The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, December 03, 1896, Image 3
j0v - V v r 5 rP v irJ yYbiy UAAilfaif map orxfic States Alabama Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Idaho Illinois Vote for President in isnn McKinley Bryan Palmer Indiana 22311 Iowa 287192 Kansas 15S2G7 Kentucky 21S055 Louisiana 1SDG2 Maine S0421 Maryland 135978 Massachusetts 207787 Michigan 251100 Minnesota 193455 Mississippi 4S4 Missouri 304500 Montana 10 100 Nebraska 102KS 1 evada 1756 New Hampshire 57444 New Jersey 22187 New York 795271 North Caroliua 155222 Nbrth Dakota 23325 phio 5259S9 Oregon 49210 Pennsylvania 72S300 Rhode Island 30437 South Carolina 9043 South Dakota 45100 Tennessee 14S773 Texas 173 Co comp 154422 Utah 13401 Vermont 49450 Virginia 135301 Washington 39495 West Virginia 102000 Wisconsin 2G5G5G Wyoming 10073 A St Paul Minister Has Begun a Six- Xear Sentence Rev James C Hull who a few months ago was the popular pastor of one of the Methodist churches in St Paul now oc t 3S vvw jkr IlAva maraa c xri jV TOTED STATES ciation won from the Boston eleven 12 to C Chicago Univer sity won from Ann Arbor 7 to North western and AVis consin Universities played a lie Cor nell was beaten by Pennsylvania 32 to 10 Purdue of Indi ana with the University of Illinois and Iowa and Nebraska tied The Coliseum game in Chicago was not won until th time keepers blew their whistles the s Athletic game was won at the beginning and the Northwestern game was tied with but eight minutes to play The Coli seum game was lost by poor generalship the Athlethic game was lost because Bos ton does not know how to play and the Evanston game was tied because a skilled man fell in the mud and the ball was slick and slippery with drizzle It was a day of surprises The victors in each of the contests were the losers of the prophets It was expected that Mich igan would eat up the men from Chicago They earned the championship last year Their supporters did not make it a ques tion of success but a matter of score The Athletic Club had reprimanded iis Lest men for professionalism by dismis sal taking upon the gridiron an eleven of less than two weeks work The North western expected to win its light by a clean margin and did win it to the last moments Here is how they stand Chicago 7 Michigan G Chicago A A 12 Boston A A G Northwestern G Wisconsin 3 Pennsylvania 32 Cornell 10 4 Purdue 4 Lafayette 4 Uni of Iowa 0 Uni of Nebraski 0 rowns 24 Indians 12 POPULAR VOTE FOR PRESIDENT Approximately Complete Table of the Popular Vote The appended table compiled by the New York World shows the popular vote for President In all States where the vote has been -official canvassed the figures are 54733 37512 14G217 227S5 1102SS 203G7 11545 COOil 5031 107137 110103 14292G 151970 5G734 10071 29420 94232 15754 402753 303354 219350 172027 217797 73SG1 32217 304745 302055 201250 139477 55933 303750 432 115240 0751 21271 131995 543S39 1744SS 3S175 4744S0 47102 427127 14459 57JM53 45275 1G3G51 2G4200 04S51 97S9 1559SS 50927 90000 102009 103S9 cupies a ceu m tne Stillwater peniten tiary where he will remain six years un less pardoned before the term of his sen tence expires Mr Hull was arrested A nrr o 4- lj tos5 All EtMS home in West St rjfgatf Paul His wife CfPfrL IWfjij peered that lie was tyf trying to poison her UEV c htjlx and called in some neighbors who guarded Hull to prevent him from disposing of poison which Mrs Hull declared he had concealed in his pockets When being taken to the sta tion Hull attempted to th ow away a bottle of arsenic and a package of the same drug was found on bis person when searched He remained in jail until last wnaV Txliivn Tip Wfic Tilnporl mi f TiO TTo admitted that he attempted to poison bis 0404 500 4334 9G7 1G0S 27SS 32000 3570 2000 501S 1320 1804 2507 11510 S750 3209 1021 5000 5250 3420 G474 1SS29 57S iS57 1049 11000 1100 S25 2500 1951 1200 2210 2750 3000 Total 7050510 6221552 13S570 Total vote cast 1S96 approximate 13 579G3S including about 100000 Prohibi tion votes and 50000 Bryan and Watson votes PREACHER AND POISONER mimmmmmmmsBsmmm SHOWING TrC OE2CfiAK11cAlrfWSTRlBUTIOM OT PARTIES IN TMr 1 W fc lJ FOOTBALL GAMES Results of tbc Gridiron Battles on Thanksgiving Day tfiift ipjj OOTBALL was ev erything Thanksgiv ing Day The Chi cago Athletic Asso iuuit 71 Hfffwi0si4iiHmst m7wimk wmmzsz mm Wir vw4 wife and wasseritencea to sis years in the penitentiary The Hulls came orig inally from Toronto Kan Mr Hull had a church in Evanston 111 a few years ago and from there went to Massachu setts They went to Minnesota six years ago and for three years previous to his arrest Mr Hull was pastor of the Clin ton Avenue Methodist Church in West St Paul HUNTERS FIGHT WILD DOGS Desperate Combat Takes Place in an Indiana Forest A large drove of wild dogs even morp ferocious than hungry timber wolves has been discovered near the town of Morris town Ind and the people in that vicin ity are greatly frightened as a result It is probable that a grand hunt will soon be organized in the hope of ridding the country of the dogs which pecupied a big cave or den in the Hamilton woods a gloomy forest which has been avoided by human beings for many years past on ac count of the belief that it is -haunted The discovery that the woods shelter a drove of wild dogs was made by John W Sullivan and his son Charles Andrew Lamar