The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 03, 1896, Image 5

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Covernor llas Uolcoin
leutpnant Governor ltonert K Ioor
u nr iioin loel A Finer
not now
Win UuMsaiul Bulkllngb cnrS
iVIioroev Ktmenil Artlinr S lmrclnU
vSut Fublic Instruction Henry KQirbeit
1 KP
Holmes rieree
Mallalieu Kearney
Hull uagar
Seimtorc Wm V Alien Madison John M
jiTSS D H Mercer Onalta Third
SD Melklejobii Fllertou Fourth b J Hai
n Aurora Fifth Wm fc Andrews Haatiugs
Sixth O SUsetn Broken Bow
Supresao Jonrt T L Norval Chief Justice
ILirribOU aad Pqlk assoclates
Fiiietutb imueiai UJsinct M P Klnkam
OKrill W H Wetrtover Kushvlllc
BeSenenteUvo Fifty second District - Frank
Senator Fourteenth District Ilenry G
rt Crawford
Jtatfstr C R Glover Longplue Receiver J
Treasurer --G-T Crabb
jlerkT Geo Elliott
8herlli - Ainos Strong
Ceunn auoniey
Count Superintendent LilliAlt
Burvejor - a pu u
ceronw vivAoVSi
J M Duiiham
aunimers i
Ovptreorsof Highways It Hansen and J Ray
Constablc R lowne
Justices of tuc Peace John Dunn and J M
Assessor- John Dunu
Town Board E E Sparks president C H
nell tnasurer T C Hornby clerk D i Ludwig
and J W liurlelch t
MarahaUnd WaterGoronnssioner R Towne
cboolTJistritt No 1 F M Walcott president
jfl V Nh holson treasurer J C IetJOhn
ten- J V BurleUib G P Crabb and J 1 Keoley
Imp 0 R M
sitting Bun Tribe No 22 improved Order of
Red Men meets every second and fourt tr idaj
evening of each month at tfkivenport s Hall
Visiting brethren are fraternally invited to be
nrt sent at ibe councils or ihe tribe
3 D Wgftins CotR C H Thompson Sachem
Minnekadusa Lodge No 192 A F r A M
ineets in regular communication bat rday -evening
on or before the full moon in eai no nth
numbers of the order in good nnd regular stand
ing cordially and ernallyyuvito attendf
W W THonrsox SecY
0 E S
fjoaham flmr rhnntpr No 59 Order of the
Enrtrrn Star meets on second and fourth Tuea
jiy evenings of ea h month m Hornbys hall
M AOue Waixott
w w
inonSelar Worthy Matron
Valentine Lodge No 70 A O U W
1 si and ard Aiouaay m eacii mui
Carl JJamas nee
Valentine Lodge No Degree cf Honor
iolds regular meetings first and third W
day evenings of each month
Chrisleusen Rec airs R JJobinseJi O of H
u I O 0 F
v evening Visiting brothers cord-
aallynvited toatteudour meetmgs
Weslrv HoLSCiiAw Secy
Col Wood Post No 208 Department of Ne
JiSSa iSflar meeting 2d and 4th Satin days o
path montl at 2 D m sharp Lomraus irom
invited to attend
Ser cordially
o oste are
John Dunn adjt
W li C
Col WoodWRC No 179 regular meeting
2d and 4th Saturdays of each month
Amanda Ludwig Prw
JBjslkn Hornby
Valentine t3amp No 1751 Modern Woodmen of
America meets second and fourth Wednesday
evenings of Kjach month at Davenports Hall
neighbors cordially invited to aitend
v laiuub t
lf sinieus Ven Counsel
Jw Spirk Clerk
k of r
Cherry Lodge No 1GH Knights of P thias meets
Tery Tuesday evening at Davenjim tsgaU c
Jos Putmecil lv of R and S
Arrival and Departure of Mails
Mall east and west closes at 8 pm
Rosebud leaves at 8 00 a m daily except Sun
day and arrives at aw p m
KiTnpnn Kenuedy and Oasis
at 700 a m Mondays
davs and arrives at
Wednesdays and bn
00 p m Tuesdays and
Ft Niobrara leaves daily at7 00 a m and
00p m arrives at 930a maud 730 p m
Kewanee and Sparks arrives Mondays
-Wednesdays and Fridays at 503 pm and
leaves Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at
7o a m
General delivery open from7K a jn to 700
n m General delivery open on Sundays from
Lock boxes opendaily form b a
8 to 10 a m
m to 830 p m
Physician and Surgeon
Office at C R Watsons Drug Store Prompt
