J v i H I I r1 X S3B2tf OFFICIAL DIRECTORY tltftcaitts University tJovcrnor j JrutviKiut governor hi erel ry 01 Stat e TTmismtr vtdStor s t Uitljlitrtf iX i l AHS Sniiiifcbiii SBSiaffBas IV II J KiUisAUOlcomb UouertiiSIooro Jot A finer Hartley Kitrunu MuorC Henry CKusKeR iLrurnurnn MM Hyis E P IIoltVKS Omaha Alma liei JQ TMallalwu Kcarsey tSIJUull Iwlgar ugigks510N2ll vIiators - Wtn -V Allen Sladleon JoIU M teffltfemrtfcll JM B Etodo J InSln Second Omaba Climl lior Aurora Filth VVto k Andrews Hastings ttlxtu O M IveeiBroKeTrBaw JUIfcCIiSL Supreme Onurfr TLKorral ChieMustlce EiurisouundiPofcMsrliiUss Vitteeuth Judicial M i Sunkald CfNcfli WHWestovev ItushvIUc rC XEGISLAIIVK R Uepretwnltlvo Fifty second District Erank UoUilButnerKilgorc Senator Fourteenth District Henry G -art Jrawford LAXDOfFICK dSejurtern K Glover- Longpino Receiver J XA Fike JiYwitort COUNTY Treasurer- jit rjt otiorlli - fc - Judjje County Attorney -County Superintendent Surveyor GT Crabb Geo Elliott Aucos Strong FMWalcott Ed Clarke Lillian Stoner CbasTalt A Lewis Max viertel AM Dunham lPSullivau -PRECINCT Om srers of Highways It Hansen and JEay Constable It Towne Justices of the Peace John Dune and J fti Asmjssot John Dunn VILLAGE Toisn Itonrd EE Sparta president I p Cornell clerk D S Ludwlg nell treasurer T C Hornby nd J WBurleiRh Marshal -and Vater Conimissiorjer R Towne school District No 1 F M WilcotU president M V Nieholsonixeasiirer 1 CPottlohn secre tary J WBurlclali G P Craob and J T Keeley Societies 0 II M 3ittinstBull Tribe No 22 Improved Order or Jted Mea mifots every second and fourth trmaj oveninK of each montii at Davenport s Hall Visitingbrettrren aro fraternally mviscd to bo pivsent -it the councils of the tribe - J D Wiggins c of It C 11 ThompsoiSacuera A F A M MinnekaduBa Lodge No 192 A -E A meets In regular communication oaaircay eveii 3iik on or before the full moon in eacii month i members of Hie order In good ami regular stand ing cordially -and fraternally invited taaiUJnd J T Keeley W M W W TnoKiSO Jf Seey O E S 2rrtlrern Star Chapter No J9 Orcter of tho 32ai tru btar aieets on second and tourtlt evenings of ea jh month in Hornby ahall vr Thompson Wagsik Waiott Secretary Worthy Matron a o u vr Valentine Ladge No 70 A OU l st and 3rd31ouday In each month Oari Danas Sec W Holsclaw il W D OF n Valentine Lodge No Degree of Honor holds regularmefctings tlrst and third day evenings of each month MCbris tenseii Itec airs R Robinson C Of H I 0 O f Valentine Isluc 2sTo 205 1 O O F -meets every Thursdav evening Visiting brothers cord ially HVited toiittend our meetings 3 J T Keeley NG WKSLKr HOLSCLAW SoCy G A E Col Wood Past No 208 Department of Ne braska regular mectig2d and h Saturdays of each month at 2 n m sharp Comrads from other Postsare cordially invited to attend- J W TuckkK Commander John DUNiadjt W 11 C Col Wood7 IL C No 179 regular meeting 2d and ttli Haturdays of each month Amanda Ludwig Pres Hele HoaXEY See M W A Valentine Gamp No 1751 Modern Woodmen of America meets second and fourth Wednesday evenings oreacu mown at jjavcupuib limu Visiting neighbors cordially Invited to attend P F Simons Yen Counsel J w Spirk Clerk K of P Cherry Lodge No lff Knights of Pythias meets every Tuesdav evening at Daveupoits Hall Jos PutnieciHv of It and S J T Keely G C Arrival and Departure or -Mails Hall east and west closes at 8 p m Rosebud leaves at 800 a m daily except Sun day and arxives at 500 p m Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves at 7 -00 a m Mondavs Wednesdays nd Fri days and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays aud Saturdays Ft Niobrara leaves daily at700 a m and 600 p m arrives at 930a mand 730 pm Kewanee and Sparks arrives Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 5o9 pmand leaves Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at 7c a m General deliverjopen from7W a mxto 700 p m General delivery open on Sundays from 8 to 10 a m Lock boxes opendaily form 6 a nito8S0p m W EHALEY Postmaster PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS J C DWTEK Physician and Surgeon Ofliee at C R Watsons Drug Store Prompt attention given to all professional calls Valkntink - - - Nkkkaska Teachers Examination The regular monthly Teachers Examinatian will be held the third Saturday of each month -at my office in the Court House LILLIAN STONER Supt or Schools D CLARKE Attorney-at-Law iillkinds of legal business promptly attended to VAIKXTIXK NKHitVSKA NO BAD POSTAGE STAMPS 7nUvctorts Ate fiirioua tranks ICesort to Pittillur JRtiiodn Curiously hiou1i counlcrfcitors do not fiud Unprofitable lo ply fbeir vocji tiou in tbu postal service for accord ing to nax tfiicial of tbe post office de partment ivlio has been in thservice for over SO years there baveoken no counterfeiting- of stamps duribg that pwiod The officinl referred to has lcen idonAificd with the third assist ants ofBcc for many jears antl he is familiar with almost every detail in relation to the stamp question -He has a large fund of anecdote on tbe sub ject of stamp collectors which he gives out in liomeopathic -doses when not too busy with the routine busiuess of his office There are several thrifty stamp col lectors in New York who from -buying and selling stainps A few years ago the postmas ter general ordered a reprint of an obwletc design of -a five cent stamped envelope It was a mistake on the part of the department and as soon -as it was -discovered all of these envelopes about 10000 in number were called in A stamp collector in New York in some way learned that these envelopes were soon- to be called in so- he bought 1500 of them before thepostmaster had time to send them back to the department After all the others had 1 n called in he had a monopoly of the issucand he was selling them freely at five -dollars each to stamp cranks lie paid but five cents- apiece jfor them hence his profit was enormous There is another incident where a stamp collector learned tlxat -there would be a short dssue of a certain de nomination put 5n circulation so he went to the contractor and purchased 10000 worth of the new issue Ihi at tempted to sell -them at greatly ad- j vaneed prices and complaint was made j to tbe department An investigation was ordered and the result was an un- limited number was ordered to be printt d and the man who had invested in 10000 worth was so badly stuck that he apxiealedtto the department to redoem those he had not sold Stamp collectors are a queer lot- continued the official for there are majiy of them da the business who will resort to almost any means to get hold of a rare issue They keep a sharp lookout for all changes made in the quality of paper used in the manufac ture of stamxed envelopes and they manage to ifind out every time when a change inany design of stamp is con templated N Y Times VAR1ASLE WEATHER MALIGNED Physical Ailments Not Caused by Eccen tricities In Temperature According to the best medical au thorities changeable weather or what is known as unreasonable is not so bad imits effects as generally supposed It applies to summer but especially to Avinter Whenever the temperature duringany of the winter months xises to an endurable height and it is possi ble forione to go out ofdoors without acute suffering we always hear prog nostications of sickness and death which are sure to result from a green Christmas and an open winter But the truth is it is the good old-fashioned winter the seasonable tempera ture that kills The incorrectness of the popular idea is well shown by the vital statistics for the first quarters of lS95and 1896 in England and Wales which we find summarized in the Brit ish Medical Journal of May 16 These two periods of time formed a great con trast in so far as the general tempera ture of the air was concerned In tho former year the mean temperature of three months was 32 degrees Fahren heit -which was 37 degrees Fahrenheit below the average while in February it was no less than 99 degrees Fahren heit below the mean of that month In 18 the temperature of the