The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, November 12, 1896, Image 6

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    - ealaiK
Once on a time a wifes heart Lied
The world was gay the world was
But one wlio should cherish had spurned
And the days were long and for love she
Once on a time another came
His voice so low his words so rich
The bleeding heart of the wife in name
Tclt the potent speil of the Cupid
Once on a time a wompn thought
To repair an error by one as deep
Little she recked of the ruin wrought
From seeds sown only tears to reap
Once on a time a month and a day
Were spent in laughter and loves sweet
And then came the end he went away
Caring nothing if she fared ill or well
Once on a time the wife then thought
Of the vanished name the fair repute
Of the spell of happiness dearly bought
The words of respect rhat for her were
Once on a time there came an hour
When she realized her great mistake
The sound of music the scent of a
Did naught but the voices of memory
Once on a time when the city slept
A frail fair form to the rivers brink
Cowering and heart weary closely crept
To hide her shame no more to think
Once on a time all this was true
Fiction no place has on follys page
An illicit love was but born to rue
And surely death is sins own wage
Philadelphia Times
November was growing old and Miss
Nancy Camp who sat at the window
watching the gray clouds shift across
the sky in heavy masses wished in her
secret heart that it was gone
Whod a thought it would hev come
off so cold after such a warm spell
Nancy said a voice from the little
bed room that led out of the kitchen
Its moderating I reckon its going
to snow responded Miss Nancy
Its jest like the November when
Jim Wilmot went out West continued
her sister reminiscently
Yes was the low response
Twas a real warm Thanksgiving
and then a day or two after it begun
ter snow and the 2Sth you remember
Nancy twas the time they had the
clebration in the schoolhouse and you
and Jim went my how it did blow and
sleet And on Sunday it was so drifted
that Cousin Anne Camp she thet was
a Stevens you know couldnt git ter
meeting It was the first time in leven
years thet shed missed hearing Elder
Dickens She felt real bad about it
added Miss Abby
Miss Nancy drew her chair nearer to
the window and brushed her hand
across her eyes There was no sound
from the little bed room for a while
The big old fashioned clock on the high
shelf ticked away the minutes and
Miss Nancy rocked by the window
with her hands folded in her lap
Theres someone a comin across the
old bridge said Miss Abby eagerly
See who it is Nancy Likely as not
its that school teacher thet boards
down ter Fosters though it dont
sound like their team She must be a
powerful sight o trouble to em
And Nancy pressed her face against
the pane obediently although there
was a mist before her eyes that blinded
her a little The wagon came nearer
and nearer until she could see that it
had but one occupant a man of about
40 apparently with a beard that per
haps added a little to his age
Who is it Nancy questioned Miss
Abby fretfully It aint her is it
Myl It sounds as if it was coming in
In here
I dont know answered Miss Nan
cy Like enough he wants some di
He- Lands Its a man then Be
sure to tell him us
But there came a heavy knock on the
door and Miss Abby subsided Slowly
Miss Nancy crossed the room and turn
ed the knob There was nothing said
for a moment The man looked steadily
at the figure before him at the simply
made woolen dress with its pure white
collar and cuffs the slender blue-veined
hands the face with its firm mouth
and faded blue eyes the hair parted
smoothly and with the same little wave
In front that he remembered so well
and the high shell comb that was new
to him He saw the wrinkles too but
he saw no more the years of toil and
trouble that must have brought them
All this he noted and then held out his
Nancy have you forgotten Jim
She gave a startled glance into his
eyes and a little crimson flush crept
into her cheeks It reminded him of the
tme he had kissed her in the garden
back of the house
Who is it Nancy whispered Miss
Abby from the bed room Do tell him
ter come in and shut the door and I
want some mere fennel
Yes Abby answered Miss Nancy
opening her lips with an effort
Jim Wilmot came in and closed the
door softly behind him
Is Abby very sick he asked
She hasnt walked for six years
answered Miss Nancy mechanically
taking some fennel out of a dish on the
table and going into the bed room with
Who is it whispered Miss Abby
Dgain f
Jim Wilmot responded her sister
Jim Lands o Goshen Well well
Whod a thought hed a turn up after
all these years Do tell him to ecum in
here fore he goes Jim Wilmot Well
I neverl
