The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 22, 1896, Image 2

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ROBERT B GOOD - Editor Pbop
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American Woman Under Arrest in
London for Shoplifting Has a
Mania for Taking Things Which
Do Not Belong to Her
Cannot Help Stealing
San Francisco There are in this
city two ladies who have known Mrs
Waller Castle all her life They are Mrs
Charles D Stearns and Miss Ida Morri
son her sister Their home for many
years was in Wilmington N C and
there it was they were on terms of inti
macy with Mrs Castle then Miss Ella
Well They were aware at the time that
Miss Well had an uncontrollable mania
for taking what did not belong to her and
they made sworn affidavits stating this
fact 10 be sent to London
Ella Well was a beautiful and charm
ing young woman said Miss Morrison
Everyone in Wilmington knew of her
unlorlunate weakness hut nevertheless
she was a universal favorite She was the
belle of the town and was prominent in
social circles At times so pronounced
was her mania that she would take little
things People knew she could not help
it and we all hoped in time she would
get over her failing but she never did
There was no reason why she should
appropriate what did not belong to her
for her people were wealthy and she had
everything she wanted Everything was
done to cure her of her mania and finally
she was sent out hero in the hope a com
plete change might be beneficial That
was twelve years ago I have seen her
but once since then We all knew it was
a disease Her family had an understand
ing with the merchants of Wilmington
and whatever she appropriated was al
ways paid for
Town Wiped Out
San Francisco On the last trip ol
the Pacific steamship Orizaba up the
Gulf ot California the officers and crew oi
the vessel were surprised to find one of
the ports they make regularly wipedrput
When the ship reached the mouth ofUhe
river Culiacan in the state of Sinaloa the
little mining town of Altata which had
stood there on the Orizabas last trip was
gone Not a building was left standing
This was one of the results of the terrible
storm which played havoc on the main
land coast of the gulf September 17 and
The storm was a sort of a composit af
fair taking the nature of a tidal wave and
cloudburst Torrents rushed down from
the hills back of Altata and met the tidal
wave carried in from the sea and the
town was obliterated Many of the mines
located inland from the coast were flooded
by the cloudburst The loss of life was
slight The Altatans are now sleeping in
the streets or rudely constructed huts
Prince of Criminals
JuNEAxr Wis Every hour develops
new stealings by W T Rambusch the
absconding president of the Citizens
Bank of this city and self confessed
iswindler and embezzler Investigations
thus far show him to have been one of the
smoothest swindlers the country has seen
Besides being guilty of thefts amounting
to 200000 he was also an incendiary
having burned the courthouse to cover up
his tracks Self murder is also be
lieved to have been added to this list
This city is filled with lawyers and vic
tims from far and near who are victims of
Rambusch The lowest estimate of his
stealing is placed at 203000 and this sum
will surely be enlarged for Rambusch had
dealings with hundreds of people
Chicago Hotel Mystery
Chicago About 60000 worth of rail
road bonds and other securities have been
found in a trunk which has been held as
security in the Saratoga Hotel for nearly
three years The documents have been
turned over to Chief of Police Badeuoch
aud he will make an investigation as the
whole affair is surrounded with mystery
All the papers are made out in the name
of J Lawrence Schoolcraft whose
mother it is thought lives at Glenn
Forge Ya The hotel authorities say the
package was found in a trunk left there
shortly after the Worlds Fair by a inau
who registered as George Craft of Phila
delphia it having been held as security
for a board bill of 38
Lake Steamer Burns
Sturgeon Bat Mich The big
steamer Australasia burned on Lake
Michigan and now lies at the bottom of
Whitensh Bay The steamer was valued
at 60000 aud was loaded with 10000 tons
of coal for Milwaukee It caught fire
about 11 oclsck Saturday night She was
then m sight of land Full steam was put
on and an effort was made to beach the
vessel the crew in the meantime making
terrific efforts to put down the flames At
last shoal water was reached just as the
life saving crew arrived at the vessel and
rescued the officers and men The boat
soon afterwards sank Vessel and cargo
are a total loss
Fruit Contracts Awarded
Washington D C The contract
for furnishing fruit to Indian schools have
been awarded as follows To Hartwig
Bennett New York Apples 75000
pounds at 4 cents per pound prunes
82000 pounds at 4 6 10 cents per pound
To Walter T Chandler Chicago Peaches
