The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 31, 1896, Image 2

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Wrecked Cars Consumed by Fire
and Bodies of the Victims Cre
mated Evidence that the Disaster
Was the of Train Wreckers
An Alabama Disaster
Tle most disastrous wreck ever known
in Alabama occurred at 730 Sunday morn
ing near Blcclon about thirty mjles south
west of Eirmihgliam The Blocton ac
com nodal on of tlic Louisville and Xash
ville sjstcm left Birmingham at 030
oclock on regular schedule between Bloc
ton and Guersney When the train reached
the trestle which carries the road over
Kahaba River the center span gave way
andrecipitated the whole train of four
carsand the engine into the water 117 feet
below and not over three feet deep It
seems incredible that anyone escaped im
mediate deatli from the awful plunge as fire
quickly consumed the train and its con
tents A armer living near by heard the
dread ul rash and communicated the in
formation to the nearest telegraph station
which was six miles away
A reliet tiain with Superintendent Fra
zierof the Southern Railroad and eight
physicians nurses and supplies left Bir
mmgnam f r the scene of the wreek This
train returned at 9 oclock p m with 27
bodies All of the bodies however are
charred bejond recognition
Of the survivors Sam Spencer was the
only one of the train crew that escaped
lie was the colored fireman He jumped
from the engine while it was in midair and
landed in the water some distance from
where the engine fell His only injury was
a broken arm Of the eight other sur
vivors three were children all of whom
had their feet burned and mashed and a
lady who had both feet crushed
Dr Ray a physician who attended Gar
dener one of the injured survivors tele
graphs the statement made by Gardener as
to the earned the wreck Gardener says
that when he felt the cars leave the track
he looked out and saw three savage look
ing men rushing from a hiding place to
wards the waters edge and that after tad
if wreck they went through the wreckage
robbing the dead and wounded and then
fled to the woods They did their work
quickly and offered no assistance whatever
in the way of rescuing the imprisoned and
injured passengers This story however
Las not yet been corroborated but other
facts tend to show that it was the work of
train wreckers
An examination of the engine shows
that Engineer White had shut off the steam
and reversed before it went down indicat
ing that he saw danger ahead as he ap
proached the bridge and tried to stop his
ttrain His charred body was found with
lis hand on the throttle The officers say
that there jjs every indication that a rail
was removedh jch derailed the train and
caused it to pull down the bridge The
cross ties show marks of the wheels
Congressman Money to Make an In
vestigation on His Own Hook
Senator elect Money of Mississippi
whose term in the house does not expire
until March 4 and who is one of the Demo
cratic members of the house foreign affairs
committee will find out for himself the true
situation of affairs in Cuba lie left Tampa
Saturday for Havana Col Money has
provided himself with all necessary letters
and passports It is his purpose to ask an
audience with Weyler after arriving at Ha
vana Money proposes to request the cap
tain general to--provide him with an escort
and a flag of truce so that he can go into
the heart of the territory occupied by the
insurgents with a view of finding out what
is going on
Final Ceremonies in San Francisco
Sunday Afternoon
The final obsequies over the remains ot
the late Kate Feld was held in Trinity
Church San Francisco Sunday afternoon
The large edifice was crowded to the doors
with the most prominent people of the city
who assembled to do honor to the memory
of the dead woman The chancel in
which the casket rested was a mass of
plants and beautiful floral pieces sent by
people from all parts of the mntry Gov
Budd was represented by hfs staff in full
uniform and a number of foreign consuls
federal officials and the heads of state and
municipal departments Avere present
Explosion of Fire Damp
A terrific explosiou of fire damp occurred
in the mine of the Maule Coal Company
in Princeton Ind Saturday afternoon
and as a result twelve or more men were
instantly killed and four were injured one
of the latter being dangerously hurt Be
sides the dead bodies recovered five or six
others names unknown are deadintho
Weyler Hung in Effigy
Gen Weyler was hung in effigy in two
Xew Jersey towns he citizens of Cape
