h r tv hy f S The Cause of Tthoumatism Thacause of rheumatism is lactic acid in the blood To this acid are due the aches and pains the swollen joints the sharp agonizing twinges Rheumatism affects JUe limbs arms back and hips causing misery day and night stiffness of the joints lameness swellings agony Jtneu matism can be cured only by purifying the oioou uo n t wasie time ana money on liniments or o iier applications Do not dally with unknown medicines Cure rheumatism at once surely safely promptly permanently by purifying the blood with Hoods Sarsaparilla Thousands of cures of this and other blood diseases conclusively prove that Hoods Sarsaparilla has wonderful curative power The great merit of noods Sarsaparilla has given it the first place among medicines It is the reason for its wonderful cures 1 is the explanation of Its enormous sales Hoods Sarsaparilla stands not only npon its record of cures in the past though this is unequalled by any other medicine but it is todav curing thousands of cases of catarrh rheumatism scrofula dyspepsia and many other blood diseases It is today the medicine which the people take to give them health strength pure blood good appetite and digestive power After a man has made a pleasant al lusion to the days when he courted his wife there Isnt anything she will re fuse to do for him Atchison Globe 5100 Howard 8100 The readers of this paper wW be pleased to leam that there 1b at leaat one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Its stages and that 1b Catarrh Halls Catairb Cure 1b the only positive euro now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a con stitutional treatment HiiILb Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon tha blood nnd mucous surfncoB of the system thoreby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patk ut Btvtnth by building up the countitition and aRsiBting nature in doing its work The proprietors have 2a inuch faith in Up curativo povern that they offer One Hundred TollarB for any case that it foils to euro Send fc4ibt of tcaimonialB AddreH r T CHENEY CO Toledo O J3SHold by DruggiBts 75a Astronomers suy tliat tnere is every reason to believe that human life on Mars is much like it is on this earth -v You Want a JParm We have lifty miles west of Houston at Chetcivitle the best tract in Tex s High prairie well drained abundant rainfall good soil low prices and eay terms Write and receive Look Fertile Farm Lands lree and information as o cheap excur sions and lree tare Address Soutiikrx Tkxas Colonization Co John hlm Mgrv 110 itialto Building Chicago V Puss familiar name for cat was once pers the Persian name for the fiame animal The Northwestern New Express Every night at 8 for Kansas City and St Loiis H C Cheyney General Agent Sioux City Iowa A harbor and a railroad on the island of Reunion cost 13500000 instead of SGSOOOOO Pisos Cure for Consumption is our only medicine for coughs and colds Mrs C Beltz 439 8th ave Denver Col Nov 8 1S93 The leg bones are very hard and white and are used for handles of pock et and table cutlery gsgs Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills which vanish before proper ef fortsgentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed There is comfort in the knowledge that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system which the pleasant family laxative Syrup of Figs prompt ly removes That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health Its beneficial effects are due to the fact that it is the ane remedy which promotes internal cleanliness -without debilitating the Cr trans on -which it acts It is therefore all imoortant in order to iret its Lficial effects to note when you pur f tchase thatyou have the genuine article Iwhich is manufactured by the California LFig Syrup Co only and sold by all rep utable druggists If in the enjoyment of good health and the system is regular then laxa tives or other remedies are not needed If afflicted with any actual disease one may be commended to the most skillful physicians but if in need of a laxative iien one should have the best and with the ell informed everywhere Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives moieneral satisfaction TRAGIC WINTER Memories of the Terrible 8tnrzn It South Dakota Sixteen Ycare Ago According to certain weather wise acres in the Northwest the coming winter will be an unusually severe one in that region It is to be hoped how ever that no such winter as that of 1880 In South Dakota will ever again visit that State The story of that time Is full of Interest especially to those unfamaliar with its details Wednesday Oct 13 1880 was in Southern Dakota a typical northwest ern fall day Rain fell during the day The next day the weather was rather pleasant but threatening Fri day the 15th a change occurred and snow began to fall This continued almost steadily until the following Sun day night when it cleared off Mon day snow again fell and from thai time on snow storms were of frequent occurrence during the whble winter On Nov 19 the ice which had been running for some time in the Missouri river suddenly formed an ice bridge and became so solid during the nighl that crossings could be made with safety the following day As the re- suit of the almost constant fall ol snow and hifjh winds huge drifts were formed some of them Trom 20 to 30 feet deep In many places fences and j trees were buried completely out of l sight and only the tops of telegraph poles were visible This necessitated in some instances the propping up of the wires to keep them out of the snow In the new portions of the territory there were few herds of cattle but in the southern counties thousands oi animals perished Along the Mis souri river hundreds of deer antelope and other wild game became foun dered in the vast drifts and were kill ed clubs In many instances being tlit