V B M k w I J Is A i f rv l r kn i f u 1 li r h 4 h j VI j KcTl il I tf A f a r - - A LAVvTEJft TESTIFIES HOODS SARSAPARILLA PURIFIES AND ENRICHES THE BLOOD Always Accomplinhcs tbe Iesnta for Vrhicli It Io Intended A lawyer certainly understands the Value of testimony in establishing a fact The letters written by those who have been cured by Hoods Sarsaparilla have over and over again proved the case for this great medicine This testimony lias shown so many times that Hoods Sarsaparilla cures when all other medicines fail that Hoods Sar saparilla is entitled to the verdict The One True Blood Purifier P M Bu chanan Esq Rochester Intl has been indue practice of law since 1SS3 and is well known at the Fulton County bar He says We have taken several bottles or Hoods Sansnparilla in our family dur ing the past year and have been very much pleased with its results I have taken it as a blood purifier and my wife has used it for the same purpose When ever we feel badly we resort to Hoods Sarsaparilla and it always seems to ac complish the result lor which it is in tended My wife was feeling very bad ly and Had That Tired Fcelihjr and she took Hoods Sarsaparilla with benefit When we take Hoods Sarsapa rilla the impurities of the blood are often forced through the skin by erup tions but by continuing the use of Hoods Sarsaparilla the blood becomes purified and the skin returns to its nor mal condition Hoods Sarsaparilla al ways seems to cleanse the blood and we hold it in verj high esteem as a blood purifier P M Buchanan Esq Rochester Ind Alter a Firo Itemcmlier That in a serious burn as soon as the fire is extinguished the clothing must be removed That if not already thoroughly wet the injured part should be drenched with water and the clothes cut away That everything must be sacrificed to get them off without pulling as the slightest dragging may bring the skin too That if patches of clothing adhere and will not drop off they must be allowed to remain for a time That in case of fire and severe burns much can be done to relieve the suf ferer before the arrival of a physician That cloths should be dipped in a thick solution of common baking soda in water and laid over the burned sur face bandaging them over lightly to keep them in place That as soon as a dry spot appears on this dressing it must be wet with the soda and water by squeezing some on it and there will be no smarting while it is saturated and the air is excluded That if a rubber sheet is not at hand a piece of thin oilcloth a gossamer cloak or any water proof article should be spread on the bed with a blanket over It to receive the sufferer By using Halls Hair lienewer gray faded or discolored hair assumes the nat ural color of youth and grows luxuriant and strong pleasing everybody Removed His Adams Apple An exceedingly rare and delicate op eration was performed last week at the Bridgeport Hospital on the throat of Earl S Wood an old resident of the city in the hope of prolonging his life The operation consisted of the removal of Adams apple from the throat The operation was necessitated by the growth of a tumor on the larynx which although it was discovered less than two weeks ago developed with won derful rapidity and had it not been re moved would in the course of less than six months have resulted in the death of the patient The operation was suc cessful but Mr Wood will be perma nently deprived of the power of speech When bilious or costive eat a Cascarot candy c hurtle cure guaranteed 10c 25c The Hardest of Cements The hardest of all cements is that known as Portland cement which wlien hardened attains the appearance and properties of the celebrated Portland stone from which the most magnificent structures in England have been erec ted It was invented in 1824 by Joseph Aspden a mason of Leeds Doses Ono Dollar is true only ot Hoods Sarsa parilla It Is economy to get Hoods when you need a Wood purifier and nerve tonic because Sarsaparilla Is the best in fact tbe One True Blood Purifier tiUUU b trUlS cm Liver Ills easy to take easy to operate 25c CURE YOURSELF oUKKx I tr uii it rialto5dajs j discharges inflammations not n rlTr ulcerations rau won arfra3 ATHEEVANSCHEUIcaCo gent or poisonous kCINCINNATIO f Hold by rainriste pr Bent in plain wrapper by express prepaid for Slm nrlKnttln J V