May and Xew Brunswick celebrating
Christmas by a demonstration in favor of
Cuban libertv
Agnlrre Mortally Wounded
Private advices from the interior of Cuba
represent that the insurgent leader Jose
Maria Aguirre who held the chief com
mand of the insurgent forces in Havana
province was mortally wounded in a re
cent engagement with the Spanish forces
near Campo Florida
Russia Watching Japan
A dispatch from Paris says It is
stated that a Russian fleet of twelve vessels
has been stationed at Vladivostock to
watch Japan which is suspected of medi
tjn another blow at China
TJanlc Failures During the Past
Week a Depressing Feature
- R G Dun CosWeekly Review of
Trade says The failure of two important
banks the second in size of business at
Chicago and the oldest at St Paul with
some others dependent on them closes not
favorably a month which promised to end
with onlj moderate commercial disasters
It does not lessen the effect of these fail
ures that one was caused by enormous
loans in aid of an electric railway and
other concerns and that the other appears
to have resulted from heavy ventures in
unsalable real estate Since several thou
sand business men and depositors are for
the time embarassed as much as the spec
ulators that caused the trouble the
breakdown is the reverse of hopeful al
though it comes when many markets are
well supplied and when no serious effect in
business is to be apprehended
Other important events of the week are
the failure of the billet and rail pools to
find a basis for agreement and the some
what general discharge of hands or reduc
tion of wages in the shoe manufacture
The holiday trade has been fair but gen
erally in articles of medium grades
Wheat has grown a little stronger in
spite of the disturbance of the Chicago
market The aggregate of gross earnings
of all railroads in the United States re
porting for the first half of December or a
part thereof is 12017126 a decrease of
45 per cent compared with last year
Claimed McKinley Has Practically
Decided on His Secretaries
A special to the Chicago Times Herald
on Dec 25th from Washington says
It is now possible to give some impor
tant news concerning the progress which
President elect McKinley has made in the
task of making up his cabinet slate It
would le incorrect to say that Maj Mc
Kinley has fully and finally determined
whom he will ask to be his ministers So
far only two direct offers of places in the
cabinet have been made one of these to
Mr Hanna who is not likely to be in the
cabinet at all and the other to Gov Ding
ley Unless he changes his mind the fol
lowing will be the McKinley cabinet when
it is finally announced
Secretary of State John Sherman of
Secretary of the Treasury Nelson Ding
ley of Maine
Secretary of War Ex Gov William R
Merriam of Minnesota
Secretary of the Navy Cornelius N
Bliss of New York
Attorney General Nathan Goff of West
Postmaster General Henry C Payne of
Secretary of Agriculture Judge Way
mire of California
Insurgents Win Their First Victory
on the Sea
A special from Key West Fla of Dec
21th says
The lone star flag of Cuba has met the
Ted and yellow banner of Castile upon the
seas The shrapnel shell and rifle volloys
of a brave filibuster have made answer to
the roar of Spanish twelve pounders and
have gained for Cuban libre the first victory
on the ocean
The filibustering steamer Three Friends
sailed from Fernandina Fla Sunday
night Dec 18 carrying a valuable cargo of
munitions of war for the Cuban insurgents
eluding the vigilance of United States
warships and revenue cutters and dodging
every sail upon the ocean the little
steamer with about fifty men was within
hailing distance of Cuba on the sixth night
Surprised trapped and fired upon she
threw shot into a Spanish naval coaster
frightened off a big gunboat and escaped
from a swift cruiser steering out to sea
The Three Friends put in again to the
coast and safely landed her cargo on the
border of the great Zapata swamp
Not before in Cubas struggle for liberty
has the flag of Spain been fired upon at
sea No other filibuster after having been
attacked by the enemy has stood by her
guns and fulfilled her perilous mission
Five Injured and One Killed in
Allentown Pa
Five persons were injured and one killed
iChristmas afternoon in Allentown Pa in
a grade crossing accident A passenger
train on the Central Railroad of New Jer
sey struck a trolley car L J Ware aged
49 the motorman was instantly killed
The locomotive struck the trolley car at
the front platform carrying the motorman
