Wv w7 te i IX 1 b rr Ears and nose ore all moce or less affected by catarrh The eyes become inflamed red and watery with dull aheavy pain between them there are roaring buzzing noises In the cars and uometlmeB the hearing w affected the nose is a nevere sufferer with ita constant uncomfortable discharge All these diBagreeable symp toms may be removed by the use of a Jv Sarsaparilla The Best In iict the One True Blood Purlfler HnrwrPc Dillc ur0 ausea indigestion t IOUU 2 iiSS blllmisnms ORpjnts Gladness Comes With a better understanding- of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed There is comfort in the lcnowledge that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system which the pleasant family laxative Syrup of Pigs prompt ly removes That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health Its beneficial effects are due to the fact that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts It is therefore all important in order to get its oene flcial effects to note when you pur chase that you have the genuine article which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co only and sold by all rep utable druggists If in the enjoyment of good health end the system is regular then laxa tives or other remedies are not needed If afflicted with any actual disease one may be commended to the most skillful physicians but if in need of a laxative then one should have the best and with the well informed everywhere Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives mow general satisfaction Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Ry wns and operates 6154 miles of thoroughly equipped road FIRST CLASS E Y ESPECT It traverses the best sections of the States of Illinois Wisconsin Iowa Missouri Minnesota South Dakota North Dakota and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan or further information address CEO H HEAFFORD General Passenger Agent CHICAGO ILL PATENTS TRADE MARKS A Prnmltmtlnti nnrt nrivfoA n to Tntnt5lhlllnr nf Invitn Uons Send for Investors Guide or How to Get a Patxkt Patrick O Farrell Washington 1JO PATENTS CLAIMS PENSIONS MORRIS WWBHWBTOHD a Ite Principal Examiner IT 8 Psssloa Bwmo 3 jrs in last war 15 adjudicating claim tty dace UDDERS PAOTLlJE8slS S C N Milonaiiati 48 96 g CUSfcS WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Best Cossh Syrup Tastes Good Vte I in ttma Bold by viHpwivvwranv ft cms HI its HORSEMEAT IS HEALTHFUL- Doctors Say It To ttcttcr to Eat than Pork Paris and Vienna cheap restaurants substitute horse meat for other kinds of butchers meat as a matter of course Hitherto evten in Paris where the advantages of horses meat as a regular item on bills of faro have oeun known ever since the siege of Paris restaurants hesitate to publish the fact that they are serving it to their cus tomers for fear of the popular preju dice Yet just as oleomargarine Is in finitely better than genuine butter of a poor quality so ordinary horse meat is better for health and flavor chaii meat from cattle sold for the use of the poorer classes The poorer classes In Berlin are forced by the high prices to go without meat In Paris the custom of using horse meat has -made it possible for all the poorer classes who have to do heavy labor to obtain a sufficient amount of nourishiug animal food Horses meat differs from beef in be ing slightly coarser in grain and having a slightly richer flavor Its quality naturally depends on the age of the beast As a rule even though it may be tougher the meat is far safer to iat than beef While the herds of cattle each year are producing among them selves more tuberculosis Infection horses have little chance to communi cate tuberculosis or any other disease to one another because they are sel dom closely together The diet of horses fits them for food purposes even more than cows and infinitely more than swine or poultry The business of slaughtering horses for their meat is undoubtedly on the increase in the United States because a large market has opened in Europe for horse meat especially when it is canned The Germans are eating it though unconsciously in the form of sausage An unknown amount comes back to America as canned meat and not im probably forms a staple item of diet in all public or private Institutions where feeding by contract Is carried on That this industry will rapidly in crease Is certain from the fact that horses are becoming cheaper and more abundant The farms out West can better afford to feed horses with their grain if they can sell the horses for their meat The result will be that if horses come largely into the market as a food pro duct the younger horses will be killed off before they are two years old to save the expense of longer feeding them This will do away with the real reason against the use of horse meat that only old and feeble horses are used lOST FAITH IN SAMSON Tommy Traddles Experience with tlio Fellow -with Short Hair With distended eyes mouth and ears Tommy Traddles heard his Sunday school teacher tell about Samson and his long hair and his wonderful