The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 15, 1896, Image 2

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it fahnfine democrat
ROBERT B GOOD - Epitok Titor
Three of the Robys Crew are
Drowned and Five are Rescued
After a Terrible Battle with the
Elements Other News Items
Atlantic Coast Sorm
Lewes Del At daybreak Sunday
morning the American schooner Luther
ARoby from Sehiverie Nova Scotia for
Philadelphia with a cargo of plaster
struck near the point of Cape Ilenlopen
while a terrible northeast gale was pre
vailing The force of the sea was so great
that the vessel pounded to pieces on the
sands before the life saving crew could
get a line to her Three of the crew lost
their lives and five were rescued after an
awful experience with the elements One
of the killed lost his life by being struck
by the main mast when it fell
Suicide of a Treasury Messenger
Washington Dillard F Ragland a
messenger in the Treasury Department
appointed from Goliad Texas committed
suicide 03 inhaling gas He was to have
been married in Atlanta soon to a young
woman from Dallas Texas but for some
reason changed his mind and rather than
tell his intended that he was not yet in a
position to marry he killed himself The
circumstances of the suicide indicate that
the act was not premiditated
Cattle King Killed
Ardmoke I T Wyatt Williams a
former catttle king well known in Chi
cago St Louis and the west was mur
dered on Main Street in cold blood
by Bud Watkins a half blood Indian
aged 2 1 years The murderer was cap
tured and lodged in jail Great excite
ment prevails but a speedy trial is prom
ised and lynching is likely
Wyatt leaves a widow and four
Public sentiment is strong against
Castles Remain in Jail
London It is not thought probable
that bail for Mr and Mrs Walter M
Castle of San Francisco who were re
manded to Holloway jail on Tuesday
last charged with stealing furs from deal
ers in this city will be applied for before
he case comes up again at the Marl
Iborough Street police station for fear of
prejudicing the case The Castles will
therefore remain in jail until they appear
dn court
Two Can Play at That Game
Maijion Ind The two natural gas
companies of this city have entered a
combination and advanced rates 33 per
cent Consumers in South Marion to the
number of 500 have united to oppose the
old companies and will get gas at a much
lower rate from J S Wise a leading
C Five Dead at Danville Pa
DANVHtEjPa Threeadditional deaths
making five in all have resulted from the
boiler explosion in the Montour rolling
mill In all about fifty persons were more
iriore or less seriously hurt The cause of
the explosion is not known but it is sup
posed to have been due to low water in
the boiler
Reception to Miss Barton
Washington Miss Clara Barton the
head of the Red Cross Society was given
a welcome on her return to Washington
from her trip to Turkey by a reception in
her honor at the Shoreman Hotel It was
an informal affair and a number of her
-friends turned out to greet her
Starved Herself to Death
YouxGSTOWN Ohio Mrs Henry
Grundy a rich widow aged 50 died as the
result of starvation Her husband re
cently died and she afterward attempted
suicide She refused all aid and would
not take food drink or medicine
Spanish Soldiers Mutiny
Madrid A dispatch received here
from Manilla says that a company of
native soldiers at Mindanao an island of
the Malay Archipelago and second
largest of the Philippine Islands has
anutined and killed its officers
New Strawberries in Market
Benton Harbor Mich Otto Wild
a prosperous fruit grower near town
brought ripe strawberries to market the
other day lie has a new variety that
will ripen good fruit during September
and early October
His Sleep JKudely Interrupted
EWMAy 111 Burglars tried to enier
the Newman Bank but in their efforts to
effect an entrance the nightwatchman
was aroused from his slumbers and fired
at them with a Winchester frightening
them away
Young GirrBurned to Death
Marion Ind Ivy Harrell a 12-year-old
girl living at Hanfield was burned to
death She was alone in the house and
it is supposed her clothes ignited from the
natural gas fire in the grate
Fatal Collision in Austria
Vienna An express train from Italy
collided at Auer in the Tyrol with a train
filled with recruits No further details
have been received but it Is feared there
