The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, November 19, 1896, Image 7

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0 7
11a Saj o He Truly Believes If He Had
KotHecran the Uae of Dr Willinxna
PinkPillB at the lime Ifc Did He
Would iNow lc in Hi Grave
JFVorn Bulletin Journal Independence loica
John Artus is one of the oldest ami
most respected citizens of Independence
Iowa lie is a larye contractor and was
for yours Superintendent of the masons
and plasterers during the building of the
Iowa Hospital for the Insane often hav
ing us many as -50 men imuer iii ciare
Said Mr Artus to a reporter recently
I had for years been troubled with
rheumatism often having it so severely
that I was compelled to keep my bed for
weeks at a time I sought relief from
home physicians but in vain 1 tried all
remedies which I could get took the ad
vice and remedies advanced by my
friends but all to no avail At times I
suffered so severely that I wa all but
dead Had often heard that Dr Will
iams Pink Pills were an almost infal
lible cure for my ailment but having
tried so many advertised cures and never
having found any relief I had about
given up hope of relief when at the sug
gestion of a friend 1 began on Pink Pills
Thank God I did so for from the very
first dose 1 found relief I continued fa
to take them until in a short time I lost
all signs of rheumatism It has been
over tline years now sice las I took
any of the pills and to this day no sign
ot my old malady has returned As true
as I believe that there is a God in heaven
so true do I believe that had I not taken
Dr Williams Pink Pills at the time I
did that I to day would be in my grave
I give this testimony willingly and freely
hoping it will shed light to some other
poor sufferer of that awful disease
Dr Williams rink Pills contain in a
condensed form all the elements neces
sarv to give new life and richness to the
blood and restore shattered nerves They
are an unfailing specific for such diseases
as locomotor ataxia partial paralysis St
Vitus dance sciatica neuralgia rheuma
tism nervous headache Pink Pills are
sold by all dealers or will be sent post
paid on receipt of price 50 cents a box
or six boxes for 250 by addressing Dr
Williams Medicine CoSchenectadyN A
Simple and Effective
Constant dipping of the pen into the
fnk while writing may be avoided by
inserting two pens of the same size in
the penholder the inner one to project
a little The writing is done with the
inner pen The ink collected between
the two pens is sufficient to last
through several pages of manuscript
iiud yet it will not flow more freely
than is desirable The pens must be
cleaned frequently in order to get the
best results
An Important Difference
To nuke it apparent to thousands who
think themselves ill that they are uotal
llicled with any disease but that the sys
tem simply needs cojausing is to bring
comfort home to their hearts as a costive
condition is easily cured by using Syrup
of Figs Manufactured by the Caiilornia
Fig byrup Company only and sold by all
Where Children Name Themselves
In New Zealand the Maori priest re
peats to the infant a lengthy list of the
names of its ancestors fixing upon
the one which the child by sneezing or
crying when it is uttered is consider
ed to select itself
A copv of The Companions Art Cal
endar for 1SD7 which rivals the famous
Yard of Roses published by The Com
panion a few years ago is given free to
every new subscriber to The Companion
for 1S97 To new subscribers the paper is
also sent free from the time the subscrip
tion is received till January 1S97 Thus
new subscribers will receive free a hand
some four page folding calendar litho
graphed in twelve colors The Compan
ion free every week to January 1S97
and for a full year to January 1S9S by
sending the publishers 175 one years
subscription Illustrated prospectus for
1S97 free Address The Youths Com
panion 203 Columbus avenue Boston
Monument to an Aeronaut
A monument has been erected at
Boulogne in honor of LHoste the
French aeronaut who first crossed
from France to England in a baloon
He crossed three times successfully
but was drowned in the fourth attempt
State op Ohio Crrr of Toledo l
Lucas Codntv fss
Frank J Chenet makes oath that ho is tho
sonior partner of tbo firm of F J Cheney Co
doins business in the City of Toledo County
and State aforesaid and that said firm will paj
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLAKS for each
and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured
bv the use of HaiiLs Catarrh Cure
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence this 6th day of December A D 188S
r jxouiry iruonc
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally and
acts directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system Send for testimonials free
v F J CHENEY CO Toledo O
JB3Sold by Druggists 75 cents
The general postoffice St Martins-le-Grand
London contains the largest
telegraph office in the world Over
three thousand operators one thousand
of whom are women are employed