three months was 423 degrees Fahrenheit or 34 degrees Fahrenheit above the aver age The public health f lly reflected those noteworthy differences in tem perature In 1895 the deaths in the first quarter amounted to 170501 and the death rate was 22S or 11 above the average In 1896 the deaths in the corresponding period numbered 136 809 ad were in the proportion of 179 deaths annually per 1000 persons liv ing which rate was 39 below the aver age The increased mortality in 1895 was chiefly among persons aged 60 years and upward of whom G0454 died giving a death rate among such persons of 1090 or 154 in excess of the mean In 1896 3220S persons aged 60 and upward died in January February and March and the death rate was G92 no less than 262 below the average These statistics furnish the fresh evi dence of the killing power of frost and of the beneficent influence of a mild temperature But popular beliefs are not to be overthrown by statistics and if we are blessed next winter by a mild temperature and absence of snow there will be plenty of physicians whose sur prise will ba equaled only by their dis apKintment -that there is not more for them to do Medical Beoord A Frosty Mino The ice covered regions of the far north doubtless contain many treas ures which the inhabitants of sunnier 13me s would fain possess Deposits of coal have been found in Greenland and precious metals are known to ex ist within the arctic circle Whether these riches of the north will ever be distributed through the marts of the world is a question for the next century to answer At present the most north erly mine in existence is said to be that of Omalik on the Fish river in the northwest comer of Alaska in latitude 65 degrees north It produces lead and silver principally the first named and its lodes are very rich But tlie severity of the climate is a rious obstruction to the working of the mine which bar to be abandoned every year about th beginning of October only to b re sumed laic in the following spring You lite Camrxinion Publishers Kotico in order to int poduee The Valen TI5TE Ifmocrat into homes where it does not now go- regularly the pub lisher will upon receipt of one dollar serrflthe paper to Hew subscribers from now until January 1 180S Tbfc offut is unprecedented for a paper of the size and quality of The Demo crat aud if you are not now on the list this is the time to seud in your name with a dollar The subscription iprice of The Democrat ts 1 per year but if sub scription is allowed to become delin quent it will be charged at the rate of 125 This is done as a means of protection to the publisher When your subscription becomes delinquent you will be notified of the fact and the 125 sate will not be charged without yur knowledge i ChitrnTIutt Clntvpusibione minute i I havabecn in the dairy business all my life and haw wanv times cnurneu lor an nour De fore butter would appear so when I heard of a churn thatwoad churn in a minute I concluded totiyit JEvery dav for a vek I used it and not onlv ooaid I churn In a minute but I got more aiid wetter butter than with tho common churn This is very important information to butter makers The churn works easily and will churn an ordinary churning in less than sixty seconds liiave sold two dozen of these churns in the past month Every butter maker that has seen me churn in less than a minute bought one You con obteiu all desired information regard ing the churn by addressing J F Casey Co St Louis Mo and they will give you prompt and courteous attention 2 ADAIKVMAN Wanted at Once Ten good teams to haul freight to the Brick yard and llosebud Agency AVill have hauling all winter 3G Davenport Tiiacher Davenport Thacher carry a com plete line of coffins and undertakers supplies iii Another Smart Woman Mv husband is poor but proud and he does not want aid to work as I nave nothing to do I get lvstless and after reading in your paper Mrs Russells cvperience selling self heating liatirons 1 concluded I would try it I wrote toTF Casey Co St Louis