4 A a- 1 9 H irtfTptHyiwmriVuiL OFFICIAL DIRECTORY STV1T CiVCJT0r icuunaut ov nior ecrotary of Htato Treasurer Com Ijiiulsaml lluildiug 3 BilasAHolcomh Uoieii K Alitor Joel A IIi i JSUaclhrV lumuiie Mooiv Henry Oltiis rll COUNTY Treasurer G SmHl jiori Geo hilJiit iJberiir V Amos Strour JudBe FMWalcott CrHinty Attorney Kd Clark County Superintendent Lillian JJtonci Surveyor Chas Tar Cteroubr - A Lewis l Max vievtel Commissi oners SI Dutbam I P Sullivan PRECINCT Overseers ot Highways It Hanson -and Jllay Constable K 1 owne JuaUys of tbe Peace John Dunn and J M Caiuni Assessor- John Dunn VILLAGE Tovn Board E E Sparks president r H or oell treasurer T C Hornby clerk D S Ludwip aud J IiUrJeitrb Warshal and Water Commissioner It Towin cbool Distrii t No 1 F Si V alcott piesiueiii t v Nihniwnn trpastirer J G Ieililolin tary J W Durlemh G 1 Crabo and 1 Keoley Societies Imp 0 R Sitting Bui Tribe No 22 mnroved Order of j Ked Men meets every seuomi and lourtb Friday eveuinu of each liionib at Davenports Hall Visitingbrelbrenare fiaternaJy invited to b pr sent at ihe council of ibe tribe r nwiimiiw C01 li C HTboinnson fcachein A F A M Aiiunekadusa Ixde No ll2 A F A A Si noetsin regular couiniunloatioii Sat 1 iday evei lng on or lusiototiiU Xuu niooit in eaen ntoiitli mjiihers of the order hi now and legularbtaiifl toK cordiaily and fntteriialiy hiyited to an can- JT Keeley W l W W THoairsos Sef 0 E 6 Northern Star Chapter No r9 -Older of th Enft rn StaT niecis on second and lourtb lues dav evwiius of cash month m Hornbys ball w W Thontpsn W aoik W a coit Secretary Worthy Matron A 0 U W ValRiitlne Lodge No 70 A o U W met 1 1 bt jd ra Siouday in tracb inortli Carl Samaj luw W Iloisciaw at S D of H Tun Valentin Loflse No Degree of Hour HVin hIclo uit tiiis Just 4i lijiro IIJ sa ev i n jts f each raoalb bin M Chribiewsen Kec -Mrs It Hobinson oi gto 1 O 9- 1 Yalentint Lodge No -203 i r nv even Thursda evenni VuiliiiR tuoth r scon rtollynviled to attend our meetings - 11 Kceley Wesiev HoLsciiAw Secv hi n romiinr miptiiir2d and txh Saturdays ol eacnmonfl afinni sharp Comrads from other Iobts are cordially invited to attend- J WrvoKKitConunauder JonK DdNKadjt w 11 c Col Wood W It C No 173 regular meeting -d aud 4th Saturdays or eacb mouilr Amanda Ludwig Pres IIeltn Hoknby Sec M W A Arrival 0x16 Kepartur or 3ails Mail easi and west closes at 8 p m Rosebud lea es at 8 o a 111 daily except Sun day aud an ives at 500 p m Simeon Kennedy and Oasis m Mondays irednesdays and bn davs and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays and Saturdays Ft Niobrara leaves dailyatTKWa m am- 500 p m arrives at 3oa TnaiiQ ymu p in Kewauee and Soarte arrives Wednesdays and Fridavs at 5o0 pm ant leivts Tuesdays Thursuays and Saturdays at i x m General delivery open from7a tn to m General delivery open on Sundays froi g to 10 a in -Lock boxes opendaily form 0 a m to Si0 p m W EHALEY Postmaster PROFESSIONAL AMD BUSINESS CARDS T C DWYER JPhtficifzn and Surgeon Oftca at C R Watsons Drug Store Promp aitenttcn given to all professional calls VALKXTINK - - - NKHKVSKA Tcacliers EsiamiBiation The regular monthly Teachers Examination will be held the -at my office in the Court House LILLIAN STOMER Surjt of Schools D CLARKE Attorney-at-Law oU kinds 0 lejralbusiucaa promptly attended to W JUZSXTIX SCIENCE AND JNDUSTRY jjtcr power i1 aWivcd from Ills ovapoKitJou of water by tin suns heat ami its deposifion oattiie highlands in the iorm -of suovor raun ConiltdoeK not growhelow 40 toarsther the ankle of the horse It ifl this strength which enables the ani mal to support his own great weight for many hours without fatigue Ul U WWII tts UUVC Ui IU1U Kilij WL VVH Mr Mlver director of the Great Western roil way of England making a presentation at Liverpool the other day to the district troods manager ilr demic auringits whole season Yetbe yond those killefl by the direct effects of the sun the mortality was singularly low the infant mortality ever the finger that points unerringly to thf sore spots in a community if any then be was so noticeably low as to cause a feeling almosit of exultation among the sanitary officials And it was shown by comparison with earlier hot spells that