The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 24, 1896, Image 2

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fo Valentine jgemocrxt
ROBERT B GOOD - JSditob Pkop
Speak Easy Whiskys Disastrous
Effects in Ohio Three Dead Three
Insane and Several Seriously
111 from Drinking the Mixture
Preparing for Emergencies
The explicit announcement is made that
Senor Depuyde Lome -the Spanish min
ister at Washington has telegraphed to
his government in Madrid that he had a
conference -with Secretary Olney in the
course of hich the Hatter assured him
that Spain tmight rest tranquil until March
at least since despitedhe attitude of con-
gress President Cleveland would not rec
ognize the independence of Cuba
It is also stated by e number of high offi
cials in Madrid that Capt Gen Weyler in
Cuba aasTeceived instructions to hurry up
his campaign by the delivery of a bold
stroke against the i insurgents in order to
prevent -the Cubansfrom rallying from the
disaster of Maceos death and to deprive
the AmericansOf any pretext for a demand
for Cuban independence
It was added that Spain was quite able
to meet tfhe situation and can promptly
mobilizeasmany as 500000 fresh troops in
addition to thosemow engaged in Cuba and
the Philippines The officials of the war
department -said that large orders have
been placed abroad for arms and ammuni
tion -and Spains rifle and munition facto
ries are working day and night to provide
againstany possible external complications
that mayarise inoCuba or the Philippines
SpeaktEasy Whiskys Disastrous
Effects in Ohio
Additional details from Benwood the
hew oilfieldiin Monroe County Ohio con
cerning -the poisoning of oil men from
drinking essence of cinnamon a substi
tute for -whisky sold at a speak easy
cemfirm the first reports Three well known
men are deadi three are insane and several
are seriously ill It seems that one of the
storekeepers atBenwood got hold of the fact
that a Wheeling W Ya firm was putting
npa preparationt called essence of cinna
mon which contained a large percentage
of alcohol The merchant laid in a large
supply of the stuff and informed the people
aboufrwhat a good thing he had It was
onlynreceiveflJ Saturday and he sold a greai
deal of it during the afternoon and even
ing Several who partook of the essence
soon became sill and three of them after
terrible suffering died The symptoms
were the same in ail cases The first man
taken ill was W H Price on whose farm
thePisher Oil Company drilled its first
well Before a physician could arrive he
was dead
Charles SSeibert a butcher of Sardis
hio wasthemext attacked and he was
guicklyfollowed to eternity by Thomas
Clegg an oil driller Others who were
attacked byithe same symptoms but are
still alive are Gol Glegg Henry Both and
a aboaTding house
About fifteen i other persons are suffering
from ithe effects of the poison A number
of physicians are working with them in tha
fcqpeo saYing their lives
hartal Now X3T ork Fire Caused by a
IBiano JLiamps Explosion
The explosion of a piano lamp on the
second floor oka four story residence in
2few 37ork -city Sunday night resulted in
the loss of five lives The dead are
AaranGoldsniith 45 year
Chilotilde Goldsmith his wife 33 years
BerthaGoldsmith 10 years old
HarrycGoldsmith 8 years old
Frank Goldsmith 6 years Old
Aeooiaing tothe story told by the serv
ant shenMas on the third floonof -the build
ing in theact of putting Harryand Frank
the two youngest tboys to bedwhen she
heard iiheiQryof fire coming from ithe floor
below Sheiran out of the bedroom and
down stains the -children following As
soon as he reached the secondifloor she
seeing the -whole front ablaze ibecame
frightened and ran out into a near room
and jumped tto the ground Wlhatmore
happened she does not know bur says that
the fire was teaused by the upsetting of a
large piano lamp
Grovr at Georgetown
President Cleveland was given aanost
enthusiastic reception atSergetown 3 C
Saturday The party arrived from the
marshes aboutSSO ji m amid the firing of
cannon and were immediately driven to
the historic old Winyah abdigo Society
building where a reception of one hour
was held
When the party ileft for Washington a
great crowd was at the depot and as Mr