circular sent on request fUJAltTEH OF CKXTURY OLD iWgWATERPRQOF I Rot affected txr CBH oRDST nor RATTIE Outlast tin or iron wr c Snbatitute for Plaster on -trails vLierProof Sheathing of same material the 55 f KeJln the marker Writeior sampletetc Tho FAY gJLXILLi KOOHSQ CO CJLMSs3 faf Best Court BjTup Tactcs Good Uae H LET US ALL LaUGH JOKES FROM THE PENS OF VARIOUS HUMORISTS Pleasant Incidents Occurring the World Over Sayings that Are Cheer ful to Old or Yoiinir Funny Selections that You Will Enjoy Changed a G rcat Deal Mrs Dearborn Do yon think Mrs Wabash has changed much since you saw her last Mrs La Salle Well I should rather say she had Shes been divorced five times Yonkers Statesman Hopeful Indication Mrs Elmore And you think your daughter Ethel has literary inclina tions you say Mrs Eastside Oh Im sure of it You ought to see how interested she is in making a collection of poster girl post ers Buffalo Times Ieiiiarlaljle Confidence She It is remarkable what confi dence that Mrs Storms has in her hus band Believes everything he says He Well why shouldnt she Why man hes a clerk in the weath er bureau Youkers Statesman On Broadway Lills Those sandwich men are very superstitious arent they Mills I dont know that they are Why Lills Nothing only I notice that they are completely wrapped up in signs New York Journal Perfcctlv True Mamma I saw Gapt Flasher kiss you in the conservatory Mabel How could you let him go so far Mabel Well I couldnt let him come much nearer Half Holiday The One vxception 14 s v WB t V L 1 M J7 V H tS 1 Bin Wl ui i j tol f N Jqi AC Yanclove Why were you expelled from the Womens Professional League Mrs Closemouth I knew a secret and kept it Forewarned Walker I come sir to ask you for your daughters hand Mr Windy Well young man before going any further 1 may as well inform you that her hand is the least expensive thing about her Philadelphia North American Kin Usual Quantity Waiter Have a finger bo wl Col Cocktayle of Kentucky Yes suh about a three linger bowl if you please suh Washington Post Recular Rates Why are you looking so glum ask ed the first author of the second I sent a manuscript to a measly edit or marked at your regular rates and he sent it back with a schedule of his advertising prices Town Topics Responsible for Him Mother To think that my little Ethel should have spoken so impertinently to papa to day at dinner She never hears me talk in that way to him Ethel stoutly Well but you choos ed him I didnt Standard Their Hired Girl Hicks The Bible says Whosoever will be chief among you let him be your servant Wicks It is evident from that that our maid knows her place perfectly Boston Transcript A True Lnvc Mo ten Estelle I am sure that theirs is a true love match Myrtylla Why Estelle Because both the bride and groom feel certain that they are marry ing above their position Truth Great Inventor Whom do you consider the greatest inventor of the times asked one woman My husband replied the other proudly Why I didnt know he ever invented anything You should hear the excuses he gives for coming home at 2 in the morning Comic Cuts Her Preference Is W ife mm U V tf 1 7 XT A fc gyyww tj J fkVrtuvvr if jT -- a u rwm ra v 1 1 iWIi a aaeK i WW y ii id tJUV 1 Wmn 1 W iZj ill Bf I may bring home a friend to night dear Do you mind Ko Its better than beimj brought bom by one Truth Hie Knew His Mamn Fond father If poor papa were to die youd have no papa Little American Oh yes I would Mamma would mighty soon get me an other The Sketch Cured ilim Mother You say your husband no longer spends his evenings at the clubs Daughter I soon broke him of that How did you manage it Before going to bed I put two easj chairs together by the parlor fire and then held a match to a cigar until the room got a faint odor of smoke Pear sons Weekly ufficient w A a r A s mJML k l He Dont you sing The Maidens Prayer She Why yes that is why we had tc move from the other flat At the Kloostockinjr Cluh Miss Fitts Yes it is actually true that modern husbands treat their wives like dogs Miss Gritts Indeed In what re spect Miss Fitts Well the husbands make their wives sit up for them dont they New York Journal Not Wlmt lie Expected He Would it make you very sad if I should tell you I was going to marry some one else She who doesnt show the desired anxiety about