The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, November 19, 1896, Image 1
rr r Kr A l - ML 0 THIS AND THAT editor iStfent Crookston Teachers Association Nov tfl HinkciTlnK Nqyi36 Western Teachcrr Asaodlatlon NovSS John SteinfcMKst was in 8n Tueaday D ATierceyWBSln town -Monday and TueuiJay Wm Hanley of Winona Mitfn was In town Sunday lMra G AShawi3nIte Hll ft home of Geo Hunter Geo s Elliott made tfip trp ri C G W Beamer living in nart of the county is one the ithe rreidlhe lastof thfr week LieutJ P SCocneu weribfeat on a v leave of absenceSunday Judge t madeVnytegitrip to AinswortlTPufSday night YahK OBrien was in towna -couple of days the first of the week Indlcations for another snowstorm are very good nfc present writing Deputy US Marshal Bray -was down from LeadCitythe first of 5 the weee Miss LeonalJaumgarEel of CrookB 5 ton is visitingdntown with Miss Edna Dwyer J R Farris over to ank OBriens this mommcr to remain a few days Theneedof a new school house be comes more impen3iveSbad weather comes on - JudgeA W Gxites f Chadron was in townanhouropraulast Satur day morniqg W F Morgareldgey -of Simeon attended teachersUnstifcuthere day afternoon The largest and best cloaks and canes ever ehown -in Valentine - will be found afcT C Hornbys 36 Owing to the non appearanbe of witnesses Judge Walcoft failed to hold court at Merriman lasfcThursday stK TMttth though a - practice iaarcnes -which will continue every week during - the winter E W Miher oflkPoint S D- vwasln town i Saturday night Herwent over -to Rose bud Snnd returning iTueaday afternoon MrsF M W alcoti5andBisterfiss tEatie SNoble wi nt tomnha -Sunday fors few days tay -hey returned hon3ejInfijday eviniug IThefatbex of the ReviJ -31 fiedFridy Nov J 3 atlnshomestin aUatonlTJf aged 85 years Mr BaUes was toat able to sattend the funral Will Beamer came down from Lavaca Monday siornin g and will at tend school heres3Ms winter yHe has secured a situation t with mss -Strong to help pay expenses Acouple of loads of m erry young peopleen joyed Abe asnw last week by coins T Hornby Dr C A Weils d other ay youtigsteis chaperoned ii be ciowds W D U- S cial laadun spector -who was sttioai d here Jast -spring returned from Idal o ighfc and will remain uutiL I Becember 1 when he expects to visit his family in Arkansas ior thirty tdaya returning here Twenty persons havesgrae d to join the mueical upion it it As rs ganized and -at the meeting held test tturdny 1 - night it was decided to twdj Prot Beatty -to that -effect ta w M un- doubtedly joinlater on becoming as a Sundayiresort for stowte iing men as witness the following who spent Sunday here G K hejgd lrd vLincoln T H rice ChicagQ tE E Wright Omaha Geo Campbell t Joe H I Thotsap Chicagq CPheHfest was smaller thanusual last Sunday the weffc athose The official count sltows that llol conib carried the city -of Omaha and Doughts county over IbfacCall by 449 voteg McKinley plutality over Bryan 13 475 The U S Indian allotting and sur vey ing party ivhichhasbten at work bn the reservation jduvring the last few months havegone into winter ters TheirworkwiUbe completed in the spring W II Mullen Jf 0Kelll spent a fewdays iin town the first of the week visiting Mis Mae 0Sullivan and others B ffr 11 tillen is atudent at the state university btU4snff on a vaca tion fon acountM3ffrpoor health MAKniiCD -At -the ihome of the officiating clergyman Rev C H Bur- leigh in Ainswctth Nebr Monday Kevemng JNovenroer loyo Mr Oliver Hall and Mrs Tda Kennedy both of Wood Lake Amsworth Home HftMfe GMf Adam3 the Crawford wood matjjwwill coraaienceUhe -shipment of 400cods of woodfor Fort Niobrara nextweek This wood is to be de- livecediBfore the holidays W A Pettycraw has therefusal -of the con tract foitihauHngsarae here to the pt It needaia man quick percep tion tovkeep up -with the lightning changesofditors and managers -on -the llusbvsille Recorder formerly he tRu8hvilleJ smocrat fEvT Baldwintis the latesbunfortunHtetoassume the position aodtit is Lo beeped he will iibecome a -fixture whohas for several i monthsaotedas clerk and assistant weather observer for C iRWatson left Sunday nightrfor Butte Montana and other f arwest Mr Car- eanjmadeimanyfiiends during his stay fherHeallofwhoirwill wish him kessin abnddanoe tix V Careon Kellie Builis John Smyser -Edna IBwyer and Charlie Schwakn drorei to CCrookston Sunday j and spent the fernoon with Miss Ijeona3Baumgartevwho recently returned- from a five months visit to New Ykiork and the feast The party returned homebynsoanlight Geo Miles the editor of the AinaworthHomeRUte has been ill withksciatica forthejpast week or so andbi3betterhBlfihas had charge of the paper That ewhere thebhoys have ithe better of 0he Democrat man Whenever he gets ill he has to hustle7just the sameandhas no wife to carefor him and this -paper JohaAdamson killed two fine ante iopelonda on the Niobrara river abouti4 miles southwest of town He sold oneiof them to 36Q Selmalm Thtsearetthe first antelope killed in this section of the country ifor a long time althotigh we are informed that a large numbercof the mild eyed animals are rangjng PQrthwest of Jody C H Goiielhwent to Omaha Sun- vday mominganrijroui there to Island to attend jthe meeting of the Nebraska Beet Siigar Association held yesterdayand the day before Charley efforts to pro mote the gnowing of sugar beets -and secure the establibhmentof a