The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 29, 1896, Image 1

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Comina Event
Democratic Flag Day Oct 31
Western Teachers Association Oct 31
L K Alder Oct 31
Halloween jet 31
Election Day Nov 3
Valentine Teachers Association Nov li
Crooksttm Teachers Association Nov 21
ilianksgivlng Nov 26
Vote for Bryan
Vote for Porter
vote for Cornell
Vote for Holcomb
Vote for Thurston
Vote for C J Smyth
Vote early but not often
TriE Democrat 1 per year
A Thanksgiving dance will be given
at Cody
Dont neglect voting for the court
iouse bonds
John Steinbrenhor was down from
Kilgore Monday
W P Al8ip the brick yard man is
in towu this week
C H Butler of Prankport Kansas
was in town Monday
Section men on the railroad will be
discharged this week
D M Underwood of Fairburn S D
was in town Tuesday
Mrs Ed Satterlee is visiting her
parents here this week
Eichard Grooms was in from
precinct yesterday
Wanted Presh milch cow with
calf Enquire at this office
Prof Jay Cuaningham was up from
-Kennedy the first of the week
Forty live trains of cattle went over
Hhe road in three days last week
Deputy TJ S Marshal Bray was
down from Lead City yesterday
JFridny and -Saturday in cur city
U E J DeBcll Rosebuds popular
merchant was in town yesterday
L A Alder speaks here Saturday
night in favor of the gold standard
snley Thy is over frota
vinir compieiocrmsrunr there -
utuie worm juuuu nave oeen
-shipped from tfTood Lake tUis season
LrcC Jhl ITr0 as of Sparks made
us a pleasant cail Monday afternoon
Nellie Buliis and Adella Sawyer
visited at Sparks Saturday and Sun
Jacob ST Campbell who is touring
the northwest for Bryan was in town
Minnie De Woody spent a few days
with her parents in Ainsworth the
past week
Thos M Huntington the Gordon
banker was transacting business in
town Saturday
Val Nicholson and sister in -law
Miss Sparks of Chicago spent Sun
day in Amswofth
One of the push engines No 17
has been relieved from duty and sent
fcack to Longpine
Wanted -Wood on subscription
Dry hard wood preferred Call early
Timd avoid the rush
The Chadron Roller Mill started up
again last week under the manage
ment of Bobert Hood
Prof Sam Hudson of Simeonratart
ed for Gainesville Mo this week He
will return in the spring
S A McKeever was over from the
artesian well last Saturday The drill
is down about 2300 feet
Somebody ought to get married
pretty soon so asto give our connubial
editor a chance to air his talents
A letter from C 11 Glover under
date cf October 27 says We gD to
hear Palmer and JBtickner tonight
The largest and best line of cloaks
and capes ever shown in Valeutirte
will be found at T C Hornbys 36
X E Gardner and sister Belle were
in town from Xordeu last Saturday on
a combined business and pleasure trip
Albert Watkins and R W Patrick
two Palmer and Buckner democrats
will hold the boards Cornell Hill
lnblisber8 Notice
lu order to introduce The Valen
tineDemocrat into homes where it
does not now go regularly the pub
lisher will upon receipt of one dollar
send the paper to new subscribers from
now until January 1 1898 This
offer is unprecedented for a paper of
the size and quality of The Demo
crat and if you are not now on the
list this is the time to send in your
name with a dollar
Wm Krotter the Stuart lumber
merchant was in town one day last
G W Dibbell and wife who were
visiting at Rosebud returned to their
home in New York Friday morning
G H Smyser of Independence
Iowa father of our liveryman arrived
in town Sunday and is visiting his
Dr Chas E McChesney Indian
agent at Rosebud came
agency business Tuesday returning
this morning
J W Stetter purchased Frank
Gilletts tools and has opened a meat
market in the Stillwell buildiug with
Fritz Keck in charge
W I Kmcajd went to Lincoln last
week as a delegate from Valentine
Lodge No 205 to the Grand Lodge He
returned Fridav night
E D Steen has sold his ranch and
stock to John Caloud E D will pro
bably leave -for Iowa in the near fu
ture Brownlee Hornet
C R Glover and wife went to
Omaha Monday They will visit rel
atives at Aurora and Arlington before
returniug home the first of next week
The Democrat will maintain its
reputation as the best newspaper in
Cherrv countv hv oivinnr oWlinn rp
Mrs G A Eckles of Chadron spent J -
turns up to the hour of going to press
ijiext woek
3Kb insnectinff e eheral visited Fore
XT i i i j Tw 3tjrv 7 r
iaao wocr auu put cue troops
through their paces Both officers and
men acquitted themselves in a very
creditable manner
Geo Trace well of Kewanee has
moved his family into the Oliver build
ing id the west part of town in order
that his children may enjoy the privi
leges offered by our excellent schools
John Smyser in putting up a neat
little cottage just south of the livery
stable It is large enough for two but
when asked about this feature of the
building John became very non com
Halloween Saturday night and the
small boy will in his glory But the
boys should be careful because theyre
going to gotK warm reception in some
quarters of the city No property