the population yielded more slow Valentinc Camp No 1751 Modern Wooomon 1 of A AviQ inwis sifrind and fourtb Wednesday - tonene Where it had taken two of eacb month at Davenports Hall or three days to reach the climax of VWUnBnelghuorscogtaviiMgt sunstroke it now tool five Tlie JwSpirk Clerk j pie better housed belter fed and K of P Cherry Iodge No 1BI Knights of Pvthias meets every Tuesday evening at Davenpoirs Hal Joa Putmecil K of It and S i breathing clean air in the clean streets had acquired a powr of resistance to which fJie past had no parallel The sanitarians had proved their case i Jacob Iviis in Ceiiturv HW A Breathing Well In San L uisOhispo county Cal there is a gas well whose strange conduct is described by a correspondent The well is 6 iisches in -diameter and 350 feet deep During settled weather it blows out gas for three hours and then sucks in air for an equal period Mondays of time and this regular breathing continues without interruption until a change of weather Before a storm when the barometer is falling the time during which the well expires is greatly increased and sometimes the outbreathing continues for 24 hours After the iassage of the storm and -with the barometer rising the inhala tfon of air is similarly prolonged If the ahris shut off when an inhalation is about to take place the gas after ward ceases to flow so that the well must be allowed to perform its regu lar breathing iu order to continue its ield of gas An automatic valve has been placed at the mouth of the -well to permit the ingress of air and when the opening is restricted the inward suction -causes a loud sound as if the well served for nostrils to a subter ranean monster afflicted with snoring Science THE LARGEST CArJSOM S17r00 ir the- Si pan Informal ion lias jU f r fnohoil yw Tcrk that the largfK t carbos over futtnl has been iJiHCOuiivl in he- -wilds of At tonurv General Arthurs Churchill oms Placed deeper ifc dies Cora Hound Brazil luUHc Instruction Menrj 1I below 40 fathoms indicates cither that rmot as birr as ones fit Tlipsiri0n is I L iiunihomVVOinalK the bottom haw gouc down or it haa much -sought stout It is of Ecscntsumvcrbiiy M Hail iAHni fnllon fiv lli 4lfnlJirvmripith I iomrni1ilAriii wtmrirriiftnn rTfliK t hp YV Holmes lleree - 7 TMallalieu Kearney 7so auimul tissues are stranger than I hairiest Known substance tor tlus til J Hull Kugur u tendons and Hon inputs which bind reason it ia used fofdriliirtr and is ox- COrGEESSIONAL - Senators Win V Allen Madison John St T HIS Dl Jet Jesse 15 Strode Lincoln hocHid D H Mercer Oimilta llilr1 Oo li Mflklfjohn Fiillortou Fourth liJHw nwAuiora Filth Win Andrews HnstiuK SiKtli O M Keui Broken How jumciAL Supreme Court T L Norval Cblor Justk Harrfcou and lolk ja GoiiaScs Flfteculu ludldal WMriet M T Klnkaac OKoill W 11 Wfestovtr Kubbville LKGISIATIVE ItojircwnUtlve Fttiyerond DWrict - Ksank BollileutuerKilgftre Senator Fourteenth Dltrlct Kcnry G v r art Crawford IANI OFFICE j f treinelv valuable Small bits are found frequently in diamondiferous region About six months ago M 1J Levy a diamond merchant of this city started French and Belgian capitalists arc en the Braail workings He worked his to construct large alkali works near thcnewly discovered rock salt deposits at Pola in Central Asia There is a good coal at Rardimkul near by The fait is of very fine quality with no ad mixture of other chemicals German excavations in the island of Sa nroria have now been completed Dr Lyller von Gaertringen has identi fied the city on tlic slopes of Mesa AFcwrt10 LonBp1M j remains on the seashore near the mod- way up i ne Amazon paruy ainpoy canoe and partly by the plodding mule TJaus lie traveled for nine days unl he came to a place called Jaereniulor Near this spot a forjner seout of Mr Levy one Pedro Gunzalos had bought a -tract of laud 30 Ungues in extent Part in fact nearly the whole of this stretch of property yields a choice variety of boa constrictors and wild 1 1 j I t t 1 1 1 H li the and out as wunzaws aau own nail Vouno as ancient Thera the ing incee creawires aji nis me lie uiun x mind them The attractive portion of his land w us a bit ot clear ground on which liehad found a quartz