i h I K V w y OFFICIAL DIRECTORY 8TTE governor Silas A Holcomb Xlcutcnant Governor James E Harrii Secretary of State WF Porter v treasurer JNMeserve auditor JohnF Cornell Cora Lands and Bulldlngii Jacob V Wolte Attorney General ConstantineJ Bmvth Bupt Public Instruction W R Jackson fKAHadley Scojla Regents University I u w uioua Shos Rawlins Wakglld I Chas Wei ton Hay Bpw I H L CooIdOraialla LCH Morrill Lincoln COKGRKSSIONAL 8enators Wm V Allen Madison John M Thurston Omaha RspresentatI ves First District Jesse B Strode Lincoln Second D H Mercer Omaha Third Geo I Meiklejohn Fullerton Fourth E J Hai rifr Aurora Fifth Wm K Andrews Hastings Sixth O M Kem Broken Bow JUDICIAL Supreme Court T L Norval Chief Justice Hnrrisonand Folk associates Fifteentlr Judicial District M P Kinkaid ONeill WH Westover Rushvllle LEGISLATIVE Representative Fifty second District O P Billlncs Norden Senator Fourteenth District Otto Mutz Springview LAND OFFICE RecIsUr O R Glover Longplne Receiver J A Fike Newport COUNTY xrcoSurcFf vt Xf rioo Jlerk Geo Elliott Sheriff Amos Strong Judge W R Towne County Attorney FMWalcott County Superintendent Lillian Stoner Surveyor Chas Tait Coroner A Lewis Max viertel Commissioners W APaiker I P Sullivan PRECINCT Overseers of Highways R Hansen and J Raj Constable R Towne Justices of the Peace John Dunn and J M Camm Assessor- John Dunn VILLAGE Town Board E Sparks president C H Cor nell treasurer T C Hornby clerk D S Ludwig and P F Simons Marshal and Water Commissioner Henry Razey school District No l F M Walcott president M V Nicholson treasurer J CiPettiJohn secre tary W S Jackson G P Crantf and J T Kealey SOCIETIES Imp 0 K5M Bitting Bull Tribe No 22 Improved Order ot Red Men meets every second and fourth Friday evening of each month at Davenports Half Visiting brethren are fraternally invited to be present at the councils of the tribe J H Sears F M March Chief of Records Sachem A J3 A fM Minnekadusa Lodge No 192 A F jA M meets In regular communication Saturday even ing on or before the full moon In each month members of the order In good and regular stand ing cordially and fraternally invited to attend J T KEELSr W M W W Thompson Secr 0 E S Northern Star Chapter No 59 Order of the Eastern Star meets on second and fourth Tues- day evenings of each month In Hornbys hall tW W THOMPSON1 Magie Waloott Secretary Worthy Matron A O XJ W Valentine Lodtre No 70 A O U W meets on l si and 3rd Mondays of each month J C Pettijohn Rec 0 W HAH2T M W D OF H Valentine Lodge No Degree of Honor holds regular meetings first and third Wednes day evenings of each month M Cheistknsen Mbs J C Pkttijohn Recorder Chief of Honor I 0 O F Valentine Lodge No 205 I O O F meets every Thursday evening Visiting brothers cord tally nvl ted toattend our meetings JD H Thubston Frank Bratton x Secretary Noble Grand vr a jx Col Wood PsstNo 208 Department of Ne braska regular meeting 2d and 4th Saturdays of each month at 2 d m sharp Comrafls from other Posts are cordially invited to attend J W Tuokkr JoHlr Dunk Adjutant Commander mIvTa Valentine Camp No 1751 Modern Woodmen of Ameiica meets second and fourth vveduesaay evenings of each month nt Davenports HalL Visiting neighbors cordially invited to attend W S jAfcKsox W E HAiJ5r Clerk Venerable Counsel K of P Cherry Lodge No 169 Knights of Pythlaa meets every Tuesday evening atDavenpaits Hall W S Jackson E P Roberts K of R and S Chancellor Commander Arrival and Departure of Mails Mall east and west closes at 8 p m Rosebud leaves at 800 a m dally except Sun day and arrives at 5C0 p m Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves at 700 a m Mondays Wednesdays and Fri davs and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays Thurs days and Saturdays Ft Niobrara leaves daily at7 00 a m and 500 p m arrives at 930a in and 730 pm itewanee ana sparKs arrives juonaays Wednesdays and Fridays at 509 pm and leaves luesaays inursaays ina saiuraays at a m General delivery open from 7 Q a m to 7 00 p m General delivery open on Sundays irom fc to 10 a m Lock boxes opendally form 6 a m to 800 p m W EHALEY Postmaster PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS - Attorney-at-Law AUklnds of legal business promptly attended to Valentine Nebraska J C DWYER Physician and Surgeon -Office at 0 R Watsons Drug Store Prompt attention given to all professional calls Valentine - Nebraska Teachers Examination The regular monthly Teachers Examination will be held the third Saturday of each month at my office in the Court House LILLIAN STONER Supt of Schools P F SHVIONS PROPRITOR OF DRAY LINE NO I Satisfaction guaranteed Reasonable charges NEBRASKA CONGRESS DAILY REPORT OF WHAT IS BE ING DONE Many Measures of More or Less lm portance Being Introduced at the Present Session o the Golden Rod Legislature Tuesday House roll