and Matt Sullivan while on a hunting trip They tell a thrilling story of their encounter with the beasts and Charles Sullivan is under the care of a surgeon having been badly mangled by one of the animals A The hunting party tracked the ferocious animals to their cave in a dense woods While the party was debating the matter and laying plans to capture the animals there came a rush from the den and a dog greatly resembling a rat terrier only larger and with a bushy tail and a head something like that of a bulldog darted past them with a snarl and darted in the tangled underbrush Lamar and Charles Sullivan immediate ly gave chase while the rest of the party remained to guard the den and close the opening with brush and stones so the animals inside could not escape In a few minutes the report of a gun some little distance away was heard by those who remained at the den followed by the howling of a dog and the screaming of Lamar and young Sullivan It was found that the two had gotten quite close to the dog when it had turned and attacked them Then Lamar fired severely wound ing the beast Just as the shot was fired another dog dashed into sight and made an attack upon young Sullivan The boy was being badly bitten and scratched by the infuriated animal bat Lamar was afraid to shoot for fear of hitting Sullivan instead of the dog Final ly he saw a chance and fired wounding BRYANS CHILD IS ILL Oldest Dauchter of the Silver Leader Sick with Diphtheria Ruth Bryan the oldest daughter of M and Mrs W J Bryan who was taken down with diphtheria and the home at Lincoln Neb quarantined in Pi HUTII AXD WILLIAJI J BPTAK JR quence is now much better A messase from the Bryan home says the little girl is mending steadily and no apprehension whatever was felt by her mother or attendants UNIQUE BRIDGE AT HASTINGS Believed to Be the Only One of Its Kind in the World Hastings Minn new wagon bridge has been completed and it probably is the only one of the kind in the world Its peculiar feature is the spiral approach at the south end On account of the great height of tiuw luiuel span pf SS0 feet which is placed fifty five feet above high water mark it was necessary to have a very long approach in order to avoid a steep grade The town being so close to the river it would have been necessary to run a straight approach to such a dis tance as to spoil the looks of the business streets In order to overcome this difficul ty it was decided to make use of a corner lot G0xl20 feet adjoining the foot of Sibley street and to build thereon a spi ral approach Beginning at the heart of the city the approach starts with a rise of seven and three fourths feet to the 100 forming an Hiffl Pi5 r - - i ii i ri uni i v rt m Tt i a - r i in i i i i HIGH BRIDGE AT HASTINGS MINX the animal and driving it away He was binding up Sullivans wounds when half a dozen other dogs sprang from the brush and attacked them When the rest of the party appeared upon the scene and fired a volley at the dogs the animals disap peared after making a faint pretense of mmWnWMmm ATTACKED BY WILD DOGS attacking the rescuing party Where the dogs came from no one knows According to the Echo de Paris the Regent and the Queen of Holland will spend the winter in Italy where Qaeen Wilhelmina will be betrothed to an Ital ian captain of royal blood who has won the Queens affections The Dietrich syndicate of which E C Benedict of New York is president has just closed a deal by which it acquires possession of all the property of the Ohio tid Indiana Natural Gas Company earth grade banked between massive re taining walls 120 feet long The spiral built of steel begins at the end of this drive and winds its way with a curve of sixty feet with a grade of five feet to the 100 for a distance of 3Sj feet then strik ing again a straight approach from the point where the spiral ends there is a rise of six feet to the 100 for a distance of 130 feet to the beginning of the channel span This span is 3S0 feet long from center to center of end pins Beyond is another 120 foot span then twenty one spans of thirty three feet each terminating with an approach of 172 feet making a total of 970 feet The largest span of 3S0 feet is built to carry 25G tons besides its own weight and the smaller span in proportion The iron work of the north approach rests on well constructed masonry pedestals which have a concrete footing averaging nearly two feet thick and six feet square Foun dations of the large river pier carrying 3S0 and 120 foot spans were laid by means of a caisson the river being at a very low stage On the north side of the river all the masonry was placed on solid rock and the iron work tied to the rock by heavy anchor bolts The joists which carry the oak floor and sidewalks are of first class white pine later thev mav be replaced by steel joists if desired In the large span the entire floor is steel except tne planking which forms the surface In the surface there are 1000 cubic yards of stone masonry 20000 feet of timber ISO yards of concrete 2500 yards of cubic earth 2400 lineal feet of piling 500 tons of steel and 150000 feet of lum ber for floors Provisions for expansion on account of the change of the tempera ture is made at the main pier the two spans being five inches longer in July than they are in January The structure cost about 50000 TRUTH CANNOT DIE THE FREE COINAGE