The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 17, 1896, Image 1

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- 1
m j is M 9
Cotnina JEvcntti
it cf l Dance Dec 18
OhrMmas Dec Co
ii8OT January l
County Commissioners Jan 5
Eur Coats at Stinards
Notice Watsons new ad
i Bid you see the Camel at Stinards
Christmas one week from tomorrow
Get your ehvelopesprinted at this
A club hunt is being talked of for
Mens Arctics one dollar per pair at
Ed Richards was down from Gor
don Sunday
E ir Galbraith of Albion was in
iowu Monday
Clark Jeffers was in town Tuesday
from Chadron
Enoch Flowers spent Sunday here
NHth his family
Ed Clarke went to Rosebud Mon
day on business
George Cutler is still in the eastern
part of the state
B E Johnson was up from Simeon
yesterday trading
Carl Anderson of White River was
in town Wednesday
C E Colby was iu town Wednesday
from Madison S D
Eighteeen people registered at the
-City Hotel Monday
W E Haley has another hound
purchased in Gordon
Rev 0 T Moorete two children are
on the sick list this week
The Democrat job department is
ia a flourishing condition
- -Hauling wood is the principal occn
pation of mentwith teams -
Prof G H Seager of Cody was in
on business yesterday J T
1 C T Carson of Simeon is shipping
hay from Thacher this week
J R Parris spent Saturday in town
-and went to Rosebud Sunday
Y P S C 33 -at the Presbyterian
Church Sunday evening at 630
Geo Rowley and Walter Paige of
Kennedy were in town Sunday
The Herbs of Health medicine
company will be here next week
Nathan Tibbitts of Gordon was
- In the city on business yesterday
L B Lessert one of the Pine Ridge
merchants was in town Tuesday
Geo H Hayes and wife registered
at The Donoher last Sunday evening
T C Hornby presents our readers
with a new Christmas advertisement
10000 envelopes just received by
The Democrat Get a supply print
j MlBa liUiiii cwih una ucuu aoaiatiug
- W E Haley in his abstract business
the past week
Chas Sparks spent several days fit
the past week at Rosebud on life in
surance business
G E Bownng is clerk at the stone
store for T C Hornby during W T
Kiucaids absence
QSaui Hudson returned from Gaines
ville Mo last Friday after a Tislt of
about seven weeks
Miss Lillian Stouer returnea from
her visit to the schools in the south
part of the county Friday evening
MissDaisy Zarr returned from St
Marys Mission where she has been
working for Supt Mugford Saturday
Several sidewalks in the business
portion of town are in need of repairs
and should receive immediate atten
Irs Sichardson -and family spent a
few days of this week in town com
ing up from their ranch near Kennedy
Ales Altschuler of Lincolowas in
town again Tuesday on business mat
lere while on his way home from
Robert Gordon
McCarty attorney -of
don was in town Monday on business
connecssd with tfcs EbIotf Cattle
Charley Schwalm started
mond Virginia Tuesday
being called home by a
Dr Dwyer was called to the reserva
tion a few nights ago to attend a sick
Mrs A G Shaw is still Tery ill
though hopes are entertained for her
W A Pettycrew is suffering from a
Tery painful boil on his left side just
under the arm
Jas Kay started for Omaha this
morring where he will have an opera
tion performed
John Harris of Aigles Grove and
L Cushman nf Carroll Iowa were m
the city Monday
Ianus Boyer is down from Lead
S D visiting relatives He will re
main a week or ten days
The noys at Fort JTiobraaa will fare
well Christmas About 150 turkeys
were unloaded here this morning
Christmas trees will be given fortha
benefit of the young folks at both the
Presbyterian and Methodist churches
nouncing the serious illness
father Charley said -before
a i jM
v A 1 ij 8 A 1 N3
that he did not expect to return to
Valentine but its dollars to dough
nuts that when the daisies push their
heads through tbe grusViti the spring
he will be with us agfitn
i i - n i
Where to Bny
At no time during the past year
have the stores been so plentifully
stocked as at present in anticipation of
a large Christmas trade One can find
anythiug he wants to buy but for the
beneiit of our readers we give below a
short list of ariieles roost likely to be
sought for Christmas pieaantgvith
the names of the firms that hanoTe
Candies Quvgley Watson Petty
crew Robinson all general merchan
dise tores
Dolls Watson Lewis Morey
Toys -Davenport Thacher Morey
Lewis Watson
Fruit Pettycrew Schwalm Robin
Dollar Bills Bank of Valentine
Cherry County Bank
Jewelry Morey
Dry Goods and Notions Jackson
Brayton T C Hornby Davenport
Indian Curios McDonald
Hats Caps Hoots Shoes and
A little boy of Jas Harveys is ill of nishings Stinard T
scarletira at his home on east Catha
rine street The house is quarantined
Geo Beers is building a new barn
on his property at the corner of Vir
ginia and Edna streets in the west
part of town
Miss Maggie Steele has returned
home from STeligh where she has been
attending college and will spend the
holidays with her parents
Judge Walcott J A Carroll and
