The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, January 21, 1897, Image 7
IV4 k t W i I i l l V f ri r r 1 r r lw w B fo It ha rsr s ij M i rA IT If u tf i 9 fc COVEEED WITH SORES I FACE AND ft r s fl S iSysSrCS IIPI SJBraf mm m m II J JISaS 2 ta 1 to 5 dri I Qarantced VI fz rr l Dot to stristurr tzHlnnutt contigioa vo fjp THROAT VERE FECTED IP ggMIs iJdodH Famnparilla Curco DJBcase Completely Eradicated by This Great Medicine The fact that Iloods Sarsaparllla has power to cure a great variety of dis eases is due to its peculiar combination proportion and process which enables it thoroughly to purify -the blood A great variety of diseases are caused by impurities in the blood and it is by re moving these impurities that Hoods Sarsaparllla strikes at the root of the disease and effects a positive cure where other medicines only relieve the symptoms Hoods Sarsaparilla has done a great good In my family My wifes throat was in a terrible condition being cov ered all over with sores The roof of her mouth was also affected and there was a hole in the right side of her tongue Hr lower lip was in a bad condition and her Whole Body Was Covered with red blotches Some of the leading doctors prescribed for her and she was under their treatment for some time without benefit 1 did not know what to do next but finally resolved to try Hoods Sarsaparilla and I believe if she had not begun the use of this medicine she would now be beyond the reach of any remedj The first bottle of Hoods Sarsaparilla did not seem to do much - good but before the second was gone she was cured She has taken three bottles in order completely to eradicate the disease and she never felt better in her life than she does at the present time I will never be without Hoods Sarsaparilla In my house I believe it has no superior as a medicine James H ONeil 4 133 Halstcd street Chicago 111 Ex Premier Crispi is undergoing a course of mud baths near Padua Be sides suffering from gout he Is afflicted with weakness of the spine and is like wise almost entirely blind From Sioux City is direct over the NortH 10c 10c G5 QUARTER OF CENTURY OLU smrGWATERPROGF Nrfd No RUST nor RATTLE Outlast tin or iron A Durable Substitute Tor Plahter on walls Water Proof lcatlilnc of tamo material the best Acheapestin the market Write for sampIeBeto Tho FAY MANILLA HOOFING CO CAJ1DENNJ C4KE YSURSELFI Umj ltig q for unnatural discharges inflammations IrnttlOnS Or ulrnroCnn f ucou8 racmbranea CfilTlna Mil n 2 ITHEEvANS ChEUICALCo gent or poisonous kCIHCHNATI0f 1 Sold by Dracrcisfs or sent in plain vrnrper oy express prepaid for Olm or 3 bottles 275 Circular seat on reQuest CUTLERS POCKET INHALER LIFE LIFE Catarrh lnctplent con sumption and bronchi- lis can oo cared id 3 m iler bj 112 CUHfS WHfHF 411 FlfSfAllS Best CouRh Syrup Tastes Good Ubo in tima Sold br drnnzisr mouths time by our course 01 treatment W H SMITH PATENTS TRADE MARKS Examination and uKlce as to Patentability ot Inven tions Send for Inventors Guide oh How to Get a PATENT Patrick OFsirrell Washington OC ALCOHOLS MANY USES Many Manufacturers Find It an In dispensable Article The Investigation now being made b Congress In regard to the use of alco hol in the arts has brought to light many Interesting facts This drug so favorably considered as an ingredient of beverages is employed in a surpris ing variety of manufactures The hat you wear is stiffened with shellac that has been dissolved in alcohol for the purpose The preparation of the silk Tor jour wifes dress to remove the gum from the fHire has required the aid of alcohol The contents of the bottle of cologne on your daughters dressing table are almost pure alcohol Your own cigars and smoking tobacco are flavored with alcoholic solutions known in the trade as sauces If you take a quinine pill you may not forget that this and other vegetable alkaloids are obtained by processes involving the utilization of alcohol Nearly all medicinal preparations con tain more or less alcohol The drug in deed is the prime essential of phar macy Those blessings to mankind chloroform and ether are manufac tured with the help of alcohol Var nishes lacquers and enamels are nearly pure alcohol Quick drying paints con tain a lot of it and certain brands of soaps are made transparent by the al cohol which removes impurities Ani line dyes depend for their production upon alcohol and so does collodion which is largely employed in photog raphy and for other purposes The same is true of gunpowders and this is one reason why the