Mo and they treated me so nicely that I felt very much en couraged As soon as I got my sample iron I started out and sold 8 irons the first day clear ing S12 I have nat sold less than 8 irons any day since then and one day I sold 17 I now have 226 clear money and my husband does not know I have been working at all but I am afraid he will be mad when 1 tell him Have I done- right or should I quit work and leave him to struggle alone 2 an Anxious Wifk Yon are doing just right your husband should be proed of you go right ahead and show the world what aiv energetic woman can do The self heating iron mast be a wonderful -seller as wertiear af so many that are succeediug selling it Wanted -Wood on subscription Dry hard wood prferred CalL early and avoid the rush JIoiv a Woman Paid Her 2cbtft A lady in Lexington says l am out of dobt and thanks to the dishwasher business Iu tho past six weeks I have made 530 Every house keeper wants a disewasher and any entelligent persou can sell them with big profit to himself The dishwasher is lovely you can wash afld dry the family dishes in two minutes and without wetting your hands Yoa can get- particulars by addressing The Mound City Dishwasher Co St Louis Mo There is big money in the busi ness for an agent I expect to clear 4000 tho coming year I need the money why not make It 5 Miss C E The Crookston Division of Cherry County Teachers Association will meet in Crookston on the third Satur day of Noverber at 130 pm instead of fourth Saturday on account of the XWTA meeting at Hay Springs on that date All are invited to attend The following will be the program Song America By Association Recitation By Pupil Advanced History Celia Vaughn Music in the Country School Mrs Vivian Lawrie Primary Beading Miss Schopp Low to explain the GCD and and LCM and why we in vert the divisor in divison of CommonFractions L Ballard Spelling Miss Lottie Hubbard Music By Association Program Committee The Ketv Hook Spoon Free fo All I read in the Christian Standard that Miss A M Fritz Station A St Louis Mo would give anelegant silver spoon to anyone her ten 2 cent stamps i sent for one and found it so useful that I showed it to my friends and made 1360 in two hours taking orders for the spoon The hook spoon is a houuehold It cannot slip into the dish or cooking vessel being held in place by a hook on the back The spoon is something tha housekeep ers have needed ever since spoons were lirst in vented Anyone can get a sample spoon by sending ten 2 centtamps to Miss Fritz Ths is a splendid way to make mouev around home Yery truly Jeanxette s The Democrat and the Thricea week Xew York World one vear 150 Harry This Girl Quiet Isaw in your paper that a 13 vear old bov made 125 the first hour he worked sellins the Perfection Metal Tip Lampwick I ordered a sample and went to work and the first week I cleared 10 the second week I cleared S15 I expect to run up to S25 a week in the near future s the Perfection Meftal Tip Lampwick makes such a beautiful white light aud does away with smokey chimneys and bud Oder and saves oil it is easy to sell If vou wish to trv it send 13 two cent stamps to Miss A M Fritz Station A St Louis Mo and she will send yoii sample outfit this is a good wav to make money around home Mass Tina W And The Democrat still pursues the even tenor of its way gaining friends and subscribers but layiug up no spondulicks If Bryan is elected and that great financial crash comes on as predicted by Hanna et a this paper wont lose much money Now is the time to renew t MaaKfift ttaaKTruijatAT FINAL PROOF NOTICES Parties having final proof notices in these columns will refpive a marked copy of the paper which contains first insertion oi same It is the duty of each claimant to examine their notice carefully and should there be any error the fact should be reported to the laud ofliee aud to this ollicc at once for correction U S land Ollc Vafcmttw ibra ka October 1S1W is hPPbv gtvfi thrfi William 5 Sawyer ofFlgiu Ilinioislias tiled auricr n intention