The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, March 04, 1897, Image 5

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Govarnor Blla A Holcomb
Memenant Governor James E Harris
Secretary of Stato WF Porter
treasurer JN Meserve
Auditor John F Cornell
Com Lands and Bulldlngu Jacob V Wolfe
Attorntfv General Constantine J Smvth
Bupt Public Instruction W It Jackson
Regents University
fit Alladley Scojla
I u w jvaieymKea uiona
JShos KawllnsWakefld
I Chas Weston Hay Spgs
I H L CooldOffaialia
Icil Morrill Lincoln
Senators Wm V Allen Madison John M
Thurston Omaha
Kspresentatlves First Disti let Jesse B Strode
Lincoln Second D fl Mercer Omaha Third
Geo D Melklejohn Fiillcrton Fourth E J Hai
ner Aurora Fifth Wm K Andrews Hastings
Sixth O M Kem Broken Bow
Supreme Court T L Norval Chief Justice
Harrison and Folk associates
Fifteenth Judicial District M F Klnkald
ONeill W II Westover Itushvlllc
Representative Fifty second District OP
Bllliiics Nordcti
Senator Fourteenth District Otto Mutz
Beclster C It Glover Longpine Receiver J
A FJke Newport
Treasurer G V Crabb
Jlerk Geo Elliott
Bherlff Amos Strong
Judge W R Towne
County Attorney F M Walcott
County Superintendent Lillian Stoner
Surveyor Chas Talt
Coroner A Lewis
Max vlertcl
Coramlssionera WA Paiker
i P Sullivan
Overseers of Highways R Hansen and J Raj
Constable R Towne
J Justices of the Peace John Dunn and J M
Assessor- John Dunn
Town Board E Sparks president C H Cor
nell treasurer T C Hornby clerk D S Ludwlg
and P F Simons
Marshal and Water Commissioner Henry
Mohool District No 1 M Walcott president
M V Nicholson treasurer J C Pettljtfha secre
tary W S Jackson G P CrabD and J T Kef ley
Imp 0 RM
3lttlng Bull Tribe No 22 Improved Order of
Red Men meets every second and fourth Friday
evening of each month at Davenports Hall
Visiting brethren are fraternally Invited to be
present at the councils of the tribe
J H Beaks F M March
Chief of Records Sachem
MInnekadusa Lodge No 192 A F A
meets in regular communication Saturday even
ing on or before the full moon In each mouth
minbers of the order In good and regular stand
ling cordially and fraternally Incited to attend
W W Thompson Secy
Northern Star Chapter No 59 Order of the
Eastern Star meets on second and fourth Tues-
i day evenings of each month in Hornbva hall
rw W Thompson Maggie WAwyjTT
i Secretary Worthy Matron
A 07lL W
Valentine Lodge No 70 A O U W meets
on 1 si and Srd Mondays of each month
J C Pettijohn Rec O W HAHK M W
Valentine Lodge No Degree of Honor
j holds regular meetings first and third
day evenings of each month
M Christknsen Mrs J C Pkttxjobn
Recorder Chief of Honor
Valentine Lodce No 205 I O
j icvery Thursday evening Visiting brothers
yvNlallv Halted to attend our meetings
nf D H Thubston FhaKK B
l Sftrhto v No
O F meets
Noble Grand
Col Wood Past No 208 Department of Ne
braska regular meetimjM and 4th Saturdays of
each rnontt at 2 d m sharp ComTfls from
other Posts are cordially invited to attend
Adjutant OdHtmander
iirvvT A
VdiflnHnft Hsmn tfo 17R1 Modarn Woodmen of
---- w - - jj v f umt
America meets second and fourth wequej
evenings of eacp month at DaVanporw
nefithbors invited to arte
IVteltinc cordially
IWSJXckbon W
Venerable CcnRwel
K of P
Cherry Lodge No i6DKnlRhtsof Fytnift pwet
every Tuesday evening at Davefljjfrt8 Halt
K of R and S Chancellor Commander
Arrival and Departure of Malls
Mall east and west closes at 8 p m
Rosebud leaves at 8O0 a m dally except Sun
day and arrives at 500 p m
Simeon Kennedy and Qsls leaves
rx 700 am Mondays Wednesdays and Ftr
days andarrlves at 700 p m Tuesdays Thure
daya aM Saturdays
Ft Niobrara leaves daily at700 a m and
500 p m arrives at 930a maud 780 pm
Kewane and SparkB acrlveB Mondayai
Wednesdays and Fridays at 803 p iftnd
feaves Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at
7o a m
General delhreryopen from 7 W a ra to 7 -op
p m Greueral delivery open on Sundays fro
B to 10 a m Lock boxes opendally form tf d
tn toS00p ra
W EHALEY P08taBtcr
Allktads of legal business promptly attended to
Valkktine Nebraska
Physician and Surgeon
Omce at C R Watsons Drug Store Prompt
attention given to all professional caUi
9albxtine - Nebraska
Teachers Examination
The regular monthly Teachers
Examination will be held the
third Saturday of each month
at my office in the Court House
Supt of Schools
Satisfaction guaranteed
Seasonable charges
I m t0 S9n Ae k
ftlnny Measures of More orLiess Im
portance Being Introduced at the
Present Session of the Golden Rod
The house of representatives in commit
tee of the whole on the 24th voted to rise
with the recommendation that the Trans
mississippi Exposition bill which had been
under consideration all day be ordered
Engrossed for a third reading The bill as
agreed upon carries an apprppnation oi
1100000 half the amount in the measure