Cleveland stood -uncovered cn the rear
platform they waved and cheered
Jhoctavs Sigra m Treaty
The Choctaw commission has signed a
treaty wiith the Dawes commission provid
ing for the allotment of lands and reserve
coal fields Sot Choctavr ebwus and the re
linquishment of a teiha goyeyment
within eight years
Agricultural Bill Completed
The house agricultural committee has
practically completed the house agricultu
ral bill This bill follows very closely the
lines of the one drawn last year and the
amount to be appropriated will he about
the same whieh was including the jveather
bureau 2298532
Itosweli G Horr Dead
Ex Congressman Jisivell G Horr o
Michigan died at Plainfield X J Friday
night after an illness of two weeks with
hronchjtjs and Brights disease
Filibustering Steamer Reported to
Have Landed Its Cargo
Boberto Solar who spent seventeen
months in the insurgent camp of Col Arr
ango in the provinces of Havana and Man
tanzas arrived on the steamship Olivette at
Tampa Fla Friday night He said
I was told before leaving Havana that
the last expedition of theThree Friends had
been successfully landed on Tuesday night
I believe the report to be true as official
circles in Havana were greatly agitated
that night
There can he no Ikmger any doubt that
Maceo is dead I saw a letter which
should now be in the hands of the junta at
New York from Brig Castillo who is fight
ing in Havana province stating positively
that Maceo had been killed by Spanish
The conditions in Cuba ate such that
the Spaniards have dominion only over
that part -of theSsland on which theystand
This fe principally the cities The entire
eounfcry is in possession of the insurgents
even that immediately surrounding Ha
vana The talk of the insurgents being
ptarvedoutas ridiculous
The world may not believe it but the
Spanish authorities are drowning some of
their prisoners near Havana Those whom
they drown ithey declare belong to a secret
negro society called Nanigos but as a
facttheyClass anyone as Nanigos if they
wish to drown them The victims are
taken out in boats their hands tied up to
tlieirinecksand a weight fastened to them
peithat when they are thrown overboard
they plunge head downward in the water
which -is alive with sharks
Itasuiow established beyond doubt that
the insurgents are concentrating their
forces with the intention apparentyof
moving -westward to the provinces of Man
tazas and Havana
tDrade -Continues of Smaller Volume
Than Expected
UradstreePs Weekly Review this week
says Wholesale trade continues of
smaller volume than expected practically
the only activity in the wholesale lines be
ing -in groceries candies fruits and nuts
The downward tendency of prices pointed
out a fortnight ago is continued This in
cludes quotations for hides steel rails
steel billetsand Bessemer pig iron Cot
ton too is lower on confidence of a larger
crop thamexpected as are also printcloths
anthracite coal Indian corn oats and pe
itroleum Steady or practically unchanged
fluatationsare reported for pork lard coffee
and sugar Wheat and rosin are higher
The dry goods markot is quiet for sea
sonable fabrics jobbers reporting only a
small record of trade Woolen mills report
moderate quantity of orders
Exports of wheat flour included as
wheat from both coasts of the United
States this -week amount to 3524825 bush
els as compared with 4222000 bushels last
There are859 business failures reported
tfhroughoutithe United States this week 2
jfeverthan last week
jAmerican IRe lining Company Will
Buck the Arbuckles
The American Sugar Refining Company
better known as the sugar trust has closed
a deal for 1100 shares of stock in the Wool
son Spice Company of Toledo Ohio being
eleven eighteenths of the total stock The
price to be paid is 1265000 Some time
ago the Arbuckles the coffee kings
ibranched outinto the sugar business A
large refinery was built in New York and
ihereby the Arbuckles became the
the American Sugar Refining
Company The latter was not at all
pleased at whatiit considered an intrusion
At first the refining company of
fereditoibuy out the Arbuckle plant so the
story goes but the latter refused to sell
Then the refining company concluded to
flankithe movement of the Arbuckles by
branching out in the coffee business and
