The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, January 14, 1897, Image 1
k fc t i L - - if m Ill i t THE VOL XI THIS AND THAT Cotnina Events Dance Jan 15 Farmers Institute Tan 23 SchooltHouse Bond Election Feb 5 tit Valentines Day Fob 14 Fur Coats at StinarTg Did you see the Camel at Stinards Vote for the school house bonds Feb 5th Mens Arcticsone dollar per pair at Straards A P Rowleyy of Kennedy was in town Tuesday Arthur Sawyer was in - town ifrom -Sparks Tuesday Prof Jos Wlsser was in town from Nenzel last Saturday D Stinard visited his farm east -of Port Niobrara Monday MarshalBray was in town again Tuesday and W9nt to Rosebud Prof John rmesher was in from Swan Lake on business Tuesday Semi annual examinations are being held in the public schools this week Geo Leanaugh returned from the 1 Gilman Hellar camp at Roaebud Friday Two more days of winter this week - Had a light fail of snow Tuesday and Wednesday J A Pike spent a couple of days this week in Lincoln and other east era villages Tom Bowers of Ainsworth was in town Tuesday night while on his way to Rosebud Jackson cBrayton -will commence moving into their new building the first of theweek Mrs Josle Frnsh has been -quite ill during the past week and is Tinder the care of physicians Tommy Garvey the jolly was over from Rosebud Friday but returned to the reservation Saturday J F Florentine of Wheaton 111 auditor for toe American Express -company was in towu mis wees Dont forget that the school house hond question will be up for final de cision on the fifth day of February Geo Leanaughs family have moved -from the Tate house on Edna street to the Steelo property just south of the jail Prof W Hooper one of Cherry countys prosperous farmers from north of town made this office a call last Sat urday Crookston camp of Modern Wood men will give a grand ball next Wed nesday night Everybody is invited to attend Protracted meetings are still being held at the Presbyterian church this week -with Revs Bassett and Moore vin the pulpit C R Watson has been repairing his windmill in the rear of the postoffice and now has his water works system in working order Miss Maggie Herring of Ainsworth who has been making her home with Rev O T Moore and wife is serious ly ill of typhoid fever One of Judge Townes first -official -acts was the issuance of a marriage lisence to F C Thompson and Miss Belle Brown of Simeon Owing to the ill health of his wife Commissioner Parker made the trip rfrora Wood Lake here daily coming up on No 25 and returning on No 26 Lost Monday night at the skating pond four bladed buckhorn knife valued on account of its associations Leave at this office and receive re gard jEugino French of Gordon was in town Tuesday and Wednesday morn- started for Rosebud with a couple -of horses which he will use while working for Gilman Hellar Geo Beers had the misfortune to break one of the rear springs on the Rosebud stage while making his trip to town Tuesday He made his trip as usual yesterday morning Jas H Ray returned Friday night from Omaha where he had been in a hospital for some time He ia consid erably improved iu health -but -is yet Trcry weak and needs niimh case VALENTINE To the Property Owners and Resi lient of Valentine You are hereby requited to -clean your lots and alleys of all filth manure etc Unless complied with at once legal action will be commenced By order of Board of Heath Dk Alfred Lewis President F Bullis bought the T W tfones farm of 162 -acres last week for 450 The farm is about 10 mie3 northwest of tow and the improve ments alone are worth that price Rev Moores sermon at the M E church last Sunday night seems to have created quite a sensation in cir cles outside the church Rev Moore is what the vulgarians and others call a corker Fred Horr who was employed by the Republican for several mouths as foreman left Friday night for Buffalo Gap Mr Horr made many friends while here who will wish him success in his new location Miss Mary Hurley who has been spending the Ohiistmas