Miss Nancy Iittln pat t the
pillowa and then entered the sitting
room again
If youll stay to supper youd better
put your horse and team under the
shed We havent a hired man now
Thank you he said gladly
She sent him a little sly glance as he
went out of the door
In a few minutes he was back again
but the talk was a little forced He told
her how rough the life was out West
when he first went how after many
discouragements a little prosperity
came to him and then he came on a
visit to his folks who told him that
they lived together at the little house
and that Abby was sckly though
they didnt know she was a regular in
Miss Nancy wondered looking at the
firm chin and the hair that had been
so brown now streaked with gray if it
was not very lonesome out there and if
he had quite forgotten the old days
Phe clock at last warned her that she
must be about her preparations for sup
per and after excusing herself she
brought in a dish of oranges to peel
She worked swiftly though her hands
trembled and felt all thumbs She
had almost finished her task when an
orange slipped out of the dish and roll
ed on the floor Both stooped to pick
it up and their hands met
Dear he said holding out his arms
Miss Nancy gave one glance Into his
lace so near her own and in a moment
was crying softly on his shoulder
What mattered the years of waiting
the years of toil and trouble Nothing
mattered any more
The clock ticked on and Miss Abby
awoke from the little cat nap she had
been enjoying
Nancy she called sharply
Miss Nancy started and raised her
crimson face with its new expression
from its resting place
Wait a minute dear heart whis
pered Jim I want to know when youll
go baCjk with me I went away to
make a fortune and a home for you
Theyre waiting When will you go
When will I go8 echoed Miss Nan
cy bewilderedly
Nancy called Miss Abby again
Im afraid I dont know what you
mean Jim faltered Miss Nancy
Why back out West Ive got a
pretty little place there with thirty
acres or so and nary a mortgage Youll
have neighbors for theres other farms
near and you shant work Nancy Ill
get a girl
And Abby asked Nancy
Jim Wilmot started
I had forgotten her he said heh
lessly But wheres the rest of the re
lations Or why couldnt she go to a
home or something
The flush In Miss Nancys face faded
and a little line of pain formed around
her mouth
Shed never stand It to leave this
place Shes lived here all her life
Jim she said slowly
There was a silence for a moment
then she continued steadily
I shall never leave her so good
good by Jim
And youll sacrifice yourself and me
fer a notion he replied hotly AH
right then I shant leave my farm
and settle down in this humdrum place
jest fer the sake of your sister Good
by Nancy And five minutes after the
horse drove out of the yard and down
the hill while one lonely woman strain
ed her ejTes for a last glimpse of It and
the gathering flakes of snow were al
ready filling up its tracks
She stood there a long while watch
ing the sullen clouds and the snow that
was coming thicker and faster Little
puffs of wind blew the flakes of snow
against the pane and Miss Nancy won
dered vaguely if they felt unhappy be
cause they melted so soon
At last she roused herself and went
Into the bed room Miss Abby tired of
calling had fallen asleep She was
thankful for the respite and going out
softly prepared her own supper and
the invalids while the wind blew furi
ously around the little old house and
fairly shook Its foundation
She sat by the fire with her head on
her hands long after her sister had
eaten her supper and being satisfied
with the evasive answers to her many
questions had gone to sleep again But
the fire had died down and it grew
chilly in the little kitchen so finally
she too went to her nights rest It
was very late when she dropped into
a light sleep and the morning soon
The day passed drearily Miss Abby
talked incessantly of Jim Jim until
her sister felt she should scream or go
mad but she did neither and was only
a little more tender a little more pa
The night set in with a regular snow
storm Miss Abby declared they would
be snowed in by morning The wind
blew down the chimney with moans
like an uneasy spirit
In the morning Miss Nancy was star
tled by the darkness in the little rooms
The wind had blown the snow in big
drifts against the windows and door
What Miss Abby had feared had come
to pass and they were snowed In But
there was no cause for worry as jet
There was plenty of food in the pantiy
and wood in the wood box There
was no stock to suffer and someone
would surely go b before the day was
over and discover their plight
She lighted her lamp and did her
work though iq a rather half hearted
way and the day passed and no one
