The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, November 05, 1896, Image 8

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Returns Indicate That His
Election Is Assured
Six Others Unreported and Claimed
by Both Xational Committees
The EastRollB UpTremeutlou majorities
for McKinley Chairman Hanna Claims
SOO Electoral Votes IViUISe the Net lie
suit Whua All Is Known Chairman
Jones Will ot Concede Defeat Till Coin
pleted lCctarns Are Received
mich3can a
Total S23
Total 1G
CracAGO Nov 4 At the headquart
ers of the Republican national commit
tee elaborate preparations were made
for the reception of election returns A
small army of accountants was on hand
to tabulate the figures received by tele
graph on special wires and compare
them with the votes -of 1892 and 1894
The news was late in starring and for a
time very slow in coming The first
definite message came from Donald Mac
Kay chairman of the Oregon state
central committee It was as follows
The city of Portland gives majority of
5000 for McKinley and this means state
for the Republican ticket
Then ensued an hour of indefinite
messages from all parts of the country
A message came from Baltimore saying
that Chairman Rusk of the Democratic
city central committee conceded that
city to McKinley by 15000
That means Maryland for us I
think said Vice Chairman Payne
quiokly We are going now and they
will never catch us After this tele
grams came in a shower that seemed
never to cease A howl of delight went
tip from the crowd in the halls and
rooms adjoining Mr Paynes office when
the telegraph machine ticked off a mes
sage from Chairman Ferry of the Michi
gan state central committee Michigan
is safe for McKinley by 50000 This
pews was cried out of the window to the
crowd below and a roar went up from
the pavement
The next chairman to report with de
finite assurances was Bixby of Minne
sota who said that his commonwealth
wanted Mr McKinley and wanted him
to the tune of 80000 to 85000 This
fcame in a few minutes before 8 oclock
end Yice Chairman Payne at once sent
out telegrams to Chairman Hanna in
Cleveland and to various state chairmen
saying McKinley has carried Chicago
fcy about 60000 Returns from Mich
igan Illinois Iowa Kentucky and Min
nesota show that those states are safe
for McKinley
The report from Nebraska headquar
ters to the effect that Bryan would be
beaten in his own state by a majority of
13000 gave the liveliest satisfaction and
oheers were loud and long when from
the east came news equally cheering
General William Osborne secretary of
the New York committee sent word
that McKinley had carried Maryland
West Virginia by 25000 and Hew York
by 300000 The west spoke up once
more and Iowa sent word that Bryan
would be 80000 to the rear when the
fiyrf roll was called Then came the
south with a promise of 20000 votes to
the good in Tennessee and safe major
ity in the Demooratio stronghold of Vir
2iuia At 0 oclock voo Chairman
aly be reached by an estimate based
jcoon tho gains and losses The
Panc Font the following mesage to
Chairman Hanna Wo now claim
Ohio by 50000 Indiana by 40000 Michi
gan by 40000 Wisconsin by 80000 Illi
nois by i 00000 Nebraska by 15000 Iowa
by 75000 Minnesota by 35000 Ken
tucky by 20000
At 230 oclock the Republican officii
at stare headquarters closed their doors
for the night saying the state had gone
between 100000 and 150000 for McKin
ley and about tho same for Tanner The
returns on congressmen were coining in
slowly and but one district lias sent in
its complete vote This was the Fif
teenth in which Warner Republican
was elected Tho partial returns from
other districts indicated that nearly
every one would elect the Republican
Indicated by Return- Received by the As
sociated Pros Up to Midnight
Ciiicago Nov 4 The returns re
ceived by the Associated Press up to
midnight indicate the probable election
of McKinley and Hobarfe although re
turns were so meager from a number of
doubtful states that this conclusion could
mates obtainable indicate that Maine
and Vermont have given majorities
somewhat reduced from the special elec
tions that New Hampshire gives about
200000 Massachusetts about 120000
and Rhode Island and Connecticut pro
portionate majorities all for Mc
Jlinley New York is estimated about
