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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1897)
Hi I V n THE VAL VOL towu Monday and Citv Hotel THIS AND THAT Comina Events Louva tho Pauper Friday March C 1897 Assessors meeting March IB County Commissioners March 16 ft Patricks Day March 17 District Court March 22 fcaatcr Sunday April 18 Sign the petition Miss E I Mills has rent registered house to C H McCrea of Sparks has moved into town Kobert O J oirea was over from Bor den Tuesday Alex Dobson of Merriman was in town Tuesday J G DuBois of Omaha was in town Saturday Ceo Coleman came down from Cody Monday evening Miss Ella Stilwill of Simeon was in town Tuesday For Rent Goed farm Enquire of G H Q Smith 4 E Dwyer of Huron S D arrived in town this morning E Sparks went to Omaha on busi ness Monday morning Blankets and comforters at greatly deduced prices at McDonalds 5 Wm Krotter of Stuart lumber and hardware dealer is in town today Dont miss reading the article dip ped from the Newport Republican Bert Martin went home to Ains worth on a visit Monday afternoon Miss Mary Ktrfley teacher of the Arabia schools was in town Monday All wool underwear cheap at Men Donalds general merchandise store 5 H E Dewey was up from Wood Lake the first of the week on busi ness S S Loelet of Wood Lake was in at the Misses Sarah Clay and Ida Erey of Bloomington Tnd arvlsiting friends near Sparks J R Avers came down from Crooks ton yesterday and attended the farm ers institute Three traveling men representing bicveiefirms were in town with sam ples yesterday Emma Downing is working in The Donoher dining room in the absence of Celia Marley Notice Stinards new advert isement He has a nice line of spring clothing and furnishings Mrs TV H Carter formerly of this place but now of Deadwood is visit ing fiiends in the city Deputy U S Marshal Bray was down from Lead on business connect ed with his office Saturday J A Hitt is building a neat and commodious buggy house on the lot just south of his livery barn Wren Donoher Mrs Chas Sparks Dr Wells and A E Thacher are tak ing lessons on the mandolin For Sale Three seated spring wagon in good condition complete with top 4 Geo H Hornby -John Hornick of the firm of riick ness Moore wholesale drug gists of Sioux City Sundayed in town John Simpson went up the Minne chaduza this morning He had a court house petition in his inside poc ket Miss Guides lectures at the Episco pal church are proving very interest ing and ive her hearers much food for thought Farmers should patronize our local merchants and by that same token locaL merchants should patronize our iarmers Dr Ed Dwyer arrived from St Louis Friday evening and will assist his brother Dr J C Dwyer in his large practice Ang Weltke the young man who has been here the past month being treated for appendicitis is able to be about once more Lew Clark one of the railroad hoys here returned Monday afternoon from OmahafWhere he had taken his wife medical treatment T Louva the Pauper tomorrow Mrs Kate Wellford is agent for all kinds of musical instruments Best mates See her before buying Sheet music furnished on short notice 5 Dr Dwyer has ten beds in his pri vate sanitarium in the northwest part of town and all of them are occupied This speaks well for Dr Dwyers ability All the flags in town are flying in honor of McKinleys inauguration The Demograt does not sulk and to show its loyalty to America had its flag up first Owing nrrne absence of the chair man the town board did not meet last evening and the curfew ordinance mat ter will come up at a special meeting in a day or two The Hyannis Tribune man was evidently out with the boys the night before his last issue The last page of his paper was printed where the first should have been Topic for the Y P S C E at the Presbyterian church next Sunday even ing will be Opportunities to do Good Seeing Tbem Using Them 45 15 1 Cor 919 22 Architect Beindorf sent a sketch of the new school to the last week The building will contain six grade and one recitation room and is very convenient and compact I R McCreery representing the American Warming and Ventilating Company Chicago is in town today for the purpose of explaining the com panys heating apparatus for school houses E D Spenser and wife returned Friday night from a two months visit with relatives in Troy and Selma Iowa Mr Spencers brother Tom accompanied him to Valentine and will stay until fall In answer to inquiries from John pencil board men of democratic organizations said that if the national convention met to morrow Win J Bryan would be nom inated for president - 4 Y II Cameron who was arrested at nay Springs a couple of weeks ago on a charge of stealing nine head of cat tle from Frank Novak skipped the country while the preliminary exam ination was pending E J Davenport and wife and son Harrisou started Sunday morning for Washington to witness President Mc Kinleys inauguration Miss Mae and Master Clyde are staying at The Dono her during their absence Jas Gillaspie and Ira Richardson two of Cherry countys stockmen hail ing from Chesterfield drove into town Monday evening Of course they shook hands and had a pleasant word for the editor of this taxpayers friend The court house bond proposition is continually gaining ground and if the question were to be submitted to the people tomorrow it would carry easily The more taxpayers digest the ques tion the more favorable it seems to them Delilah S Cole aud Susan Yusam started Sunday morning for Washing ton to witness the inauguration These are two aged colored women who are staunch republicans and we hope they will get an opportunity to grasp the Presidents hand Friday night two men attempted to communicate with