6SO00 pounds at 7 19 100 cents per pound
Los Angeles Fire
Los Angeles Cal The largest fire
that has occurred in this city in years
started in the Fowler Paper box factory
and consumed over 100000 worth of prop
erty Several firemen were painfully in
jured by falling timbers and a speotator
was struck on the head by a falling cor
nice which inflicted a dancerous wound
President and Cabinet Meet
Washington D C The first formal
meeting of the President and his Cabinet
for nearly four months was held at the
White House on the 18th With the ex
ception of Secretary Carlisle all the mem
bers were present The session lasted
only an hour and a half
Earthquake in Chili
2ew Yobk A Heralds Valparaiso
dispatch says an earthquake of great
force has shaken the city There was a
panic in the city but the damage done
was slight The shock was felt at SantU
Ago Chili but no damage was done
Helen Kellar a Marvel
Bowon Mass Helen Kellar blind
deaf tasteless and scentless has passed
the Harvard preliminary examinations
with credit and will enter Radcliffe an
nex at a younger age than most freshmen
This remarkable girl now 16 was de
prived of most of her senses by scarlet
fever at the age of 19 months She de
scribes pathetically how she endeavored
to make touch her remaining sense per
form in a measure the functions of the
jothers and how angry she became be
cause she could not be understood even
when she made signs which to her were
expressive enough At the age of 7 her
education was taken in charge of by Miss
Sullivan her present teacher and since
then her progress has been marvelous
At 12 she wrote on her typewriter a story
for the Youths Companion that was ac
cepted aud published without alteration
Miss Kellar is able now to speak arti
ficially and to understand what others say
by placing her fingers on their lips
Among her achievements may be men
tioned the delivery of one or two ad
dresses she has made She keeps up her
typewriter work and Prof Graham Bell
says that she will leave her mark on
American literature She is considered
to have surpassed the accomplishments of
Blind Laura Bridgeman noteworthy
though those were She has given psy
chologists a startling hint of the perfec
tion to which human beings might attain
with the full development of all their
senses Miss Kellar will be accompanied
to all her classes by Miss Sullivan She
expects to compete with her normally en
dowed sisters and at the conclusion or
her course to take a bachelor of arts de
Double Tragedy in a Bagnio
Cincinnati A sensational murder
and suicide occunei at the sporting house
of Nellie Rentz on George Street The
circumstances indicate that the two vic
tims agreed to tragically end their troubles
and lives together The persons of the
drama were Henry Sollars of Cripple
Creek Colo and Cleo Russell an inmate
of the house 19 years old No one saw
the shooting Inmates of the house were
attracted to the room by two revolver
shots fired in rapid succession Bursting
the door of the room they found the girl
half dressed on the bed blood spurting
from a wound in the left breast Sollars
lay dead on the floor clenching a 83
caliber revolver a bullet wound in his
left breast On the table lay a check as
Denver Colo Oct U 1896 First Na
tional Bank Pay to the order of Cash
500 D Harry Sollars
This is for funeral expenses
v D Harry Sollars
Butchered with an Ax
Cexterviile Mo A triple tragedy
occurred in this Reynolds county near
Ellington John Imboden with an ax
brainnd his sister about 15 years of age
his brother some years older who was
sick in bed and a very oid man named
Jacob Wilhelm The girl and Wilhelm
were killed in the yard He then went
into the house and killed his brother
Two younger sisters escaped to their
father who was at work in a corn field
The three went to a neighbor and gave
the alarm fearing to return to the house
When the citizens and constable reached
the scene Imboden was in the yard where
two of his victims lay with the bloody ax
in his hands The officers had to threaten
to shoot him before he would surrender
Two months ago Imboden lost his wife
and two daughters suddenly and is sup
posed that this with a house full of sick
ness deranged his mind
Serious Accident Averted
Waupaca Wis As a Wisconsin
Centrrl gravel train was coming into
Waupaca from the north it became un
manageable and the result was a head
end collision with a regular freight jus
leaving this station The engineer of the
latter train reversed his engine and the
crews of both trains jumped for their lives
Before ihelgravel train struck the freight
the latter had been backing up and the
damage was slight The freight started
south on its own accord with no train
men ou The passenger train from Wey
auwega had left for Waupaca and an
accident of large proportions seemed im
minent The engine from the gravel
was detached and run six miles in live
minutes and overtook the runaway freight