should be destroyed
Chas Sparks spent several days at
Rosebud agency last week writing in
surance He did a good business be
cause people know Charley as well as
his insurance company and haVe a
high regard for both
The WCTJJ will meet at thehome
of Mrs A Morey on Tuesday after
noon at 230 Mre Northrop will lead
Bible reading All ladies invited to
be present and enjoy our meetings
Supt of Press WOrk
S GCampbell was up from Brown
lee on business Tuesday and gave this
paper a short account of how things
are going down in Steen precinct He
says that so far as known but one man
in the precinct will vote for McKin
The city council has officially order
ed the marshal to repair all defective
sidewalks relaying same where neces
sary Owing to the recent extension
of water mains it was not deemed ad
visable to order new sidewalks at the
present time
N H Darton wife and son of
Washington D C were in town last
week Mr Darton is chief of the U S
geological surveying party now op
erating in the Platte valley this state
nd while here made a trip to the
Artesian well He informed this paper
that he thought the probability of ob
taining water on the site selected
very poor He woYild rath r have
jvell drilled at -other hul
Saya Martin Clirintonsea and Gives
Advice to Voters
Valentine Oct 27
To the Voters of Cherry County
In a few days the baljots will decide
whether Bryan or McKinJey is elected
For the first time in many j ears can it
be said that party Hues have been bio
ken largely and the people have taken
up the issues before them as never
before The success of either of these
candidates cannot rightfully be claimed
by the democrat or republican party
but must be taken as a decision of the
people on the financial question If
the decision should be in favor of the
free coinage of silver which I hope
and sincerely believe it will the people
will be rewarded for their patriotism
and the United States will forever de
clare her financial independence of
If McKiniey should be elected we
cannot expect any change in xur fin
ances and it ought to be clear to
over on I one that uuless there is money in cir-
culation among the people a high pro
tective tariff cannot possibly help us
No mills will ever open until the peo
ple can buy what these mills have m
their storehouses in the wholesale
houses and in the retail stores No
money will find its way to the farmer
only through the products he has to
sell A high protective trriff will not
raise the price of what he has to sell
it is only the price of what he bujs
that is raised by the tariff
Have you studied the question vo
ters If you dont know whether free
silver is right or not find out who- are
alvocatmg it If you have read any
of the literature sent you you must
have seen that all the labor organiza
tions and farmers associations are
advocating It You must have seen
that all monopolies trusts corpora
tions and money lenders are opposed
to it Have you noticed that the re
publican leaders who were outspoken
for free silver before the St Louis con-
ventijonon demand of the psr ty
chine fiaWlGrhedfad riov LaTEBtotigi
knowing they are wrong are advocat
ing the election of McKiniey and are
forcing you like they have been forced
Do you know that all the corporations
are coercing their employes to vote for
McKiniey under threat of discharging
them if Bryan is elected Is your in
terest and the interest of these trusts
and corporations identical No farm
ers and lboriug meu of Cherry county
their interests are not ours They are
interested in a dishonest dollar which
will increase in value that they may
get more in return than they have but
you and I are interested in the holiest
dollar which will neither increase nor
decrease in value
They point to Mexico as a sample of
a free silver couitry but have they
ever pointed to gold standard Europe
to show you a prosperous country
No Because every foreigner who em
igrates to this country is evidence in
himself of the operation of a gold
standard My friends look where you
may and you will find the gold stand
ard a factor in maintaining monarchies
and a yoke on the common people I
speak from what I know as I have
seen it and I sincerely believe that if
v- uiuvinftu jju7t unto luvacu up
tne eviaence mere is no question or
their verdict at the polls next Tuesday
and this un -American policy will be
forever defeated
In casting our ballots this year we
should lay aside all party feehug and
vote as our conscience dictates Even
our personal friends should be defeated
if on a gold standard ticket and the
only questions asked should be Is
this candidate for office for or against
the common people in this campaign
Is he in favor of a military monarchy
or a free country
M Christensen
Parljj Meeting
The WSTU held the first parlor
meeting ot the year at the home
Mis G H Hornby Tuesday evening
A ter a short program consisting of
music arid singing a short paper on
Tne Object of Our Parlor Meeting
by Mrs Northrop our superintendent
of parlor meetings light refreshments
were served Alter a social time all
