The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 15, 1896, Image 4

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IM1 Iff
kOBERT GOOD Editor and Publisher
Official Paper of Cherry
ty ft ebrafelcn
kXH Per Year m Advance
rurrisHED every Thursday
Entered at the Foskofflce ftV Valentine Cherry
county Nebraska as Second class matter
This paper will ije mailed regularly
to its subscribers until a -definite order
to discontinue is received ahd all ar
rears are paid in full
Advertising rates 50 cents per inch
errconth Rates per column or for
Jonjg time ads made known oi appli
cation to this office
THUltSb AY OCTOBER 15 1826
Democratic ticket
For President
Of Lincoln Nebraska
Vor Vice President
Of i5atli Maine
1 residential Electors
3or Governor
For Lieutenant Governor
For State Secretary-
For State Auditor
For State Treasurer
For Attornev General
For State Superintendent
For Commissioner
For fudges Supreme Court
Long Term
Short Term
ForTJniveraity Regent
For Congress 6th District
For Senator 14th District
fJFor Representative 52d District
For Countv Attorney
For Commissioner 2d District
The correct version of the
Of the letters gop after Nov t will
fce Gone Out of Politics
We cannot restore confidence either
to the treasury or to the people with
out a change in our present tariff laws
Major McKinley
The free silver republicans have
nominated a full state ticket and are
in the race to stay Secretary of State
Piper will have to print the names of
the nomineeon all ballots followed by
the single descriptive word republi
can It will require more than or
dinary intelligence for electors to vote
right this year-
Down with trusts
Down with plutocracy
Down with monopolies
Down with all forms of organized
oppression to labor
Honest poverty and honest property
are alike to be respected
Equitable taxation is just taxation
and the people should be taxed mpro
portion to their ability to pay
The county commissioners in ses
sion this week disposed of the busi
ness in hand among other things pro
Tiding for the submission to the peo
ple of this county at the ensuing
election the proposition of -annexing
apart of Cherry county to this county
and appointing Mr John McCauley
county judge pro tem Hyannis
As soon as the news of the Yale out-
rage on Mr Bryan reached the Indian
nation the Cherokees Creeks Choc-
ftaws and Seminoles immediately held
-a meeting and passed a resolution de-
vnouneing the Yale hoodlums and that
their sons and daughters should not be
sent to school such influences
were tolerated or prevailed It is
tough when Indians not taxed have
to call down the esthetic ana more or
3 em effete eat
you esk Why the
i TitnilmT1
Dr H S Cooner savs in the Newl
York World Seeing you open your
columns for the free expression of
thought to be seen by the millions who
read your valuable paper a few
thoughts suggest themselves to my
mind to which f wish to give publicity
through your columns First what is
there in all this bhgaboo about the
honest dollar The papers are teeming
with indignation over the thought that
Uncle Sam may give free coinage to
silver as if that would be the most
direful calamity that could befall this
nation Why 1 ask is not a silver
dollar inder free coinage worth just
as much as the silver dollar we now
have so long as the parity of sixteen
o one is to be maintained I for one
csn see no difference in the market
ralue of the saiver dollar so long us it
is worth just as much as the gold dol
lar in purchasing power and accord
ing to the Chicago platform on which
Bryan has planked his foot so squarely
silver is te be kept on a parity with
gold at the above ratio True the
free coinage of silverihay make money
more plenty It maybenefitthe labor
er by enhancing his wages It may
benefit Che farmer fnthe rise of values
for his products and enable to sell
his potatoes for inofe than 10 cents a
bushel which he cotiM -not do last
year It may benefit aM vclasses of
societw save one Who are they do
bugs the
aristocrats the syndicatesdie million
airesthey all comeunder this head
Did -it ever occur to you gentle read
er that this last mentioned -class runs
andtjotitrols this entire couutry If
yoiidoubt it look at the oil trusts the
iron trusts the coal trusts and a mul
titude of other trusts And dont for
getto look in upon Wall street upon
the bankers and jobUers there who
can and have heretofore cornered
all the gold and so crippled Uncle Sam
that he entered into a league with
them and sold to them Government
bonds at a great deal less rate than
their marketvalue
Then I say to all who wish to aid
in -bringing about a better condition
of things iu this country not to be in
fluenced by the money power which
has boughtup nearly the entire press
and is spending its millions of money
toearry the election for McKinley
bitt rather assert your manhood and
vote for Bryan and SewaA and thus
help to break the chains tLt are being
forged for your enslavement
Candidate William McKinley daily
itells the free imports of voters at
Canton that the causeof the business
depression of 1896 is the free silver
