The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, February 25, 1897, Image 1

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1 11
t V
Comino Events
Lent osRlns March 9
Assessors meetlnj -March 16
County CommiBsionenj March 16
tft ltrlcka Day March 17
District Court March 22
haSCur SundayApril 18
Sign the petition
A C Graddy of Borden was rfa
town Monday
Matt Houses UttlR girl has been
tjulte ill this week
For Rent Gooil farm Enquire
f G H Q Smith 4
It wont be long now until ita time
2or spring elections
The Leora Lwe Comedy Co is aid
to be headed this way
T C Hornby istaKing an invoice of
atock on hand this week
A M Gharbonneau was over from
the reservation Monday
Sheriff Strong went to Lavaca on
-official business Monday
C R Glover went to Longpine on
business yesterday doming
Attorney D H Thurston is visiting
mong friends at Crookston
Blankets and comforters at greatly
reduced prices at McDonalds 5
F H Baumgartel drove down from
Crookston yesterday morning
Ed Asay of Kushvillewas in town
-on his way to Chicago yesterday
L D Southerland ot HuphviKe was
lw the city on business yesterday
Geo Schwalm was laid np theflrstof
the week with trouble in his back
Mrs J J Guth is quite ill this week
ut nothing serious is apprehended
Mary Hudson of Simeon was at
tThe Donoher Monday and Tuesday
G M and Geo X Davis of Simeon
registered at the City Hotel Monday
All wool underwear cheap at Mo
Donalds general merchandise store5
6RAgronda1abrin good
condition ADnly to Mrs Kate Well
ord 5
C H Cornell made a business trip
-to Omaha and Lincoln the first of the
John Pfeifer of Johnstown was in
-town on business the latter part of last
Chas Bullis has purchased the Levi
Sparks property ori the west -side of
Rev L W Horton of Brownlee is
in town visiting with Rev O T
J M Carpenter has opened a stock
of groceries in the old Red Front
All the flags in town
Monday in honor of
were hoisted
B S Ludwig went to Council Bluffs
iFiiday to buy a carload of wagons and
-farm implement
The Military Herald is the name of
4 column S page publication
dated from Fort Niobrara
Coyote or wolf skins accepted at this
office in payment of subscription
Cord woodor stove wood too
The town board meets next Wednes
day evening when the curfew ordi
nance petition will be considered
For Sale Three seated spring
wagou in good condition -complete
with top 4 Geo H Hornby
Eugene French came over from
Bosebud Sunday and went to Irwin
where be wfll work for Gilman Hel
Lucy Courtis and Julie Roubidoux
came over from Rosebud yesterday
aad went east this morning to attend
The Brown county Sunday 6chooi
Association meets at Longpine April
5 6 When does Cherry countys
accociation meet
Vm Ward drove the Rosebud stage
- few days this week while Geo
Beers laid off to look after business
matters at this end ot the line
Miss Lizzie Hayes of Simeon re
turned from Omaha Monday night
where she has been under the cara of
Dr Summer the eminent surgeon
Sheriff Strong returned from Den
ver Friday night having safely de
livered Cyrus Ediuger to the authori
ties there
Mrs Kate Wellford is agent for all
kinds of musical instruments Best
maeea See her before buying
music furaishedon short notice
Complaint was made against Geo
Chap 0 J Nave started for Lin
coln this morning to complete the a
rangemeuts for publishing his book
The Topical Bible meution of which
is made elsewhere
W S Jackson started for his
old hnraa at Pecatouica Illinois
Sunday morning H will visit Chica
go and other cities east before return
ing and may be gone several weeks
The W C T U will meet with Mrs
W A Pettycrew Tuesday afternoon
at 230 All ladies interested in tem
perance work are invited to our meet
ing Soft Press Work
Last Thursday Frank Novak a
farmer living north of Rushville
The primary classes of the public
schools gave an entertainment Mou
day in honor of Washingtons birth
day The work of the little folks was a
credit to their teacher Mrs Lizzie
Crawford and the many visitors who
were present expressed their apprecia
tion of the exercises in words of high
est praise
Dr Elmore assisted bv Dr Furav