instruments of destruction All tht railroads were blockaded and some oi them did not begin operations agaiL until the following June So great was the quantity of snow and moisture that fell during the win ter that every lake bed was filled t the brim The result was that crops for several seasons following were enormous But the hardships experi enced by the settlers on the prairie and the Inhabitants of the prairie towns was insignificant compared with the disasters which befell the resi dents of the towns alonjr the Mis souri river when the floods came the following spring Since the spring of 18G2 the spring break up of the Missouri river had not been attended with any disaster save in isolated cases and it was therefore not strange that the settlers on the bottoms had been lulled into a false sense of secur ity and regarded the stories handed down in regard to great inundations of the past as the mere vaporings of chronic exaggerators But it was a terrible awakening and for ten days the Missouri river valley for hundreds of miles was covered with a seeth ing torrent of water and ice which brought ruin to thousands and death to scores A Market for Toads in England Toads are sold In London and in many other parts of England at six pence a dozen Of all the means of ridding an in fested garden of slugs and other pests there is nothing to touch a judicious regiment of toads They will keep the worst garden clear of insect enenies for any length of time and in view of this the toad trade has sprung up At evening the toad catchers set out and along the banks of streams and under hedgegrows they find the little brown slug killers walking solemnly in straight lines on the prowl for worms and beetles The wily catcher lifts them one by one and stows them in his sack and if he knows anything of the ways of wild things he will fill all his receptacles in an hour Three or four dozen may be taken in an even ing almost anywhere even on flamp stead Heath Florists and private peo ple with large gardens buy the toads at sixpence a dozen American Feet Are Growing It is a fact that the feet of American women are growing larger Devotion to athletic exercise is the cause and some one is daring enough to say that the dainty delicate little Cinderella feet that find ample room in No 1 and No 2 slippers will be unknown twenty years from now Any exercise that keeps one on the feet for any great length of time will surely broaden and flatten the foot nnd a years steady course in a gymnasium will show a re markable increase in the size of th feet ra mm m The Blue and the Gray Both men and -women are apt to feel a little blue when the gray hairs begin to show Its a very natural feeling In the normal condition of things gray hairs belong to advanced age They have no business whitening the head of man or woman who has not begun to go down the slope of life As a matter of fact the hair turns gray regardless of age or of lifes seasons sometimes it is whitened by sickness but more often from lack of care When the hair fades or turns gray theres no need to resort to hair dyes The normal color of the hair is restored and retained by the use of Ayers Hair Vigor Ayers Cureboofc a story of cures told by the cured i6i j w aycr iof Lowell aiass WW m 9 m m UWJ w Ict Republicans Consider When Congress Is asked to enter on reckless legislative methods simply for the purpose of annoying the Democratic party and showing the alleged superi ority of the Republicans let them con sider that the numerical strength of both parties at the last election was so evenly balanced in the entire nation that if one man out of every fifty had changed his opinion the big popular ma jority over which the Ohio majors sup porters crow so much would have been wiped out of existence In addition let Congressmen remem ber that the abuse heaped at the Demo cratic party in its platform during the late campaign and even to day is un adulterated misapprehension of a most reckless character The mere fact that the declarationa put forth 4jy the Chi cago convention received the indorse ment of nearly one half the voters in the face of an exercise of the- corporate wealth of the country on the other side such as was never seen before ought to convince them that the vituperation was unjustifiable and that it will be ad visable to treat these declarations with a great deal of serious consideration Let them take the planks of the last Democratic platform one after another and let them try to study them as a guide and warning for they will find nothing there that needs to be recalled and apologized for by those who framed them There may have been mistakes of policy but the principles are all right when rightly and reasonably in terpreted There is a declaration against return ing to the McKiiiley tariff which was voted down so emphatically in two suc cessive elections and there is also a declaration that the best way of pro tecting American labor is to prevent the importation of foreign pauper labor to compete with it It will be an evil day for the Republicans on which they ignore the truth of these two proposi tions Then the Democracy demands econ omy in Government expenditures It is against the extravagance that tries to conceal itself under the cloak of patri otismusing the noblest sentiments of the nation to hide the rapacity of mo nopolists and contractors Its declara tion against government by injunc tion is very much akin to the forego ing It has been denounced as being anarchistic but it is in truth nothing more than a protest against the public authorities acting as the catspaws of the big corporations These are great questions and entirely worthy of the most serious most re spectful treatment If those who be lieve them to be the most important now at issue are treated contemptu ously and reviled those who are guilty thereof will surely meet their