I- l i tVrwy THE VALENTINE DEM0GR7TT 80CCK3SORT0 CHERRY CCHJNTY INDEPENDENT OBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher tHicial Paper of Cherry tr Nebraska - 100 ler Yeter in Advance 0 PUKLIbHED EEBY THUB3DA1t Catered at the frssiHloe at Valentine Cherry oeoatr Nebraifca as Second class matter This paper will be mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order ttiS discontinue- is receivedaud all r reara iwpuii in full Adrertfeg rates 50 bents pertach per month Hates per column or for long time ds made known v appli cation to this office THURSDAY OCTOBER 22 1896 democratic Ticket For President WIIIAM JENNINGS BKYAN i Of Lincoln Nebraska For Vice President AltTHUR SEWALL Of Bath Maine Presidential Electors FEED METZ O W PALM P j HALE X PIASGEKL N O ALBERTS S L KOSTRYZE J N CAMPBELL M F HARRINGTON For Governor SILAS A HOLCOMB or Lieutenant Governor J E HARRIS For State Secretary W F PORTER For State Auditor JOHN F CORNELL For State Treasurer MESERVE For Attornev General CJSMYTH For State Superintendent W R JACKSON For Commissioner J V WOLFE For Judges Supreme Court Xoug Term WILLIAM NEVILLE Short Term JSKIRKPATRICK For University Regent THOMAS RAWLINGS For Congress 6th District WL GREENE For Senator 14th District For Representative 52d District For County Attornev D H THUESTON Fpr Commissioner District Candidate for Vice President XI Garrett A Hobart made a fepeeohlast week We cannot restore confidence either to the treasury1 or to the people with lout a change in our present tafifflws Major McKinley own with trusts Down with plutocracy Down with monopolies iDpwn with all forms of organized oppression tolabor Honest povertyiand honest property are alike to be respected Equitable taxation is just taxation and the people should be taxed m pro Iportion to their ability to pay In New York last week E R Chap snian a broker offered to bet 500000 that Bryan would not carry a - single 1 state east of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio Another broker J M Taylor received an order from a Bryan J iugpefter to cover the bet but Mr - Chapman was very busy just then and would not receive his caller Mr Taylor freely offered to bet 4 to 1 that Bryan would be elected but found no takers McKinley money has been filufffinggreatly all over the country andasmgle bet of any great amount ili yet to be recorded The generals who are traveling over the county talking for the Ad vance Agent have finally undone all thegbod they have accomplished if any and have made a record for them selves which will effectually turn pub lic sentiment against them Corporal TTahnerin one of his - speeches called Bryan an ass Watson a mule Sewall a donkey and Altgeld a wolf This is vulgarity of the -most vulgar type and norespecrable peraon will countenance die statement SQch remarks are fit to be made only by the denizens of the klums of onr cities but Corporal Eaimer pocss as a gentleman grrMKgfrryi v j Vrt MM OUR which to strangers may seem too effusive foutr of Bryans character j as a man words of too great upraise 1 cannot be used Honest noble upright and God fearing a true democrat and a perfect gentleman he williill the presidential chair with a grace and dignity charac terized by a native simplicity which has often been foreign to our presidents Of Bryans char acter even his worst enemies have nothing to say can have nothing to -say His reputation is sjjotless and will remain so He is a poor man and his reputation is based TICKET A Bstlme of the Political Outlook aiid a Few Words About the Democratic Candidates Orcc week frosn next TuestSay is election day and as The Demo crat will be issued l3iit once more before that time it is fitting that jit sliouM this week give a resume of the political situation as seen by it and make a final argument in behalf of these candidates for office whonTit supports Lt is not only the right -and privilege of a news paper to do this but underjpresent circumstances it is the -duty of all papers eo to do First of The YAiiasriNE Democrat is as its name implies a democratic paper and whenever consistent it will be found support ing democratic candidates lor office It is needless at this time to re hearse the pre convention troubles or tne democratic party or argue the questions which we then agitating democrats The national convention tnet in Chicago and nominated William Jennings Bryan and Arthur Sewall fpr President and Yice President respectively Qmese candidates The Iemockat has supported since their nomination and it has mo apology to offer for -so doing Rather it deems it an honor and a great privilege to be numbered among those who are so earnestly working for he election of the greatest of all of natures inoblemeiij the pride of the United States our next president WILLIAMJ BRYAN The editor has- known 3his gentleman for years and is therefore qual ified tospeak of him in language on worth not wealth He is and always his been free from disgraceful political intrigues While h has -not grown wealthy in business yet he has never made a failure o it and the affairs of government if placed in his hands will receive a careful consideration which cannot fail to reflect credit upon the whole nation as well as himself Of his running mate on the tickot ARTHtJK this paper cannot speak so