performed a difficult surgical opera
tion upon a Mrs Watts Tuesday Last j
July a gun shot wound in the arm
tore away a portion of the bicep
was made and the two ends properly
prepared and joined Chadron Re
Published for Four Years an
Last Friday J C Pettijohn W E Haley and ML V Nicholson
members of the school board went to Ainsworth to examine the heat
ing apparatus and system of ventilation in use in the school there
Tney were very favorably impressed with the method of heating
Miss Jessie Pierce who has teen aild pronounced the system of vtttiltion the beat they have ever seen
roiling with her cousin Evelyn
Tde heat apparatlls C08fc 800 While there th j d
singer for seveial weeks returned to -
many facts which will be useful to them when actual work on the
her home at Little Sioux Iowa
day ndw school building in Valentine sjiall be commenced
Saturday C E Biendorf an able architect from Omaha
Eighteen converts have been taken was in
into the church during the revival u w wn uim luulieu UVC1 lub buuuui aoube sire learnea the price ot
in progress and several more have building material cost or getting out stone wages of laborers etc
made a confessiou Ainswort h Home and then made a contract with the school board to draw nlans and
specifications for the new building The plans and specifications
are to be complete in every particular and the building will be
Beers the first of the week charging planned so as to come within the limit of expense allowed by the
mm wiui cruelty to aunnais i is
probable that noihing will come of the
W A Bonser of Rosebud received
word this week that his 17 year old
bun had died at the school in Genoa
and went to that place this morning to
attend the funeral
Is Asked an Important lue8tiou
Defeud Our Petition
caused the arrest of W II Cameron duvihIn His Portion
of that place for the theft of nine head The blowing article appeaed in
of cattle lost about a week previous- i lhe Republican ot last week with the
J caption above
Marble time is almost here When-
j valentine Xeb February is isot a few
ever inestreers aiieys anavacanc Inq yeiir aeo a sodety oreUilzHditseKjit Vevnrt
MWII asthe Amercan prregtive as n itio -
become wefandmiiddy its time for QtSSmZI firtSlWct vl
- - J I make tt Impossible 10 tnu Ciitholics in the
the youngsters to get down on their vicinity of Newport to hod tlmne service In
w e that town Not only did tliit mol sinah very
enees ana may roiiow up or oun expensive winnows out tuey iiiroutpuea t
W A Pettycrew last week complet
ed the delivery of 200 cords of - wood
at Fort Niobrara contracted by G N
Adams of Crawford He will soon
commence the delivery of 250 cords
General Manager Bidwell of the F
E addressed the Y M C A at Cnad
ron recently and in his remarks said
thathe commenced his railroad career
thirty years ago working with pick
andshovel ai 150 per day
A vender of nostrums nn Butte
agreed to cure a certain man of a
grievous ailment but failed to do so
He was caught at Naper brought to
Butte and made to disgorge 100
The sum of 27 was paid the man who
took the nostrum
Mike Elmore returned home Mon
day from Lexington Ky where he
purchased five head of thoroughbred
trotting stock Mr Elmore is aiming
to establish the finest farm of
thoroughbred stock in this part of the
westand we are of the opinion that
he is going to succeed Alliance Qnp
Whole herds of cattle have been
taken up and advertised as estrays in
Boyd county In the last issue of the
Butte Gazette J W Small of Basin
advertises 15 head of calves cows and
steprs one cow being branded 481 and
STD and Chas Oliver advertises 36
head one red cow bearing an
board Four sets of these plans and specifications will be pre
pared one set for the records of the board one for the superintend
ent one for the carpenters and one for the masons the bo ird pay
ing therefor the sum of 225 In addition the architect will make
two visits to Valentine while the building is in process of erection
These plans will be ready f oMelivej y in about two weeks
It is a pretty well decided fact that the school building will be