returned to theiT homes feeling they
had spent a very pleasaut evening
Tha next parlor uieeiinr v5l be for
theyout peer is
TIieJETrgt Wnow M torsi
Last night a snow slormstruck this
secti6n pf thejsta and has raged with
unabated furyW day It shows no
Inclination to qutup tcT the hourTof
ffoiog to press and the
ing nVa pretty good rate
wind is blow
v wUmest Fatal MJsJalf p
Tuesday night about 1 oclock
J Ai Carroll gave her little daughter
Eloise apoonfui of carbolic acid by
mistake thinking it wag paregoric
and as a result the little Que nearly
died Physicians labored with her for
nearly three hours before she regained
consciousness At present writing she
is out of danger
An Explanation
Queer isnt it that Dr S G Glover
is a candidate for state superintendent
on the gold standard ticket yet unlike
his brother CR is for Bryan first last
and all the time
We published the above last week
not with the intention of intimating
that Dr Glover rally is for Bryan
but the exact opposite but as it seems
that some people do not understand
the quotation marks in the paragraph
vi will now state that under no cir
cumstances is Dr Glover a Bryan man
lie is one of the original Palmer and
BucKner men of the state and presum
ably would rather lose his vote than
give it to Bryan
Thirteen and Ton Tears Ago
The following items are taken from
the Valentine Reporter of Nov 1
Contract for outting down a town
well was let for 100 A blooded cow
belonging to a Mr Chamberlin near
McCann gave- birth to triplets
Einmettames succeeded J J Ham
lin as cattle inspector
Prom the Democratic Blade of Oct
29 1886
G W ErDorsey spoke to tee voters
at the court house D E Benson
built an ofiice north of the Red Front
On Monday night another dancing
party was given at the post by Al
Thacher -just on democratic princi
ples Thermometer ranged from 24
to 71 degrees
To Cherry County Voiers
EilTrm VmQQXdT Dear Sin I
noticed In last weeks It publican that
C II Cornell had challenged rae to a
debate onthe beet sugar question and
that I had refused giving as my rea
son for so doing that I had saeu too
much at the Norfolk factory thus in
sinuating that I am in favor of a
bounty on sugar beets and I want to
tell the people through the columns of
your paper some of the things I sav
Tina heard while at the factory
A farmer unloading beets at the fac
tory was asked how many tons his
beets made to the acre and his rej ly
was 14 tons He was then asked
the price received per ton and he an
swered 5 00 per ton What did
it cost to raise an acre of those beets
was the next question and he replied
8 00 per acre Now this farmer by
his own statement cleared 6450 per
acre on his beet crop
Can the moscwily smooth tongued
republican high protective beet sugar
bountyist make the farmers of Cherry
county believe that they should vote
for a law or for a party that advocates
the enactment of a law which will
compel them to take from the small
amount realized from their crops to
give to those who already have more
than enough
Thip beet sugar junketing tour was
simply a scheme to get the farmers to
vote the republican ticket on the prom
ise of a beet sugar factory something
of the same thing as they offered the
southern negro when they offered each
man 40 acres of land and a mule
They are looking for those 40 acres yet
and you will look for your sugar fac
tory fully as long Sugar bounty is
simply an aggravated specimen of the
doctrine of high protection to take
from him that has not and give to him
that already hath
If the republican party would ex
pend the amount of energy to down
of the sugar trust which compels the Nor
folk lactory to sell it all the sugar
made there that they do to create a
bounty the people might have some
confidence in ttie party Can they fool
you farmers 1 know they cannot
You will go to the polls and vote for
your own interest regardless of what
the other fellow tells you Bryan and
free silver and the whole silver ticket
is otr only prent hone
O W 1IA11X
Pamiftbecfrfor Four Years ns
Just received
NO 40
Worth of
Fine Winter Dress Goods Double Width for
25 Cents per Yard
we are
luZilS Xi i
That the best plaoe in town to buy freslt
fruits an4 vegetables is at PettycrewVi
That the best place in town to buy gro
ceries and confectionery is at Pettrerewp
That the highest price for butter and eg o
is always paid at Pettycrews
I you didntjjay him and you will
Cherry Qqunty Qank
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent with Banrnff
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security aolicitei at reaaoeable
rate County jiepository
E SPARKS President Z
What we are
C tbllXLljPreBUtent 31 t NlvnOfX VavhUsT
Valentine Nebraska
A General Banlciity Business Transacted
Buys and Sells Dmesfie and Wareign Eachange
Correspondents Cecfeidal National Bank New York iflrst National Baak Ouabt
Fish Game Tender Steals
Jncy Roasted Dry Salt Meat
and the finest line of Smoked
Hams and Breakfast Baooo
ever sold in town
At StettersOld Stand on Main Street
T1 yf
Oi iltc Choicest Iteuitds