The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 15, 1896, Image 1

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Vi ifjt mmmm
Comina Event
rlreono Oct lc
J W Tuckcraurt W H nortoh Oct 1G
Fast Mall -Post Oct 17
A HTinnle Oct21
Crookstoif Tew here Association Oct 21
Western Teachers Association Oct 31
Halloween oct 31
Election Iay Nov 3
Valentiue Teachers Association Nov 14
Valentine Markets
Onions per bushel 150c
Potatoas l 30c
Cora 25c
Wheat 39c
Oats 20c
Iloga per cwt 1275
Steers 2253 00
Jows L50225
jCalves per tt 4c
Butter 10c
Eggs per doz 10c
4 Trauk Hook vras down from Cody
Election day one week from next
W E Haley went to Gordon last
night on businiss
I E Sherman is clerking at the
lied Front this week
T D Cook of Ainstrorth spent
Sunday in the city
John n Shore and wife of Kennedy
spent Tuesday in town
Frank Whittecar spent Sunday with
his family at AlnHWorth
Miss Ella Stihvt of Simeon is
visiting in town tlu sr eek
O W Hahn is as ing Treasurer
Crabb in his office dirss this week
T A Pike went down to Newport
this morning to look alter his farm
C H Jacobson and Peter Peterson
were up from Pullman last Saturday
John Neiss of Rosebud shipped
-two cars of cattle to Chicago Monday
Mr and Mrs Ilackler of Spring--view
are visiting friends in town this
Robt Gillaspie and J
start for Amona to buy
W Stetter
cattle next
- Vj
Mr and Mrs E J Cook are at
liome once more after their extended
J W DeBorde of Hornick Iowa
is visiting his friends in town and
Ed Brock of Grand Porks Xorth
Dakota registered at The Donoher
Two Indian ponies were killed on
the railroad track west of town Tiles
day night
W L Greene speaks in the Cornell
Hall and in the evening at the Presby
terian church
Andrew Bray deputy U S marshal
took another lot of Indians to Dead
wood Monday
W A Selden the tailor went to
Longpine Saturday afternoon and re
turned Monday
E E Fifczsimmons of Osceola
county Iowa registered at the City
Hotel Saturday
Wanted Wood on subscription
Dry hard wood preferred Call early
and avoid the rush
W Honey ami his brother- in law
Mr Emmick were in town from
Wood Lake hJtonolay
L C Dunn started for Chicago last
Sunday morning He has been work
ing on the brick yard
Miss Mabel Marsden of Ainsworth
is in town this week She is stopping
with Rev OTMoore
C 11 Glover and brother Sam went
down to Longpine Monday The for
mer returned last night
0 W Hahn who haB been working
with the railroad fefceegang returned
home last Friday morning
S G Glover of Arlington INebr
visited his brotherC R Glover- at
this place Sunday and Monday
W S Gillaspie was in town Monday
having come up from the ranch at
Kennedy with a bunch of cattle
The largest and best line of cloaks
and capes ever shown in Valeutine
will bp found at -T a Hornbys 3G
D H Thurston is canvassing the
doulh part of the county in eompauy
with W A Parker and O P Billings
Walter Hare is able to be out and
that is all It will be some time be
fore he fully recovers from his illness
Six cases of typhoid fever are re
ported from Crookston All the cases
are in the families of Jos and Wm
W E Waite J W Stetter Henry
Flinneaux and W S Gillaspie went to
Omaha Monday with eight cars of
Mrs G H Brown and sen of
Chicago arrived in town Sunday night
for a visit at the home of Mrs
Browns sister Mrs Geo Elliott
Dont forget that Judge W L
Greene speaks here tomorrow Friday
afternoon instead of Saturday as at
first advertised
Mrs Jas Morris of Johnstown is
visiting her daughter Mrs W E
Waite at The Doooher during Mr
Waites absence at Omaha
John J Bayliil Geo L Johnson
Chas Jones and Curtis Skinner all of
Gordon came down Sunday and are
doing freighting on the Rosebud line
for Davenport Thacher
Hofl A H Tingle of Butte this
state an old time republican and for
mer member of the legislature from
this district will deliver a free silver
speech herd on the 21st inst
Everybody had to take off his hat
when hG passed the corner store the
first of the week because Al
Thacher had decorated the front show
window with a picture of Palmer
Charles Wellford and mother went
to St Francis Mission la Friday to
see Mr Wellford who Is working with
the U S Indian alloting party Mrs
Wellford remained until Monday
A farewell reception will be given
at Fort Niobrara tonight to Dr Mc
Creary who goes to Boston having
been relieved from duty in this de
partment Dr McCreary has many
friends here who will be sorry to see
T J Garvey of Bonesteel arid
Butfcr but lattr of the Rosebud brick
yard is spending a tev days In town
this week When asked why Brrj
Armstrong of the Butte Gszette had
flopped to jjtho republicans Tommy
seutentiously replied Money
Last week Wesley Cashner a young
man living southwest of Rushville
lost fate life while repairing a well
curbing by the curb breaking and the
sand which was thus loosened pouring
down upon him His body was re
covered after 24 hours hard wore
C S Qould and family of Daven
port Iowa came in on the passenger
last night and will make this their
home in the future Mr Gould will
