The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 10, 1896, Image 2

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ROBERT B GOOD - Editok a Prop
to Corner he Election Re
turns and Thus Hoped to Heap
Great Benefits from the Effect It
Would Have Upon the Markets
The Scheme that Failed
Cieveiaxi A story of an audacious
scheme on the part of a syndicate on Lon
don speculators tooontrol all the European
cable offices on the night of the United
Statcs presidential election is printed here
on authority of -a high character The
plan is said to have been to secure the issu
ance of a report from the European cable
offices to the effect that Bryan was elected
which it was believed would send the stock
market rapidty tumbling It is alleged the
schemers thought then to buy everything
an sight and realize fabulous sums after the
public had received the correct news and
the reaction setin They -believed 5000
000 could be made if the scheme was
Fifty thousand dollars was subscribed
when the enterprise was abandoned The
jwork began three weeks before the elec
tion It was believed that if work had
been begun earlier it would have succeeded
lliose concerned in the project would have
at Almost nothing to effect their
Gen Maceo Said to Have Forces on
Each Side of Him
Jacksonville Fla A special Key
jWest dispatch says The steamer Whitney
brought Havana news in relation to Maceo
rand Weyler Passengers state that Weyler
himself is now encamped ten miles from
Artemisa and his army is scattered along
jthe trocha and through the Pinar del Rio
When Tffanen retreated from WpvW in
his first campaign his plan wastto surprise i
n eyier ax me iirst opportunity and now
Maceo has Jiis army on either side of Wey
ler and they are having daily skirmishes
Weyler as completely hemmed in and if
he shall attempt to move he will be com
pelled to go to Artemisa Small bands
have crossed the trocha into the Havana
district and are attacking the outposts and
villages of that province
Insurgents numbering7000 are encamped
in Havana province twenty miles from
Havana and will go to Maceos assistance
when needed Spies in Havana are keep
ing the insurgents posted as to the move-
nient of the Spanish troops A movement
is on foot tocapture Weyler if he shall at
tempt to goto Jlavana byrail
First Battle to Be tT
of the Publication
Lincoln Neb It has been learned
that Uie title of William J Bryans book is
to be The First Battle In the preface
lie states his reasons for writingthe work
In part it is astfollows f v
The campaignof 1896 was a remarkable
one whether wemeasure it by the magni
tude of the issues involved or by the re
ports of the interest aroused I have been
led to undertake the present work by a de
sire felt by mj self and expressed by others
to have the more important incidents of the
campaign put into permanent form for the
Convenience of those wlio have taken part
in the contest and for the ruse of those who
shall hereafter desire to review the strug
It is understood here that the publishers
W B Conkey -Co of Chicago will issue
the book mthe -early partqf January
Confidants of MeKinley Declare that
It Is a Certainty
Washington There is practically no
Jonger any doubt of the intention of Mr
McKmley to convene the Fifty fifth con
gress i exrra session early next spring
There have been several arrivals of friends
and confidants of the president elect direct
from Canton who bring the very positive
announcement that acall for a special ses
sion to convene a few days after the 4th of
March has been decided oa
This decision has been reached after a
conference with Mr Dingley chairman of
the house committee on ways and means
Mr Thurston irnetipsiiiv or i
tT Ul
pursued regardless of the results
senatorial elections this winter
-Reared She Has Foundered
Oobubg Out The schooner Picton
coalJaden from Oswego lor this port has
been out since Wednesday It is feared
-that she foundered with all on board in
Wednesdays gale Shecaxrieda crew of
Government to Back JYotes
Rio Janeiro The chamber of deputies
has passed a bill authorizing the govern
ment to assume responsibility- of theoiote
circulation and lease the Brazilian railroad
Kills Child and Attempts Suicide
Xewjcrk Ohio 3Irs A F
formerly of IaSalle 111 killed lier infant
child and then probably fatally shot her
self Sheas thought to be insane
Democratic Delegate Elected
Santa Fe TUT The official -canvass
oi the recent election shows vrm
iBemocrat vroschosen congressjonaldele
