fBiwsSS8SSd I A- I i A Nd il Ui -1 I ri i 6 i -T--- r TW - - U - isiH i r nHT r - J V - -Official 3eper of Cherry Conn iy Nebraska liO0Jef Teur in Adhmtee a m I - - -mm POsSlJHEDJEVEBr THUESDATt t i - Katerodat tbo Post offico at Valentine Cherry Coontr Nebraska as Setoud claSs matter Tis paper will be mailed regularly fco itejnlbscrlbere until a definite order is received and all ar W3tfeare paid in fall iC w mtveisfog rates 50 cents per inch iper month Kates per column or for lcag timo ads made known on appli cation to this office -THURSDAY DECEMBER 31 1896 Tomorrow is 1897 Only three Soars b the present century left 2Eignt years now until the girls have another chance to get a life partner without waiting for him to do the popping Today the earth is in perihelion i e i the point when it is nearest the sun It is today3000000 miles nearer that great luminary than it was last -July -but it dont feel that way Prom private advices received tit this office it seems almost certain that Hon J iN GafSn will be elected speak jr of the house of representatives in tbe tjoming session of the legisla ture The Wool Growers Association has jgjot in shape to demand a restoration of the duty on wool and it is probable tthat fhe cemmittee will favor them reports a tariff bill to Con egress STobfdy seems to be tearing his tphirt off in the effort to get the Valen tine pestoffice and tis well tis so WarwitfitSpain seems -imminent and no locdl disturbances should be aronssd iLetrEiirope do vrhatGhe -may the ITJriited States will soonhave the best andswiftest if not the largest navy in tbe svorld The AnnapoliB is the name rcf the latest gunboat launched and frilbbe turned over to Uncle Sam about Marchil r Tom Smith formerly of Ains worth mow of McCook Junction has applied for the position of secretary of the senate Tom is irrepressible and ai rways goes with the crowd There is xukparticular reason why that Tom is inbt entitled to his share of the pie Ifemport Republican The war of the place hunters is on Lincoln and even at this distance ere is much interest taken in the fray Grizzled old veterans who- have passed through many a campaign without ever receiving reward anxiously scan each mornings paper for latest news from the front and all iisgloriously uncertain Several good people in and out of the county have urged the importance -of passing a law this winter to the South Dakota and Wyoming stat UteeTequiring the hide withthe brand upon it to accompany the sale of all dressed- beef not necessary for publi Gtiori but as an evidence of good This seems to be a good law aodifanyifaingcan be done to dis courage the stealing of cattle in this region it ought to be done As soon as the rustling element finds out that CraiUngjDff cattle at night is theiirect -road to the state penitentiary cwill lose its charm iCKaron Signal Recorder - esdent Cleveland is in the pi- tioiifOf the man who wanted to do a certain thing but found upon hed ufce damned if he did nd dzaaned if codidnt Under the -circumstances the pnsqident is doing Jqstas he pleases and taking the Cttfsea 3fby his action he should pieSjJpjtaCa war with Spain would damn him -for the move the consequences of winch would have tote borne -by the coming administra tion Ashe favors neither Spain 4ior Cuba theijingoists get in their work andjdamu him One thing however is in his favor whatever he does it will not harru bis future an ho dues ojQsirojnctfo political hijnois - t tbat the Grant County Tribune pub- lished at Hyanriis has taken up the question and in company with this paper will fight for te assessment -of taxes on the fuilaluo of pioperty in stead of one fifth or one third or any other fraction of valuation The Tri bune of last week says Personal property has been uniform- Jy assessed seauaaloualy low in this county partly because of the custom and precedent prevailing elsewhere but mainly in order to come in for as -light a contribution as possible to the state treasury The consequence is and has been that our warrants are at a discount because we cannot under the statutory limitation levy a suffi cient amount of taxes to pay our ex penses Then we have to resort to the expedient of having judgment ren dered against the county in order to catch up with the deficit in the mean timewe have to pay interest and cost There is neither sense nor economy in this but if there were the measures resdrted to are clearjy illegal But if it were not illegal we do not pain any thing by it in the end the time comes when the county has to liquidate and so does the state and then comes in creasing assessments Then we have to scratch around to pay it all in a lump instead of having the payment distributed throughout a series of years The next thing is a howl about taxes increasing The fault in our present law lies in the fact that it provides no penalties for evasions or negleot to comply with its provisions The law says that assessors shall actually view and de termine the value of all property listed for assessment fixing therefor a fair cah value but in no place does it say what shall be dune in case any assessor fails to observe the lav There is only one way in which an assessor can be reached in this matter and that is through acharge of