has been heavy loss of life
Peru Jnpan Treaty Ratified
LiiiA Peru At a secret session the
Peruvian Congress approved of the treaty
-of-friendship and commerce between
Peru and Japan
Dutch Transport 1ost
St Sebastian The Dutch transport
Haramario has been lost off the coast of
Spain She was last reported off Finis-
Apostle Thatchers Name Omitted
Salt Lake At a conierence of the
jMormon Church all the authorities of the
tChurch were sustained with the excep
lion of Apostle Moses Thatcher whose
name was omitted from the list The ac
tion against Thatcher was for failing to
take counsel before accepting the nomi
nation for a political office Apostle
Thatcher was the Democratic candidate
lor the United States Senate last year
Gen Tjfochu Dead
Tours France Gen Troohu
fended Paris until it wa3 surrenijeipa to
jthe Germans is dead
Bradstrcets Review
New Tork liradstreets says Colder
weather continued heavy receipts of cot
ton and wheat and other influences have
stimulated the demand for staple goods at
various points but the volume of trade
remains moderate without material
change from a week ago
The Pacific coast reports increasing ac
tivity in wheat the noteworthy feature
being a cargo of wheat exported to India
Total exports of wheat from both coasts
of the United Stales and from Montreal
flour included as wheat continue to at
tract attention in view of short supplies in
Kussia India Argentine and Australia
The domestic wheal crop is more likely to
approximate 500000000 bushels this year
than only 40000000J the general inter
pretation of the Government wheat crop
There were 219 business failures in the
United States reported last week There
were 37 business failures reported from
the Canadian dominion for the week
Another Beef Embargo Feared
Indianapolis Ind From inquiries
made here it developed that the German
Government is making on its own ac
count an investigation of the health of
American cattle possibly with a view of
again placing an embargo upon American
beef The state board of health received
a letter from the German cousul at Cin
cinnati asking for a detailed statement of
how much if any tuberculosis existed
among the cattle of Indiana The letter
also wanted to know what measures were
being taken to weed out or prevent the
disease and stated that the German Gov
ernment had last year expended over
400000 in stamping out tuberculosis
among German cattle
Bacteria Preys on Worshipers
Indianapolis Ind The state board
of health has been investigating a re
markable state of affairs existing in what
is known as the Bock Lane neighborhood
in Johnson County where 75 per cent of
the population have suffered at some
time during the past year from typhoid
It was found that all of those who had
been ill had been attendants at the Bock
Lane Church where there is a well from
which the worshipers have been in the
habit of drinking A microscopical ex
amination of the water from this well
shows it full of bacteria and a chemical
analysis shows the water to be badly
poisoned The well has been condemned
and closed
Secretary Olney at Work
Washington Thursday was Secre
tary Olneys first diplomatic reception
day for three months yet there were only
three of the corps among his callers
Senor Calvo of Costa Rica Senor Romero
of Mexico and Senor Andrade of Vene
zuela The latter spent half an hour in
close consultation with the Secretary and
it is supposed the discussion concerned
generally the negotiations relative to the
boundary controversy and particularly
the last move in British Guiana author
izing the building of a British railway
through the disputed territory which
threatens if pushed to disturb the present
satisfactory status quo
Dreams of Wealth Vanish
San Francisco Christian Soil and
John R Green the prospectors who dis
covered a quicksilver mine on a portion
of the shore near the Cliff House will not
be as wealthy as they expected Believ
ing the deposit was located ton property
subject to entry they fileU a mining
notice Scarcely had they dontithis when
they found that the land was a part of the
military reservation which is beyond
reach of the laws regarding mining
claims They now hope that the Govern
ment will allow them to develop as much
of their claim as lies between the lines
of high and low tide
Saloons in Peril
Arcola 111 The third attempt to