250000 and Pennsylvania is likely
tto reach this samciigure Maryland has
been carried for the Republican candi
date for president by a majority exceed
ing 20000 and Delawaro is considered
claimed but apparently in dispute al
though the plurality is not likely to ex
ceed 1 000 The returns from West Vir
ginia are not sufficient to instiry tiie
claim of either party Ohio has given a
very large Republican plurality and
Kentucky is apparently assured to the
McKinley column although later returns
roay not justify this claim Tennessee
seems to have been carried for Bryan
notwithstanding the confident assertions
to the contrary of the Republican man
agers and the same is probably true of
North Carolina Indiana and Michigan
as well as Minnesota indicate heavy
Republican gains and a strong probabil
ity that they have gone for McKinloy
Illinois will give McKinley over 100
000 luurality and North and South Da
kota are very close and still in doubt
Wyoming seemed to be for McKinley
The returns from the Pacific coast states
are too meager to justify any claim re
specting them The states of Vir
ginia South Carolina Florida -Georgia
Alabama Louisiana Arkansas Colo
Tado Nevada Montana and Idaho may
safely be placed in the Bryan column
The returns from Kansas and Texas are
scattering and indicate nothing although
heavy Republican gains are reported
dxom Dallas and Galveston
At 1230 later returns seemed to indi
cate that West Virginia Michigan and
Kentucky could be added to the Repub
lican column
Jilcssaffc Head Aloud In the Library While
lie Listened
Catox Nov 4 Major McKinley
spent yesterday afternoon with Chair
man Hanna and his party who with
the local committee were photographed
on McKinleys porch with the major as
the central figure At 4 oclock Mr
Hanna and his associates left for Cleve
land Mrs McKinley accompanying him
to the train
At G oclock returns began to come in
and preparations were made for reading
them nloud in the McKinley library
doors being open to all who chose to
come in The major sat at his desk
smoking a dry cigar listening atten
tively to each bulletin but showing no
outward concern as to the result One
dispatch from Joseph Manley at New
York headquarters said Maines ma
jority for McKinley would reach 50
000 and this was soon followed by an
other Mauley dispatch saying- New
York state will give you 200000 major
ity The major himself smiling read
a telegram from Max Pracht of Oregon
saying -Oregon is yours and the full
ness thereof
At 7 oclock Major McKinley retired
for supper while the reading of returns
proceeded Ud to that time he had made
no comment on returns further than to
say that the bulk of them came from the
east thus far When favorable returns
from Nebraska were read he sat impas
sive and apparently oblivious to excla
mations of approval from friends crowd
ed about him In a parlor across the
hall Mrs McKinley and her near rela
tives and friends received returns
By 8 oclock the character of private
dispatches and general returns reaching
the McKinley house were such that a
feeling of absolute confidence took pos
session of those centered in the majors
library The officials at Chicago head
quarters sent frequent private messages
to Major McKinley each one swelling
the total of states claimed for the Re
publican candidate
Tho detailed returns which were read
as they came appeared to bear out the
claims from headquarters and the spirit
of the victory achieved was on every
lip Governor McKinley had joined his
wife and aged -mother in the parlor
across the hall which was closed to the
general public
At 9 oclock the majors nephew Mr
Saxton emerged from the parlor with a
private dispatch just received It was
from Garret A Hobart vice presidential
candidate who at this early hour felt
that victory was won and telegraphed
his congratulations The message read
as follows
Congratulations with all my heart on
the glorious achievement under your
magnificent leadership The manhood
of the Republican party has asserted
itself and the nations honor and in
tegrity will never again be assailed by
the same forces Mrs Hobart joins
me in congratulations
There was a round of applause from
the group within the library as Mr
Hobarts words were rend Soon there
after Major McKi ilv came from the