authoritatively but reading his record as written by men who know him xW W IIP has left the impression that a bet ternnan could not have been nom inated Of greater age than is Bryan a cool careful and success ful business man mi ardent and earnest advocate of the principles contained in upon which lie stands he does not de tract one iota from the ticket as some would fain believe Coming as he Hoes from the extreme east with Bryan from the west repre senhnff the manufacturing com mereial and monied classes while Bryan is of the farming mining and stock raising section the tick et is a rare combination which ap peals strongly to all classes regardless of their condition in life and effectually prohibits any cry that sectional prejudice was catered to in the selection of the nominees So much for the personnel of the na tional ticket Corarjare them with the opposition- In comparison the records of McKinley and Hobart pale into iusignificauce The former has had greatness- thrust upon himand wears the honors with an air which shows he is aware of the fact that they are not deserved He made a failure of hisprivate business and all but bankrupted the great state of Ohio This fact is well known but out of pity for Mc Kinley little has been said of it yet we are asked to put him at -the head of this government Hobart is known xnly as a society man ana a corporation lawyer Uompare the two tickets PLATFORM AND PRINCIPLES - JThe principles in the platform are too well known to needa lengthy discussion here Jn brief it can be said to contain three great principles viz 1 -Tariff-for revenue only 2j Income tax and 3 Free coinage of silver w The order is arranged to accommodate oki republican friends who desire to subordinate the money question and place tariff first JOii the question of tariff alone democraey would win this year with hands down The absurd -claims made for the McKinley law have been so thoroughly refuted that nothing is left of them The fallacy oa high protective tariff is too evident to need comment Bryan is anything but aprotectionist The income tax is the most equitable and justofalhtaxeB Time after time it has been declared constitu tional and hut for the fact that one judge changed his mind the government would nowe enjoying a revenue from that source W J Bryan is in favor of the income tax The question of finance is all important this year and the best thoughts of the brightest minds in the nation have been given to the problem The whole question may be boiled down to this one proposition Jan the United States main tain the parity of silver and gold at a ratio of 16 to 1 both given free access to the mints The democratic party with no uncertain sound says Yes Without entering upon a lengthy dis cussion of the issue it will be well for every voter to ask himself these questions Who are the leading opponents of free coinage of silver What prompts their desperate fight Are the interests of trusts bond holders and brokers identical with those of laboring men and farmers Who are advocating the cause of the people Bryan is the champion of free silver and the people - Leaving the realm of national politics which offers so f rnitf ul a field for discussion we come to more local issues In nominating CANDIDATES FOB STATE OFFICES the democratic party has not deviated from the custom which has char acterized the party from its inception to the present time that of nom inating noca but the be3t men From Governor Holcomb down to ir T 1 1 i t i -ii umveimv iStfgcm nawuags rniiimoKraLiijiicKerLfiomDos5cn or lion - ------- - i j wS V - - 4iAliihfci w1rwiw but clean -able-honest and honorable men iiolcdmb hai o iven the state the best administration it ever had though handi capped at every turn by the balance of the state officials who are re publicans The state institutions under his control have all been managed economically and show a saving over former vcars -which in some instances amounts to 50 rer cent His appointments of officials have generally been wise and he never let party prejudice blind his eyes to the faults of a candidate for position Of his opponent Jack MacColl this paper knows but little and though he may be a good man a casnal acquaintance does not leave that impression Silas A Holcomb is u good man has made a good governor and should be and will be re elected For Secretary of State no better man could be selected than W F Poi ter of JMerrick county A comparatively young man fearless and brave qualified by nature and education to fill the office for which he is nominated he will make a jgood officialmid give those who support him no cause for regret He served two terms in the state legislature and is the father of our present ballot law Vote for W F Porter ror secretary of state The state treasurership is the cause of mucin comment this year owing to the fact that the present treasurer has failed to comply with the law which requires that he place at interest the state funds m his charge which now amount to some 8600000 J Isr Meserve will see that this law is observed For Attorney General the democrats and all others who wish the law department of the state well cared for will vote for J J Smyth who is known all over the state as a thorough gentleman -eloquent or ator and able attorney as agaiust Churchill who