feats of strength and his weakness after De lilah had shorn him of his leonine locks An he didnt have any strength at all after he got a hair cut he asked incredulously No his strength was in his long hair and when his locks were gone he was powerless explained the teacher When Tommy came the following Sunday his face was a trifle scratched and one of his eyes was discolored He had very little to say but was evident ly doing a great deal of thinking Say teacher he said at last I dont think much of that Samson story you told us last Sunday Why so Tommy inquired the teacher Oh you see Johnny Jones hes big ger n me an hes captain of the Young Rovers football team an he wore his hair long like all of those kickers An him an me isnt good friends an last Tuesday me an Jimmy Hawkins and Bob White we all caught him alone an piled on to him an held him down an cut off all his long hair with mas shears That wasnt at all nice Tommy reproved the teacher but I suppose you were thinking of the story of Sam son Yes that Is just what I was thinkin of And you thought his strength was in his hair Yesm thats just what I thought Well was it Was it Tommy replied disgusted ly I met him all alone yestiddy Was it Say just look at that eye Some women think that making u man a good wife means making him wear a olece of red flannel around hla neck when he has a sore throat I Sweetness and Light ill Put a pill in the pulpit if you want practical preaching for the physical man then put the pill in the pillory if it does not practise what it preaches Theres a whole gospel in Ayers Sugar Coated Pills a gospel of sweetness and light People used to value their physic as they did their religion by its bitterness The more bitter the dose the better the doctor Weve got over that We take sugar in ours- gospel or ph73ic now-a-days Its possible to please and io purge at the same time There may be power in a pleasant pilL That is the gospel of Ayers Cathartic Pills More pill particulars in Ayers Curcbook ioo pages Sent tree J C Ayer Co Iowell Mass w iji EDUCATIOflALCOLUHN NOTES ABOUT SCHOOLS AND THEIR MANAGEMENT Necessnry Apparatus Ib Often ins in the School Koom Irregular -Attendance Is Trying to the Teacher Lack of Apparatus How often do we find the necessary apparatus wanting Maps are few black boards poor and many others things unknown Here the teacher has a grand chance to work In many lit tle ways may the supply be added to and the pupils greatly benefited at the same time Take for instance a school concert No small amount of work is implied but it is a pleasure and the results amply repay one for all the trouble It is a great help to the chil dren The training and study necessary to an appearance in public strength ens the mental powers and improves their reading beside the confidence in themselves given by an appearance on the stage a certain amount of which is necessary Then the fact that cer tain articles in the school room were obtained by their own work gives a delightful feeling of ownership and a right to take special care of them There are many other ways in which the school apparatus may be improved and I think every teacher should con sider it his or her duty to do something in this line I will say in conclusion that I am proud to have my name en rolled in the ranks of the noble army of country teachers of Canada as I think we are given a grand work to do and a wide field in which to work From among our country boys have come and are still coming some of our greatest men We may have under our charge one whose name will yet be famous Let us then not think lightly of our work but rather consider the great responsibility resting on our shoulders Let us strive to do our best and if we have no other we will surely have the love of our pupils which is worth a great deal and Ave will finally receive the reward of the faithful Educational Record A Good La tv Tennessee has a law which requires candidates for the county superintend ency to pass an examination The fol lowing are the rules established by the State Board of Education 1 The examination shall be written and shall begin on the first Monday in October preceding each biennial elec tion for county superintendent of schools and may continue two days 2 The examination in addition to papers on all the branches in which instruction is now7 given in the public schools shall embrace questions on theory and practice of teaching and school law 3 The questions for examination will be prepared by the State Board of Ed ucation and sent by said board to the various commissions appointed by the chairman of the County Court as pro vided in the act The questions will be mailed under seal and must not be opened until the day of the examina tion and then in the presence of the commission and applicants 4 The papers submitted by the appli cants shall be carefully graded by the commission and the papers with the grades marked thereon shall be for warded five days from the date of the examination to the State Superintend ent of Public Instruction for final grad ing by the State