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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1896)
D L 4 - rV X yi Ik lx rii VOL XI THIS AND THAT Com ina Events Valentino Teachers Association Nov 14 Crookstoa Teachers Association Nov 21 TlumlvSglving Nov iW When will the suspence end any way Bob Lucas is down from Gordon today Ira Richardson is up from Giliaspie precinct E McDonald is down from Crooks ton today P Sullivan is in from Cody getting election news Enoch Flowers Uosebud to vote came home from Jesse Leanaugh came down from Ohadron this morning J W Burleigh of Simeon was in town a few days this week Horace Speere came down from Xavaca with election returns Lots of fun was occasioned Tuesday when Sitzler swore in his vote C Ii Glover and wife returned from Omaha Monday night after a pleasant visit Prof H Johnson of Cody was a very pleasant caller at headquarters yesterday Dr McConville and wife of Rose bud came over from the agency last evening Mark Zarr came down from Rosebud Agency Monday and returned Wed nesday The Mystic Six seem to be concoc ting some sort of mischief for the near future We are informed that John Grange is seriously ill of typhoid fever at Kennedy Harmony visited in town a few days this week Charlie White is laid up with a lame foot the same having been crushed by -4-- a hay baler Dan Handy Jim Hull Cole Ainsley and JOave George came down from the Brick Yard to vote Mrs Ludwig returned home Tue s day from the south part of the county whorp she has been visiting X he vote of C D ikose cattle soli citor was challenged by M Christen sen Tuesday but was sworn in The largest and best line of cloaks and capes ever shown in Valentine will be found at T C Hornbys 36 Charlie Bullis is tending bar for Prank Fischer He will prove a valu able assistant to the latter gentleman All the flags in town were flung to the breezes Tuesday showing the patriotic spirit of the citizens of the town The storm of last week was a cork er to use a slang expression and roads were badly blockaded for a day or two Charlie Watson returned from his hunting trip in the sand hills last Tuesday morning to use his rights at the polls W T Bullis came down from the reservation to vote last Tuesday He expects to remain at home the rest of the winter D Stmard seems to be doing a big busines in the clothing line and from the looks of his store one would think he needed more room The quarenteen was raised from the Flowers residence last Sunday the physicians deciding that the desease was no longer contagious WE Waite and Thomas Fitzhenry came up from Kennedy Tuesday after noon to get news from the election and returned this morning home in Chicago yesterday morning after a very pleasant visit of a few weeks here with friends and relatives An elocutionary entertainment for the benefit of the school liabrary will be given by Mrs H H Watson ted by Mrs A B Carroll and Misses MacDonald and Davenport Friday evening November 13 at the dist church Entire proc ed t b up- plied on lib na s5 1 Mae Davenport Edna MacDonald Editors School is now dismissed at 4 The coldest days of the past week gymnastics were engaged in instead of the customary recess in all the rooms Remember snowballing is not al lowed on the school grounds Election returns are as anxiously awaited by our school children as by older persons Miss Edith M Stark visited High School Monday Elmer Bristol was a visitor at High School Monday afternoon the the Dry Creek No school in this district Thursday on account of the storm Mr Lovell Starr of Connelly flats was a visitor at Mr Dunns this week a few days Lee Miller instead of returning to Iowa has taken a contract of extract ing logs from the bluffs on the agency and will prolong his stay indefinitely ask a certain young lady what made him change his mind so suddenly Dewey Kellogg has moved his family on the Hily Cole place where they will reside until spring Mr Hahn came out from Valentine and attended to his threshing last week Arthur Graeff and John Ryshon re turned from the hay flats Monday Messrs Burt Jones and Lee Miller and Misses Douna Miller and Netta Dunn attended church at Crookston last Sunday but strange to relate when they returned they didnt know the text Miss Edith Stark who is teaching at The political speakers at Harmony school bouse Tuesday night were full