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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1897)
lh n v i i I V 1 r I w l v X u i VOL XI r rt T r THIS AND THAT Com ina Events vnlcfitine Teachers Association Jan a Farmers Institute Jan 9 Tur Coats at Stinards Did you see the Camel at Stinards Mens Arctics one -dollar pen pair at Stinards Kb snow here How different down the road Jas Steadman of Pass was in town yesterday Prof John iNeiss spent STew Tears -day in town C H Cornell returned irom Omaha Tuesday morning -John Weir of near Aing worth was n town yesterday Sadie Tochet of Rosebud visited in town during the holidays Hiss Jessie Goukey of Rosebud is tvisitmg in town this week A number of business men are tak ing an invoice of stockon hand this week Ube soldier boys werein from the post on a practice march Tuesday -morning Rev Bassetfc is occupying Dr Evans houseon the westsideduring his stay in town The board of county commissioners was in session yesterday checking up the treasurer W P Alsip has been at Pine Ridge the past week looking after his brick contract theie Iean2fnerhas decided to -not re turn to Lincoln and will put in a few 1 weeks rusticating Geo Tracewelhwas in town yester day having 4just -recovered from an attack of the grip Receiver Pike of Valentine land office was in town a short time yester day Stuart Badger Mr and Mrs iEd Spencer went to Iowa last Satttrdar fGra two months - visit among relatives Alex M Charbonneau one of the large stockmen on the reservation was ia town Tuesday on business Jos Potraesil returned to Lincoln yesterday morning to resume jhis studies at the state university Geo Campbell of the Kemper Hundley McDonald Dry Goods Co St Joe was in town- astisuaHast week I Ed Calkins one of Gllman ifel lars men was in town Monday night having come over With a bunch of cat tie W T KineaM received word Friday night that his Bister Mrs Low had died at her home in Rloomington Illinois Mrs Dora Frizzel of Purdum has been visiting dtfring the past week at the home of her -uncle F K Bivens on Cherry street County Surveyor Tate was at Wood Lake last week laying out the town the exact boundaries of which have never been filed By this time his Satanic majesty must have a nice lot of paving material 1 on hand in thesliape of broken New Tear resolutions Major H H son who has been spending the holidays at -Fort Niobrara returned to his school in Minnesota yesterday P Anyone knowing the presentjalddtess of MRHairdin formerly of Green field Mo will confer a favor by send- ing same to this office Rev Bassett assisted by Rev Moore is holding a series of meetings at the Presbyterian church which are attracting considerable interest Mrs Bennett irwin returned from Omaha Saturday fright -and visited here until Her husband returned Tues day night Mrs Maty Antran returned to her home at Traer Iowa Tuesday morn ing after a two weeks visit with her parents Mr -and Mrs J W Tucker Dick Cook was over from the reser vation Monday night He assisted to bring over a btanch of Giirnan Cel lar cattle which will be dipped to Piercft To the Property Owtters an Resi dents of Valentine Tou are hereby requested to clean your lots and alleys of all filth manure etc Unless complied with at once legal action will be commenced By order of Board of Heath Dr Alfred Lewis President Miss Lillian Sfconer returned home Tuesday night having visited a couple of days in Osceola after attending the I state teachers association at Lincoln last week W A Parker came up from Wood Lake yesterday morning and returned in theeyening He will be here today to take up hie duties -as county com missioner Why -should you -use envelopes and paper unprinted or what is worse poorly printed when you can get first class job work done at this office at reasonable prices Mr and Mrs Sylvester Moon old Cherry county residents of Marshall town Iowa are in the city this week looking after their property interests and visiting old friends W D Sadler -special land inspector for Uncle Sam arrived from his home in Arkansas and has resumed his work here Mr Sadler is always a welcome visitor in Yalentine C K Brower returned Saturday night from Omaha and reports having had one solid week of unalloyed pleas ure He resumed his position as phar macist at iQuigleys Sunday morning Jack Ford of Omaha a clever light weight boxer stopped in town this week while on his way home from Lead He ia visiting his friend Charley Tflte and is a son of Pat Ford of Omaha To Lovers Tou will take notice that the sidewalks on North Cherry street have been repaired and you may hereafter promenade on this favqrate thoroughfare without danger to life or limb The -legislature is In session at Lin coln and the house was -organized by the election of J NVGaffin as speaker and iFJSMJlraeer chief clerk These two men are