w m BO fTi f w rCold -with northerly and north Veiterly winds Blizzards will follow Prepare by buying your clothing boots -shoes etc at mwmm rQ4x stock in quantity and quality is mftlietllett There are no two sides to ifct Vacation of our prices Theyre Ue lowest on furnishing goods Just drop in and set for yourself Lots of goods constantly coming and going Tailoring cleaning and pressing SINARO MAW SHEET WlENTINE NORTHWESTERN LI VERY AND FEED STABLE HITT Kneeland Props Barn located on the east side df town First class rigs and carefuldrtvers Good accommodation for feed ing and stabling CM TONSORIAL MIST fialr cutting and shaving Shop in the W II Moses building HOT AND COLO BATHS Vaieatane O W MOHEY WATCHMAKER s JEWELER Diamond v WatcheaClocks -Jewelry Silverware Spectacles Musical Instruments Valentine aud JPebretsTtfi A Wonderful VKuvn Iwrattoadd my t9timony to the list of those that bave used -the Ightcing Churn -It does all tht is claimed for it you can -churn asily in one iminute and get aTarge percentage ore mtntrtnan wiui me common cnurns 1 aeVer took the geney for auythingliefore hut no manr of my neighbors wantedhurns that I ordered 50 and they -are all gone I think 4n a year erery farmer will have a Lightning Chum In fact ihey cant afford Xo be without one as thsy niakeAOtWucsh more butter sad aood itft tle bit of money can be tnado lnry township by selling thosecbiirn By J F Casey get circulars jtboulUui churn 3 Akajkh X ill flees for Feed Bran -bulk 40c perwt 7C0fcon Shorts bulk 50c per ewt 9 00 ton Screenings 35c 600 Chop Feed 70c 1300 -Corn 50c Oits 65c iUVirfry Thie fflrl Somebody I iX been retdlgc in ypur p0P 9boil teTeral men and wojuod that hw been rery ftgf ul follinfc seltshcMing flat irons and a oonciKdfd J would see what a girl ootgd do I hsresfrorked UdaysAiidliavesold S1 irons arid bBTo42l8ift after psving all expeneej Byery nelsiieirgiitedwuh jhe iron and I sell one al plaoe Tahow it as people Uiink they eant aCord to be without one as ttioy -save so auch tuel and and dont bum -clothes I knowd cau clear 5JXX in a year How is that lor a tirL A Graduatk 8pleDJ4 mr girl jtplecdiil you are a true American girl Anybody can pet complete in tormatior about the self asating ironby addres ins J FCasey jo SU Louis Mo It setms to be a winner as everyone selling it writee in tits praise 3 Cfuxncc jo Make Money I hrut made 51 10 clear niocev inCTdays and Ktnu1 to niyiiougehold outitfs besides and I tblnkthsisUoleiplendidfor a woman inex ecV9uced in busyieas Anjone xjvp sell what evexyaiij want 10 auy ana every t insuy wanta a DisbAVuhei I dont canvass zt all poople cemeor send lar tlie Washer and erery washer that js ouj sells two or three more as fhey do ue wst w jwiciViiH7 iou can vma ana ory toe diiSis it two tnluntes I am going to devote xpy wUej time to the hosjuef pow awl I am suxtyl caa make Bscm a jear My sister iind ijpothe ltAve sarted In tpe business and are uJcHCsplepdld ynucajjit complete wstlmoulflia by 4ng th IrowCily Dlh Washer Co Btstifxi a jlTfchurffaixJii ffvoy ot mako lots cf undiscovered ICE WOOL SHAWLS - - 3 M I II L DENIM AND TAPESTRY DftAPINGS hOUDay assortment RJBBONS HANDKERCHIEF Q SILK WEATHER REPOftT ft OCTOBER NdVMtR -AND DECVSfeER AND LINEN A Kansas editor offers a silk shut waist a -ready madcessny gum tothehigh schoolgirl who srnd acorrect solution to the following to the amount of thirty four cents Whenhe came to pay tor the goodshfi had only a one dollar bill a thtee centi pieccand a two cent piece The store keeper had a half dollar and a quarter They appealed to a bystander but he had only two dimes and a penny Af ter some perplexity the change was made to the satisfaction of all The piogram committee Northwest Nebraska Young of the Peoples Christiau -Alliance-will meet at the M Echurch in Rushville on Sunday aftetnoouaf230 Nov -22 for time for the De- pcember convention and preparing a program for the Christian young people of Northwest Nebraska At the Union Convention held at Bor deaux last Juneit was -decided to holdthe next convention at Rushville some time in December- Kushville Standard The greyhound