gate by a plurality oI 1930
Three Dead and Four 3ray Die
Bostox Escaping -gas in two houses in
jRoxtiory district caused the de h of three
-persons y asphyxiation Four others are
likely o die
Horsewhipped iy Two Women
jh0THBrE Oklahoma ArAraphoeRuth
Otichenburg and Jessie Tiddler respectable
young women created a sensation bv
publicly horsewhipping Silas Eichardson
A prominent business man who they al
leged insulted them Both were arrested
Wire Nail Jrust Breaks Up
jSe w York At a meeting- of the Wire
Kail Manufacturers Association held at
the Waldorf Hotel it was voted to dissolve
jthe organization John H Parki treasurer
of tho nail association said that its aftafo
TR oujJ Je wound up at once
Terrible Trials of a Shipwrecked
Crew on the Pacific
PiiiLATiKiiiiiA Pa A harrowing
story of shipwreck and suffering follow
ing the burning of the British ship Flora
P Stafford at sea June 8 while en route
from Neiv Castle N S W to Manilla
with coaL due to spontaneous combustion
is told toy Capt Oscar W Smith her
master who has just arrived here from
Singapore via London where he was in
the hospital for some time aft6r his adven
tures ifu an open boat for thirty six days
nalwu and with scarcely enough food to
keej life in his body lie and his men not
only suffered the pangs of hunger and
thrrst but llieir naked bodies were burned
raw under the powerful rays of the tropical
sun Exhausted after twenty one days
sailing in a diminutive boat iji company
with five of his seamen Capt Smith sighted
the almost desolate island of Waygion
which lies about ninety miles across from
Papau and here made a landing to secure
some fresh water anil food A pproaching
the island their boat was surrounded by a
band of savages in canoes These natives
were of immense stature and exceedingly
fierce and warlike Iav return for sriine
burnt meat and bread the captain and his
men were obliged to hand over all their
clothing and then fearing the savages
meant to steal their boat the castaways
made sail and soon left them behind
After much hardship and suffering from
lack of water they were finally picked up
and landed at Singapore
insurance Companys Answer to the
Suit of -Julia
Minneapolis The answerof the Trav
elers Insurance Company of Hartford to
the suit brought by Julia Ging as adminis
trator of the estate of Catherine M Ging
to collect the 5000 till eged to be due under
the accident policy issued on the life of the
murdered girl has been filed The nugget
in the answer is found in the allegation that
the policy does not eover intentional inju
juries inflicted by the insured or any other
person By special agreement this clause
was made not to exclude1 claims for per
sonal injuries fatal or non fatal received
by the insured while in the act of defending
himself The injuries are claimed to have
been received while not defending her
self The answer sets out the fact also
that the insurance was procured by narry
T llayward for the express purpose of
murdering the insured and thus
lently procuring
the money on the
10 Represent Indian Territory in the
Next Congress
Muskogee I T Indian Agent
D M Wisdom has issued a certifi
cate of election to GeorgeE Nelson
gold Democrat of Muskogee to
represent Indian Territory in the Fifty
fifth congress Col Thomas Marcum
silver Democrat also received a certificate
from the Indian agent showing he received
a majority of the votes cast at the late del
egate election but the omission from his
ballots of the words for delegate to fill the
existing vacancy which were placed upon
the Xelson ballots entitles Mr Xelson ac
cording to the decision of the Indian agent
to represent the territory in congress pro
vided he is admitted
Gold Democratic Party
Indianapolis Wm D Bynum chair
man of the National Democratic party
who has been in the east several weeks
conferring with leading men in the party
has returned home and announced that he
had called a meeting of the executive com
mittee of the party for this citv December
10 The committee at this meet will prob
ably decide on the future course of the
party From all over there has come a de
mand that the organization be made per
manent and remain in fighting trim As
long as the silver Democrats continue to
talk it seems certain that this will be the
policy decided upon
Hanging In Illinois
jiuaJaSAaNsboko in treu lieiieni was
hanged here Friday afternoon His death
was almost instantaneous The crime for
which he paid the penalty was one of the
most fiendish ever committed in southern