bearingear bon lie saw in this a fortune He got together a force of natives who were only spasmodically industrious Small Steele said the Great Western had 2500 f hits of carbon were lound not how- milos of rails emplovxng 52000 men I had a weekly re venuo of 200000 and a subscribed capital of over 6 80000 000 a11 yielding dividends According to Engineering somere eent research s by Capt Abney show that the light of the starry aky is to thait of the full moon about as 144000 The latter is usually considered to be about 1000000 to that of the sun at noon so that we receive over 13000 000 times as much light as from tbe sideration Ciucium a new element dipeovered by Ii P Barrierc in morazite sand j dissolves in sulphuric nitric or acetic acid forininig soluble salts either white or slightly rase tinted lis atomic weight is calciijlaied as 104 Thcdisvov ercr proposes to use the substance for an incandescent gaslight on the Wels bacli principle NEW YORKS The SANITATION- Infant Mortality During tho Hot Spell Waa Remarkably Low The appeal to the public conscience told at last With that attack in the churches which has not been without j blame the new era began That year 1S79 ajpublic competition evolved the present type of tenement far from per- feet but ah immense improvement on the wicked old barracks The sanitary reformers got the upper hand and their work told The xlcati rate came dovt 1 slowly It is to day at the end of 3 years quite 25 per cent lower than when the health department was or ganized and New York has been re deemed from a reproach for which there was no excuse for no city in the world has such natural opportunities for gocl sanitation Thoimuienec stride it hastaken was measured by the mortality during thi unprecedented hot spell of Vast sum mer It was never so great as indeed there never was an emergencj like it since records were kept Durinc the G A R ten days it lasted the heat claimed many Col Wood Post No 20S Department -more victims than the last cholera ever in sucn protusion as to satisfy Gunzalos He was becoming agei Ope Hay two months after Mr Levys arrival Gunzalos workman was hum ming a song while dislodging quaitz in a perfunctory sort of way He ob served with surprise the outlines of a iaige carbon in a fallen piece He gavcd at the big atone a moment in simaze ment and then shouted exult iugly to the oversftpr Tlmf snlpmn nffinJnl stars taking both hemispheres dauced a jiff whea he took it frQm thp workmans hand and Gunzalos treated all hands liberally when the carbon was brought to him A few days after he went to Jaereandor lie showed the stone to Mr Levy who had been quietly buying a few bargains in gems After inspecting it critically Mr Levy iiI -Ill give you 3500 for the carbon Gunzalos rejected the offer with a scornful gesture Ill sell it for 10 000 and not a pound leas he said But insisted Mr Levy it will coat 1000 to cut the carbon Nothing less than a ten ton hammer will make an impression on it You can see the ex pense the buyer will be under I hhink I shall have it kept in a vault in Paris for the present said Gun zalos and then I may send it to the United States The carbon is three and a half inches long three inches wide and the same in thickness It is a trifle spongy on a small area of tho surface but other wise is solid Y Tribune 1 AS TO RESPIRATION 1 Scientific Tests to Ascertain the Proper I Way fro Breathe 1 Some interesting records on the ques tion of respiration have been compiled by Dr W Marcet who has devoted the greater part of his life to the solution of problems connected with this subject His investigations have not been eon iined to the laboratory but have been conducted frequently in the open air to varying elevations extending from the sea level to the summit of the high est Alpine ranges Beginning with normal breathing in a state of repose experiments were made on forced or labor breathing respiration under exercise ajid i tion as controlled by the mental exer cise of the will In order to obtain the I lecords of the various conditions an mslrument was designed which showed j on the chart in horizontal lines -the number of litres of air expired and in vertical lines the time in