attention given to all professional calls
Ceacliers Examinatiom
Trie regular monthly Teachers
- Examination will be held the
third Saturday of each month
at my office in the Court House
Supt of Schools
Attorneyat Law
VSillnds of legal boslnes promptly attended tn
Faxbtixb Nkbbaska
Publishers Kofcicc
In orderSto introduce Tiie Vales-
tine Democrat into homes where it
go regularly the pub
lisher will upon receipt of one dollar
I l numiimiiVoimia send the paper to new subscribers from
ivii TTtilvfslfcv 1 M Hail Allini
until January 1 1898 This
offer is unprecedented for a paper of
the size and quality of The Demo
crat and if you are not now on the
list this is the time to send in your
namewith a dollar
The subscription price of The
Democrat is 1 per year but if sub
scription is allowed to become delin
quent it will bevcharged at the rate of
125 This isdone as a means of
projection to the publisher When
your subscription becomes delinquent
you will be notified of the fact and
Xhel25 rate will not be charged
without -your knowledge
AChancoto Make JUotiej
I read how one of your subscribers made
monov selling Dishwashers I ordered one and
my lady faiends were charmed as they hate
dish washing My brother and 1 commenced
selling them and have made 81700 after payim
all We dont canvass any Our
sales are all made at home People come or
send for them The Mound City Dish Washer
is -the best dishwasher on the market Our
business is increasing and we are going tokeep
right on until wo make ten thousand dollars
ve sell from 5 to 15 machines every day and
somedavs more The Dishwasher is lovely
everv hoousekeeper wants one There is no ex
cuseto c poor when so much nioupy can be
made selling Dish Washers For full particu
lars nddress The Mound City Dish Washer -Co
St Louis Mo They will start you on the road
to success A Rka u bk 2
lioic the Dipper Saved the Fainn
Father was sick nnd the mortgage on the farm
was coming due Isawinthe Christian Advo
cate where Miss A M Fritz of Station A St
Louis Mo would send a sample combination
dipper for 18 two cent stamps mid I ordered one
I saw that the dipser could be used as a frrit Jar
filler a plain dipper a line strainer a funnel a
stra ner funnel a al k mom wanning pan and a
pint measure These eight different uses makes
the dipper Mich a necessary article that I went
to work with it and it sells at very near every
house and in foir months I paid off the mort
gage 1 think I cnncleir as much as S200 per
month If you need work you can Jo well by
giving this a trial Miss A M Fritz Station A
St Louis Mo will send you a sample for 18 two
cent stamps Write at once JohnG IS
Wanted at Once
Ten good teams to haul freight to
the Brick yard and Rosebud Agency
Will have hauling all winter
36 Davenport Thacher
A Dandy Thing to Sell
I have been doing so well this summer selling
combination dippers that I think it my duty to
tell others about it 1 liave not made as much
money as home I read -about but I never make
less than S3 and often S5 a day The dipper can
be used as a fruit jar filler a plain dipper a One
strainer a funnel a strainer tunnel a sick room
warming pan and a pint measure These eight
cnoh aum fiiiiiury
articie tliatitsellsat nearly every house it is so
chenp You -can get a sample by sending as I
did 18 two cent stamps to pay postage etc to W
H Raird Co Station A Pittsburg Pa and
tliev will mail jou a dipper and you can go right
to work Anyone can make S3 or St a day any
where A Readkk
Wanted -Wood
Dry hard wood preferred
and avoid the rush
Call early
Churning Done in One Minute
I have tried the Lightning Churn you recently
described in vour paper and it is certainly a won