perjury Section 4346 of the Compiled Stat utes of Nebraska says that the asses sor shall return his assessment book to the county clerk verifed by fis affidavit and in the form of affidavit to be used we find the following clause That iu every case where I have been required to ascertain the true amount or value of the property of any person or body corporate I have diligently and by the best means in my power endeavored to ascertain the true amount and value and that I verily believe the full value thereof is set forth in the above returns The law abounds wish the terms full value or fair value but nowhere doeait say one third Precedent es tablished goodness knows when has made perjurers f many thousands of assessors The lwishould be repealed or else enforced The rate of taxation would be made lower and consequent ly would not seen such an oppression People generally consider the rate not the amouut of taxes IS NOT POPULISM The Wymre Arbor State brightest populist paper on the our exchange list tabes a little fling at The Democrat because it dares stand up for what it thinks right and de fondsthe party whose cause it ex pouses The Arbor State says that up to the meeting of the Chicago convention the populist party vas the only outspoken free silver party io the United States but Bro Dodds is off on that statement The reform press proved frequently during the campaign that every statesman and every political party was or had been in favor of free silver But the Arbor State makes another mistake when it says the populist party was in favor of free silver This paper con tends along withThos E Watson late candidate for vice president Paul Vandervoort president of the Reform Press Association and numberless other prominent populist leaders that the populist party is not in favor of free silver only as a makeshift even as tha democratic party was not in tavor of the Wilson tariff Take Tom Watsons latest effusion on this sub ject for example He says It was a day of irifiuite woe when we allowed a few place hunters to place populism on tne shelf in the interests of silverism And iie goes on to say that he was not afraid to ey pose the insufficiency of silverismwherever he went during the recent -campaign Tom Watson is a genuine populist and his standard should be lived up to by his followers Prom now until sometime next month there will be daily hearings by ths Ways and Means committee of the house of representatives and every parson or corporation that wants pro tection or a bounty or just a plain every day gift of something valuable is invited to be present and get a finger in the pie Ptepublicans are in the saddle and as soon as Cleveland is off their hands will ride rough shot over existing Innil laws going on bet ween this paper and the Chadron Signal Better look our Bro Berkley you know the consequences of interfering in a family row The participants in the rowaiways uniteto oopose one who is a common enemy rUim There in a great revolt growing in the ranks fof the republican party This arises -from the growing impres sion that Mark Ilanoa will deal out the appointments afWashington and President McKinley will deal out the disappointment Republican statesman-are growing weary of the trusts and corporations that bought the presidency for their party Let the battle go on Wymore Arbor titdte The Dunkard sect is said to intend purchasing tho entire body of land comprised within Brown county Indiana juid will there found a colony on Altrurian principles which should delight the heart of William Dean llowells Already 41000 acres have been bought and 100 families will move upon the tract in a few days Election of county officers will be held only to comply with the law but there is to be neither jail nor courthouse in the county when the sect really ob tains possession The Dunkards are a thrifty and honorable people and they have that in them which may make the plan feasible WHO IS AUTHORITY The IsTew York World the great deniucratie weekly pays the populist party will have 28 members in the next congress The Valentine Democrat says the populist party will only have 12 members in the next congress The above is clipped from a populist on temporary of this paper which seems to live but tor the purpose of trying to injure The Democrat In answer to the question in the headline th1 following lrni tin New York World of Decern bet llhis punlished In the preset t house of represents tives there are 244 straight republi ctns 105 democrats 6 populists and 1 silver part congressman In the next house there will be 204 straight repub Mean 124 democrats 12 populists and 15 fusionists THE COUNTY BOARD Various papers throughout the state are cursing in more or less mild terms b iard is unique in its makeup being composed of one man from each of the three great political parties and poli tics cannot be said to be the cause of any action the board may take Each party has reason to feel proud of its representative on the board and none more so than the democratic party Its representative P Sullivan has always stood for what he considers the best interests of the county and is honored and respected by all M VierteJ the republican member is a well known business man from Grooks ton and the i