government has been buying smokeless powder abroad because over there -the alcohol used in making the stuff is not taxed and the product is cheaper in consequence Al cohol is utilized in making gold beaters skin to float mariners compasses for separating quicksilver from other ores and to preserve tishes and other natural history objects REMARKA3LESEARCH FOR GOLD A Missouri Man Keeps a Force of Men Dijjcinjr for Bandits Plunder As long as the earth revolves on Its axis there will probably always be somebody digging for buried treasure neof the most remarkably interest- western Line and Deadwood Further in 0 im instances of this kind is that or a 1n rlIi wealthy St Joseph Mo grocer named Bank Building or on ar plication tin H u T1jJ nmrnnnnti Chcvuey G oikmsU AgeritToux CitylWa JhtL Krainbeuhl who for over a month - no5cbasSiatl a force of men at work Horseshoeing with Iron wisuriknpwu eartll at that locality in EiUgiaiiu uuia iuuwiuica aner me Norman conquest In TOGO Oust try a 10c iox ot Caarareta csaar catsrttc fin est llvur and bowel regulator Dade Tn the shape ot veal about 20000 calves went abroad in IS93 fSQGQ33S3S FOR 14 CENTS j We wlsb to train 100000 ulcaseil fei customers tn 1S87 and liencc otter 1 Pktr Bismark Cucumber 15c S 1 rkB Uotmd Globe licet 1 Earliest Carrot 31 Kaiser Wilhclm Lettuce I Earliest Melon 1 Giant Yellow Onion I 1 Dar Radish l3 llrllliant Floner Seeds Worth lO0 for- It cents Above 10 pkgs north Sl00 we will g mail yon free togothei with our gjj Treat plant ami sectl iiaUiloKUe upon rtc eipt of this notice nml lie post- Jg aire How can wo tlo It Uwante wi 2 want new customers and know ifyoti JJ U oucctry Salzcr s seed youll never vp Seer set alone without thrni 6 Catalogue atone 5c postajre C XQ joii suxii skkd to it ruoxRK Mie ra eSS3SSM33K3S3SQ3333eQg kiicpvrwj as Belmont Bend a mile north ofSL Joseph Krainbeuhl is a level headed tnkr aud it is the opinion of those who v know him that he would never engage n such an expensive un dertaking unrigs hewere certain of some reward ftvr his outlay In the autumn 0C 18SGfiO the story runs the old overland jage coach from the West was held 7p and robbed near Belmont Bend by ugaug of bandits A large amount offcold estimated at from 15000 to 30000 was carried on the trip and it was all capturedjby the robbers The men mad tlnliiCefS cape but a posse set -out after them Three of them were captured jvhilera fourth was shot dead while fleeing from his pursuers The robberifQiauV however secreted the money but not one of them would -tell where it was hidden It was generally believed that the plunder had been buried not far from the scene of the robbery The men were held for ten days with the hope that they would divulge the secret being promised their liberty if they would do so but they refused and the tiiree of them were strung up to a tree At intervals ever since the stage rob bery there has been digging in the bluffs at Belmont Bend but never so thoroughly and to such an extent as is now being done by Krainbeuhl Phrenology of the Horse Every horse carries an index to his temper and intelligence in his face The teachable tractable animal is broad and flat between the eyes the bony ridge of his face dishes slightly from the point where the face narrows toward the nostrils His ears are well set sensitive and far apart with a well defined ridge of bone extending across the top of the head between them Al ways feel for this ridge in judging a horse The eye should be large clear and bright with a prominent ridge of bone along the inner and upper edge 0 rhe socket Rusting of Iron The so called rusting of iron is simply its oxidation The chemists state that iron is very freely acted upon if at all by dry oxygen but most vigorously by moist air or exygen and moisture O Sweetness and Light i Put a pill in tbo pulpit if you -want practical preaching for tke physical man then put the pill in the pillory if it does not practise what it preaches Theres a whole gospel in Ayers Sugar Coated Pills a gospel of sweetness and light People used to value their physic as they did their religion by its bitterness The more bitter the dose the better the doctor Weve got over that We take sugar in ours gospel or physic now-a-days Its possible to please and to purge at the same time There may be power in a pleasant pill That is the gospel of Ayers Cathartic Pills More pill particulars in Ayers Curebook 100 pages Sent free J C Ayer Co IVowell Mass SH VF Qj B t OUGHT To J R JNO w Some Broili iJonts Dont broil over a