Just try a 10c box of Cascarets the fin
est liver and bowel regulator ever made
On Nov G 1S41 a large volcano ap
peared in the Pacific 500 miles off the
coast of Japan It spouted fire for five
days and then suddenly disappeared
From Now Until Spring
Overcoats and winter wraps will be in
lashion They can be discarged tempor
arily while traveling in the steam healed
riums of the Chicago Milwaukee St
Paul Hallway For solid comfort fot
speed and for safety no other line can
ompare with this great railway of the
Slight earthquakes are frequently felt
in southern Mexico but they are very
-seldom severe
Jremature bal iiiess may be prevented
and the hair made grow on heads al
ready bald v the use ol Halls Vegetable
jSiedian Hair Renevrer
The average orange tree of Mexico
raises 1000 oranges a year
When bilious or costive eat a Cascaret
candy cathartic cure guaranteed 10 25c
The statue of Jupiter Olympus by
Phidias was of gold and ivory and was
fifty eight feet high It TFftS finished
ilB tfce year 444 B 0
Tlie Array Worm
While we do not think there is much
likelihood of a recurrence of the army
worm pest next year yet it may be well
i1 case we should have another inflic
tion to know a little more about it
The New York Agricultural Experi
ment Station has devoted Bulletin No
304 to an investigation of tne beist
and from it we extract some facts
which our readers would do well to
hear in mind
The eggs are very small lobuhn in
foim and nearly white in coior They
are usually laid in the leaf sheaths of
grasses and grains and r3 early
brood which does the mischief oi
posit freely in the cut straw of ohl
stacks in hay ricks in old com shucks
and in bits of corn stalk that have boon
left upon the surface of the goniul in
pastures This will explain i fad that
has been noted by many that the
Avorms started in blue grass pastures
on which cord fodder had b en fed to
The young caterpillars come forth in
about ten days from the tl oio the egg
are laid In case the eggs were placed
on fresh grass or grain the young lar
vae feed for a time in -he sheath
where the eggs were placed but final
ly include the whole blade in the bill of
fare They are full grown in about
four weeks At this time a single lar
vae measures about an inch and a half
in length and a quarter of an inch in
diameter They may be briefly de
scribed as being smooth naked cater
pillars moderately dark in color with
longitudinal stripes running the full
length of the body The third stage in
the insects life begins when the cater
pillars go into the ground or under
stones to make the wonderful change
from an active caterpillar to an appar
ently lifeless creature This stage is
called the pupa stage or in the case
of the butterflies and moths is more
familiarly known as the chrysalic
stage A single chrysalis measures
about three fourths of an inch in
Capacity of a Corn Crib
It is a safe rule in estimating the
size of a crib to allow two cubic feet
to each bushel of corn By a cubic
bushel is meant 70 pounds of ear corn
which is equivalent to 50 pounds of
shelled corn The rule is to allow 14
pounds for cob in the fall and 12
pounds in the spring after the corn has
been dried out perfectly Two cribs
thirty feet long six feet wide and ten
feet high will by this rule hold 1S00
bushels Ten feet is too high to throw
corn easily with a scoop shovel but
there can be two openings for each crib
extending down to within four or live
feet of the floor and when the crib is
full to the bottom of these short boards
can be placed across them as the crib
is filled and most of the filling can be
done with ease When the cribs must
be filled to the top a boy or man can
throw corn back to the ends and fill it
so as to utilize all the space
Subsoil Plowing
Subsoil plowing is peculiarly adapt
ed to fall work when the ground is
apt to be dry It is never the right
thing to subsoil land when wet down
where the subsoiler works The
ground would be left in a puddled con
dition and worse off than if left un
touched Lands that are continually
dry are not improved by subsoiling as
all moisture is absorbed by the bottom
layer of soil For this reason spring
subsoil plowing is unfavorable since
it should be done when the soil is com
paratively dry If it continues dry the
surface soil has no moisture for the
germination of the crop as it is ab
sorbed by the loose layers of soil be
low Fall subsoil plowing is therefore
safest and best
Dead Furrow a Nuisance
The dead furrow is always a nui
cance in preparing land for a crop
unless it is upon wet lands which
must necessarily be thrown into ridges
a couple of rods wide to cany off sur
face water The reversing plow is
now used and highly recommended
when it is desirable to have lands
level We shall investigate this revers
ible plow and report upon its practical
utility another season
The Advance in Wheat
The price of wheat has advanced in
all parts of the world and is due to
legitimate causes jnrst came a drouth
in Australia which cut down the last
crop in the colonies very materially
Later the advices from Adelaide indi