and stopped her when only eight rods dis
tant from the approaching passenger
Bradstreets Review
New York Bradstrees says Fea
tures of the business week are the con
tinued advance in price and strength of
wheat and the maintenance of a large
volume of wheat exports notably to India
and Australia While wool is not higher
holders have sold enough to render them
indifferent to immediate business and are
holding stocks for full figures While
new orders for iron and steel products arc
not being placed freely they would bo
if the markets should accept current quo
tations for 1897 delivery
Exports of wheat flour included as
wheat from both coasts of the United
States and from Montreal this week
amount to 4156817 bushels against 4050-
000 bushels last week and 2409000 bush
els in the week one year ago
Killed by a Premature Blast
Mena Ark The other evening about
4 oclock at the camp of W H Kennedy
about fourteen miles south of Mena oc
curred a most disastrous explosion while
preparing a blast The drill struck a
stone and a spark from it ignited the
powder which caused an explosion which
scattered dirt rocks and men in all di
rections Six men were killed
W H Kennedy the contractor was
standing close by and was found between
two dead men more dead than alive He
had two ribs and a collar bone broken
Some of the men were buried so deep
under rock and dirt that they were not
found until morning Mr Kennedy is in
a very serious condition All who were
present were either killed or hurt so badly
they cannot talk consequently details are
hard to get
Brazils Finances in Bad Shape
New York The Heralds correspond
ent in Rio Janeiro telegraphs that the
financial situation is extremely serious
The Brazilian foreign minister held a con
sultation with the Chilian minister in re
lation to the commercial treaty between
Brazil Chili Uruguay and Chili
Fight May Go to Georgia
Atlanta Ga Sporting circles are
stirred up over the presence here of John
Ellison a Philadelphia sport who is
quietly investigating the Georgia state
laws ou prize fighting with the view of
bringing Corbett and Fitzsimmons to
gether in Atlanta if possible
Robinson Crusoe Island
Valparaiso Chili There is a scheme
afoot to organize a company to transform
the Juan Fernandez Island which is
famous as the original Robinson Crusoe
Island into a fashionable bathing resort
New Move of fcho K of L
Washington The general executive
board of the K of L has concluded its
labors here and adjourned The meeting
was preliminary to the annual meeting of
the order at Rochester on November 10
and for the purpose of arranging the an
nual reports That of Master Workman
Sovereign was not considered as he is
absent in the west The report of Worthy
General Foreman Bishop will strongly
recommend that a new light be organized
the coming winter for Government own
ership of railway telegraph and tele
phone lines He maintains that the de
velopment of air and electric motors
promises a new era in transportation and
that the Government should act before
the new conditions are established He
will advocate suitable compensation for
lines purchased at their cost rather than
their capitalization and the paralleling of
such lines as cannot be bought
Master Workman Sovereign announced
at the Kansas annual meeting that he
would not be a candidate for re election
but it is believed he will reconsider
Spain Ready to Give Up
New York A Heralds Cadiz Spam
dispatch says If Spain has not put down
the insurrection in Cuba by the first of
next March it is the intention of the Gov
ernment to give up tho struggle and let
the island go
This determination is an open secret
among those who are close to the Gov
ernment and it is said that the policy is
being adopted of exaggerating the mag
nitude of the trouble in the Philippines
with a view of preparing the people for
the ultimate design of letting Cuba go
By way of further corroboration of this
estimate of the situation it may be re
marked that while Spain is sending 200
000 troops to Cuba who are young and
undisciplined she is carefully keeping
80000 well disciplined efficient soldiers
who may be available in case of an out
break at home She is also keeping in
Spanish waters twelve warships which
are all ready for sea and which would be
of great service in Cuban waters in aid
ing the United States in the police work
she now asks that country to do for her
Says Inaction Is langerous
London Sir Michael Hicks Beacn
chancellor of the exchequer speaking at
Darlington declared that the actual po
sition of the powers with regard to the
eastern question was that Russia Austria
and Germany were determined with a
view to preserving European peace tc
maintain the status quo in Turkey Thai
had been Englands traditional policy he
said and any departure from it would
meet with active resistance by the powers
At the same time absolute inaction wa
more dangerous to the peace of Europe