fire at all if you can broil under it Dont try to broil over a low fire Dont try to broil over a smoky fire Dont put coal on the lire just before you have to use the gridiron Dont let the fat that drips from the steak or chops catch lire Dont leave the steak or chops on the stove if you have to quit the kitchen Dont leave the kitchen door open wThen you are broiling meat Dont take the tops oil the stove to broil unless you are willing to cool your ovens Dont forget that Is is better to broil a steak on a hot dry Trying pan than over a poor fire Philadelphia Times How to Make a Fire Screen An attractive as well as a very use ful gift is a fire screen The frame is made of pieces ofwood plainly painted in white Where the pieces cross they are cut away a little with a penknife mm 1 HIM IftPWi M I f FIRE SCREEN and a tiny nail put through them the final fastening being fine silk cord The center is a piece of brown denim the design being done in water colors It can be replaced by any other trans ferred by means of tracing paper The Bides are of pink silk gathered on a bar of wood brass veneered and pink bows are placed on the central from top and bottom Chicago Chronicle Miishxooin Snnce A mushroom sauce to serve witb filer of beef or a steak is made thus Put two tablespoonfuls of butter over the fire in a saucepan and stir into it two jftablespoonfuls of flour and cook until it has browned Gradually add one Jpint of rich stock a bay leaf and a blade of mace and season highly with salt and pepper Cover the pan and let the contents simmer half an hour and strain Add a tablespoonful of Madeira and one quarter of a pound of mush rooms that have been cut into small pieces to the strained sauce Let it cook ten minutes and it is ready to serve Cultivator Recipe for Hot Starch One tablespoonful of white starcn mixed smoothly with two tablespoon fuls of cold water half a teaspoonful of borax dissolved in a little boiling water and drop in half an inch of wax candle Pour in boiling water and stir continually until the required thickness of starch is obtained Brief Hints Keep on hand some long handled spoons so as to be able to stir food without toasting the face Meat and fish should be removed from paper as soon as received The paper absorbs the juices Use bits of stale bread for croutons Cut them in small dice and brown in the oven Serve hot wren soup To keep yolks of eggs fresh after whites have been used set aside in a cup with a little water over the sur face To polish windows in freezing weath er pour on a damp cloth a little kero sene rub them and dry with soft paper polish with a clean soft towel Never put potatoes on the dinner ta ble in a closed dish The moisture from the steam on the dish cover runs back into the dish and makes the potatoes sodden Encourage the young people to or ganize singing schools and literary so cieties in every school district and the fickle attractions of the town will lose their charm Beautiful finely woven large round baskets now come cheap and after be ing gilded and painted a delicate coloi are exceedingly pretty for holding palms or large plants To remove varnish and paint stains they may first be covered with butter or swreet oil and then rubbed with tur pentine A little chloroform will then take out any grease stains Rural TTorld Varieties of Sponges There are many different sorts of sponges Some of them inhabit our own coast some live in fresh water but the very finest specimens are found in the tropical waters of the Indian ocean the Mediterranean and in the waters of the West Indies The most valuable specimens are found -at some depth below the surface and are only obtained by diving They anchor themselves to any good holding ground tirat may be convenientsuch as 0ral or a jutting rock Coiresmcu on Wheels Gne Terry Simpson is going buck to Congress it is recalled that ne was the vevylHst Representative to throw dignity to the winds and to appear sailing down Pennsylvania avenue on a bicycle The gay exhilaration which was apparent in his countenance every morning as he reined up his steel steed in front of the Capitol quickly made the example contagious and Con gressman Tom Johnson single taxer and free trader was the next to brave public opinion This broke the ice and so many of them use the wheel row on the streets of the Capital City that no one keeps any tcack ol the new members who are learning from time to time It is said however that Un cle Joe Cannon Senator Chandler and a good many other have never had the bravely