a distance of seventy five feet The five
persons injured were struck by flying
fragments of the car Their injuries are
not serious
Powers Might Interfere
A London Times Paris correspondent
says The Washington government has
been confidentially informed although in
very friendly terms that the European
powers would not remain passive should
the United States recognize or encourage
the Cuban insurgents If my information
is correct an intimation has been further
given that Germany is quite ready even
now to take Spains side should the United
States show a disposition officially to side
with the rebels These warnings originated
in the course of pour parlers for an Eu
ropean coalition against revolutionary so
Davy Force Kills a Man
Joseph Manning an ex base ball player
who was shot by David Force also a pro
fessional ball player is dead in San Fran
cisco The police are looking for Force
Force played in the big leagues of the east
and at various times was a star of the St
Louis Browns the Cincinnati Reds the
Bostons and the Buffalos He was a high
salaried man nis position was shortstop
though he filled almost any position on the
Double Illinois Tragedy
Ebinezer Scott of Peoria 111 became
Jealous of his wife and shot and danger
ously wounded he and then blew out his
own brains His body was found on the
river bank j
Famous Spot in Missouri Scene of
Another Train Robbery
At 980 oclock Wednesday night the St
Louis and Chicago express which left
Kansas City at 845 was flagged at Blue
Cut and came to a standstill Masked men
immediately covered the engineer and tire
man and compelled them to get down
from the cab At the same time another
member of the bandit gang uncoupled the
express car from the rest of the train The
robbers quickly climbed aboard the loco
motive and the express car and before the
surprised trainmen had time to collect their
wits the bandits were speeding down the
grade beyond Blue Cut with the engine
and the express car and Express Messen
ger Frier of St Louis was a prisoner in
the express car
At 280 Thursday morning the express
car was brought back to Independance
and Express Messenger J A Frier told
the story of the robbery
About five minutes after his car was de
tached from the train he said lie heard a
rap at the side door and thinking it was
the brakeman opened it A man with a
shot gun compelled him to retreat into the
car while two others followed with re
volvers and ordered him to throw up his
Damn you give us the keys to the
safe said one of the men to the messenger
at this point Frier refused to do this and
the two men who had remained on the out
side leaped into the car They jumped on
Frier pinned him to the floor and took the
keys of the safe away from him He was
then chucked up into a corner with
two guns held to his head
and he was told to stay there The third
man then took the keys opened the safe
and took from it several packages of
money ancl after the robbers had secured
the contents of the small safe they attempted
to open the large one A small hole
one eighth of an inch- in diameter was
made in the large safe and two sticks of
dynamite put in Frier talked to
the men telling them they were wasting
time as there was not a penny in the large
safe At this time they desisted from theii
attempt to open it and prepared to leave
Before they went away one of the men
walked over to Frier and taking a 2 bill
from his pocket said
Here help yourself to a Christmas
present we made a good haul
It is impossible to estimate the amount
of money taken from the small safe as the
express messenger refused to state lie
admitted however that there was a great
deal of money which was heing shipped
for Christmas It is fair to estimate it at
several thousand dollars
Sultan Given Ten Days in Which to
Put Reforms in Force
The powers have finally become con
vinced that the sultans promises amount
to nothing and are determined to begin a
policy of coercion Monday Lord Salis
bury summoned the ambassadors and com
municated to them the views of the gov
ernment on the definite proposals of Rus
sia for joint intervention in order that each
might communicate them to his own gov
ernment and secure Instructions There
is reason to believe that unless the suitan
within ten days shows a deference of which
he is little suspected very decisive steps
will be taken by the joint powers
Wholesale Body Snatching
Dr Fred O Hunt of Toledo Ohio is
under arrest on a charge of receiving dead
bodies unlawfully lie admits having
shipped bodies to Cleveland and does not