No 5 the measure around which all legislation has revolved during the past two weeks was passed by a vote of 71 to 26 The bill provides for a recount of the vote on the constitutional amend ments Representative Baldwin who did not take the oath of office Monday with the other three new members was sworn in- The following new bills were intro duced To amend certain sections of the statutes relating to cities of the first class providing for the payment by coun ties of the premium on the bonds of county treasurers providing for the payment out of the state treasury of the premium on the state treasurers bond to provide for the sale of unclaimed freight and merchandise transported or received for transportation by common carriers to establish and create a precinct board of equalization in counties under the commissioners system defining fraternal beneficiary societies orders or associations and regulating the same and to repeal an act pertaining thereto to define the duties powers and obligations of such societies and associations and to provide penalties for the violation thereof to apportion the state into judicial districts and provide for the election of judges thereof and to repeal certain sections pertaining thereto In the senate on Tuesday after Mrs Colby had addressed the assemblage on the question of woman suffrage and standing committees had reported the following measures were passed Senate file No 6 by Mr Murphy of Gage amending the law relating to the summoning of juries in dis trict courts Senate file No 13 introduced by Ransom it reduces the salaries of the Douglas County commissioners from 1800 to 1500 per annum Senate file No 46 also by Ransom requiring street railway com panies to vestibule their cars After recess Mr Ritchie from the committee on inter nal improvements reported back senate file No 136 with the recommendation that it be passed The bill amends the law wnich creates a special fund for the pur pose of erecting a court house and other public buildings Senate file No 14 by Air Ransom reducing the number of com missioners of Douglas County from five to three was passed The senate then went into committee of the whole for considera tion of bills on general file with Dundas of Nemaha in the chair Wednesday Senator Murphy offered a resolution ex pressing the sympathy of the people of Ne braska with the destitute citizens of Chi cago and calling upon the people of the state to extend aid This resolution was laid over Mr Johnson from the com mittee on public lands and buildings rec ommended the bill providing the manner in which cities and villages may accept by gift or devise real estate for park purposes be placed on general file Mr McGann from the committee on judiciary reported the following bills To provide for the payment of attorneys fees by counties in civil actions with the recommendation that it be passed as amended providing penalties for the destruction of fences with the recommendation that it be passed as amended aifecting the property rights of married women with the recommendation that it be indefinitely postponed to provide for the issuing of a certificate by county clerks as evidence of the satisfaction of mortgages with the recommendation that it be indefinitely postponed The lieuten ant governor read a telegram from Mayor Swift of Chicago declining aid offered by the state The twenty third journal day of the house opened with ninety three members marked present A number of bills were read for the second time and referred to committees Bills on third reading were declared in order and Phelps bill house roll No 29 which provides for the repeal of the Russian thistle act of 1895 was brought to the front The bill passed by a vote of 80 to 10 Ilouse roll No 89 is Soder mans bill to reduce the salary of the su perintendent of the Geneva Industrial School for Girls from 2000 to 1500 per annum The bill passed 86 to 1 Ilouse roll Xo 165 by Van Horn relating to swamp lands passed by a vote of 81 to 3 House roll No 146 providing that pre cincts townships cities and villages may compromise their indebtedness and issue bonds therefor was passed 91 to 0 On the call for reports of standing com mittees a number of bills were recom mended for passage On motion of Wim berley of Lancaster the house went into committee of the whole to consider bills on general file House roll No 174 an act to create a public library board was recom mended for passage without division a bill providing for the punishment of bicycle thieves was indefinitely postponed The committee then arose and reported On the bicycle bill No 81 Clark of Lancaster moved that the report be non concurred in but that the bill be engrossed for a third reading On this a roll call was demanded and resulted in 57 votes against non-concurrence to 34 for it The