick prob
ably it will take over one hour and will
need constant watching to prevent
burning This will keep any length of
time and can be sealed or not
Kiiepinsr Tomatoes
Prof Massey of the North Carolina
Experiment Station writes the Garden
and Forest that when frost is imminent
he gathers the green tomatoes wraps
them separately in paper old newspa
pers will answer and packs them in
boxes which are stored in a place just
warm enough to be secure from frost
the object being to keep them and not to
ripen them Then as the fruits are
-wanted a few of them are brought out
at a time and placed in a warm position
where they will ripen in a few days In
this way he has kept his table supplied
with sliced tomatoes up to midwinter
Lemon Sauce
One cupsugar and three heaping tea
spoonfuls of corn starch mix well add
two cups of boiling water and cook
eight or ten minutes stirring frequent
ly Add the grated rind and juice of
one large lemon and a tablespoonf ul of
butter and serve at once If the water
boils away and the sauce becomes too
thick add a little more hot water
The above recipes are from the Ameri
can Kitchen Magazine a fact which is
sufficient guarantee of their excellence-
Sauce for a Rich Puddingr
Make a rich boiled custard with a pint
of hot cream the yolks of four eggs and
half a cup of sugar Flavor with lemon
vanilla or maraschino This is good
with fruit pudding
Helpful Hints
The juice of a pineapple cuts the
membrane from the throat of a diph
theria patient when ntfthing else will
A high stool or chair is of great con
venience in a kitchen as it enables the
housewife to sit down when doing work
that must be accomplished on a table
Dissolve a little salt in the alcohol
that is to be used for sponging cloth
ing particularly where there are greasy
Andiorns lamps candle lanterns or
anything made of the wrought iron now
so much used can be freed from dirt
by wiping the iron wTith a cotton cloth
slightly dampened with kerosene oil
If house plants become frozen darken
the room and sprinkle -with water from
the well with a few drops of spirits of
camphor in it Keep the temperature
at 45 degrees for twenty four hours
Tomatoes are almost as useful when
green as when ripe Green tomatoes
are an excellent vegetable fried Cut
them into slices half an inch thick
sprinkle them with salt and pepper dip
in egg and roll in crumbs then fry
each side until brown
Keep in the Pantry
A few cans of good soup for emer
gency dinners
Canned mushrooms for sauces and
meat dressings
Fresh celery seed for salads when
celery is scarce
x A nice sandwich mixture that can be
quickly prepared with gravy stock or
butter for hasty luncheons
Canned lobster for salads and canned
tongue for serving cold and potted
chicken for slicing or making sand-
A good supply of jelly and chocolate
mixtures etc for the hasty prepara
tion of layer cakes and pudding sauces
Tiics Dono Represents Bird Beast
and Reptile
The most wonderful freak yet discov
ered is a product of Patagonia The
head and breast are distinctly birdlike
The beak is that of a carnivorous bird
The plumage is that of the bird of the
tropics bright red and green predomi
nating but all the colors of the rainbow
being there The legs although cover
ed with down and feathers are distinc
tively animal like in shape the toes be-
ing tipped with sharp claws The leg
and foot is like that of the raccoon
The tail is in shape a reptiles narrow
ing down to a point at the tip from the
size of the body It coils its tail like a
snake and looking at that end alone
one would take it for a reptile The
tail is also covered with down and very
small feathers which present a scale
like appearance The queer bird is
known as the dono
Dont Give Way to Despair
Although you have suffered for a long time
from malaria dyspepsia kidney trouble
nervousness or biliousness Know that
Hostetters Stomach Bitters has cured worse
cases than yours and is potent to help you
as it has helped hosts of others But al
ways remember that trite saying Delays
aredangerous Mole hills grow to be moun
tains in consequence of disregarding it
Check disease at the outset with this incom
parable defensive medicine
Slust Put Up a Good Bluff