made of stone This is as the majority of the people of the dis
trict wish and will keep most of the 10000 to be expended atliome
in addition to giving the district a building which fire wind water
or even time will be unable to destroy
The bonds voted February 5 are advertised for Bale in the Bond
Buyer date of sale being fixed for Friday March 26
Ferdinand E Lechleitner stand up
Where were you on the 5th and 6th of
February The public asks this ques
tion and there are more to follow
print Two weeks ago The Demo
crat said a certain priest shut him
self up in his private room in order to
escape being called upon to administer
thejast rites of the church to one of his
paphioners Leohleitner takes this
home to himself as intended but his
defense of his action is nothing but
abuse of Prof Bad Dous bis de
fense deny the charge Fie intimates
that he was out f town at the time
but hat foums for nothing because
he cannot prove fact There
are jflitneissKii to the contrary This is
Kw onlypnint at issue and beyond a
dHtense of its editor is tliVoitly6riP
The Democrat will discuss When
the priest showed how little his oul
i wreck ind hum the building where Mass
was vasli hi Hrtimi in ni mitter he
celebrated Tin- Hs
same outlaws made thnmselvvs
conspicuous all over the Uiitrt States by a un even the respecl which is jjnerallv
tion addressed to the Legislature then in J
sion to ecure through tongress the forcible
election of the Apostolic Delegate from the
United States
Is it really possible that Prof Bad now of
Valentine presided then oyer the destinies of a
newspiper inspired it with such a diabolical
spirit and manufacture sich a foolish document
and petition I well remember the rt wh
the faithful but indignant Catholics narc cd i
aborly to tlut prlu mq shoo dlu rihu the
discontinuance of that sliest to their adoros i
If this is thecase and I have grave suspicious
that it is so hen indee i has the learned en
wonderfully chanced with his domii i from a
Saul to a Paul However I am afraid that be
nas oniy pur on a masK ot religion lor his own
wicked designs and purposes Suppose tnat I
would drag him under ids real name into acoirt
of justicejto his surprise produce there as evi
dencfr from the Auditors office in Chicago a
railroad ticket signed by me jointly with the
conductor and properly duted secure as wit
nesses the same conductor his brxkenian and a
whole congregation Would such a pro edure
not utterly destroy the further usefulness of his
office m Valentine Even without such a pro
cedure of law Prof Bad Is not aud never was au
object of my notice
Ferdixand E Lechleitnkk
Really the above is amusing and
were it not for the fact that the article
seeks to convey the impression that
the editor of this paper referred tb as
Prof Bad is opposed to Catholicism
in general and that he was at one time
a leader in the A P A and an organ
izer of mobs for the purpose of dis
turbing divine worship the screed Of
the enraged priest would appear with
out oomment This is the excuse we
worthier object
Fr Lechleitner relates in detail cir
vided of course that he
editor i
refers to the
acioided men of his cloth No man
who possessed a spark of decency or
regard for hu fellow men would have
been guilty of such an act Prncerfnt
founts tor naught Otnie mure this
pljier says that if guilty lie shouli be
removed atii in his the paper is sup
tortei In evecy Cnholio in town
Fur ilie beuefr of those who did not
Mje the iirgirml article ve will say that
two paragraphs are eliminated in the
reproduction These paragraphs con
sisted principally of n nVctiom upon
the dead and gross mLsreprt sentations
of the living mixed up with a quantity
of poor Latin noue of which had bear
ing oo the ase
Nation ts Hate
AkCrookton Tuesday night a great
debate was bad on the question Re
solved That the Signs of the Times
Indicate an Early Downfall of the
Republic D H Thurston F F
Gordon and Elmer Bristol defended
the proposition while Geo Tracewell
Wm Davis and W D Morgareidge
offer our readers for trespassing upon opposed it The battle waged fierciy
space which should be devoted to some and loug and the judges decided that