Hie Anglo2tmerican Bank Pays
Him the Purse
TomSharkey the pugilist is jingling
5JiOQrthe proceeds of the purse awarded
bim after he was knocked -out by Fitzsim
nwms Sharkey and his backer Dan
Lynch Anglo California bank
in San 31rancisep with a certificate of de
positifor 10000 He was jinformed that
attachments aggregating 1500 had been
filed against hisi certificate
4lAUliright said Sharkey give me the
balance which Jie received Sharkey
says hemow wants another fight prefer
The grand jury there has decided to
bring aio lindictments against Sharkey
Fitzsianmonsontheir barkers for infringe
ment tf the state law against priefighting
believicg notconvictiQus could Ueiuhtained
JBeattthe Robbers CWT
While the Missouri Kansas and Texas
flier wasapproaching Sffdalia Miu Thurs
day morning tliree men who boarded the
train further up the road undertook to rob
the passengers n the chair car A wild
scene followed Xhe passangers finaily iral
tied but theihievasjoughl to the iratform
wu jumped ff having seejired three gold
itches andssmaVi amount of money
Important Bearing n Cuba
iBispatcheg jkom JMdrid that the cafeiet
ecfaneil has takesi xip the question of ap
pltfivg home rule to Rorto Rict is regarded
in VT ashington as haying an important
bearing on the proposed reforms for Cuba j
The iswo islands have always bym treated
together by Spain-
Jfegro Outrage Hung
Jauies Smith colored was hung at Up
per Marlboro Md Friday mornwg for
having crinunally assaulted and then mur
dered 3Iargrajt Drown near tlwre last fuly
He had been a servant in the family hut
had been dismissed for having made im
proper advances toward the girl
Big Bosjum Delaulter
Frank C Miles the trusted treasurer of
Hie Boston Safe Depit and Tmst Com
pany one of the oldest and most conserv
ative of JJostons banks li a defauJter lor
at least 100000
Violent Earthquake Shakes Englani
from One End to the Other
Great Britain is in the throes of an un
J Pi p IDcMo 21c
ir n5u5w pv w
precedented sensation An earthquake
4 Vwa mnDf n r vwu i
tiiciuusi uu umi uimrmnceu m that
country has shaken every spire from Dur
ham to Surrey and from London to the
Welsh coast It was first noticed at 530 a
m Thursday and lasted four to thirty sec
At many points two shocks were experi
enced The most severe were at Chef ten
ham Ledbury and Dean Forest The
shocks were accompanied by a loud rush
ing sound Buildings were violently shak
en Furniture was shifted doors throwr
open and ornaments upset The panic
stricken inhabitants fled from their houses
The earthquake was also violent in Birm
ingham in Shropshire and Worcester
At some points persons on country roads
were thrown down The dull rumbring
was followed by two loud crasfies arid ter
rible listing and rocking The panic al
Hereford was so great that one woman
died of fright
At Liverpool the shock was preceded by
heavy thunder and a fearful hail storm
The disturbance was only slightly felt in
London Near Shrewsbury the street
suddenly seemed on fire and a violent re
port accompanied the shaking of the earth
Multiplex Printing Telegraph WiU
Soon Be on the Marlcet
The multiplex printing telegraph in
vented by Prof Henry A Rowland of the
Johns Hopkins University will soon be
put upon the market By the instrument
an operator can transmit a telegram writ
ten upon a typewriter and have it repro
duced in typewritten form at the receiving
end In addition to the typewritten part
of the invention Dr Rowland with his
new machine can send over the same wire
live or six different messages at the same
time in one direction which in duplex
makes ten or twelve messages that can be
transmitted on the same wire at the same
time Thus with five operators at each
end of a line sending each an average ol
thirty words a minute 300 words can bf
transmitted each minute
Three Children Are Burned to a
Crisp at Porter sOhio
Wm Stevens of Galliopolis Ohio tooK
home a quantity of giant powder to dry
and putting it on a chair near the fireplace
went about doing some odd jobs His
children saw the explosive and thought
they would amuse themselves by casting
some of it in the fire In so doing the dry
ing powder was ignited and the house set
on fire The mother was seriously burned
and fled as did Stevens When they were