OF SILVER WILL YET WIN It Is Sound American Uoctrine nud Orthodox Democratic Doctrine Tar iff Tax or Gold Bonda Confront Ee publicans Bryan Has Won Fame Wait for 1900 To silver men who have borne the brunt of battle we offer our congratu lations on their courageous charge against the citadel of greed and bid them good cheer The question has not been settled Truth uever dies The conscience of the people will yet awak en to the enormity of the gold powers offense against civilization And when it does Mammon will be dethroned Too much blood was spilled in saving this Union to permit a belief that it can be debauched forever by the money power Pennsylvanias great tribune Jere miah S Black said twenty years ago when the peoples will was balked and Samuel J Tilden was swindled or rather the American people were swin dled out of the presidency Wait It is only four years The mills of the gods grind slowly but they grind ex ceeding small wait If the free and unlimited coinage of both gold and silver at a ratio of 1G to 1 was sound doctrine yesterday it is sound doctrine to day If it were true in July 189G it will be time in July 1900 And it is sound doctrine It Is American doctrine it is orthodox doctrine Four years hence on the same platform perhaps with the same candidate we cannot lose Take up the burden that a gold standard has placed upon your backs and bear it for a season Silver men of the United States will yet be vindicated and the cause will triumph Our faith is pinned to Ameri can citizenship The voice of the peo ple is the voice of God If it is in error sometimes it means well at all times We believe that it will yet awaken to the true interest of the nation and that in a few years Right will prevail Chi cago Dispatch Tariff Tax or Gold Bonds Republican papers are now demand ing that President McKinley convene an extra sessiou next spring for the consideration of the tariff question General Tracy in an interview de clares that the crying need of the hour is an increase of taxes It is almost always the case that in creased taxes follow on a Republican triumph but in the present case it is a question whether even a new tariff tax can save the Government from constant borrowing of money at interest to meet expenses and to keep up the gold standard Nor is it at all certain that the administration can force through the next Congress a McKinley tariff in any event The silver Republi cans of the Senate gave notice when tlie Dingley bill came before them that they would vote for no tariff change without free coinage and Mc Kinleys policy may run against the same impediment He cannot expect help from Democratic Congressmen who if they are wise would welcome an extra session as an opportunity to re form their party lines and unite their divided forces There is also the fact to be taken into consideration that the practical aban donment of the tariff as an issue in the recent campaign has let into the lower House of Congress a number of Repub lican members who are by no means in accord with McKinley in his extreme protectionist views It therefore seems very possible that in spite of the denunciations heaped upon President Cleveland for his bond issue policy by the Republican press and orators President McKinley may find himself driven to the same resource before he has beeu in office many nlcnths A Fuborncd Press In his final address to the American people Chairman Jones included among the causes of Democratic defeat 1r subornation of a large portion of i Ameriean press The part played by the metropolitan press in the recent campaign will not soon be forgotten by the American people But its behavior since the election has been even worse than during the campaign In generous minds the consciousness of being victorious brings out a spirit of magnanimity or at least a disposi tion to treat fairly defeated opponents In the desire to curry favor with its plutocratic masters the suborned press has since the election surpassed any thing in the previous history of Ameri can politics or journalism in the bru tality of its abuse and in the vicious ness of its blackguardism Dispatches from other cities show that the same tirade of foul and vindic tive abuse that was poured upon the Post Dispatch was directed against every Democratic newspaper in every city that dared to question the figures of the Gould Sage returning board In San Francisco in Cincinnati in- Louis ville in Indianapolis wherever there was a Democratic newspaper that pre ferred the view of the Democratic Na tional Committee to that of the irre sponsible senders of doctored dispatch esit was the object offrenzied denun ciation which amounted to an incite ment to riot In Chicago it was worst of all The Democrats had no newspaper there to serve as a target for the newspaper clamor So it was turned against Chairman Jones His treatment by the Chicago newspapers on Wednesday and Thursday was a disgrace to Ameri can journalism and to the American people Because he would not join the Hanna chorus but announced his inten tion to wait for full and trustworthy returns before conceding Bry ans de feat be was subject to everyspecies of abuse and denunciation that the vocab ulary of newspaper hoodlums could produce There was no actual riot because the people refused to respond to their news paper inciters But the pos clection riot ot bad language in