silver agitation and the cry for Bryan
and bimetallism Orator Burke Cock-
xan told the people of the Northwest
that the present business depression
dated from the Chicago convention
The Srew York organs daily tell the
country that the agitation for the
revival of bimetallism and Populism
is the source of the present industrial
and commercial phenomena
Therefore let the readers of the
Penny Press note that since the free
coinage conventions of the democratic
and peoples parties
The United States has imported
over -30000000 net of European
That the value of all farm products
has appreciated
That the countrys wheat has risen
in value 52000000
That the aggregate value of all
farm products has risen 150000000
That wheat has risen from 53 c to
70c and is fast racing for the 1
That the increase m produce values
is general all along the line and that an
industrial and commercial revival is
setting in upon the continent si nee
the opening of the great peoples
movement for Bryan and bimetallism
Listen to the following from the
Chicago Times Herald Every farm
product has advanced m value mil
lions of dollars during the last fort
night Wheat has advanced 13 cents
while iork gained 50 cents yesterday
over the previous days price and re
tained most of its advantage to the
close The gain in dollars and cents
to the farmer as near as can be esti
mated is all of 150000000 for his
products One third of this advan
tage is in wheat alone If corn con
tinues to increase it is almost im
possible to estimate how much will
be added to the agriculturists wealth
With a corn crop of nearly 2000000
000 bushels each one cent advance in
price means a gain to the producers of
20000000 The price gained yestor
dav was 1 h cents
30000Tl1D0 Press
i used to perform
nV ji l C5T i J 2jS ff i
The National Bimetallist presented
a cartoon recently which showed a
building labeled U S Prosperity
Shop and on the roof were Hanna
and McKinley nailing on projection
shingles while the building is about to
fall over owing to a shaky foundation
called Gold Standard Bryah is
shown pJacing a new foundation
under the building and the solid
foundation stones are labeled Free
Silver 16 to 1 Ample Circulating
Medium etc The cartoon represents
the situation exactly McKinley ad
vocates protection and tinkers with
the roof only while our national
prosperity demands a solid foundation
nd finance is that foundation
Walter Wellraan the young man
who Came to Nebraska a few days ago
and learned mtfre of Nebraska politics
in a week than old settlers have learned
in thirty years wrote in his paper the
Chicago Times Herald and said Ne
braska would give McKinley 5000 ma
jority But the trouble with Mr Well
man seems to be that he forgets on
Tuesday what he wrote the day before
A few days after his guess as to the re
sult in this state he wrote a heart
breaking little story abdut an old sol
dier jWho attended the Reunion at Lin
coln It was to the effect that the old
soldier hadiust been uotified by an
eastern insurance company that it
tended to forclose its mortgage on
farm When asked about it the
soldier admitted that -the company
was going to do so becausehis district
had elected a populist judge World
W J Bryan has endeared himself
more to the hearts of the common peo
ple the people who compose the bone
and sinew cT this country by his oft re
peated assertion that if elected lie will
use all thegjower of the presidential
office to the work of destroying trusts
than by any other assertion or pledge
ne will keep that pledge because he
is by nature opposed to trusts But
the strongest guarantee that he will do
so if guaraetee is needed lies in the
fact that every trust and combine in
the country as fighting him If elected
die will be under obligations to no
trustor corporation on the contrary
he will have good reason for using his
power to destroy them
But how about McKinley nas he
ever pledged himself to antagonize
trusts monopolies or corporations
Has he ever antagonized them Is
nothis campaign being waged and in
large part paid for by trusts and mem
bers of trusts Will he not be simply
the tool of trusts if
-the by any mis
chance he is elected Can the Ameri
can people afford to elect a man of
this caliber This is a vital question
for every man to consider be he demo
crat republican or populist Which
shall survive the combines orf free
Nebraska has a magnificent endow
ment for her pu blie school system
which has been carefully guarded
against loss or diminution by wise
provisions in her constitution
To more than 3900000 acres of
land one eighteenth of her entire
territorial domain ceded by th gen
eral government is added five per
cent of all sales ot public lands with
in her -boundaries Further addition
to this magnificent perpetual school
fund is provided for under state laws
in the form of escheats forfeitures
etc the whole fund now amounting
in the aggregate to more than 20
000000 in value Of this sum May
31 1896 399676955 were invested
in bonds and other securities and
675036d9 were idle in the hands of
the state treasurer Under the consti