report was ad opted and the bill indefinitely postponed Sheldon sent up a resolution reciting that whereas Mr Soderman had been called home by a telegram announcing the death of one of his children it was the sense of the house that he be excused from attend ance on the house until his return The resolution was adopted unanimously by a rising vote A lar c number of bills were introduced Thursday The senate gave itself up almost entirely to the consideration of Senator Johnsons bill for the protection of depos itors in state and private banks The only matter considered aside fom this bill and the usual routine work was the following resolution offered by Senator Dundas but laid over under the rules Whereas one of the most needed reforms in the state of Nebraska is the present system of the assessment of property for taxation and Whereas numerous efforts to correct or better the system have proven failures and wnereas The present low and unequal valuation comes from efforts on the part of assessors to list property at so low a valua tion that the taxpayers of their respective counties shall not be required to bear more than their proportion of taxation there fore be it Resolved That a committee of three senators be appointed to draft and submit a bill for an acton this line with a schedule of prices given similar to though more elaborate than the schedule adopted each year in tfeje several counties of the state by the several assessom of the counties to the end that one schedule of prices be adhered to throughout the tilate and that different grades of property shall be assessed at its real value or a certain percentage thereof The house on the 4th adopted a resolu tion authorizing the speaker to appoint a committee of three to investigate the con dition of the state treasury covering the past two years and to report upon the al leged illegal loaning of money to banks and also upon the failure of ex Treasurer Bartley to cash warrants when presented The committee is not yet appointed but the field offered for its investigation is a wide one A bill introduced by Speaker Gaffin for the suppression of foot ball in the state was also reoommended for passage ihen the house adjourned over the afternoon until Friday to allow the various commit tees to visit state institutions in the vicin ity of Lincoln Friday The house on the 5th appointed a com mittee of three to investigate the affairs of the state treasury killed Rainmaker Wrights bill appropriating 10000 for ex periments in producing rain by artificial means and named a committee of six to visit the state institutions ascertain their needs in the way of appropriations and re import to the house The bill appropriating 4Uuui for the payment oi incidental ex penses incurred by the twenty fifth session was also passed In committee of the whole house roll No 23 relating to ware house receipts was recommended for pas sage Loomis noxious weed bill was laid on the shelf Grimes game bill was re ported back for amendment A hot debate was had over the question of adjournment Quite an element was in favor of adjourn ing over until Monday This met with strong opposition The motion to adjourn until Tuesday morning at 10 oclock was defeated 66 to 12 The house then ad journed until 10 a m Saturday The senate was content to transact rou tine work on the 5th with as few words as possible The regular order was shortly completed First came a petition from several citizens of Antelope County pro testing against the payment of the bounty due under the beet sugar bounty law and asking for the repeal of all bounty laws now oh the state books Mr Graham pre sented the report of the committee on uni versities and normal school affecting the condition of the latter institution at Peru The committee recommended the rebuilding of the dormitory recently destroyed by fire and an appropriation not exceeding 20000 be made for the same An act relating to the protection of fish was recommended to pass Among the new bills introduced was one by Ritchie for the submission to the electors of the state of a proposition to call a constitutional convention The re count bill was taken up The bill as it originally passed the house was first read for the information of the senate Mr Ransom offered an amendment to the bill remarking at the same time that the amendments would probably surprise some people He moved their adoption The amendments were read at length Mr Beal seconded the motion for their adop tion Mr Conaway of York objected to present consideration of the motion for the reason that the noise and confusion in the senate chamber prevented him from hear ing perfectly After brief consideration of the amendments they were adopted and the senate adjourned Saturday Seventy one members answered to roll call on the 6th The report of