Illinois After braining his wife with an
ax he took his 3-year-old son to the barn
put a halter around his neck and hung
him to a rafter The weight of the child
being insufficient to strangle him the in
human monster pushed down on the childs
shoulders until his tongue protruded from
his mouth
To Wed an Indian Belle
Washington The approaching mar
riage of Van H Manning of the United
States ceolojrical survev to a beautiful In
dian girl Miss Elizabeth Crabtree belle of
the Creek Nation is the topic of discussion
in the social circles of this citv who ai
manning is wen Known ins father
of this nnrt nvc a being
niii uv i aidaiMLii a iiiuiiiiitii r nnnirrcc mv
of tho
years and his mother and sisters residing
in Georgetown
Wants to Be Hanged
Dexvjek Allen HenseDowenen a high
wayman self accused of the nf
I Joel a Ashworth has been found guilty of
murder in the first degree by a jury He
pleaded guilty but his plea was not re
ceived by the court as the prisoner ex
pressed a wish to be hanged Ashford was
snot oy a lootpaa June 27 last Dowenen
would not have been suspected of the
had lie not made a confession
Pardoned by Wholesale
Sprlxgflhld 111 Since the election
Gov Altgeld lias granted a large number
of pardons During November after the
3d day thereof he pardoned seven con
victs and commuted the sentence of six
others Except in two or three instances
no reasons are assigned During Novem
bers also he restored the rights of
snip to twenty nine ex convicts
Big Venison Seizure
St Paul The state game warden has
confiscated thirty tons of venison which it
is claimed was being illegally shipped out
of the state consigned to persons in Bos
ton Xew York and Chicago The fines
for the illegal transportation of this amount
would reach 40003 to 50000 It is said to
be the largest seizure ever made at one
time ib the united States
Good Old Kentucky Feud
St Louis A Post Dispatch Lexington
ay special says j ngnt between old
man Harrison and two sons and Morgan
and his two sons occurred in one of the
mountain counties As a result both the
Harrison boys and the elder llorgan are
dead and his tvo sons are dying
Humors of a Cabinet Crisis
London A Standards Madrid dispatch
says that in spite f the official denials
there are persistent rumors of a cabinet
Suburb of the Cuban Capital At
tacked by the Insurgents
TJavaxa The insurgent attack on
Guanabaco a suburb of this city Tuesday
was more serious than at first reported
According to the insurgent accounts the
town was attacked sinmltaneously at
several points while another insurgent
force fired on the Spanish outpost at Bu
caramas on the coast The garrison of the
fort left the place to resist the attack but
was ambushed between the stone walls and
farm fences by 300 insurgents and all the
Spaniards killed
The local authorities are doing every
thing possible to conceal the facts in the
case but there is nodoubt that they have
received a bad scare and the insurgents
have demonstrated it will not be a very
difficult matter in spite qtthe reports of the
military commanders tocreate just such
another scare in the city of Havana itself
Goveriiment Engineers Opinion of
the Chippewa Falls Situation
Chippewa Falls Wis The river is
falling at the rate of a foot per day and
tliere is no reason wnatever for apprehen
sion said W A Jones U S A Friday
after he had put in a busy day investigat
ing the siuation along the Chippewa River
Col Jones is in charge of the engineering
works in the northwest had been called
here by the local authorities who sought
his advice in what seemed like an extrem
ity and a critical situation The people of
the Chippewa valley will undoubtedly feel
much relieved over such an opinion from
such a well known authority and they cer
tainly need to be relieved for a sort of de
moralization has seized on business men
here which does not seem warranted by
the actual facts of the case At the lower
end of the gorge near Eau Claire is banked
a mass of logs containing 20000000 feet of
lumber and this large amount it is desired
to save by holding it right where it now is
Satolli and Other New Cardinals
Receive New Headgear
Rome There was an unusually impos
ing ceremony at the public consistory
wnen tne Keu Hats were bestowed on Car
dinal Satolli and the other cardinals nom
inated at the last two consistories After
the service the new cardinals proceeded to
the Sistine Chapel to return thanks to the
pontiff who returned to the Vatican amid
cries of Long live the pope long live the