went by and the snow pried up higher
am1 higher around the house
Miss Abby was yery little frightened
at their situation Indeed her sister
hardly knew what to make of her she
seemed a little wandering and confus
ed thingst strangelj
The next day late in the afternoon
it stopped snowing but no one went by
and darkness came on again Another
i wg night Miss Nancy left a lamp
burning in the kitchen and then went
o bed
Very early invthe morning she was
suddenly awakened by a shout and the
sound of someone kicking on the side
of the house She hastily dressed op6
then entered the sitting room
Hi someone called
Who is it she asked
Its me Atwood down to the foot
of the hill yer know Wife was sick
and I had to go fer the doctor Be ye
snowed in
Yes Will you get someone to dig us
out some time to day
All right Ill git Sam if hell come
Be back in an hour or two
Miss Nancy sat dow n and waited
The wood was almost gone and she
was glad Mr Atwood had discovered
their predicament
The clock has just struck when she
heard a shovel strike the house
Were here Nancy be out in a
shake said Mr Atwood
All right she answered and went
into the bed room to tell Abby
But her sister was sleeping quietly
so she tiptoed back again
After an hours hard shoveling the
door opened and in the gray light of
the morning she saw Jim Wilmot
standing before her Mr Atwood after
assuring himself that everything was
safe went around to the drifts before
the windows and commenced work
again but Jim did not go
Nancy he said I was a fool the
other day Im going to sell my farm
and come back here I cant live with
out you Nancy will you marry me
And Abby she questioned
Abby shall live with us You shant
be separated
But its so humdrum here Jim and
youll be homesick after the West
again protested Miss Nancy
Praps so a little he admitted But
I must have you Nancy Will you f or
gU what I said the other day an marry
You know I will Jim she said in
a whisper and he kissed her fondly
And In the bed room Miss Abby lay
asleep a sweet peace upon her wrin
kled face She had gone beyond the
shadows into the reality WaVerly
Highest Observatory in the Worla
The highest permanent astronomical
observatory in the world on the sum
mit of Mont Blanc was fully equip
ped with instruments a sljort time ago
There has been a temporary station
there for some years but the Instru
ments have been small and of little
power compared with those now in
The establishment of this observa
tory was a task which at the outset
seemed impossible and the obstacles
which M Jansen who headed the quar
tet of French astronomers had to over
come were unparalleled Mont Blanc
is nearly sixteen thousand feet high
and its ascent even under the most
favorable conditions during the sum
mer months is difficult as well as dan
The transportation of many heavy
and delicate scientific instruments to
the top of this loftiest mountain of the
Alps was therefore a labor so great
as to seem beyond the range of possi
bility yet it was accomplished without
the loss of a single life The telescope
and the other instruments had to be
taken to pieces before being carried
up the precipitous mountain sides even
then some of the packages weighed a
hundred pounds and most of them
about fifty One of the guides who as
sisted in the work holds the record of
having made the ascent more than
five hundred times since the beginning
of his professional career and It was
he who found recently the bodies of
the Austrian professor and his two
guides who lost their lives not long ago
Saved by His Wit e
If a man Is going to play the bully be
ought to have good muscles or a clever
wit A little adventure into which one
such braggart stumbled is thus
ed by an exchange He was a small
ish man with a large voice
He had a companion who be it said
to his credit seemed ashamed of the
company he was in stood in a hotel
rotunda one Saturday night The little
fellow was talking about Ireland and
he said many hard things concerning
the country and the people
A big man stood by listening to the
little fellows vaporings He merely
smiled until the little fellow said in a
very ioud tone
Show me an Irishman and Ill show
you a coward
Then the big fellow slipped up and
touched the little fellow on the shoul
der saying in a heavy bass voice
Whats that you said
I said Show me an Irishman and
Ill show you a coward said the little
fellow whose knees were shaking un
der him
Well Im an Irishman said the big
You are an Irishman Well and a
smile of joy flitted over the little fel
lows countenance as he saw a hole
through which he could crawl Im a
Didnt Grasp the Idea
Mother Robert I gave you half an
orange didnt I
Robert Yessum
Mother Then why did you steal tha
half I gave your little sister
Robert Coz you toid me to always