fully deserving of the honors shown them and competent to fill the positions George Fitzgerald -claiming to be the -champion boxer of Cherry county was in ONeill Tuesday He also claimed to have bested Charley Tate in a nine -round -go at Valentine on Christmas He Returned to his tooth ers ranch at Areadiathe same teNeill Stin A -good deal has been said about poor Mary Ellen Lease having her home sold under mortgage The fact is that she borrowed 1100 on a 700 piece of property never paid any interest and like thousands of others was tickled to death when the loan Company took it Atkinson Wdpde A E and C W Bennett tiame up from Simeon Tuesday and have been quartered at The Donoher A E Bennett starts for Las Vegas New Mexico hi the morning to spend the winter He has not yet decided on makidg the move a permafeut one still retaining his interests in this county It is reported that Hersey Co of Little Roc Ark are contemplating putting in a cattle ranch either in this county or hear Casper This firm is one of of the Strong ones financially and should theycoriclude to Ideate inj our midst they will be received with a warm weicdihe Chadfon Signal Recorder W A Pettycrew lias moYed into the room formerly occupied by J W Yeast and hdw has an opportunity to display his grocery stock to a -good advantage Mr Pettycrew how has a neat room and will be in a position to satisfy his numerous customers better than ever He still uses the tobm he formerfyoccupiedas a grocery fOT h tted store Married at the home of the propri etor of this paper yesterday Editor W N Skinner of the Springview HeTald t6 Miss Pearl McHenry of Bontsteel Judge Graves officiating the Gazette tenders its top shelf congrdlulatons to this worthy young counle knd wishes thetft a happy and prosperous l 1 jr i uiruirjjn uie v t i acted as groornsmaii Jhtit CfasHle and bridesmaid xfW supplied with an abundance from town January - February linrch April May -- June -- July August Sepfernber October November December T6fal er co will be and we mig t THE VALENTINE DE PnbIiAll forFiiir Years as CHERRY GOUNW INDEPENDENT VALENJINE 1 WW BWWW T IS THE BEST TOWN JNV THE GREAT STATE OF NEBRASKA has not lost faith in northwest Nelttas ka 188 persons having tiled on htirhe steads and 41 having bought Mid out right fiPom the government In all 24t proofs WTe meriVi Thife ft nH knch a n A Few Faqts WhicJi Prove Her itle to tlie Synopsis of Key Bxisius Interests aiicj Many Reoures There is no doubt about it at all the United States is the est conjntry on earth Hehraska is the best state in the cotintryj Cherry is the -biggest county and Valentine is the best town in the state There you have three distinct propositions and ThJ Deocba is ready to pull off its coat and fight fa maintain them even A the point of a pen The gauntlet is thrpwn down and none dare pick it up Let us suppose for aji instant that someone has taken issue -with that jpartof the last propositiouhich refers to Valentin What would its defenders say Qf qourae it is not to he supposed that our antagonist is a bigity jt must bea village of 800 to 1000 inhabit ants ell first we would say y v - Burjng the yeaf S96 Valentine j eeeked over -28500000 poiinds of freight from one railroad Then before the enemy could recover from e stupefactiqn into whieli this statement had thrown him we would come at him lotof facts Jie these Valentine is the county seat of county containing 5400 square miles it is the shipping point and nearest town to Fort Niobrara where Uncle Sam keeps a regiineab of his soldiers it is the shipBinjr poiut for the Eosebud Indian reservation which is with one exception tne largest in tne country it is toenomp ox a u Land Umce it is the location of a 17 S Signal Service station it has one of the largest flouring mills in the state two good substantial banks four general merchandise stores two groceriesnfe clothing store two meat mark ets three hardware stores one haitfes shop one jewelry store two millineiy stores three newspapers no more wanted four livery and feed stables three blacksmith shopsj three 4rug stores one cigar fac tory foar saloons one- billiard lialJ two jhotals and four restaurants two school buildings with five teaehWsj four churches and two resident pastors four lawyers three doctpfanda dentist If this did not ut terly annihilate our opponentwe 57onldtell him that North ast -and west of Yalenftueso me of the finest farming country ever made while on -the soufha hundreds of square miles of grazing country- where even now thousands of cattle horses and sheep yearly feed and make money fr their owners but theres room for thousands more we would probably dilate extensively upon the immense amount of water power which now gees to waste but which win soon De Harnessed ior r ne use or man4 auu oi now our city is - - - - ft M 3v LA1STD