The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, February 18, 1897, Image 7

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li frLCX
Q 9 e Ph s
Bw la g a
Fo spriip Jt is a trying season If it
finds your hlood impure imj ovcrished
weak and thin you will he tred dull
tanguid and an easy victim of disease Do
not wait till these troubles overtake you
Take a course of Hoods Sarsaparilla now
This medicine will lit you
It will make your blood rich pure and
nourishing c ure that tired nervous feel
ing enable you to sleep civo you a good
appetite Thousands have been saved from
or cured of disease and thousands are kept
In good health to day by Hoods Sarsapa
rilla It will do as much for you
Is tho Best In fact tho One True Blood Purifier
Hrtnc Pilfc curc Liver 1JS y to
11UUJ I tll2 take easy to operate 25c
An Absrnt lUindccl Lord
A certain noble lord who shall be
nameless during his journey north on
t political mission changed his cos
tume for a full highland rig out in
tending it as a delicate compliment to
the land of the kilt But when he Iook
5dsat himself in the glass he found that
rh9flsil0r had cut his kilt too short so
ae made up his mind to put on evening
He changed his upper garments and
then sat down for a few moments to
study his speech This set him to
sleep He awoke with a start only to
find himself running into the station
Forgetting what had happened he
thrust on his hat and appeared at the
window bowing and this was how he
was dressed
He had a full highland costume a
far as his waist above were a wnite
shirt and swallow tailed coat and the
entire edfice was crowned with a chimney-pot
hat upon which he had sat
down without noticing it His lord
ships horror when he stepped upon the
platform and felt the keen wind cutting
lis bare legs changed to absolute agony
when his valet appeared scrambling
out of the carriage with a pair of trou
sers in his hands waving them wildly
and exclaiming My lord my lord
youve forgotten these
cascabets stimuato liver kldneru and bowels Sev
er sicken weaken or gripe 10c
Invention of Smokeless Powder
The invention of smokeless powder
bas called forth much effort on the
part of military experts and chemists
and over forty years ago claims were
made in this direction by several dis
coverers and Inventors at the same
time who were laboring along the same
ne There are about twenty different
kinds of smokeless powder but they
ym all be classed under two heads
LTgvi w o
maae vr nitrocellulose
Pisos Cure for Consumption has been
a godsend to me Wm B McClellan
Chester Fla Sept 17 1895
Horse meat as an article of food is
not new to the people of Oregon The
old missionaries from 1S33 to 1844 used
It as a regular diet
Oust try a 10c box of CascareU candy cathartic fin
est liver and bowel resrolator made
In 1SG7 the consumption of sugar In
the United States was 241 pounds per
head of population in 1S94 the con
sumption had increased to GG4 pounds
Mrs WlniuoTTn Soothing Bybdt for Children
teething Bottnn the sums reauces Inflammation
allays ram cure vlurf colic 25 cents a bottle
The man who robs another of his
right lose most by the transaction
A pool watch guar- CDLIC
anel for one year IfiLL
with pm1i hnv nf rfi PftWTA
TERESA 10c ciirars To
introduce prhv only 75 No nionev required
until vou riciiv goods Address THE KEY
WEST CIGAR CO l 0 Box MS Sioux
Uity la
DR TAFr BROS 45 him St Rochester N Y
No RUST nor RATTLE Outlattt tin or iron
A Durable Substitute for Plastcron walls
Jater Proof Shcatbinjj of same material tho
best cheapest in the market Writo for samples etc
i B fl E KT F ever falls
Send WewlUmallairlab Wle v Ub L
Late Principal Examiner u S Petition Bureo
oyrs m last war 13 adjudicating claim atty tinoa
One V7hicn Illnminntc9 Opaque Ob
jeets for Examination
Several attempts have been made up
to the present time to devise apparatus
for the illumination of opaque objects
examined under the microscope One
of the best known processes is that of
Liebcrkuhn which consists in applying
around the objective an inclined con
cave mirror which concentrates the
luminous rays in reflecting them upon
the preparation This apparatus can
not be applied unless the frontal dis
tance of the objective is sufficient to
permit of the passage of the luminous
rays sent obliquely It can therefore
be employed only for feeble magnifica
tions Moreover such oblique illumin
