K r k IV y - A HAS MAD A VARIED CAREER Xrs Isabel Ball the First Woman Reporter in Congress Mrs Isabel Worrell Balls name will go down to posterity as that of the first woman ever regularly admitted to the press galleries of the Senate and House of Representatives in Washington Mrs Balls -record reads like one of Bret Hartes stories and she has seen life in many and varied phases She was born In a little double log cabin n Putuam County 111 Raised in the thick of poli tics her father being the well known lawyer and politician James Purcell Worrell she is as erudite concerning the doings of both Republican and Democratic parties as the best mai among them She says of herself Of the knowledge learned in schools I have a limited supply The world has been my schoolroom and men and women with eyes and ears and judg ment enoagh to use them properly will get a liberal education in that way Later in Kansas I herded my fathers cattle and saving the hire of a man earned the money necessary for a course in the State Normal School A change then came over the spirit of this daring young womans dream for she was offered the position of school teacher In the county with an aban doned saloon wherein -to domicile the young idea Her career went on broad ening from this point and she passed through all the gamut of positions from that of a clerk of the District Court to a yniace in rue state nisioncai rooms meanwhile finding time to marry Har ry M Ball a studious quiet and re served man who thinks his energetic wifo a marvel of cleverness With him she went to New Mexico to live where they led a wild life often in danger from the hostile Indians Mrs Ball has taken to the pen and found fine material in the scenes and dangers en countered In time she became city editor of a Kansas journal and after serving a four year apprenticeship went to Washington to try her fortune Success has met her on every side as her strong individuality brilliancy and original way of viewing matters in gen eral gained her Immediate recognition Her early mingling in political matters has stood her in good stead for she is in the midst of the American world of politics and much of her work is done -in the political arena She Is telegraph ic correspondent for a Western paper wiring to it every day Lost Reason and Fortune A peculiarly sad case of insanity due to disappointed hope has been made public in New York George W Wilson a lawyer is the victim and he is now in a padded cell in Bloomingdale Asylum In 1S92 Wilson undertook the contest of a will in behalf of heirs whb were not included in it The amount in volved was 20000000 and Wilson was promised a fee of 5000000 if he won From that Oay Wilson was a ehanged man He abandoned all other business and never for a moment seemed to think that he would lose his suit He promised large sums of money to his friends always calculating that he would certainly receive the 5000000 I ee Finally the case came to trial and Wilson lost He fell down in the court room and had to be driven home in his carriage He constantly raved aboul the 5000000 fee and finally became so violent that he had to be taken to the asylum where the physicians pro nounced his case incurable That Joyful Feeling With the exhiliratmg sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanli ness which follows the use of Syrup ot Figs is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medi ciies and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well in formed One of the guests at the ceremony of unveiling the statue of Gen William Henry Harrison in Cincinnati on Sat urday was Bernard McDonald ol Grant County Indiana now more than SO years old who acted as pallbearer at tne funeral of Gen Harrison Just try a 10c box of Cascarets the fin est liver and bowel regulator ever made Few men care to tell the exact truth concerning their successes - The Cyclists Necessity fog BOTTLE PWSI v Is the REPAIR KIT for all ACCIDENTS Unequaled for Quickly Healing Lameness and Soreness of fluscles Wounds Bruises Stiffness Rheumatism Rub thoroughly with POlfDS EXTRACT after each ride to keep muscles supple pliant strong Try Ponds Extract Ointment for Piles Avoid Substitutes Weak Watery Worthless Ponds Ectkact Co 76 Fifth Avenue New York SffeKstiMiI J JU f DKUOGISTS This button with a ten cent box of ASCARETS CANDY CATHARTIC the Ideal laxative and guaranteed consti pation cure sent FREE on receipt of five 2 cent stamps Address STTRUXG RK3FDY COjIPjtST CMeaso UontrrsU Cut Actr York flBHhS KjfcHE ALL else FA1LS g jj 2 Best Cosghfcjrup TcaiesGooil TJscp3 IZFtt tX tYJ IJSJSW fcAV iy ijtf lt jiii TmMti J y o biftvajst TO- The demonstration thai greeted William Jennings Bryan in New York City the other night was most remarkable in its character Blockaded streets crowded auditorium besieged speakirtg stands and crowds that defied the energy of the po lice in their stability were some of the fea tures Tammany Hall that had made the arrangements for the welcome and re ception outdid itself in the doing Tam luany is noted for enthusiastic assem blages and within the big assembly hall the members tore the air with shouts of oproval of the candidates