deny shipping them elsewhere but stub
bornly refuses to disclose his partners in
the recent Edward Cartwright affair
although the authorities are satisfied that
another well known young physician and
a druggist are implicated They think
others are also and it is believed other
arrests will soon follow
Farmer Hatch Dead
Ex Congressman W II Farmer
Hatch died at nannibal Mo Wednesday
of a complication of troubles resulting
from Brights disease He was stricken
early in the week and since Monday his
case has been considered hopeless Mr
Hatch achieved fame as the author and
champion of the anti option biil which
was defeated in congress several years ago
after a protracted struggle
Chicago Cattle common to prime
5350 to o75 hogs shipping grades
300 to 375 sheep fair to choice 200
to 375 wheat No 2 red 78c to 79c
corn No 2 22c to 24c oats No 2 16c
to 17c rye No 2 37c to 3Sc butter
choice creamery 20c to 22s eggs fresh
20c to 22c potatoes per bushel 20c to
30c broom corn common green to fine
brush 2c to 54e per pound
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
525 hogs choice light 300 to 350
sheep good to choice- 200 to 350
wheat No 2 SSc to 90c corn No 2
white 20c to 22c oats No 2 white 21c
to 22c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 525 hogs
300 to 350 wheat No 2 91c to 93c
corn No 2 yellow 20c to 21c oats
No 2 white lGc to ISc rye No 2 34c
to 3Gc
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 500 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 250 to 375
wheat No 2 93c to 95c corn No 2
mixed 21c to 22c oats No 2 Hiixe5 19c
to 21c rye No 2 35c to 37c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 500 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 200 to 350
wheat No 2 red 91c to 93c corn No 2
yellow 20e to 22c oats No 2 white 20c
to 21c rye 3Gc to 3Sc
Toledo Wheat No 2 red 94c to 9Gc
corn No 2 mixed 22c to 23c oats No
2 white 17c to 19c rye No 2 37c to 39c
clover seed 540 to 550
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 7Sc
to SOc corn No 3 21c to 23c oats No
2 white ISc to 20c barley No 2 31c to
35c rye No 1 3Sc to 40c pork mess
SG50 to 700
Buffalo Cattle 250 to 500 hogs
300 to 400 sheep 200 to 375
wheat No 2 red 95c to 96c corn No
2 yellow 23c to 25c oats No 2 white
22e to 24c
New York Cattle 300 to 525 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 200 to 400
wheat No 2 red S9e to 90c corn No 2
2Sc to 30c oats1 No 2 white 22c to 23c
butter creamery luc to 23c ggs West
ern ISc to 24c
Dr Goodmanson a Prominent Pen
der Physician Held for Trial With
out Bail on the Charge of Poison
ing His Wife Other Items
Bound Over Without Bail
Dr Goodmanson of Pender has been re
manded for trial on the charge of wife
murder The preliminary trial lasted three
days and the defense offered no testimony
The only evidence of guilt was the pres
ence of strychnine in the body together
with Goodmansons treatment of his wife
The victinrhad all the symptoms of strych
nine poisoning during the few hours be
fore her death After the state had fin
ished its testimony counsel for defendant
filed the usual motion to dismiss on the
grounds that there was not sufficient proof
to hold the prisoner for trial Attorney
Ira Thomas on behalf of the defense re
viewed the case fully and the law applica
ble to preliminary examinations Mell CI
Jay attorney on behalf of the state dwelt
on the actions of the defendant toward his
wife He alluded to the circumstance that
the doctor had not made any effort to ob
tain immediate assistance for his dying
wife Attorney A G Kingsbury closed
for the defense Tiie court briefly reviewed
the testimony particularly the transaction
that occurred at the doctors room In his
opinion there was sufficient evidence to
holu the accused for trial and he was ac
cording y bound over to tlie March term of
the district court without bail All wit
nesses in the case are under bonds
Is Expelled From the Ministry
The Rev Frank F Passmore was con
victed of unministerial conduct and ex
pelled from the Methodist ministry by the
judicial conference which met in Omaha
last week Passmore was for a number of
years pastor of Colorado churches On
different occasions he denounced the
leaders and bishops of the the church
in scathing terms He was tried by
the annual conference of Colordao After
the conviction of the minister by the con
ference and his exclusion from the church
an appeal was taken to the judicial confer
ence which met in Omaha Again the
same letters and papers were introduced in