tribe of Gordon merits highei recognition than any other tribe of canines By the aid 01 thesp fleet footed animals our local sportsmen have dispatched 50 coyotes since last winter which prob ably represents a saving of ten times that many sheep and lambs to our sheepman We have a great deal more respect for the greyhound than other dogs except the shepherd dogs When we have a surplusthe best wav is to put them on themarkefcand em ploy Doc NYchblson and Ulia Powell to find buyers at 15 a piece Gordon Jbtiniat FTjracebas lTOOjOOO -acres df land devoted to the1 culture- of sugar beets while Germarjysbeet lands cover an area of nearly 1900000 acres An acre -of land planted in sugar beets I ields from ten to twelve tons of beets and a ton of beets will average 200 pounds or atleastooe ten sof -sugar fdtvery a6re of feeete With ir3ropr encouragement Nebraska could readily devote 1050000 acres to sugar beet culture arid its sugarcrop would be worth 5a000000 Jauted in corn a yield of SO bush els to the acreand with- corn selling at 25cents a bushel would only produce l2500000 At present prices 00Q 000 acres planted in corn only yield 6250000 Omaha Jiee Sciencer continues to make wonder fuUstrides forwanlbutit jwas confi dently predicted that -with the dis photography I had reached its t highest development However the difficulty Of proddug theiray was so great that much -of its usefulness was lost owing to the in ability of most people to procure -the apparatus necessary to produce rthe bright light required for the photo graph Now it is discovered that the natural light produced by the ordinary glow worm is intense enough to pro duce the same effectas the f cathode and ai that experimenters will need in the future is a well stocked fire fly farjn to be ready to see through any ordinary substance iN ature has ouce more yielded cuan ane of her many secrets though thousands yet remain Thp following tfrom -a republican paper published in Ohio be of in terest to a number ft Democeat waders The omeial vote is announced -as follows Mc Kinley 5294 ryan on the democratic ticket 47595V Bryau on -the populist ticket 2552 pruhibi tiorij 5060 national 2778 social labor 1165 gold democrats L831 Total vote 1028908 This makes McKinley over -Bryan 49438 And the man who bet 50000 for McKinley ov oriBryan loses diis is disputed aud will be vigorously s many bete were made on that figure Bets made on Mcginley over Bryan of 50000 on tbederuoeratic ticket would win hut Bryan being on two tufcets is entitled to the votes of both tickets And it is the same if the bet is 011 votes for eleotora for electors on both democrat and populist ticxets were fdr Uryan It is qydte a lively questman for there I wu3idorabo nioniy tied up op it Mae Davenport Ednah AIDonald problem A man purchased groceries day at the -High School Editors NEW PUPILS IHigh School Wm Beamer Second Primary -Herbert Charles Breuklander Katie McLaughlin is -detained Sparks Corn hUsklrk is thB dtdef df THESE ARE A FEW Of the many attractive lines wc offir Special Leader On NEW GOODRICH DEWING MACHINES omul ster the Holidays T C HORNBY i m gi7Z rrmm THt VALEWiNE DEIWUCRA1 MM SKHUUL UtPAfll MhNI fcCCCESSOK TO CHERRY COUNrY INDEPENDENT EOBEBT GOOD Editor and Publisher and H 0 Tucker was a visitor EIie Gokey visited the Grammar Department Wednesday if Mrs Craw foro itas 74 jpupiis four having entered this week A general rush for the skating pond is made after dismissal of school at home by an attack of erysipelas Eddie Morey has his face bandaged the resultor getting badly burned The High School Literary Club will hold a meeting tomorrow afternoon We ae pleased to seeour hint in re gard to washing deskshas been caken to heart Bertha Kneeland of the Grammar Department and Allie Cyphers of the High have been -out but are now back in school Pictures of the different rooms were taken Monday Afterwards orders were given for the pictures and five ceuts uf -every quarter received for a pictureiisto be donated to tlfe School Library the clay Xardn Grooms has moved to Mrs Berry Vplace on the river The dance at Mr Ogle last Tues