Board of Education 5 Under the provisions of this act the State Board has no authority to ex empt from examination applicants for certificates of qualification for the posi tion of county superintendent Jrresrnlar Attendance How very trying it is we probably all known to have a pupil or pupils who attend irregularly In the country es pecially pupils are kept at home for such trivial things A Little extra work to be done one of the children must be kept home They get behind their classes and a great amount of work must be done over again by the teacher or the pupils lose a great deal After a time they lose their interest in school and do not want to go You must try to make the parents see of how much more lasting benefit of how much greater importance a boy or girls education is to be to them in after life than the little saved by their work Youth is the time of storing for after years and if the time is wasted then regrets will fill the years to come Urge the trustees to give prizes and clearly impress upon the minds of the pupils that regular attendance is the principal thing They will all be anxious to work for prizes I often wish compulsory at tendance were the law throughout the land It wrould be the very best thing that we could have and I hope it will not be long in coming Exchange Power in Personality Nobody knows it but the true teacher is a princess a queen I looked at the long lines as they came marching into the building Line 13 looked hard There was George whose step father had come the day before expressly to tell us that George was a perfect little devil and wouldnt mind nobody a statement pretty nearly true Peter whose mother wished he would die he was so mean he kicked her with his great boots and stole every cent in the house James who slept he said with their one hen in his bed every night to keep him warm and would a little rather hit a police officer with a snow ball than any other inoffensiye citizen Hank who the boys said smoked cl ear stumps and at least six other char acters who could not be influenced or controlled in any degree in their homes They could run away from school but for some reason they did not The truant officer was a woman not young who couldnt catch them if she tried and probably wouldnt try But here they were not very clean and some what ragged marching with a show of dignity into their room I opened the door an hour later and stepped in Fifty five of them there in the seats several girls as subtle as the boys and quick to respond if any sly mischief promised What did I see Half the room at work interested busy studi ousno attempt at disorder every child knowing his present duty and doing it The other half with books in hand re citing in clear pleasant tones and giv ing a close intelligent attention to the teachers questions And there she stood quiet pleasant strong a gen eral a leader a queen No civic officer could have exercised such control among those liard citizens They recognized the power in her personalty and they simply yielded to it When the cities of this land once learn who are the real makers of civilization where mothers fail and fathers are not then the public school will be crowned with laurel and the teacher will be canonized Popular Educator Making ThimrB Plain All teachers need to bear in mina especially at the beginning of the year that the things they teach while plain and clear to them are misty and shad OAvy to the undeveloped minds of their pupils The longer we have taught the oftener we have gone over a subject in the class room the less likely are we to appreciate the difficulties that the immature learner meets Misconcep tion is easy and difficulties many for the childish mind and care needs to be exercised lest the pupil getting en tangled become discouraged Go slow ly and by easy steps until children find their footing then the ascent of the hill of learning may be more rapid and satisfactory School Journal When Shaving Became Fashionable The confessor of Francis II of France refused him absolution until he had completely removed his beard An an cient German was by tribal custom not allowed to cut off his flowing beard until he had killed his first man in bat tle About the year 200 B C the Rom an Emperor Scipio Africanus inaugu rated the custom of shaving among the Roman nobles Henry I of England wore a beard until a courageous preach er leveled his eloquence at him to such good purpose that he submitted to be shaved From the time of Julius Cae sar until the advent of William the Conqueror the Britons wore mustaches but the clergy after the conversion of the islanders were forced to shave by law One of the early popes establish ed the shaving of Roman Catholic priests to distinguish them from the patriots of Constantinople The priests of the Greek Church still wear beards Peter the Great of Russia laid a tax on beards and delinquents were forced to have their faces shaved with a blunt razor or to have the hairs pulled out with pincers So everybody shaved The first shaving was done by order of Alexander the Great who