factory here Moreatttention should be civen to this matter bv eitizens of ihia 03 unty who are Interested in the up building of Nebraska O B Rippey of Ainsworth was in town yesterday on business and gave this office a -pleasant-call Mr Rippey is one of the old timebusinessmen of Ainsworth and has -been an tanqe and friendof theeditor for the past twelve years andthis visit recalls hmany experiences of the years gone by Mr Kippey was connected with the Western News at Ainsworth lung -since dead which -was-at thaf timethe leading newspaper inthe northwest Born To Mr and Mrs Q Nicholson Friday night Nov 6AIS96 a son of regulation weight andheauty Dau wass3 happy over the event that he was setting up cigars bibs safety -- - farmers who are accredit to tnejnseivsst jpms or anyamg thatcame handy to -and the community at large ftVhilet rpeople who came into his store and others complain of iisxd timesfce goe right on raising big crojs and making monev as well During the last sea son he raised 1200 bushels of eorn and 200 bushels of sweet corn besides an untold amount of vsheat i3rley and other cereals filing them tojelpthemsplves Uncle iQsev is almost as tickled as Papa 3au and has been practicing ithe lulla by Hnsh a bye Saby ever since the fF event The Chronicle congratu lates a1 concerned Madison For the cotl Library Valentine has patronized and en conraged from -time to time musical and literary entertainments and re citals of various degrees of merit giv en -by local talent imported entertainers-and traveling troupes but nothing1 yet presented herehas equalled the en tteftainment given -at the M E church I last Fridny evMnng From an artistic stwndpoiut it was a success and though not commensurate with the quality of the entertainment The program con sisted of but six numbers and but four people were engaged Jin -its production but those four were artists and every number was a gem -as may be seenby the following program P lano Duet The Sleigh Hide Trelour Mae Davenpoftand Edna MacDonald Recitation ja The Bobolink Aldinc 1 ft FirstiJettlers Story GarUUm Mrs RH Watson Vocal Solo When tbeKoses Bloom Arditt Mrs J A Carroll J Recitation Naiijrhtv ZpII MM RK Watson Piano Solo Pearls of Koam Langc Edna JlacDouald tReoItatlon Bobby Sbaftoe Homer Green Mrs UWatson i Every number was -encored and the responses were receivedeven more en thusiastically -than the original selections This was - Mrs Wat sons first appearance before a ValenT tine audience -and the manner in which she acquitted herself was moie than creditable Ask lor alSheep InHpector Among the many things which will come before ttie county board when thy meet on the 6th of next January wilUje a request that a sHeep inspect or be appointed for the west end of the county As this will occasion ho expense to the county his fees being paid by the sheep owners and as an in spector is an imperative necessity the request will no donM be granted The petition which will be presented is Bigned by S H Ladd and fourteen others and is given below in full To the honorable board of county -commissioners of Cherry county Nebraska We the undersigned- subscribers respectfully represent that there are numerous bandsJof sheep grazing and ranging in said Cherry -county infected with a sheep disease known as scab and being trailed across said territory infecting the range with said disease and we furthei represent that we are owners of sheep grazing In said terri tory -and respectfully petition the -appointment of Saml Woodward as Bheep inspector of aaid county Mother Theifollowing lines were favorites of Mrs Archers and during her last illness she often spoke of them In all tliertvorld ro where you will YonlLnever find another Wholl cling to you through good or 111 And love you like a mother In all the world where eer you roam With sister wife or brother Youll never know so sweet a home As that one made by mother In all the world tho wealth commands For you the work of others Youll never And a pair of hands foryou like mothers In all the world tthough friends sincere Are more to you than brothers You never for a moment hear A voice as kiud as mothers -In all the world -although you break The tender hearts of others There is no other heart can ache For you as much as -mothers In all the world though you create A pleasure for another You cau give to none a Joy as great As you can give to mother In all the world -where you in bliss May soon forget auothcr There is no one whom you will miss When bbe is gone like mother For -the -Christian Home Some two months ago a coule of women struck town and opened a restaurant in the Stillwell building All went well for a short time a very short time and then complaints were heard that the -business done in the legitimate as it might be and shortly after the place was closed and the vromen moved out in the country near the post One df them a Mrs Per kins sent for her son a little fellow about Ave years of age to eome and live with her which he did until a few days ago when one of our best known ladies paid M Perkins a visit and the latter relinquished the little fellow who will next Monday be sent to the Christian Home at Omaha Mrs Pel kins is to be commended for peaceably giving up hereon who wille given aa opportunity to hecome an educated Christian man t K s 4 THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT XI i Pablike4 4 Four Yearf