to make final oroof before thrdtcgin r ir ItocfJv erat his ollt in VaW ntinn Nebrsli in Fri day the ltd ay of Deeemlier on timber culture appli ion No 7700 for tbe lot 4 Vi seii and of section No C J lu township No 30 N range No 28w Be names iw witnesses Tiarvpy F Dewey and Charles SY Dewey of Wood Lake Nebr ypencer R Dewey and Robert Quizeubery of Oasis Nebraska Testimony of claimant will be taken before the clerk of the district court of Kaue county at his office in Geneva Illinois on Decembers 1S9G Also Henry G Havvyer of Carpentersville 111 T C 7601 fci tlte nlsue and nmr1 section 25 towKship Tun range 2inv He names as witnesses Harvey E Dewey and Charles W Dewey ol Wood Lake Nebr Spencer V Dewey and Robert Quizeubery of Oasis Nebraska Testimony of the claimant will be taken before the clerk of thedlstrict court of Kaue county at his oilico in Geneva Illinois on December Sth Also William O Sawyer of Carpentersville 111 one of the hairs of George E Sawyer de ceased who made TC entry No Z700 for the ni4sei swfnoMand seJnwJi section 27 town ship oon range 23w He names as witnesses Harvey E Dewey and Charles W Dewey of Wood Ltike Nebr Spencer E Dewey and Robert Quizunbery of Oasis Nebra ka Testimony of claimant will bo takcnoefore the clerk ot the district court of Kane cotmtv at hi otllce in Geneva Illinois ou Decembers 189C C R GLOVER juegister U S Laud Otllce Valentine Nebr October 2Uth 19 f Notice is hereby given that the following named settlerbasJiled notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at Valentine Neb ou Dec loth 1890 viz Wilhelm Anderson of Median jKeb H E 8661 for the lots 1 2 and 3 section 2 aud lot 5 section l township 32 range 31 He names the following witnesses to urovo his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land viz Peter Jailoway David Hendershott James Johnson aud Avelyu TBrackett all of McCann Nebraska C R GLOVER Register U 8 LKD Office Valentine Neb October 27 1896 f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make linabproof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Dec 9th 1690 viz Lars Pederson of Kennedy Nebr II E 10045 for the neneV i section 23 uwM nui and 1111W section 24 township 29 range 32 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz David a piercy Francis M Robinson Erik Arneson and Aaen Rardsen all of Kennedy Nebr C R GLOVER Register U S Land Office at Valentine Neb l Nov 4th 1896 f Notice jis hereby given that the following named settler hns fited notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of his claim and that said prowf will be made before the Register and Receiver at Valentine Neb on Dec 11th 1896 vizs Joim C Nichols of Beige Nebr HE No 8831 for the lots 3 4 ami eVi swh Sec 31 Tp 30 R 33 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation o said laud viz Daniel P White and Feter Gallowav of Mc Cann tNeb Henry Schleieter and PcterRelmers of Reige Neh CR GLOVER Register Land Office at Valentine Nebraska i Nov 189C f Notice Js hereby given that Mary J Storey formerly Mary J Ensleyhas filed notice of in tention to snaKO final proof before the Register or Receiver at their ofliee in Valentine Nebr on Friday the 18th day of December 1896 on tim ber culturoapplication No 8298 for the lot 3 neiswi eJiwJi nwJisoH Sec 30 Tp 32 n R 40 V She names as witnesses Charles Gartside John C Nolan Lyman Storey ami Gustas Guu dcrson all of Cody Nebr C R GLOVER Register US Land Office Valentine Nebr I Nov 14th 1896 Notico is hereby given that tho following nain ed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before Root Lucas LSCCC at Merriman Nebr ou Dec 30th 1896 viz Joseph A Sanlts of Pullman Neb H E 9301 for the and s4so Sec 14 Tp 29 R 37 lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud viz Charles Jacohson William Metzger and Eg bert Bonnen of Pullman Nebr William Enlow of Gordon Nebr C RGLO VER Register Land Oflico at Valentine Nebr I Nov 14th 1896 1 Complaint having been entered at this office by James Enos against Zadok Hurtt for aban