forced the Greek warriors to cut off their beards as he found them awkward impedi ments in the hand-to-hand contests of that time Current Literature Ah Exchange for Cigar Stubs Without doubt the most novel ex change is the Cigar Stump Exchange held at Paris in the ancient Place Mau bert which is the resort of more curi ous characters than any other place in the world On the steps which lead to it from the Boulevard Saint Germain the Parisian Cigar Stump Exchange meets every pleasant afternoon All members of the exchange bring their wares to these meetings in paper boxes There is no dealing in futures Each broker sells only the cigar ends actually in his possession The buyers on this exchange are wholesalers and retailers The wholesalers buy up all the stumps they can get lor about a franc a pound clean them cut them up fine and sell the product in packages wjth fancy covers as smuggled tobacco for three or four francs a pound The Third Napoleons Wealth Ex Empress Eugenie of France re cently sold some jewels and a notice ran through the papers that she was in straitened financial circumstances She will not starve however Napoleon III left over 100000000 as the Ger mans found when they got hold of hisr papers at St Cloud His money was invested in 6 per cent American bonds 5 per cent and 3 per cent Russians 4 per cent Prussian and English consols 5 per cent Turks and some industrial shares such as English Belgian and American railroad shares and Suez canal shares The jewels which the ex empress sold were so gorgeous that only royalty can wear them without appearing over ostentatious and the 400000 which the jeweler paid for them has been added to the rest of the interest bearing money Not Particular The old gentleman looked at the youth rather sharply over the top of his glasses I gather from your remarks he said that you would like to be my son in law I dont care a continental about that retorted the young man with con siderable asperity Your daughter has enough money in her own right to satis fy me Wages of Seamen The wages of seamen on sailing ves sels are about the same all over the world averaging about 15 a month with food seamen employed on steamers receiving about 10 per cent more Nothing is more disheartening to a man than the discovery that he has married a woman who loves to lieep bis writing table in order Albany Telegram ilk m IISPlllifisilllllll risers 0 S I 12 Color Calendar I FREE V ll Mrs Burton Harrison ore of the popular writers for 187 FREE to Jan 1 1897 with Beautiful Calendar As a special offer The Youths Companion will be sent free for the remainder of the year 1896 to all new subscribers One of the most beautiful Calendars issued this year will also be given to each new subscriber It is made up of Four Charming Pictures in color beautifully executed Its size is 10 by 24 inches The subjects are delightfully attractive This Calendar is published exclusively by The Youths Companion and could not be sold in Art Stores for less than one dollar Oldest Wooden Building The oldest wooden building in the world is said to be the church at Bor gund in Norway It was built In the eleventh century and has been protect ed by frequent coatings of pitch It is built of pine and in fantastic Roman esque design Physicians Wise in Their Generation The above class of scientists recognize and have repeatedly borne testimony to the efficacy of Hostetters Stomach Bitters as a remedy and preventive of fever and ague rheumatism want of vigor liver complaint and some other aliments and Infirm condi tions of the system Experience and obser vation have taught them its value They but echo the verdict long since pronounced by the public and the press Only the benighted now are Ignorant of Americas tonic and al terative No matter how ashamed a girl feels the first time she kisses a man It nevei occurs to her that the man may feel that way too liewaro of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury As mercury will surely destroy tho sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through tho mucous surfaces Such articles should never be uuod except on prescriptions from reputable physicians a th lamage they will do is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by F J Cheney Co To ledo O contains no mercury and is taken in ternally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system In buving Halls Catarrh Cure bo suro you get the genuine It is taken internally and made in Toledo Ohio by F J Cheney Co j8SSold by Druggists prico 75o per bottle Women seem to have an idea that be cause they havent got a Greek face they have to frizz their hair all up wit J a hot iron Cascarets stimulate liver kidneys and bowels Never sicken weaken or gripe D B Jones of Brooklyn owns a J watch that formerly belonged to Oliver Cromwell Attracting attention everywhere Our book 100 Ways of Making Money at Home Without Capital is being read everywhere Practical reliable guaran aed 25c L Myers Austin III When a woman gets an idea she must be economical she hunts around and finds an old skirt