tution these funds are held in trust by
the state for the benefit of the public
schools and all losses occurring iu any
way must be made good by the state
so that the principal shall remain a
perpetually increasing fund forever
the interest only being apportioned
semi annually to the several school
districts under the law
The management of these l trust
funds is in the hands of a board called
the Board of Educational Lands and
Funds consisting of the Governor
Secretary of State State Treasurer
Attorney General and Commissioner
of Public Lands and Buildings whose
duty it is to see that these trust funds
are invested as directed by the legis
lature for the benefit of the school
children and the tax payers of the
state This duty a majority of the
Mr Laughlin in his work on Politi
cal Economy publishes a chart by
which he shows that the value of the
worlds production of gold from 1493
to 1850 was 3314540000 and the
value of the silver produced during
the same time was 7358450000 or
more than twice as much in value of
silver as of gold From the same
chart it appears that the value of gold
produced from 1850 to 1885 was 4
428525000 and that the value of sil
ver produced during the same time
was 2390475000 only a little more
than one half as much ifr value of sil
ver as gold During the first period
named the ratio between gold and sil
ver was much lower than during the
second period If the amount of the
production had a controlling influence
or any influence over the value of the
bullion the reverse of this would have
been true
If the legislative demand is for the
total available supply of both gold and
silver at a certain ratio it necessarily
follows that while the value of the
metals may fluctuate as compared
with commodities ihe ntio between
the metals will remain unchanged Of
course there will be slight fluctua
tions arising from local causes
While neither of the metals can fall
below the coinage value either of
them may temporarily rise above it on
account of some local demand If sil
ver should rise m value the ratio
would fall If gold should rise in value
the ratio would rise But as soon as
the local demand was satisfied the for
mer ratio would be restored If the
rise or fall in either of the metals was
general caused by an abundant yield
of the mines or from any other reason
so long as free and unlimited coinage
was guaranteed to both -metals the
metal changing in value would carry
ihe other with it
At present there seems to be no
doubt that W L Greene wtll be elected
to congress from this district to suc
ceed O M Kern and that Judge Otto
Mute will represent the 14th senatorial
district in the legislature this winter
while O P Billings will probably
warm the seat in the east end of the
capitol formerly occupied by Frank
Rothleutner A E Cady
can nominee for eongress is making a j
uara ngnt but his energy is wrasted
this year He isrft on the right side
Df the money question and he knows
it and tries to evade the issue by talk
ing tariff This fools nobody andgains
no vote and he loses democratic
support every day by doing so Judge
Otto Mutz is a good man and so is Dr I
Ely but Tnxs Democrat cant figure
a majority for the latter for senator
Between the two men personally
there seems ti be little if any choice
so people will vote for principle this
year instead of men The same thing
holds good in the case of Billings and
Horton for representati ve there is
little choice shut your eyes and make
a cross when you vote The failure
of the democratic committee to nomi
nate a man to succeed Robert Good
resigned simplifies the situation in
this district as a democrat would have
gained -many votes from both republi
cans and populists large numbers of
whom are dissatisfied and kep all
parties guessing As it is The
Democrat hopes Mr Billings will
make a better reputation for himself
than that given him by the Springview
Herald and will represent the 52d dis
trict in a better manner than it ever
has been
The Chicago Tribune a most rabid
gold sheet has information from Col
umbus whieh says the republican
committee now acknowledges that on
the first poll of Ohio about September
1st that the state was for Bryan but
it says a later poll showed a gain for
McKinley and the present poll was ex
pected to show Ohio safe for the latter
No wonder there is a scare on at the
party headquarters September 1 was
two and a half months after the nomi
nation of Ohios favorite In the
light of such an admission how silly is
the claim of 150000 for McKinley
The truth is as we have often seated
Ohio is a silver state nobody but Mc
Kinley could have any chance of carry
ing it for President on a gold plat
form and with the combination
against him he will have no sure
thing The blind partisau can see
nothing but the fact may be there
How was it in 1S92 when Harrison
was so surely elected uetore tne
election Common sense dictates a
fair look at the situation and we warn
or more than present board haveneglected and J our republican brethren to look pat
for Ohis Dt7pls O Couraui
The Wvmore Dailv Arbrtr State has
beea revived to do battle tor the cause