day night was a grand success Miss Tim Meyers andlrer sister are visiting their sister near Sparks There will be an oyster supper and dance at Meyers next Thursday night N J Grooms our blacksmith is gettingalithehdr3eshoeinghe can at tend to Harry Presho was over rfrom tl e flats to- gettaoad of corn and see his bestfri Mr and Mrs Clark son returned homeSaturdyfroma tvo Peeks vis it with iGHSawyerand John Newland at tended7 the republican rally at Valen tine lastThurodAy night Mrs Clarfcsonitfinteeeipt of a -letter from Mrs Rowley of Lotroke the family along better than formerly Theleti ter stated thaUMr Ward td family started for yaleuUnetheiSth of f this month ttJeEJOE OhrrryiGonty FnterpriRe - C A Jbhuson and Willis Barnard of Wood Lafeeare citizens of Whom Cherry countyvmayvwell befproud and their latest venture in no wise detracts from their standing Sumetime ago theyvwent dwn to New Mexico for buying upa fewcatte and they did it Tuesday hey arrived steers aud cows attdAbout 4GO calves They were pur chased jaear Siiver City New Mexico andwereingoed conditionwhert they arrived nDtwithstanding their long ride The -cattle were driven northwest of AVoodXake SiF Gijmanuproprietor of theMin nschaduza Mil J jKvChambers U P ticfeet agent at Onaaha Walter Cham bec proprietor ofaJarge printing nd bofebinding establiiment at Daven port jlowa Ohas fifericklctnd A T Whifceand Webb Hileinger returned from4heir fishing trip rto the Bordman Tuesday- They brought dn about 160 trout c It is not often according to popular fancy -that an editor has au opportun ity todJBport himself at a well filled anquet board so the editor M The Democrat intends accepting an in vitatiou to Thanksgivingdinner The paper was priaijbed last night for lack o f uov WOOD LAKE DEPARTMENT By Kelly November 34 1896 Tfee prospeeta are good for a big snow storm in a 4ay or two i dr J C Mann of Council Bluffs was 1 ijen it uowaery state t5nK exami ner was in town Thursday night W P Murphy of Ainsworth was in town a short time Sunday on busmeaa j P S Roueche of Brownlee is in town this week till after Thanks giving Mr and Mrs C M Railey took in the ratification at Valentiue last Thursday night Skatingis reported good on Mr Leachs lake south of town Koys the girls wanttogo awfulbadj C A Johnson and W Barnard re turned today from -southern Colorado 35 cars of cattle were unloaded at Valentine a- John Endermon formerly of this place has returned from Illinois after an absence of several years to locate in this part of the county We noticed several of the handy men around town helping themselves to coal last Thursday night from cars on the track Thats right boys help yourselves but dont be hoggish about it Wood Lake X 2 C A Johnson is -expected home to night Ed spent Sunday in town George Lovelet spent Saturday Sunday in twn We hear that -folks ihave t iken a boy totaise WV Johnson and wffe were in the eity a few hours on Tuesday Florence Reagan is talking df leav ing No wonder Pat and Andy -look so sober The literary last Saturday night was a grand fizzle If they keep on they will- have no literary at all We all expect to have a great time Thanksgiving Boys -bring your girls and all come aad erjoy a good time Miss Sadie -Dewey returned last Saturday morning from Valentine whrre she has been visitteg -friends and Ed Levee came out in a btfand -new suit of clothes Sunday We3fave not learned whether that is -hi weeding suit or not Kelias AfNT FVE Writt aud family for Lotran county the first of last and ru mtfr has it tht when they return John will be accompanied by-a-better half DeFrance of the vBafcotah company -was -in tmsvicitiity iijtghay that the companyhas bdilght winter -500 4iead of cttre -at Gus Wendlers and a -like uumbtfr at F T Leys add A B MrAtevys The Western Hotel occupied by Mrs Hyde came very tnear being - a thrag of the pastonTuesday Evening Wiiile Jclie members cf the family were engaged- in- the usual -household dJtips ithe roof of the building took tire 5from -the stove pipe which pissed fhrdugfrit and the flames had gained considerable headway before it w is discovered Mrs Horton