vacation with her relatives and friends in this city returned to Arabia Cherry county Saturday evpning to complete the re i maining six months of her school ONeill Sun A number of cattle belonging to the Pierce Mill company of Pierce died -Monday and Tuesday and others may yet perish as the 300 head had no shelter from the storm Deaths among stock in the country is also reported from around Pierce ONeill San M J Dolan of Yankton superin tendent of construction of the Indian school on the reservation was in town yesterday on business Mr Dolan is an exceedingly pleasant gentleman and gave the editor many facts con cerniug the school which will be pub lished later Tn pursuance of the call issued for a meeting to perfect arrangements for a farmers institute quite a number of Cherry county citizens met at J Wr Tuckers office Saturday and took the preliminary steps S H Perkins was elected chairman and J E Pettycrew secretary The next meeting will be held Saturday Jan 23 at 1 p m One of the most useful reference works that has ever come to our desk is the Nebraska State Journal Alma nac and encyclopedia for 1897 It is full of facts and figures the election statistics for the state of Nebraska being especially valuable It contains facts relative to everything you want to know andis dirt cheap at 25 cents The medicine show closed its -doors last night and journeyed on towards the setting sun in search of greened fields and bigger suckers Just who the afflicted are in -Gordon who were miraculously healed we did not learn but we never knew a eoncern to go a fishing for sucKers that they did not catch a liberal haul Gordon Journal Several citizens attended the concert at Gordon Hall Fort Niobrara last Friday evening C G Adams appear ed for the last time before a western audience in a clarinet solo from H Travatore Mj Adams is an expert performer on his favorite instrument and the Twelfth Infantry band and orchestra will lose a valuable member when he leaves for his home in Bos ton Sunday morning Sheriff Essex accompanied by his wife and Sheriff Hamilton of Holt county left for Lincoln on last Friday morning to convey his prisoners Cat ron Plenty Bird and Granger to the penitentiary The attorneys for the three named criminals Tiled motions for new trials in each case but were overruled The attorneys then signi fied their intention to take their cases to the supreme court on -error Rush ville Standard Died At his home in Hay Springs this morning at 540 from paralytic stroke Geo H Rhodes He was al ways an excellent citizen and the Staudard extends to his bereaved family its deepest sympathy ville Standard The deceased was a member of the Knight Templer degree of Masonry and our townsman and brother Knight W T Kincaid attended the funeral at Rushville Sunday in company with about 80 members of the lodge from Chadron who went to Rushville in a bpecia team Published for JFtmx Yeaxs a CHERRY COUNTlY INDEPENDENT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ho J a an Adjourned Meeting and Considerable Business ASSESSORS NAME v PBKPINCT A C Boiling Springs Alex Iiiur BuffaluLake W F Morgareidge Cleveland J W Daniels DeweyLake C O Davis Enlow Charles llottman - Georgia II Porath Jerman - AMkl tl t M woodward lrwiuj Dull Howluy - Kennedy mounts bowier ivewanee G A Wagoner - Lavaca l S lUmechf Loup US Johusou Mother Lake P W Pruden Merrinian iesln Wilson Minneeliaduza iulward Satterlee Nenzel John Saul Pleasant Hill Herman Sehnltz Sharps Ranch H F Barker Sparks Edward rmeahtir Schlagle CFLong Steeii - Table John iunn valeunnoi E j Valentine Wood Lake O VKRSEER I11G H WAYS AME WIST NAMK DJST useiii nuusun o utn ciiviiia - I HSearbv 5 -Albert Nenzel c Ed S Hanks 7 MT Itichardson g1 E E Crane 9 G H Fdlsom v10 HI 1 am McNamee 15 HuehAloue JlU J K Hook 17 wuiiani IanoisKy iv Matt House 21 S B Downing S2 John Ormeslier 23 Markltichar0son28 Jacob Byistra 29 Geo N Davie 30 AM Levee 31 GM Trailer 63 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Hugh Boyer ltobt Biuce uod Lake