than would be united interference by the
powers to compel Turkish reform En
glands present policy the chancellor ol
the exchequer affirmed was to secure a
concert of the powers to insist npon re
Meeting of Itailroad Orders
Topeka The morning of the 15th a
big union meeting of five of the largest
railroad orders Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Engineers Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Firemen Order of Railway Conduct
ors Order of Railway Telegraphers and
Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen
opened at Osawatomie Kansas
Famine Threatens India
Simla India The Minister of Agri
culture states that a large portion of India
is reported in distress as the result ol
di ought and the consequent rise in the
price of wheat The construction of Gov
ernment works however and the impor
tation of California wheat would preveul
an actual famine
Charged with Coercion
St Louis A warrant has been issued
for the arrest of the senior member of the
iirm of D Crawford Co leading dry
goods merchants on the charge that they
discharged twelve clerks because they
had announced their intention to vote for
Bryan and free silver
Arkansas Bankers Indicted
Hot Springs Ark Ed Hogaboom
president and W W Wright cashier of
the defunct City Savings Bank and Trust
Company have been indicted by the
grand jury on three and four counts re
spectively charging embezzlement
Politics Causes Murder
Nestle W Va Luke Tridplett was
killed and Aaron Brock and John Shelton
critically injured by Dow Hobbs during
a row over polities Mr nobbs was a
prominent Populist The murderer es
Michael Breaks Record
CniCAGo Michael the Welsh rider
look worlds records at Garfield Park in a
practice spin of five and one half miles
He lowered consecutively the two three
four and five mile marks
Chicago Cattle common to prime
350 to 525 hogs snipping grades
300 to 375 sheep fair to choice 200
to 350 wheat No 2 red 6Sc to 69c
corn No 2 24c to 25c oats No 2 18c
to 19c rye No 2 3Gq to 38c butter
choice creamery 17c to 19c eggs fresh
15c to 10c potatoes per bushel 18c to
30c broom corn common short to choice
dwarf 25 to G0 per ton
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
500 hogs choice light 300 to 375
sheep common to prim 200 to 325
wheat No 2 68c to 70c corn No 2
white 24c to 26c oats No 2 white 18c
to 20c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 500 hogs
300 to 375 wheat No 2 72c to 74c
corn No 2 yellow 22c to 23c oats
No 2 white 16c to 17c rye No 2 36c
to 37c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 475 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 250 to 350
wheat No 2 74c to 70c corn No 2
mixed 26c to 2Sc oats No 2 mixed 17c
to 18c rye No 2 40c to 42c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 500 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 200 to 325
wheat xio 2 red 73c to 74c corn No 2
yell w 2c to 28c oats No 2 white 20c
to 2lc rye 38c to 39c
Toledo Wheat No 2 red 74c to 76c
corn No 2 yellow 24c to 25e oats No
V white ISc to 20c rye No 2 3Sc to 40c
clover seed 540 to 350
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 66c
to 68c corn No 3 23c to 25c oats No
2 white 19c to 21c barley No 2 30c to
36c rye No 1 37c to 39c pork mess
675 to 725
Bvffalo Cattle 250 to 475 hogs
30u to 400 sheep 200 to 850
wheat No 2 red 77c to 79c corn No 2
yellow 30c to 81c oats No 2 white
23c to 24c
New York Cattle S300 to 500 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 200 to 75
wheat No 2 red 74c to 78c corn No
30c to 31c pats No 2 white 22c tpJJ3e
butter creampry 12cto 20c eggs West
ern 13cto 19c1
Colonel Cody Lands His Big Show
on His Old Stamping Grounds
Citizens Turn Out to Greet the
Famous Plainsman
Buffalo Bill at Home
Colonel Cody with his monster show
arrived at North Platte on the 11th and
was greeted at the depot by over 2500
people to welcome their townsman back
to his home The Gordon cornet band
which Mr Cody uniformed at a cost of
75 a suit was out as also were the Cody
guards in dress uniform It was with
great difficulty that the Colonel could
make his way through the immense crowd
to his English tally ho coach and four
magnificent black horses where he took
the reins and drove his family and imme
diate friends to Scouts Rest ranch Be
fore leaving he went to the band and mil
itary company and greeted them and
shook hands with all his old time friends
who flocked around him
Dead Body of a Young- Man Found
Lying Beside the Track
The dead body of an unknown man
apparently about 25 years of age was
found lying beside the tracks of the Union
Pacific Bailroad where it crosses Four
teenth Street about six miles south of
Lincoln The dead mans head lay next
to the rail the skull being completely
crushed The body was discovered by
the crew of a west bound freight on the
Union Pacific The dead man was plainly
but neatly clad and in his pocket was a