de 1 can churn in less than one minute and
the butter is elegant and you get considerable
more butter than when you uso the common
churn I took the ageuey for the churn here and
everv butter maker that sees it buys one I
have sold three dozen and they give the best
satisfaction 1 know I can sell 100 in this town
ship as thev churn so quickly make so much
more butter than common churns and are so
cheap Some one iu every township can make
two or three hundred selling these churns By
addressing J F Casey Co St Louis you can
get circulars and full information so you can
make big inonev right at home 1 have made SSO
the past two weeks and I have never sold any
thing in my life before 1 A Fausiek
A Wife Equal to a Gold Mine
Will some of your readers give me a good re
cipe for making a cold starch I am selling
self heating flatirons and iron a little at every
house and have to use some starch at every place
and want to Know now to niaue goooeoiu siaixm
My husband was in debt and I being anxious to
help him thought 1 would sell seltheatiug fiat
Irous and I am doing splendidly v cents
worth of fuel will heat the iron for 3 hours so you
have a perfectly even heat tou can iron iu half
the time and no danger of scorching clothes as
with the old iron and you can get a beautiful
gloss 1 soil at nearly every house as the iron
saves so mu2h fuel everybody wants ono 1 make
51 50 on each iron and have not sold less than 10
anv day I worked My brother is doing well and
I think anyone can make lots of money any
where selling irons J F CASEY CO St
Louis Mo will start anyone in the ousiness as
they aid me if vou will address them
1 MliS A Russku
Davenport Thacher carry a com
plete line of coffins and undertakers
supplies 27
The Kciv Hook Spoon Free to All
I read in the Christian Standard that Mss A
M Fritz Station A St Louis Mo would give
an elegant silver spoon to anyone sendind her
ten 2 cent stamps i sent for one and found it
so useful thai I showed it to my friends and
made S1300 in two hoars taking orders for the
spoon The hook spoon is a houuehrid neces
sity It cannot slip into the dish ur cooking
vessel being held in phtcd by a hook ou the
back The spoon is something thai housekeep
ers have needed ever since spoons were first in
vented Anyone can get a sample siwon by
sendiui ten 2 cent stumps to Miss Fritz Ths
is a splendid way to make money around home
Yery truly J eaxxjkli k o
TheDEMOCRAT and the
week 3Sew York World
Mariy This Girl Quiet
T saw in 5 our paper that a 13 year old bov
made Sl25 the first hour he worked ellhr the
Perfection Metal Tip Lampwick I ordered a
sample and went to work and the first week T
cleared 10 the second week I cleared SW I
expect to run up to 25 a week in th near
future vs the Perfection Metal Tip Lampviok
makes such a beautiful white light and does
away with smokey chimneys and bud oder and
saves oil it is easy to sell If vou wish to t rv it
send 13 two cent stamps to Miss A M Fritz
Station A St Lwuis Mo and she will send vou
sample outfit this ta a rood wav to make monov
around borne Miss Ti W
Parties having final proof notices in
these columns will receive a marked
copy of the paper which contains
first insertion of same It is the duty
of each claimant to examine their
notice carefullv and should there be
any error the fact should be- reported
to the land office and to this office at
once for correction
V S Land Office Valentine Nebraska
rfVtnhfir QTtll 1S9T 1
No 30 N ranire No 28w
He names as witnesses
and Charles W
Spencer E Dewey and Robert
Dewey -of Wood Lake Netm
Quizeuberv of
Oasis Nebraska
Testimonvof claimant will be taken before the
