The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 22, 1896, Image 1

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    It J
- - -
Comf titf JErciifs
Judge Mtlte Oet Si
Tlly Glor Oct 24
Crookston Teachers Association -Oct 24
Western Vouchers Association Uct 31
Unlloweft oct 31
Election Day Nov 3
Valeutlee Teachers Association Nov 14
Walentine Markets
Onions per bushel - 5c
Corn v25s
Whettt - 39c
Oats - 20c
Iloge per cwt 2 75
Steeta 2258 00
Cows - 150225
Calves per lb -v 4c
IjUvuBF w
Eggs per doz - - v 10c
33 S Reeves df Longpine spent
Monday in town
tP Decory was ever frdm Rosebud
oa business Monday
G W Burge and son were in from
Cass the first of fee week
Wajjtbo Fresh milch
cow with
calf Enquire at this office
A H Tingle went from bete to
-Gordon ou last nights passenger
Walter Shreeve ant II B Clapp
vere up fromiSilaeo last Mobdfiy
O P Billings populist ctffldidate
for the legislature was in town Satur
Rev Bassett mf Norden preached ati
the Presbyterian church Sunday morn
Mrs Creighton is visiting-
her daughter iSrs C R Watson this
t -
A billiard room is beinfc nttea sp
r across the hSte om The Democblks
office -
M S Cariisteand D L
were over from Hosebud Monday -en
-- business
Jas F Crass ana May Haddenara
- amoncr the Rosebud visitors in town5
this week
Ir W B 3Slf republican canduSatsj
Publishers Notice
tu order to introduce The VAxk
EKta lteMOCRJcT into homes whete it
does not now go Vegularly the -publisher
will upon receipt of one dollar
send the paper t6 new subscribers from
now until January 1 1893 This
offer is uiteprecedetfted for a paer dfj
the size and quality of Tele Demo-
cbat and if you aVe not now on the
listthisisfhe tixtib to send inyoar
name with a dollar
OK GW6r will 3ivfr3e the tfese
with Br Ely Saturday wjght
The water pipe to supply the
pait of town are bei ag laid nd scon
residents in that Section of the city
will nave cause for rejoining
D H Thurston is stumping the
west part of the eorertty this week
His energy in wor fcing for the county
attorneyship Is mafcBRg him lots of
Queer iSnVit thatDr S G trover
Is candidate ft ir sftaie superintendent
ou the golfl Star rtlarnicket yet nniiike
his brother C 1 is or Bryan foast
and all thetim e
H GLyon of theGordon Jttatnal
feas been laid up with an injured 1mee
the result of Uryittgo move his fanl
IThis refers to a wrter tank which he
tl3 erecting on his premises
The WCTTJ will have 8 -parlor
-meeting for married people -at the
residence of bits Geo H Hornby
Tuesday evening October 27 --com-
jmencing at 730 -Light refreshments
will be served
David Leach tras in town Vrom
Wood Lake Tueaay transactingusi
tness with Dr Xfcholson A liiiough
liothered with aar aching roolsr he
found lots of timeat o talk for -Bryan
and free silver
Wm Searby whbas been ill there
f or some time with typhoid fever was
Temoved to his boxae at Orookstonast
for state senator will -speak hereSattirjSaturdavihisJcaiition being omuch
duy nighL
County 5UHrintendetit
- Stonar isin the west part of thecousty
- on business
There are two populist papers vm
dmprovedthat it was thought advis
able to take bimhG me
rHoic the Dipper Saved the Fdxxp
Father was sick and the morlfratre ou the farm
-was coining due I saw iu the Christian
iom ilMuivi Aitcu a M 4nt rv frit tM a j
1H1 nULlbilllJl n ill Z11W VF4 Ulf4tlUil Oh
vhTI0Us Me- would send a sample combination
rrtr COUli tV4ua eacnciaims tci
Cherry for IS two cent stamps vnd I ordered AJiie
the only one
jRttcHr father of W S Ittr
ker of lUe ItopcbUcau is visiting 4jis
son this week
Now sidewnlfes are needettin Valen
tine badly Thats the matter wife
having them
State bank examiner Ben R
dery and wife f Lincoln were in- the
city yesterday
Mrs Jesse West returned to WoffS
Lake last Friday evening after -Visiting
friends here
Born Sunday night October 18 to
Mr and Mrs KGbson a fine pair of