parlor and joined the crowd in the outer
room His face wore unmistakeable
looks of satisfaction and he smiled and
chatted with those about him on the
favorable character of the -reports He
vwas not yet ready however to express
his own judgment on the result although
it was evident hn jh vrfl fVin frwnflrfll
feeling of confidence that he had carried
the day j
Another dispatch to Mr cK3nlev
gave the estimate of Dr Jamison-chairman
of the Republican committee of
Illinois as follows Our reports up to
the present time 840 indicates that we
will run aver an 100000 for McKinley
and Tanner Ifrmay be better because
the reports so far are -from Democratic
precincts largely XstilL believe that we
will make it 150000 it willibe over 100-
000 anyway i
Mr McKinley received a tremendous
ovation from his Canton townspeople
He took a position on top of tho porch
of his residence and -waved his saluta
tions to the enthusiastic concourse The
nighfwas made as lightens day by the
hundreds of flambeau and acres of red
and green fire Major McKinley made
no address For an hnnr ttir nmmrir
able spectacleproceeded The whistles
of all the factories -joined in one long
continued screech which echoed
throughout the town Mingled with
this was the booming of cannon the
nnng or guns and pistols the shouts
from thousands of throats JThe crowd
was massed sQndlyorjjthree squares
down Market street
Members of National Committee Receive
Returns In Jones Office
Chicago Nov 4 Chairman Jones
and other members of the Democratic -national
executive committee including
Secretary Walsh ComnrittGemen John
son of Kansas and Campau of Michigan
received returnsin Chairman Jones of
fice where an Associated Press wire had
been run Chairman Washburne of the
Populist national committee was also
present as were also Senators Teller of
Colorado and Tillman of South Carolina
The firstreturais received at Democratic
national headquarters were -from Rut
land Kan and gave a vote of 611 for
Bryan and 71 for McKinley The early
returns from the eastern states showed
Republican gains in about every instance
But little interest -however
was man
ifested in the returns admittedly Repub
lican The first surprise came from
Baltimore which showed a big major
ity for McKinley indicating that tho
state had gone Republican Every re
port from thp middle western states was
eagerly watched for and much gratifica
tion was expressed at the first report
from Michigan This was from Gratiot
county giving Bryan 800 plurality
This county gave Harrison a plurality
of 1376 in 1802
I have seen fao unfavorable reports
from any state that we have ever made
except from Kentucky -said Chairman
Jones at 11 pm reports from that
state indicate a larger defection than we
had anticipated but we do not- concede
that state by any means We can lose
Kentucky and will then diave enough
electoral votes to win
At 11 pm Chairman Jones received a
message from State Chairman Martin
stating that Indiana was absolutely cer
tain for Bryan Late telegrams from
Michigan indicate large Democratic
gains and the Democratic committee
base th hopes of Bryans election upon
results m these two states -
Returns from half tho precincts in St
Louis according to the Republic silver
Democrat indicate that itwillbe carried
by the Republicans by 15000 plurality
It concedes the election of Poaxsc Rep J
and Bartow Rep in the Tenth and
Eleventh districts It claims that Hunts
Dem in the Twelfth district is elected
by 2000 plurality over Joy Rep
Considers That There Is Still Grounds for
Hope of His Success
Lincoln Nov 4 Mr Bryans im
mediate friends reported at midnight
that he did not consider the- case as
definitely lost but on the contrary he
considered that there was still ground
forliope of his success He had ex
pected that the first returns being from
the larger cities would be ugaiust him
He left orders that the principal bulletins
be sent to his rooms and he read them
there manifesting especial interest in
the roports from Nebraska Mrs Bryan
spent the early part of the evening with
her guests She did not lose her cus
tomary cheerfulness in the face of the
reports and she appeared well prepared
for the worst though evidently not de
void of hope for better f ortune than the
reports appeared to warrant She re