doning his Homestead Entry No 9S94 dated August 20 1894 upon -the wViswJ sesw Sec 27 Tp -35 n R 40 w in Cherry county Nebraska with a view to the cancellation of said entry the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the 4th day of January 1897 at 10 oclock a m to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abaudonment Testimony of witnesses to oe taken before Robert Lucas USCCC at Merriman Cherry county Nebraska December 30 1896 at 10 a m C It GLOVER Register CHIEF QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE Omaha Neb Oct 24 1896 Sealed pro posals1n triplicate will be received here until 2 oclock p m November 24 1896 and then opened for fumishtng Shelled Corn required iu Department of the Platte during fiscal year ending June 30 1S97 U S reserves the right to reject or accept auy or all proposals or any part thereof Information furnished on application here or to post and depot quartermasters where supplies are needed Envelopes containing pro posals will be endorsed Proposals for Corn at aud addressed to D D WHEELER Major Q M PROPOSALS FOR FRESH BEEF AND MUT tott Headquarters Department of the Platte Office Chief Commissarv of Subsisten2e Omaha Neb October 19 1890 Sealed proposals miripiieaie acuoiupanieu oy written guarantee bonds iu duplicata will be received at this office until 11 oclock ara central standard time November 19 1896 at which time and place they will be opened in presence of bidders tor furnishing such quantities of fresh beef and mutton for issues as may be required by the Subsistence Department US Army at Omaha Nebraska Forts Crook Robinson and Nio brara Nebraska aud Forts D A Russell and Washakie and Camp Pilot Butte Wyoming and Fort Meade S D during the period commenc ing January l 1897 aud ending June 30 1897 Proposals will also be received until 10 oclock am mouutain standard time and opened at the posts of Forts Niobrara Robinson D A Russell Washakie Meade and Camp Pilot Butte by the respective post commissaries of such posts each commissary receiving propo sals for his own post only Proposals will alxo he received stating the price at ivhich the bid der will deliver fresh beef or mutton of the character staled in the tpcclficationx and to be delivered of temperature not greater than 50 degrees Fahrenheit Full information furnish ed on application here or to romraissary at any post authorized to open proposals Government reserves right to reject any or all proposals or any part ot any proposal Envelopes containing proposals should he marKed Proposals for Fresh Beef and Mutton and addiessed to un dersigned or Commissary af post authorized to recei e projif FR A UI E NYE Major and Sftiro for Apjtnltitiiivnt ot Adm trtttor In fount Court of hem onnlv NVifai a fnhii G Guilt iirtVUi of MuH iiauhuiJitgllM in iii rMU n iiii pmuiiior iiifAjijcuiHtii ntnt hluant J Daveiipid as uilmlrustrutur of ilu in Walter Hare iliTcuied nil pTvui in said tate will take rmiier that l hav Tired S jlnnlnt f hi rli iliv i1 Vu rfilip I -it i j iVurk as lite ami niv uUire In CUem ct mty Xilinka lir the la aring o lucupiKMniitiiMii hi aiiHi iiirHtif Vitrir my hu anil m j if Um innl t ouri iiu nun unj t iivcnuwr i I- M UAvrr J SEA I iuity liulgt rvofii f i The Town Site Company olfSeorgin i Nebraska herewith gives notice tlmlj Mia litMiia nf tlm trin n n ill r n1ifimfa vuv iiju vi viit iliiu k in o tiuiiirU from Georgia to Biptey CiiKiutv Count v Land Company JEIect Ion In tftwr J And you can now make that trip eat jou have been thinking about Tie member the Pacific Short Line leaves OXeill immediately after arrival of train from Black Hills and saves you two hours time to iioux City and Hie East Buy local ticket to OXeiil This makes the lowest rate To Whom It May 4Jvnecrn AH persons indebted to the estate of Walter Hare deceased are requested to settle promptly John J Guth is authorised to receive and reeeipt for same E J Davenport Administrator THRICE-A-WEEK EDITION It stands first among weekly papers in size frequency of publica