twins both girls
Wanted Weod ou subscription
Dry hard weaSxpreferred Call early
and avoid the rush
J C Petti John spent Saturday -and
Sunday witbrsSiaPvesand friends -at
Longpme and Newport
Val Nicholson -received two hound
pups from Gordon Monday and is get
ting ready forsfcheveoursing season
The largest andfoest line of cloaks
and capes ever shown in Valentine
-will be found at T Hornbys 36
The editor spent Friday
Saturday and Sunday at Longpine on
account of the death of his - cousin
Alta Good
Walter Hare haabeea much worse
rtbis week his ailment gastritis and
-catarrh of the stiinach baviDg taken
a serious turn
Stanley Rayvime dowra from Chad
tron Tuesday morning -went over
to Rosebud school where he has
secured a position
J B LordE A and C W Ben
nett came up from Simeon Tuesday
with a small bunch- of cattle return
ing home yesterday
James WellfordretumedfrofflBose
trad Tuesday morning the US allot
ting party wih which he has
working laving alrua con3leJd -Its
I saw that the dmser could be used asa frHiciai
tiller a plain dipper a line strainer a funnel
straner funnel a si kroom warming -pan and
pint measure These eight dllfereHt uses niabcu
the dipporruch a neoessary article that I ureut
to work with it and it seils at very near
liouae and in iourmoiiths I uaid off tlie
iase 1 thinK I can cloar as much as 200 pec
month If jouneed work vou win Jo well hj
giving this a trial Miss A M Fritz station Aj
isi imuis mo wiu seua you a sampieaor is two
cent stamps Write at once John G 2
TlieBewaci is Paid
One more chapter in the cattle
stealing case of Case iStephenpji and
Strong can now be written The 200
reward offered for the capture of the
thieves by J W Stetter has been paid
in full to W F A Meltendorf This
example of Mr Stetter if agood -one
and should be followed by otherstock
menin similar cases The prisoners
are still in jail and getting along nicely
under the charge of Amos Strong and
H itazey
Answers to Correspondents
LX 1 Yes the editor of this
paper has withdrawn from the repre
sentative race on account of ineligibil
ity 2 His name will not appear
on the official ballots 3 Mr Bil
lings will probably be elected
Quiz The subscription price of
this paper isl a year N B We
will take wood on subscription
Anxious No the editor of vthis
paper is -not married all reports to the
contrary notwithstanding
Voter Judge Mutz speaks
bfcomorrow evening Oct 24
Thirteen and Ten Tears Ago
The following items are taken from
the Valentine Reporter of Oct 25
iBemoeratic convention was helti and
W it Towne was nominated for judge
Republicans nominated F H War
fcrenor county judge -six inches -of
snow Cell Oct 22 School commenced
From the Democratic Blade of Oct
2 186
On thoE26th ballot J P Wood was
nominated for representative from
this distsiet Nobody knew in what
representative or senatorial district the
Cmwn Wls II P08loffififi hnilrlinrr
The situation in this the Sixth Con
gressional district has at no time been
complex or in doubt The next Con
gressman from this district wilfbe V
L Greene of JCearaey Billgfeencfif
you wish because heis a man who is
never bctherl by buse ridicule r
any of the cotamouvweaponB used toir
ritate the candidate for office
The light being made for congress
by Greene and Cady is unique Cady
talks tariff and Gircene carefully con
tines himself to finance Cady talks of
the old soldier and Greene says free
silver1 Cady appeals to the local pre
judices bf votersby promising what-
eer is asked l while Greene- can tinues
on the money vo rcestion These two
men recognize the fact that the ques
tion of money is the all important one
in this carapaiga and while f Cady
evades the issue Grcene plunges into1
it boldlv is admittedly
for the free coinage of that
fact alone insares Oreenes election5 i
W L Greene 8pke here last Friday
The afternoon meeting was1 held in