letter from a sister Mrs J D Berger 036
Grove Street Columbus Ohio After ex
amining a number of witnesses the cor
oners jury rendered a verdict that the de
ceased came to his death from causes un
known Coroner Holyoke wired Mrs Ber
ger intelligence of her brothers death
Later a telegram came from Columbus
stating that the young mans name was
Edward B Hughes His father is a con
tractor Tho dead man was an employe
of Col Codys Wild West show
Squandering a Fortune
John Wilderoder a well known charac
ter in police circles at Fremont was ar
rested recently charged with the larceny
of a watch He pleaded guilty to petty
larceny in the police court and was lined
100Tahd costs He went to jail Last
fall be inherited considerable money from
an uncle in Philadelphia With the first
payment of about 8000 he purchaed a
saloon and his friends had free drinks as
long as the stock on hand lasted He
celebrated the receipt of the second pay
ment of about the same amount by a west
ern trip with a woman of the town In
less than a month he arrived in Fiemont
from Denver on the blind end of a bag
gage car Other payments have gone in
about the same way When arrested the
other night he had no money whatever
but claims there is still considerable due
him on his legacy He has served several
jail sentences m the past few months
Young Burglar Confesses
Roy Napier was arrested near Hooper
charged with being impl cated in the
burglary of Shields Newmans store at
Nickerson Napier confessed to Shields
and Sheriff Krader that he and a man
whose hame he gave as James Jackson
did the work and said that the goods were
concealed in a haystack on Denslows
farm near Hooper Two gunnysacks
containing over 200 worth of shoes
gloves and cutlery were found there The
balance of the goods has not been re
covered Jackson is still at large He
has been located in Iowa Napier is a
bright appearing boy about 17 years of
age He says ho came from Denver a
month ago and met Jackson at Council
Want to Bridge the Platte
The citizens of Eight Mile Grove pre
cinct near Plattsmouth are going to have
another vote at carrying an election for
the issuance of 4000 worth of bonds for
the erection and maintenance of a free
wagon bridge across the Platte Iliver at
Cedar Creek tho county commissioner
having granted the petition for a vote to
be taken on the proposition at the general
election next month The 1000 is only
half of the estimated cost the other half
to be raised by private subscription in
Sarpy County and fcouth Omaha
York Implement Dealer Fails
E M Burke an implement dealer of
York has failed The principal creditors
are the Peru Plow Company of Council
Bluffs the Union Transfer Company of
the same city and the Leo Clark Andree
en hardware firm of Omaha Mr Burke
has turned over his stock to these linns
The aggregate liabilities foot up to about
Blair Drug tstore Closed
Dr M D Bedalls drug store at Blair
iias been closed by the sheriff He could
not pay his debts on account of the closi
times Banker A Casteter has a claim of
about 900 whioh is secured Bedall owes
about 8000 which is all the stock will
bring under a forced sale The sherilf is
appraising the stock
Extending Telephone Lines
The Nebraska Telephone Company has
Just completed a direct line from Ashland
to Wahoo A force of twenty men
has been at work for fifteen days con
structing the line The workmen went
from Wahoo to Blair where other lines
are to be constructed
Victim of Lockjaw
August Hult of Osceola who injured
his hand several days ago was attacked
with lockjaw and before assistance could
be procured died Hult was well lixed
financially about 57 years old and had a
lot of property
Murder in the First Degree
Guilty of murder in the first degree
tvas tho the verdict brought in by the jury
in the trial of Edward Larense at Mc
Cook for the murder of Michael Travers
The jury fixed tho penalty at imprison
ment for life
Farm Work Interrupted
A heavy rain with lightning thunder
wind and hail visited the vicinity of Win
side on the 10th It has done much dam
age by delaying farm work but the
ground will reap the benefit A barn
rented by William Bayes was struck by
a bolt of lightning during the storm and
two horses occupying it killed The barn
was burned
North Loup Minister Resigns
Rev James Lisle for the past two
years resident pastor of the Methodist
Episcopal Church at North Loup has re
tired temporarily from the ministry
Highwaymen Hold Up a Farmer
A bold and sueceslul highway robbery
was made in Stanton County one night
recently Louis Mick and John Cannon
two thrifty farmers living about nine
miles south of the town of Stanton and
about the same distance north and west of
Clarkson were at the latter place with a
load of hogseeaoh When they had un
loaded the hogs and received the buyers
check for them it was 5 oclock and past
banking hours and in order to get the
checks cashed they went to a hardware