burn a saloon in Areola occurred early
the other morning when the restaurant
adjoining M J Lynchs concern was set
on lire The flames were extinguished
however but with little damage resulting
A large roll of rags saturated with coal
oil was found in the vicinity where
the fire originated Two weeks ago a
barn in the rear of the Lynch saloon was
fired This tire was followed by an at
tempt to destroy W It Stulls saloon
The saloon keepers have offered a large
reward for the capture of the fire bug
Joliet Steel Works Close
Joliet 111 The works of the Illinois
Steel Company have been closed owing to
a scarcity of put orders About 3000
men will be thrown out of employment
It is not expected the works will be closed
for any length of time as many inquiries
are being received for round lots of steel
billets for delivery the first three months
of next year The prices bid are not up
to the idea of the sellers but as buyers
show a disposition to advance them it is
expected that a good many orders will be
booked early in November so that work
can be resumed
Charged With Embezzlement
Milwaukee E T Washburn secre
tary of the South Arm Lumber Company
has been arrested on complaint of W S
Morgan as president of the company
who charges Washburn with embezzling
65626 It is alleged that Mr Washburn
obtained the money by drawing on the
companys funds in bank through checks
made payable to himself The checks are
said to have been issued between July of
last year and the following March
Great Fire in Eucador
LisrA Peru The great fire at Guay
aquil Eucador has been finally subdued
It is estimated that the amount of the loss
will reach 30000000 The insurance
amounts to 2500000 Thousands of per
sons are left homeless by the fconflagra
tion The custom house and its contents
have been destroyed The fire is believed
to have been caused by an incendiary
May Have a DueL
St Louis A special to the Republic
from Washington says Rumors are in
the air to the effect that Senator Black
burn may challenge Logan Carlisle to
fight a duel because of Ihelatters recently
printed card in which he declared it
would be more of an honor to hold a joint
debate on the financial question with a
negro than with Blackburn
A Baric Wrecked
Queenstown A steamer just up in
here reports that she passed a large vessel
floating bottom up Ihe bark Sea King
was totally wreeked and five of the crew
Bishop AYalker Promoted
Buffalo N Y Bishop W D
Walker of North Dakota has been elected
bishop of the Episcopal diocese of West
Bra New York
Lost with All Hands
Liverpool An unknown schooner
has been lost off Holyhead and her crew
of five men were drowned
Chili Faces a Crisis
New York A Heralds Valparaiso
Chili dispatch says The Minister of
Finance held a lang conference with the
man agers of the banks and heads of im
poitant business houses with the view o
devising means to stay the commercial
crisis which is imminent Many foreign
hank managers have urged that the
measures adopted by the Government te
res tore normal financial conditions were
wholly inadequate They declared the
only means of solving the crisis was the
announcement by the Government that it
would maintain the gold conversion law
at all hazards
Overruled by Spain
Washington It has been officially
made known to the State Department
that the Spanish supreme court at Madrid
after due consideration has found that
the proceedings of the naval court mar
tial which convicted the prisoners taken
from the schooner Competitor of being
filibusters and sentenced to death was
erronerous Further than that nothing is
known officially but as this information
is so far confirmatory of the original press
dispatches on the subject it is assumed
that as therein stated the case has been
remanded for another trial before a civil
court as is guaranteed by the Gushing
Trilbys Author Dead
London George Du Maurier the
artist and novelist and author of Trilby
died at 280 on the morning of the 8th
His end was painless and he passed away
surrounded by friends For days he had
been hovering between life and death
On his deathbed to a friend who referred
to his success of Trilby he said -Yes
it has been successful but its popularity
has killed me at last One of his frieuds
present at his death said He died al
most as tragically as Svengali He was
taken off by an affection of the heart at
the zenith of Ins popularity This was