once out of the flames they failed to find
the children and realizing that they would
perish unless rescued the bold father
fought his way through the flames and re
covered the bodies of his three children
almost burned to a crisp
Laws Are Too Weak
The interstate commerce commisson sent
its tenth annual report to congress Thurs
day It says the general discontent witti
the present transportation conditions shown
by petitions from so many sections for the
enforcement of the statutes emphasizes the
necessity of amending the laws to give
greater force to the findings and decisions
of the commission The commission rec
ommends that ticket brokerage on inter
state commerce tickets be made a penal
offense A number of other amendments
to the laws are recommended
Quarreled During a Hunt
While hunting near Independence
Kan James Robbins and Richard Webb
of Chefryvale quarreled Both drew re
volvers but Robbins was the quickest oi
the two and shot Webb through the abdo
men fatally wounding him Robbins is in
Alabama Train Robbery
A train on the Southern railway was
stopped sixty five miles from Birmingham
xVla by robbers One express safe was
robbed The robbers got away
Hermann Is Gone
Hermann the magician died in his pri
vate car near Salamanca N Y Thursday
on his way to Bradford nis death was
caused by heart disease
Chicago Cattle common to prune
5350 to 575 hogs shipping grades
9300 to 375 sheep fair to choice 200
to 375 wheat No 2 red 78c to 79c
corn No 2 22c to 23c oats No 2 17c
to 18c rye No 2 39c to 40c butter
choice creamery 21c to 23c eggs fresh
10c to 17c potatoes per bushel 2Cc to
30c broom corn common green to fine
brush 2Vc to 5c per pound
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
525 hogs choice light 300 to 375
sheep common to prime 200 to 350
wheat No 2 SSc to 90c corn No 2
white 20c to 22c oats No 2 white 21c
to 22c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 500 hogs
300 to 375 wheat No 2 91c to 93c
corn No 2 yellow 20c to 22c oats
No 2 white 18c to 20c rye No 2 34
to 30c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 500 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 250 to 373
wheat No 2 94c to 90c corn No J
mixed 22p to 23c oats No 2 mixed 20c
to 21c rye No 2 39c to 42c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 500 boss-
800 to 375 sheep 200 to 350
wheat No 2 red 92c to 94c corn No 5
yellow 20c to 22c oats No 2 white 20
to 21c rye 37c to SSc
Toledo Wheat o 2 red 95e to 9jc
eorii No 2 mixed 22c to 24c oats L6
2 white ISc to20e rye No 2 3Ic to 40c
fljvear seed 550 to 555
Milwaukee heat No 2 spring 79c
to Sic oro No 3 21c to 23c oats No
2 white 19c1 to 21c barley No 2 30c t
34e rye No 1 40c to 42c
075 to 725
250 to 500 hogi
300 to 4i0 sheep 200 to 40
wheat No 2 red 90c to 97c corn KjL
2 yellow 24c to 25c oats No 2 whits
23c to 24c
New York Cattle 300 to 525 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 200 to 4J25
wheat No 2 red SSc to 90c corn No 2
2Se io 30c oats No white 22c to 24c
butter creamery 15e to22c eggs
The Supreme Court Says that as No
Appropriation Was Mritte for the
Payment of the Sugar Bounty
vided for It Falls
3ounty Warrants Illegal
The Nebraska supreme court has de
cided that the payrifent by State Auditor
Moore of some 46000 in warrants for
sugar bounties to the Oxnard Company is
illegal The opinion was written by
Commissioner Irvine There was no
dissenting opinion filed The bill passed
by thejast session of the legislature pro
vided for tne payment1 oi nve eignuis cum
per pound by the state as a bounty to me
sugar manufacturers for all sugar made in
the state and 1 cent a pound bounty for all
sugar made bj new manufactories started
subsequently to the passage of the law
This bounty was made contingent upon
the mamifacturers paying for sugar beets
at the rate of 5 per ton The bill carried
no appropriation for the payment of this
bounty nor was any subsequent appropri
ation made for this purpose Rut the man
ufacturers went ahead and paid for sugar
beets at the rate of 5 a ton and along in
December last applied to State Auditor
Moore for the accrued bounty The auditor
issued the warrants for 45000 The position
of the auditor was attacked in several quar
ters and Attorney General Church