king Later the pope held a secret con
sistory and appointed several bishops in
cluding Rev Edward ODea of Portland
Ore to be bishop of Nessqually embracing
the state of Washington
For Worship of Conlucius
Chicago The Tribune says Within
less than a month a temple dedicated to
Confucius is to be opened by the Chinese
residents Of Chicago in a down town hall
and a missionary campaign against Chris
tianity is to be begun by the celestials
Wong Chinn Foo the Chinese editor of
Chicago will becottie the chief priest of the
temple and a number of American djsci
ples of Confucius will become his support
ers As soon as is practicable it is planned
to build a mammoth temple in this city
He Found Cronins Body
Chicago The suit of John Rosch who
found the body of Dr Cronin in a sewer to
recover the reward of 5000 offered for evi
dence leading to the conviction of the mur
derers was dismissed by the court The
court held that the finding of the body was
not evidence leading to the conviction of
the murderers as no weanon indicating
murder was found by Rosch The reward
was offered for evidence sufficient to con
vict not for the recovery of the body
Want No Liquor in White House
Chicago In accordance with the in
structions of the national W C T U at
the recent convention at St Louis the cor
responding secretary Catherine Lente
Stevenson has written a letter to Mr Mc
Kinley expressing the appreciation of his
tota abstinence principles and the belief
fllO 1 fVlAA HCfA ff lllfAffrtfltln -111 1 - 1 I 1
from the White House during his adminis
Kept Chained to the Wall
Denver An appeal has been made to
the Humane Society on behalf of Grace
Solomon aged 21 who is violently insane
and is kept without clothing chained to the
wall in an apartment over a pawnshop in
this city of which her father J Solomon
is proprietor The father is desirous of
havilltr the vouner woman nljieefl in an
asylum but the mother refuses to consent
Wisconsins Ofllcial Vote
Madison Wis The official canvass of
the late election shows McKinley carried
the state by 102512 The next legislature
will be almost solidly Republican
Chicago rCattle common to
S350 to 550 hoars shinnint
S300 to 375 sheep fair to choice 200
10 frsiij wiieat No 2 red 79c to 80c
corn NJ 2 22c to 24c oats No 2 17c
to 19c rye No 2 41c to 42c butter
choice creamery 22c to 23c eggs fresh
to 24c potatoes per bushel 20c to
30c broom corn common green to fine
brush 2y2c to 5 per pound
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
S525 hogs choice light 300 to 375
sheep common to prime 200 to S375
wheat No 2 91c to 93c corn No 2
white 21c to 22c oats No 2 white 22c
to 23c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 400 hogs
300 to 350 wheat o 2 93c to 95c
corn No 2 yellow 21c to 22c oats
No 2 white 19c to 20c rye No 2 3Gv
to 3Sc
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 475 hogsj
300 to 375 sheep 250 to 375
wneat No 2 94c to 9Gc corn No 2
mixed 22c to 23c oats No 2 mixed 18o
to 20c rye No 2 40c to 42c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 500 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 200 to 353
wheat No 2 red 94c to 95c corn No 2
yellow 21c to 24c oats No 2 white 21c
to 22c rye 40e to 41c
Toledo Wheat No 2 red 96c to 97c
corn No 2 mixed 21c to 23c oats No
2 white ISc to 19c rye No 2 40c to 42c
clover seed o35 to 545
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 sorine 79d
to 81c corn No 3 23c to 2oc oats No
2 white 20c to 22c barley No 2 30c te
35c rye No 1 40c to 42c pork mess
650 to 700
Buffalo Cattle 250 to 500 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 200 to 375 j
wheat No 2 red 99c to 100 corn No
J yellow 2oc to 2c oats No 2 white
23c to 24c
New York Cattle 300 to 525 hoes
SS00 to 450 sheeD S200 t S5400i
wheat No 2 red S9c to 90c corn No i
2Se to 30c oats No 2 white 21r to f4n i
7 w - 1
em 20c to 25c
Water Held Back by the Enormous
Ice Gorge Threatens to Inundate the
Whole Valley Fitzsimmona Loses
the Fight on a Foul
rMnnsirn Pnlln Dinnster
A calamity distressing in its results
and in some respects unique is that which
has befallen the people of Chippewa Falls
Wis where an ice gorge forming in the
river has dammed up the water causing
It to overflow and flood the surrounding
territory The extent of the disaster and
the formidable nature of the elemental
forces causing it may be conceived from
the fact that within a very short time the
river has risen to a height of twenty four
TlmfAA c Hnnrror nf its phantriner its