evidence The trial occurred before a jury
of four men one trom each of the follow
ing states Colorado Iowa South Dakota
and Minnesota The decision of the con
ference was affirmed
Services at the York Jail
1 1 has long been the custom of the
Womans Christian Temperance Union at
Yoc to hold services on Sunday afternoon
at the county jail before the prisoners
Sunday last however instead of doing the
talking the members listened to a talk by
W L Lee one of the prisoners Lee
chose as his text the passage in the bible
which tells of the Pharisee and the Pub
lican and the self righteousness of the
former He applied this to the present
times and deplored the uncharitableness of
When we appear before the judgment
seat on the final day said the speaker
wun intense earnesmess then you will
know that an injustice has been done and
thatl am not guilty of the crime with
which I am charged
Report on the Soldiers Home
The commandant of the Soldier Home at
Milford has made his report to the governor
and the board of public lands and build
ings The estimate for all purposes save
improvements for the nexttwo years is 25
040 The estimate is made on the basis of
110 inmates which is nearly the present
capaciry of the home
The government pays into the state
treasury 100 per annum for each member
cared for in a state soldiers home which
would amount to 20000 on 100 members in
two years leaving a balance the state
would actually pay of 5040
The cost of rations per day for each mem
ber of the home since January 1 has been
202 cents
Governor Holcombs Portrait
From Private Secretary Maret and other
attaches of the office Governor Holcomb
was on the 24th presented with a life size
portrait of himself which now graces the
walls of the executive department in com
pany with every other governor who has
gone before him The likeness is an ex
ceedingly good one and is hung to the
right of the entrance to the reception room
Representative D C Snyder of Nemaha
County made the presentation speech and
the governor responded in a fitting and
appreciative manner From the Lee
Broom and Duster Company he also re
ceived a handsome new broom of elegant
and artistic workmanship
Secures Damages Against a Doctor
The jury in the damage suit of Wickwire
against Roop at Beatrice rendered a ver
dict giving the plaintiff 1500 damages
The defendant is a physician at Blue
Springs and treated Mrs Wickwires nose
for cancer applying medicines which de
fendant alleges ate away a portion of her
Wliere Good Deeds Survive
The custom of the late C H Yan Wyck
of distributing two wagon loads of meat
among the poor of Nebraska City every
Christmas is to be continued by Mrs Yan
Wyck The meat was brought in and dis
tributed under the direction of friends of
the Yan Wyck family
Costly Fun of Two Boys
Tlue two young fellows at Beatrice Hick
man and Davis who held up an old Ger
man and undertook to relieve him of an
overcoat just for fun as they explained
in court will spend thirty days each in the
county jail to pay for their fun
Farmer Takes Laudanum
Richard L Muir a prominent farmer
living two miles north of Brock took two
ounces of laudanum with suicidal intent
Mr Muir lost his wife some time ago and
it seems his troubles have caused his mind
to become unbalance as he has been com
plaining and at certain intervals would be
Farmers Holding Corn Back
Corn is almost all cared for in the vicinity
of Duncan and was an enormous yield
ranging from fifty to eighty bushels per
acre and 2000 to 8000 bushels to each
farmer The quality is of the best and
most of the farmers have their corn in good
cribs and are able to hold it for better
Elopes with the Hired Ulan
The wife of a prominent farmer residing
northwest of Wausa created a sensation by
eloping with the hired hand No effort
toward their capture was made by the bus-
Senate Committee Itlakcs a Peport to
Accompany uhaii Kcsoluiions
Senator Cameron of the Committee on
Foreign Relations presented to the Sen
ate a report to accompany the Cuban res
olutions which were adopted by the com
mittee It is a document of very great
length and deals thoroughly thougn
briefly in its opening with modern pre
cedents of European intervention where
independence was the issue involved the
committee having as its report mentions
examined with care all the instances
which have occurred during this century
of people claiming independence by the
right of revolt
The opening lines of the report read
Congress at its last session after long
and patient consideration adopted with
