in t L r M ii m w H K m p it wis t fjt OZr f - mn Ji he - - T C HORNBY Cold with northerly and north westerly winds Blizzards will Mm t VALENTINE C M SAGESBE TONSORIAL ARTIST Hair cutting and shaving Shoi in the W H Moses building HQT AND 6QL0 BATHS Valejrtine 3Npbr A Chance to XaJce Jflgitejf I have made 81 640 clear money in STdays and attended to my household duties besides and I think this is doing splendid for a woinim twrifinoed in business Anyone ccn sol what everyone want to Duy and every lamiiy wants a all neoDl Dish Washer I dont canvass at ome or send for the Washer and every washer that coe oaa sells two or throe more as they -do the wrJtio perfection Yoa can wash and itiy the dishes it two minntes I am going to denrto tnywtioiatinle to Che business cow nd I m ure I can make 5000 a year My sister and brother have started In the business -and ate ilotaig splendid You can cet -complete Instrufc tiOBfi and hundreds of testimonials by address- sna the Iron City Diso Washer Co station A PtteburgraM3sHlif you dont maje lots of tnoney its yotr own fault M8 W H Wanted Vood on isuhscripition Bry hard wood preferred Call early and kM the rush The BEMOCtAT and the Thripea week liTcw York World one year 50 A a leader until after the holidays TCHornby will offer sewing rna cbfces at 2000 cash This price will onlyne offered untilJ an 1st and is tsrcash 4- 4 itijs sryftr And in that tfetepect he is like our line of TOYS DOLLS FANCY GOODS ETC ETC Out of the immense -stock tvg harried before Ohristmas there are a number tf choice articles left and they must go though prices have to be iredticed to cost Ev erything is up-to-date Come in and see Some excellent bargains in toilet goods Another thing worth rtotitjg is the fact that we carry full line of drugs and proprietary medicines and you need not TRY AN EXPERIMENT When you wibIi to get rid of that simple ailment of yours A complete line of all the standard remedies constantly on hand It is a matter of pride as well as bus iness with us to always have what you want C R WATSON WEATHER REPORT FOR OCTOBER NOVEMBER i - AND DECEMBER JHBNHfc THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT SUCCESSOR XX CHERRY COUNTY MBEPENDEier ROBEST GOOD Editor and Publisher Stinard has a Camel in his store Ed Clarke returned from Omaha Sunday night Dr C A Wells is doing dental work follow Prepare by buying your at Rosebud this week clothing boots shoes etc at aia Our stock in quantity and quality is unexcelled There are no two sides to the question of our prices Theyre the lowest on furnishing goods Just drop in and see for yourself Lots of goods constantly coming and going Tailoring- cleaning and pressing D STNARD MAIN STREET J W Stetter started Tuesday morn ing for Eiehmond Virnia where his family now is He will be -gone an til about tJje iGi8t of May Frank Mullen Dr L M Hardin Amos Randall and W A Bonser were over from Eosebud Saturday to assist in the initiation of Dr Hardin into the mysteries of Masonry Mrs David Bristol has heen danger ously ill for the last day or two the re sult of a fall We learn this morning that her condition is slightly improved and hopes for her recovery are enter tained W E Bassett and wife will go to Valentine Monday morning to be gone four weeks In the mean time Rev Kern of Spring view will probably fill the pulpit at lea3t once or twice Norden tfcnwlis C E Bowring and wife went to Basset Rock county Tuesday morn ing for a short visit -among friends and relatives before Chick starts on his western trip for the Chamberlain Medicine Company Prof Wm Metzgar was up from the ranch at Pullman Monday coming in on the morning passenger from Cody Mr Metzgar reports stock doing finely inhis part of the county and his Boutbern cattle are doingell -A letter received -from Dr J J Evans nays that he was at Yenedocia Ohio iast -week which is in the editors home county of Van Wert and that both he and Mrs Evans will be vry glad to return to Valentine to stay A E Thacher made a trip up the road Sunday night returning this morning While gone he purchased several cars of wood with which to fill the contract Davenport Thacfeer have at Fort Niobrara Jewett having failed to meet his contract Thetc will be a meeting in the in terest of the Armenians under ttie auspices of the W C T U Sunday af terBoon at 330 at M E church After a short program a collection will be taken up for the Armenians Let every one that is interested in aiding those suffering ones come out and help a little Supt Press Work Wishes you ail a very happy tfew