populist M Dunham will next week be succeeded bv a man of his own political faith W A Par ker of AVood Lake FOR CUBAN LIBERTY All of us would like to see the Cubans win their right with Spain and all of us would like to help them in any honorable way but just at pres ent we can do no more than we are doing Simply because President Cleveland is notut jingoist he should not be made the target of all those who are willing to get up a fight upon every possible occasion provided they can do it without any risk to them selves It is doubtful if one third of those who are so anxious for war would be found a the front if their presence was needed Cuba cannot be recognized until she shows something to recognize The Cubaus have no semblance of a government established as the United States had when France gave us her aid or as the Confederates iW j u - - iiinrTi - - i i THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT BDCCnsSOfcTO CHERRY WWII INDEPENDENT pftBERT GOOD Editor and blissier 8SE8S AT FULL VALUE j The Mnsworth Star Journal wants The Democrat is glad to notice jo take a hand in the little controversy In wder to introduce The Valen tine Bemoprat into homes where it does not now go regularly the pub lisher will upon receipt of one dollar send the paper to new subscribers from now- until January 1 1898 Thin offeris unprecedented for a paper of the size and quality of The Demo- orat and if you are not now on the iisf this is the time to send in your name with a dollar The subscription price of The Democpat is l per year but if sub scription is allowed to become delin quent it will be charged at the rate of 125 This is done as a means of protection to the publisher When your subscription becomes delinquent you will be notifiud of the fact and the 125 rate will not be charged without your knowledge Beginning the first of the new year the Weekly Courier Journal of Louis ville Ky will be changed to the Twice-a-week-Courier-Journal It will be published Wednesday and Saturday mornings The paper will be six pages or twelve pages a week Instead of ten page3 weekly as at present an in crease of 832 eolumns of matter dur ing the year The Wednesday issue will be devoted exclusively io news and politics while the Saturday issue will be strictly a family paper filled aiifl Hast The publisheis of the St taul Week ly Dispatch have jut favored us with a copy of their annual premium supple j meut Some of the offers which they make are simply wonderful Articles which would cost more than the sub- of business men who run the village but 75 cents per annum and it is the on business principles and during lHrgestand best weekly paper pub their term of office have not only paid lished in Minnesota consisting of thedbt which hung over the munici from ten to sixteen sheets per week pality but have made various improve Send postal card for sample copies -of ments around town The county naner and nmnhim RmmiMmpnt tr r rr Weekly Dispatch St Paul Minnesota Davenport Thacher carry k com plete line of coil ins and undertakers supplies 27 In selecting an agricultural paper one should be taken whose teachings will be applicable to our climatic con ditions Papets published in the east while ably edited and very valuable for their localises and constituency are of doubtful value to Minnesota the Dakotas Western Wisconsin Northern Iowa and Nebraska Farm Stock and Home Minneapolis Minnv is an agricultural journal that fills till the requirements ot the northwestern farmer It is published the 1st and 15th of each month consists of from 16 to 24 pages and its regular price is but 50 cents per year However by a special arrangement with the publish ers we are enabled to offer it with the Democrat for 130 Something for Xotiiiug Itraddition to giving two papers a week the Semi Weekly State Journal now gives to each person sending 1 a free premium You can have your choicof the Toledo Made or New York Tribune Or you can have any two of these papers free Poultry News Swiue Breeder Farm News and Womankind Hundreds of other tree premiums such as a splen did Atlas State Journal Almanac United States History etc Send pos tal card request for premium list had when Spain recognized the lost You should read the Journal during cause While we are shouting Vive Cuban libre let us not forget our honor as a nation or disregard our treaties with Spain The best solu tion of the problem is for the United States to warn Spain that for the bene fit of humanity we stand ready to as sist in the stoppage of the cruelties being practiced ifi CuIm and then raakeovertures for the purchase of the island Spain would not lightly dis regard the warning and would speed- same uy come to terms the legislature no matter what other papers you read at other times You must send your money direct to the State Journal Lincoln Nebr to get any of these free premiums To Wltotn it Jlatj Concern All persons indebted to the estate of Walter Harp deceaspd sre requested to settle promptly Joha J Guth is authorized to receive and receipt for J DAVEXrORT Administrator FINAL PROOF NOTICES Parties hain final proof notices in these columns will reoeuve a marked copy of the paper whieh contains first insertion of same Jt is the duly of each claimant to examine