of W T Bryan Bro Dodds is to be
congratulated on his pluck in reviving
the daily edition of hi3 paper
If McKinley is elected the only rem
edy he will have for hard times is to
raise the tariff That will raise the
price of manufactured products How
will that benefit the people at large
They have no money to purchase goods
now and hence cannot buy more of
them when they are Higher To put up
a tariff wall a mile high W3uld not re
leive this nation of the money famine
that now afflicts us as a people
Wymeve Arbor State
It can hardly be necessary even for
the purpose of making the manufac
turers come down handsomely to be so
idiotic frs many of these orators are
When they speak for instance denun
ciatory words of the Wilson act be
cause it did not produce sufficient
revenue in the month of September
they seem to forget that this is due to
the nonimportation ot foreign goods
and that this is just what the protec
tionists have been praying for ever
since there were any protectionists
The New York Herald has made a
jareful estimate on the probable result
of the November election and though
it is one of McKinlevs staunchest sup
porters it only gives him 237 votes in
the electoral college out of a total of
447 In this estimate the Herald gives
McKinley the states of Indiana
Illinois Minnesota Iowa and Kentuc
ky and all of these states are most
certain to give Bryan their votes
Taken all in all the chances of McKin
ley occupying the White House next
year are very slim and growing slim
The New York democrats extended
to John Quincy Adams of Massachus
etts an invitation tfo be present at the
ratification meeting tendered W J
Bryan last week Unable to attend in
person he sent his regrets in which
he used the folio wiug strong language
I feel that the cry of the people
who have long been outraged is more
to be pitied and sooner to be heeded
than the wail of parasite Therefore
as a descendant of two signers of the
Declaration of Independence I cannot
stand idly by and see my people
struggle for the same rights that my
ancestors fought for during the
American revolution without lending
my voice that self government may be
enjoyed and our domestic and
cial policy may not be dependent on
and dictated by the same old enemy
England That our fathers were
right none can say Inay that our
people are now right in their demand
lor constitutional provisions none can
It is singular how the anarchists are
coming to the front and expressing
themselves in language that has the
ring of sincerity and patriotism The
Adamses the 1 Jncoins the Jefiersons
and Washingtons are of and for the
people and it is natural that their
descendants should be with us
One of the silliest things in the line
of campaign literature is the leaflet
now being circulated by the
McKinleyites which nays farmers are
suffering because the Wilson bill re
duced the tariff on hay 2 per ton on
eggs 2 cents per dozen potatoes 10
cents per bushel cabbage 3 cents per
head honey 10 cents per gallon onions
20 cents per bushel apples 10 cents
per bushel and so on adnauseum
Have anj of our farmers noticed a
drop in the prices of the articles
named to the extent of the reduction
of the tariff Of course they havent
and Hannas machine must have slip
ped a cog when such literature was
sent to Nebraska It was intended to
be circulated in the cities where the
people dont know what a farmer
looks like excepting from the ideas
obtained by a glance through some
comic weekly Every intelligent
farmer knows that we export not im
port the articles named and whenever
we can afford to export an article in
competition with foreigners that
moment all necessity for a tariff if the
tariff ever was a necessity ceases and
even the most radical McKiuleyite
cannot gainsay the fact
The circulation of such literature
among farmers is an insult to their
intelligence and the farmers will re-
buke tho insulters on Xovetuber 3 by
voting for
J I3ryau
JLtoioc HAT 1 per year
Democratic Platform
The following is a synopsis of ihe
platform adopted bv the national con
vention at Chicago July Oth lUb The
plank referring to free coinage of silver
is given in full
TJecoijiirinji that the money ncstion is pars
mount to all others at this time we iuvite atten
tion to the fact that tlie federal coustitntiou
names silver and gold together as the money
metal of the United States We declare that
the demonetization of silver in 187 has resulted
in the appreciation of jrold and a corresponding
fall in the price of eoinaiortities produced oy t he
people We are unalterably opposed to a siu
iejoId standard Jold monometahsm is n
Uritish policy it is not onlj un American but
anti Aniarican
We demand the free ami unlimited eoinace of
both gold and silver at the present legal ratio of
ii to l without waiting for in aid or consent ot
any other nation We demand that the stan
dard silver dollar shall be a full legal teuder
equally with gold tor all debtx public and pri
vate and we favor such legislation as will pre
vent the demonetization or anv kind of lecal
tender money by private contract