complicated by an affection of the lungs
Sixteen YearOld Murderer
St Joseph Mo Ezra Rasco has been
arrested for the murder of Mrs Baumley
at Arkoe The self confessed mur
derer is a 16-year-old boy whoso father
is a neighbor of Baumleys Young Rasco
says he went to the Baumley house to
net a pail of water and entered the house
He made some remarks that angered Mrs
Banmley She then forced him out of
the house and locked the doors Rasco
broke into the house pursued Mas Baum
ley to an upper room and beat out her
brains with a stove leg The jail is closely
to prevent lynching
Wasnt the Cheery Tree
Washington A sad reminder of the
wrecks wrought by the recent tornado
comes in the destruction of one of the
most precious relics that adorned the his
toric grounds of Mouut Vernon a mag
nificent magnolia tree that was planted
by George Washington and has withstood
the gales of a century
This tree planted in the very year of
the death of the father of his country
presented a most exposed front to the
storm and suffered badly in the general
wreck An effort will be made to revive
the grand old magnolia
Beaten by Church Members
Kansas City A Guthrie Oklahoma
dispatch says Rev Lang an evangelist
who has been holding a revival at Seward
twenty miles south of here on the Santa
Fe delivered a sermon in which he de
clared all women who dance are im
moral Mr Lang was chased to the
Santa Fe station by fifty enraged church
members At the station his face was
beaten almost to a jelly by two farmers
and a number of women Subsequently
he was rescued from a coat of tar and
feathers by a Santa Fe train crew
Georgia election Tragedy
Atlanta Ga Wednesdays election
caused a murder and lynching at Mount
Junction in Screven County Gus Will
iams a populist negro struck a ticket
out of a negro voters hand The Demo
cratic negro struck Williams for his in
solence and Williams fired at his assail
ant but missed his aim and shot and in
stantly killed Engineer Middleton of the
Central Railroad an innocent looker
on Bystanders took Williams and
lynched him and riddled his body with
Forest Fires in California
San Francisco The forest fires
about Pasadena are growing The Echo
Mountain Hotel and Mount Lowe Rail
road are surrounded and are in danger of
being burned The Lowe observatory is
as yet safe but may not live through tho
tires which are almost bevond control
Gen George H Sheridan Dead
Washington News has been received
of the death at the Soldiers Home at
Hampton Va of Gen George II Sher
idan for years a notable figure in politics
lie had a fine record as a soldier
Chicago Cattle common to prime
350 to 523 hogs shipping grades
800 to 375 sheep far to choice 200
to 350 wheat No 2 red 60c to 08c
corn No 2 22c to 23c oats No 2 10c
to ISc rye No 2 34c to 30c butter
choice creamery 15c to 17c eggs fresh
15c to 16c potatoes ner bushel ISc to
30c broom corn common short to choice
dwarf 25 to 00 per ton
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 io
500 hogs choice light 300 to 375
sheep common to prim 200 to 350
wheat jSo 2 07c to GSc corn No 2
white 23c to 25c oats No 2 white 19c
to 21c
St Louis Cattle 300 to 500 hogs
300 to 375 wheat No 2 70c to 72c
corn No 2 yellow 21c to 22c oats
No 2 white 15c to 17c rye No 2 34c
to 30c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 475 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 250 to 350
wheat No 2 74c to 76c corn No 2
mixed 26c to 27c oats No 2 mixed 17c
to 19c rye No 2 39c to 41c
Detroit Cattle 250 to 500 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 200 to 350
wheat No 2 red 71c to 72c corn No 2
yellow 25c to 27c oats No 2 white 19c
to 21c rye 3Cc to 38c
Toledo Wheat No 2 red 72c to 73c
corn No 2 yellow 23c to 23c oats No
2 white 17c to 19c rye No 2 3Sc to 39c
clover seed 530 to 535
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 03c
to 07c corn No 3 22c to 24c oats No
2 white 19c to 21c barley No 2 30c to
30c rye No 1 86c to 38c pork mess
325 to 075
Buffalo Cattle 250 to 475 hogs
300 to 400 sheep 200 to 350
wheat No 2 red 74c to 75c corn No 2
yellow 2Sc to 29c oats No 2 white
J3c to 25c
New York Cattle 300 to 500 hogs
300 to 425 sheep 200 to 375
wiicat No 2 red 71c to 73c corn No 2
28c to 30c oats No 2 white 21c to 22c
butter creamery 12c to 18cveggs West
crn 14c to 19c
Laura Berdolen of Fremont Ends