store where Mick was given four 10 bills
The amount of the check being but 3875
ho was ob iged to go to a saloon to get
change which necessitated exhibiting his
money In the saloon were three men
who saw the money Soon after Messrs
Mick and Karmon started for home and
when out but a short distance were over
taken by the same three men who were in
the saloon driving a good road team
hitched to a farm wagon The larmers
finally separated When about one and
one half miles from his home Mick was
accosted by the three men who com
manded him to throw up his hands and
at the same time one of them stopped the
team he was driving and the other two
jumped into his wagon and struck him
with bottles and fists He was over
powered and robbed of his money Three
men answering the description of his as
suJants were arrested later
At tho Irrigation Fair
The 13th was Ancient Order of United
Workmen day at the irrigation fair A
parade was formed at North Platte in the
morning which- marched through the
streets This was headed by tho Gordon
Silver Cornet Band of North Platte Then
followed the Hamilton Lady Cadets of
Lexington in white suits and about 2C0
of the members of the Ancient Order of
United Workmen in line besides the
grand officer in carriages
The Hamilton Cadets gave an exhibi
tion drill in front of the ampi theater
There girls cannot be praised too highly
for the efficiency which they have attained
in going through the inarching evolu
Col Cody left on the ground the old
Deadwood stage coach which attracted a
good deal of attention from the crowds of
There was an alfalfa huller in operation
on the grounds hulling the alfalfa seed
from several stacks of hay
To Contest the Will
The will of the late George Harmon of
Teeumseh does not seem to please all the
relatives Mrs Mary A McGee of Beat
rice who is a daughter by Harmons first
wife and who was not mentioned in the
will comes into the district court of Ne
maha County and asks that the will be
set aside As the instrument now stands
all of Harmons property wWch includes
several tracts of Johnson and Nemaha
counties choicest lands goes to a son and
daughter Benson Harmon and Mrs
Sarah R Townsend of Teeumseh Ihe
case will undoubtedly be hotly contested
Pierce People Pay a Church Deht
Bishop McCabes leture at Pierce was
well attended and about 50 was realized
for the Methodist Episcopal Church A
subscription was then laken and over 600
was solicited for the church The mem
bers are feeling happy as they were in
debt 840 but the Church Extension So
ciety offered to release the mortgage on
payment of 1600 The members immedi
ately set to work to take advantage of
this reduction
Burglars at Tohias
The general merchandise store of Mc
Killop Mumau at Tobias was robbed
the other night It is supposed that they
entered the store sometime during the day
and hid or that the back door was not
bolted the night before as there were no
marks on the door to show that it had
been forced open They succeeded in
getting away with about 100 worth of
goods consisting of clothes hats shoes
Horse Thieves Captured
The two men who stole W T Hosies
team at Teeumseh have been captured at
Maitland Mo and Sheriff W II rWool
sey has gone to bring them back When
captured the men had traded off a part of
the stolen property The Maitland au
thorities will get the 50 reward offered
by the Johnson County commissioners
for the apprehension of the thieves
Commissioner to lie Named
By the death of County Commissioner
J T Hedrick of Johnson County the
office is made vacant It is now too late
to till the same at the next election and
so a commissioner will be appointed Ihe
county clerk county treasuier and coun
ty judge constitute aboard with the power
to appoint There are several candidates
Would Build a Lighting Plant
A new electrical company bearing the
name of the Beatrice Heat Light and
Power Company has filed a petition with
the city council asking a franchise to op
erate a plan1 in tha city The company
is made up f New York capitalists who
have failed in an effort to purchase the
plant already in nrrM
Reception u v is Ministers
A public reception was tendered Rev
C A nale and family and Rev B C
Peck and family at t ie Methodist Episco
pal Church at Orleans recently The
church was crowded to ti full capacity
by friends
Small Boy Burns to Death
A small boy son of A C Wall a f ifm
mer living near Albion died from burns
received by his clothing catching fire
This is the third death in Boone County
within a week Irom burning
Loses His Pocketboolc
Jacob Nicewonger of Pickrell had his
pocket picked at the Union Pacilie depot
in Beatrice It contained 10 in money a
note for 100 and his railroad tieket
Suspects Cannot he Identified
The two men caught at Wahoo a few
days ago could not be identified by the
parties from Biamard who went to Wa
hoo for that purpose
Waverly Store Robbed
1 lrevox euteivd Dr Atkinsons druT