wife and Miss Lela Humphreys went
over to Rosebud Tuesday on a visit
and will return this evening
Mrs Finnegan of Chadron and
Misses Marie and Adeline Duhamel of
Rapid City spent Friday -visiting
Misses Kate and Wren Donoher
W T Kincaid received a telegram
from Bloomington 111 Monday and
started for that place Tuesday t9 sefr
his sister who is reported very ill
Jas Ray is once more able to peram
bulate tour afreets an his many
friends bSirhis recovery from rtTong
siege of illness with positive delight
Wasted Competent girL or
woman for general house work
Mus W E Waite
Kennedy Nebr
If vou want to send a friend a
Christmas present that will be a con
stant and pleasurable reminder of
yourself send him The Democrat
for a year
Ora the oldest daughter of Mrs
Sarah Good at Longpine is still ill of
typhoid fever but will soon be re
covered unless some untoward circum
stauce happens
Judge Kinkaid neglected the inves
tigation into the cause of the absence
of certain jurors who were summoned
to appear in district court last week
Next time he may not be so neglectful
Geo Elliott went up to Merrfman
yesterday to assist in the shipment of
some cattle owned by the lata Mrs
Holmes He will accompany the cat
tle to Omaha returning probably
Saturday night
County Treasurer Crabb yesterday
sent State Treasurer Bartley a check
for 228884 that being the amount
of state taxes collected in Cherry
county during the three months com
mencing September 1 and ending
November 30
P J Donoher returned to Omaha
Tuesday morning after visiting his
mother and sisters here for about ten
days Pete is one of the boys and
the editor does not wonder at his pop
ularity May the powers in Washing
ton spare his official head
Lake Minnechaduzas placid bosom
is smoothlv frozen and skaters are
having an enjoyable time now much
nicer it is to put on your skates at the
luke than to put them ou down town
although sometimes the antics in
dulged in at one place closely resemble
those at the other
1 Davenport Thacher
C Hornby
Glassware and China Levis G H
Hardware Yeast Hornby
Stationery Tablets etc
Watson Quigley
Sherman -Boyer
At thp residence of D E Sherman
last Sunday evening December 13 at-
live Octocii uev cuimuei tioisciaw
pronounced the solemirxwords Which
united in the bonds of holymatrimony
Mr Arthur M Sherman and Miss
Cora B Boyer Only a few relatives
and intimate friends of the contract
ing parties were present rand th
marriage was altogether a -quiet and
happy one After the ceremony sup
per was served to those present but
were willing to venture the assertion
tht the groom did hot at much of
the dainty repast
Misfe Boyer- the bride is one of
Yalentihessweetestand best young
ladies aud is rioted- for her goodness
as well as beauty and worldly accom
plishents just such a lady as always
makes a good wife while tbe groom
well who doesnt know Art Sherman
Jolly and good natured yet withal
quiet and gentlemanly he is a fit mate
for the lady he chose to be his life
companion This is the third time a
Sherman has married a Boyer and it
shows their good taste May the new
ly married couple live long and happily
and be the recipients of a bountiful
supply of this worlds goods is -the
wish of The Democrat
May Brcehbill Dead
For the third time in less than that
many months the editor has been
called to Lopgpine to assist in the
burial of a relative La3t Friday he
received a telegram announcing the
death of his cousin May Brechbill
aged 16 years and 8 months May was
an orphan and had been making her
home with the family of her uncle J
E B Good for about three years
Soon after his death she was taken ill
of typhoid and was still in bed when
her cousin Alta sickened and died In
a few weeks she rallied and was ap
parently on the road to complete
health wbeu she suffered a relapse
but again apparently recovered only
to be taken down ouce more two weeks
ago and this time her strength was
too puny to Cope with the grim de
stroyer and death claimed her She
was buried Saturday afternoon beside
her cousin and uncle a large concourse
of friends and relatives accompanying
the body to its last resting place
Columbia Calendar
The twelfth annual issue of the
Columbia Pad Calendar has made its
appearance in more pleasing form than
ever before having scattered though
its diily leaves many charming illus
trations with an appropriate thought
or verse for each day in the year
Among the topics are bicycling out
door life and good roads The cy
cling fraternity to say nothing of the
general public has acquired a decided
ly friendly feeling for the Columbia
i alendar and its annual advent is al
ways looked forward to with interest
and pleasure The calendar can be
obtained for five twe cent stamps by
addressing the Calendar Department of
the Pone Manufacturing Company at
Hartford Conn
JH 8
BiJiilifiI fr Tan Yar rsjc
ifi A Oi A -
I i N V f I il IS A FT1
4- 1 U I F J 1 1j i I
An Iu vitat J on
AlJI members of the A 0 U W and
their wives are invited to witness the