of the Ameri can flag and of erery comment that sa vored either of patriotism or loyalty to Democratic principles I very man who entered was presented with a flag the effect being that when anything pleased the audience the crowd ed nail seemed one huge wave of the stars and stripes So too Tammany is cosmo politan and on the several stands there waved with the predominant Star Span gled Banner the flag of Italy of Ireland of Germany and the union jack of En gland As early as 7 oclock Tammany Hail was jammed to the doors and the police uie wrestling with the thousands out iside who were demanding admission which when they did not get it drove ithem to various stands erected at vantage points within the space of six blocks of Tammany The small army of policemen fought and struggled with the crowd to keep the streets open for traffic but they soon gave it up and allowed them to stand -massed in front of the stands The police who escorted Mr Bryan through the lines had to fight like tigers the people refusing to move even when the horses almost trampled upon them Soon after Mr Bry a n entered Tammany Hall a driving rain stoim started and it was not long before at least half the crowd had sought shelter Shortly after S oclock a commotion in the reaT of the stage sent a buzz of ex citement through the immense crowd in the hall and an instant later the police plowed a narrow passageway which re vealed the figure of Mr Bryan On either side of him were Arthur Sewall the vice presidential candidate and George Fred Williams just nominated by three con ventions for the Governorship of Massa chusetts The ensuing scenehad rarely been equaled in old Tammany The crowd fell into a frenzy and their -tremendous volume of sound which began then ended exactly seven minutes later and the air was kaleidoscopic with waving hats and flags During the demonstration Mr Bryan stood erect gazing directly before him There was a gratified smile on his lips and a gleam of joy in his eyes Even tually he raised his hand and secured si lence Then he said I wish to express my gratitude to the Tam many society for the privilege which it has afforded me of speaking to the people here assembled I appreciate the value of an or ganization like this trained compact and ready to do effective service in any cause which the society espouses I am glad to carry back to the West the news although it is no news to any one who reads the pa pers or knows the history of the organization that the Tammany society Is in dead ear nest In its effort to give effective supporfnot only to the Chicago ticket but to the Chi cago platform upon which the ticket stands The Tammany society is compelled by its constitution to celebrate each returning Fourth of July and upon that day is direct ed by its organic law to read In the presence of those assembled the declaration of Ameri can independence I was in this hall once before and it was on the Fourth of July when I was permitted to take part in one of your celebrations I am not surprised that an organization which reads every year the declaration of American independence gives Its support to a platform which declares for financial independence I am glad to defend our principles in New York City I am glad that every day adds to the number of those in the State of New York who give allegiance to the principles set forth in the Chicago platform and 1 have such confidence in the justice of our cause that I believe that every day from now until election day will add to the number of the supporters of free coinage at 15 to 1 Before addressing myself to the paramount issue of this campaign I desire to refer to the language used here in this city bv the former President Benjamin Harrison My friends please refrain from expressing vour ill feeling 1 quote his words because words coining from so high a Republican source ought to be considered even if you cannot agree with them Let me read you what he says In my opinion there is no issue presented by the Chicago convention more imoortant and vital than the question they have raised of abrogating the power and duty of the national courts and the National Executive The defense of the Constitution and of the integrity of the Supreme Court of the United States and of the Presidents powers to en force all the laws of the United States with out obtaining the call or consent of the Gov ernor of any State is an important and living issue in this campaign The tariff and free coinage will be of little moment if our con stitutional government is overthrown I call your attention to the fact that ex President Harrison has said that our plat form raises this question and that constitu tional government is in danger If the plat form did so we might turn from the discus sion of any question to consider anything which menaces the continuation of constitu tional government But there is nothing In the Chicago platform that would make the Executive of the United States feeble in en forcing all the laws of the nation or feeble in defending the Constitution of the nation There is nothing in that platform that as sails the integrity or questions the honesty of the Supreme Court of the