tion and freshness variety and relia bility of contents It is pnictically a daily at the low price of a weekly and its vast list of subscribers extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign countries will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of its news columns It is splendidly illustrated and among its special features are a fine humor page exhaustive market re ports all the latest fashions for woman and a long long series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors Conan Doyle Jerome K Jerome Stanley Weyman Mary E Wilkins Anthony Hope Bret Harte Brander Matthews etc We offer this uneqalled newspaper and The Valentine Democrat to gether one year for 150 The regu lar subscription price of the two pape rs is 200 SMYSER VINCENT -proprietors of- LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE Good HigB and Careful Drivers Teams Stabled At Geo Langs old stand VALENTINE - - NEBRASKA Pacific Short Line Passenger leaves OXeiil rseb at 1005 a m immediately after ar rival of train from Black Hills reaching Sioux City at 235 p m saving three hours time Lowest rates Purchase local tickets to OXeiil and rebuy there Ifli stalls you Ill n Kf Hare you a feel ing of -weight in the Stomach Bloating after eating Belch 1 ing of Wind VomitiogofFood Waterhrash i Heartburn Bad Taste in the Mouth in the Morning Palpitation of the I Heart due to Distension of Stomach i i Cankered Mouth Gas in the Bowels Loss of Flesh Fickle Appetite i impressed Irritable Condition of the i Mind Dizziness Headache Con stipation or Diarrhoea Then you have DYSPEPSIA In wae of Its tnaaT forms The oae dmUItc i enre ior wis distressing complaint Is Jcler Bypepi a tablets- by mall prepaM on receipt of cents CHARLES RtMSCT TntJl ImnsHil I Yorfceays -I suffered homlily iromrivs l Persia bat Ackers Tablets lafcen alicr uieais uive cureu we Acker Medicine Co 16 1S Chambers St 5 T najrt xa sxE2agsaraiggBaa HE ELKHORN RAILROAD Vrrh Vpricrn Line is to best ti ami from lite SUGAR BEET FIELD or NORTH NEBRASKA tliauc j ou can get tbelxss made finest flnJ jod MOST POPULAR 8EWINO MACHINE JfeaiS5Tene arepntatlou by honest andSS neJ2SJihef8 fcnpnotn orld that can mbqbaI jposnanlcal construction durability of wortihur Er2nfnees fceMtar In appwSe 3 hu aa many Improrementa aa the N E WHOM K WRJTE FOR CIRCULARS He New Home Sewing Machine Co SAyaujcj3ooCAi atlujxi QxT FOR SALE BY E BREUKLANDER BLACKSiiTH and WACONMAKER Repairing a Specialty Prices Strnckly Cash and Low er than ever SHOP on Cherry St opposite Langs old stand P F SIMONS PROPRIETOR OF DRA M 1 III a di un ENO I Satisfaction guaranteed IJeasonable charges Wanied ftn Idea Who can tblnk of some simple vuag 10 paa Protect your Ideas tlwr mar bring you wealth Write JOHN WEDDEEEUPN CO Patent Attor neys Washington D C for their 1800 priK Offor and ltot of two hundred Inventions wan ted THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE GREA J THE DEMOCRATIC DULY of the Northwest Will be sent postpaid to any address six days a week far one year for OLLAR The Chronicle Is the most conspicuous newspaper suo cess of the day the dally cir culation exceeding 75000 copies and the Sunday circu lation exoeeding 100000 cop ies it Is a first class news paper of 12 and 16 pa goa Sun day 40 to 43 pages and Is a stanch supporter f sound democratic principle TERMS Saily except Sunday 1 year 9H Daily and Sunday I year Oaiiy 6 months campaign edition 2 W Daily and Sunday 6 months 6Q Daily 2 months 19 Daily and Sunday 2 months 148 Daily I monJh I Daily and Sunday 1 month 78 Sundaylyear 2M Saturday 1 year 140 Sample copies free on appli cation Address FHE CHICAGO CHRONICLE 164 16S Washington ft Chloaca Iti i w t s -1 j i1 t IHOtt AiD W080 cSa a Sec HfiS0 a mm d CF ALL KLttS Eclipse and Fairbanks Wind milla Towcta Tanis Irriga tion Outfits nose Benin GrlnIcrSbrtlernWood Snwa Drlvo Point Plp VittlnCT Uras roatli and VKirfaitnlui stanaartl Kcalen Prices low f t tee test Send for Caralone rfARBnKQ fs30SE CO 1102 Farnam St Omaha Neb