proper Dunishment Cuttinjr Off Their Own Noses It now seems that since the goldbugs of Wall street have succeeded in seating their candidate in the presidential chair they will endeavor to punish those States which rolled up handsome majorities for Mr Bryan in the recent election An idea of the sentiment existing may be imagined from the following ar ticle which appeared a few days ago in the WU Street Daily News It is no exaggeration to say that the States which in the last election support ed Bryan free silver and repudiation of honest obligations will have a hard time of it in floating new securities or ne gotiating loans in New York or for that matter in any part of the East The Chi cago platform and the people who sup ported it have given capital a shock from which it will take a long time to recover Repudiation as advocated by the States giving their full vote and support lo Bryan is sufficient to deter capital from in any way becoming financially interest ed in them and henceforth they had bet ter give New York the go by when money is wanted We know of no con certed movement to boycott the securi ties of the Bryan States but from con versation with leading bankers and brok ers we do know that a bitter feeling of antagonism prevails and the disposition is general to have nothing to do with them This may seem like a terrorizing threat in the eyes of Wall street but a careful study of the census of 1S90 showing the estimated wealth of the various States will convince anyone that the dog will wag the tail and not the tall the dog as the financial inter ests of Wall street think Even the threat of such a movement would encourage the combination of all the capital west of the Alleghenies in building up all sorts of manufacturing industries now patronized in the East and instead of the West being boycot ted by the East the East would be boy cotted by the West It would prove to be a case of cutting off their own noses to spite themselves They fail to recognise the fact that there is a vast population growing up in the far West and that the deciding power of the electoral col lege no longer remains in the Middle States A fair example of the outcome is to be found in the growth of the paper in dustry in the West A few years ago the East sold its news and book paper as far West as the Tacific coast now it is hard to sell it in Chicago In a fow words Wall street may rule Wall street but Wall street cannot and shall not dictate to the 70000000 people of this grand land of freedom They may vsqueeze the American agle the gold dollar until the last dollar has left the treasury but they cannot fool aU the American people all the time Some Baneful Effects It has been demonstrated that the agricultural population of the United States hours of work considered re ceive an income acordlng to numbers engaged that Is less than that provided for paupers or paid for convicts This statement seems incredible at first blush but when we are reminded of the fact that all the members of a farmers family work long hours and that they earn a bare living under ent conditions it becomes apparent thati the earning capacity of the average producer is less than 50 cents a day And his lot is becoming more and more onerous every day So true is this that the land which he formerly owned is slipping away from him just as it slipped away from the peasant proprietors in England and the curse of landlordism is already firmly fixed among us Its blight is upon the best blood of the rural districts In 1880 only 25G2 per cent of the farms in this country were cultivated by tenants Ten years later the num ber had risen to 3413 per cent and the end of the century will see more than half the tillers of the soil non owners Every alternate producer will be the creature of some one elses will But it is not only the rural homes that falling prices and an appreciating dol lar threatens Those who joined build ing and loan associations ten years ago know something of the increased and increasing difficulty of making their weekly and monthly payments Do they realize that while their assess ments are the same on their face they have as a matter of fact increased greatly in value Why Because of the unstable money in which they pay the exchange value of which is much greater than formerly A very exhaus tive work on this subject The Money Question says A measure of gen eral prices the stability of which can not be calculated upon in advance by the citizens of a State is a relic of bar barismit is unfit for a people who plan for years in advance their expenses and their savings This is unquestionably true An un stable money makes thrift unprofitable and any effort to discount the necessi ties of a rainy day uncertain if not use less It is a good thing for the shylock but a bad thing for everybody else An Extra Session The New York Mail and Express which was nearer the Harrison admin istration than any other American pa per being in fact a seini official or gan claims to speak by the card when it says that there will be an extra ses sion of Congress Major McKinley it declares has no hope that the short ses sion which convenes a week from next Monday will enact legislation looking to an increase of Federal revenues He will therefore not later than April 1 1S97 issue his proclamation for an ex traordinary convocation of members elected to the Fifty fifth National Con gress We fail to see what legislation will then be possible that is not possible be tween now and March 4 Or perhaps Ave should say we fail to see that legis lation impossible during the life of the Fifty fourth will not be impossible dur ing the life of the Fifty fifth Congress The newly elected body was not chos en to restore the McKinley prohibitoiy tariff rates Nearly all the Republican orators were careful to announce re peatedly that there would be no tariff tinkering