course and flowing into the town As it
is the little place is flooded buildings on
ooroin afroota helnr siihmertred to the
second story The inhabitants are get
ting away and carrying as much of their
property with them as possible Not only
Chippewa Falls but several adjacent
towns must suffer unless the gorge is
broken within a very short time Im
mense quantities of dynamite have been
exploded with a view to breaking the
gorge It is reported that nearly 9000
people are homeless and the intense cold
makes their situation worse
At the time this is written the water is
still rising with little hope of breaking
the gorge The Chippewa River is
ty eigut teet above Jow water mark All
places of business on Spring River and
Lower Bridge streets are vacated One
rumor to the effect that the river would
cut out a passageway for itself through
the high banks north of the Wisconsin
Central Railroad bridge gave rise to great
apprehension The rivers course is se
riously obstructed by the gorge that has
reached within a short distance of the
dam and the turning of the course of the
stream upon the city seems so plausible
that every one is panic stricken
FitzslmmonB Fails to Get the De
cision Over Sharkey
The fight between Robert Fitzsimmona
ami Thnmno Khnrlrev in Sun Frfineisen
proved one of the most sensational in the
U A v
- TJfflr - -
c W A-
v i as a t Arik
history oi tne
ring Sharkey
was knocked
down with a
left crook on the
jaw in the
eighth r o u n i
and was carried
u neons cious
from the ring
amid great ex
citement Some
confusion fol
lowed which
the crowd did
not understand
fitzsiumons Fitzs immons
was trying to speak but could not be
heard Then it was learned that Referee
Wiley Earp had awarded the fight to
Sharkey on a claim of foul It was claim
ed that Fitzsimmons struck Sharkey in
the groin with his knee as the latter was
Fitzsimmons protested and the crowd
hissed and groaned In the eigth round
Fitzsimmons soon had his man going and
went at him ferociously A right hand
swing staggered the sailor and then came
a left hand swing and a left arm punch
under the chin that sent Sharkey over
with a thud While the marine was fall-
lug the referee claims that Fitzsimmons
struck him in the groin with his knee
thus committing a foul Sharkey was
undoubtedly badly hurt His seconds
rushed into the ring and raised him up
but he fainted away and was borne from
the ring unconscious Hardly any one
among the spectators saw the foul- and
the decision was received with hisses and
No event in the historv of nusilism on
the Pacific coast ever attracted so much
public attention Between 15000 and
2000 people ocupied all the available
space in the big Mechanics pavilion and
watched the contest which every one re
garded as practically deciding the cham
pionship of the world The long leau
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limbs of trees are strewn many feet high
on the track On low grades the water
rises many feet above the ties and high
enough to extinguish the engine fires
An engine and coach that went out to
the low lands below Djirand came back
w s
with two score of women and children
on board who were driven from their
homes by the water
and were found near
ly dead from exposure and cold The en
gineer said he could not finish the trip on
account of the rising water It looks at
this writing as though the entire city will
be inundated
A great number of visitors are at the
scene of the ice gorge To realize the
great danger it is only necessary to visit
the banks of the Chippewa It is a
Dle neaued danger that is threatened
What means relief to Chippewa Falls
will bring devastation to Eau Claire Du
rand and other points below The ice
jam will likely remain intact perhaps
for months and only natural causes can
break it
The Kansas State Temperance Union
is preparing to fight for the proposition
to resubmit the prohibitory amendment
Secretary Stephens has returned to Kan
sas City from a weeks trip over the
State during which
he made arrange
ments for temperance mass meetings to
be held at the larger cities to he fnT Woi
oy scnooinouse meetings
Two railway laborers named Carey and
Hopkins attempted to burn their way
out of the Meaa Ark jail and the fire
got beyozid their control and burned the
building Both ojea perished
iwr Z
Scene from the wagon bridge looking toward the Chippewa Falls Lumber Companys mill
The river presents a terrible anDear
ance The ice gorge is forty feet high