Year thanlcs you all for the exceptionally Jv large trade lie has had and HE HAS TO GO f fi fe 77VV ASSURES YOU That in the future fcs in the past both in quality of goods and in low prices itOOJt AT OUR KIBBON WINDOW E WILL LEAD Marvel Flats t Vivian N Lawrieis the guest of Miss Ella Stilwett ihis week 4 The recent warm weather has play ed sad havoc with the ice to the great sorrow of our young folks A certain young lady from Marvel Plats attended -church at Simeon Sun day night and lost her mitten coming home How about it Walter A Christmas tree at Charmibg Valley Church was much -enjoyed by great and small children alike Santa everi remembered - Sam Hutchinson with a rattle box and Sam Hanson with asaueaky doll The dance at Mr It T Quisenburys was a grand success About one hun dred guests were present and all en joyed themselves nnmensely Excel lent music was furnished by Mr and Mrs Wilkinson of Kennedy A wedding took place on Christmas day at the home of Mr and Mrs Ware The principal parties were Miss- Dbllie Ware and Mr Arthur Kies The bride has been a lesideut of this -place for J a year and the groonHsone of Niobraras most highly respected young men The marriage ceremony was performed at 430 p m by Ttev Hortjc of Brownlee after which a bountiful wedding dinner was served and too much can not be said of the delicacies set forth The invited guests present were Florence Thompson Charles and Maud Bennett Rivers and Ella Stilwell and Vivian Lawrie The j numerous friends of the happy pair wish them all joy and prosperity -- Yours for good loefis1 Midget Brownlee George Dew of Wood Lalce was in Brownlee Sunday and Monday look ing after his stock interests in this vicinity E B Growden came in from the ranch Saturday evening to attend the literary and act as one of the chief speakers in a debate Tommy Higgins was in the city Monday He says chat -they -have j us finished husktag their corn which was a good crop someof it going -50 bushels -per acre The three months term of school at this place closed Tuesday and we understand that another term will be commenced as soon as a teacher can be secured Several old time Cherry county peo ple who left for Missouri a year ago f passed through Brownlee on Sunday on their way home satisfied that there are worse places than Cherry county Truster and Leeper were their names and we believe they live at Lavaca B J McGuire Was in town last Mon day ormed us that arrange ments have been made for a big wolf hunt New Years day All Will meet at Brownlee at sunrise As coyods are plenty a big time is anticipated Bring your dogs and have a barrel of fun and help killome of the pesky animals Hornet On June 15 1895 Judge granted Alfred E Bartlett a -divorce from iRebecca Bartlett Last week Judge Westover decided ttit the divorce was granted out of -court term time and set the aside Bart lett was married to a Miss Amelia Roberts last spring and is living with her on his farm in Iowa hence he now has two wives The case will probably go to the supreme -court Yeast Bros are -moving their stock IO hardware into the new stone build ing on the west si4o of Main street and next week W A Pettycrew will move into the building now being va cated still retaining his present room for -a feed store Jackson Bray ton will move into their new quarters about the 15th ef the montfr More about it next week N Prof O iS Wilson of Crookston was in town last Saturday and made this office a call Mr Wilson is con templating moving tioni this county to Kansas and expects to start soou While we wish him success we would rather see liiai remain in Nebraska - W WOOD LAKE DEPARTMENT Br Kelly Happy Xew Year - Jim Wilson spent town last week December 29 several days in j A Johnson returned from Fairfax last Fririav nfcrlif Dave and Mell Hanaa visited in Wood Lake Sunday S Kilgoretookin the Kghts and the dance Christmas night Miss Mamie Stevensonpemt Sunday with iier brother in the city Let us be thankful that Christmas comes but once a year Ask the boys the reason why - A Bailey and family -spent mas in Johnstown at the home -of Mrs Baileys parents Ohas Holt of Chadron was in the city a few days last week visiting friends and relatives The Christmas tree and -entertainment Thursday evening wasoi success Santa had something for everybody Mrs Will Johnson left for Chicago this morning on account of the sick ness of her mother who 1b not expected to live i Mt and Mrs C A Johnson -start for Mexico in a few days to spend the winter on account of Mrs Johnsons health Their daughter Ava