United States Compared with Lincolns Platform I challenge you to read that platform and find in it a single sentiment that justifies the language used by the former President Our criticism of the Supreme Court is not as se vere as the criticism of the platform upon which Abraham Lincoln was elected in lj30 Nothing that I have uttered in regard to the Supreme Court has been as severe as the language used by Abraham Lincoln bdtk be fore and after his election to the Presidency of the United States There is nothing In our platform concerning the invasion of a State by Federal troops that equals in force or em phasis the platform of 1S60 upon which Abraham Lincoln was elected There is nothing that has been said in the platform or by the candidates that justifies the statement that the Democratic party is assailing constitutional government or inter fering with the preservation of law and or der I will go further than that If Mr Harrison wants to raise the question of the survival of our Government 1 am to meet him on that proposition My friends In so far as the Republicans and former Dem ocrats have criticised my election as a men ace to law and order I want to say that their fear is not as an Executive I might be lax In forcing the law but their fear is that as an Executive I would not be a respecter of persons Who are they that they are so afraid the will not be enforced Those who arc most fearful of a lax enforcement of the law are the very persons who would suffer most if the law rt as enforced The very persons who are afraid are the ones who have vio lated the law with impunity If Mr Har rison wants to raise the question of the sur vival of our institutions 1 will tell him that the great trusts of tins country which are supporting the Republican ticket are a greater menace to our Government than any declaration of the Democratic party The coal trust sends its representatives to sit by every fireside and exacts tribute from those who need warmth The oil trust sends its representatives to collect tribute from those who use light The various trusts of this country through their representatives are collecting tribute from the people and when we protest against It they call tidlv 1 turbers of the peace and anarchists 1 I am opposed to the trusts As Executive I shall use what power I have to drive every trust out of existence If the present laws are not sufficient to meet this requirement i I will recommend such laws as will be Ac lent If the Constitution of the United i KtntpR is so nonstrued as to prevent any In terference with the operation of the trusts 1 shall recommend such an amendment to the Coustiuuon as will permit the punishment of these trusts My frleads there Is a great contest in this country which must be settled and that Is whether a few of the people standing togeth er are more powerful than all the people While I do not array class against class I am willing to array all the people who suffer from the operation of these trusts against the lew people who operate tne trusts If our opponents are afraid to discuss the money question and risk a verdict on that alone we will defy them and let the people decide whether those who are advocating the free coinage of silver and are standing by the Chicago platform are better to be trusted than the syndicates stock exchanges money grabbers and the trusts representa tives who want to ran this country to suit themselves I understand that a distinguished citizen of this State Chauncey M Depew I under stand that he also thlnk6 my election would be dangerous to the country There is one advantage in having Mr Depew against me and that Is If I am elected he will not come down to Washington and tell me that as he helped to elect me he wants me to keep off the plank In our platform in favor of the arbitration of disputes between railroads and employes There is another advantage which I shall derive from his opposition If I am elected ho will not come down to Washington and on the ground that he helped me ask me to use the Executive influence against that bill that passed the Senate and which attempts to protect the people from government by in junction My friends there Is one great consolation that I find in the opponents that have array ed themselves against me that by not hav ing their aid in the campaign I wont have their domination after the campaign For Independent Free Coinage Our platform has declared my friends that the paramount issue of this campaign is the money question and I believe it is true because upon the result of this election will turn for a time at least the financial policy of this country The Republican party in convention assembled had declared that this nation must not change Its prese ent financial policy until foreign nations shall join us in abandoning it The Demo cratic platform declares in favor of an American platform for the American people When I defend an Independent financial policy I am not appealing to any prejudice which any citizen of the United States may have against any foreign nation I am sim ply doing In this country what every Eng lishman does In England what every Ger man does In Germany what every