the prisoners in the county jail but were driven away Geovge Hammond who was on guard taking -a shot at their rapidly disap pearing forms It is thought that the parties wished to release Collins Mrs Vivian Lawrie who has been visiting friends in Gordon the past week left last night for Palmer Neb where she has a position in the public schools Her uncle resides at Palmer Gordon Journal While on her way to Palmer Mrs Lawrie stopped iu Valentine Friday and went to Oasis where she visited Miss Ella Stilwell All the local merchants are adding improvements to their stores these days T C Hornby has a new ma chine for invoice work in his dry goods department and the latest patent spool case Jackson Brayton have a handsome antique oak cigar case of a new and improved pattern and J H Qiugley has moved his cigar case thus giving mm more room m hs btorc fcrog TTivrnrTivrtF JPnbliwIjed for ITou Years as JHNcIiarged and Kearrestecl Tuesday L A Collins was brought before the county judge and the old complaint against him larceny was discharged and three new ones filled One charging him with burglary another with larceny and the third with receiving stolen property to all of which he pleaded not guilty waived examination and was bound over to the district court He is now in jail aid is guarded day and night so his oft repeated boast that he will never be brought to trial will probably be vain This is the old case of Collins and Xeelejuwho stole a set of har riespfrom Capt Archer about two years ago Ernest Boden made the complaint and since County Attorney Walcott is compromised in the case having been county judge when Col lins first examination was held J Wesley Tucker will appear for tho state Counsel for defense will be ap pointed by the district judge A brother of Collens and a woman who is said by some to be his vife and by otheis his step sister are here and oc cupying the NTearpass house in the northeast part of town Hungry Four In response to the invitation of Voracious Nicholson the Hungry Four met at the usual place Friday evening and indulged in their weekly feed A guest was present at this meeting W E Waite Chesterfield so of course the gallon of oysters hardly satisfied the appetites of the ban queters Just for a change the boys tried fried oysters each member in cluding the guest devouring half a dozen of the bivalve after they had been rolled in eggs-and-crackers Then came the stew No complaints were made except by Oliver Twist- Brower who kicked because the bot tom of his bowl was so near the top The guest was evidently unacustomed I to such light lunches but beiug well I Kror mola rn romarlio rarrarrlinrr tVin New York World fortv state chair J scaruiiY oi oiiiauies xu auuiuon io the oysters 10 pounds of cheese one barrel crackers and a box of cigais wsrpresenrieaving dniy when the meeting adjourned V Sstrinsertt Law Under the law recently passed by congress and approved by the presi dent any person convicted of giving selling or furnishing intoxicating liqu or and any essence extract bitters preparation compound composition which produces intoxication to any Indian whether he be one to whom allotment of land has been made or a mixed blood over whom the government exercises guardianship be imprisoned for months and fined 100 for the first offense and 200 for leach subsequent offence This law effectually prohibits the selling of cologne essences and extracts and makes impossible the dollar and a day punishments some times inflicted The offense of selling liquor to Indians will now be one to be not lightly trifled with limit Kazev At the residence of the brides pa rents on West Catharine street Sunday afternoon Woodward Hunt -and Abi gail Razey were united in matrimony by Rev Saml Holsclaw The wed ding was private but a few of the im mediate friends and relatives being present and was a very pretty affair The newly married couple received a number of both useful and ornamental presents as tokens of good will from their friends The groom is a cook at Fort Niobrara and is reputed to be a very steady young man The bride is a daughter of City Marshal Henry Razey and has for some time been numbered among Cherry countys corps of school teachers Capt Shaw Heard From The Tallapoosa Georgia Inquirer of Feb 24 says of the show with which Capt A G Shaw is traveling Mustang Walters Wild West Show has been exhibiting in this city every day this week The performance is excellent aud wins the applause of all who attend The company embraces Mustang Walter in his marvelous feats of marksmanship lassoing and other feats of horsemanship for which the wild riders of the west are famous The clown acts are ex uellent the strong nau4oes good work the feat of knife and ax throwing are marvelous and thn farces on the stage are amusing With this show is a family of genuine Sioux Ludiaus A CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT Loin si the Pauper at Cornell Hall tomorrow evening W F Wilson a farmer living north east of Humboldt Neb delivered to 0 A Cooper the other day fifty nine head of fat steers for which he-re- ceived 4000 Several of the steers weighed over 1800 pounds and the en tire bunch averaged about 1G00 Mr Wilson says the corn he fed to these steers has brought him over fifty cents per bushel Born Last evening Wednesday March 3 to Mr and Mrs C R Glover a girl Child and mother are in the best of condition and Charlie is walk ing on air This explains the strong smell of catnip in the northeast part of town One of the fathers first ex clamations after the interesting event was Thank heaven she was born c under a democratic administration Charlie Schwalm returned Monday night from Richmond Va where he spent the winter happy to