clerk of the district court of Kane county at his
office in Geneva Illinois on December 8180G
Also Henry 1 Sawyer of Carpentersville 11
T C 7801 foi the nXneH aud n4nw section 25
township 3in mnge 29w
He names -as witnesses Harvey E Dewey
and Ciiarles W Dewtiv ot iWood Lake Nebr
Mpencer E Jtewey and Robert Quizeubery of
Oasis Nebraska
Testimony of the claimant will be takenoefore
thexlerkof the district court of Kane county at
his office in Geneva Illinois on Docenilfcr 8th
Also William G Sawyer of Carpentersville
111 one of the heirs of George E Sawyer- de
ceased who made T C entry No 7790 for the
nViSel i sw4neJi and senwJ4 section 27 lown
sbin son rauge29w
He names -is witnesses Harvey E Dowey
and Charles W Dewey of vWood Lake Nebr
Spencer E Dewey and Robert Quizubery ol
Oasis Nebra ka
Testimony of claimant willhe takenhefore the
clerk of the district court of Kane county at hij
oiuce in ueiieva Illinois on uecemuer s ibikj
C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nehr
October 2Gth lb96 f
Notice is hereby Riven that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will he made before the Register
and Receiver at Valentine Neb on Dec 10th
lfeOG viz
Wilhelm Andprson o McCann Neb
H E 86Gllor the lots 1 2 and s section 2 and
lot 5 section 1 township 32 range 31
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upou and cultivation of
said land viz
Peter iailowav David Hendershott James
Iolmson and Avelyn TBrackett all of McCann
C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Neb I
October 27 1S9G f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of Ins intention
to make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Dec 9th
189G viz
Lars Pederson of Kennedy Jfebr
II E 10045 for the nene section 23 nwnuJi
and nnwJa section 21 towiship 20 range 32
He names tho following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
David A Piercv Francis M Robinson Erik
Amesou and Aueu Rardsen all of Kennedy
Nebr C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office at Valentine Neb l
Nov 4th 1896 f
Notice is hereby giveu that the following
named settler hs filed notice of his intention
to make final proof iu support of his claim and
that said proef will he made before the Register
and Receiver at Valentine Neb on Dec nth
John C Nichofe of Eeige STebr
IIE No 8S31 for the lots 3 4 and eVi sw
Sec 31 Tj 80 R 33
lie names tne following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
Daniel P White and refer Galloway ot Mc
Caun Neb Henry Schleleter and Ieler Reimers
of Jtelgi Neb
CR GLOVER Register
Laud Office at Valentine Nebraska i
Nov 9 1396 f
Notice is hereby given that Mary J Storey
formerly Mary J Lnsley has filed notice of in
tention to maice linal proof before the Register
or Receiver at their onice in Valentine Nebr on
Friday the istli day of December 189G on tim
ber culture application No 82M for the lot 3
neHsw1 seiinwH uwJiSeU Sec 30 Tp 32 n
R 34 W
She names as witnesses Charles Gartside
John Nolan Lyman Storey aud Custtis Guu
derson all of Cody Nebr
C R GLOVER Register
US Land Office Valentine Nebr
Nov 14th 1896 f
Notice is hereby given that the following nam
ed settler has filed notice of his intention to
make linal proof in support of his claim aud
that said proof will be made before Roht Lucas
USCCC at Merrlman Nebr on Dec 30th
Joseph A Saults of Pullman Neb
H E 9391 for the sVSswJi and sise Sec 14
Tp 29 R 37
lie namestlio following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Charles Jacobson William Metzger and Eg
bert Bounen of Pullman Nebr William Enlow
of Gordon Nebr
C RGLOVER Register
Laud Oflico at Valentine Nebr 1