Her Life by Talcing Chloroform
A Love Affair Thought to Have
Been the Cause for the Act
Ends Her Trouble by Suicide
Laura Berdolen a domestic employed
at the Ruwe Hotel at Fremont committed
suicide by taking chloroform She did
not answer when called by the clerk
Sunday morning The door to her room
was locked and there was no sound irom
within The door was broken open and
she was found lying on the outside of the
bed with her face buried in the pillows
A four ounce bottle half full of chloro
form and the odor of the drug which pre
vaded the room presented unmistakable
evidence of suicide
The cause of the act is thought to have
been a love affair with a railroad man
She was about 21 years of age a graduate
of the Fremont high school and had spent
two years in he Wesleyan University at
Lincoln She was a brilliant scholar
Her mother who lives at Fremont is
partially demented and the girl may
have inherited insanity from her
Great Quantities of Live Stock Will
Be Fed in the State
James Schulz of Yutan brought in and
unloaded at Wahoo 432 head of cattle off
the range near Gordon which with 16S
head he now has on his farm he intends
to feed this winter Forty seven thous
and sheep are to be shipped to that place
from Colorado this fall and are lo be dis
tributed around through the county
where they will be fed this winter A
large crop of everything that grows in
this section was raised this season and
feed is plentiful N B Berggren who
owns a large farm near Wahoo will feed
18000 of these sheep Some will be sent
to Valpariso and other places throughout
the county The first consignment has
already arrived to the number of 3500
which were placed on Berggrens farm
Beats His Wife With a Hatchet
C Joe Pinkava a farmer living near Crab
Orchard Gage County beat his wife with
a hatchet Leaking her skull in several
places and mangled her body badly
Doctors say she will not live After the
assault Pinkava ran to his neighbors
borrowed a revolver stating after secur
ing it that he would shoot himself He
ran for the woods and fired two shots at a
tree It is not believed that he killed
himself as no trace can be found of him
Parlies are in pursuit Family troubles
seem to have been the cause of his action
Later Pinkava cheated the law by
ending his own life His body was found
swinging from a tree in a grove on E B
L fflins farm about a mile from the
scene of his crime In the work of self
destruction Pinkava had suffered an aw
ful death He had made two attempts by
shooting himself in the head His left
eye was shot out and a glance shot had
been made near his left temple His face
was badly beaten probably having in
flicted the lacerations with the butt end
of the revolver Indications are that as
the shooting proved unsuccessful Pinkava
secured a piece of wire from a fence tied
it around his neck climbed the tree
fastened the other end of the wire to a
limb and jumped to his death
Uses a Knife Freely in a Fight
Joe Price the young man who stabbed
George Stadler at Cedar Creek was
lodged in the county jail atPlatttsmouth
Stadler is lying in a precarious condition
with five knife wounds in his body He
is resting easy but the physician says he
may yet have a relapse Staddler had
fallen to the ground when Price first
stabbed him and the knife was plunged
into his back four times while he was
held on the ground by his murderous as
sailant The quarrel arose over the pay
ment of a keg of beer After the stab
bing Price drove away to the farm of
Fritz Wegener where he has been work
ing xi was mere mat ne was
Uses an Ax in a Fight
Fred Rhender a firmer living a few
m les southwest of Craft ii was arrest d
on the charge of striking Claus Koewetter
on the head with an ax RoewetUr was
attempting te take forcible possession of
a road scraper on Rhenders premises
when the latter who had been chopping
wood ran at him striking the back side
of his head with the flat side of the ax
knocking him unconscious The bleeding
was profuse but the wound is not thought
to be dangeious Rhender got a continu
ance till October 20 giving 500 bail
Fnctory Receiving Sugar Beets
The first shipment of beets to the Nor
folk sugar factory from the vicinity of
Fremont was made last week F F
Brown Co have a force of men at work
digging beets and will get them out as
soon as possible Other beet growers are