accepting him It would Jack if tlie girl were a very near and dear friend of mine Bay City Chat Slightly Different Miss Sharpe I celebrate my 2 lth birthday to morrow Miss Oldage Indeed And isnt it singular So do I Miss Sharpe Oh but I celebrate mine for the first time Tit Bits Very Natural Madge I notice in reading that novel of the British lord and the American heiress that you began at the marriage in the middle of the book and then rea back through the lovemaking Mazie Certainly Everybody knows that is the way it happens in real life New York Journal Practical I am a plain man said Bloughly and I believe in being practical I love you and I want you to be my wife Well replied the fair one how much are you worth Philadelphia American Never Touched Him Miss Scraggs Yes once when I was out alone on a dark night I saw a man and oh my goodness how I ran And did you catch him Miss Scraggs New York Tribune Great Plnce for Consumptlve3 - lay If JMferio 0ML rM3 mk v IMWtpllf Yes sir this here limestone gulch is a great place for consumptives Last year a young fellow came here when he weighed just 85 pounds When his folks came after him he weighed just 449 pounds Consumptive Heavens Howd he do it Petrified Up-to-Date Distractions of Ieislation Have you been able to catch tne speakers eye asked the first lady member of parliament Have I rejoined the second M P Well rather I wore my navy blue bengaliue with the heliotrope sleeves and the speaker couldnt keep his eyes off me Pearsons Weekly fitraneer than Fiction Kidder coming out of the telephone box I just had a terrible shock Gulling Why its clear outside theres no lightning What do you mean Kidder The girl at the central office didnt say the line was busy Cleveland Leader Fxchanxrc of Corapliruentp I see that you are your own washer woman said Mrs Spitely who was leading her poodle past the place Yes retorted Mrs Snaply but thank goodness Im not reduced to playing nurse girl for a dog Detroit Free Press A Social Break Mrs E Peculiar how this influenza seems to attack ones weak spot Isnt it It affected Mrs know Bs eyes you Mr E Yes Jls strange in your case you know it went to your head Har lem Life JlrTiIiGA I iUU JAtfiiit UiyilTHE VOODSW F5EPJ CULLED AT COLFAX An Old Soldier Tells His Tale From the American Xcicark Ohio Mr William Winpigler was one of the early settlers of Jasper County Iowa Mini no man is better known in the vicinity of Colfax or more respected When the civil war was raging he took the field with his comrades of the Forty eighth Iowa and while serving his country contracted which assumed the chronic form and seemed to affect his entire body The following is his own account of his suffer ing ami cure Colfax Iowa July 31 1S9B I contracted rheumatism during iny anny service which I could not get rid of and it became worse and worse until I was able to do no labor whatever and eventually I thought I had not long to live as my heart was so affected I was in a very desponding condition as my worldly affairs were going from bad to worse when in one of our papers I read of a man who described himself as having been even worse than I was1 and who had been cured by the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills I procured some and 1 had not taken the contents of one box when my heart trouble disappeared but I continued to take the pills and soon found my rheumatism was being rapidly cured 1 no longer suffer any rheumatic pain and I think my cure was a wonderful one after all those years of suffering I have recommended them to everyone af llicted as J was and the result is that all the drug stores in Colfax now keep them and sell a great many and others have been benefited as I was For a man of my age I am 70 I am as active as I can be more so perhaps than many younger persons who never were crippled with rheumatism The above is a true state ment of fact WM WINPIGLER Subscribed and sworn to before me a Notary Public in and for the County of Jasper and State of Iowa this 3d day of August 1S9G P H CRAGAN Notary Public Witness C W HARPER Dr Williams Pink Pills contain in a condensed form all the elements neces sary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia partial paralysis St Vitus dance sciatica neuralgia rheuma tism nervous headache the after effect of la grippe