The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 03, 1896, Image 8
Li vr M r J S K i V ri s t f L k mi T Liu IUI I i 0mmmimMi DENIM nmwss cet full oartluulars City DIh Washer Co fit Louis K 3o III VHilnfrirtH AND TAPESTRY DRAPINGS HOLIPAV ASSORTMENT fPPO HANDKERCHIEFS WEATHER REPORT rOR TOCtOBeR NOVEMBER AH DECEMBER Cold- tfith northerly and north westerly Vinds Blizzards will follow Prepare by bymg your clothing boots shoes etc at simmm Our efcock in -quantity raid quality is unexcelled Thereareno two sideeto the quoation of our prices Theyre the lowest on furnishing goods Just drop in and see for yourself Lots of goods constantly -coming and igoing Tflonog cleaning andjpresslng Q m gTJNARD SILK AND LINEN VALENTINE C M SAGESEE TONSOAIAL ARTIST Satr cutting and shaving Shop in the W H Moses building HOT AND GOLD BATHS Valentine Nebr Tjry it and See Wbateyer may be said about the publications of Rev lr1 R Hicks by those who -do not fully understand the facts there is no denying the truth that his paper and Almanac have come to stay His splendid journal Word and Works is now entering its tenth year largely increased in circulation and in every way improved until it -deserves the national reputation it has attained His 1897 Almanac is - now ready and is by far the finest and most beautiful he has yet issued It con- tains 108 pages including cover artist ically printed in colors and is filled to back with just what is wanted in every shop office and home in America One feature of the AJmanac for 1897 is a series of 12 original beautifully engraved star maps with explanatory chapter which could not be bought for less than five dollars in any work on astron omy As Mr Hicks has correctly and faithfully warned the public of coming droughts floods cold waves blizzards tornadoes and cyclones in the years paised aside from the other varied and splendid features of his paper and Almanac these considerations alone should prompt every family to sub- scribe at once for 1897 The Almanac is only 25cts a copy Word and Works is one dollar a year and a copy of the fine Almanac goes as a premium With every yearly subscription Write to Word atid Works Publishing Co St jiLouis Mo A Chance to Make Money In the past three months X have cleared 566075 selling the dishwasher I did most of the work ray brother helped some I expect to do better next month as every Dish Washer sold advertises Itself and sells several more 1 dont have to leare the house People hear about the Olsb Washers and send for them they are so Qheap Any ladyor gentleman can make thonev in this business as every family wants a Dish Washer Any of our readers who have energy enouoh to apply for an agency can easily make from to45io per day You can oy aaaressing cue Aiouna Try it and rxublah tout success for the benefit of others CAD The Democrat and the Thricea week New York World one year 1150 A OhaKG t Make Money I have made 1 640 clear money in 87 days and attended iojny nousenoia auiies Desiaes ana x toinkthJ3a8dolnK splendid for a woman periencedln business Anjone era sell what everyone want to buy acd every family wants a Pish Washer I dont canvass at all people oeme or send for the VFasfcer and every washer that goes ou sells two or ttkee more as they do the work to perfection Xou can wash and dry the dishesit two minntes I am going to devote my whole timextbe busines now and I am sure I can iakeS5oao a year My sister and brotheJtovestrtQdlo the bnslocss and are doine splehdid YoHcancet complete hundreds of tesnmoaias by address- tfmr fixe iron Otty Dish Washor Co btouon A jiisbdtsPaaQdif yoa dotf mates lofaot fiylt ownfaw E3 w u Prof H WGrahaniwhohas been working on the reservation for W A Bonser returned -to Valentine Tuesday and will probably stay -here the re- maiader of the winter E Fischer is havings new floor put in over the old one incite saloou build- ling pa Main street Mr jFischer is a progressive citizen and this evidence Jof prosperity is gratifying 0 W Morey has a -fine linefof holi day goods and advertises the jfact in this -issue of The Democrat No 4 better bargains in