mediation of the officers of the Degree
of Honor at A 0 TJ W hall January
G S97 at 8 oclock p m The foliow
ingVyahort programme will also be
gives Duet by Mrs A T White and
Mrl Jennie Pettijohn Recitation by
iMisCosgillelte Select reading by
J CJKbijohn Closing Ode by De-
of I Pernor j v
A 5ood Paper
Eann Stock end Home Minneapo
lis Minn is read by more northwest
ern farmers than ali other Minnesota
comf ued
for this is fqund m the
that it is by far the bespne published
in thrisor tmsj stale Jivery depart
ment is m charge of ayman well versed
in the subject herpresents and are
men daily engaged in farm oporation3
and residents of the northwest It is
distinctively a paper edited by and for
northwestern farmers Farm Stock
and Home with The Deiioceat will
bp sent one year for 130
JKwMhvIIJc Sews
Married at the M E parsonage in
thiscity on the 7th inst Mr Fred W
Uostic and Miss Allice E--Ward The
contracting parties reside in Larrabee
precinct this county Mr Bostic with
whom we are acquainted is an ener
getic young man and we extend him
and his our best wiBhes for tho future
Theregular westbound fi eight that
passpd Rushville at 10 oelock last Fri
day night ran into a bunch of horses
onthe traok just we3t of the Dulin
school house Ten bead were killed
7 for L H Pierce 2 for Wm Coleman
1 for S H Birlingmier 1 for Bruce
KunckU s aud the ownership of two
waKimknown Rwkvffle Standard
I Court Kotos
31 W Strong was acquitted of the
charge of receiving stolen property in
district court last weelr after the jury
ihu fcsen out- about six hours-
The case estate of J M Thacher vs
Cherry county was decided in favor of
the defendant thus saving 500 to the
county J S Davisson represented
the coijnty in the county in the case
John Hofman was granted a divorce
from Amalie Hofman on the ground
of adultery the custody of the children
to be decided at next term of court
Courtiadjourned Friday evening-
M S Welch obtained a judgement
of 300 against C Langworthy on an
old horse deal
Almost Completed
Work on the Jackson Brayton
Yeast building is going on merrily
Inside work on the part owned by
Yeast the hardware man is rapidly
nearing completion a large force of
workmpn being engaged in putting
down floors aud putting up shelves
When completed Mr Yeast will have
one of the neatest hardware rooms in
the state a fact which will be apprecia
ted by all as he is one of the old
timers in Valentine and deserves pros
perity if anyone does Jackson
Brayton will commence putting the
fixtures in their room in a few days
and expect to commence moving their
stock right after the holidays The
traditional Bed Front of this firm
will be preserved m the new building
and be made plain by the use of ruby
glass and red columns and panels in
the ornamentation of the building
Wanted too 55nh Money
The case of County Clerk O K
Eastman against Dawes county was
tried to Judge Westover Bartow
Jenckes for Eastman and Eckles for
the county Eastman sues the county
for 75287 for making the tax list and
assessois books for 1894 5 The coun
ty board hold that the law allows the
nounfcv clork 1500 for his own salary
NO 47
Was Btirred up among the
Shoppers of Yalentine and Ohsrry
county Tvhen they learned that wo
had in addition to our large stock
of general merchandise put in a
complete line of
and well it might because we have
everything they want Dont fail
to see our toys before buying presentB for the children We haye ev
erything from a toy drum to a train of cars In our large stock yott
can find something for every member of your family
nwLJll Ull I X I I3nUIiLil
That the best plaee in town to buy fresh
fruits and vegetables is at Pettycrews
That the best place in town to buy gro
ceries and confectionery is at Pettycrews
That the highest price for butter and eggs
is always paid at Pettycrews
If you didnt try him and you will
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking-
jBxchange -bought and LansuponTgood secliBty solicited iiiTieasonabla
rates County depository
What we are
Where we are
besides the allowances made by the Alt Stettera Old Stand on Main Street
county board for his deputy and assist
ants and that the fees for maKing tax
list should be figured as a part of the
1500 while Mr Eastman contends
that he should receive the 1500 and
the sum claimed besides As the sum
in controversy will amount to about
2000 by the time the present term of
the county clerk expires it is one of
considerable imnortance to Dawes
county Judge Westover has taken
time to look up the authorities before j
rgnderiag teckon Chadron Signed- I VALENTINE
C il COllNEEiL President M V NICHOLSON Cashier
Valentine Nebraska
A General JBanTiiny Musuiesn Transacted
JBuya and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
Correspondfenfcs CIibmical National Bank New York iflrst National Bank Oraaba
Fish Game Tender Steaks
Jncy Roasts Dry Salt Meats
and tlie fin est line of Smoked
Hams and Breakiast Bacon
ever sold in town
J ike 3ioiCit Brands