palpitation of the heart pale and sallow complexions all forms of weakness either in male or female Pink Pills are sold by all dealers or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price 50 cents a box or six boxes for JjiioO they are never sold in bulk or by the 100 by ad dressing Dr Williams Medicine Com pany Schenectady N Y A Curious Accident A curious accident occurred recently at Calais France It appears that while a huge boiler was being drawn through the streets by sixteen horses the up per portion of it came in contact with overhead electric light wires breaking them Some of the wires caught on the boiler and the framework of the truck and in an instant all the hordes were knocked down Several of them were killed The men engaged in trans porting the boiler received violent shocks from the effects of which some of them died The accident caused consternation among the onlookers New Line to Washington D C The Monon lias established a new through sleeping car route between Chi cago and Washington D C by way of Cincinnati via Monon C H D B O S W and B O Railways The sleeper is ready for occupancy in Dear born station at 9 p m and leaves at 245 a m daily arriving et Washington at 047 the following morning Schedule in effect Jan 24 As the sleeper goes through without change and the hours of leaving and ar riving are most convenient this will prove altogetni the most comfortable as well as the most pieuresque route to the na tional capital City ticket office 232 Olark street Depot Dearborn station Photographers Swarm in Cuba Cuba in the midst of the war that is raging there is the paradise of photog raphers The filibustering expeditions which are reported a landing almost daily in the immediate vicinity of Ha vana seem to consist mainly of ama teur photographers There are photo graph galleries every half mile along the Spanish trocha HowsThis We offer One Hundroil Dollars Reward for Ally case of catarrh that cannot be curel by tubing Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O Wo tbe undersigned have known F J Cheney ior the last fifteen years and believe hicn per fectly honorable In all business transactions md financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm West Truax Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Valdlng Kinnan Marvin Wholesale Drug gists Toledo Ohio Halls Catarrh Curo is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces o the system Price 75o per bottle Sold by all Drucsists Millions liying Idle in India An authority computes that 1350 000000 is the amount of money lying idle in India in the shape of hoards or ornaments In Amritsar a Punjab city there are jewels to the value of 10000000 A wealthy jewel merchant of Benares has it is said always a sstock worth 5000000 on hand THAT SPLENDID COFFEE Mr Goodman Williams County III writes us From one package Salzer German Coffee Berry I grew 300 pounds of better coffee than I can bu in stores at 30 cents a pound A package of this and big seed earn logue is sent you by John A Salze Seed Co La Crosse Wis upon receipt of 15 stamps and this notice The Oldest Doll in America Mrs H O Brown of Reading Mass is the possessor of the oldest doll to be found in the country The doll is 171 years old and was brought to Salem Mass by an old sea captain on a re- turn voyage from Canton China It is an odd little creature and is dressed in Louis XIV style Ragged Top From Sioux City is direct over the North western Line and Deadwood Further in formation at Northwestern office Securitv Bank Building or on application to H C Chej ney General Agent Sioux City Iowa Germany grows nearly all the hops needed in the manufacture of beer so there were imported into that country last year from the United States only 1115 pounds valued at 111 Jcbt try 10c box of CoicreU easily cathMtlc no Mt llTer and bowJ rwnfiaor minis i Hatches Chickens from liens eggs It is 10x15x8 Inches will hatch 28 eggs Price 0 Write to Mr Oeo II STAiiuMfr QuincyIHfor a copy of ids booklet C describing the Wooden Hen and also large catalogue Uoth bent free Nobody but a married mau can un derstand why women like to wear such pretty clothes where people cant see them for Fifty Cents Over 400000 cured Wh not lot retaliate or removo your desire fir tobacco Sure m nipy makes health and m nhood Cura juar