French man does In France I am asserting and I shall defend the right of this people to at tend to their own business If the gold standard is a good thing then we ought to keep It whether other nations want us to keep it or not If it is a bad thing we ought to get rid of it because they want us to keep It The Republican party does not say that the gold standard is a good thing The Republican party expressly de clares that bimetallism Is better than the gold standard because when the Republican platform pledges the Republican party to substitute the double standard for the gold standard It makes a valid declaration that the double standard Is desirable In preference to the single gold standard That is the platform and after declaring bimetallism desirable it asserts we must de lay Its advantages until those advantages are brought to us by other nations It pro poses to surrender the right of legislation over the subject and transfer legislative power from Washington to the seat of one or more of the foreign nations who wish to govern us in this respect My friends no foreign nation has ever adopted such a policy as the Republican par ty asks us to adopt No foreign party has ever gone before its country with such a proposition as the Republican party now presents to the United States So far as I know no statesman in a foreign land has advocated a policy that would make the people of that nation dependent upon the people of another nation for legislative re lief of any kind It has been left to free America to set the example of a national party proposing to surrender the right of self government and bind its people to the will of foreign powers I want to say to you that not only has no national party ever advocated the gold standard in a platform I want to say to you that the leading representatives of the Re publican party have expressly denounced the gold standard and the results that follow it 1 want to call your attention to the lan guage used by the present Republican candi date for the Presidency in a speech made In Toledo Feb 12 1891 I have quoted this language before It has been published in the newspapers and never having been answered I think we may safely assume that the newspaper report at the time cor rectly recorded what Mr MciCinley said Let me read it to you During all of Grover Clevelands years at the head of the Government lie was dishon oring one of the precious metals one of our great products discrediting silver and en hancing the price of gold He endeavored even before his inauguration to offer to stop the coinage of silver dollars and to the end of his administration he has persistently used his power to that end He was deter mined to contract the circulating medium and demoutize one class of coins limiting the volume- of money among the people and making money scarce and therefore dear He would have Increased the value of money and diminished the value of everything else Ho wanted to make money the master and everything else its servant My friends I have quoted to you what the Republican candidate said only five years ago of the President of the United States I quote you the language in which the Repub lican candidate denounced the policy of Mr Cleveland and yet the Republican conven tion has declared in favor of continuing the policy of the President Mr McKinley said in 1S91 that the present President of the United States wanted to make money scarce and therefore dear And now he stands upon a platform which indorses the process and promises to carry it out and make money scarce and there fore dear He said In 1891 that the present President wanted to make money the master and everything else the servant and yet he stands upon a platorm that carries out the present policy and makes money the master and everything else the servant My friends the Republican candidate in that speech at Toledo showed that he under stood then the fundamental principle which underlies the money question namely that the value of a dollar depends upon the num ber of dollars He recognized then that we could make dollars dear by lessening their number He recognized then that you can raise the purchasing power of the dollar by aw and by law reduce the value of all kinds of property He recognized then that legislation in favor of the gold standard made money the master and all things else the servant and we have a right to conclude that since he has adopted that policy he believes that money should be the master and that all things else should be the serv ant Defends His Position My friends we support our cause not by the imaginings of people to whom you refuse credit for knowledge and wisdom We can support our position in the language of the very men to whom we look for advice and instruction I can quote you what the can didate for President on the Republican tick et has said and tell you that if those words were true then they are true now even though he would blot them out and try to change their meaning I can call to your attention what Senator Sherman who has been the most successful politician in the Republican party has said on this subject Only six years ago he de clared that the people must