cate great need of rain and the next
crop there tuay be dwarfed on that ac-
count Two bad years in succession J
in lidstralia are improbable but not
impossible The crop in the Argen
tine Republic is short for the same
reason and this is also true of India
and Russia The spectacle of Califor
nia shipping wheat to Calcutta is one
the world has never before beheld
A lime for Liberality
A little neighborly help and counsel
may go a great ways toward keeping
some people from failure There are in
every community those who are in a
position to either distress or to help
their less fortunate neighbors In most
cases it will do these people no good to
draw the lines too tightly while such
action may cause the failure of some
who would otherwise have avoided it
A man may be pretty hard up financial
ly and yet be all right If his creditor
knows this and takes advantage of it
in a time of financial unrest the debtor
and the whole business community are
wronged usufc with no advantage to
the creditor No one is urged to take
any great risk for the sake of accom
modating a neighbor yet all should
realize the gootfcthat a little leniency
may do and the harm that may resu
from the opposite course
Poultry Feeding Rack
For the bottom take a board 1 inch
thick G inches wide and G feet long
ends 1 inch thick G inches wide and 18
inches long NaiJ solid to ends of bot
tom their ends flush with underside of
bottom Two strips half an inch thick
and four inches wide are nailed to the
edges of the bottom thus making a
trough three indies deep with ends
IS inches high Then take strips one
quarter inch thick 3 inches wide and
IS inches long pointed at upper end
and nail them to the sides of the trough
leaving a space between pickets of 1
inches for chicks or 2 inches for fowls
This gives a complete and durable feed
rack where the weak have equal
chance with the strong and no wasto
of feed Farm and Home
No American Fat Stock Show
There will be no American Fat Stock
Show in Chicago this year The Illinois
State Board of Agriculture has decided
that the time is too short to allow for
proper arrangements being made The
stockmen too are of the opinion that it
would not be convenient for them to at
tend the time being too short for them
to get their herds in condition It is
probable that another cause has oper
ated to some extent The Springfield
fair involved them in debt about 15
000 and they had asked to have a guar
antee fund of 20000 raised if the fat
stock show was to be held Only 15000
of the latter sum had been subscribed
What Cultivation Does
Soil in its natural state is more apt
to crack and fissure and dries out
much sooner than soil that has been
stirred with an implement StiiTing
the soil gives it a more uniform tex
ture and makes it more receptive and
retentive of moisture Thorough cul
tivation enables the soil to hold more
water and feed more roots
Dairy Dots
It is well to remember that culls will
come with the best of breeding
If a cow has a sore teat milk very
carefully and apply extract of witch
If a cows teats are muddy or covered
with other filth they should be washed
with water and then wiped dry before
beginning to milk
With temperature under control and
churning direct at the right time the
butter will come solid so as to be easily
handled and free from buttermilk
When the butter is marbled it is
either caused by leaving too much but
termilk in the butter at the last work
ing or the salt has not been distributed
Much of the average farm butter con
tains many of the essentials of good
quality but because it fails in one or
more essentials it fails to bring best
The laws enacted during the past two
years with reference to oleomargarine
seem to be slowly but surely reducing
the output of the stuff and they are cer
tainly of great benefit to the legitimate
dairy interests
Agricultural Atoms
It is easier to keep a farm in good
condition than to make it so
Chinch bugs winter over among
dead grass in corn shocks piles of
rubbish and along fences especially
The potato blight is on the increase
Bordeaux mixture for blight and Paris
green for bugs will have to be kept in
stock by the potato grower
For storing corn fodder either shred
ded or bulk any sort of a shed that has
a rainproof roof will do All that is
necessary is that it be kept dry
Land that is rich enough to produce
crops on the intensive plan does not
need rest but a judicious rotation
must be kept up with clover mixed in
Make your cellars frost proof white
wash them and let them at all times
have light and be capable of frequent
ventilation A cellar may be of great
er value or a nuisance
The preponderance of evidence seems
to be against the replowing of com
laud for wheat The land is in good
condition without plowing Cut the
corn off low and drill in the wheat
To tell when pumpkins are ripe chip
them with the finger nail Ef the nail
makes a snapping noise when break
ing through the rind it is ripe but if
it makes no noise or the chip eojnes
off soft it is not ripe
Novel Journey of a Tramp in the
State of Washington