tired about 10 oclock leaving the en
tertainment of her guestsjjo friends who
had assembled Sheiemained after
this hour with her husband
In case of the confirmation of the re
port of his defeat it is understood to be
Mr Bryans intention to issue an ad
dress urging the maintenance of the sil
ver cause as the paramount issue for the
next campaign At 12 oclock the cor
respondents at the Bryan houseawaiting
the results were served with lunch and
at 1230 the library was closed and no
more bulletins were received Mr Bryin
was asleep and no one was allowed to
see him
The bulletins relating to the stato con
gressional ticket in NebraskaNvere un
satisfactory and it was nearly impossible
to form an estimate from them Re
sults from scattering precincts were
received and the little group gathered in
the library of the home of the nominee
compared them as best it could with the
results of four years ago The members
of the party figured it out that Bryan in
all liklihood would carry the state The
returns on the congressional vote as
made to Mr Bryan were of no value
and nothing could be learned from
them State ChairmanDahhnan of thtf
Democratic committee telephoned from
Omaha that McKinleys majority there
would be only about GOO or 800 and that
lie counted the state safe for ryaa by
ib mt lown -
National aed Entire Stute Ticket JSeceives
am TEnormous Vote
Des Moines Nov 4 At 10 oclock
the Republican state committee gave out
an official claim that McKinley will
carry the state by 87000 on the basis of
returns thus far received Secretary
Turner said The committee is grati
fied at the assurance that its former
claim 75000 plurality will be mere
than justified We are now certain of
electing everyone of the Iowa congress
At the Democratic headquarters no
statement could be had It was claimed
the returns thus far received were chiefly
from the cities where tlie Democrats
expected Republican gains The Demo
cratic committee represents that the Te
turnsirom the country would still carry
the -state for T3ryanby a small plurality
The Palmer and Buckner vote in the
state will be very light probably not
over 5000 0he state vote will be 25000
larger than ever before cast
Democratic Gains In Lincoln
Lincoln Nov 4 McKinleys major
ity in Lincoln is 1018 This is a Demo
cratic gain as the city has generally
been Republican by a considerably
larger vote Bryans ward the Fifth
gave a majority of 208 against him and
his precinct 97 majority in opposition
These are all reductions of former
The Seventh ward of Lincoln complete
gives McKinley one majority out of a to
tal vote of 681 Two years ago it was
carriedby the Republicans by 213 The
Fourth ward of Lincoln gives McKinley
813 and Bryan 614
At Democratic headquarters it is
claimed that McKinley will carry the
city of Lincoln by not more than 1000
but they say that will be oixset in other
parts of the county and the chances are
that Bryan will carry Lancaster county
With 11 precincts not reported the
vote Jin Douglas county is McKinley
9430 Bryan 8217 Missing precincts
are one in the Third ward two in tho
Eighth ward four in South Omaha aud
four in country
One hundred and ninety four
outside of Douglas county give
McKinley 20036 Bryan 18904 Two
years ago these gave Majors 18797
Holcomb 15958
Omaha Nov 4 The -count on gov
ernor has proceeded slowly but Hol
comb led with 13432 votes against Mac
Coils 11143 This was the showing
from 111 towns and precincts
California Goes Republican
San Francisco Nov 4 California
has--joined the east in tho McKinley
landslide and its majority for the Re
publican standard bearer will reach 5000
at least Many of the counties have not
yet sent in returns but the more popul
ous and those on which the fate of the
election hinged have all been heard from
and swell the Republican majorities to a
point where nothing to come later can
possibly disturb them Los Angeles
which was the stronghold in the
southern tier of counties is estimated as
giving from 1200 to 2000 majority for
McKinley Great interest is centered
on the congressional ticket Ontside of
this city only one Democratic representa 1
tive seems to have been chosen The
legislature has gone with the general
result and may be safely classed as Re
publican thus insuring the return of a