the finance ways and means committee on house roll No 93 the Trans Mississippi Exposition bill was read by the chief clerk The re port recommended that the bill be placed on general file with the amendments made Friday night by the committee Homer sent to the clerks desk a resolution highly eulogistic of the attitude of Senator Wil liam V Allen in defending the credit oi Nebraska The resolution was referred to the committee on miscellaneous subjects Following the reference of a num ber of bills to committees the house went into committee of the whole to consider bills on general file House roll No 64 was first considered It is an act to prevent the desecration of the American flag The bill was recommitted for amendment House roll No 185 to legalize the acts of the clerk of Buffalo County was recommended for passage House roll No 133 is a bill defining cruelty to children prescribing punishment there for and for guardianship of children in certain cases The bill was recommended for passage House roll No 129 by Case beer was taken up relating to the publi cation in newspapers of notices of election on constitutional amendments The bill proposes to amend section 1 of article 15 of the constitution of the State of Nebraska Several amendments were made and the bill was recommended to pass Grimes woman suffrage bill house roll No 155 was next considered Section 1 provides that the rights of the citizens of the slate of Nebraska to vote and hold office shall not be denied or bridged on account of sex This act pro poses an amendment to the constitution amending section 1 of article vii The bill was indefinitely postponed A motion to non concur in the report of the committee resulted in 32 nays 23 yeas and 44 absent and not voting The result of this vote left the last named bill in shape to come before the house again Monday for final action as the measure was simply hung up by the action of the house on the commit tees report The senate put in the time up to noon on the 6th in the transaction of routine work In committee of the whole senate file No 17 by Mr Talbot was recommended to pass It provides that six months time shall be given instead of one year after rendition of judgment for litigants to carry a case to the supreme court Senate file No 135 by Mr Dundas provides for the repeal of a dead letter statute relating to marks and brands and was recommended for passage The committee held an animated session over senate file No 47 introduced early in the present session by Mr Ransom It provides that a chattel mortgage on house hold goods shall be invalid unless signed by both husband and wife The bill was recommended for passage The bill relating to legal newspapers was then taken up for a long and animated discussion in which the friends of the measure had the better of it even if they did not succeed in securing a favorable recommendation Senate file No 50 by Mr Lee proposes to ratify the employment of attorneys by county boards heretofore made and was favorably recommended The committee then rose and its report was adopted After recess a bare quomm of seventeen senators were present The senate did not adjourn until nearly 5 oclock The entire afternoon was spent in committee of the whole with Mr Dearing of Cass in the chair The general file was practically cleared up but few bills being laid over At 4 50 adjournment was taken until 2 oclock Monday afternoon 2 SSISSa Stephen Crane has written a vivid story of border life which will be pub lished In the Century S R Crocketts new historical ro mance Lochlnvar is to be published as a serial in the Christian World of London The late Archbishop pf Canterburys historical work on The Life and Times of Cyprian is among the forthcoming publications Mrs Rorer and her magazine have been swallowed by Mr Boks paper and Mrs Rorer will hereafter run a domestic department in the Ladies Home Journal The new authorized edition of Byron which Is being arranged for by Mr Murray the London publisher will be brought out on this side of the Atlan tic It is edited by Lord Byrons grand son the Earl of Lovelace Joel Chandler Harris is about to turn historian He is at work on a history of Georgia in the form of stories and characterizations which are to be somewhat after the manner of the popular Uncle Remus tales Prof Angelo Heilprin contributes to the Popular Science Monthly a sum mary of Our Present Knowledge of the Antarctic Region with a sketch map giving the more important points that have been named by navigators A feature of the Forum Is a study of Pope Leo XIII by that able French academician the Vicomte E Melchoir de Vogue The writer treats his subject sympathetically having en Joyed the personal friendship of the Pope The International Journal of Ethics published in Philadelphia finds its con tributors in