who lives close by dis cwvered the smokeand flames 4ssuing fruruthe roof aildat ouce gave the alaum A few buckets of water quick iytiaiplied extinguihedthe flames AiD Lewis residencestook fire la substantially the same manner on WeetnBday afternoon Freat wno was working across the river west4f the- house saw the fire aud -at ouce ilunged into the liver and waded acroagave the alarm The -fire burned a hole in the roof about twofeet square before it was eztioguibhed Hornet iOO Scicttrd SiOO The readers of this paper will be to learn thatihf re is at least one dreadpd disease thitscjieiiceliis been able to cure -In all its staties and that is Catarrh HaJFs vCdtarrh iure is tlieoiiiypn5tive cure known to thomed iealfraternitfc beinj a con rtiftltioHal dieiise rerfuir a constitutional treatment iiails Catarrh Cure Is taken internaKy actinjc dirtctlvupou the bKod aud mucous sui faces of tlie system thereby destroying the iearKiation 01 the disease aud giving the patient trength bv building up iiw constitution and assisting niiturein doing Its work The projirietors have somtieh aithinits eunitivo powers ihat they offer One Rundred Dollars for any csc that it lads to cure Send for list of testimonials Address F J Gbkez Co Xoiado O in town Wednesday afternoon 4 1 4 4 4 4t 4 49 49 J3LEXIB0NE k1Snfr pnnrir MMnniiiii gain we are oa deck The Keuaedyschfjol hasbeen closed on account of sickness -V E Waiters wintering 600 of cattle for the Spade Caitle pany t r ftftj8ftftftftSftftftf Flexibone Moulded 2 R Corset THE MEDAL WINNER TVORLDDS 30LTJMBIAK EXPOSITION - CALIFORNIA MIPWINTEii EXPOSITION ft to This is he corset that is being so g extensively advertised in all th ltd- ing womans journals and tie only place ia Cherry county where full 2ft line is et jsjrcwia - fr rra iunM r t 91 W E HALET ABSTRACTER Valentine Bebrasa The DONOHER 31 J DOXOMEIt Proprietor -head Com- J S Grange -is iftBptffog Hope that we will -soon - see him aroum aain We heard Stflfwell Changed b boarding place he litew his little drive1 in- thtf evening J Kicbatds 5f Chadrtn manager DeF rrfce -foreman of the Lakotah Cattfe 0 of Jhadrou were meatfuring haj at and Ohas Harris -while -the Other boy nrought in 800 heaof of cattle to winter Harrib gettijgt0McAlevy 300 head They expect- to he through here again about the lstttfDecem3er with 1000 Lead1 more l4t Getmau A Adamson and -wife willerfter tiain a few friends on -Thanksgiving Lon Moshr -moved a house last week makitg au addition to his home Charles returned from the kflats in theemploy of J B Lord for th past month We have -heretofore neglected to mention -the -fact that we have a new neighbor A Mr Bush has located near the 32arr We understand that he viH -take care of travelers S3 soon as he 5n complete his buildings I Ssow Flake A new gold mine was discovered in the Black Hills near Terry last week which promises to exceed iu richness anything Edith Brandon is in town Kewanee visiting her mother Save My liltd X HasbeenTebuilt and rooms furnisliea mth NEW SUITS OF FURNITURE Making it the most complete and aomfortaMe HOTEXi IN THE NORTHWiEST SAMPLE MM AND LIVERY STABLE IN ilOMJffiCISM WalentinevNebr aska ji mmrm mx rW Tf m a WtfWMifliMu Ja A BaBaBSHHHHHMHHab DRUQS 7ZSEmg8BBSffid222ESSmu k2 VARHflSWES D 9 WATSON THt DRUGGIST MNTS SUNQfRtfiS - 4 V j - t V m Sunday was Temierance Dayat M E church Eev Moore deHftr4 a teaipersnce sermon in the zncraing and in the evening short taiki wer made by PteT Holsclw C B CHo aud W E Efner i fail is te o mifijr aa zijl sm vzzrrir T V- As a leader until after the liolUayi T C Hornby will offer ewinf 2000 cash Tfalt rtce wlE oily be offered until Jan 1st ind i for cash 44 W P Alsip made a trip ovrU Ui Ko8dbadJlndin acatTol tfuutsritura iug Tuesday Enoch -Flowers-ii doing Mice ew penter work for a If r Perkinstn we Table agonised xnotJict o gz uttfetftc I Utiles coueli la suck c r A l T UT ACKCrS XvliW WCIBI cay proves a oiesaincaiaxa a godsed His A Burke oi 309 L New Ybtk writer uir Ackers Bnslisli Hemdj cured my tis and alsogave insUat relief in sevre case croup 3iz325U50e3I AnHnfriitR COW J1 Caifrrsefeaf i