to rip up I believe my prompt use of Pisos Cure prevented quick consumption Mrs Lu cy Wallace Marquette Kan Dec 12 95 The funded debts of Spain and Cuba exceed 1600000000 and there is a floating debt of nearly 170000000 Just try a 10c box of Cascarets the fin est liver and bowel regulator ever made There never was a woman who wasnt awfully conceited about the way she could love if she tried Celebrating In 1S07 its seventy firsJ birthday fc The Companion oners It readers many f Uonally brilliant features The two hemispheres h have been explored in search of attractive w matter aff Tfeebutfrs I ompanion For the Whole Family In addition to twenty five staff writers fully two hundred of the most famous men and women of both the Old and the New World including the most popular writers of fiction and some of the most eminent statesmen scien tists travellers and musicians are contributors to The Companion A delightful supply of fascinating Stories Adventure3 Serial Stories Humorous and Travel Sketches etc are announced for the Volume for 1897 The timely Editorials the Current Events the Current Topics and Nature and Science Departments give much valuable information every week Send for Full Prospectus Distinguished Writers IAN MACLAREN RUDYARD KIPLING HALL CAINE FRANK R STOCKTON HAROLD FREDERIC MADAME LILLIAN NORDICA CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER STEPHEN CRANE HAMLIN GARLAND MAX ORELL W CLARK RUSSELL ALICE LONGFELLOW HON THOMAS B REED ANDREW CARNEGIE LIEUT R E PEARY U S IT DR CYRUS EDS0N DR EDWARD EVERETT HALE DR LYMAN ABBOTT And One Hundred Others 700 Large Pages in Each Volume 52 Veeks for 175 UIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiilillllllllllllllllllllllllHIIHIIIIIItlllllMlllllt Z How Bnbfcribcro who will cat oat this ilip asd sead It at onco with nae z Z and addreu and 175 the mbicrlptlon price vlU recel7 r r FREE Tha Youths Companion every weak frora tlmo inscription Z celved to January 1 1897 Z FREE Think tl viiiy Chrlftnuu and New Tears Double number ff Z FEEE Th Companion 4 page Calendar for 1S97 The raosrt costly sift of Its kind The Companion has ever offered 43 - Z And The Youths Companion 02 Weeks a full year to January 1 1S89 Z niiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuir THE YOUTHS COMPANION Boston Mass akkW5k k Of M g4LiiXi The Rain Tree of Fierro Travelers In the Canary islands tell of a remarkable tree that grows on one of the group It might well be called a rain tree Fierro the Island referred to is extremely dry not a rivulet trav ersing it anywhere Yet a tree grows there around which is gathered a cloud from which a gentle rain is al ways falling Underneath the tree the natives of Fierro have constructed cis terns which are kept constantly full thus giving them a water supply which they otherwise would not have on the island Dont Tobacco Spit and Smoke Yonr Life Away If you want to quit tobacco usinir oasilv and forever regain lost manhood b made well strong magnetic full of new life and vigor take the wonder-worker that makes weak men strong Many gain ten pounds in ten days Over 00000 cured Buy from yonr own druggist who will guarantee a cure Booklet and sample free Address Ster ling Remedy Co Chicago or New York A citizens league lias been formed in Toronto to put down the bicycle scorcher The league is composed of the most prominent citizens and is out for blood From Now Until Spring Overcoats and winter wraps will he in fashion Tley cau be discarged tempor arily while traveling in the steam healed trains f the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Riilway For solid comfort for speed and for safety no other line can compare with this great railway of the West A womans idea of a comforter is some one to say There there and pat her on the cheek Whatever may be the cause of blanch ing the hair may be restored to its origi nal cwlor by the use of that potent remedy Halls Vegetable bicilian Ilatr Kenewer The new banking law of Mexico places the minimum capital stock of banks at 500000 When biliouB or costive eat a CaBcaret candy cathartic cure guaranteed 10 25c Women may claim that they like a man who always keeps his temper but they dont Dd you ever go within a mile of a soap factory IT so you knew what material they make Soap of Sob bins Electric Soap factory Is as free from Oder as chair factory Try it once Ask jour grocer for 1U lake no imitation A girl cant be in love and have a bad cold in the head at the same time Mrs Wlnslow Hootbiwo Btbttp for Children teething sotteni the Rums reduces inflammation Hays sain cure triad coUc 39 cents a bottle Lots of men think they ought to get their wives affection on credit Important Notice T TRADE MARK t The only genuine Bakers Chocolate celebrated for more than a century as a de licious nutritious and flesh forming bever age is put up in Blue Wrappers and Yel low Labels Be sure that the Yellow Label and our Trade Mark are on every package WALTER BAKER CO Ltd Dorchester Mass ISMtlltlllllllll A Good Tale Will Bear Telling Twice Use Sapoliol BO J O W I SAPOLIO