Republican to the United States senate
San Francisco Nov 4 Indications
are that the Republicans will have a ma
jority in the next legislature which is to
electa United States senator Incom
plete returns have ben received from
66 out of the 80 assembly districts and
these show the election of 49 Repub
licans 17 Democrats and one Populist
Returns have been received from 13 of
the 20 senatorial districts and these
show the election of 15 Repub
licans and six Democrats which
with the 17 holdover Republican senators
and three holdover Democrats will give
the Republicans the majority by 49 on
joint ballot without considering the re
maining 21 senatorial and assembly dis
tricts yet to be heard from Those dis
tricts which have not been heard oni
are principally located in San Francisco
Teller Sure of 3le Eleotion
Denver Nov 4 The result on the
election of state officers is still doubtful
Bryans plurality will reach 110000 in
the state and Congressman Shafroth
Silver Republican and Bell Populist
are re elected by 50000 to 60000 major
ity each Returns from half the precinct
in the city indicate that Bailey Populist-Silver
candidate for governor will
have a small plurality in the city but
advices from the state show that in
many places Adams Democrat Silver
Republican candidate has run far
ahead No definite figures can be given
on legislature but the re election of Sen
ator Teller is assured in any event all
parties except the MoKinley Repub
licans having indorsed him
Indiana by 30000
Indianapolis Nov 4 The returns
from Indiana up to 7 a m indicate net
Republican gain of about 1 1 to a pre
cinct which would give the stato to Mc
Kinley by 30000
Count In Kansas Is Slow
Topeka Kan Nov 4 Sixty four out
of 2128 precincts in Kansas give Mc
Kinley 8679 Bryan 3336 Morrill Re
publican for governor S02 majority over
Leedy Populist
Louisville Ky Nov 4 At 5 a m
the Republican stute committee claims
the state by 4000 to 10000 based upon
the revised estimates and returns The
enormous majorities piled up in cer
tain Populist and free silver strongholds
of western Kentucky are suspicious as
they are based upon a vote greater tban
the combined Democratic aud Populist
vote- Corrected figures reduce esti
mated Democratic majorities in several
districts and include majorities in other
districts the slump to Bryan was con
fined to the four districts west of Louis
ville in Wfcch nine tenths of tho
I- r r 7-v-- - - pin - Vl1 S
fptYff TJIifilTlirilUTff
few exceptions The other counties
show handsome Republican gains and
prove that but for fusion of Populists
and Democrats McKinley would have
had a walkover
Senator Gorman Defeated
Baltimore Md Nov 4 The Demo
crats of Maryland under the leadership
of Senator Gorman have again tasted
the bitterness of a defeat so crashing as
to be almost despairing The almost
phenomenal majority of 20000 for
Lowndes a year ago has been duplicated
and perhaps exceeded as with full re
turns from two tliirds of the state and
half of the city the indications arc that
McKinley leads Bryan by 30000 20000
of which has been contributed by Balti j
more city heretofore a Gibraltar of De- f
mocrucy Five Republican congressmen
have surely been elected the only doubt
ful district being the First in which
Joshua W Miles Democrat may be re-
cxuotcvt jji uu - - iiaixiini
mously Republican council has wen
Pinjjree Kiiiiuin Ahead
Detroit Mich Nov 4 Returns
from the city and state are coming in
slowly The delay in Detroit is caused
by the counting of the city ticket first
Bryan is running ahead of the state
ticket in Detroit Pingree Republican
candidate for governor is running away
ahead of McKinley in this city
but is running behind in the stute J
The indications are that McKinley will
carry Detroit and Wayne county by a
small plurality The few returns from
the state show large Democratic gains
The Republicans claim JO out of the 12
congressmen and pay they have a fight
ing chance to capture the Third and
Tenth districts winch would give them
a solid delegation They claim the
state by from 30000 to 50000
Xorth Dakota For 3li Kinley
Bismarck Nov 4 The Republicans
have carried the state by from 5000 to
8000 Fifty thtce precincts out of J 213
give McKinley 2 60S and Bryan 1617
This is a Republican gain and shows