their notice carefully and should thpco bej any error the fact should be reported to the landofficondto this office at once for correction US Land Oillce Vali nune Nrbr XovlMiie9Gl Notice is hereby given thai Hh fohowing uam ed settler has Med uaiu vor intention t make final proot in suyporvof his claim aad tluit said proof wilibfc made before IioSir Lucas USCCU at Aieirinttin JCetr on Iec SOtii 1K9GVIZ C i Joseph A Saults of Pullman Xeb H E 9301 for the sSsvJd uud JsJiscH Sec 14 TpifrK37 He names the following witnesses to prove lus continuous residence upon and cultivation oi said laud viz Cliarh Jacobsnn William Metzger and Eg bert Uonnen of Pullman Nebr William hulov of Gordon Nebr C HGLO Vii R Register U S Land Office at Valentine Neb Dec lstaSK I Notice is hereby given tliat the loiiuuiuK uani ed settler lias filed uouco of his intention to uiikfi final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Jlesisier and Receiver at Valentine Ncbr on Jan 13th 1837 Viz Willard L Cohee of Simeon Xeb II E 8417 for the sMswh sec 27 and nimM secitp 20 rA He names the foIlowhiK witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Charles It Howard raid Robert L Quisenberry of Oasis Nebr JohuJt Ballard and Jlenry U Ballard of Wood Lake Ncbr C1L GLOVER leister U S Laud Office at Valentine Neb Xec 12th ISM Notice is hereby given that the folinjvinf named settler hs filed notice of his intention mSLKti nnai prooi in siipjw i oi jus uiajiii ciu wirh RtnriPQ niQpllMnv ninfnrocj witn stones miscellany pictures that said protf will be made betore the Register Receiver at Valentine Neb on Jan awl poetry sketches etc The politics of r li9i viz the paper will -not be changed and the battle for pure democracy and true democratic principles will be continued successfully in the future as in the past In spite of the expense involved in the improvements noted the price of the Twice-a-week Courier Journal will remain the same one dollar per I year with liberal inducements to agents or old subsciibers who send in new ones A feature aming the com ing year will be the editorials of Mr Henry Watierson on political and other tcpics of the day John G Nichols of UeigvNebr HE No RS31 for the lots n ind e i rvH Sec l Tp b K GO - lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of baid laud viz Daniel l White and Peter Gallowiv of Neb lienrybehteieter ami Peter Kenners oIKeige Neb C It frtOVbR Agister U SLand Office Valentine Nebr December Ifith f Notice is hereby given that tiie following named settler has filed notice of hi intention to make final proof in suppot t oi hi- claim and thiii b d noi will be made befoie the Register ami JteceiUr at Valentine reb on JanCon 197 i C harJcsL Morgan of Cody ebr II K No Hit lota 3 1 friMvh and ne j mvh See 2 To 3J K X ile names ie iniunuiiv itneiv8 to prove 1h continuous residence xiptii and cultivation ef said laud vi7 JcrrHi C bmtts Anson Ncwbery Amos I Chitders and lienrvi lioilldaj all oi Only Isebr C ft GLOVKK rRegbter U SLaid Office Valentine Nebraska Injcember tt i lfaW Comp aint having been entered at tins miir i by George V Keinier Jr ag niht Chi istau Soreiiseu for abandomiii his Homestead etry No 10i20 dated leoruaxy V2 xipen tne serintion urip of flip ivsnr ivp aivjn btnpuon pwee or tne pper aie gten wk iiSvv auiwswsee 2fLTn the boards of their various cities ana Lfree with mvnra nlmerititipii Thprp 3J 39w in Jierrv county Nebraska wilii u lew to the cancellation of srtideinry the aaul par- counties out in this respect Valentine lis soinethingvof interest in it for every I ties are hereby summoned to appear at tits And Cherry county are to be member of the family The subscrip oclock respond and imnish lestumiuy lated The village board is composed tion price of the Weekly Dispatch is I conccny mc iyjmster Estytitf Taken up by tho subscriber living 4 miles northwest of Georgia in Cherry countv Nebraska on the 21st dav ot May 1896 one stagorc reeroipposfcd to be three years old color red aim branded thus 7 III Hans Osti iiax juhbb Short Lh mc tL Passenger leaves OXeill Keb at 1005 a m immediately after rival of train from -Black Hills -reaching Sioux City at 235 p m saving three hour3 tkae Lowest rates Purchase local tickets to ONeill and rebuv there The F E SL V make holiday rates of one and one third for the round trip to points within 200 miles of the selling station Tickets on sale December 24 25 and 31 and January 1 good returning until January 4 The current number of Farm Stock -and Home Minneapolis Minn should be read by every farmer in the 3tate In fact for a farmer to miss reading any number of that excellent journal is a misfortune which he can escape amost without money and without price by taking it in connec tion vith the Dkmocua T StrtJycil or Sto7tn Prom my place in Valentine bav horse weighs about 900 povnrip whitn hind feet star in forehead branded monogram AL on left shoulder Alfkijd Ij xxib The Bust Wug To Sioux City is via OXeili and the PaoiQc Short Line Try it Strayed From my place on th northwest corner of town Saturdsv Octobpx 10 team of horses -0-- sortvi Ltk anas njn fi reea weighs about 2200 0her w - 31a ok Zutwinn jyitntl Atovotf jjurs hy ilitftnt rftirv9ktlotti 3radt til Mi jUucell Obftarviitory The