winks at transgres sions of the law if the transgressors are of ins political taith and tills the office generally in a highly ornamental manner Time and space both forbid mention of the whole ticket but you may rest assured that you will make no mistake if you vote the ticket straight C P WILTSE STAND UP The Democrat has no- apology to offer forgoing outside Cherry county to take up a political fight as it is the only democratic nevspaper in this section of the state and its circulation is general as well as local In the 51st representative district composed of the counties of Hock and Brown the democrats and populists are supporting E B Crain of Bassett for the legislature while the republi cans some of them are espousing the cause of preacher Eighmy of Long pine Of course as a preacher is their candidate the republicans are making a fight on Christian lines so the New port Republican C P Wiitse editor is throwing large gobs of mud at Mr Brain In the lasi issue of his paper Wiitse says of this gentleman The records of the court house show that the gentleman has drawn be tween 8000 aud 9000 from the county treasury Had he given the tax payers credit for the money they paid him in all instances we would be able to teil exactly how much money was extracted As it is nooodj is able to tell how much money has been received how much Ed is entitled too or how much he got excepting his wordxfor it paragraph he says Ed Brain is running about the country explaining how it was that the tax payers failed to get credit on his books for the taxes they paid and for which they have receipts Of all methods offightinganian the above is the most despicable Wiitse makes charges which when analyzed are not charges and oilers nothing to substantiate them li does not stop to consider that when he throws mud like the foregoing that most of it will splatter men of his own political faith Mr Brain has in his possession a letter from the state auditor which says his accounts while treasurer were absolute ly correct something unknovrn in any examiner Fodrea which says they were correct the approval of the board of commissioners and the county attor ney of Bock county All these ofPcialsare republicans and if Mr Brain practiced dishonesty while treasurer they are now as much re sponsible for hiding the fact as is the ex treasurer Will these republican officials allow this imputation to rest upon their character If Mr Wiitse can prove his charges why does he not do so Or does he think that his word outweighs the affidavit of all the officials mentioned If he knows Mr Brain gave receipts to tax payers without giving them credit on the boks why does he not give a name a date a number or an amount on any of such receipts These things are what the people wane to know What vould the dear people think if Mr Brain should charge Rev Eighmy with appropriating relief money to his own uses or with holding the mission ary money of the church with which he was connected unless proof was presented Stand up Bro Wiitse and give us the facts or apologize for what you have said If you prove your charges The Demockat will aid you in convicting the offender The Hyannis Tribune is very much exorcised over the fact that the Cherry county board of commissioners refused to grant the petition of those who want to be annexed to Grant county Thats all right but the Cherry county board is not making mistakes this year Whenever it is practicable the mi rtffttiivili lc rrinf pt y -3 Hon- Jas A Bice mayor of Canton Ohio -writes Lion F A Graham of Lincoln- that McKinley will not carry his awn city or county According to recent cable advices the Venezuelan question is liable to come to the front again soon One report says Great Britain has violated her boundary agreement and another says she has surrendered her whole j position MCKINLEY AND THE TRUSTS The wail of the gold Democratic press of the east for a word from Mc Kinley against the trusts is met with profoundsilenoe at Canton What do you think of the trusts and Speafv out Mr McKinley shrieks one of the leading New York papers Vphich is trying to make demo cracy add McKinley ism jgo together Mr Bryan has spoken- out- spoken bravely and plainly He has repeated ly said that he will use all the power of his ollice to enforce anti trust laws and destroy the trusts that prey -upon the people But not a whisper comes from -Canton MrMcKinley4ias noteven said he would enforce the anti trust laws on the statute- hooks 3Te has said noth ing Uq has not allowed a word to escape his lips intimating that he would use the power of his high office should he be elected to protect the people from unlawful combines Major McKinley dare nofcspeak out against the trusts He ris bound hand and foot to trusts lie- is the creature of a political syndicate With trust magnates on his finance committees md trust millions in his campaign fund Major McKinley is bound to thir service andit is per haps something to his credit that he other county the report of the state j does not promise a public service that he cannot perform St Louis Repub lic OUR GROWING EXPORT TRADE Two days after Mr McKinley had again declared our present tariff law co be a signal and disastrous failure the Bureau of Statistics give out the figures of our export trade which -convincingly