Europe Asia and America One of the most noteworthy articles is on The Ethical and Political Prob lems in Japan by Tokiwo Yoklo of Tokio A London publisher is investing 50 000 in a new edition of Dickens the il lustrations for which are to be super vised by Mrs Perugini Kate Dick ens George Crulkshank a nephew of the artist and Gordon Browne a son of Phiz An illustrated edition of The Si lence of Dean Maitland Is among the new announcements Maxwell Gray or Miss Tuttiett is still writing but she has never equaled this first book of hers which has become one of the most successful novels of modern times Prof William P Trent of the Univer sity of the South recently delivered a course of lectures at the University of Wisconsin on certain Southern states men of the old regime These are now to be published The work will treat ol Washington Jefferson Randolph Cal houn Toombs and Jefferson Davis Herbert D Ward the novelist and husband of Elizabeth Stuart Phelps Ward has written a new novel which will be the fictioii feature of the La dies Home Journal during 1897 It is a humorous story and has the unique title of The Burglar Who Moved Para dise It is a sequel to Mrs Wards An Old Maids Parauise the husband tak ing up the pen where Miss Phelps had naturally to put it down when she ber came Mrs Ward Not Easily Bunkoed The train was nearing Detroit when at a way station a young man dressed in the height of fashion and carrying a summer overcoat stepped on board and went through the cars as if looking for some one He stopped once oi twice at a seat occupied by a farmer looking man who attracted his atten tion Finally he asked politely Is this Mr Sam Garland of Bean ville Ohio Yes Spose you read my name on my valise hey No uncle Im your nephew Hal Garland of Detroit I guess not I reckon I aint lived fifty five years not to hev my eye teeth cut An I aint got a nevvy that looks sech a dude as you air not by a long shot The young jnan colored but laughed good naturedly I can find some one on the train who knows me he said And going into another car soon returned with a youth who was of his own age and style This is my friend Mr Sampson uncle Perhaps you remember his father who came from Beanville Howdy Mr Confederate I remem ber Jim Sampson fust rate but he warnt no relation of yours Im right sorry boys that I cant cash that check of yours I reckon the goods will have to stay in the freight house You see jour old uncle has traveled afore The two young men went off laugh ing and the nephew who had been taken so persistently for a confidence man had the satisfaction of seeing his uncle take the wrong car and of saying to a friend The next time mother sendc me to meet some of her country relatives Ill take her along I know the oid man will bring up at the police station- Detroit Free Press Steam Steam is an extinguisher of flame and if turned into a drying kiln on fire will extinguish the flame and finally extinguish the ignited wood 11 kept on sufficiently long and the kiln be thoroughly saturated with steam One of the funniest things in the world Is to see two strange girls pass on the street and give each other tho look PLAIN OR FANCY P Notary Publi RINTING - QUICKLY SToM CPECIALT1ES BILL HEADS LETTER HEADS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS W E HALEY t t ss ENVELOPES INVITATIONS PROGRAMMES MENUS LARGE POSTERS BUSINESS CARDS SMALL POSTERS CALLING CARDS SALE BILLS ETC CHROMO CARDS Av Real Estate ABSTRACTER Valentine Nebraska 1000000 Bond Filed Office in P O Building The DONOHER Has recently been refurnished and thoroughly renovated making it now more than ever worthy of the v x reputation it has always borne of being 9 THE MOST COMPLETE AND COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN THE NORTHWEST Hot and Cold Water Excellent Bath Koom Good Sample Room M jr DONOHER Proprietor Qherry Qounty Bank Yalentine Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable rates County depository E SPARKS President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier gANK OF VALENTINE V H COUN ELL President M V NICHOL80N Cashier Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents--Chemical National Bank Kew York tflrst National Bank Omaha BHHBnaniHBHnaeBaBnaaaaBaMaEanMBaawmBaHiHCaBaBBainuiBEmnBaaaBanatan MEAT - M GEO G SCHWALM PROP This market always keeps a supply of FISH AND GAME In addition to a first class line of Steaks Roasts Dry Salt Meats Smoked Hams Jireakfast Bacon and Vegetables At StettersOld Stand on Main Street VALENTINE NEBRASKA THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS s INES LIQUORS and CIGARS Valentine 9 Ol the Choicest Brands Nebraska Remember that this office is fully prepared at all times to turn but 6n the shortest notice in the most artistic and workmanlike manner all kinds of Job Printing I