jewelrycan be found anywherethan at Moreys w r jaisip pas contracted jpv six cars of coal to be used in burning the remainder of the brick required at the Rosebud school The roads are so bad that it isdifiicult to get wopd hence the decision to ase coal The E E M Y make holiday rates of one and one third for the round trip to points within 200 miles of the selling station Tickets on sale December 24 25 and 31 and January 1 good returning until January 4 The Nebraska legislature will be a farmers legislature and it will be a business one All wholesome lawsqn the statute books will not be disturbed but woe to some of the old chattels musty with age and thick with corrup tion These will bave to go Nwj Republic Lieut W E JJove and Dr Bratton of Fort Niobrara went east on Sunday mornings passenger ou short leaves of absence Lieut Dove will visit his parents in Vermont while Dr tongoesto his old home in South Carolina Lieut Sivitor will so east shortly and will bring home with him a wife J W Shelbourn who has been at Carlisle Arkansas for the last two years returned to Valentine Monday night and will settle down once more toenjoy life Mrs Shelbourn and the children stopped at Elgin to visit rela tives but will soon be here Mr Shel bourn was one of our best known farmers when here and all are pleased that he has once more concluded to take up his residence among us If any man in Cherry county has reason for feeling proud it is J C Pettijohn Since he was formally an nounced aB acandidate for register of the TJ 5 land office every republican uewspaper in the district has endorsed him and if it lay m the power of the bhoys to do so they would install him register at once This sentiment is more than flattering to Mr Pettijohn but then he deserves it No -man wprkedmore faithfully for the success of -the republican party ithan did he Bennett Trwin the well known stockman ofGordon was in Chadrpn Tuesday Hesaysthe sheep industry is on the steady increase around Gordon J thousands more being broughc in this year So far very fewsheep havebeen taken into the sandhiilcountry in his opinion tthat region will bedevoted to cattle Speaking of cattle rustling Bennett said he lost 18 head of two year old steers out of a bunch of 304 and ten head out of another bunch of 100 In his opinion if Judge West over will keep up his present gait of sending rustlers to the pen until the business is broken up he will be the most popular man in northwest bizska Chadr on Signal Recorder I ICE WOOL SHAWLS ITHESEAREAFEW Of the many attractive lilies ws offer R nppml Lifiadfir 4 On NEW GOODRICH SEWING MACHINES until after the Holidays T 0 HORNBY THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT OliR SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Successor to CHERRY COUMFY INDEPENDENT EGBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher lMfc Mf i I II I liM 11 III M Stinard has a Camel in his store x N Adams the Crawford wood contractor is in town to day Wanted Wood on -subscription Dry hard wood -preferred Call early and avoid the rush Ed Clarke aud Tom Yearnshaw made a trip to Rosebud Sunday re turning Monday They say they crossed snow drifts thatwere at least ten feet deep In his report to the War Depart mentrecently Gen Cqppinger com manflerofttiis division -of the army recommended saverahimprovements at 3Fort Niobrara Mae Davenport Ednau MDONAIJ Editors4 HEW SCHOLARS Grammar Department EvaGordon Intermediate Grace Gordon VISITORS Grammar Department Mr Gordon Fred and Calton Gordon Intermediate Mrs Sherman Primary MesdamesHoenig Helzer Carroll Hahn MDonald Holsdaw MissiHamer andCiR Gloverv Pearl McGrea sand Luella Stinard have TJeen promoted f room to iliss Ef ners Attendance has beenLvery good tin both Miss Efners and Miss Callens looms considering thevweather Some people have sf acuity for f ail ing qpstairs others for tailing after theygetup stairs References Apply to Miss D and Mr B Pleasure shone forth ifrom every ctMintenance Tuesday Thebooks for our school library had arrived They are well ehesen and gave much A -party of ranchmen were talking in