as CHERRY COUNTY INDEPENDENT VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY NOVEMBER 19 1896 laHAiir fatieat Dead red Neidertr an- old gentleman shout 60 years of age who was ad judged insane last spring but who was never sent to the asylum on account of the crowded condition of that institu tion died at the home of John Billon graay He was buried yesterday morning under the auspices of the G- A It -as he is an old soldier Neiderfc comes from near Sparks where the door receipts were large they were he has a good farm and was the red piciu on a ni peuswu guardian Dillons applied on which his board his at Country STrelIingr Burned While the family of Paul Kennecutt living some 25 miles south of here were peacefully sleeping last Thursday nictht the house caugnt tire ana was J burne4 to thegrouhd the ocsupants barely escaping with their lives The fire is supposed to have been started by mice growing a box of matches which was in the kitchen of the house but it is not known whether any of the pest iferoiis which turned incen diary for the nonce lost their lives Iflrand Mrs Kennecutt and a hired man were the only occupants of the building at the time of the fire Where arc Tkcy 1 A newspaper loses more mony by subscribersHeaving the country and not their addresses than Hi any one other way The Democrat has lost considerable in thi3 way and will in toe future advertise these people with a iew of ascertaining their addresses at present Any information whereatrouts of the people named will fee thankfully received Many times tbesubscriber merely neg lects sending hig address or leaving it with his postmasr but the paper should not be made to suffer for this neglect During the last week this paper has received notice that the followingjhave left their old haunts without telling the postmaster where they weregoing V P Sterling Carlisle Ark J3hasPitman Los Angeles Call OfltaiM Vote on Senator Through the courtesy of J G Petti john who attended the official canvass of the ballots at Ainsworth test week The Democrat is enabled to give be low the complete vote by trauntiea on candidates for state settatdr from the 14th Nebraska district Counties Mutz Ely Total Brown 278 382 660 Cherry 605 590 1195 Rox Butte 494 418 912 Dawes 817 784 1601 Keva Paha 274 193 467 Rock 195 343 538 Sheridan 7 74 495 1269 Sioux 241 148 389 Total 3678 3353 7031 Majority 325 325 Mutz -ran behind his ticket in nearly every county and this is accounted for in many ways It is safe to say how ever that itis not due to a dislike of ithe man because Ely did not gain any Darktown at Law A score of black men wearing mili tary uniforms were in Justice Bab cocks court Saturday attending the trial of Mary Burtch a white denizen of Crawfords lower world wh was accused of stealing 200 from Thomas ltyanadischarged soldier from Fort Niobrara Jas A Thompson a negro livings the reservation was charged with receiving the money from the Bnrtch woman The testimony showed that Ryan came up to Craw ford from Niobrara after having been discharged and had a roll of 200 He became -acquainted with Mary there and the two were soon fast friends Mary however was a little the faster and after gaining Ryans confidence she succeeded in gaining his xoll The woman plead not guilty and wished Peoples Restaurant was not all as to be bound over to the -district court Her desire was granted and in default of 500 bonds she is now an inmate of the county jail Thompson who was charged with receiving the stolon money was bound over to the Fort Robinson military authorities since his offence took place on the reserva tion thus bringing it under their jur isdiction Chadrtm Signal Roy Sawyer and Nora ttasslngale unwillingly indulged in a cold plunge bath one day last week while skating on the Mill pond Fortunately they escaped with nothing but a severe I fright and a Uroreugb wetting - Ju NO 43 WATCH THE PENNIES The frugal person always watches the pennies the dollars are credited with the ability to take care of themselves The best way to watch the permit h by patronizing Davenport Thacher DIBNT YOU KNOW That the best plaee in town to buy freeb - J fruits and vegetables is at Pettycrews - DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best place in town tolmy gro ceries and confectionery is at Pettycrews v DIDNT YOU KNOW That the highest price for hntter and eggs is always paid at Pettycrewa If you didnt try him and you will C HERRY QpUNTY QkNK Valentine Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with coiaervattve banking Exchange bought android Loans upon good security solicits si reasable rates County depository E SPARKS President CHARLES SPARK Cashier Who we are What we axe Where we are CITY DRUG STORE J H QinGLEY PROP DEALER m DRUGS PAINTS AR8ISHES TOILH SUNDRIES MAIN 8TREET VALENTINE - NEBRASKA fiANK OF VALENTINE C MCRHBL1j President M F MZVMVsmXVnihU V Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Trtmsadtod Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Eaehang tJorresponflentB v Cheraical National Bank New York First Natteml Bank Ooa CITIZENS - MEAT - MARKET WILL FURNISH - Fish GamTeader Steaks Jucy Roasts Dry Salt Meats and tiie finest line of Smoked Harms and Breakiast Bacon ever sld in town At Stutters Old Stand -on -Main Sfeest ceo g sghwalm prop THE PALACE SALOON- HEADQTTABTERS WINES LIQUORS and CIGARS Valentine O the Choicest Braaids Nebraska