AG Shaw Valentine A Benson Wood Lake M BTrussell Pleasant Hill A LKoseberry I Buffalo Lake GUFolsom I Merritnan John Foter Kewjvueo hii Perkins - an e Henrv Hucaii constable avaca urect Giliapie Geo H Sheik constable Pleasant Hill prect Dan Alder constable Mernman prect Henry Eazey Dept Sheriff E M Watcoti county attorney There being a vacancy in the office of county judge- owing to the resigna tion -of P VI Walcott on motion the board after several ballots unanimous ly agreed upou the name of R Towne and he was duly declared ap pointed to fill said office for the unex pired term On motion j Commissioner AV A Parker was appointed brand commis sioner in place of M Duuham whose term of office had expired Whereupon the board adjourned to January 1S97 January 1897 Board- met pursuant to adjournment Present Max E Viertel Chairman P Sullivan W A Parker On motion the following claims for services of -road overseers were audi ted allowed and warrants ordered drawn on General Road Fund in pay ment ofisame DIST AMI Hiram McNamee 15 52 00 OC Goodrich 8 1800 Jacob Byistra 29 1600 J It Lee 14 00 A C Kieraenschneider 7 27 00 ru K OrtlUG 9 12 Wj John B Lord 30 1100 William Foster 2 2100 John Ormesher 25 25 00 F GReece 26 7 00 Le Roy Leach 31 1500 JohnGroomsSr 52 2400 JT Galloway 19 2300 Albert Nenzel G 15 00 Arthur Heath 16 15 00 PaulNeilsen 13 15 00 On motion the following claims were allowed on bridge fund Felix Nollette repairing Berry bridgo Thos Fowler H Grooms Lewis Archer lhos Ashburn Will 4 rcher Win Kostor J RLeb bridge material F J lteece bricge repairs F S Yanish bridge paiutiHg S5 25 400 400 125 5 15 200 440 830 10 50 800 On motiou the following amounts were deducted from claims allowed and applied on delinquent personal taxes DEDUCTED WRNT FKYamsh 3 86 4 14 FG Reei e 13C9 381 John Ormesher 5 82 1910 W i lliam Foster 22 42 2 AS Thos Fowler 400 H Grooms 400 Thomas Ashburu 5 25 John B Lord 1100 AC Kieminsehueider 1 go James Ghilders 25 40 Ja ob Byistra 6 42 n S Hiram McNamee 171 2520 OCGoodnch 1300 LeKoy 1 each 300 1200 John Grooms 20t 2104 J TGalloway 1050 1250 Albert Neuzel 890 G 10 Arthur Heath isoo J K Lee aaos EE Crane 1200 Thereupon the board adjourned to January Sba 1897 jjj 1 rypr de Valentine Nebr Jan 6 97 Board of County Commissioners met as per adjournment Present M Dunham Ohairman P Huilivan Max E Viertel On motion the board with the couuty jlerk proceeded to the office of the r i county treasurer for the purpose ot checking up and making annual settle ment in which business they continued during the day January 7fh 1897 Board conveued pursuant toad jimrnmeut - Present Max E VierteU Chairman P Sullivan W A Parker On motion the resignation of F M Walcott as county judge was accepted On motion the following official bonds were approved DEMOCRAT January 9th 1897 Board met pursuant to adjournment Members present P Sullivan and W A Parker Ob motion the- following claims were allowed and warrants ordered drawn on generaiTrcail f und in pay ment of same OVKKSKKR DI3T AWT James Hudson i 908 JHRay 21 1600 riFnl50in 10 23 00 J ft Brown b 27 00 ADGallop 14 1650 Geo WTroffer 53 21 00 On motion the following amounts were deducted from claims on road fund and applied on delinquent per sonal taxes OVERHBEIt DEDUCTED James Rudion 89 00 WBNT G H Foloin 65116 49 JHBfty 1124 3 76 JSWJfbwn 5 09 - 2191 AJXGallOP - 12 G7 3 83 iWrrofferv 115 19 85 On motion the official bond of W Vowne county judge was approved On motion the report of Co Supt for third and fourth quarter 1896 ap proved On motion the followins Dersona ciaimsrfcr taxes paid under protest wererejpcted John Caloud Geo H Seager and W G Ballard On motion the clerk was ordered to drWveash warrant on county treasurer for b452 m favor of J T Armstrong Supt Institute for Feeble Minded at Beatrice in payment of expense oi Cecil M Hutchinson an inmate from fJherry county On motion tha proposition of C H Cornell to rent to Cherry county the room in north east corner of court nonsenuiiding tor the use of the county