themegative was the proper side of the
question George Tracewell bears his
cumstances which rightfully deserve honors meekly and says We may
condemnation if they are true but have little scraps among ourselves but
when the reverend gentleman says by j whtn it comes to a question of nation
insinuation that the editor was a leader al union were all Americans Rightl
I D in the outrage or even remotely con- j A splendid literary program was ren
neeted therewith he lies and as a liar dered prior to the debate aud the
l a llt - ll -
ne win nave 10 race ins Maser ana his scuooi nouse was pacsea wnn an
God Perhp the editor is not the preciative audience Mrs Tracewell
person referred to though he has grave accompanied her husband to Crooks
suspicions that he is thp party aimed
j at in which case he will apologize To
prove that the editor is innocent it is
only necessary to state that he never
presided over the destinies of a news
paper in Newport that he was never
in or near Newport at the time referred
to and lastly that he nevei either in
private or in public posed as an an
tagonist of Catholicism Lechleitner
knows that these are the facts hence
his insinuations are all the more das
cie ana oroKe me humorus bone The tardly sinking their author from the
wound never properly healed and had high place of a minister of God to the
to do operatea upon An mccssiou low level of a common slanderer pro-
Arrested for Horse stealing
In April 1894 David Paxton then
15 years old was sent to the reform
school at Kearney on a charge of in- i
corrigibility He became a trusted in
mate of the institution and was al
lowed to work away from the school
He abused the privilege and went to
Colorado and when sent for appropri
ated a horse and started for home ar
riving here about six weeks ago The
sheriff at Denver ordered his arrest
and -he is now in jail awaiting the com
ing of the authorities who propose to
I take him back to Colorado on a afargo
What inspired the f atbe4to rush into of itoree utealteg
NO 5
In order to do this we offer great bargains in7
Shoes Duck Coats Overcoats Blankets
Mens and Eoys Clothing
Comforts Wool Dress Goods Gloves Mitts
and Boys Sweaters
G ennine Bargains in each line mentioned
DavenporTI Thacher
That the best plaee in town to buy freah
fruits and vegetables is at Pettycrcws
That the best place in town to buy gro
ceries and confectionery is at Pettycrewst
Tfiafcthehigheat rice for butter and egg
is always paid at Pettycrewa
If you didnt try him and you will
We have just received the fine
and Tnbst Qmplete line of -
Kei kwear ever seen in
Valentine We have
in the assortment
etc etc
And we have them in all colon
and qualities Some of the
handsomest ties ever man
ufactured See them
20 per cent reduction oh Mens Boys
and Youths Overcoats
16 -GOLD -16
ETIES at dard times pkices Small
fruits in large supply Millions of
Strawberry plants very thrifty and
well rooted Get the best near honw
and save freight or express Send for
price list to North Bend Nurseries
North Bend Dodge County Neb
Parties holding land under the tim
ber culture act should make final proof
within 13 years from date of entry or
their claims will lapse aud entries be
cancelled The local land office sends
notifications to all persons whose time
for making proof has expired but
parties owning claims cannot always
be found
The Democrat tl per jrar
Donofcbe deceived tor aHmtae adrettlxenieot and
Mar yon can get tbeoest made finest flatoli and
f cr a mere sonjr Buy from Tellabl e mamictorer
port fineness of finish bearityln appearance or tuw
M many tmproTBKjenttM toe NEW HOME
Tie let Heme Sewing lacMm Co
OS4ct2Cai Bonos SUso 23 l7noir8qtuBXKT
CzDCAOOzn 87Locatto PiTvrnyflnjv
t aurrsiKnooUx Atxoxtaua
Hair cuttiag and shaving
Shop in the W II Moses building
Valentine Nebr
Pacific Short Line
Passenger leavea ONeill Neb
at 1005 a mf immediately after ar
rival of train from Black
Hills reaching City at 235 p
m saving three hours time
Lowest rates Purchase local ticket3
to ONeill and rebuy there
North Western Line is to best
to and from the