will ac company them Wood Lake Xo 2 December 29 Wash Hoaey had business in Valen tine yesterday Pearl Pouter spent -Saturday and Sunday in tonm LeHoy and Ida Leach -were callers in town on Monday Dave and Mell Hanna were initown Saturday to attend lodge The dance at Jim Woodmans Christ mas night was well attended JC A Johnson and wife expect to start for Arizona in a few days I The Christmas entertainment went off finely everybody seeming to have a good time Miss Mamie Stevenson came iu from Hannas ranch last Saturday and spent Saturday evening with us Mrs Will Johnson expects to leave tomorrow morning for Chicago being called home to see her mother Miss Maudie Stevenson was up to attend the Christmas entertainment We are all glad to see Maudie back again W O Sawyer passed through here this morning on his way to Elgin 111 He has been out looking after his cattle interests There is to be a dance New Years night at Johnsons ranch five miles northwest of Wood Lake Come every body and have a good time Kellys Aunt Lavaca Items MrsXDra Borders visited at Wagoners last week Mr Ira Johnson is still on the list having been oonfeed bo his for six weeks Gid sick bed iRev25alch and family -will soon move to the Sand Hills taking up the duties of -a ranchman Mr Bucklin is also on the sick list The neighbors made a husking beeH last -week and gathered his corn for him Liihe Tall came in from the Sand Hills with a dislocated arm iast Week and wastaken to Gowten for treat ment AtffeeT a prolonged sence caused Hy the work of this busy reason Item- izer now continues to write the Pole Creek news An entertainment was held at ivew mau 3bapel in the way of a chimeey corner and Santa Gaus in alL his glory also singing and speaking by the little folks which was a grand success and all went home happy PoE Creek Iteizer iCR Sale A finely equipped print incc office m good live town Paying TH -v - N RED FRONT Will be in Line From now until the end of time To supply your wants in Dress Goods 1 i Consisting of Serges Cashmeres Sackings Fleeced Persians Flannelettes BOOTS SHOES GROCERIES NOTIONS Ag3afeor12ie celebrated FLEXIBONE Corsets wiaicli we carry in stock W B HALEY ABSTRACTER 11 imt wpj ir illU -Nebraska The DONOHER M JMJFOirEIt FmpreXvr Has been imbmit and rooms farnislied wit sum Herman Granger John Lang vvho were brought up from Lakeside last week having been bound over by the justice of the peace on the charge of stealing a cow were discharged last Manday but reaiJrested and arraigned in county court After considerable business established Description and figuring in the case they both waived particulars furnished on application to examination and ttudge Urefcee this office or Sarah R Good Lwigpine them over to apisar lortnwnn in Nebraska la court ipAreXudurd bound - I i in- NOV 9BS dHiiii m mm riwa m t h NEW SUITS OF FURNITURE Making it tlie most complete andcomfortabte HOTEL IN THE NORTHWEST SAMPLE ROCM AND LIVERY STABLE IN CONNECTION Valentine Nebraska BIRTHDAY PR kffJ V JB1 - - f4 vf V I Ai n i y j ill 3 ft I o 1 ft 1 1 m i h AND OTHER V - s1 ESENTS wf V4 vJ 11 In feictj a fall Hue of goods suitable for lriiday presents anelizding TOTS AXD FLTTSEL COBS OF ALL KINDS tt extremely low prices- x- 16- LADIES GOLD YATGH -16 J The above is tmly -one of ihe many bargains to he found in tlte line of holiday goods for sale by r O W MOREY JEWELEE Son O P Billings of Xorden ivas shaking hands with friends in town Saturday preparatory to going -to Lin coln the next morning where be vrill represent the gist district in the legis lature thw winter Mr Billings wishes to be on the ground early in order to get on the inside of things before the session begins and the desire is com mendable He will make a ood rep resentative and onlesstbe fates con spire against him will be a prominent member of the assembly The bell in the IT P -church w taken down last Wednesday and trans ferred to the 1st Presbyterian church tower the iatt6r church having pur chased the same The U P church has dissolved its membership and ia about to retire from the field leaving the town with only five churches to do battle against sin We still have three more than we ought to bare When a church gets so poor that it cannot support a pastor it ought tc close up business and unite its with some stronger church A town needs no more church edifices than it has public school buildings Gordon Journal Sim rrleesjvrSfee Bran bulk 40cper cwt 7Jjtox Shorts bulk 50c per cfct 1900 toat Screenings 35c S0O Chop Feed 70c f l0a Corn OiUu 50c - -a J - I