take her part boo hoo Exchange
Enjoyable Tandem
Do you enjoy your tandem Mrs
Yes indeed Jack and I can quar
rel on it as well as if we were sitting
at home on the piazza Louisville
Courier Journal
Her Dearest Friend
Cholly How old do you suppose Miss
Furbish is
Gertrude You might ask mamma
shell remember Cleveland
ilmli m f t
Schoolrooms Should Be Made Invit
ing aiodern High School Unildine
in Minneapolis Suggestions from a
Teachers Note Book
Decoration of the Schoolroom
Too long have our school rooms been
bare and uninviting places where a cer
tain amount of work was to be accom
plished necessary fixtures in an edu
cational scheme but nevertheless
places which were entered dutifully at
9 oclock and quitted with joy and alac
rity when the hands of the clock crept
round to four But the dawn of a new
era is upon us for education in its
hroadest sense Is conceived to mean
the training of the mind to see to think
and to act to the development of pow
er and not to the slavish working out
of tasks It means the bringing of
broadening Influences to bear upon the
mind and the development of a true
culture which shall lead to wise right
living and the attainment of a more
beautiful public life This means a
spiritual and not a material develop
ment a growth of the soul upward and
outward a growth which must of ne
cessity be fostered and influenced by
the contemplation of the productions of
great thinkers and workers of all time
This is the reason for the introduction
of the study of literature based upon
the masterpieces of the great authors
and this if we are consistent in our
theory is the reason for the introduc
tion of art education with its all-uplifting
influences for wider appreciation
of the artistic monuments of all the
If we are to look to a greater appre
ciation of art productions and a more
refined public taste in the citizen of the
future we must lay the foundation for
that mental development in the public
schools of to day We must surround
the child at least while in school with
walls which are clean and pleasantly
tinted and hung with appropriate art
reproductions in photography or en
graving Blackboards should be shield
ed with pleasing but inexpensive drap
ery curtains suspended from shelf like
moldings whereon are placed casts and
simple effects in pottery to cultivate
a love of form Good reproductions in
color to develop a sense now so con
spicuously lacking in our American
life should not be forgotten and plants
and sunshine should be allowed to do
their best to satisfy the innate longings
for outdoor life so characteristic of the
child The true object of the existence
of pictures and the other decorations
in the school room is to help educate
the scholars therein Primarily the
character of the decorations must be in
harmony with the mental development
of the child and if they are to serve
their broadest purpose they must be so
selected that they will not only aet as
incentives and inspiration in the study
of history geography or literature but
will also breathe a constant subtle in
fluence toward art education That
scheme of decoration which shall em
brace all these desirable features is one
which will require much experience
and elaboration to prepare with suc
cess Indeed it may be questioned
whether any one person has the broad
insight to arrange it with absolute wis
dom The cities that have the greatest
progress in this matter are those which
have been fortunate in placing their
funds in the hands of broad minded
committees composed of educators of
so varied a training that the historic
literary musical and geographical ele
ment as well as the decorative side re
ceive due representation Public Opin
From a Teachers Note Book
Teach the children to listen Teach
them to reflect on the pleasure to be de
rived from the sense of hearing Listen
Close your eyes and rest Shut out all
those jarring distracting impressions
which come to you through the sense
of sight and listen What do you hear
I hear the clock tick and some one
moving his feet I hear some one
breathing and that fly -beating on the
window pane I hear the door shak
ing just a little and the wind sways
a map against the wall
Now enlarge your hearing listen for
impressions from the outside What
do you hear now I hear the gentle
rustle of leaves in the wind and the
swish of the waves on the shore I
hear the sparrow chirp chirp and a
squirrel scurry up the bark of that
tree I hear the hammer very faint
ly in the distance I hear crunch
crunch as if some one were walking in
the leaves and the bark of a dog I
heart the sharp crack of falling nuts
and the steady distant clatter of hoofs
on frozen ground
Do you like to listen Which of these
sounds do you like best Had you