ation is an inconvenience
Mr Charles Fremont has succeeded
in effecting the illumination through the
it 3
interior of the tube of the microscope
and the objective so that this new
method is applicable to even the strong
est magnifications
The arrangement adopted as describ
ed to the Academy of Sciences through
Mr Marey is as follows
The pencil of light L directly project
ed or reflected by the mirror D enters
the body A of the microscope tube
through an aperture EE and meets a
concave mirror C which is movable
and capable of being raised or lowered
in order to send the light through the
lenses of the objective B A prism K
is interposed in the path of the pencil
in order to right it and render it parallel
with the axis of the microscope before
it enters the objective
The mirror C and the prism K are
provided with an aperture to permit of
the passage of a conical tube J that
allows one to perceive through the
ocular the image of the preparation H
given by the objective B so that such
image is never met by the luminous
This process permits of obtaining a
vertical illumination of great intensity
and of perfect clearness both qualities
Indispensable for photographing micro
scooic imajres
Rights of Bicyclers
A oicyclerider sjuniown and in
jured by a street car going in the di
rection in which he was going His
suit against the railway company to re
cover damages for personal injuries
was dismissed by the lower court on
the ground that his admitted failure to
look behind him was contributory neg
ligence on his part
The appellate division of the Supreme
Court after reviewing the case decid
ed that a person riding a wheel must
first of all keep a good lookout in front
and on both sides that if this be done
the rider cannot keep watch behind
and that to require a constant rear look
out would amount to prohibition of bicycle-riding
Therefore to say the
least the question whether this rider
was guilty of contributory negligence
in not seeing the oncoming car should
have been submitted to the jury A
new trial was ordered
The result of the new trial will inter
est several millions of persons in the
United States The bicycle has come to
stay and the statutes and decisions re
lating to its use will constitute an im
portant feature of the law Youths
Mr Nikola Tesla the electrical ex
pert and inventor has recently sug
gested the possibility of employing elec
tricity as a fertilizing agent for the soil
ThecurrentSproducedby perfected elec
trical oscillators he says are capable
of causing the chemical combination of
the nitrogen with the oxygen of the at
mosphere If this combination were
carried on upon an industrial scale
which he thinks is possible then the
product could be used as a fertilizer
and in his opinion the benefits to hu
inanity would be incalculable
jjl A Cotsgliers Coffers m
may not be so full as he wishes but if he is
wise he will neglect his coffers awhile and
attend to his cough A mans coffers may be
so secure that no one can take them away
from him But a little cough has taken many
a man away from his coffers The slight
cough is somewhat like the small pebble that
lies on the mountain side and appears utterly
insignificant A fluttering bird perhaps starts
the pebble rolling and the rolling pebble begets
an avalanche that buries a town Many fatal
diseases begin with a slight cough But any
cough taken in time can be cured by the use of
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
More particulars about Pectoral in Ayers Curebook ioo pages
Sent free J C Ayer Co towell Mass
Sore dismayed was the Boston maid
When fractured was her bicycle
She heaved a Kigh and from her eye
There fell a limpid icicle
Indianapolis Journal
Reginald My darling will you share
my lot Miss uptotiate is it city or
suburban Baltimore News
She The Misses Brown usually sing
duets do they not He Yes they di
vide the responsibility Puck
The maid from Boston swept the
street with her glance It was notice
able that the asphalt was covered with
a glare of ice Cincinnati Enquirer
Men generally admire business sense
in a woman dont they Yes but
they admire it only in other mens
wives and daughters Chicago Rec
First tramp The papers all say that
work is starting up everywhere Sec
ond ditto I know isnt it awful You
and I maj be drawn into it yet Bos
ton Transcript
Across the board she winked at me