We are opposed to the policy and practice of
surrendering to tiie holders of the obligations of
the United States the option reserved by law to
the government of redeeming such obligations
in cither silver coin or gold coin
We are opposed to the issuing of interest bear
ing bonds of the United States in time of peace
We demand that tiie power to Issue notes to
circulate as money be taken from the national
banks and that U1 paper money shall be issued
directly by the treasury department
We hold that tarilf duties shoidd he levied for
purposes of revenue and that taxation should be
limited by the needs of the government honestly
and economically administered We denounce
as disturbing to business tin- republican threat
to restore the McKinley law which has been
twice condemned by the people in national
elections and which enacted under the false
plea of protection to home industry proved a
prolific breeder ot trusts and monopolies enrich
ed the few at the expense of many restricted
trade and deprived the producers of the great
American staples of access to their natural mar
kets Until the money question is settled we are
opposed to anj agitation for further change in
our tan ji laws except such as are necessary to
make the deficit in revenue caused by the ad
verse decision of tiie Supreme Court on t he In
come tax There would be no dellcit m the
revenue but for the annulment bv the Supreme
Court of a Jaw passed by the democratic con
gress m strict pcrsuanee of the uniform de
cision of that court for nearlv one hundred
years We hold that the most efficient wy of
protecting American labor is to prevent the im
portation of foreign pauper labor to compete
with it in cur home market
We denounce the profligate waste of the
money wrung from the people by oppressive
taxation and the lavish appropriations of recent
republican congresses vnich liave kept taxes
high while the labor that pays them is unemploy
ed and the products of the peoples toil are de
pressed in price till they no longer repay the
cost ot production
We denounce The arbitrary interference by
federal authorities in local aflairs as a violation
of the constitution of the rnitetl States and a
crime against free institutions
lrecogiiizhig the just claims of deserving union
soituers we Heartily endorse The rul of Com
missioner Murphy tliat no names shall be arbi
trarily dropped from the pension roll and the
fact ol eulisiiiient and service should be deemed
conclusive evidence against disease and disabil
ity before enlistment
We extend our sympathy to the people of Cuba
in their heroic struggle for libertv and indepen
We rre opposed to life tenure in the publie
sen ice We lavor appointments based upon
nientsfixed term of office and such an admin
istration or the civil sen ice laws as will afford
equal opportunities to all citizens or ascertained
We declare it to lie the unwritten law of this
republic established by custom and usage of
one hundred years and sanctioned bv the ex
ample ofjlK greatest and wisest of ttio e who
lounded and have maintained our government
thittmo man should be eligible for a third term
of the presidential oliice
The Democrat and the Thricea
week Xew York World one year
Lolow will oe found tho constitution
of the Xon Partisan William J Bryan
Club which all who believe in the
principles there set forth are respect
fully asked to sign Tour membershin
in this club need not interfere with
your connection with any other club
of a like nature liead Ihe constitu
tion and then sign the blank form at
the bottom and send to L C Sparks
Presideur Kobert Good Vice Presi
dent or D H Thurseon Secretary of
the Ginb at Valentine
Section 1 Theuameof thisorgnnization shall
be the W J Hryaii Xon lartbnn Free Silver
Section l The object of this organization
shall be to disseminate a silver sentiment a
bolter understanding of the finance of the conn
try among its members and the people of the
county generally and lo promote goad citizen
snip by purity of purpose and harmony of action
and to work for and seccre by honest efforts the
election of W J Bryan as our next President
Section l The officers of this club shall be a
President Vice President Treasurer and three
Section 1 There shall be an Executive Com
mittee composed of the ottlcers of the club to
arrange all preliminaries of he campaign and
to fill vncrncies when such occur It shall Le
the duty of this committee to scale a program
for each meeting
Section 1 All funds for necessary expenses
shall be raised by voluntary contribution only
Section l Roberts Rule ot Order shall gov
ern the meeting of the club
Section IThis club shall meet every Friday
evening at 8 oclock and club rooms will b open
to visitors at all hours
Each member must identify himself vt ith Ibe
club by signing the Constitution and accept the
principles set forth in the same
To the officers nnd members
Xon - Partisan William I
f same llespectf ully
Poatefilce AOxe
of the
Club Valentine Nebraska
Tou are hereby authorized to enroll
me as a member of your Club and af
fix my name to the constitution of the
a -31