ill advised State Treasurer Bartley to pay
no money on the warrants when presented
This action of course discredited the war
rants and the company in whose favor
they were drawn has so far failed to hypo
thecate them Some six weeks ago the
representatives of the company applied to
Auditor Moore for warrants for 805 then
due and requested him to refuse to draw
them The auditor at first refused to do
this as he said he did not propose to dis
credit his own action taken previously
The company however urged that it was
anxious to make a test case of the matter
in the supreme court It desired a decis
ion in order to quiet the validity of the 45
000 in warrants already issued and for
which it could find no sale In accordance
with this the auditor did refuse to draw
the warrant for 805 and the company
mandamused him
The court says in part Session laws
1895 chapter i providing bounties for
sugar manufactured in the state carries no
appropriation for the payment of such
bounties and there being no appropriation
for that purpose elsewhere the auditor has
atpesentno authority to issue warrants
in payment of such bounties
Peter Klein of Lincoln Inhumanly
Treats His Daughter
A case of inhuman cruelty was reported
to the Lincoln police the other day Sam
uel Hall told the day captain that Peter
Klein had driven his little 10-year-old
daughter out in the snow in her bare feet
refusing to allow her to come back into the
house Ilall observed the child standing
in the snow clad only in a thin calico
gown and asked Klein for an explanation
Klein replied that he hoped the girl would
die Finally the girl was permitted to
ener the house and Hall at once reported
the matter to the authorities The case it
is said will be vigorously prosecuted
Farmers Have a Complaint
Governor Holcomb has transmitted to
the state board of transportation a petition
signed by the citizens of Brock John
County in relation to the alleged inabiiu
of farmers to secure cars on the Missouri
Pacific Railroad with which to ship their
grain The governor requests the board to
make an investigation and secure for the
complainants as much relief as the circum
stances may demand The petition was
signed by fourteen citizens Secretarv
Diiworthof the board of transportation
says that the railroad complained of has
been requested to explain matters The
same trouble has been experienced before
with other roads
States Exchange Pieces of Land
It is to be hoped that the findings of the
joint commission between this state and
South Dakota the members of which were
appointed by the governors under a law
passed by the respective legislatures of the
two states two years ago to define the
boundary line between the two states will
be confirmed by the Nebraska legislature
By this report which is unanimous the
state will come into control of Bon Homme
Island which is over ten miles long and
contains about 300000 feet of timber and
and cedes in return a worthless sand belt
opposite Vermillion South Dakota
Amusement of a Juniata Man
L R McLean the patriotic Missouri Pa
cific operator at Juniata gave a New
Yorker a lesson in kite flying carrying
Old Glory high into the sky the other
day The day was a beautiful one and the
line of big colored and white kites with the
American flag looked beautiful He con
trolled them with a windlass and stout
Big Crops from Irrigated Lands
For yield of corn Carsten Truelsen leads
He lives near Loup City and has just fin
ished gathering 5000 bushels of corn off of
sixty acres of irrigated land and did not
get the water on until August 10 A por
tion of it went 100 bushels to the acre He
says he will get an average of 100 bushels
per acre next year
Move to Incorporate Benson
A meeting was held at Benson for the
purpose of incorporating that town Sev
eral of the citizens expressed their views
of the matter The sense of the meeting
was that the town should be incorporated
and a committee of three was appointed
to circulate the petition for signers
Buried by Failing Walls
Sreet Commissioner Sailor Smith of Ash
iand while working in a sewer was buried
completely by the walls casing in on him
He was covered to the depth of two feet
A little boy sitting on the bank saw the
Avails cave and gave the alarm and in ten