also preparing to ship The crop is well
matured and it is thought that the most
them will meet the test of 12 per cent
saccharine content and 8 per cent coeffi
cient of purity
Caught in a Revolving Shaft
As Dillard Monk a young man living
near Belgarde was working about a
threshing machine his clothes caught on a
tumbling rod and he was whirled around
with frightful velocity tearing every
shred of clothing off him and breaking his
leg between the knee and the hip and mu
tilating him in a teartul manner At
present he is resting easy with fair pros
pects of recovery
Go Through Herman Stores
Burglars visited Herman the other
yiight They forced an entrance into Wal
lace Bros dry goods store and helped
themselves to clothing dry goods and
groceries The amount taken cannot be
estimated They also visited Truebloods
grocery but secured little but coffee The
butcher snop owned by William Rutledge
was also visited and 3 secured
255 Plenty of Corn in Sight
One hundred and five cars of
were shipped from Wausa during
tember All 01 last years corn
grown there is still in the crib and the
new crop which is the best ever grown
ithere will also be cribbed and held for a
traise in price
Three Men Hurt
Three men were more or less seriously
Injured in a railroad wreck that occurred
at Fremont on the Union Pacific road
All are stockmen and were riding in the
caboose of a freight train It was a rear
end collision
Eqnlc of Shelby Loses a Large
Amount of Cash
The safe in the Bank of Shelby which
was snpposed to be burglar proof was
blown open at 2 oclock on themorning of
the 7th and 3100 stolen The job was
neat and could only have been done by
experts By force of the explosion pieces
of steel were hurled through both vault
doors and the floor was strewn with
pieces of the safe brick notes andcheckt
Insane Woman Meets Death
Mr- Elizabeth Falley an aged inmate
of the Asylum for the Insane at Hastings
fell from the third story window at a late
hour the other night and died from the in
juries received She got out of her room
by taking the hinges off the door Then
going into the main hall she pried the
window cleats off with a piece of a broom
handle and took the window out After
tying a blanket to the iron bar she tried
to escape by dropping from the blanket to
the ground A coroners inquest was
held and the verdict was that she came to
her death while trying to escape by drop
ping from the third story
Beekeepers Association
The twenty eighth annual convention or
the North American Beekeepers Associa
tion was called to order at 1015 oclock
in the Stata University chapel at Lincoln
on the 7th by President Root of Medina
Ohio Twenty eight delegates responded
to roll call A piano solo by Master
Johnnie Heath aged 13 son of H E
Heath of Lincoln was followed by the
invocation of the divine blessing The
convention then go down to regular pro
gram business and listened hrsttoapaper
by Hon E Whitcomb of Friend whose
subject was Importance of Watering io
the Apiary
Spencer Gets Ten Years
E I ward E Spencer who was chargeu
with the murder of John Ricker and
found guilty of manslaughter was sen
tenced to ten years in the penitentiary by
Judge Ramsey at Nebraska City Other
sentences were passed as follows Chas
Ferguson five yeais for the larceny of
some harness belonging to a farmer near
Palmyra Quiller Beck convicted of
stealing hogs five years Henry Webber
who dug out of jail a few days ago but
was recaptured and brought back pleaded
guilty to the charge of daylight burglary
two years
Old Soldier Drops Dead
A J Williams aged 61 dropped dead
on the sidewalk at Battle Creek He was
an old soldier and was born in Underbill
v t lie joined the Twentieth Wisconsin
Infantry in July 1S62 where he served
till the close of the war He moved from
South Dakota to Madison County in 1879
The funeral was be conducted by the
Battle Creek Grand Army of the Repub
lic The remains were interred in the
Union Cemetery He leaves a wife and
five children
Crushed to Death in a Well
At the farm of Ed Keller eight miles
southwest of Rushville Wes Kirchner 20
years old lost his life in a well The well
was curbed down only fifteen feet from
the top Kirchner was at the lower end
of the curbing on a temporary platform
repairing it when the well caved in
Neighbors went to work at once to dig
him out and reached his dead body the
next morning His skull was crushed