judge at a rental of 8000 per year was accepted making a total tK80p00 yer year for county offices Otn motion the resignation of R P Gtirdon justice of the peace for gle precinct yas accepted On motion S M Woodward was ap pointed sheep inspector to take effect upon givingTproper bond Oh motion the following refunding orders were ordered drawn on county treasurer for taxes paid under protest Frank HiggiiiB school dist No 6 g rs WHCaiter Geo WMunnler 888 WmClarkson Schlajde n 1 j Joseph Wisser Nenzel m uwcujjwn win uuiu aujournea 10 a n jjye buimiu - 1 8i 7- - - ifAi - tnhiA vnn ni anr - - - v K Schwedersky constable Slurps Rancu prect -Our ieglslntors O P Billings representative from the 52nd district in the state legisla ture has introduced the following bibs House Roll Nio 2 to amend and re peal Sec -16 of Chap 80 Compiled Statutes of Nebraska providing that school land shall revert to the state on failure of lessor to pay interest H R No 57 to repeal sections 1 to 36 inclusiyi of Chap 2 entitled Russiau Thistles H R No 58 to amend and repeal Sec 127 of fChap 77 relating to a county treasurers deed for taxes Mr Billings has been appointed chairman of the committee on school lands and funds Senator Mutz introduced a resolu tion of sympathy for Cuba District Court Dates The following are the dates for the terms of court in the various counties of the 15th Judicial district for the year 1897 Holt Febl9Sept 30 Boyd June 1 Sept 14 Rock - March 15 Oct 25 Brown March 15 Oct 25 Keya May 25 Sept 21 Cherry May 25- Oct 18 Sheridan May 3 Oct 4 Dawes March 29 Nov 15 Bex Butte April 20 Nov 9 Sioux -April 13 Oct 25 Juries are called for one day than the above dates except in later Holt county where they are not wanted un til Feb 22 and Oct 4 Judge ver boldB court here this year Roil road Work The P E M V have a large force of men at work on Lake chaduza nuttincr on the ice needed for VALENTINE CHERRY -CO NEBRASA THURSDAY J ANTJART 14 1897 NO 51 THE BEST As well as the Cheapest of ev erything in the Grocery Diy Goods Boot or JShoe Hat or Cap line can always be had ef Davenport Where we are B their system east and west of here A At StettersOld Stand on Main Street chute will be constructed from the water to the top of the hill and the ice will be taken from Valentine by special trains east and by the regular freights west This work will give employment to a large number of men and several teams The company now has a force of employes and a station ary engine at work on the bridge across the Niobrara nver at this place and when they finish their work the bridge will be one of the staanchest i and safest -on the line of road VALENTINE Thadhei G ood Goods Fair Treatment Low Prices- are a few of the characterists of our store New Goods are constantly arriving DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best plaee in town to bujr fr6eh fruits and vegetables is at Pettycrewfi DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best place in town to buy cerios and confectionery is at PottycrewsS - - DIDNT YOU KNOW That the highest price for butter and eggs is always paid at Petty crews 2 If you didnt try him and you will QjjERRY QpUNTY QkUK Valentine Nebraska -Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative baektt ExchaBgeboughtrand sold upon good eecurilysolicited strsasaaate rates A - E SPARKS President SFA3EKS Cashier Who we are What we are CUV DRUG STO J H QU1GLEY PROP DEALER 1N DRUGS PAINTS VARNISH TOILET SBNIJJIIES MAIN STREET VALENTINE - NEBRASKA ANK OF VALENTIN C H CORN EIuli President 31 - XitGL80iCasx Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Wmnwacted Muys and Sells Domestic and Frein JEGceJutngtr Correspondents Chemical National Bank New Tors tf IrstNational BaakOasAs CITIZENS -MEAT MARKET WILL FURNISH - Fish Game Tender Steals Jucy Roasts Dry Salt Meafe and the finest line of Smoked Hams and Breaklast Bacsu ever sold in town CEO G SCHW9LM PROfc THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS Of the Choicest Brands Nebraska