but it wasnt of politics Mr Smith visited his farm Monday J3rCrej2kschool has twenty one scholars enrolled nowr Dry Creek inen folks are busily en gaged getting out wood at present Viola Wood take Jfo Well Kelly Auntie is getting along line couldnt ask for better heal th W Y Johnson and ivife were talc ing in the the sights of the city today Mr Hall Bakewell cast tois first vote today TVe hope that Hall will make his vote count Chas Muiphy took in the eights at Aiusworth last Saturday evening also attended an entertainment Pat why didnt you tafce your best girl Miss Mamie Stevenson is no longer working for Mrs Johnson Miss Sadie Dewey went to the coun try last Wednesday to attend the wedding at Mr Butlers place returned home Sunday evening But -we learn she failed to attend the wedding Mr Cunningham has moved down in the south part of town no wonder Ed is so happy Mrs Swan is on the sick sick list this week School closed to day on account of election Kellys Aunt J A Hootan and family of Fort Meade S D but formerly of Butte this state arrived in town Monday and are now domiciled in D S Lud wigs house on Cherry street Mr Hootan has the contract for hauling the 000 cords of wood to be put in at Fort Niobrara by AdamB this win ter and will employ five or six men The Spriugview Herald got out great paper last week great from a a Miss Helen Sparks returned to her republican stand point Not a single item of home news and not a thought of the editor appeared therein Two supplements were also enclosed and the whole was edited by the republican state central committee Mrs Lewis Archer of Kewanee died Tuesday of cancer and is to be buried at Kewanee today - This lady was the wife of Capt Archer who is IOUP Lavaca Merriraan Mother Lake Minnechaduza Nenzel FleaflankHill Sparks j Sharps Ranch Steen Scblagel Table Valentine Wood Lake 39 48 18 29 18 16 28 13 18 21 87 53 HE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT CHERRY COUNTY JNDEPENDEN 20 29 9 17 t 27 14 8 9 20 1 15 20 25 64 22 3 12 27 15 14 19 109 43 23 38 25 Ki 18 29 12 18 22 19 25 40 51 20 28 19 18 20 ii 17 21 92 63 17 25 1 18 20 15 7 9 21 o 14 19 23 57 17 12 28 13 14 19 104 42 17 381 23 20 15 29 12 19 27 20 25 38 51 21 23 21 18 20 11 18 22 87 58 21 vG M 29 15 8 y 27 o IS 21 22 5 19 o 13 27 15 12 18 112 49 1 i -14 21 21 ri 20 33 18 9 17 20 15 20 15 21 1C 21 14 23 12 8 11 13 a IS 24 27 23 17 2 21 22 13 23 42 2S 42 17- 00 12 -24 2i 53 1C 2 15 13 15 14 23 28 25 ii 15 io 18 12 18 18 19 21 82 110 91 I 58 39 52 The vote on commissioner from Second district is as follows Parker P Buffalo Lake 17 Cleveland 21 Dewey Lake i Kennedy 20 Loup Mother Lake- Pleasant Hill 10 Sehlagle 22 Sharps Ranch Sleen 8 Wood Lake 55 DM In Brown County Down in Brown county the demo crats and populists have elected their candidate for county attorney E Mae Davisson by a majority of seven votes over the republican candidate P D McAndrew and great it the rejoicing thereat E B Brain is defeated for representative by about 40 votes and now the Newport Republican can crow over the success of the dirty campaign waged against a gentleman by the true Christian and eloquent preacher P H Eighray Billings for representative is elected over Horton and Mutz has defeated Ely although the former ran behind his tick I m amost ovnr in Henna Jl 19 7 20 20 15 a 14 50 MeKmley -1 C tr 10 8 15 12 59 LI 24 10 1 21 10 17 30 21 22 28 47 19 20 21 2 1 13 18 25 I 24 ii y 10 17 15 17 97 w 45 57 1 28 21 221 10 2C1 58 28 5 1 28 i 17 ir 18 1 10 45 1 4 11 1 4 1 15 1 10 i 17 19 140 59 i THE VOTE OF CHERRY COUNTY PRECINCT BunaioJUike 21 BoillnE Springs 37 Cleveland 21 Dewey Lake 25 Enlow Ell 17 Gillaspie 29 German m Georgia 21 Irwin 24 Kewance 20 Kennedy 25 a a w o o O O NaMESOF CANDIDATES V CI Z G 5 O -it o 31 41 JO 21 15 9 0 33 6 15 53 33 And then hurrah for the entire Democratic state ticket an wind up with three cheers for our Co D Dynn 62 Dist No 22 -Downing 104 Hansen 73 C H Thompson Chas Maxwell and Henry Razey were elected judges of election and Robert Good and D E Sherman clerks The constitutional amendments received 129 votes for and 27 votes against iiiTOrney lLocal Election Kewa The vote of Valentine precinct was as follows the democrats and popu lists being named first--President-Bryan 87 McKinley 109 Palmer 9 Governor Holcomb 92 MacColl 104 Lieutenant Governor Harris 80 