as originally introduced An amendment
was adopted that no money should be paid
until at least 250000 had been paid in by
Omaha stockholders
The real interest of the morning session
of the senate on the 24th commenced when
Mr Osborn of Pawnee chairman of the
railroad committee reported several bills
for indefinite postponement One was 31r
Beats measure requiring railroads to re
duce passenger fares to 2 cents per mile
Beal moved that theieport be not concured
in and that the bill go to the general file
A Ted hot debate ensued all on one side
It seems that a number of senators were
determined that the bills affecting the rail
road companies should be killed The
senators who heretofore opposed the stock
yards bill were warm in their demands that
the railroad bill go to the general file A
vote was taken and the bill was sent to the
general file only three senators opposing
The railroad committee also recommended
that Millers bill requiring roads to sell all
mileage books and tickets with transferable
privilege be indefinitely postponed The
senate refused to concur and the bill went
to the general file The railroad committee
recommended the passage of the bill re
quiring union depots at junction points
and to extend the power of the State Board
of Transportation to telephone telegraph
and express companies Mr Murphys
resolution demanding an investigation of
the affairs of ex Auditor Moore was called
up and agreed to Mr liansoms joint
resolution to submit an amendment to the
constitution providing for the investment
of the permanent school fund was advanced
to a third reading
Eugene Moore ex aditor was on Wed
nesday arrested for embezzling 25000 state
funds Attorney General Smyth filed an
information with the county authorities
charging Moore with embezzling public
funds Moore broke down completely and
wept like a child over his disgrace After
a conference of several hours his bond was
fixed at 10000 and was furnished at once
The hearing has been set for March 24
The state treasury situation remains
apparently unchanged although more
facts about it are coming to the surface
daily Since the statement of Treas
urer Meserve incorporated into the
governors special message no more money
has been paid in by the outgoing officials
so that the deficit on the books is still 537
000 While ex Treasurer Bartley has all
along insisted that the passing money is on
deposit in good banks who wjll pay it in
if only given a little time no one in the
state bouse has ever been apprised just
what banks these are If Bartley has a
memorandum showing where his money is
Treasurer Meserve has never seen it nei
ther has Gov Holcomb Speculation as to
the whereabouts of the missing cash as
signs several resting places It is conceded
that a part of this money is in banks
of doubtful stability as alleged by Bartley
and that most of this will be secured event
Speaker Gaffin announced bills on third
reading in order immediately following
the reading of the journal Nesbits bill
appropriating 1892 for the rplief of Burt
county for money expended in the trial of
the alleged murderers of George Phillips
was passed by a vote of 84 to 0 House
roll No 211 by McGee providing for the
building of county poor house prohibits
temporary relief for paupers and author
izes the maintenance of those who have
been a charge upon any precinct in the
county for more than thirty days passed
House roll No 74 by Lemar providing for
the establishment of a state board of em
balming was passed House roll No 144
by Burkett making it unlawful to dig up
or disinter human bodies from any ceme
tery was passed Sodermans scrap bill
provides jthat the state treasurer may issue
non interestbearing small warrants for all
amounts due from the state in sums of from
1 to 10 each and that the same mqy ie
treated as cash and be a part of a banks
cash reserve upon vote the measure was
defeated House roll No 242 by Yan Horn
provides for a proper defining of the
boundary line of the county of Dodge and
passed House roll No 24 is a bill to pro
tect stoakgrowera and was passed House
roll No 126 by urkpt amends septian
2728 of the Compiled Statutes of Nebraska
1895 relating to settlement of estates was
passed House roll No 77 by Hull mak
ing age of consent 18 years was passed
TlwFgdpy was the thirty ninth day of
the senates pa of the legislative session
but it differed littie frojn other days The
forenoon was taken up with the reception
and consideration of reports from stand
ing committees and in reading bills The
afternoon was spent in committee of the
whole the time being consumed in debate
on two or three measures Senate file No
S3 introduced by Mr Dondriug giving to
justices of the peace jurisdiction In cases
In which persons are charged with the
malicious destruction of fences was read
the third time and passed
In the senate a large amount of routine