OFFICE BXJBtKESB FOR i896 MONTH ilOMSTEJtD CASH SALES HE PROOFS T C I Elitni Acres No Acres Nd Acres no7 3 18601 5 718 8 11 1727 6 80 3 480 6 13 142 2 45 21 2341 5 17 2555 3 161 10 1595 16 16 2515 4 185 11 1719 19 31 4789 3 r 161 6 960 16 18 2598 ttf 535 fc 960 15 16 2360 5 406 7 1114 8 15 2373 1 2 165 n 1760 q 17 2706 i 8 161 9 1439 9 14 1949 45- 4S2 8 1280 i2 11 1698 VB 47t 12 1896 10 188 28572lI7U8i ilH 16262130 u s iikkb office The laud office udesnt do the busi liess how-a-days that it used to 66 as hiay be seen by the accompanying table showing in part the work done in the yast year but Register C Tt Glover arid Receiver J A Fike are always on hand to take care of whatever turns np and ddupled with the work of tferk tew Btowhell the patrons of the bflice receive as thorQUgh and prompt atten tion as they could desire The Valen tine office neveT had a more obliging m Ml mt oipllreiitP 32mwsprlngsa half mile ht mention thedOT mat thei e is an inexhaust ible supply of building stone withia thi time of town or that if he preferred brick he could obtain airthe diite wished for making the Acres 1199 960 720 Z55 3032 2559 2394 1279 960 143S 1880 1597 20575 added to the tax lists- of Cherry Sock and SrOwn countfest U S IKEttM WAREHOUSE The U S Indian warehouse here has been doing a whole lot f business the past year- and Receiving and Shipping Clerk Carroll and his two efilcteht assistants- T Keeley and I H Emery have not had much time for play All the government freight designed for Hbsebud agency passes through their liandsi and as the transportation is all mpeteht corps dfjofficials As rone b Inaians tn6 work is doubi seen by the table everybody nard DurinS the year 2010 wagon of tltebrides and Miss tterh AIcKee I bad wiug alter all aha cbhaiderftig the hard times speaks well for the country 40000- acres of land tire thus loads of freight were sent out which averaged 2500 pounds per load A little figuring will show that this aieans a total -A over S OOOOOtf pounds ef fjreight was unloaded from the Cts pitta hi the wareuousfc and reloaded in wagohs For hauling the government CONTINUED 0 LAST I AGE MOCRAT VALENTINE OHERBT CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY JANUARY 7 1897 A HAPPY ritft NO 50 NEW YEAR 3 Is extended to their customers by Davenport Thacher same and his mortar for building could be main of uative lime and j J sand- b ut by this time our antagonist would have skedaddled lit out vamosed gone leaving us in possession of theaucna with none who dare dispute our statement that Valentine is the best town in the state of Nebraska Deal reader tjje foregoing are but a few of the many good facts regarding Valentine but they are themheat of tlie cocoanut Dont they entitle us to distinction We have said nothing of the climatic conditions which prevail here nothing of the refinement and culture of our people nothing of the high standard of morals shown by the comparatively fewr crimes committed- nothing of the wealth and busi ness of our merchants or of the business- and dwelling houses of the towHj but they can all be summed tip in two words The best These subjects will be taken dp in detail hereafter Watch U3 grow and get to the front Below and on the last page of this paper will be found a few statistics kindly furnished us by various officials Preserve them V And the assurance is given that in the yar to oome their stock will be larger goods better and prices lower than ever before DIDNT YOU KNOW That the bost plaee in town to buy fre3h fruite and vegetables is at Pettycrews3 DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best place in town to buy gro ceries and confectionery is at Pettycrews DIDNT YOU KNOW That the highest price for butter and egg3 is always paid at Petty crews I If yoU didnt try him and you will Qherry Qqunty Bank Valentine Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking - lioans nponvgood security solicited at reasonable rates County depdsitdrjt E SPAEKSr Prraident CnARLES SPARKS Cashier mrir nnim ataki Who we are y UN I UriUU dNffif JHQUIGUEYPROP What we are Where we are DEALER JN DRUGS PAIUI VARNISHES TOILET SUNDRIES MAIN STREET VALENTINE - NEBRASKA gANK OF VALENTINE C H CORNESjJjtFresideHU SI F MVHOLUON Cashier Yalentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Teqnsacted isys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Escchango CorreBpctfdeutb Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Oaafca CITIZENS - MEAT MARKET - WILL FURNISH - Fish G ame Tender Steaks Jucy Roasts Dry Salt Meats and the finest line of Smoked Hams and Breaktast Bacon ever sold in town GEO C SGHWALM PROP At StetterYOid Stand on Main Strefeh r f i riT THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUABTEES WINES LIQXJOES and CXCMB lALENTINE OI tli Cboiccf liftrauda t NEBRASXAf J 3 7f V t s i m r I