the gold stand ard newspapers was perhaps the worst feature of a campaign that as a whole offers little encouragement to believers in the old time doctrine that the voice of the people is the voice of God St Louis Post Dispatch Mr Pryans Addrcss Mr Bryan has nailed his flag to the mast and has announced that the bat tle for humanity is still on His ad dress to the American people is worthy of the man and of the hour It reflects the character of one great In adversity and noble in defeat Having closed his l emarkable canvass without a mis take he adopts the manliest course open to him as the chosen leader of an oppressed people No personal or po litical friend he says need grieve because of my defeat My ambition has been to secure immediate legisla tion rather than to enjoy the honors of office therefore defeat brings to me no feeling of personal loss The man who does not recognize the ring of true patriotism in these words is made of the stuff that sees only self ishness in an honorable ambition to at tain the presidency But those who followed the free coinage banner and went down with it in temporary disas ter know if their opponents do not that love of country and love of power inspires every utterance that emanates or will emanate from the captain of the host during the ensuing four years The keynote has been sounded In 1900 there will be no other proposition before this people than the proposition to reform its monetary policy regard less of what Western Europe may do or think in the matter Even Mark Hanna himself is of this opinion as shown by bis declaration that the Re publican organization must be kept up and the propaganda for a dear dollar and cheap men continued Whatever other members of bis party may think the organizer of Mr McKinleys forces and the holder of bis notes sees in the 0000000 of votes polled by the com mon people a menace to plutocracy a threat against the aseendencjr of Mam mon Quick to accept Mr Bryans chal lenge he will no doubt bring to bear on the situation all the arguments that money can buy and ingenuity devise Gold advocates will tour the country and undertake to show that a people is happiest when it is least prosperous that the individual thrives when his income is curtailed Against this powerful enginery of pelf will be arrayed Truth without money patriotism with only that power which comes from a sense of jus tice With such a leader and with such a cause victory is only a question of time and of a comparatively short time As our late candidate well says - The year 1900 is not far away Before that year arrives international bimetal lism will cease to deceive before that year arrives those who have called them selves gold standard Democrats will be come bimetallists and be with us or they will become Republicans and thus open enemies before that year arrives trusts will have convinced still more people that a trust is a menace to private welfare and public safety Before that year arrives the evils of a gold standard will be even more evident than they are now and the people then ready to demand an American financial policy for the American people will join with us in the immediate restoration of the free and unlimited coinage of gold and silver at the present ratio of 1G to 1 without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation Great in Defeat Hon William McKinley Canton Ohio Senator Jones has just informed me that the returns indicate your election and I hasten to extend my congratula tions We haye submitted the issue to the American people and their will is law W J BRYAN Nothing in Mr Bryans honorable public career becomes him more than his graceful acknowledgment of defeat After making the most brilliant cani inigu in the history of the country uter attracting the admiration of the world be bows to the inevitable and congratulates the peoples choice de claring that the will of the voter is the law of the land It is pleasant to reflect that the battle was waged on purely political lines that nothing of a personal nature en tered into the contest and that both candidates are of irreproachable pri vate character President MdKinley will have no more ardent well wisher than William Jennings Bryan If it were possible for this country to pros per permanently under a single gold standard the defeated candidate would no doubt be a valuable adviser of the new administration But it is not pos sible and under our system of govern ment the party in power does not ac cept advice from opposition leaders A good deal is being said just now about Mr Bryans future and the in quiry is made as to what course he will pursue His future has already been selected for him by the American peo ple There is nothing in politics more certain than the fact that he will re main the partys champion and rally the hosts for another charge against the allied armies of Mammon William Jennings Bryan who gave battle so magnificently serene in defeat and de fiant before the money power is the re form idea incarnated Mark Hanna is the reactionary principle made flesh An irrepressible conflict is on The McKinley Dilemmas Politicians may well sympathize with the dilemmas surrounding the posi tion of the President elec He has three sets of supporters to placate not as is usually the case only one party His success has been aided by bis own political friends by bolting Democrats