and it is supposed death was instanta
Polk Countys Mortgage Record
Polk Countys mortgage indebtedness
for September is as follows Seventeen
farm mortgages filed 16115 nine re
leased 10900 two city mortgages filed
5950 one released 195 seventy chattel
mortgages filed 40745 fifteen released
1427 A large share of the chattel mort
gage indebtedness is caused by the large
number of cattle the farmers have bought
to eat up the large crop of surplus corn
the coming winter
Falls Twenty Feet
Superintendent James Edmunds of the
Beatrice Electric Company was seriously
injured while working upon the com
panys line at that place While at the
top of a twenty foot pole it broke with
him letting him fall upon the brclc pav
ing His head was badly cut oae arm
broken and one leg badly bruised He
will recover
New Electric Light Company
It is stated upon good authority that a
new electric light company has been
formed in Beatrice and that a franchise
will be asked for at the next session of
the city council and that immediately
upon the granting of the same work will
begin upon the new plant The organ
izers have ample funds to carry out the
Helping Sick Farmers
Members of Workmen lodges at McCool
Junction and Fairmont plowed thirty
eight acres of ground for John Collins and
James I Jackson farmers living near the
lormer place both members of the Work
man order who owing to sickness could
not get their ground plowed and winter
wheat sown
To Reorganize a Bank
S C Smith and ex Senator PaddocK
the former the cashier and the latter a
heavy stockholder in the Fi st National
Bank of Beatrice have left for the east
wheoe it is expected arrangements will be
made for a reorganization and is believed
that the establishment will soon be opened
Dressed in Stolen Goods
A negro named Brown was arrested in
Hiawatha recently and a 0 tt 400 worth
of clothing shoes etc s oien from Sou
der Bros at Foils C ty about two wi eks
ago were found in his possession When
arrested he was with a young woman and
dressed from head to foot with the stolen
Westons Fire Department
Weston has purchased a chemical fire
engine and organized a volunteer fire
company of thirty members This is the
first move Weston has ever made in the
line of fire protection though Hie town is
18 years old The town hiis had but one
serious fire during all that period
Fatal Fall from a Wagon
William Clements was killed by a fall
from a mail wagon at Araphoe
Valley County Mortgage Record
Yalley Countys mortgage record for
the month of September is as follows
Six farm mortgages filed 4118 nine sat
isfied 7292 eight town mortgages filed
950 two satisfied 596 seventy four
chattle mortgages filed 25674 forty five
satisfied 5l587
Postoffice Safe Blown
The postoffice at Glenville a small sta
tion twelve miles southeast of Hastings
was robbed Sunday night The safe was
blown open and 230 in cash secured be
sides many stamps The job was a smooth
one and no clue was Ielt to work on
The Mightiest Demonstrations Ever
Seen Upon This Continent Tens or
Thousands in Iine Viewed by Half
a Million City Suspends Business
A Memorable Day
Friday was the twenty fifth anniversary
of the burning of Chicago and the day was
commemorated in that city by two of the
greatest political demonstrations ever
witnessed in this country The day was
given to a mammoth procession of gold
men and at night an army 20000 strong
of those favoring silver marched the
streets with flaming torches and lusty
shouts for their candidates
Over G0000 men on foot on horseback
on floats in carriages al of them directly
identified with the industrial and com
mercial activity of Chicago occupied the
down town streets from 10 oclock in the
morning until 415 oclock in the after
noon Some of them were millionaires
some of tliem day laborers many of them
employers and thousands of them wage
earners This was tho composition of
what was admittedly the largest best
managed and the most successful parade
ever witnessed in the city It was Chi
cagos own day the twenty fifth adver
sary of the fire of 1S71 and the quarter
centennial of the upbuilding of the city
Ten oclock was the hour designated by
the Chief Marshal as the time for the
movement to begin The hands on the
watch of the artillery officer represented
an acute angle He nodded to the gunner
in charge of the battery section The