Cornell Hall and Jthe audience was a
la jxe one exceeding in size -that which
turned out to bear thethreebigrepiib
Hcau3 MacColl Cady and Tefft The
maeting was presided over byjL C
Sparks president of the Bryan Club
Mr Greene- spoke for more than two
hours and awakened lots of enthusiasm
The republicans- hsd secured- the half
for the eveuing s Mr Greene pnK
iu the Presbyterian -church J Wesley
Tucker andW H Horton addressed
the McKinley Club This precipitated
a contest as tOMwhich could draw the
biggest emwd Tias McKinley people
hired the 12th Infantry band and pre
pared to take carttOi an immenseaud
ieuce but the audience could shave
been accommodatedin a much smaller
room than Cornell Jiall Over at he
church a different seene was enacted
After listeniiif to republican music
awhile -the people west toear Greene
They filled all the seats and more were
brought in These were tilled and tbW
the latecojiaers stood vjap Enthusiasm
was unb Minded and the speaker was
at least twenty five times compelled to
stop on account cf the applause M
Chrisieosen democratrpresid d And
of tlus graud demonstrfltion a certain
idiotic nincompoop In this cm who
stakes pleasure in displaying his
cty upon every possible occasion wrote j
ta the State Journal
Hft was unablflfto seRtir the
IkII for an evening oration but he fin
ally succeeded in securitjgihe Presby
terian church iind enteiuiued a tew
people who were unable to secure
standing room at the meetjgg of the
McKinley aud Hpbart club V1 and
from present indications BIS1 Greene
has done a great deal towards helping
republicans out iu this county as the
street was strewn with Bryan buttons
having been thrown away by- tiie silver
men after hearing Greene
Asa liarthe maa who wrote -the
foregoing stands in a class by himself
Messrs Tucker and Horton managed
Out unfortunately Mr Horton had an
attack of heart failure and was com
pelled to leavettie hall
Hon A H Single of Butte Boyd
county this state addressed our people
last night the meeting which was an
exceedingly large one being presided
over by Robert Good Mr Tingle is
an old line -republican and claims he
has never deserted the party that the
party made a square turn and he kept
going straight -ahead The speaker
was once interrupted by Judge Tucker
and received a red hot reply for his
pains Tingle spoke for an hour and
at the close of his address the chairman
gave Judge Tucker a chauce to talk
and for a few moments questions and
answers flew thick and fast and Judge
Tucker was vanquished
And MdEinley still coutinues to
talk platitudes about tariff and never
answers questions on any other subject
One dav rfinpnilv 1ia mnrfo fiawh
xwas being completed Man inamed speeches an rf -in none of them was
i r ox was asBsrua lor cvJtl steftiinir I thfti o u hrirrff is jrfnni f Af
----- v v AJitj VVUUUV
PnbliflfLtMl ft Four Ywtffc as
cheery ooufirfir independent
Saturday- morning one of Cherry
- bountys old residents J Steen
CROWDS GREET HON W LUrcm west of Browuiee took unto
fepltc the Hfforts of Brsuin Bands
other Campaign Iifte Kefnted
Tingle AnHwerfTucker
lelmself a wTfe in the person of Miss
IEa Unlopuiof New York The
bride arrivedm town nday night
and Republican wpkers An J the ceremony was performed next
morning and the happy couple depart-
d for their hofide on Steens ranch the
same afternoon The bride is a charm
ing young lady and will no doubt
make life a paradise for Mr Steen in
the future
Editors Cotrelu Dead
At the home oPher mother in Long
pine last Friday afternoon Alta Leo
tfceod aged 15 years and 6 months
died of typhoid fever- attei not quite
two weeks illness The editor was
called toiler bedside by a telegram
I Friday morning but death claimed its
priz before he reached Longpine
Coming so soon after the death of her
fatherJ B Good the blow is
doulvVbard for Mrs Good to bear