fvork was transacted The list of bills on
general file was considerably lengthened
by the addition of numerous bills reported
from standing committees After the com
mittee repoits had been finished Mr Oaui
aday introduced a concurrentresolutlon for
the establishment of a bird day provid
ing that one day in each year shall be set
apart by the public schools of the state and
devoted to the study of birds and bird life
Senator Haller of Washington introduced
a joint resolution which was read the first
time under the rules declaring in favor of a
tariff on not less than 4 flents per pound
on foreign sugar Senate file Not 19T was
passed The bill provides a law by which
the property of dismembered school dis
tricts may be disposed of and the affairs of
the district closed up Under the provisions
of the bill several new features may be
added to the school laws of the state if the
house concurs in its passage Mr Howell
offered resolution protesting against the
recent action of the presidentof the United
States in setting apart large tracts of laud
as forestry leserve Ts resolution was
adopted aad the roiMutiry instructed to
When the house journal was read Friday
morning the name of Fouke of Gage who
had voted in favor of Sodermons scrip bill
house roll No 117 was found to be re
corded against the bill The correction
was made House roll No 102 provides
for the incorporation of the Order of the
Eastern Star By a vote of 08 to 1 the biU
passed The provisions of house roll No
70 by Clark of Lancaster are embraced in
one section as follows The husband can
in no way be a witness against the wife
nor the wife against the husband except
in an action between themselves as
parties or in criminal proceedings
for a crime committed by the one
against the other but they may
in all criminal prosecutions be witnesses
for each other The bill passed House roll
No 87 amending section 958a of the code
of Civil Procedure was passed The bill to
amend chapter lxxx statutes of 185 to
prevent further sale of school lands was
passed House roll No 61 provides
for the organization of new counties by a
vole of a majority of the legal electors and
passed by a vote of 80 to 4 Smith of Douglas
moved a resolution that Senators Thurston
and Allen be urged to support the bank
ruptcy bill now pending in congress and
that a copy of the resolution be sent to
them The motion prevailed
The senate had a warm session Saturday
forenoon without accomplishing any
marked results There was an evident de
sire to crowd business more rapidly than
in the past but as the crowding was
undertaken without leadership every sen
ator crowded in a different direction As a
result there was a great deal of confusion
Thirty senators signed a communication to
the president of the senate asking for a
strict enforcement of the rules for the re-
rmainder of the session The presiding
officer stated that he would do what he
could to enforce order in the future Mr
Lee sent to the secretarys desk and had
read a letter written by Warden Leidigh to
Governor Holcomb calling attention to a
serious condition of affairs at the state pen
itentiary Committees reported and a
number of bills were placed on general file
The most of the day was spent in commit
tee of the whole
When the house took a recess Friday
night the resolution to pay the four mem
bers from Douglas County Yeiser Bald
win Roberts and Taylor for the twenty
two days during which they were contest
ing the seats of Representatives Cox Crow
Butler and Burman was pending Satur
day morning the house resumed consider
ation of the question Jenkins moved that
Cox Crow Butler and Burman be also
paid for the full time of the legislature
This he moved as an amendment but with
drew it with the consent of his second
Snyder of Sherman spoke against both the
motion and amendment He didnt want
to pay anyone for time not served by
either of the parties The resolution by
Shull proposed to pay Yeiser Baldwin
Taylor and Roberts 75 apiece for the time
they expended in trying to get their seats
Pollard made a warm speech against
Shulls resolution and Snyder of Nemaha
shut off debate by moving the previous
question Roll call was demanded on the
resolution The resolution was carried by
a vote of 48 to 81 and 800 was voted the
four contestants from Douglas county
Yeiser Baldwin Taylor and Roberts
Soderman chairman of the committee on
claims said that the committee was
usually able to wrestle wjth all claims pre
sen ted to it but that he had one in his hand
which stumped them This was the claim of
John Currie of Lincoln for work and ex
pense incurred by him in an attempt to
carve a heroic statue of Abraham Lincoln
The amount claimed was 3900 Sheldon
moved to refer the matter to the Lancaster
County delegation as a special committee
This did not carry and on motion of