minutes Smith was rescued
Public Building Bills
The house committee on public buildings
voted to report and place on the house cal
endar a number of public building bills
which it had practically agreed at this ses
sion to report The bills provide for build
ings in the following cities among others
Clinton Iowa Hastings York and Platts
mouth Xeb St Cloud and Fergus Falls
Minn Deadswood S D
Declared to Be Insane
Mrs G W Gilson wife of a pronlinent
Ashland merchant has been declared jn
sane and wjl be sent to the asylvm
Dairymen Iiesolvo to- Ask for Liberal
The State Dairymens Association held
their annual meeting in Lincoln last week
Many papers of much impor ance to the
dairymen were read and discussed by those
in attendance The following officers were
elected for the ensuing year President F
A Vaughn Fremont vice president J
W Bush secretary S CBassett Gibbon
The following board of directors was se
lected E F Howe of Crete W A Car
penter George A Merrill B B Stouffer
W A Poynter
The following are some of the most im
portant resolutions passed by the members
of the associations Recommending an ap
propriation for the new dairy building of
26000 the coming legislature selection of
a delegate to the meeting of the National
Dairy Union at Chicago on the 26th of
January next President Howe appointed
Peorgellascall of Beatrice with power to
selept an alternate should he be unable
attend to provide a commissioner tocn
foree laws against immitation dairy arid
other agricultural products appropriation
of funds of the association for farmers in
stitutes whenever the finances of the asso
ciation shall permit endorsement of fed
eral house roll Xo 4410 providing for a
trade mark in different states to protect
Official Reports
Six of the state institutions havejsolarf
filed their biennial reports They are the
Institute for the Deaf ndDumbjOmaha
the Home for Feeble Minded Youth
Beatrice the Soldiers and Sailors Home
Grand Island the Industrial School for
Boys Kearney and the Norfolk Hospital
for the Insane The visiting and exam
ining board has also filed its reports of
both the Grand Island Home and the Mil
ford institutions These reports are all on
file with the governor but they are not all
addressed to him Some of them are ad
dressed to the board of public lands and
buildings though by what authority is not
known The statute distinctly provides
that these reports shall be sent to the gov
ernor Upon this subject there is con
siderable conflict of opinion and in his re
port to Superintendent Mallalieu directs
attention to a clashof authority and sug
gests a remedy The reports so far filed
are very voluminous and evidently have
been prepared with great care In a num
ber of cases there are deficiencies to report
Find William Lee Guilty
The jury in the case of the State vs Wm
L Lee on trial at York for a number of days
past returned a verdict of guilty as charged
in the indictment The penalty is not less
than two nor more than fifteen years im
prisonment The crime of which Lee has
been found guilty was committed on the
night of September 15 when he threw a
rock at A Bissell from ambush with the
evident intention of disabling him The
murder was to be committed with a hatchet
which was found at the spot where the as
sault occurred The object of the at
tempted assassination was to obtain the
insurance money on a policy on Bissells
life held by Lee The plot to wreck the
Burlington train was the starting point and
uib euu oi a subsequent
attempt on Bis
sells life The case will probably be ap
Knows How to Squander Money
John Wilderoder of Fremont the youn
man who has distinguished himself by his
ability to squander money has within the
last year and a half spent about 6000
which has been paid him in installments
on a legacy left him by a relative in Phil
adelphia The day after his flisnhnrrm f m
jail after servincr a thirtv rijiv wntDnno
he received 600 and started in for another
time and from all indications had no
money to pay the justice for marrying him
the other day for his bride paid the mar
riage fees
Kearney Cotton Weavers Out
Thirty five wide loom weavers at the
Kearney cotton mills went out on a strike
xu cause oi tne strike was owing to