have an increase in the volume of money to keep pace with our increasing population and trade Mr Bryan continued with a lengthy and most severe denunciation of the gold standard and the Republican party and men sum I have respect for the man who has con victions who states those convictions and stands by those convictions I respect the Republicans who stand openly and above board for the Republican ticket but my friends I shall not attempt to disguise the feelings which I entertain toward those who having failed to control the Democratic party seek still to claim the Democratic name who having failed to control the Dem ocratic organization start out with a new organization which they call a truer Demo cratic organization TEUTK OR MOTION THE QUESTION WHICH WORRIED THE MIND OF THE BAN NER SCRIBE Proven Undoubtedly True by a Practi cal Test Applied Locally by One of Buseeys Best Known and Respected Ladies A Strange Story Easily Veri fied TJijrht Here ut Home Proves that Testimonials Are Not Fakes Mrs 4 Elliott Story a Clincher From the Banner Bussey lotca s The great frequency with which our at tention has been attracted to certain arti cles which generally go the rounds of nil the leading newspapers has caused us to wonder and speculate a great deal as to why none of these things ever happened to occur nearer home and finally our in terest and wonder grew to such a pitch that knowing a certain lady in Bussey to be a regular purchaser of Pink Pills for something over two years by reason of the fact that she had also induced our own wife to give it a trial with very ben eficial results we a last determined to vput the matter to the test and see if this lady could put aside her natural repug nance to appearng so prominently in print in order to encourage people generally to the greater use of her favorite remedy by giving her testimonial for publication in her home paper where those who read would know that it was no hoax fixed up merely to catch the unwary and credulous With this object in view we called on Tuesday afternoon on Anna Elliott wife of our esteemed townsman W A Elliott proprietor of the Commercial Hotel the leading hostelry of Bussey Iowa Mrs Elliott is a lady well known for the ability and tact displayed in the management of the interior arrangements and affairs of the hotel and the wonder has always been with those who have observed the amount of care and exertion required on her part as to how she ever managed to keep up so well under the strain and we give the sequel in her own words I have been landlady of the Commer cial House now for nearly six years and for a long time was hardly able to get along with the work at all being always out of sorts affected by pains in the head dizziness and general weakness and ner vousness always feeling overworked and hardly able to drag myself around from morning till nigh I often nearly wishing tho I were dead If things had gone on much longer in this way I would certainly have broken flown entirely and had to give up my work but luckily just at this juncture I happened to read an article about Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People which seemed to cover the symptoms of my case exactly and I sent direct to the Dr Williams Medicine Company at Schenectady N Y and procured two trial boxes These did me so much good and I felt so much encouraged that I sent for a 250 package and have always taken good care to keep a supply of them on hand since in over two years now Their continued use put me on my feet completely as the saying is and I have felt stronger and better able to do my work and see to things about the hotel than I ever was in my life before and Pink Pills have become the standard rem edy in our family for every ill arising from debility of any kind One member of our family has been completely cured of a very badand long standing case of kidney trouble while a number of the neighbors who have tried them speak highly in the praise of this remedy and declare thatathere is no other medicine that can possibly supply its place Those who know Mrs Elliott know full well that she would not be willing to au thorize the publication of the above state ment without every word of it being strict ly true but to prove conclusively to any strangers who may read this article that it is every word as true as gospel she subscribes to the following affidavit in the hope that her tellow beings who suffer as she did may be convinced of the won derful merits of Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple and thereby be led to obtain relief through giving them a prompt and thor ough trial Staie of Iowa County of Marion ss Personally appeared before me Mrs Anna Elliott of the town of Bussey State of Iowa and County of Marion and to me personally known who testified on oath that the statement above set forth and to her accredited in her own volun tary testimonial and is duly authorized by her to be published over her name and that the same is true and correct in every particular Given under my hand this 3d day of June A D 1S9G Seal W BURTON Notary Public Dr Williams rink Pills contain in a condensed form all the elements