Uncle Sam has sent to the waters of
Siam one little gunboat to call down
the Emperor in the matter of a little
diliicully into which a citizen of the
United States has fallen This little
boat is of 1177 tons burden carrying
eight rapid firing guns Now Siams
principal defensive force is her navy
She has 22 ships of war each of them
over 000 tons There are 10000 train
ed soldiers ready for service afloat and
a reserve of 2000 more The marine
infantry recruited from the maritime
provinces numbers 15000 Therefore it
will be necessary for the little boat
sent there by Uncle Sam to enforce his
demands to put up a good bluff and
let it be distinctly understood who sent
Deafness Cant Be Curort
By local applications as thoy cannot reach the
diseased portion of tho ear Tnero is only one
way to cure deafness and that is by constitu
tional remedies Deafness is caused by an in
flamed condition of the mucous lining or tha
Eustachian Tubo Wlion this tubo gets in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper
fect hearing and when it is entirely closed
Deafness is tho result and unless tho inflamma
tion can bo taken out and this tubo restored to
its normal condition hearing will bo destroyed
forever nine cases out of ten aro caused by ca
tarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condi
tion of the mucous surfaces
Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any
caso of Deafness caused by catarrh that wo
cannot euro by taking Halls Catarrh Cure
Send for circulars free
Sold by Druggists 75c
Killed by Meteors
In the year G16 a metoric stone fell in
China shattering a cart and killing ten
men About the close of the seven
teenth century a Captain Willmann re
ported that two of his sailors were
killed at sea by the fall of a nine pound
meteorite Not long after this a monk
was killed near Milan in the same way
while a meteor which fell near New
Concord in 18G0 broke a railroad tie
in two
An Atlas of the Northwest
including maps of the United States and of
the world giving a full detailed descrip
tion of each of the northwestern states
population history business interests etc
Absolutely correct and brought down to
date Size 15x20 A valuable addition to
any home or oflice Can be had for 25 cents
m postage bv applying to a mow mer
G P A S C N R R Sioux City la
Standard for Apple Barrels
The National League of Commission
Merchants in session at Boston adopt
ed the following standard for apple
barrels Seventeen and one half
inches in diameter at the head and 2SM
inches in the length of stave with the
regular bulge in the center
for Fifty Cents
Over 400000 cured Why not let
regulate or remove your desire for tobacco
Saves niouy makes health and manhood Cure
guaranteed 50c and 1 all druggists
Pension for a Princess
Princess Beatrice is entitled to 300
prize money by the death of the late
Prince Henry while serving in Ashan
tee She is also entitled to a full pay
colonels widows pension her husband
dying in active service This the prin
cess intends to draw
To make the hair grow a natural color
prevent baldness and keep the scalp
healthy Halls Hair Renewer was in
vented and has proved itself successful
Little George was questioned the
other day about his sisters beau How
old is he was asked I dont know
Georgie replied Well is he young
I think so for he hasnt any hair on
his head said the little chap Spare
Picos Cure for Consumption is the best
of all cough cures George W Lotz Fa
bacher La Aug 26 1895
Irrigation in China
Since the year 2627 B C ten years
after the accession to the throne of
Hoangti or 4523 years ago the Chi
nese are known to have irrigated their
lands for agricultural purposes
WnBN bilious or costive eat a Cascaret candy ca
UiarUc cure guaranteed 10c 25a
Tiie per capita cost of living in New
South Wales is the highest Jn the
world being nearly 200 per head per
annum In the United Kingdom it is
about 160 in the United States 170
and in Canada 120
A Profitable Earthquake
Earthquakes occasionally profit man
kind as in the case of Ouzoun Ada a
port of the Caspian which is the starting-point
of the Trans Caspian Kail
way of Samarkand The port of the
town was visited by an earthquake