twelve pound Napoleon spoke Chief of
Police 3adenoch spurrcl his horse The
great procession was in motion
The step was in quick time and 15000
men w ere continually in the line As fast
as they reached the point of dismissal
they were hurried away The slightest
delay was prevented The distance cov
ered by each man in the actual line of
march was three and one half miles his
marching time was one hour and twenty
minutes while five hours was the time
required for the procession to pass a given
Sixty Thousand in Iine
By actual count these were 57733 per
sons in the procession Of these 52231
were on foot 2274 were on horsebavk
and the others were distributed on floats
in carriages and on bicycles On the
floats were 9S0 men in carriages 370
the bands numbered 1430 men all told
and 240 rode in tally ho coaches From
the stock yards came 7G0 mounted men
One hundred and eight cyclists acting as
couriers were in line while the police
numbered 150 Eighty five brass bands
and forty fife and drum corps furnished
the music Business firms represented
by banners numbered 120 while
political clubs marched in the col
umn Among the wheeled vehicles were
178 carriages 111 floats thirty seven
tally ho coaches and one electric motocy
One of the principal features was the
living flag formed by veterans carrying
colored umbrellas in such position as to-
represent the stars and stripes These
men were heartily cheered all along the
route and when they reached the stand
occupied by John R Tanner in front o
the Great Northern Hotel the enthusi
asm was immense and the cheering loud
and continuous The old Tippecanoe boys
were too infirm to march but they made
a brave display in their thirteen car
Twenty Thousand Bryan Enthusiasts
Celebrate Chicago Day
The silver men owned Chicago Friday
night Twenty thousand of them tramp
ed through the business center with
Torches aflame red fire burning and cheer
ing wildly for Bryan and Altgeld They
filled TattersaJIs building to hear free
silver speeches and crowded around the
score of stands which were built at street
corners to take care of the overflow They
groups ranging from fifty to 200
in all parts of the district and
discussed the financial issue until mid
night and long after the cnble cars had
stopped running shouts for Bryan and
Altgeld woke up sleepers in all parts of
the city
So far as numerical strength was con
cerned the silver parade was outclassed
by the gold parade of the afternoon but
in enthusiasm and noise the Bryan men
led the McKinley men by a large majority
From the moment Grand Marshal Tol
man gave the order to march until the
procession broke up south of Tattersalls
the cheering yelling and hurrahing was
continuous and every cheer for Bryan
was echoed by another from the throng
which bordered the line of march The
sympathetic enthusiasm of the spectators
was one of the principal features of the
demonstration and women joined with
the men in cheering for the free silver
By actual count there were 2154S men
and women in the procession on foot
horseback on floats and in wagons and
carriages Over 500 women and girls
took part in the parade and there were
several hundred boys who carried ban
ners and were members of fife and drum
corps It was an old fashioned torch
light procession with some lime lights
and hundreds of transparencies and ban
ners The silver men were short of
bands for almost all union bands in the
city had been engaged for the afternoon
procession and they were compelled to
make up the deficiency with fife and drum
corps but they were strong on horses
and the men from the stock yards made
a good showing in their saddles
A West Side silver club caught the
crowd by shouting We love Hark Han
na nit No Yale dudes in these ranks
was painted in bold black letters on a
transparency and others were Bryan
Brain and Brawn against Bonds Boodle
and Bluster
News of Minor Note
Frank McCarty William Harrison and
E Creelman desperate criminals dug a
tunnel under the walls of the Sacramento
Cal county jail and escaped
George Ward aged S4 of East Sagi
naw Mich is missing at New Orleans
and the police fear he has met with foul
play He went to that city to attend the
N O Hopkins formerly prominent in
Missouri politics where he represented
Atchison County in the State Legislature
for three terms died in California at the
age of 72
X 4sr