rather hear a child laugh or cry Why j
ir YfwiiwfiTKBntfmriW MJJJaltai3rMilfflnaMPMrtwitep
Had you rather Hear a cat purr or cry J
in pain Why What is the difference
in your feeling Tell me sone sounds
you like Some that you dont like Can
you tell when a dog barks in welcome
in pain in warning in ugliness Can
you tell a sparrows song from a rob
ins Can you tell the difference be
tween beating with a stick on a piece
of tin of wood of clotn Did you ever
think of the poor little children who
never have heard even a mothers
voice Can you talk Why not
When you listened only for the in
side tilings did you hear the outside
things Did you hear all that was to
be heard or just what you listened for
Hdre is your lesson can you teach it
American Teacher
School Childrens Eyes
The British Education Department
some time ago appointed a committee
with the well known expert Brudenell
Carter at the head to examine the eye
sight of children In the public element
ary schools The report of the com-
mittee which has just been publish 1
ed says that out of 8125 children test
ed 3181 or 3915 per cent were found
to have normal vision in both eyes
1016 or 125 per cent had normal vi j
sion in the right eye and subnormal in
the left 700 or 86 per cent had nor-
mal vision in the left eye and
mal in the right and 322S or 397 per
cent had subnormal vision in both
eyes Comparing the sexes the total
was made up of 392S boys and 4197
girls of whom the boys had normal
vision in both eyes in 1718 or 37 per
cent and the girls only 1403 or 334
per cent Subnormal vision in both
eyes was found in 1332 boys or 339
per cent and in 1S96 girls or 451 per
cent Normal right eyes with sub
normal left were found in 522 or 133 j
per cent of boys and in 494 or 1177
per cent of girls while subnormal
right eyes with normal left were
found in 35G or 9 per cent of boys and
in 344 or 82 per cent of girls Mr
Garter commenting upon these facts
says I think it may be concluded
that the eyes of the children whom we
examined and presumably those of
London school children generally are
in no way injuriously affected by the
conditions of elementary school life
The great cause of alarm to school
manageis has now for some years
been progressive myopia but I failed
to find evidence of any extended prev
alence of tills condition He also
remarks The visual power of Lon-
mmj0m I Jii pMJpiL
- g532gizry
don children is not cultivated by their
environment They see the other side
of the street in which they live and
the carts and omnibuses of the thor
oughfares With a country child the
case is widely different He has an
expanse of landscape before him pre
senting numerous objects under visual
angles rendered small by distance He
finds attractions in every hedge row
flowers insects birds nests many of
them disguised by their resemblance
in color to their surroundings and re
quiring close scrutiny in order that
they may be distinguished His eyes
are exercised beneficially in his daily
life and his vision would probably
be found somewhat to exceed the very
moderate standard of normality just
as that of the town child is apt to fall
below it Philadelphia Item
Modern School Building
The new high school building in
North Minneapolis Minn is one of
the most attractive and stately struc
tures of its kind in the Northwest
It is 162 by 82 feet and is in the style
of the Romanesque The base is of na
tive blue stone and the superstructure
of fire brick The trimmings are of
Kettle River sandstone and the roof
of Washington slate In the base
ment are the manual training depart
ment the drawing rooms engine and
boiler rooms etc On the first floor
are recitation and school rooms li
brary and geography and physiology
departments On the second floor are
class rooms On the top floor is an
assembly room with a seating capacity
of 1000 The building is thoroughly
equipped for educational purposes and
is lighted with gas and electricity and
heated with steam
Coming His Way
No said the man sternly I will
never give my consent to this marriage
The idea of asking me for my only
The young man shrugged his shoul
Suit yourself he said If you dont
give your consent Ill marry her with
out it
Ah young man you do not know her
if you think
She has already promised inter
rupted the young man
On the square asked the old manj
anxiously Youre not fooling nfe are
you 1
Sir -
Oh no of course you wouldnt do
that said the old man with a sigh of
relief Well go ahead then Itll be
cheaper all round I am more deter
mined than ever to refuse my consent
Chicago Post
Vr7 R MteST Yb o ttrJSJS
Home Remedies
A liniment made of ammonia sweet
oil and laudanum equal parts is good
for bruised surfaces or for tightness of
the chest Another for lameness and