take J W Spirks place at the Minne
chariuZa Mill and Mr Spirk will enter
on his duties at the mill in Pierce
E X Hurd and wifettf Cincinnati
X3hiu who have been iu this country
hunting for several weeks returned
home this morning While here their
house fa Ohio burned flown and a
couple of days ago they received word
that tire man in charge had gone
Strayed Prom my place on the
northwest corner of town Saturday
October 10 team of horses One
sorrel 17 hands high rawboned
weighs about 1200 Other roan
stocky four white feet weighs about
1200 Reward of 500 will be paid
for their return Wm Tranche
Over in England they have a -company
which insures a married coupte
against twins It only costs 20 to
carry liJOOO insurance m this company
and it ie said that a big business is
done If a company could be organ
ized ia this country to insure us
against tihe election bore who has a
table of results to spring every time
we talk politics it would be extensive
ly patronised
W K Hortou of Spring view re
publican candidate for the legislature
j from the 5ist district wa3 in town
yesterday and is at Kilgore this even
ing where he spea 3 with Jirdge
Tucker Mr Horton -sins to be a
pretty good man but in his race for
the legislature he will have to trvel
some pretty rocky roads to say Vhe
least He is to speak here tomor6w
and as O V Billings is expected hBre
about tbu same timo the fur may fly
A - ci
JPnhlislied for ojjr Years
To the Honorable Chairman anft JUnibfrlPtttfloarl CoyniAissianen of
Cherry County Nebraska t -
Gentlemen This is to s thjirI have carefully examined the hooks
and accounts of the County Tr 1 Cherry County Nebraska and hereby
submit a detailed statement of thr oileiions and disbursements from the 2nd
day of January 1895 to 12th day of August 1890 inclusive
To Cash on hand
To 1886 tax collected
To 1887 tax collected
To 1888 tax collected
To 1889 tax collected
To 1890 lax collected
To 1891 tax colleoted
35646 22
11 13
14 37
143 81
To 1892 tax collected 1820
Tol893ta rollected 534846
To 1894 tax collected 1807077
To 1895 tax collected 2913581
To School Land Interest collected 80 93
To School Land Lease collected 2547 10
To Jan ppt recdrromhtateTreas 91813
ToJuneAppt rccd from Stale Treas 2135J2
To Misc collections Couuty General 2625NO
To Fines and License 48250
To Interest on County Deposit 651 18
To Redemptions 2614
ToJees 87fi6a
ToStateReliel 205000
105215 61
October 7th 1896
Board met -pursuant to adjournment
Members all present On motion JheJ
following claims were allowed and
warrants ordered drawn on Bridge
Fund in payment of same
P G Reece rock work at Darr
Bridge 15 00
W L Mills Co Bridge Jumber 1360
On motioR the superintendents re
port of fees received for 2nd cmarer
1396 was approved
On motion the County Treasurer
was authorized to contract with J
Wesley Tucker for the collection of
certain delinquent taxes at 10 per
cent commission on first 100000 col
Jcted and 5 per cent on all collections
first 100000
Ou motion the County Treasure
was directed to invest in County War j
rents on general Pnml aH moneyae
longing to School Districts that have
lapsed or become disorganized and to
keep the same so invested until such
time as the State Legislature provides
other means for its disposal or until
such School Districts reorganize
On motion the County Treasurer
was directed to transfer all moneys
eow in the Interest and Advertising
Funds into the County General Fuud
On motion the Clerk was authorized
to contract for 26 ballot boxes for use
at election
On motion the petition of certain
persons of Boiling Spriugs and other
precincts to submit a proposition to
the electors of Cherry County mve
the county seat to Cody wasirj c rd
for- the reastin that the petit wts
have not complied with the require
ments of the Statutes for such cases
On motion the petition of certain
residents of the south west part of
Cherry County- to submit a proposition
to the electors of Cherry county to cut
off certain territory from Cherry
County and attach the same to Grant
KJounty was rejected for the reason
that the board Is of the opiuion that
said proposition can hot legally be
submitted to a Vote until the general
election of 1897
Dr J C Dwyer County Physician
having left the county and not having
made provisions for the care of the
bounty patients upon motion the
office of County Physician was de
clared vacant
On motion Dr J J Evans was ap
pointed County Physician for nine
months at a salary of 12a00 for the
term of his appointment said Evans
to furnish medicines and surgical
appliances necessary without any
extra expense to county and on mo-
tion his boud as such County Physi
cian was approved
On motion G- H Hornby was
awarded the cbntract for furnishing
hard coal for the county at the rate of
1155 per ton delivered
On motion the report of State Ex
aminer of the accounts of G P Crabb
County Treasurer was ordered spread
upon the commissioners jecord and
published according to law
On motion tue Board selected the
names of 60 residents of the county