Nay do not deem her conduct free
That wink was in its proper place
For then I knew she held the ace
Chicago Record
First Artist Where did Scratchwell
get his artistic education Second art
its savagely At some school for me
chanical drawing Cincinnati Trib
Tell Elsie to hurry If she doesnt
well miss the first act entirely
Youre not going to get her there early
to night Shes got a new hat Chi
cago Tribune
She Once you vowed that 1 was the
sunshine of iour life Now you stay
out night after night He Er why
I dont expect sunshine after dark
Dublin Freeman
How did I turn over a new leaf
he repeated dreamily vj with about
four fingers Eh with a start he re
called himself to his surroundings
New York Press
Hoax What You buying a bicycle
I thought you detested them Joax
So I do but Ive been run over long
enough Now Im going to have my
revenge Spare Moments
A solemn pause At length he spoke
His words were full of strength
The congregation slept nor woke
For hours He spoke at length
-Philadelphia Record
Chollie Chapington Haw I always
say just what I think dont you know
Haw Grace Golightly What an easy
time your vocal chords must have
Baltimore News
Mrs Riffraff had her husband ar
rested for cruelty What had he
been doing Tried to make her stop
buying novels and read the encyclope
dia Chicago Record
He seems to take after his father
said the visitor I dont when they Is
apple dumplings volunteered the lit
tle boy He dont leave none to take
Indianapolis Journal
She It seems almost impossible that
you should love me He Thats what
my mother says How nicely you and
she -will get along if you always agree
like that Harlem Life
The Noddings have at last agreed to
live apart Gracious As bad as
that Well it amounts to as much
Theyve taken a house in the suburbs
Philadelphia North American
Dont you think football is a terri
ble sport asked Miss Northside of her
escort Well replied the young man
I will admit that it is a hair raising
game Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph
George I just saw you coming from
the conservatory with Miss Goldie
Rather handsome girl but too reserv
ed for me Thomas Yes I just re
served her for life Cincinnati En
Soon will the man who owns a sleigh
Declare theres money in it
He will not rent it by the day
Hes rent it by the minute
Washington Star
The papers say that after the fasn
ionable wedding at St Jehus yester
day the entire bridal party went to the
horse show Did you see them there
Well I saw a number of grooms
Harpers Bazar
Attorney On what ground madam
do you wish to apply for a divorce from
your husband Fair Client On the
ground sir that he hasnt any ground
He made me believe he had a farm
Chicago Tribune
Teacher Johnny what is wind
Johnny Wind sir is air put in mo
tion Teacher Right Next boy
What is the cause of wind Next boy
Rivalry for the prize ring champion
ship Boston Courier
Mother When the boy in the other
house threw stones at you why didnt
you come and tell me Bobby Be
cause mamma I can throw them back
better than you Hes more likely to
get hit Hartford Times
Tom Where shall you stop at the
Baldorf Harry I hope so Im afraid
however that Parker will hear Im in
town and insist upon my putting up
with him Tom Dont you like Parker
Harry Yes very much but he has
three daughters and I dont know if I
can afford it Bazar
Guy Could you spare me a cigarette
Gontran My dear fellow my doctoi
puffing away at a splendid Havana
Guy I thought you had to give up
smoking Gontran Oh my doctor eied
a wsek ago Le Figaro
fir to Four Lancnagcs nntl None
Gives a Clew to Her Nationality
The picture herewith is that of a
child who isHJight and a half years old
and who speaks fluently English
French Greek and German the first
three so perfectly that no one can tell
which is her native tongue Maria
Rose was born in America but Dr
Achilles Rose of No 332 East Fif
teenth street New York who adopted
iivAZ JUkTiAiti um n ii
ft mm I fell M
the sweet faced orphan four years ago
does not know to what race her parents
belonged and cannot explain her extra
ordinary ability for the acquisition of
languages except by saying that her
natural gifts are great and her ambi
tion to succeed keen The girl is of fail
complexion and her hair and eyes are
brown She is quiet and demure but
of quick observation
Twins in Size Shape and Activity