minutes The traces thus obtained differ con siderably from those illustrating forced respiration being much less deep though deeper than the normal In j talking singing readingand coughing the respiration assumed the form of i breathing under exercse but in talking aud reading alone where the strain of the lungs is very feeble the tracing returns parallel to the normal almost immediately after the exercise has come to an end In singing however a marked differ ence was observed in the breathing when standing and when sitting This difference is well worthy the attention of vocal students When the singer sat down the curve resembled that of the forced breathing almost exactly which is not the case when standing This shows that the erect position is the correct one for singing Another fact of interest to athletes and people who run for their trains was demonstrated It is not general ly known that many people run a most serious risk in rushing for a car If they could keep on running after reach ing the car platform the danger would be much lessened The opening of in ternal lessons which may be fatal in character comes from thest dden cessa tion of effort In case of extreme breathlessness as would oecur after running for a train great relief would be experienced from talcing a few deep breaths Chicago News A Curious Custom A strange custom prevails among the members of a certain tribe in the ulion a single young man dies Unburied Slain some one who has carried to the grave a Thft -War bfirf WBen Chili and PerU iS mTrOTTMWo rlniKThr 5n flin nnnicr third Saturday of each month -3 anient but atraveler history of the vear calls on the bereaved who lately returned tram boutn parents end says Your son is sure ica states that on the battlefield of to want a wife Ill give you my daugh Tarapaca the dead are still lying just iCT an y0ll snall deliver to me the as they fell There were 4000 of them marriage portion in return A friend ana nearly 1000 horses are also left iv 0i7er of this deserintion is never e- buried It never rains at Tarapaca and I the sun has dried the corpses and the j nitrate in -the soil has -preserved there anu up on tne pxaieau owuTnuiniirb lie in ghastly ooutusion with thebroken swords and Ibaoonet as fresh looking ns ii ay of the nietnorable fight- X I Y Ledger jected and the two parties soon come fotenus as to the aiaountof the dowry wliieh varies according to the advan tages possessed by the girl in her life time -Cases have been known where the young mans father has given 10 cows to secure v dead wife for his detd son Chicneo Nervj M r hl V 0 0 N t W 1 u li l EDITION 15b PAPERS A YEl It stands first among weekly papers in size frequency of publica tion and freshness variety and rclia or contents It is practically a daily at the low price of a weekly and its vast list of subscribers extending tn every state and territory of the Union and foreign countries will vouch for the accuracy aud fairness of its newscoluinti3 It is splendidly illustrated and among its special features are fine humor page exhaustive market re- ftll the latest fashions for woman and a long long aeries of stories by tho greatest living American and English authors Conan Doyle Jerome K Jerome Stanley Weyman Mary E Wilkins Anthony Hope Brst Karte Iraudar Matthews etc We oiler thia uneqalled newspaper and The Valentjnk Dioiocjrat to gether one year for 150 The lar subscription price of the two papers is 2 00 SIBY3ER VINCENT -PROPRIETORS Or- LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE Good Kics and Careful Drivers Teams Stabled At Geo Langs old stand VALENTINE - - NEBRASKA MINNEAPOLIS WHNN Published 1st and 15th of every month 16 to 24 pages each issue 50 Cznts pB Year Read by a greater number of North western farmers than any other agri cultural paper published Are You aiBoog the not EVERY DEPARTMENT IN THE HANDS OF A SPECIALIST SWINE DEPARTMENT Theo Louis the greatest authority in the U S POULTRY OEPARTnlENT W H Biddle HORTICULTURAL DEPARTMEHT J S Har ris the veteran horticulturist APIARY DEPARTMENT Joa HBolton All ohsr departments equally well cared for Giher Contributors Prof T I Haecker Prof Thos Shaw Prof S B Green Prof Otto Lugger Prof Harry