front of Randall Scotts Tuesday Among them were Jim Braddock Billy Lockler and Ben Smelser Benjs living at Oeirichs but has been down here a week hunting some of his cat tle which have dnftea south across White river In talking over the cat tle business and the outlook in north western Nebraska all agreed that the stock business was the one to m depend upon in this region and that with free range both the stock business and farming will be more profitable Their idea is that more stock will bebrpught into the country uqder free range and will afford amaiket for the grain and straw raised by the farmers besides consuming the grass on waste land which now goes uneaten Chadroji Signal Recorder All interested in school work are most cordially invited to be present at our next Teachers Associasion to be held in the High School building Saturday December 12 at 130 p m The following program will be given Music Roll call Response by Quota tions Truth 9 A Teachers Work What does it Signify Edith M Stark Relation of Discipline at Home and School Lillian U Stoner Gracys Child Study Sec I Chas I V VIII Celia Vaughn deeded School Legislation Cbas Reece Discussed D H Thurston Normal Training Iva Efner Book Review IL O Tucker COMJIITEE O J Holman the Sargertts Bluffs Iowa brick man returnedhome Sun day morning after making a trip to the Agency Mr Holman thought he had a kick coming over the way his brick was inspected here but found be hadnt In fact be has been play ing iu good luck having had only two cars rejected and his loss by broken brick amounted to only about 170 per carof6000or7000 This is evident ly Mr Holmans first contract with the government and he may congratu late himself on having escaped with such good treatment as has been shown him On the petition of John H Jones as casbierJor the Rushville Banking Co John K Wohlford was appointed re ceiver of the Rushville MilUhg Cos property Wednesday morning of thi3 week The banking company was owner of 8000 worth of mill stock The mill is valued at 7000 Mr Wohl ford was required to give a bond of 14000 The petitioner set forth that the mill was being run ata loss - The mill is now being operated by the re ceiver and the proceeds will be applied to the payment of the indebtedness The overdue indebtedness-will-be paid first Rushville Standard The -State Journal as a joke which j was designed as -an insult said -Hon JB Wolfe our worthy Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings -would utilize the basement of the capitol building iu raising winter pigs The proposition is commendable as -it is undoubtedly a good idea to transfer tihe hogibusiness from the upper rooms oftheapitol building to the ThB hog business has canned on altogether too long in the state senate and house of representa tives Stills City iPopulist As a leader until after the holidays T C Hornby will offer sewing ma- shine8 afe2000casb Shis rice -will onlybe tiered uatttiJacu 1st- aud is for cash - 4 1 Miss Florence uass WOOD LAKE DEPARTMENT Br Kelly - December 2 Cold weather still continues 4 W G Ballard came in from his l ranah Monday and took in tho sights at the hub Tuesday leis Axeagon ior Cronkstnn Siindjiv mrrhh to visit with her sister for a fewdaysj Te Scribe ihas been under the weather this week so we will denend on Auntie to help usout a Miss Celia Vaughn visited in town Sunday returing to her school at Crookston Sunday evening Miss Jennie Westrof Crawtord visiting -with her- ssister Barnard for a week or two Mrs n W -Honey returned from Omaha last night where he haw boenwith two cars or sneepTor tne maraec The surprise party on Miss -West at the home of Mrs W Barnard Tues day evening was a success and -the young people tall report having an ex cellent time Ghas Sparks and F Prentiss spent Thanksgiving in Wood Lake being de layed here on account of the blfozard We fed em ou Eoast Turkey and other -good things too numerous td mention so altogether they had a tferfj nloioonf lair nf f I I puwiouu i ajf vi in Wood Lake 3o 2 Moresnow more snow P OiPorter was seen on the ate3 today Mrs H E Dewey is on the eiqi iUt this