This Is what those important little organs
tho kidneys are when healthy In rifsorclur
they may differ in all three particulars Dis
ease usually destroys them successively not
simultaneously and one may he active wlrlc
the other is semi paralyzed Give to both a
healthful impulse without exciting them
u itli Hostetters Stomach Hitters which
forestalls such dreadful maladies as Hritrhts
disease and diabetes Use the Bitters also
for malarial bilious rheumatic nervous
bowel and kidney trouble
Dr Jagadis Chunder Bose professor
of physical science in London claims
a discovery more wonderful than the
X ray and by which it is possible to
flash electric currents through moun
tains and ring bells and fire guns many
thousand feet away without the use of
wires Prof Bose says this new ray
wTill do away with dangers caused by
fogs as it will penetrate the thickest
fog in fact there is nothing it cannot
New liine to Washington D
The Monon has established a new
through sleeping car route between Chi
cago and Washington D C by way of
Cincinnati via Monon C H D B
O S W and B O Railways The
sleeper is ready for occupancy in Dear
born station at 9 p ro and leaves at
245 a m daily arriving et Washington
at G47 the following morning Schedule
in effect Jan 2 i
As the sleeper goes through without
change and the hours of leaving and ar
riving are most convenient this will prove
altogetii 2 the most comfortable as well
as the most pic uresque route to the na
tional capital City ticket office 232
Clark strpet Depot Dearborn station
Kansas Poor Ride in Carriages
The other afternoon the Wichita Bea
con advertised that there were GOO rab
bits for the poor in the express office
and within an hour people were driving
up in carriages asking for them
ewaro of OlntmfntB for Catarrli that
Contain Mercury
As mercury will surety destroy tho Honao of
smell and completely derange tho wholo Hystom
when entering it through the mucous sufacos
bucb articles should never bo used excopt on
proscriptions from reputable physicians a th
damaijo they will do is tenfold to the Rood vou
can possibly derive from them Halls Catarrh
Cure manufactured by P J Chonev Co To
ledo a contains no mercury and is taken in
ternally and acts directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of tho system In buyin
Hall s Catarrh Cure bo suro you get tho oenuino
i Sr intonlly and mado in Toledo Ohio
- P J Cheney Co
TSold by Druggists price 7oo per bottle
The all pervading bicycle has pene
trated to the depths of Africa greatly
to the astonishment of the natives who
were at first inclined to regard is as a
new species in the animal kingdom
They have now decided that it can be
nothing less than witchcraft which
keeps the thing upright with a white
man bestride it
for Fifty Cents
Over 400000 cured Why not let
regulate or remove your dealro for tobacco
tsaves money makes health and manhood Cara
Buaranieea sue ana 1 all arugglsfcs
The world contains at least four
mountains composed of almost solid
iron ore One is the iron mountain of
Missouri another in Mexico another in
India and a fourth in that region of
Africa explored by Stanley and there
have been report of such a mountain
existing in Siberia
If you want a reliable dye that will color
an even brown or black and will please
and satisfy you every time use Bucking
hams Dye for the Whiskers
Capt E C Baker of the Nichtheroy
sent his vest to a Brooklyn tailor the
Dther day to be repaired In the pocket
were bank bills amounting to 9400
which the honest workman into whose
hands the garment fell promptly re
My dear fellow she is an angel now
p quisitely lovely her complexion is They
bay she uses Glenns Sulphur Soap
The Kansas City Star says that Kan
sas City will soon be the greatest mule
market in the world It already ships
thousands annually to all portions of
the United States Central America and
Whbx bilious or costive eat a Caacaret candy ca
thartic cure guaranteed 10c 25c
nas strictly torbidden me to smoke Swords were formerly all hand made
A fortnight later Guy meets his frlcmd the utmost dexterity and skill being re-
quired to give the steel the proper tem
per In the ordinary sabers now used
in the army machinery is to a limited
extent employed
7f l1
I Like rust on polished metal lS 5S
i 1
ii Mil c
z m i m
The DocTon Oao layer of
paper Is bad enough you have
A threo hero Baby may recoror
but cannot thrive