Woosterthe whole question was tabled
Clark of Richardson chaiiman of the com
mittee on finance ways and means asked
and was granted unanimous consent to in
troduce the general appropriation bills
A petition was read from John Currie
asking pprmission to address the house foi
twenty minutes in behalf of his claim foi
3900 for work done on the alleged statua
of Abraham Lincoln Currie made his
address and Representative Wooster asked
him if he did not procure the head of
Abraham Lincoln from a dago Currie
said that had been charged On motion of
Pollard of Cass the following were named
as a committee to investigate the whole
Lincoln statue matter and report to the
house Wooster Burkett Sheldon and
An ordinance against the use of nay
row tires on yehiples Jg cq be intro
duced in the Oity Council of New Or
There is an oyster shell on exhibition
in Portland Me which weighs 153
pounds It was brought from the
China Sea
The Kansas GIty Star says that Kan
sas City will soon be the greatest mule
market in the world It already ships
thousands annually to all portions of
the United States Central America and
Ragged Wayside Why did yer steal
dat scientific paper when dere wuz lots
wid gals pictures in dern lyin roupd
Wandernf Willy I like ter read bout
de invention of labor savin machinery
Dis will be a fine world ter live in when
deres no more work done by hand
Comic Cuts
A story comes from a town not a
thousand miles from Bap Harbor Mei
that equals the celebrated note story of
Hans and Fritz It runs as follows
Dan and Mosp neither of whom was
noted fop bis erudition were partners
in an enterprise which it is needless to
specify One morning Mr called
to settle a small bill that was due to
them and after paying asked for a
receipt Mose retired to the privacy of
his office and after a long wait re
turned with the following Weve got
our pay Me and Dan Boston Her
A Sunday school superintendent at
the close of an address on creation
which he was sure he had kept within
the comprehension of the least intelli
gent of the scholars smiiing invited
questions A tiny boy with a white
eager face and large brow at once held
up his hand Please sir why was
Adam never a baby The superin
tendent coughed in some doubt as to
what answer to give but a little girl of
nine the eldest of several brothers and
sisters came promptly to his aid
Please sir she said smartly thert
was nobody to nuss him Tit Bit
Detailed Proceedings of Senate and
House Bills Passed or Introduced
in Either Branch Questions of Mo
ment to the Country at Irorse
The Legislative Grind
Most of Wednesday was devoted to Dis
trict of Columbia business The confer
ence report on the bill to define the rights
of the purchasers of the Atlantic and Pa
cific Railrond under the foreclosure sale
was adoilted Attontinn was rponllpd to
the Cuban question in the Senate by the
presentation of three resolutions on that
subject One of these came by unanimous
vote from the Committee on Foreign Re
lations and called for the immediate and
unconditional release of Julio Sanguily
neld at Havana Another resolution by
Mr Allen of Nebraska calls on the Pres
ident to effectively protect American citi
zens in Cuba and for that purpose to send
battleships to Cuban waters A third res
olution by Mr Hill of New York was
agreed to requesting the Secretary of
State for the correspondence with Consul
General Lee relative to Americans im
prisoned in Cuba A sensational episode
occurred late in the
day during the con
sideration of the Indian bill Several of
the New England Senators had criticised
various items This aroused Mr Petti
grew in charge of the bill to some caus
tic recitals of barbarities practiced
against Indians in Massachusetts in the
early days Mr Hoar defended his State
and amid impressive silence arraigned
Mr Pettigrew a New Englander by birth
for befouling the nest in which he was
born Little progress was made on the
Indian bill and Mr Allison warned the
Senate that the status of appropriation
bills was most dangerous
Representative Sulzer of New York
Thursday introduced a bill in the House
declaring war between Spain and her
colonies and the United States A reso
lution calling on the President for all in
formation concerning the treatment of
American prisoners in Cuba was adopted
The Senate was storm swept by such pas
sionate debate such extraordinary dem
onstrations in the crowded galleries and
such frantic personal exchanges between
the conspicuous figures of the Senate as
to make the day one of the most memora
ble in the annals of the upper branch of
Congress Cuba was the theme and it
seemed to call forth all the pent up emo
tions of months It brought about the
complete displacement of appropriation
bills threatening their failure and the
advancement of the Cuban question to the
very front of Senate business