last year and since then it has been
found open to steamers which could
not enter it before owing to the shal
low water
Free Farm Labor Bureau
In order to assist tiie thousands of lin -employed
men in Chicago the Working
mens Home at 42 Custom House Place
has established a Free Labor Bureau and
is prepared to furnish men to fanners and
others in all parts of the country without
expense to either Employers applying
should state definitely as to the kind of
work wages to be paid and if railway
lare will oe auvanceu Aiuuess
Labor Bureau Workixgmexs Home
42 Custom House Place
Tel Harrison 243 Chicago 111
Candles in the Club
At the Prince of Wales own particu
lar club in London neither gas electric
light nor oil is commonly used but in
most of the rooms shaded candles
cascarkts stimuate Uver kidneys and bowels Nev
er sicken weaken or gripe 10a
San Francisco is the Golden Gate
City from the exquisite bay view in
front Hanked on either side by impos
ing eminences
Mre WlnnioWn Soothing Bthup fcr Children
teeming sotxens mo Ktima remicos lunrmination
llas iain cureb vini colic 25 cents a bottlo
For U rears this shoe by merit alone has
distanced all competitors
Indorsed by prer lW0WO Trenrera a the
best la 5tyle It nml durability ot any shoe
ever oiTrr ci at PIA
it l intile la nil the lntf stsbnprsand styles
and of very variety of lethrr
lie dealer In a town given exclusion sail
rml advertised In lonl paer on rveHpt f
i order Wrltr for catalogue to W
1 onsIa Brockton Mas
c a 3 o a -
ABQATTTTPT V ITTRTJiTJfrPPn to cure anyca3corconstipafion Coscnrets are the Meal Lain-
nuuvuuiuux uuminuiULii tire nererrip or pripenntoause easynatnralresnlts 8acw
pioana DooKtecirce au muliIau nz3itui lu tnjcaso Montreal tan ornerr lore 217
In the World
A pure permanent and artiBtic wall coating
ready for the brush by mixing in cold vater
I A Tint Card showing 13 desirable tints
aiso Alabastlne SourenlrRock Bentf ree
f n i i
- i to any ono mentioning this paper
ALABASTINE CO Grand Rapids Mich
A blight to winter comfort is r J
v w ts bjj m jr iw fuj muta n j u j n itjsf irsi ss jsh sa wrii Oj
A fllBie P Br TITTlfliJSS
sj i4iB
from cold in muscle joint or nerve St Jacobs Oil warms relaxes cures
so mmmmM
25s mmmm
Ooooe fr
Walter Bake
i fa
fill fAivtt
K1 1 SVrF E
r Gos
Breakfast Cocoa i
Because it is absolutely pure
Because it is not made by the so called Dutch Process in J
which chemicals are used J
Because beans of the finest quality are used
Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired 1
the exquisite natural flavor and odor of the beans
Because it is the most economical costing less than one cent
a cup
Be sure that you get the genuine article made by WALTER J
BAKER CO Ltd Dorchester Mass Established 1780
Do You Know that There Is Sci
ence in Neatness Be
Wise and Use
You see to start with said a Cleveland Ohiocompositor my work
that of setting type at the case allows me little chance for exercise
and is too confining for anybody who is in the least subject to indiges
tion or dyspepsia That has been my trouble for years and I attrib
ute the recent noticeable improvement in my physical condition to the
occasional use of
I first heard of them through a felloff workman who on hearing my
tale of woe one day offered me a Tabule and said he would guaran
tee it to act on the liver I took it under protest but was surprised
with the result It was gentle but effective and since then I have
gradually noted an entire change in the working of my system and
I think thatRipans Tabules are the best remedy for liver and stomach
troubles this side of anywhere They are really in my case a substi
tute for physical exercise
Lata Principal zmlaor U S Pension BureM
3 jn in last war 15 adjudicating claims atty sine
- 10 97
Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good
in time Sola by druggists
J In 1 5 dijs X
fCbI sat to nzieuue
I HiPrcTeau esnurion
V b s a y y
Ue Bie 6 for unnatural
discharges inflammations
irritations or ulcerations
of mucous membranes
Painless and not
ITHEEvAHSCheUICJILCO gent or poisonous
Sold by Prugyfatg
or sent in plain -wrapper
by express prepaid for
JKtlO or 3 bottles 275
Circular sent on request