under the majors adminis tration should he be elected There fore needed revenue must if good faith with the people is kept be raised out side the custom house As we have no income tax an increase of the internal revenue receipts will he absolutely es sential The proposition to double the rate now placed on beer meets with much favor and would insure a reve nue according to conservative esti mates of 935000000 which would per haps be sufficient under an economical administration This tax would not be felt by con sumers as it would amount to an in finitesimal sum per glass but it would be paid by the brewers practically all of whom are rich beyond the dream of avarice and most of whom are directly or indirectly connected with a trust Such a measure could be passed this winter and it seems to be about the only practicable method of meeting the exigency of the hour The Dingley comedy of errors has already been laughed off the stage It will not can not and as a matter of fact it should not become a law Let needed legisla tion be given the country immediately and then let the country be given a needed rest Chicago Dispatch Beauty is but skin deep That is a skin deep saying Beauty is heart deep It is out of the heart we desire it It is out of the heart it grows This is not a mere saying like the other It is the fat and secret that we are eager to penetrate Mrs A D T Whitney A thought weighing machine has been invented by an Italian physiolo gist the rush of blood to the head turning the scale The machine can measure the difference in the exer tion needed to read Greek from that required for Latin A 12-year-old lad at Parma recently bad his heart masked pxd aleansnL Bomr Dovrn -with Infirmities Age finds Itn surest solace in the benignant tonic aid afforded by Hostetters Stomach Bitters which counteracts rheumatic and malarial tendencies relieves growing Inac tivity of the kidneys and Is the finest rem edy extant for disorders of the stomach liver an bowels Nervousness too with wnicn oia people are very apt to be amicted Is promptly relieved by It The tight rope walker had a steady position but one day he fell oH and lost It California Excursions II C Ciieyxey General Agent Sioux City Iowa To dream of being dressed In white means success in your next undertak ing On Nov 30th the John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis the largest seed potato growers in the world received an order for three thousand bushels of seed potatoes from one firm in Texas The shallot takes its name from Its plentifulness in the vicinity of Asca lon If you desire a luxurious growth of healthy hair of a natural color natures crowning ornament of both sexes use only Halls Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer Courage is adversitys lamp Vanve nargues Why rub and toil and tcear out yourself and your clothes on washday when over since 1885 Dobbin Electric Soap has been offered on purpose to lighten your labor and save your clothes AowtryU Your grocer bus It There is no water on the moons sur face Mrs Wlnsiow Soothing Bthu for Children teething sottem the gumn reduces Inflammation Hays pain cure wind colic 25 cent a bottle i a wts 1 I I1 ZsLEB TRADE MARK Hope Iternrns to tho heart of the victim biund In th chains of rheumatism dyspepsia Kroful ca tarrh when the bood Is enriched and purlflrd by Ey m oods Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier All druggists 91 HnnHc Pillc are the best after dinner 1 iUUU 2 r llii aid puis dilation i5c PATENTS TRADE MARKS Eumluatlon and advice as to Patentability ot larva Vone Send for Iktzntors Ormz ok how to Oct a Patznt Patrick 0Farrll Wunhlncton UG PATENTS CLAIMS PENSIONS MORRIS WASHM6T0ND a LxU Principal Zsazalair V 8 JtnUoa 2uua 3 yra In lajt war IS adjadlcatlai elaisj attjr tlao QP1UHDRMENNESS VI IVlwICnredlalOtaSODaya HefartlU Cored DR JLSTEPHENSIKAKOXOMiai KIDDERS PASTlUEStymaa gtowellfcCat i C N U barleitown Ma 52 GG CURES WHERc ALL ELSE FAILS Best Cough BjTup Tastes Good Uao I la time Bold by drngsjsta THE MAIN MU8CULAR SUPPORTS OF THE BODY WEAKEN AND LET CO UNDER M KA OR LUMBAGO TO RESTORE STRENGTHEN AND STRAIGHTEN UP USE r ir i Tinm i rT jrrrrxii head otoe tn ff Jacos WVrti isnoiiunD Shows you did not take a taklet of Cascarets Candy Cathartic last evening Cascarets prevent sour stomach tone up the intestines stimulate the liver leave no chance for sick head aches in the morningf You eat them like candy and they leave your breath sweet and fragrant Better send out for a box right now JOc 25c 50c any drug store or mailed for price Write for booklet and free sample J o CANDY CATHARTIC Cure Constipation ADDRESS STERLING REMEDY COMPANY CHIOAQO MONTREAL OAW NEW YORK 111 3 lXMla3l i i i An intelligent matron a resident of Ithaca N Y makes it very plain to all her neighbors that she thinks there is no medicine like ipans TabuSes She believes that they saved the life of her son a boy of twelve who had been taken sick with what the doctors called liver trouble and catarrh of the stomach She says that after tr atinjr him a year without doing him any good the doctors gave him up to dte About that time his uncle who- had had- experience wilh Ripaus Tabuks and found that they had done him much good for catarrh of the stomach insisted that his nephew should try tbem After they had been taken two months according to directions the boy was able to go to school and four months after he began taking them he replied to an inquiry Why I am just as well a3 ever I was Important Notice The only genuine Bakers Chocolate gb celebrated for more than a century as a de licious nutritious and flesh forming bever age is put up in Blue Wrappers and Yel i j uw jiul LiiclL LUC I1IUVV Ji Label and our Trade Mark are on every package WALTER BAKER CO Ltd Dorchester Mass f ftttti A Handful of Dirt May Be a HousefuF of Shame Keep Your House Clean with Vi it I