to try to ride the bicyrlo when they are - ome during the sum mers shaking hands with their con stituents Walter Baker Co of Dorchester Mass U S A have given years of study to the skillful preparation of cocoa and chocolate and have devised machin ery and systems peculiar to their methods of treatment whereby the purity palata bility and highest nutrient characteristics are retained Their preparations are known the world over and have received the highest indorsements from the medical practitioner the nurse and the intelligent housekeeper and caterer There is hardly any food product which may be so exten sively used in the household in combina tion with other foods as cocoa and choco late but here again we urge the impor tance of purity and nutrient value and these important points we feel sure may be relied upon in Bakers Cocoa and Choc olate Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette HMbmtwaj Tho People of the Rocks In thp northern pait of Madagascar is the most remarkable natural fortress in the world It is occuped by a wild tribe who call themselves the people of the rocks The fortress is a lofty and precipitous rock of enormcHjs size 1000 feet high and eight square -miles in area Its sides are so steep that it cannot be climbed without artificial moans Within it is hollow and th only entrance is by a subterranean pas sage 1607 BU POTATOES PER ACRF Dont believe it nor did the editoi antil he saw Salzers great farm seed catalogue Its wonderful what an ar ray of facts and figures and new things and big yields and great mnninle if lAnfoIno Send This Notice and 10 Cents Stamp to John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis for catalogue and 12 rare farn eed samples worth 10 to get a start Oldest English Firm One of the oldest if not the oldest English firms is that of Richardson leather manufacturers of The predecessors of this firm were leather sellers to the monastery of St Hilda which was dis established at the time of the reformation and this can be proved from contemporary rec ords Catarrh Cant Io Cured With LOCAL AMPLICATIONS tis they ennno reach tho seat of tho disease Catarrh is a blooc or constitutional disease and in order to cure 1 you havo to take internal remedies Halls Ca tarrh Curo is taken internally and acts dirccMj on the blood and mucous surfaces Halls Ca tarrh Curo is no quack medicine It -was pro scribed by one of tho best physioians in this country for years and Is a regular proscription It is composed of tho beat tonics known com bined -with the best blood purifiers acting di rectly on the mucous surfaces The perfect combination of tho two ingrediouts is what produces such wonderful results in curing ca tairh Send for tofatimonials free F J CHENEY CO Props Toledo Ohio Sold by druggists price 75e A young New Yorker who within the last few years has almost entirely dissipated a large fortune left him by his father has settled down and gone into business for himself He has takei desk room in an office down town and his business card reads Real estate and merchandise broker Any old tiling bought and sold Money to loan some times Spring Planting It is none too early to be planning for next springs vegetable garden and flower beds The first thing to do is to get a re liable catalogue of seeds and plants Vicks Floral Guide published at Roches ter N Y so well known for nearly fifty years is the one to send for The cost for catalogue and a package of seeds is only 15 cents See advertisement which has many attractive offers Amiable is the adjective which sticks to President Faure every pres ident save one having had his own peculiar epithet Thiers was un grand homme politique McMahon un gallant homme Grevy was habile Carnot un brave homme Cassimir Perier alone was not long enough in office to acquire his adjective though he received abuse from the radical press for Fifty Cents Over 400000 cured Whv not lot regulate or remove your desire for tobacco Saves nuney makes health and manhood Cur guaninieed 50c and 1 all druggists Some excitement has been occasioned by the action of the trustees of the Bos ton Library in discharging ten of the oldest employes One has been In the library thirty seven years and the rest twenty or more Thin or gray hair and bald heads so dis pleasing to many people as marks of age may be averted for a long time by using Hairs Ilair Renewer The Dallas News says that the bride was arrayed in a beautiful costume of cream That was all right she prob ably was a Deach Pisos Cure for Consumption