that the Republican national state and
congressional tickets are elected and
that North Dakota will have a senator
who favors the gold standard Tho
roads in the countiy arc particularly bad1
on account of the recent snowstorms
It was impossible to drive over
land in certain parts of the
Red Rivor valley Later reports from
over the state showed an improvement
in the weather from the morning hour
There was a steady rush of voters to get
their ballots in early Yesterday a per
emptory writ of mandamus from Judge
Morgan was served on the conimissicn
ers of Benton county requiring them to
establish a voting precinct for the use of
the several Indians of the Devils Lake
reservation The precinct was estab
lished and if all have voted they will
control the legislative vote in this dis
Fargo N D Nov 4 One hundred
and three precincts out of 1213 in rhe
state give McKinley 2155 majority and
all fusion strongholds heard from The
next legislature will be compered of
three quarters Republicans
3Jticky btatc
CoLUitBUR O Nov 4 Ohio elected
yesterday besides presidential electors a
secretary of state railroad commissioner
supreme judge and public works com-
missioner The Populists and Demo
crats fused en the state and electoral
tickets There were P502J0 votes cast
in 1892 Tuerday tlio total vote cat
was about 925000 While- the returns
from Ohio ore meager aud indefinite
they all point to a Repr Liican plurality
In no ct e do they plaow a Democratic
gain The cities show large and
the rural precincts so far as heard from
show a net Jiepublican gain of 26 per
precinct Tills would indicate a Re
publican plurality in the state of at
least 50000 j
Portland Or Nov 4 McKinloy
has carried Multnomah county by 5000
majority Reports indicate a very heavy
voc throughout the state It is thought
Bryan will come to Portland with a
very small plurality
Portland Or Nov 4 Nearly three
fourths of the total vote of Oregon has
been received McKinley 32133 Bryan
27409 McKinleys plurality is 4724
Palmers vote in the state will be about
100 It is etimated that the precincts
yet to be heard from will reduce Mc
Kinleys plurality 1500 making his
plm ality in the state 2300
Claim We t Virginia
Wheeling W Ya Nov 4 Figures
on which to base a correct estimate of
the result in Wet Yirginia are not
available At midnight not more than
five counties had been heard from and
they are only estimated They give
a Republican gain over 1892 of 2500
This includes the city of Wheeling
Official reports from seven precincts in
Wheeling show a net Republican gain
of 56 over 1894 wiien the Democratic
majority theretofore existing was com
pletely reversed Chairman Dawson of
the Republican state committee said to
the Associated Press representative at
midnight McKinley has carried West
Virginia by from 12000 to 15000
New Jersey Tor 3IeKinley
Trenton N J Nov 4 The latest
returns from the several counties of
New Jersey -with proportionate estimate
for the unreported precincts indicate
that McKinley will carry the state by
from 45000 to fO00p The Republicans
elect six of the Sglit congressmen with
the indications that Pitney Rep also
has carrirdthe Fourth district by 1200
Young lias probably carried t e
Seventh district by 2500 Tho Repub
licans have elected six of the eight state i
senators and probably 45 of the GO as-
semblymen and will have a large ma-
jority in both houses of the state legisla
Iianasliue In ZTew York
New Tokk Nov 4 McKinley and
Hobart made a clean sweep of the Em
pire state The Democratic plurality of
45000 in 1892 was reversed and tlienh T
prccedcntcd plurality of 284000 hvJ
beau rolled up for the Republican-
Tammanys enormous majority tx this
city has been overcome and this strong
hold of the Democracy lias given a
plurality of 16000 for Mc Kijilcy In
Lrookiyn McKinleys plurality is 29
000 In the state outside ohe two
cities he has a plurality of 234000
Albany Nov 4 With less than one
fourth of the election districts above the
Harlem river to hear from and with
the vote of New York city and Kings
county complete the plurality of Mc
Kinley over Bryan promises to exceed
303000 in the state One county in the
state Schoharie which is the home of
Chairman Danforth of the State Demo
cratic committee has given Bryan a plu
rality of 500 New Yorkcity has broken