Nov 14th 1896 f
Complaint having been entered at this ofiice
by James Enos against Zaflok Hurtt for aban
doning his Homestead Entry No 9891 dated
August 20 1894 unon tho vVSswJ seHswii
Sec 27 Tp 35 n R 4o w in Cherry county
Nebraska vitli a view to the cancellation of said
entry the said parties are hereby summoned to
appear at this office on the 4ih day of January
1897 at 10 oclock a in to respond and furnish
testimouy concerning said alleged abandonment
Testimony of witnesses to te taken betore
Robert Lucas USCCC at Merrlman Cherry
couiitv Nebraska December 30 I89fi at 10 a m
C RGLOVER Register
US Land Office Valentine Nebr I
Nov 17 1890 f
I Complaint having been entered at tnis office
pjvviwronid o l airhead against John C Potter
for failure to comply with the law is to Timber
Culture Entry No 2743 dated September 30 18S4
upon the s4sei4 slsswii Sec 22 Tp 34 n R 37
w in Cherry county Nebraska with a view to
the caiueliation of said entry contestant alleg
ing that the said John 0 Potter has lailed to
break or cause to be broken any of said des
cribed tract at anv time and has failed at anv
time to cultivate any of said tract and lias failed 1
to plant or cause to uo planted any trees tree
seeds or cuttings on said tract at any time the
said parties are hereby summoned to appear at
this cflice on the 2tli day of December 1S9U at
10 oclock am to respond and furnish testi
mony concerning said alleged failure
Disposition of witnesses will be taken before
Roln rt Lucas a USCCC at his offite in Laa
ca Nebr on the 24th day of December 1890 at lo
oclock a m
C R GLOVER Register
U S Laud Office at Valentine NVb
Dec 1st 1800 i
Notce is hereby giveu that the following mini
ed seitler has filed notice of his intention to
make nnal proof in support of his claim aud
mat saiu proot win oe made before Register
and Receiver at Valeutine Nebr on Jan
13th 1897 viz
Willard L Cohee of Simeon Neb
H E 8417 for the sjaw1 sec 27 and nnwJi
sec 34 tpyo r2S
He names the following witnes cs to prove Irs
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
said land viz
Charles R Howard and Robert L Quisenbnrry
of Oasis Nebr John R Ballard aud Henry B
Ballard of Wood Xake Nebr
C R GLOVER Register
Aflce for Appointment on
In Count7 Court of riiorry County Nebraska
John a Guth survirtaic partner of the firm of
Guth Haro havlug filed In my office a peti
tion praying for the appointment of Edward J
Davenport as administrator of tho estate of
Walter Hare deceased ail persona Interested In
said estate will take notice that I have fixed
Saturday the 28th day of November 1896 at lo
oclock as the time nnd my office iu Cherry
county Nebraska as the place for the hearing of
the appoiutraent of such administrator
witness my band aud seal of the Comity
Notice is hercbv given that William G tfawyer Court this loth day ol November 189C
FM Walcott
Ul jviiii milium mio iircu uuuvi hihumui tv
make linal proof before the Register or Receiv
er at his office in Valentine Nebraska on Frl
dav the 11 th day of December 1E9G on -timber
cuftureapplicationKo 7708 Jor the lot 4 y
se4 and ne4seH of section No 32 in township
The Town Site Company of Georgia
Nebraska herewith gives notice that
the name of the town will be changed
from Georgia to Tiipley
CnEPni County Dand Company
The Best Way
To Sioux jCity is via ONeill
Priintic 6hort Line Try it
County Judge
and the
m f Afll II m U
It stands first among weekly
papers in size frequency of publica
tion and freshness variety and relia
bility of contents Ic is practically a
daily at the low price of a weekly and
its vast list of subscribers extending
to every state and territory of the