Snyder Prof W M Hays Walter I Brower Mary B Keech Seth H Kenney and many others Short Talks Dapainen5 A department where all kinds of questions are an swered for the benefit of subscribers is a leading feature of the paper More questions answered in the course of a year than by any three agricultural journals iu the country Veterinary Deparlrosn Is in charge of Dr R D BrituhalL and all questions pertaining to diseased and injured an imals are answered for subscribers No Northwestern farmers list of papers is complete without deceit by aJtarte advertisement nc5 nuiK yea can get the nest made fircst finh zjhO MOST FOPULAR S5WINQ KJftCHtNS 2JAJ818 i By from rIiablo manufacturers irenrlnearePntation by honest and square dealiEsr There js none in the world that can cava in mechanical construction durability of wcriiDK partsanenessof ileish beauty in appwranct or as many improvements S3 the NOSY1E WR3TE FOB C3acyLAS Tke Hew Homo Sewing Maelse C OBAWfrcMAEE Boston Kass 3t5icrrSQTTArrvV CHICAGO Til SLoEISHO IAIXASl23Li3 S sfEASaacoCAi ArisiACii FOR SALE 6 G- CARLSON Valentine - Nebraska 1 My IMj3XZ32SCiSBiZrVyn -V Giisage IS FIRST OF ALL Prices Strickly Cash and Low er than ever SHOP on Cherry St opposite Langs eld stand P F SIMONS PROPRITOR OF nDsv i sue un LiiL IS H B lieasonable charges O iu Satisfaction guaranteed r22Zl 2X3ffX3BiMMMHfll te jus n jtm 1 l TiHR5BsID A GREAT NEWSPAPER it Is an aUocto of damocr cr vrWi ao Zzaln lowitt 505ol33 r 1 iNCTDENTAXLT triumph of the rspnehoan artj fa tha recent preeJdsatU latca ks a nrul vl the disruption of the demooruttt dcvclrocj aoa th uittvr t dsry ci recoacUiUlcra and fu irsiUoa oa the linen of toMr own and nrt oca ihr pArty a rMu To fTOsiait f daoiA democracy to dlaooantcnazice populism esd t tosUt XbQ tnoaopolUUc land ncsn it republloAa ism will bo the political nlaalon of TEtK CREOinChZ In lUe ftrrcro aa i Lth tcua is ita past Aa rt nevropaper THn OHRONICLE wUl eontlniw 10 o coraTebtijl7s and entrprSainr pnricffoeitUar labor nor expense to 03 aU e iw repona of sU noteworthy evtuwat nptrtvr exoolL Icne aodcovorini exhaaaUyely tfc entirely oald cf cotvs fil9jcy faveaiUJn UidmtryttT proxr for one cent a day ovary family vrtthla Ave hnzdrvt mla of Cboxo mar aero on t dy 0 lta publication a copy of a rraat dally newapspsr cotimx taoutaols of lsuXi w pro4ua x miracle of cheaputos and value c nblaed PO8T PAID TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS Dally only One Year 300 Six Months IBO Threo Months 75 Ono Month 25 Daily and Sunday SSOOper year untay only Ono Year 200 Six Months LOO Thrt Monlh 50 M On Month 25 Parts ef a year 50o per month All eubsTipUons xauat bo accompanied by the cash Remit by poal or express afoaerwde draft on Cblcaco or New York or reiatered letter Curraacy la lettra while ctlaTrUy aiX saouffh must alwya ba at aondaro rint Sample copies seat free on application 164 f 66 Washington St Chicago ill Hon W J Bryans Book A LL who are interested in furthering the sale of Hob W J Bryans new book should correspond Im mediately with the publishers The work will contain An account of his campaign tour Us biography written by his wife 1 mm 4 dWml ss most important speecnes mfM Tne results of the campaign of 1896 xn fw fa review of the political situation letgofgiMin re AGENT NAAiSITED Mr Bran has announced his intention of devoting one half of all royalties to furthering the cause of bimetallism There are already indications of an enor mous sale Address W B C0NKEY COMPANY Publishers 341 351 Dearborn StCIJKAG0 e- m i - t i r - - Where the advertiser will find himself every time in the fight for trade if he patronises the best ad vertising medium in Valentine 1 H illll fiy 1 Inlr i S B r M El 3 i rim 6 9 QU 8 OEMOGRAT The only Democratic News paper in Northwest Nebraska and the Best Newspaper in Cherry County Try it and see BATES REASONABLE EBREUKLANDER J BLACKSMITH am WAGONMAKER Repairing a Specialty ELKHORN RAILROAD orth Western Line is to best to and from the SUGAR BEET FIEtB OF NORTH NEBRASKA Wanied An Idea Who cut tljiafe or sotteBiicpJe taorgjqpaie3r Protsct yonr ideas tbey may brinjyoa rey3 Wivsningtoo D C for thrtr 1S53 prlc and Jl3t of two hiuwiroci iayenttosi X