for rheumatism is made of the whites
of two eggs two tablespoonfuls of spir
its of turpentine two tablespoonfuls of
vinegar Before using either of these
it should be well shaken
Turpentine is an excellent family ren
edy As an inhalation it Is soothing In
bronchitis pneumonia coughs and any
lung trouble Rubbed on the chest It
will ease the pain of aching lungs
For burns the application of pure lard
mixed to a paste with flour will be
found healing and will prevent any
scar from the injured part The same
is true of raw potato grated and applied
on a cloth the cloth being next the gar
ment the raw potato with Its juice be
ing on the injured flesh It must be
removed as soon as dried but its action
Is marvelous in severe burns
Children suffer from earache which
may be cured by the fumes of chloro
form To apply It make a funnel of
paper drop into it a bit of cotton sat
urated with the chloroform Press the
cotton in by blowing into the large en
of the funnel The application of a
hop bag heated will often ease the pain
The simpler the home i emedies the
better They are quite as efficacious
and are safer Salt lemons hot water
form a pharmacopoeia complete enough
for use without the doctors directions
except in accidents and croup The
curative effects of salt have never been
known as the should be
Sore and in5med eyes are relieved
by bathing with salt and water Sore
throat yields to a gargle of the same
The most obstinate cases of constipa
tion can be absolutely cured by the per-
sistent use of half a teaspoonful of salt
in a glass of water taken just before
going to bed or the first thing in the
morning Constipation is one of the
commonest evils
Baths of salt and cold water will
rouse a sluggish skin to action and will
cure cold feet Salt used occasionally
is a good dentifrice and keeps the teeth
free from tartar Salt and water used
on the hair now and then stops its com
imr out
T i1 T1J
Some Humors of Marriage
Scarcely a week passes without bring
ing news of some couple who have
found it necessary to emigrate tem
porarily generally into Wisconsin but
sometimes into Indiana in order to get
It is one of the curiosities of the lave
that in one and the same place here in
Illinois for example it arrays all sorts
ting married While leaving the way roH Jflj
structed f
Beofre a youthful couple who sign
profoundly for an opportunity to be
come disenchanted with each other can
enter upon the disenchanting process
they must if of less than a certain age
get the consent of their parents and
comply with certain conditions about
license or banns and all this at the cost
of some money and trouble and embar
rassment Its all well enough The
law ought to stand guard over mar
riages only it might well take more
pains to see that they are prudent It
does nothing in that way now But it
pays so much regard to the prejudices
and obstinacy of certain people who are
not directly concerned at all as to drive
the industry out of the State into com
munities where the theory seems to be
that marriage concerns nobody but the
contracting pair
The oddest part of the whole affair is
that parents should persist in the J
lete notion that they have a right to f
say something about it They ought to l
have learned by this time that there are
some things which we can do for others
and some things which each one of us
can do for himself or herself alone
They ought to have found out that it
is no more possible for them to choose
or reject a wife or a husbantl for their
son or daughter than it is possible for
daughter may eat JM
as to navmg tneir consent asned cyr
being consulted about the matter inad
vance why thats preposterous They
should be grateful if they learn about
it in time to provide for themselves
proper wedding garments Chicago
Phosphorus in the Brain
The human brain contains a consm
erable proportion of phosphorus vary
ing from one twentieth to one thirtieth
of the whole mass If the average
weight of the brain be taken at forty
seven and one half ounces it will then
contain phosphorus amounting to about
one and one half ounces Phosphorus
is found to be almost entirely wanting
in the brains of idiots
Much of the food given to animals is
wasted in the careless manner in which
it is handled hay being thrown into
loose racks or narrow troughs or even
on the floor of the stalls in excess of
the actual requirements a portion be
ing trampled A saving can also be
made in grinding the gram during the
winter when labor is not so high and
it will consequently be more digestible
Naming Babies in Russia
In Russia theCheremiss shakes th
baby till it Cries and then repeats a
string of names to it till it chooses one
itself by ceasing its tears
People dont look as good swallow
lag raw oysters a3 they feel