has saved me large doctor bills C L Baker 4228 uegent oq Philadelphia Pa Dec 8 95 Dars so many hiils on de road ter heaven dat some folks misses de place entirely by buildin a railroad round em Atlanta Constitution cascabets Btimuate Uver kidneys and DowbIs Nev er sicfcen woafeen or jrne 10c Our farmers last year sent abroad 1224 bushels of flax seed and pocketed 1433 I Monument to n Horso A marble tombstone at Strathfield Save England murks the spot where t Copenhagen the chestnut horse ridden by the Duke of Wellington at Waterloo is buried The horse lived to be 2S years old The Irtvcrv of TUllonnneRH Is a pronounced yellow It Is vlsiblo In the rnuntenanqe anil eyeballs It Is accompanied with uneasiness beuoath the right ribs and shoulder blad pick headache nausea and irregularity of tin bowels To tho removal o each and all of these discomforts as well as their cause Ilo tetters Stomach Bitters Is admirably ad ipted This pre eminent family medicine alfo remedies malarial rheu matic and kidney complaints nervousness snd debility It promotes appetite and sleep You can make lots of headway some times by admitting you are wrong when you are not Life Wirsx bilious or costive eat a Cscarat candy ca thattic euro guaranteed 10 25c How time flies from the date on t which a man distinguishes himself Washington Post If you have ever U3ed Dobbins Electric during tie jl cars It has been sold you knoio that it in tin L e and purest family soap made If you havent u ied it afk your grocer for U nuw Dont take lmltaiou 1 here are lots of them Queen Margaret of Italy is a clever billiard player Mrs WlnnTovrB 8ooTnTna Sracp for Chllrtrra teetbiujf sotteng tlie Kiimj reaiues inllrmiiiatioa allas pain cure iid colic 25 csnt a liottlu i E ESBfSi Merit Is characteristic ot Hoods sanapsrliu and is manifested every day in lte remnrjui lo cures of catarrh rheumatism dyspepsia sTil 1161 Mb 2 Sarsaparilla Is tho Hest In fact tho One True Uiood IlirHler Hnnd Pillc act liarwonlomlv with 11UUU b flliiy Uood barsaparllia U5c ft 8 f3 ft IT TOWN 1IitpTT to tralo HP hi pfor mortcajrtd r nns 1 stdo B 3 1 H A i s our farm lu ual V 5 Frank 3 li 2a fa i BUn Grove 111 ENSIOPATENTSTCLAIIVIST JO N R I S WASHINGTON D G Ita Principal Zzanlntr tJ 8 Ptmloa Euria 3 rn in liu uar li adjudicating claims atty tiaa OPIISPSBTIROMKKMESS 6H H vCuiiCarclIolotaSODaTa NoParUU CuroDRJLSTEPHEMOUilJAJonoiklo 7ZttKsmX2AiJ2ivn S C N U - - - Oris it 1 07 VttltZXZ52Z2Z3Z2SBTC relief omfrwii aoinjio VJUUU O irtC X lviKMYiiMjI Sl StorelliCcv ujturrniliu Assure as winter comes WS vvTNoS fit i 1 tfl I B SS8 3 --5- 11 comes it comes to J fSORENESSgfJ cure f I As sure as PN1 ie ament 6oes i M - 1 w Standard Seed and Plant Oatalopie Coatalna aU thats Hew and Good Always KellaMe THE GUIDt - - One packet either Wontlcrfal Brancnimr Astor New dg fTQ and PTimVoL Ptn rnjr GorJr or lanr Choice mixed for 3 kS ana your OilOlCeJ Two packets 23c three packets 30c Pull retail price 45 eta SO VictB IUastrated MontWy afegasine which tells how to grow Plants Flowera and Vesetables and Is up to date on these subjects for 3 months the Golds and One packet of Eeeds named above for 25 eenta Every tonta poison sending an Order as above will receive a coupon good for 50 cents -worth of Seed free When ordering state where you tiQBVA AI srSJiSJsaaafc JAMES ViCKS SDKS ROCHESTER H Y I 25 so WaiSMSSI3 DauGsisrs r v ABSOLUTELY GUARAHTEED CUr any CSeof sIpatIon Cascarets arc the Heal Ira y auujl u umittHiuuu the never crip or jrripcbut cause easr natural reenlts Sara- IPjebooWet free Ad STERLING RE2IEDT CO Chicao Montreal Can orVYorfcT sn I The More You Say the Less People Remember31 Onev Word With You X T W T 3 t Walter baker Jos O - - t I fe i Breakfast Cocoa Because it is absolutely pure Because it is not made by the so called Dutch Process in which chemicals are used Because beans of the finest quality are used Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired the exquisite natural flavor and odor of the beans Because it is the most economical costing less than one cent a cup Be sure that you get the genuine article made by WALTER BAKER CO Ltd Dorchester Mass FatHhllnln d fiRn trW r t - r O- - z z z r l ii u ii mipM iMJIffl If f 11 u My complexion has improved and I feel like a new woman writes the wife of a prominent real estate agent of Philadelphia Not the new woman of the present fad but a rejuvenated and physically regenerated being- I write to thank you for these benefits They arc a result from the use of RiPANS TABULES A Iff u r