Cuba was again a topic in the Senate
Friday from 1 to 430 oclock but the
debate upon the Sanguily and Agguirre
resolutions was comparatively spiritless
and resulted in no definite action The
first half hour of the evening session was
given to private pension bills the pension
calendar being cleared Among the bills
passed was that pensioning Gen Cassius
M Clay of Kentucky at 50 a month Ai
8 oclock the coisidenition of the Indian
bill was resumed the amendment relat
ing tp the five civilized tribes being dis
cussed at great length The amendment
as finally agreed to gives the United
States exclusive jurisdiction over all civil
and criminal cases abolishing the native
courts Two additional
judges are pro
vided for the territory The bill was then
passed The House passed the Senate
international monetary conference bill hy
a vote of 279 to 3 It was supported alike
by Republicans silver Republicans gold
Democrats and silver Democrats J5111s
were also passed to provide foj the arbi
tration of differences between thf pr
of interstate comnierce and their employes
known as the Erdman bill and the Sen
ate ljill to prevent the importation of im
pure tea
There was a majority of three to one
against ticket scalping wben a vote was
taken In the House Saturday on the bill
reported from the Committee on Inter
state and Foreign Commerce Mr Sher
man chairman of the Committee on In
dian Affairs moved that the House non
concur in the Senate amendments to the
Indian appropriation bill and agree o a
conference The motion was carded and
the bill was sent to conference In the
Senate Mr Daniel presented certified
c pies of the natur aHzutroo papers of Julio
Snnguilly aid had them printed with ex
tracts from the law showing their regular
ity Mr Chandler made a statement as
to the Loud bill saying the committee
had concluded that it was imjossible to
have any legislation on tft subject at the
present session an that a commission
should he created to investigate second
cls mail matter The usual Suwwy
quiet of the eapitol building was 3turb
ed by a session of the Senile made nec
essary to pass the amxropriation bills The
attendance c Senators was even greater
than that through the week By a par
liamentary fiction the session was a part
of the legislative day beginning Saturday
a recess having been taken at 230
oclock in the morning until 3 p m The
sundry civil amvopriation bill received its
finishing touches and was passed The
Senate by unanimous vote has added
an amendment to the bill counteracting
the Presidents recent wOer withdrawing
21000000 acres of land from the public
domain and establishing it as forest re
Notes of Current Events
Mrs Booth Tueker wife of Commander
Booth Tucker of the Salvation Army be
came so ill in Brooklyn that she had to
give up her work there and was taken to
her home in New York
It is rumored that Dr John B Hamil
ton who was for many years prominently
identified with the United States Marine
Corps is to be made the superintendent
of the insane asylum at Elgin
The business of the year just closed
was the most remunerative experienced
by the Suez canal according to United
States Consul General Penfield at Cairo
and the traffic aggregated almost Sltl
000000 in value
Joseph Murdock of Scott County Va
Who wys supposed to have been murdered
twenty five years ago and for which
crime Bud Lindsay served twenty one
years In the Virginia penitentiary has
returned to his former home Lindsay
died recently
The railway carriage murder of Miss
Camp in a London suburban train con
tinues to be the chief topic of interest
there The young woman whose body
was found crowded under- a seat in a
second class compartment was buried
and there was i great public demonstra
ijnmirrr mtiBSQSMVwm
Notary Public
Real Estate
Valentine Nebraska
1000000 Bond Filed
Office in P O Building
Has recently been refurnished and thoroughly renovated
making it now more than ever worthy of tho
reputation it has always borne of being
Hot and Gold Water Excellent Bath Room Good Sample Eoom
M J VONOHEM Proprietor
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers considtent withjeonservative banking
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable
rates County depository
V H CORN ELL President M V NICHOLSON Cmihier
Valentine Nebraska
A General Banking Business Transacted
Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign EocoJiange
Correspondents Cberaical National Bank New York First National Bank Omaha
This market always keeps a supply of
In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Heats
Smoked Hams Breakfast Bacon and Vegetables
At StettersOld Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA
Ol the Choicest Brands
that this office is fully prepared at all times to turn out
on the shortest notice in the most artistic and
workmanlike manner all kinds of v
Job Printing