Blights snd Crimps the Nervous System
LVce oil on rust
removes the blight and cures the pain
ter mKer
Breakfast Cocoa
vawniriHin vi
BRQftT TTT17T V flTTRBKMTtffln to euro any case of constipation Cascarcta are the Ideal Laxa
flDDUliUlUI UUilllfiKirjCiIJ tire never crip or sripebnt cause cnsynatnral results 6ain
2171 1
jrtJUriOHjfio rjxx uoinvj
Because it is absolutely pure
Because it is not made by the so called Dutch Process in
which chemicals are used
Because beans of the finest quality are used
Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired
tne exquisite natural iiavor ana odor of the beans
Because it is the most economical costing less than one cent Z
A I Up
Be sure that you get the genuine article made by WALTER
BAKER CO Ltd Dorchester Mass Established 17S0 Z
wsa tMrm wm
rwi VA Ut AN V3L
mDmW stm
if rffSvXv tC4a ffei
HVfmj33VS 5 WTft
m t in rrr
Ioxurlant meadows are the farmers delight and
they are tho 1 armors profit too for the better tho pas
ture tho heavier and richer the hay yield the more 2
profitable the farmlnf An absolutely sure xyay to set 1
maeriltlcesit mondou H is to potvSalznra riiKrt iind i
ver mixtures Souced of waltlnjr a lifetime for a yield g
no they sprout quickly and produce heavily the same 9
seaxon 1 Many farmers report yields of 0 tons of
tious hay per acre Salzer is the only Seedsman in J
America crowlnir trrassna and clovers for seed oper
ates over c00O acres and produces only live vigorous
fresh bier vieldlutr Grass and clover Seeds
Great wonderful yields are produced by Salzers
Seeds Why Because they are bred to yield I His Cat-
alogue Is full of them all sworn to
For IO Cents in Stamps or Sliver
Fe will send upon receipt of 10c 12 Farm Seed
Samples including Grasses and Clovers worth 81O00 I
to get a start
Catarrh Incipient con
s iinplion and bronchi
tis can ua cured In 3
months lime by our
coure of treatment
Inhaler b mall
WH QSBUHCaredlalOtoaODnyt NoPyUU
KM Best Couzh Syrup Tastes Good TJso g9
fgj lntline Sold by dragglBta 6l
W f In 1 v i JyB
u 8 x 7 r
wis r
Wall Paper is Unsanitary- TKAlSOHYKE IS
TEMPOKAjRY BOT8JBUBS off axi scales
TiTli ftB if k Q Pure permanent and artistic
1 IIud wall coatinp ready for the brush
by mixing in cold water
For Sale by Paint Dealers Everywhere
PP A Tint Card showinc 12 desirable tints also Alabastino
ILL Souvenir Rock sentfree to any onementioninpthiB paper
Thoughtless Folks Have the Hardest
Work but Quick Witted
People Use
f P1118 Ii Sifelllil1Si
An elderly lady livintr at Fordham Heights a part of New York City end who
was known to bo a warm advocato of Ripans Tabales for any case of iiver trouble or
indigestion said to a reporter who visited her for tne purpose of learning the particu
lars of her case I had always employed a physician and did so on the Last occasion
I had for one but at that time obtained no beneficial results I had never had any
faith in patent mediineH but having seen Riyan3Tabule3 recommended ver7 highly
in the Now York Herald I concluded to give tnem a trial and I found they were just
what my case demanded I have never employed a physician since and that means a
saving of 1 a call A dollars worth of
lasts me a month and I would not be without them now if it were my last dollar
At tho timo of this interview thero were present two daughters whospeclally objected
to their mother giving a testimonial which should parade her name in the news
papers but to this tbo elder lady argued There may be other cases just like mine
and I am sure I tako great pleasure in recommending the tabules to any one affected
as I was If tho telling about my case in tho papers enables some other person similarly
affected to be as greatly boneflted as I have been I see no objection And the
daughters familiar with her case and knowing how earnestly she felt about the bene
fit she had received from Ripans Tabules decided that their mother was quite right
Use Bis for unnatural
discbarges inflammation
irritations or ulceration
Of fn n iAno mannKFATitd
iPrtrtnls eonujion PainleM and not ontrinl
AmEvANS CilEHlCALCo gt or poisonous
kClHCiMaATIOri Sold bylrncslit
or sent in plain wrapper
by exorcpa DreDaith
fl00 or 3 bottles 275
aV v nsuisr seat on request-
Examination and advice as to Patentability or Inten
tions Send for ihventoks Guide oe How to G2T x
Patxxt Patrick 0liarrellVa8hirictonlCV
8 9