The man who rode in a cowcatcher
bids fair to become a hero among the
knights of the road as well as a mar
vel to railroad men Ilis name is Will
iam Errixson and his years are 20
twenty years as replete with adventure
as a chapter out of a dime novel Beat
ing his way over hundreds of miles of
territory has become second nature to
him and a trip on a brakebeam is a
positive luxury
But wherein William Errixson has
transcended all the feats of the migrat
ing hobo is that he was the first and
only individual of his kind to conceive
and execute the audacious project of
caging himself within a cowcatcher
and beating a ride in that perilous and
essentially melodramatic situation It
was thus that he traveled from Wiu
nemueca to Wads worth He had to
be careful in selecting his locomotive
to find one that had no forward steam
exhaust He has some knowledge of
locomotives and so was able to pick
out one with only side exhausts In
side of the cowcatcher there is only a
small space and he found it necessary
to sit upon timbers which are used for
braces for the frame of the cowcatch
er Then he was in a half recumbent
position his hands clutched around
the cowcatcher bars while the train
was running fast Being ahead of the
drivers and the machinery he was
jolted terrifically by what is technical
ly known as the fall of the locomo
tive Every little depression in the
track permits the dead weight of many
tons of iron and steel to fall with the
added speed and momentum of the
train and then in an instant rebound
which is followed by another fall As
the track through Nevada is not level
much of the way Errixson in his
novel eyrie had the most thorough
shaking up of any man who ever stole
a ride west of the Racky Mountains
The air was intensely hot and the
smell of the oil and other odors from
the locomotive was stifling The dis
tance between Winnemucca and Wads
worth is only thirty six miles but
there are eight stops and it seemed
an age of suffering to Errixson before
he reached a place where he could
climb down and out of his perch He
climbed under the cowcatcher in the
pit of the roundhouse and got out in
Wadsworth His back was wrenched
his arms seemed ready to fall from their
sockets and his eyes were bloodshot
He staggered from the train undetect
ed and fell half exhausted in the sage
brush where he slept several hours
awaking with a terrible start from a
dream in which he was once more
speeding over the alkaline wastes with
the machinery of the locomotive pound
ing terrifically just back of him San
Fmcisco Examiner
Concluded Not to Fisht
The earl of March who was known
as Old Q on one occasion was chal
lenged to fight a duel by an Irish
sportsman Lord March appeared on
the ground accompanied by a second
surgeon and other witnesses Great
however was his surprise to see his
opponent appear with a like retinue to
his own but increased by a third per
son who staggered under the weight
of a polished oak coffin which he do 4
posited on the ground end up with
its lid facing Lord March and his par
ty Surprise gave place to terror when
his lordship read the inscription plate
engraved Avith his own name and title
and the date and year of demise which
was the actual day as yet scarcely
warm The earl at once approached
his facetious antagonist and upbraid
ed him with so unseemly a joke to
which the Irishman replied Why
my dear fellow you are of course
aware that I never miss my man and
as I find myself in excellent trim for
sport this morning I have not a shad
ow of a doubt upon my mind that this
ppn box will shortly he better calcu
lated for you than your present dress
Lord March was so impressed by his
antagonists confident manner that n
peace was patched up between them
Pulling Teeth by Electricity
One can have teeth pulled painlessiy
without gas nowadays Electricity does
the job neatly and quickly The person
in the dentists chair grasps two han
dles which are connected with a bat
tery by wires At the same time the
operator seizes his forceps which like
wise are on the end of a wire He
touches the tooth completing the cir
cuit and instantly a local anaesthesia
is produced The teeth and neighbor
ing gum are rendered for the moment
insensible to pain and out comes the
offending molar with a dexterous twist
Its all over so quickly that the patient
does not realize what has happened
until the dentist smilingly holds out
his palm for the fee New York Letter
Tortoise Sbell
The finest tortoise shell comes from
the Indian archipelago and is shipped
from Singapore and most of it is ob
tained on the Florida coast of America
There are three rows of plates on the
back called blades by the fisher
men In the central row are five plates
and in each of the others four plates
the latter containing the ibest material
Besides these there are twenty five
small plates round the edges of the
shell known as feet or noses
Too Fast
Jones Did you dedicate your new
march to Philadelphia
Composer No but I dedicated a
Why not the march
March time is too fast Texas Sift
Her Dear Friend
Clara Mr Nieef ello said my face was