heavy demand for cheap cloth and tl
narrow looms
were nnahln tn cti t
mi iii flij it
j ik ciorn was put op the wide looms and
the price paid the other weavers offered
the operators to weave it but this was not
satisfactory f Their places were soon filled
Injured by Falling Hay Derrick
Loyell Yandever living four miles west
ot blella was seriously injured while
stacking corn with a hay derrick The
rope broke allowing the beam to strike
J endever on the head knocking him off
au lu uiii grouna wnere he
lay un
conscious for a long time Medical aid was
summoned and the injured man carried to
me nouse wnere the wound Avas dressed
Church Dedicated
Sunday occurred the dedicatory services
of the new German Lutheran church nine
miles southeast of Tecumseh Bev Mr
Atal of Sterling and Mr Reidheimer of
Falls City Avere the principal speakers
The new church is a handsome structure
Fire destroyed a similar building for this
congregation last spring and hence the
erection of this new building
Section Foreman Beats His Wife
Mrs Smith Avife of the section foreman
of the Missouri Pacific
at Paul
Avas so se
verely beaten by her brutal hutband the
other day as to require medical assistance
This is not the first time the county attor
ney has had Smith to deal with as he
ser ed a jail sentence some time ago for 9
like offense
Thieves Bob a Farmers Residence
Burglars entered the house of John An
dresen sr a farmer residing tAvo miles
east of Elkhorn and secured 8 for their
labor As Mr Andresen in the past has
been in the habit of keeping large sums of
money in the house the opinion prevails
that the thief Avas not a stranger
Fire at Grand Island
A fifty thousand dollar fire occurred at
Grand Island Saturday morning P
Martin dry goods Avas the heaviest loser
33000 Other merchants lost the balance
m stocks and buildings The Martin store
Avas completely destroyed insured for
Diphtheria Scare
Several cases of diphtheria have made
their appearance at David City during the
past Aveek and fears are entertained that
the disease may become epidemic
Curfew Ordinance Declared Invalid
The district court at Omaha has declared
the city curfew ordinance unconstitutional
as it conflicts Avith the statute of the state
pro Aiding that a justice of the peace or
other inferior court has no power to inflict
punishment on a minor under 16 years of
s Tramps Baid a Store
A gang of thieves broke into the store of
Harris Bros at Ashland and carried off
about 600 cigars and a lot of tobacco and
candies In the night a tramp came up
toAvn from the denot and notified the nitrht
j watchman of the robbery
A Weeks Proceedings in this Halls of
ConBreas Important Measures Dis
cussed and Acted Upon An Impar
tial Resume of theJBnsineas
The National Solona
Senator Morgan of Alabama held the
attention -of the- Senate and well filled
galleries for an hour Tuesday by his earn
est advocacy of a strong and decisive
policy in dealing with the Cuban ques
tion He asked for the adoption of the
resolution presented Monday requesting
the Secretary of State for the papers in
the Competitor case and in other cases
involving the arrest of American citizens
by Spanish authorities The resolution
was agreed to The Senate took up the
bill pensioning Nancy Allabach which
had been vetoed by the President antP
passed it over the veto In the House a
bill to reorganize the Atlantic and Pa
cific Railroad Company was passed with
out division after certain amendments
had been adopted The House then en
tered upon the consideration of the Loud
bill to amend the laAv relating to the
transmission off TSecond clnss mail mat
ter The bill met with the- most intense
opposition from certain quarters It de
nies the right of serial novels to admis
sion to the mails at the newspaper cent
per pound rates denies to newspapers
the sample copy privilege prohibits the
return of unsold publications at pound
rates and makes some other changes in
the present law designed to correct ex
isting abuses It is estimated that the-
aDiises or rue law nave cost tne govern
ment 240000000 in the last ten years
No final action was taken
The session of the Senate Wednesday
developed the most eventful and exciting
debate that either branch of Congress
has heard in a long time It brought