once more breathe the pure air of Nebraska and greet old friends Hr will bn found in Ins old place at the City Meat Market He informs us that Airs J W Stetter isgetting along very nicely and that Zike Brauer is just recovering from an illness which threatened to cause his death A loose brick in the chimney of the building on Main street occupied by Frank Ivletecka caused an alarm of fireto be given Sunday evening about five oclock and created a little excite ment The garret of the building filled with smoke and escaping r nrougn the root attracted the atten tion of passershy The Iiosp cart was run out and hose laid ready for use No damage was done except co the roof where holes were chupned for the purpose of locating the fire A letter received from Arthur B Ries at Oasis informs us that by rea son ofJlismarriagOla3tIiocembo r ho ib entitled to a years subscription to this family delight and promoter of the public welfare His name has been placed on the list There are several moie to be heard from Walk up As an encouragement towards the patronizing of home industry The Democrat offers a bonus of a years subscription to all cbuples married in the county Helmut not JeHeate Robert Good of The Valentine Democrat took in the play at this place Friday night and made a pieas antcall at this office Saturday morn ing Bro Good is making things rath er lively for a certain Catholic priest in the vicinity of Valentine these days We have no doubt Mr Good realizes that he is undertaking a very delicate task Mnsworth Star Journal Well not very delicate either when the priest deserves having things made rather lively and his entire congregation to say nothing of the general public are against him The Deadwood Daily Pioneer of Tuesday March 2 contains the report of the committee appointed by Terry Peak Miners Union The report says that in the famous Ragged Top camp only 25 men are employed and round ly scores the correspondents who send out tales regarding Gnds of ore of fabulous richness and advise ail work men to give the Hills country a wide berth this season as hundreds of men are living on public charity The Pio neer editorially confirms this report and says it can be relied on The day has passed when men without money can go to the Black Hills and get rich An Editor in Trouble Last Monday morning ye editor be came frisky while walking on one of our excellent sidewalks tried- to kick the ceiling out of the sky and failing in that sat down real hard spraining Viic Ipff turief in thn rmprifinn anfl I badly disarranging his internal econ omy iu addition to throwing a few of the wheels in his headout of gear All this is not very pleasant but careful nursing brought him around again Yesterday afternoon he had cramps and tried to make a jackknife out of himself right in public too and to cap the climax only two new uames were placed on the subscription list Takes all in all its been a tough week for I him LTow is the lime to subscribe EMOCRAT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY MARCH 4 1897 w NTER GOODS t JL T a We have an excellent line of new clothing gents furnishing goods hats caps boots and shoes Have a splendid line of shoes for both ladies and children Clothing is cheaper and better than ever Come and see BOYS PANTS ONLY 25 CENTS BOYS SUITS ONLY 75 CENTS Stinard OWMOEEY WATCHMAEEE - AND - JEWELEE Fine line of plain and fancy jew elry constantly on hand Repairing promptly executed and done in the best manner Full line of sporting goods JWST OPENED I have just opened a stock of groceries in the old Red Front building on Main street and re spectfully solicit your patronage Everything new and fresh Pro duce taken in exchange J M CARPENTER TREES AHfB FLAKTS A full line FRUIT TREES Df BEST VARI ETIES at hard teies frices Small fruits in large supply Millions of Strawberry plauts very thrifty and well rooted Get the best near home and save freight or express Send for price list to North Bend Xurseries North Bend Dodge County Neb Louva the Fiuincv lu Cornell Hall tomorrow night - JtfTJST BE CLOSED OUT FOR i - NO 6 SPRING STOCK In order to do this we offer great bargains in Shoes Duck Coals Overcoats Blankets Mens and Boys Clothing Comforts Wool Dress Goo Is Gloves Mitts Mens and Boys Sweaters G ennine Bai gains in each line mentioned Thacher YOU KNOW That the best place in town to buy fresh fruits and vegetables is at PetrverewV v DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best place in town to buy to- eeries and confectionery is at Pertvcwnvs DIDNT YOU KNOW That the highest price for butter and is always paid at Pettycrews If yon didnt try him and you will fffcffiEf Donotbe deceived by allnrinfr advertisements and talnJC you can got the Dest made flneet flnistt and MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINE for amere eaag Buy from reliable manufactnrer that nave jgamed a reputation iiy honest sad eqnar dealing There la none In the world that can equal in mechanical construction durability of worklnff parts fineness of finish beauty in appearance or haa as many improvements as the NEW HOME WRITE FOR CIRCULARS Tlie New Home Sewing Machine Co OBAXOEHA3 BOST05JlAS3 28TTKIOH8Q17U5XKT Chicago III 8t Louis mo Dallas Txxix SasFisctscoCal AtlahziOa FOR SALE BY G CARLSON - VALENTINE 0 M SAGESEE ARTIST Hair euttiag and shaving L Shop in the W II Moses building HOT km COLO BATHS Valentine Nebr Pacific Shori Line Passenger leaves ONeill Neb at 1005 a m immediately after ar rival of train from Black Hills reaching Sionx City at 235 p m saving three hours time Lowest rates Purchase local tickets to ONeill and rebuy there THE ELKHOBN RAILROAD Korth Western Line is to be to and from the 3U0AR BEET FIEtB - t T SDsfur