Teff t 101 Secretary of State Porter 87 Piper 104 Auditor of Public Accounts Cornell 85 uiedlund 100 Superin tendent Jackson 87 Corbett 92 Glover 20 Attorney General Smyth 91 Churchill 100 Commissioner of Lands and Buildings Wolfe 91 Russell 102 Regent -of University Rawlings 89 Whitmore 97 Supreme Judges Kirkpatrick 82 Neville 83 Kinkaid 109 Ryan 98 Congressman Greene 87 Cady 112 State Senator Mutz 82 Ely 110 Representative Billings 91 Hortou 97 Ccunty Attor ney Thurston 86 Walcott 116 For Court House Bonds 140 against 6 The democratic republican precinct ticket was elected by the following vote Assessor Dunn 103 Callen 76 Constable To wne 123 Hackler 55 Justice of the Peace Shaw 100 Bullis 87 OH District No 21 -House i25 The election news found on the last page of this paper is made up from the Associated Press reports received up to 3 oclock yesterday afternoon and are authentic Later reports give Mc Kinley 2G5 electoral votes with a pos sibility of increasing the number to 274 Chairman Jones has not yet sur rendered to the enemy but he may as well do so if reports received here fire correct Mill Sanderson is playing stage driver on the Thedford Kennedy line August Butt killed a golden eagle a few days ago It measures six feet nine inches from tip to tip A W Trumbull formerly a resident of this county but now a Grand Island and Walter Countryman of the same place are in this vicinity hunting Brown lee Hornet J W Spirk who has for the last five years been bookkeeper at the Minnechaduza Mills started this morn ing for Omaha where he will remain a few days before entering upon his duties in the mill at Pierce Joe will be sadly missed from among the old time young people of Valentine Walter Hare died at Fort Niobrara yesterday and will be buried tomorrow in the old cemetery at 11 oclock The remains will be met by the friends from town as the funeral pro- cession comes from the post The services will be conducted in the cemetery Private Jacob Strine who was con cerned in the shooting affair at Fort Niobrara some time ago was trans ferred Tuesday and went to Fort Crook yesterday morning Xotice The Town Site Company of Georgia Nebraska herewith gives notice that the name of the town will be changed from Georgia to Ripler Ciiekky County Land C03ipany U S Land Office at Valentine Neb 1 Nov 4th 130 i Notice is hereby given that the follnwing nameil settler lus filed notice of his intention to make tlual proof in support of his claim and that said prowf will be made before the Register and Ueceiverit Valentine Neb on Dec nth 189Cviz John C Nichols of Reige Nebr HE No 8831 for the lots 3 4 and e swi Sf C 31 Tp 80 H 33 He names the following witnesses to prove his rontimmus resilience upon and cultivation of said land vU P it- and TPter Gallowav of s t K tcr u d I ter RciniHjs A T at we are Where we are ii1 VALENTINE CHERRY CO NEBRASKA THURSDAY NOVEMBER 5 1896 OUR SCHOOL DEPARTMENT At StettersOW Stand on Main Street TH AL fc Worth of NO 41 Just received Fine Winter Dress Goods Double Width for 25 Gents per Yard YOU KNOW That the best plaee in town to buy fresh fruits and vegetables is at DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best plaee in town to bnv ro ceries and qonfectionery is at PetryercAvs DIDNT YOU KNOW That the liioiiest price for butter and cirs is always paid at Pettycrews If you didnt try Mm and yon will HERRY floUNTY Rank Valentine Nebraska Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security soLhiled at reasonable rates County depository JE 5PARKS President CHa30IESvSFAT FCasIifeT Who we are n 2a u j u IlifJUJa ii tjtr v - i tjct JVIMIIN O 1 VALENTINE - rn s B39 0 BBSasa A 7 J 0 Oi OT JH OUiGLEY PROP I 5 t DEALER IN DRUGS PAIHTS VARNISHES TOILET SUNDRIES NEBRASKA RANK OF VALENTINE BeL TrtViy - Mwntnwi I Will I II ITB fTTTTW ill ff -1-T- I IWT r X C M COKNELJL President 32 V X1CHOVX Cashier Valentine Nebraska A General Banking Business Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic- and Worcigii IHJaccItanfje Correspondents Cheraical National Bank New YorK First National Bank Omaba is a FsgrT WILL FURNISH - Fish G ame Tender Steaks J ncy Roasts Dry Salt Meats and the iiLest line of Smoked Hams and Breakfast Bacon ever sold in town GEO G SGHWALM PROP N HEADQTJARTEBS WINES LIQUOIIS and CIGARS OJ the Choices Urands BBASiKA 26 0 1 r C A W 0 n 1 1G