refute him Statistics previously published for the fiscal year ending June 30 showed that our exports of manufactured articles tor that year were valued at 228489893 constituting 2647 per cent of the total exports This was an increase of 7000000 over both for 1892 and 1893 under the McKinley law And the percentage of manu factures exported exceeded by 1006 that of 1892 and 745 that of 1893 The figures for theJirst two months of the present fiscal jrear indicate a total of nearly 250000000 for the year which would be a gain of 100 000000 over the exports of manu factures inl890 The democratic policy of nnhandi capping our manufacturers by abol ishing taxes on their raw materials is splendidly vindicated by these results Our foriegn competitors are not ham pered by any such barbarous taxes increasing the cost of our goods With the home market overstocked or liable to become so at any time when the protected monopolies work at full time an outlet for our surplus manufac tures has become almost as important as -is the niiirket for our surplus BONDS vOU COURT iCxUSE In his effort to posp as a reformer and economist the editor of the Brown lee Hornet oversteps the bounds of reason and advocates something that is neither reform nor economy viz The defeat of the court house bond proposition In the last issue of his paper he says The voters of Cherry county are called upon to -vote bonds to the amount of 1250000 for the construc tion of a court house at Valentine on November 3rd The question has been submitted at the last hour and barely gives the people time to consider the proposition as its importance demands We do not believe that there is any possible chance of the proposition carrying yet if we did not expre38 our opinion and publish the facts in the case as we see them we would not be doing our duty If the proposition submitted to the people for their decision had been for 6000 instead of 12500 we have uo doubt but that it would carry by a handsome majority As it is the peo ple look upon it as excessive and be yond reason and well knowing that at least 5000 would be added before the building would be completed Person ally we shall accept the will of the people and be satisfied and we only regret that all important questions are not submitted to a vote of the peo Total 3O10 If the bond proposition carries we will pay each year Foninterest 625 Sinking fund 600 Forfuel 100 Total 1325 And at the end of 15 years we own the court house and our expense there after will be for fuel alone In addition to the direct saving is the aaded consideration of safety In the present building which -is any thing but fireproof are tbousaada of dollars worth of records which At -destroyed could never be replaced and would occasion untold trouble -to tax payers The vault is far from being burglar- or even fire proof -and the countys mouey is at the mercy of any roving desperado How any man can oppose the proposition 13 beyond com prehension Vote for the bondBt Secretary of State Piper has one more used the power of his -office for partisan purposes Last wwakhe de cided that the bolting gold standard democrats were entitled to the names of their candidates placed on the official ballots as democrats but that the bolting free silver republicans could not appear on te tickets as republicans Last year he held that he could not inquire into and deter mine vbich of two factions represent a party but he seems to have changed his mind this year so far as republi cans are concerned This is an out rage which voters shod not forget iltural products iVViP York World Tim iJocKAT r year -V pie Perhaps the editor does not under stand the question and all it means to the people of Cherry county He says the question has been submitted at the last hour but that is a mistake The county board decided to submit the question months ago the fact has been given due prominence ever since that time Of course the proclamation to that effect was not published tmtil this month as required by law -If we are not mistaken the board decided upon this step before the Brownlee Hornet was horn so the editor is perhaps er cusable for his ignorance in this par ticular If he will give the following facts due consideration he -may see that his stand upon the whole ques tion is wrong Cherry county is now and has been paying for ofiice rent the sum of 810 per year The interest on the bonds proposed to -be issued will be only f 625 per annum If the bonda wera never paid it wouldbe a good investment to build the court house as ZIxq interest represents rent and the interest on the bond is about 200 less than the rent paid But it is proposed that the bonds be paid when due and to this end it is necessary to create a sinking fund which will amount to 83333 V per year but as this can be invested at per cent it need ue oniy JfbUU to realize 12500 in 15 years Buc from this should be deducted the saving in rent 200 and fuel 100 -which 4eave an annual expenditure over that of the preseut ot about 300 This will make such a small increase in the tax lew that it will hardly be noticed and aud at the end of 15 years the county will be owner of a good court house Here are the figures in a form which cannot be misunderstood AtjpresenC we are paying For rent 810 For fuel 200 x V r W n V Ii m i n i e v m