and backing water on the city at the rate
of a foot an honr Poor people are suf
fering terribly from the cold The Wis
consin Central depot and tracks are un
der water All business is done over the
Northwestern line The city is in com
plete darkness as gas and electric light
service are shut off by the water The
Chicago Milwaukee and St Paul has
suspended its service through the Chip
pewa Valley being unable to get a train
through the flooded territorv Lnsrs nnr
- a
New Zealander who had had a succes
sion of victories in the United States for
the last five oi six years entered the ring
with almost every apparent advantage in
his favor He could
count upon his ex
perience and science his height and
reach and every other quality which
enters into the making of the successful
prize fighter Against him was the sail
or lad who was unknown six months ago
but who rose to fame recentlv when he
came perilously near trailing in the dust
the colors of Californias idol Jaraes J
Reporta of Suffering and Death from
North Dakota
It is a week since a train arrived in
Langdon N D The storm was excess
ively severe in that section and the tem
perature dropped to 30 degrees below
zero Three persons are known to have
lost their lives and several others are
missing Mrs Mikelson was frozen to
death in her house and a man and his
wife succumbed to the cold while fleeing
from the fire From Emmons County a
pitiful case of suffering and death is re
ported A Russian familv named Teln
vitzy used all their firewood in the storm
and had torn down and burned a part of
the house This let in the intense cold
and the whole family father mother and
three children were found frozen to
death There is a wood and coal famine
in that section the farmers having bought
sparingly because of high prices Mail
Argent Burroughs was buried in the drifts
three miles west of Devils Lake
The body of William E TTerrnn aTinfF
of Plymouth County was found frozen
stiff and badly bruised by the side of the
railroad track near Merrill Iowa Half
a dozen steamers are said to be bound
tight in the ice along the north shore of
Lake Superior and it will be impossible
to release them A snowstorm of almost
unprecedented severity for this season of
ine year oroke upon Atlanta Ga Wed
nesday morning Snow began falling at
6 oclock and fell without cessation until
11 when it lay four inches deep At
Petersburg Va snow began falling be
fore noon and continued without intermis
sion through the night The snowfall in
North Carolina is very heavv
Notes of Current Events
John Coyne of Newark N J was
taken with a fit on a train and jumped
through the window He was fatally in
Mrs Maria B Mullen aged 66 a resi
dent of La Grange Ind for the past
fifty four years died from a stroke of
William Waldorf Astor has given S50 -000
to the Childrens Aid Society to erect
a memorial building
John Barker of New Orleans while
out hunting overturned his skiff and be
ing wet froze to death
Two months ago Henry Wescott of
Forest City N 1 was placed under a
spell of a traveling hvnnotist i nfl ho ran
not be aroused
A contract has been closed by Andrew
Carnegie for the construction of a big ore
and coal loading plant at Conneaut Ohio
and extensive docks will also be built
Watches Diamonds and Jewels Val
ued at 5000 Taken Bobbers Dis
appeared Without Leaving Any
thing on Which to Base a Clue
Neat Work by Cracksmen
Burglars broke into the safe of the Ne
braska Loan Office II Herschberg pro
prietor Omaha and looted it of upwards
of S5000 worth of watches diamonds and
jewelry The safe door knob was knocked
off and a hole drilled through the lock con
trolling the big bolt holding the doors
which is supposed to securely fasten the
doors upon safes known as burglar proof
A punch displaced the lock and as was the
case with the letcrson safe which was en
tered last Monday night the big safe doors
opened without the use of explosives or
creating any noise The inside doors were
operated on similarly with the result that
the contents of the safe representing about
ouw were at tne disposal of the robbers
Eleven trays of watches diamonds and
jewels were emptied and the robbers disap
peared without leaving anything but two
broken drills and their methods of pro
cedure to the police upon which to bae
Peculiar Disease Anion Cattle
What appears to be a new and somewhat
mysterious disease among stock has siu
uJi maue ns appearance among
horses and cattle in Sheridan County
disease consists of an afflict inn nf
tongue princinallv althoiiLh in snme J