week Mr Wilson was doing business -fn town on Monday Mrs wan8u3other has beep quite Sick the last week MisS Mamie -Stevenson spent a fiy or so at Mr Leachs liss Celia Vaughn spent Sqturflay arid Sunday with friends Christmas is near at hand and vwe arepoking forward to a good time Sadie says next time she takes a by to rice she wUl no doubt takean older one Mr3 W pewey has been -hauling hay for Mr Bakewell the laBt tw cf days Florence JegOJQ loft the city Sunr day nigbt with iliss Vaughn for Crookston Mrs Willis Barnard and Miss Jennie West came dowu from Chadron one day last week Literary Saturday night come everybody and take part abdseeif we cant have a success after all The entertainment Thanksgiving was postponed until next Friday Come everybody and liave a good time There was a small crowd of young fplks went down skating la3t Saturday evening but for some reason they did not stay long If any one wants Christmas goods call on C M Bailey he can please both young and old 3oys get your best girl a Christmas present Kellys Aunt Brownlce the home of the brides parents on Wednesday Novem ber 11 1896 Mr John Witt of Brownlee Nebr to Miss Sadie Coen of Gaudy Neb The groom is a v eil known stockman of Brownlee and the bride is an accomplished and highly respected young lady of Gandy The Hornet with numerous friends bids them welcome to Brownlee and we predict for them a sucessful life Makried At the Theft ord House in Thedford Nebr on Monday November 23 1896 Mr Christian Fritz and Miss Mary E Cooper both of Cherry county County Judge I W Russell officiating A party -of sheep men pasaed through town Sunday witbT800 head of sheep which they were taking to J Schuyler to fatten for the market They started from Oregon May 1st P S Roueche passed though town Saturday on his way to Wood Lake We understand that he may make a trip to Mexico on business before re turning P S is a thorough stock man Gus Wendler was1 in town Monday making preparations to receive the cattle from the Lakotah company which he ha3 contracted to winter This company seems to know who to trust with their stock B W -Pearson was unfortunate enough tolose a eouple of valuable animals last week one a nxare and the other a stallion both tfying the same night Ben is a hustler and de serves better luck than this Hornet Strayed or Stolen From my place in Vaieutme bay horse weighs about 900 povnds white hind feet star in forehead -branded monogram Ah ou left shonldor V 4 - rs jt indift vwvvj yi v rOSSSS jA feir o ilf M I m An m i Hit -v 1 wSTOBa o b IwumfoiWAV T 7j7I v V fV V 4 MK ty Xiv 1 MwMzh s -I C9 J - ssXri I 40 tt W 4 FLEXIBONE MOULDED Sf AB M 1 mr 51 SL m V JAW Mf nfnJKXVn niTrr - JAAAAAAA1AAAAAA W E HALEX V vwAJJrljAVlVw Flexibone X x Corset THE MEDAUWINNER WOELDSOOLUMBUK EXPOSITION AND CALIFORNIA MIDWINTEB JXPOSITIOiST This is the corset that is btlng so extensively advertised inall the lead ing womans journals and tho only iplace iu cherry county whero a fall xmeis kept is at -the The DONOHER M jr DONOIIEJ FropvJetor i t to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to cyocroCieyo0fOcy yS c Red Front gr era oof Vrf H STRACTER Valentisi Neferaslsa Has fteen rebuilt and rooms ftoiitea rlth NEW SUITS QF FXJBNITFEE Makiagit tlie most complete and comfrtafele HOTEL IN THE NORTHWEST SA MM AND LIVERY STABLE IN Mffie Valentine Nebraska - r r M I DRUGS I FAINTS 1 WATSON ill llipilMIII 1 THE DRUGGIST ihbi VARNISHES I SUNDRIES OH RIST MAS PRESENTS SILYES ir 1J if sees mm mmw EIN pii s In fectj afullliue of gooiis suitable for holiday presciits includin tjjOYS -AND PLUSH GOODS OF AL KINDS - at extremely low prices tr O 16 -LADIES GOLD WATCH 16 he sbove isorily msny bargains to be foandiatte line of holiday -goods foraale by 0 W MOEEY JEWELER To Wlittoi it May Concern All persons indebted to the estate Of Walter Hare deceased are requested to fettle promptly Jobu Guth ii authorized receive and receipt for same E J Davekpot Administrator 2ftW Pricm ftrirel Bran bulk 40c per cvrt 700fcoa Shorts ilk 50c percwt 900 toa Screeniaga Chop Feed 70c Cora Oa 65c it 1600 1300 n V r y ij 3 U-