and by Cleveland office holders To have Oiwc tetter nilly willy may seem cruel To se lect prizes for the Palmer and Buck embarrassing To nor men becomes give everything to Republican proper would appear ungrateful to allies Plattites and autl Piattites with War ner Miller in the perspective are al ready clamoring for pap Altogether that rest which the sage of Canton de clares he must now seek seems to elude him Why shall not McKinley solve his dilemmas by engineering a grand raffle for the main places and let Hanna draw names from a bag and Quay draw titles of officers from another bag simultan eously The grab bag game has never been tried yet in national politics and now may be a good time for testing the plan Four Months More of Grovcr McKinley will not take office for four months to come and in the meantime Grover Cleveland will remain Presi dent and will have on his hands a Con gress one branch of which is over whelmingly Republican while in the other there is a majority made up of believers in the free and unlimited coin age of silver There are therefore three opposing bodies in Washington and they will continue to obstruct ono another until their official life ends on the 4th of March next There are very few questions on which the three can be expected to agree to work together The Republi can House would like to start on tariff tinkering when it meets next month i and the Senate is willing to let it do sot if it agrees to provide for silver coinage at the same time The President stands ready to veto one or the other sep- arately or both combined If he is given the chance and the two legislative branches are prepared to reject any rec j ommendation about financial or reve nue matters that he may recommend It is clear therefore that oa these questions of domestic importance there is sure to be a deadlock during the re maining days of the Cleveland adminis tration and of the Fifty fourth Con gress On foreign affaire however they may pull together and it is not unlikely that the Cuban situation and a settlement of the Venezuela affair will chiefly engross attention The return of Gen Fitzbugh Lee our Consul General in Cuba at this time for the purpose of consulting with Presi dent Cleveland is presumably the fore runner of a strong Cuban message to Congress What recommendations will be made in it nobody can of course even guess at in view of what sur prises our present chief executive has given the country in the past when matters of foreign politics come up Of course the Republicans will op pose any very decided action by this government now in either Cuba or Ven ezuela or Turkey They want to have whatever glory is to be gained in the handling of these matters for them selves They fear that any strong pol icy by the administration during the coming winter will interfere with the development of the artificial business boom that they are so sedulously nurs ing in order to strengthen themselves with the people New York News William Jennings Brjan The standard bearer of the people in the wonderful canvass now a part of history has won undying fame He has not been elected President not yet but he has waged a warfare against corporate greed that can but redound to the good of the nation He led the war from the day of bis nomination to the hour of his rejection and not by any spoken word or by any individual act in all that time did he reflect on those who selected him for a champion He proved himself a giant among men and to day he is as noble in defeat as he could have been in vic tory The odds against him were formida ble and he challenged them He was a volunteer St George battling against the dragon of organized greed and al though he has not yet slain the raou stei he or those who come after him will slay it This country must not and will not be ran by trusts It has a grander des- tiny than the enthronement of Telf Whatever support the money power may receive from so called Democrats whatever encouragement the men who traffic in the peoples necessity may se cure from legislative bodies for a time there will be an adjustment by which the masses will finally secure their in- heritance Bryan is but 30 years old Whether in its wisdom his party select hhn to- bear the standard or whether the honor falls on another four years from now he will in 1900 be as vigorous and as eloquent in his denunciation of wrong and his advocacy of right as he has been in this contest The Good Ficht The chairman of the National Demo- eratic Committee Senator Jones and the chairman of the campaign commit tee Mr D J Campau with their able assistants are to be congratulated on the splendid fight they made in the cause of the people They lost the bat tle but they lost it with honor Sena tor Jones has been at all times cour teous and dignified He has discussed the situation conservatively and has won the respect of his foes and the- ad miration of his friends There has beeo a minimum of garrulity at Democratic headquarters and a maximum of work and the result is something of a victory although the Republican party is re stored to power Practically without funds the chosen leaders of the people have fought against tremendous odds the opposition having millions of money at its command Every true reformer owes a debt of gratitude to the men Trho held the party banner aloft during de memorable campaign just closed