slore at Waverly the other night Alad3s
gold watch and a silver watch were
Scarlet Fever Scare i
The Ord public schools have been
closed for one week by order of the school
board ou account of the prevalence of
scarlet fever Several cases have been
reported and prompt quarantine regula
tions enforced to prevent its further
North Loup Baud Kept Busy
Sixteen members of the North Loup
Cornet Band left that city for North Platte
where they have been engaged to furnish
music during the continuance of the irri
gation fair Dr F O Burdick acting in
the capacity of master 1
t m to J Hi in iftiMMtt
How to Hnnjr Pictures
Do you remember the time when ev
ery well regulated parlor wall showed
pictures arranged in solemn trios a
large one in the center of each group
flanked by two smaller ones How the
good people who hung their works of
art in that style a generation ago would
stare at the medley arrangement or
modern pictures High art in picture
hanging requires an arrangement
which at first seems as purposeless as
that of the pieces in a crazy quilt but
which study shows to be scientifically
proper Size and symmetry of framing
are no longer the sole tests of the fit
ness of pictures to be hung together
Nowadays each photograph engraving
or whatever it is is placed where the
light will fall upon it in the way best
calculated to bring out the lights in the
picture There is one hall in mind
where the wall above the wainscoting
is literally covered with etc hings ar
ranged with very little regard for size
or subject but producing a charming
effect because of the happy way in
which the lights strike them
Pictures should not be hung so high
that the neck of the observer will be of
necessity craned into stiffness in order
to view them Large pictures with
well defined figures or scenes may be
hung higher than small ones which re
quire close scrutiny to define them Oil
paintings should not be hung in close
proximity to colorless prints or photo
graphs The rich effects of the colored
pictures will detract from the charm of
the others For the same reason oils
and water colors should not be placed
together as the lighter and less gor
geous coloring of the latter will suffer
by comparison with the former
Cut Glass Salad Bowls
A pleasing variation from the china
fialad dish are salad bowls orient glass
Some of these are finished with rims
of silver and are accompanied by a sil
ver fork and spoon especially designed
for serving salad Cut glass bowls are
shown with silver mounts and silver
salad fork and spoon with cut glass
handles these latter being decided nov
Fricasseed Chicken -with Oysters
Fricasseed chicken with oysters is
particularly good The chicken is cut
up in the ordinary way and after be
ing neatly trimmed is placed in a sauce
pan with some clarified butter season
ed with pepper and salt and fried a
light brown Pour off the butter add
three dozen parboiled oysters with
their liquor previously reduced in quan
tity and strengthened by boiling two
large gravy spoonfuls of good stock
and a gill of cream Set the whole on
the fire and simmer a few minutes and
then dish up the entree with fried crou
tons of bread arranged as a garnish
Cream Soup of Lima Benns
Soak one cupful of beans and cook till
soft and rub through a strainer there
should be about one pint of the pulp
Scald one pint of milk thicken with one
tablespoonful of butter and one half
tablespoonful of flour cooked together
Add the bean pulp and season to taste
with salt pepper and onion juice
To keep yolks of eggs fresh after
whites have been used set aside in a
cup with a little water over the sur
If a little flour is rubbed over a loaf
of cake before icing it will prevent the
frosting from spreading and running
off so easily
The tops of celery dried and rubbed
to powder are excellent for flavoring
soups and gravies The celery should
be dried in the sun or in a very slow
Fresh eggs sink to the bottom of a
pail of water Stale eggs float on the
top Eggs between these stages indi
cate their age by the depth to which
they sink
Onion juice may be extracted by cut
ting an onion in half and pressing it
against a grater Salt rubbed over the
grater will remove the onion odor from
It and may be used in cooking
Every housewife should impress up
on the minds of her family that the
best sauce for any meat is cheerfulness
Laughter aids digestion and people
should never grumble while eating
In making Indian meal mush cook it
with milk in place of water or part
water and part milk if not convenient
to use all milk The pudding will be
much richer and when fried will more
readily take a nice brown
In relaying carpets after the fall
cleaning it is well to sprinkle some
thing under the edges to destroy any
carpet bugs that may be lurking
around As good a thing as can be
used is a powder made of equal parts
of camphor gum and tobacco
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