its political record of presidential elec
tions If has given a Republican plu
rality for president for the first time in
its history from 1832 to 1896
South Dakota
Yankton S D Nov 4 At 130 a
m the Republican majority in South
Dakota suffered a loss Congressman
Gamble has wired the chairman of the
Republican congressional committeo
that the Republican state electoral and
congressional tickets are elected by safe
majorities 84 precincts giving McKin
ley 5871 Bryan 4410 The Bryan
vote is much larger than anticipated
At midnight returns from 72 out ofj
1030 precincts give McKinley 1400 ma
Ithode Inlands I Jig Vote
Providenci R I Nov 4 The stata
has given McKinley an overwhelming
majority The Democrats themselves
admit McKinley has a plurality of 15
000 while the Republicans claim 25000
the highest plurality ever given in
Rhode Island as the vote is the largest
ever cast The vote for the gold candi
dates is very small
Utah ror Isebriixitan
Salt Lake City Utah Nov 4 But
meager returns are at hand but such a9
have been received and reliable estimates
show that Bryan and Sewjill have car
ried Utah by 40000 to 45000 majority
and King Democrat is elected to con
gress by probably 1000 majority The
legislature is in doubt
Virginia Democratic
Richmond Nov 4 The returns re
ceived here indicate that the Democrat
have carried Virginia by 20000 Demo
cratic congressmen are elected as fol
lows Jones First district Lamb
Third Swanson Fifth Otoy Sixth
Graty Seventh and Rico Fourth
IJryan Wins Washington
Tacoma Nov 4 Sullivan Rep
candidate for governor concedes the
election of Rogers his fusion opponent
Bryan and fusion tickot have apparently
carried the t tatc by a majority of less
than o3000and gives control of the legis
lature to the Republicans CompleK
returns from 59 precincts in Washington
outside of Tacoma and Seattle give Mc
Rt n V SnTllVart
-- j j wuiuu2l
ltep lor governor 2jy Kogers Iu 2tt
sion 5iy -
SnATTLE Nov 4 Thirty three pre
cincts in Seattle and King County com
plete give McKinley l5f4 Bryan 1052
Governor Rogers fusion 1077 Sulli
van Rep 1020
Portland Or Nov 4 Returns from
tho fta of Washington are very
monger but at 1 30 a m indications
pointod to tho succor of the Bryan
electors and tho entire fusion state
ticket including two cm pressmen 88
precincts out of 100 in the state giving
McKinley 1069 Bryan 1581
Wyoming In Uouhf
Chicago Nov 4 The Associated
Prcs received the following from Joseph
M Carey Cheyenne Wyo Wyoming
in great doubt think McKinley will
have Fmall majority It may require
official count to decide wiio is elected
Republican H a U5 IMajijrity In th
CmcAGONov 4 The Chicago Tribune
at 130 this morning claims that the next
congres will stand Republicans 233
Democrats 111 and II independents
maae up ot Populists and tree silver Ke
The Times Herald prints a table of the
nest house Total Republican 235 Democrat-Populist
122 Republican majority
113 antisilver Republicans 232 antisil
ver Democrat Populist 3 Republicans
for silver 3 Democrat Populists for ss
ver 119 sound money majority 118f
Democratic Maryland sends a solid
Republican delegation Kentucky will
have a gold standard majority Even
in Georgia the Republicans get a foot
hold by the election of J F Doyle in
the First district
New York Nov 4 At 130 aJm the
returns from the various states indicate
the election of 200 Republican congress
men and 85 Democrats No returns
have been received from Alabama Cali
fornia Delaware or Washington The
present complexion of the house i3 244
Republicans 105 Democrats 6 Populisti
and 1 Silver Party
on Pluralities
Chicago Nov 4 In response to tele
grams requesting the best and most re
liable conservative estimates of tho ma
jority or plurality in the different states
Associated Press correspondents at the
different state capitals send the follow
ing with pluralities for McKinley
Maine 45000 New Hampshire 35000
Vermont 33000 Massachusetts 120000
Rhode Island 20000 Connecticut 40
000 New York 275000 New Jersey
42000 Pennsylvania 280000 Delaware
1000 Wj omiug doubtful
Eaer Elected
Caset la 27ov 4 Incomplete re
turns from Adair county indicate that
McKinley and Hugers majority will be
nearly 500
jJreckinridire Went DoTvn
Frnxfobt Ky Nov iFor coa
cress Settle 2459 Breckinridge 216