practical unanimity the view expressed
by your committee that the time had
come for resuming intervention with
Spain for the recognition of the inde
pendence of Cuba Spain having decliued
to listen to any representation founded
on an understanding between herself and
the insurgents and Congress having
pledged itself to friendly intervention the
only question that remains to be decided
s the nature of the next step to be taken
with proper regard to the customs and
usages of nations
Six precedents in foreign countries
have made it plain to the committee that
Europe has invariably asserted and prac
ticed the rijrht to interfere both collec
tively and separately amicably and forci
bly in every instance except that of
Poland where a European people has re
sorted to insurrection to obtain inde
Then with particular reference to
Cuba the report declares the government
of the United States has always regarded
Cuba as within the sphere of its most
active and serious interest As early as
1823 the United States sought to inter
pose its friendly offices
Reference is made to the action taken
by Congress in the last session request
ing the President to interpose his friend
ly offices with Spain for the recognition
of Cuba This action was the report
declares taken on great consideration
and on just principles on a right of in
tervention exercised twenty seven years
ago and after a patient delay unexampled
in history The interval of nine months
has proved the necessity of carrying t
out to completion
The regular organization of an insur
gent government the adoption of a con
stitution and election of a president is
alluded to then military force sufficient
to baffle the exertions of 200000 Spanish
soldiers and their civil administration
at work is given consideration and the
committee says The only question
that properly remains for Congress to
consider is the mode which should be
adopted for the step which Congress is
pledged to take
The government has none but friend
ly feelings for Spain and there is no
friendly office which Spain could ask
which the United States within the limits
of their established principles and policy
would -not be glad to extend In the pres
ent instance they are actuated by an
earnest wish to avoid the danger of seem
ing to provoke a conflict
The report ends with recommending
the joint resolution recognizing the inde
pendence of Cuba and proffering friend
ly offices to Spain inorder to bring the
war to a close
Jacob Hay Brown Said to Have Ac
cepted a Cabinet Fortfolio
Jacob Hay Brown who is said to have
been tendered and to have accepted the
portfolio of Attorney General in President-elect
McKinleys cabinet is one of
the leading lawyers of Pennsylvania He
is the foremost member of the bar in
Lancaster County a county that for a
century or more has been distinguished
for its great jurists Mr Brown has
been eminent in politics for many years
and has more than once been mentioned
in connection with very high offices in the
nation and in his State He became
prominent in State and county conven
tions and his speech nominating Chief
Justice Agnew drew to him the attention
of political leaders of the State He was
associated with Cameron Conkling and
Logan as a delegate-at-large in the mem
orable battle of the 30G All these
things were more in the nature of means
to an end rather than ends themselves
For twenty years in county supreme and
Federal courts he has had a most varied
practice as advocate or counselor before
jury or the court in original or appellate
jurisdiction Mr Brown is associated
with W X Hensel in the practice of
law He was urged warmly for the
vacancy on the supreme bench of the
United States that was filled by the ap
pointment of Justice Shiras Mr Brown
is a bachelor and lives in a homestead
nine miles from Lancaster
News of Elinor Notv
Charles Jackson of Richmond Ind
is a prisoner in Morro Castle Havana
There are three British warships one
German and one French at the Philip-
pine Islands y
An accident by whicTi six men are be
lieved to have lost their lives occurred in
the tunnel of the Holy Cross mine near
Red Cliff Col
The commission to decide whether
Santa Monica or San Pedro shall re
ceive the appropriation for a harbor will
meet in Los Angeles Cal
- -S
Despite a Deficit of 525203245 nfc
Present and Larger Deficiencies
Probable in 1S97 anillSOS He Takes
a Cheerful View
Talks of Money
The annual report of the Secretary of
the Treasury as transmitted to Con
gress deals extensively and in detail