and she has added need for the sym
pathy of the friends of the deceased
school work to be present at our teach
yMentUre -Teacher AftMociatlon
We cordially invite any interested in
ers Association to be held in tire high
school building Saturday Nov 14
1896 at 130 p m The following
program will be given
llollvall Response by quota-
tionsffpmthe subject
A Review of Tracvs Psychology
- of Child Study Section
Chapter I IV Mary Hurley
Proper and Improper incentives
in school work tL G Stevenson
Book Review fv Florence Humar
Whlit kind of- Opening Exercises
tve conducive to the highest
Morril and Mental
mental aChild Mrs Laurie
Music in the schools Principles
or songs Belle Callen
WoineM AsainHt Corbett
This paper is iu receipt of a copyof
Jthe resolutions recently passed by the
resolutions by the Chadron Equal
ufjErage Society and sorry that
lackTif space prohibits their publica
tion entire The resolutions are sign
ed by Mary Smith Havward president
andcPheme Mason aooretary and the
following extracts show their import
Resolved that we as abody will do
all in our power to urge every voter
regardless of politics to do all -they
can to prevent the election of Henry
W Corbett the republican nominee
for State Superintendent - of Public
Po you want a man who murdered
oneot best teachers and two innocent
liahes to stand at the head of educa
Luvnand bea modelfor our teachers
our boys and our girls of the vgreat
stateof Nebraska
iOnATji Paid the Freight
Last Tuesday a special train of four
qars was run from Chadron to Norfolk
and about250 invited guests took a
trip to the beet sugar factory - at the
latter place Evervthiner was frea
apd everyone enjoyed himself but
owing to delay on the road only about
twoihours time was given at the
factory Cherry county sent a good
delegations consisting of the follovring
to keep their uditnce in good humor J j4q Thackery
Andy Wilson
Cbas Hoffman
L II Perkins
Frank Seager
C Cramer
N Poien
W A Pettycrew
Robt Robinson
GH Hornby
W S Jackson
O W Hahn
M Wyman
J A Hornback
Resin Wilson
L H Sawyer
R Hansen
L D Lincoln
C H CoroeU
H Green
L E Stuart
D Alder
J L Ballard
C A Johnson
W Honey
C M Baily
C A Barnes
G BakeweH
The object of this trip is a mooted
question but it was -given out that
Oxnard wishes to extablish two more
sugar factories on this line of road
and wished the farmers to become in
terested in the beet sugar industry
Nomatter what the object was the
boys all had a good time free of ex
pense The trip was probably intend
ed to impress the visitors with the
importance of the sugar factory and
the necessity of paying a bounty on
home produced sugar If that -was it
no good was -accomplished as the peo
ple are -firmly -opposed to class legisla
tion the taxing of the poor to help
the rich Further developments are
eagerly awaited
zmmz rmg
NO 39
Worth of
Just received
Fine Winter Dress Goods IDcmble WiatS for
25 Dents per Yard
Dienpirt Timer
That the best place in town to buy fresh
fruits and vegetables is at Pettyerews
iTihat the best place in town to -buy gro
ceries find confectionery is At Betty ere w ci
That- khe highest price- for butter an d eg -
is- always jaid at Pettycrewa
If you didn4 try him aaidjou will
Q berry Qamw
Valentine Nebraska
What vm are
Wihere we are
Every facility exteuded customers consistent with consemiive banking
Exchange -bought add sold Loans upon good security soliuitddat rsasosable
rates County depository
Who we are Ml OBBSf JflRE
C JUCOMXKLL President rji jr SPiCHOh8QfcCuls
Valentine Itfetoaska
A General Banking Business TranxacteH
Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign JExechangc
Correspondents National Bank Now York irtrBfNatteaaiBankOmaha
At Setters Old Stand oa Main Street
Fish Game Beader Sfceaks
Jracy Roasts Dry Salt Meats
and the fiDBst line of Smoked
Hams and Breakiast Baooo
ever sold in town
Ol the 3i9wet Brands