classic What is classic
Dora Oh most anything old Good
The Fnnlta and Folliohof the Ace
Are numerous but of the latter none Is more
rldi ulous than the promiscuous and random
use of laxative pills and other drastic cathnr
tles These wrench convulse and weaken
both the stomach and the bowels If IIos
tetters Stomach Hitters be used Instead of
these no remedies the result Is accomplished
without pain and with reat benefir to the
bowels the stomrch and the liver Use this
remedy when constipation Is manifested
rud thereby prevent It from becoming chronic
he oldcj r wooden building in the
world is said to be the church at ior
gund in Norway It was built in the
eleventh century and has been pro
tected by fret nun t coating of pitch It
is built of pine and in fantastic Ro
manesque design
Dont Tobacco Spit and Smoke Tonr
Life Away
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever regain lost manhood be
made well strong magnetic full of new
life and vigor take the wonder-worker
that makes weak men strong
Many gain ten pounds in ten days Over
iOOOOO cured Buy from your
own druggist who will guarantee a cure
Booklet and sample free Address Ster
ling Remedy Co Chicngo or New York
The Ceylon yellow silk spider has a
body that weighs nine ounces
The melody of music is divine but it is
no more enchanting than a young girls
face made supremely beautiful by the use
of Glenns Sulphur Soap Druggists
The valley of Mexico is 7G0O feet
above the sea level
Cascarets stimulate liver kidneys and
bowels Never sicken weaken or gripe
Cotton factories in Mexico employ
over 25000 people
Picos Cure for Consumption is the best
of all cough cures George W Lotz Fa
bacher La Aug 2G 1895
Mexico is about ten times larger than
Great Britain
Dobbins Floating Borax Soap Is not an Imitation li
IborlBluaL Tbj only soap mat lloats contains liorai
anil la 100 per cent pure It Is wormy a trial
Every lady who tries it continued its use iteu
Slavery was fully abolished in Mexico
m 1837
Airs Wlnsovr 8ooTHTNa Brnup for Children
teething sottens the guras rcauces iuflamuiatma
llas pain cure wind colic S cents a bottltt
The army of Mexico comprises about
10000 men
fl irl
Is just as surely a disease of the blood as
s scrofula So aay the best authorities
How foolish it is then to expect a cure
from snuffs inhalants etc The seusible
ourse is to purify your blood by taking
the best blood purifier Hoods Sarsapa
rilla This medicine has permanently
iured Catarrh ii c multitude of cases It
roes to the root of the trouble which is
inpure blood Remember
r vTI l5t BE J
Vx uif
iT 77
fs the best In fact the One True Blood Purifier
kinrtric OJlIc aro the only pills to take
The Cyclists Necessity
Is th REPAIR KIT for all
Oncqualed for Quickly Healing
Lameness and Soreness of
Huscles Wounds Bruises
Stiffness Rheumatism
Rub thoroughly with
each ride to keep muscles
supple pliant strong
fry Ponds Extract Ointient for Piles
Avoid Substitutes Weak Watery Worthless
Ponds Extbact Co 76 Fifth Avenue New Yozlc
Chicago Milwaukee St Paul Ry
Owns and oparatos 6154 miles of
thoroughly equipped road
Jt traverses tho best sections of iho
States of
Illinois Wisconsin Iowa
Missouri Minnesota
South Dakota
North Dakota and the Upr
Peninsula of Michigan
For further information address
General Passenger Agent
Am the uois to Dump water
and cut feed by nana tins win
ter or havo an Aonaotor ouea
7ltli Aermowr fK
y j ctaw --------- -
Pnlrt in 1 r cat cans oj lmyi
dealers 20 branch hocwi une
knear jou AERHOTOHCOxw
f iIA rfr At
27Z3S ZmZ M
Habit Cared Est In 1871 Thousands
cured Uheap st and best cure FkezTiu
al State case Da llABSUQulncy Mich
Couzh bjrup Tastes uooa
47 UO
iu iuik duiu uy mi uanMg AZt
How did it happen
that the old fashioned laborious way of
washing was ever given to woman as
her particular work Its an imposition
on her She ought to have had only the
a easiest tnings to ao ana men strong ucnniiy
u men ought to have taken up this washing business
that still stick to soao and make their wash-
ing needlessly hard and unpleasant let the
men do that work Theyre better fitted for it
In the families that use Pearline te and
cashing easy let the women do it They wont mind it sit
momm tuttl
Economical Safe Cleanly Sella
ble Simple Available for GraLo
Elevators Creameries CI dor
Mills PrintlnK Offices Grinding
Mills Ventilating Fans Dyna
mos Laundries SmaLf Factories
Foundries Machine Shops etc
Will run with natural gas arti
ficial gas gasoline or kerosene as
fuel Always ready for work re
quires no attention Send for de
scriptive circular and state your
1 Chicago Newspaper union
SM 212 Fearl Street
i I feittGaiK B E73 W M S2 missis Ci n asv v n g A
QfSjw Q 0 fa Q d a a till 1 N Jtp 1 3r XtrQ Qr -
i 5ir5Ps rf73f J5 T
ipv Mmtmzzzmmaig all
25 SO nDHficre
BRSnTTrTPTV fLTTfiPRMWn to cure anrcascof constination Cascarets are the Meal La r
r uuniiniiiuui tire neTer zrip or sripe but cause easrnataralrosnltsi Sara 2
5 pic and booklet free Ad STEKIUiG EEHEDT CO Chicago Montreal Can orJfeiT Tori si7
A Fair Face Cannot Atone for
An Untidy House
o A