with the financial situation Mr Carlisle
summarizes the condition of the treasury
and after reviewing his former recom
mendations for early and effective legis
lation to provide for the retirement or
treasury notes goes on to say
The maintenance of a policy which
necessarily imposes upon the government
the burden of furnishing gold at the pub
lic expense to all who may demand it for
use or hoarding at home or for export
to other countries cannot be justified up
on any ground of expediency or sound
financial principles and even if the
periodical and frequently recurring de
mands for gold did not weaken the foun
dations of our entire currency system
thus imparing confidence and depressing
business it would nevertheless be the
duty of all who are charged with any de
gree of responsibility for the adoption ofr
proper financial methods to insist upon
the reformation of our laws on this sub
ject at the earliest possible day
The issue and redemption of circu Y r
lating notes is not a proper function of ther J
treasury department or of any other de-
partment of the government While the
government has power to borrow money
it is not its duty to issue public obliga
tions merely for the purpose of providing
a paper currency for use in the transac
tion of business nor has it the constitu
tional power in my opinion to make its
promise legal tender in the payment of
private debts
The Secretary refers to the peril in
which the entire financial system has
been placed by the constant agitation
of the currency and favors the retirement
and cancellation of government notes
He says the people will not consent to be
taxed merely for the purpose of accumu
lating and holding a large and useless
surplus in the treasury
He claims that no system of coinagp
that can be devised will furnish the gov
ernment with either gold or silver un
less it pays for it with means already col
lected by taxation or by contracting an
indebtedness to be paid by the people in
the future
He goes at length into the subject of
the demand and supply of money the
matter of imports and exports as affecting
currency supplies and the crops in Eu
The Secretary holds that without a
reformation of our currency we cannot
safely rely upon permanent accessions to
our stock of gold from abroad in settle
ment of trade balances in our favor He
refers to his recommendation of last year
that the Secretary of the Treasury be
authorized to issue from tinje to time
bonds payable in gold and to exchange
them for United States notes and treas
ury notes and again indorses that plan
but adds that it may be that so radical
a measure would not receive the assent
of Congress in the present state of the
public mind on the subject
A Tramp Who Was Seven Days With-
ont Food or Drink
At Pla infield X J the other day
when a box car containing lumber was
opened a tramp was found therein The
fellow had crawled into the car while it
stood on a siding in Ottawa Canada sev
en days before and while he slept th
car was locked and made up in a train
When the tramp awoke the car was in
motion and he was a prisoner When
found the poor fellow was unable to
speak above a whisper and he was so
weak that he could not raise his arms
He looked something like Itip Van Win
Secretary Olney has received a cable
gram announcing that Brail has accept
ed the rules for the prevention of col
lisions at sea framed at the maritime
conference held at Washington The
chief maritime nations of the world now
have given their assent to tne interna
tional rules and they will go into effect
on the 1st of July next year
A valuable property in the bnsiness
heart of Altoona Pa burned entailing
a loss of 100000 A boy playing Santa
Ciaus In one of the windows of F M
Morrows dry goods store started the
tions for such amendments to the nation
al banking laws as would permit the issyue
of circulating notes equal in amount to
the face value of the bonds deposited audi
reduce the tax on notes to one fourth of
1 per cent per annum and that author
ity be given to establish branch banks
for the transaction of all kinds of busi
ness now allowed except the issue of cir
culating notes No good reason now is
perceived he says why this limitation
upon the required amount of capitalf
should not be reduced to 23000 with
out regard to population He again re
fers to and renews his suggestion that
the issue of United States notes treas
ury notes and national bank notes or
lower denominations than ten dollars be
prohibited in order to secure a large and
more permanent use of silver coin and