forAA ard the recognized leaders of the
various parties and elements including
such conspicuous figures as Sherman
Frye Teller Gorman Vest Aldrich
Piatt Mitchell Ore Chandler Hale and
Allen in notable statements on the lead
ing questions which have engaged the at
tention of Congress and the country of
late Not only Avere the lines laid down
on tariff and finance
but the debate par- tti
tookofallthepent upfeelingresulting fronv
the recent national contest Mr Sherman-
closed the debate by saying that he felt
the Dingley bill could never be passed
Mr Bailey Dem Texas created a rip
ple of excitement at the opening session
of the House by asking for the immedi
ate consideration of a resolution to in
vestigate the construction of the battle
ship Texas The resolution AA as referred
The House on motion of Mr Hull Chair
man of the Committee on Military Af
fairs Avent into committee of the whole
for the consideration of the army appro
priation bill The House adjourned
leaving the bill unfinished
The Senate Thursday passed the immi
gration bill known as the Lodge bill Avith
a neAV section proA iding that the exclusion
shall not apply to persons arriving front
Cuba during the continuance of the pres
ent disorders there As passed the bill
amends the immigration laAA s so as to ex
clude from admission to the United
kjinco an iieisuus oer jo years or age
Avho cannot read and AA rite the language
of their nsitive country or some other
language but an admissable immigrant
over the age of 1G may bring in with him
or send for his Avife or parent or grand
parent or minor child or granchild not
withstanding the inability to read and
write The House passed the third of
the regular appropriation bills that for
the support of the army and entered up
on the consideration of the legislative
executive and judicial bill The army
bill as passed makes no provision for the
army and navy hospital at Hot Springs
Ark The House also passed several bills
relating to the District of Columbia and
three resolutions for the use of flags of
the war department government reser
vations etc on the occasion of Mr Mc
Kinleys inauguration
Friday was private bill day in the
House but most of the session was
to the passage of the thirty seven
pension and relief bills favorably acted
upon by the committee of the whole Fri
day The bill to pay Flora A Darling
the Avife of a Confederate general 3
JS3 for Tennessee and Lonisinim hnnlr
notes taken from her in 1S04 while under
a flag of truce which A as attacked by
Mr Dalzell Friday was laid on the table
Only five bills Avere favorably acted upon
One of them a bill to refer a claim of
Thomas B Reed a Pennsylvania sol
dier during the Aar to an unpaid bal
ance of salary to the Court of Claims
created some merriment owing to the
fact that his name AA as identical Avith
that of the Speaker of the House The
other bills Avere to pay the officers and
crews of the United States gunboat
Ivineo and Chocura 12474 prize money
to pay William B Isaacs Co lG9S7r
the finding of the Court of Claims to pay
George Mc Alpin the sutler of the Elev
enth Pennsylvania Cavalry 090G illeg
ally collected from him and to repay
Mathias Pederson of Spring Valley Wis
J0O paid by him for a substitute during
the war Pederson not at that time being
a citizen of the United States The Sen
ate did nothing of importance
Reflections of a Bachelor
Lots of men think they ought to get
heir Aives affection on credit
Men Avho are at heart most romanti
always pretend to the last not to be
Pretty teeth are very often at the
foundation of a girls reputation for
There are snuie women Avho never
find occasion to beAA ail the passing of
the days of cbvalry
When a man says that nobody cares
whether he liA es or dies h isnt adver
tising himself very well
When a woman gets an Mea she must
be economical she hunts around and
finds an old skirt to rip ur
A man isnt likely to enjoy hearing his
wife talk AAith a woman who remem
bers him when he AA as a bey
There never was a vroman who
wasnt awfully conceited about the
way she could love if the tried
A man hurts himself more in bis
wifes estimation by being brutal to
other people than he does by being bru
tal to her
1K J
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