need 50c and 1 all aruiilsti When Dume fell in love his friends became aware of the fact by his sport ing a rose in his buttonhole For lung and chest diseases Pisos Cure is the best medicine we have used Mrs J L Northcott Windsor Out Canada The most a nightgown ever has is tucks but a slumber robe has laee and other things oascarets stimuate lver klrinejs and bowels Nev er sicken weaken or gripe 10a The man whose friends all say he has a big heart is often niggardly with his family iloatiiiK Boraxl now the only pare noatlnt foap made Uesuro Bobbins Soap Mfjj Co 1lilla Is oil wry wrapper and cake Ask jour grocer for it R trappcro So chapped nanus tuthnoublui Wives seldom know havent got a good thing fl j i Youll find out what when they Mrs WlnalowB SooTniNo Syhup for Children teething softens the Ktncs renuceH inflammation allaK i ain cure wind colic 25 cents a bottle ST JACOB fAm lim ur it a 527 W ffl 91 1 si lilllUli HisIlIc Is Pnro Pure milk is inun d to the Inhnb itauts of Havana by the milkman bringing his cows with hhn and draw ing off at each house the amonut re quired To Get Out of the War When trouble Is coming Is oliVloualy tli part of common sene An obstruction ot the bowels is si mtIouh obHtack to litflltb To gut this out of the way 1 an easy HMttter with the thorough laxatlv Tltfsfetters Stomach Hitter which although it nfTords relief never gripes and convulses llk a drastic purgative Dyspeosla melarlul kidney and rheumatic ailments nnd riorrous a ess yield to this gonial family medicine liunson amazed Ttat your uncle Why you told me your uncle had both his legs carried away at Sedan Uni son So he did He carried thein away himself pretty fast I tell you Iowa farms for sale on crop payments 10 pur cent cash balance A crop yearly until naid for J MULIIALU Waukecan 111 There are in this country 31000000 acres annually sown in wheat J FARM Salirr Sel are Warranlril to Iroifurr John Kreldor Mishicott Tfli at uliie Ii1 world with a yield of liJbu of illver KlnsrBarley peracro Hon t you bole K Just write him In order toain In 197 00000 new customers we tend on trial ilO OrrICH WORTH FOR lOc 1 iikics of new and rare farm seed InclnilP 1 lovo Burl y Tco dntc Giant San i etch luc licit ana other p Ulvely worth 110 to get atartall postpaid iiHludins ouritrpat eed catalog for 10i ljiriot growers of farm seeds ami poa oeft in the world 55 earlier refutable sCdSl Catalog tell C N TJ Cnrod1 about It Olidly m Ka gJOi ltf liujrow n his notice Hu H rfr 23 Ei JiA 5 97 i Youll find out wliat they are you use crutches is when you put the crutches away completely cured ftJr HfiMiXjlwrffc rT ft 1 ft i T HI ffi ii flfl Qif dK OOOOOQ Y CATI1APTI6 j I 10 I 25 50 JqlKr WBEsA wHf yrj K5 9 aCw - JTcTS Hkwi Hk a8r51iMss ALL DRUGGISTS ABSOLUTELY GUAMHTEED lrSS tire nerer crip or sriDe lint cause easy ntnral results Sam pie and boolilet free Ad STERLING REMEDY CO Chicago Soatrcal Can orXorr Tort ai J r S DIRECTION I tor umH 1 JLn 1 lx Stick to the Directions if you want to get the most good out of Pearline Otherwise youll be putting in too much and wasting the and calling it expensive Or you won t put in enough and so you wont get as much help from it as you expected and youll have to do more work Directions on every package for hot and cold water washing with and without These simple easy directions - have revolu ionized the work 01 washing 5 yiitf y s Fearune if fWmwrrWr Jf A venerable old lady whose home Is ia St Louis relates Same time ago I started to use UM8e SsM 11 1 a j v pt te surcenion of my son who advised me to try them I take one Tabple after etch racal and can now look forward to meal time with a pleasure which I have not csiisneucea ior years idc ataiatuauMi uj v in ihr past and the accumulation ot xases upon mv bioniatu uc uBanui acd these improvements 1 attribute to Ripans Tabnles For m re than twelve years I suffered from indigestion and nervous dyspepsia I suffered intecsety duriug that time and spznt large sums of money ia the employment o fct iois ui ir Vi r1If oftonicrf was onlv temporary 1 had bcnun to rive up al thoughts of ever being penaanestly cuxrd but port my oaly regret is that a knowledge of Ripacs Tabules came to rae so late ia Lie Bear in Mind that The Gods Help Those Who Help Themselves Self Help Should Teach You to Use at Mb POLIO