I from which to draw 24 petit iurors for
jsy Keiiei
valentine cherry go Nebraska thItrsday October is i896
By State Tmuururs Receipt No 5918 S 5335 45
y 602 1 2236 59
4 5802
y Co General Warrants redeemed
Ky Co Bridge Warrants redeemed
ByCo Road
Soldiers Relief
y Judgment
A N 3TODREA State Examiner
912 84
6672 06
2009 49
1438 00
22306 43
452 85
5115 89
76 90
ByValentiHe Fufidinir Bond 18020
By School Bonds 151555
ByHchOrdpd Local tax State appt 25075 3
By District Road Va rants 23 05
By Poll and Road Tax receipts 2617 40
By Villaye Treasurers receipts 2429 90
By Taxes refunded 38 21
By County Treasurers Fees 2114 23
By Balance 1301879
101245 61
Jr Ca8kjCheck9imf Drafts S 216 13
CashinBanfc 1272523
County Fathers the December term of the District
1 Court
Icjmse t Knte tnm Petition to Move 0n potion the Clerk was authorized
Jim rmintv Meat to otiv i to draw cash warrants on the County
- -
Treasurer sufficient to pay
tlon charges of Mrs Turpen Mrs
Xearpsiss and A H Henry and wife
dutof county
Whereupon the Board adjourned to
January 6th 1897
Attest Geo Elliott
4 all JTtlciif
Dovn in Brown and KocU counties
he democrats and populists have
nominated E B Brain for representa
tive from the 51st district thereby
showing their good sense and insuring
a victory for the combined parties on
November 3 Mr Brain is a democrat
and the editor of this paper had the
pleasure of assisting to eject him treas
urer of Rock county in 1891 He
serpdJwto terms in that office making
if record for himself flsMhe most effici
ent county treasurer in the state He
is now secretary of the Golden Irriga
tion District and is well and favorably
known by every ope in bi district
Mr Brains opponent is a migratory
preacher now living at Longpine a
transient in the district named
Eiglimy and as soon as the ballots are
counted he can move to greener fields
and never be missed
Thirteen and Ten If ears Ago
rtTBe following items are taken from
the Valentine Reporter of Oct 18
A party of Wyoming cowboys at
tempted to raid the Hog Ranche
and one of their number Clarence
llawiii was shot and killed by Sheriff
Jhn Key who claims the killing was
tone in self defense J J Hamlin
who was not at all mixed up in the
affair received a shot in the shoulder
ms he was coming to town Proposi
tion Xo vote bonds for court house in
the sum of 5000 was submitted by
thei county commissioners
From the Democratic Blade of Oct
15 1SSG
B P Felch was admitted to prac
tice law in Nebraska Geo Briggs
lost a horse by theft Ainsworth
band abd ball team visited town and
post Two colored women engaged in
a stabbing affray
T Mytlclx Eafertalament
Mk Edna Dwyer entertained the
MfetSixand friends Tuesday even
ing at her home on Cherry Btreefr and
a8ptendid time is reported by the
fallowing who were there Misses
Edna Fischer Eveline Hihringiar
Nellie Bullis Delia Sawyer Minnie
De Woody Cora Gillett Messrs G W
Carson John Smyser M G Hopkins
J HAeast W S Jackson- Frank
Brayton and C M Sageser Card
games were the principal amusement
and light refreshments were served
IKbcc the lippcy Saved the Fhmi
Pathtr was sack and the morteaze on the fare
was coming due1 I saw in thb Christian Advo
cate where Miss JL M Fritz of Station A St
Louis Mo would send s KJimnlA omhimttnM
mypci lur xa two cent Biam
i saw mat tno qipser
filler a plain dinner
pa cna i ordered on
could be used ag a f rait far
a flue strainor n a
ptramer funnel a sick room warming pan and a
pint measure These eight different uses makes
me uniper sucn a necessary article that I went
to work with it and it sells at verv near every
house and in four months I paid off the mort
gage I thmk I can clear as much as S200 per
month If you need work you can do well bv
giving this a trial Miss A M Fritz Station A
bt Louis Mo will send you a sample for 18 two
cent stamps Write at once Job G F
Wasted Fresh mildh cow
calf Enauire z t this offics
NO 88
Goods havo no place on our
shelves and they arc seldom if
ever found there Just at pre3ea
our buyer is ordering winter goods
and they will all bo of the latest
patterns Watch for bargain an
nouncements when they arrive
Anything you want at
Davenport Thacher
That the best place iu town to buy fresh
fruits and vegetables is at Petty crews
That the best place in town tn buy
ceries and confectionery is at Petf yerews
That the highest price for butter and egs
is always paid at Pettycrews
If you didnt try him and you will
Qherry Qounty Bank
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking
Exehaas bought and sold Loans upon good security solicit at reaaoeala
rates- Coantyrdeposjtory
What we are
Where we are
C Mi CONELL President
m r
XlCliQLZOA Vaihier
Valentine Nebraska
A General Banking Business Transacted
Buy and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
GorripondnB Cheiical National Bank New York srirst National Bank Omaha
- will Furnish
At BtettersOld Stand on Main Street
Fish Game Tender Steaks
Jticy Roasts Dry Salt Meats
and the finest line of Smoked
Hams and Braklast Bacon
ever sold in town
Oi ic CJioiceaf Brands