the inside of the lins the iaws mil f 3
throat at the root of the tongue are aJX
afflicted The tongue is red and bwoolen
and in most cases raw and seems to be
very sore and painful The affected ani
mal will stand still and work its jaws and
roll its tongue and slobber profuse v re
fusing to eat a mouthful of anything until
the disease begins to abate No one seems
to know anything about it to be able to
give it a name to account for its origin
assign a cause or suggest a remedy It is
not believed to be caused by eating hay
containing needle grass Russian thistle or
anything of that kind and seems to be con
tagious It affects cattle more seriously
than horses causing them to become thin
and haggard in a very short time
Peculiar Accident Results in Death
The 2-year-old child of Michael Biecha
a Bohemian farmer residing near Hum
boldt met its death as the result of a
strange accident After breakfast both
parents left thechild alone in the house the
father going into the field and the mother
attending to some work about the farm
The little one in playing in some way
caught its dress on a nail in a window sill
and being unable to free itself hung head
downward and when found life was ex
Serious ilunaway at Bellevue
Dr W B
Baunister army surgeon at
Fort Crook near Bellevue with his wife
and baby met with a serious runaway
accident while out riding Dr Baunister
was thrown out when the horses first bolted
and the frightened animals ran about a
mile farther until they struck on obstruc
tion hurling 3Irs Baunister and child
from the buggy and wrecking the vehicle
The child escaped injury but the mother
as oauiy unused and cut about the head
Pays for Cripplinc a Bov S
The Elkhorn Railroad Com nan v m or-
rangeda settlement in full for the lnsnf
a limb incurred by Clyde Cogle of Tork
While playing around the turn table in the
companys yards recently Cogles left leg
was so badly crushed that amputation was
necessary Suit for 5000 damages was
brought atrainst the comnanv bnt the int
ters offer of 1000 was accepted
Accuse Their Father of Cruely
Complaint has been made against ex
Pohceman Linde of Omaha for ill treating
his children On account of such treat
ment his boy ran away from home iHn
alleged and sought shelter with his half
sister Clara his daughter also says she
has been cruelly whipped by her father
and her present stepmother Linde is liv
ing with his third Avife
Sneak Thieves Arc Enerrfic
Some one entered the dental office of Dr
M II Hunter at Fremont and stole about
25 worth of gold leaf the kind used for
filling teeth and a number of dental instru
ments worth 25 Soon after this occur
rence a sneak thief got away with a 100
pound Sack Of SUCar Which hail been left
standing in front of George Flys grocery
on the sidewalk
Favors for Decrepit Veterans
A lage party consisting principally of
women from Seward made a tour of in
spection of the Soldiers Ilome in Milford
They took with them baskets of provisions
for the Soldiers Home and many useful
articles for the rooms The visit was en
joyed by all members of the home who ap
preciated such demonstrations in their in
Nebraska Citys Charity Ball
The committees haying in charge the
project for a charity ball at Nebraska City
have arranged all the preliminaries It
will be held in the opera house about Dec
15 No pains or expense will be spared to
make the affair a success
Harvesting the Ice Crop
The work of puttinir ud ice for nevt en
ion has already commenced at Fremont
It is of good thickness clear and solid and
of much better quality than was put up
last year Ice will probably be much
lower next seasonthan last
Requisition Papers Granted
A requisition was granted by Governor
Holcomb for J W Carter a colnrefl mnn
wanted in Council Bluffs for larceny from
De Vols hardware store Carter is now
being held in Omaha
Thieves Loot a Loomis Store
Sneak thieves broke into the general
toreof Aaron Johnson of Loomis and
2arried off a large quantity of clothinji and
Elkhorn Engineer Drops Dead
William C Fowler better known as5
Bill Fowler one of the oldest engineers
in the employ of the Elkhorn dropped
dead at Chadron of heart failure Mr
Fowler was thrown from his buggy some
weeks ago and was severely bruised and
had not resumed his regular passenger run
Maxer Cobbs Bondsmen
The bondsmen of Maxey Cobb Lincolns
treasurer who committed suicide some time
since have been given thirtv day3 to
answer the countys petition to enforce the
payment of his shortage