observers at the Lowell observa tory find that Mercury and Venus ro tattt cui thciraxis ooctduriiig their rev olution nbout the aun Vfsnus in not as has been supposed but is veiled inan atmosplicntJtiutMcr eurj is not This official dispatch from Mc Lowell for distribution to astrouomer3 ja ex ceedingly mtere ithUisince it suggests radical chuncs in tho generally ac cepted opinions coiieeminir tuts motions of theec planets and condition existing on Venus Of course the- data from which ho opinions have ben deduced cannot an vet be stated for the information hns t timroJvitjrjt rVV w rvw YES US AKD MftCIJii 2mpartot 2evr fcpetio Solat ium io fhz PJueta come to us hv telegraph Observations of Mercury and Venus have always been difficult tho reasons therefor an the dirtcreut planets being however -not the same JXfercury never leaves the company of the sun its greatest -distance from it in the sky being not more than about 20 degrees It is on thatac count enveloped always in sunlight which dims its brightness and makes the details of its surface difficult t de tect Soire 50 years ago a tronomers throupbt they discovered motioaabout it axis and fixed the day at about fivcjJ riinutos less than ours But this time while Generally accepted and given pla e in lest books has been without absolute proof It has been conceded that little or no atmosphere exists there for if it did it would liave been detected during the transits of tin planet across tha suns -disk tion period must in this case be deter mined from observation oE the actial surface of Mercury and hitherto no ob server has been fortunate enough to to get een glimpses of this With Venus the case is quite different The brightness of thisphmet 3a such ok to obsei revision sothat the best obser vations have been taken at times when there was daylight present to tone down its brilliancy It has been the general opinion that the surface oMhe planet was hidden from usby dense clouds in the atmosphere while moun tain peaks piercing these clouds or per manent spots have been lacking so that the time of rotation has been in doubt It ha beu set down however as about an hour longer than the day of the earth Some observations of tilings which vere suppoed to give rotation have been recorded but like the satellite which was seen by the older astronomers to be in company wiih the planet -the later astronomer with hs powerful telescopes has not been able to se them The dispatch from Flagstaff suggests the curious fact that these planets have each of them only one day in eoch year and this -will very readily settle the question of -possible inhabitants unless indeed there are nomadic tribes which follow the sun and live always on the s unny side of tbcplanefc for oth T jvrtion exposed to darkness and inter planetary cOul can hardly be aide to lifo With reference to tho ctmosphert of Venus it has been genc tlly conceded that one exists v lilch den or than ours The rea sons f ir this belief arc briefly that at the line when Verus is a crescent the hours extend over more than half a rircle Vnt could not do were no atnOJp here to reflect the light i vd further when during he transits of Venus n portion -of the planet has entered upon the suns disk or remains upon it an illumination of the whole edge of the planet has been seen which couid In ureouipiished in no wy nowii to us except the dillo sion of the sunlight through an at mosphere The degree cf this diffusion beii r corsirienii it is probable tbalthf atmosphere is into dense Mr Lowell is rowever assurcl that the supposed clouds do not exist and allthat prevents ova- observation of configuration of Venus is the difficulty of looking through its atmosphere Boston Transrrpt ENGLISH SHOP the Thtj Art ftyncraHy Xfftnd aad Alto PleHaDt One can hardly enter a high class London shop without noting not only the height and air of distinction the at tendants possess but their refined oees and msiinor deferring o this one day the mnnarer of a large estab lishment said that the girls in their departments are required to have all these qualifications and for the most port thvy come from good families preferring thLs to the over- crowded occupafion of nursery cresc or companion There is hardly much to choose from in of f ree dom for il the girls are obiigr d to -live in i lmftrVng provided by aud under the sup3rvision of the management These homes arc doubtless com fortable but he rules are extremely strict TCo masculine callers- are ever allowed and the hiseis closed nrompt ly at tn If a girl missts thn closing hour on three oerrasiom no ezcuse pre vents a prompt dismissal The man agement claims that these rules neces sitate its attendants taking a proper amount of rest and probably custom ers find it to heir advantage not to bo obigd to listen to an accoTmt of ifche last- dance or what he said end she said when they wishto be waited on Toledo Bee Itrgfe iect The rritisb Tndia Steam 3avigatios compajiy possess tbo largest fleet in the world ItTsrcmbers 2u2 vesrcl3 rep resenting a gross toTvggga ot 257CS -11 5 Thti lcnlnsnics Gzixzl rrf - i T i j cu3i aeit riTtiioc cscrii xotainfT Ilil - 0 i - e C5uiSgo TvPZ 1200 Reward oi rJoOO will be idloccan for their retucn FnAi CTEi I - - o r 9 r v IV i h t y