Union and foreign countries will vouch
for the accuracy and fairness of its
news columns
It is splendidly illustrated
among its special features are
humor page exhaustive market
ports all the latest fashions
woman and a long long
of stories by the greatest
American and English authors
Conan Doyle Jerome K Jerome
Stanley Weyman Mary E Wilkins
Anthony Hope Bret Ilarte
Brander Matthews etc
We offer this uneqalled newspaper
and Thk Vaientine Democrat to
gether one year for 150 The regu
lar subscription price of tho two papera
is 200
Good Rigs and Careful Drivers
Teams Stabled
At Goo Langs old stand
Pagifig Short Lh
Passenger leaves OXeill Neb
at 1005 a m immediately after
rival of train from Black
Hills reaching Sioux City at 235 p
m saving three hours time
Lowest rates Purchase local tickets
to ONeill and rebuy there
4 iW WmmmEmiIWjff
Donotbe deceived by allurlnjj advertisements and
think yoa can get the oest made finest finish and
for a mere song Buy from reliable manufactnrera
Koathave trained arepntaOon byhonestantlrqnare
aoallnff Kiere is none In the world that ctn equal
in meohanlcal conttrnctlon durability of trorkinjr
P3rt8nnenes8 of finish beanty in appearance or has
as many improvements as the NEW HOME
Tie Hew Home Sewing MaeMne Co
ObahotMasA Bostoh3ab8 8trKI0H60nAEENT
Valentine - Nebraska
aoufb moat always
icaso Chronicle
ft la n aflvocae oi damocr ac7 with qo leaalor toward ponullaa octa
JNCIDENTALLY triumph of the rcputilcaa party In the rcriif presidential icKlQ6FiitinH
or the Uiaruption of the democrats devolve Uponr the latter th duty f recOngiUsilcji iaZf9i
PRnizaiton on tho lines of ihetr owa and not aotne other party fslthT To pr0aotffryrtda
democracy to discountenance Dopuiimn and to rvnuit tho moaopolUttc tsndencle of repubUcaa
Um wlU Do the political mission Of THS CHKOKICIX In the future an It ha txen to the past
Ana newspaper THE CHKONICLK will cdUtae to bo cjmprnhoailv aud enterpjlalax
paring neither labor nor exrxutie to cuke lti rt txiri b el notftwotthy event- of auprior
and covering enUAUKllraij the aatlrcj rlald OT ntvs ClscoTcr7 iuTentton laduatzaal
For one cent a day ever family within flvw hnndra miles of Chicago mar aTe on th 4aj
o Its publication a copy of a reit rtallv newspspto coatlaf thousand of dsllajs to prodii
a miracle of cheapaeta and value toubtned
Daily only Ono Year S300
Six Months 130
Three Months 75
i Ono Month 2a
Sample copies Mat frs aa aoDlleatloa
Sunday only One Year S20O
Six Months 100
Three Months 50-
st Onn Month OR
-- -- -- w v
m m m
Dally and -Sunday SSOQper year Parts of a year 50o per month
All anboTiDtlonB zanst bezccompnied br the cash Remit by poiul orszarassflioa9y0clr
on Chicago or New York or registered letter Currenoy la letters whifa eralaartlr
b at senders rtak
I64 J66 Washington St- Chicago III
w V aHIHMitjrA wMm mmm
PkXJ sUDIk V mmMinmlmlfmwtmmm
w mmmVljflmTtim7Aamm1UmmmPmBzzmF9mmmmmm
mW JtrnLmjUwmmmnLliirlr k
Wasa EpZSfwLblKlsSiumhZrJl
mmmmmymmm tmTmmfBSKMrmmmmmmjmf
- iiiiMt
Where the advertiser will find
himself every time in the fight for
trade if he patronizes the best ad
vertising medium in Valentine
The only Democratic News-
paper in Northwest Nebraska and
the Best Newspaper in Cherry
County Try it and see
I I 1 -
- - i i i i i T
BLACKSMITH axd railroad
Hth WesternLine istoferx
Repairing a Specialty
to and from the
Prices Strickly Cash and Low-
er than ever
SHOP on Cherry St opposite Lana
old stand
Satisfaction guaranteed
Seasonable charges
Wanted An Idea
Who caaf
Protect yonrJdeasr they may brterjyoa
Waahlnstoa D O for their tlBSf r3 - ji
3ad list or tnt bandied laroatloiu vraaieC