neces sary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves Pink Pills are sold by all dealers or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price 0 cents a box or six boxes for 2550 by address ing Dr Williams Medicine Company Schenectady N Y Quadrille Life in miniature We ad vance to retire and retire to advance All hands around E finita la comedia the comedy is endless Good House keeping Homeseekers excursion October o and 20 1815 the Sioux City And Northern in connection wth the Great Northern Railway will sell round trip tickets at one fare plus 2 to all points in Minnesota and the Dakotas good for iweniydays Free homestead lands and farms on crop payment For further in 1 or mation address F I Whitney general passenger and ticket agent Great North ern JRy St Paul Minn or W B Mc Nider general passenger agentSiouxCity and Northern R R Sioux City Iowa Prince Bismarck is to have another statue This time it is at Lelpsic The city has commissioned Sculptor Lehnert to execute it and the municipality has selected a site near the park An important reason for benevolence is that though you may forget your own joy from being so accustomed to it the joy of others seems ever some thing new 1 A Household Necessity Cascarets Candy Cathartic the most tvonderful medical discovery of the age pleasant and refreshing to the taste acts gently and positively on kidneys liver and bowels cleansing the entire system dispels colds cures headache fever ha bitual constipation and biliousness Please buy and try a box of C C 0 to day 10 25 50 cents Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists Princess Lillioukalani of Hawaii is still in Italy but is expected in Berlin towards the end of June For a complexion soft as velvet and rich in color as the tints of a beautiful sea shell use that wonderful skin purifier Glenns Sulphur Soap Of druggists Prognostication Knowledge of the future Easily determined It resem bles the past When bilious or costive eat a Cascaret candy cathartic cure guaranteed 10 25c Pence on Earth This Is once more enjoyed by the rheu matic wise enough to counteract their pro gressive malady with Hostetters Stomach Hitters No testimony is stronger than that which Indicates It as a source of relief in this complaint It is also eminently effec tive as a treatment for kidney trouble dys pepsia debility liver complaint and consti pation Use It with persistence for the above Dr George li Harare thinks that birds eat poke berries in preference to other kinds vna they wish to cut down their weight so as to fly wo Some of the anti fat remedies contain poke berry juice Dont Tobacco Spit and Smoke Yonr JLite Away If you want to quit tobacco using easily and forever regain lost manhood be made well strong magnetic full of new life and vigor take the wonder-worker that makes weak men strong Many gain ten pounds in ten days Over 00000 cured Buy from your own druggist who will guarantee a cure Booklet and sample free Address Ster ling Remedy Co Chicago or New York Contentment is a pearl of great price and whosoever procures it at the ex pense of ten thousand desires takes a wise and a happy purchase Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally Price 75 cents Every art is best taught by example good deeds produce good friends Pisos Cure for Consumption has saved me large doctor bills C L Baker 4228 Regent Sq Philadelphia Pa Dec 8 95 To observe Lent properly do not look forward too eagerly to Easter Cascarets stimulate liver kidneys and bowels Never sicken weaken or gripe The man who has the big head often wears a small hat Ioblli rioatinB Borax Soip costs moro to make than any other floating soap made but tho consumers have to pay no more for It It is 100 per cent pure and made of Borax You know what that means Order of jour Brocer Honesty is the best policy but not al ways the winning policy Mrs Wlnalovrs Soothino syhup for Children teething softens the gums reduces inilammatioa tllavs rain curevind colic 15 cent a bottle r 1 Look Sharply to the condition of your blood At this season peculiar perils assail the system There are sudden changes in tem perature fogs and dampness chilly nights lowering clouds drenching rains These sudden changes bring on colds fevers pneumonia bronchitis and other ailments Keep the blood pure rich and full of vitality and you will be well Sarsaparilla Is the Best in fact the One True Blood Purifier Mnrkrlc Dillc are the best 1UHU 5 fllli aid pUs digestion 25c Featherbone Edge inf H m tt PRINTERS j fm v Aslc lor It -a the next timet rtVix inat you uuy a BIAS VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDING The featherbone flares and stiffens tho velveteen wears as only an S II f can wear Especially suited for silk or wool petticoats If your dealer WILL NOT supply you we will Samples showing labeis and materials mailed free Home Dressmaking Made Easy anew 72 page- bcok by Miss Emma M Hooper of the Lsdles Homo Joiunal tells In plain words to make dresses at home without previous training maHed for 25c S II M Co P O Box 699 N Y City Habit Cored Est lni871 Thousands cured Cheapest and best cure FrbeThi al State caso Da MAttsu Qulncy Mich S C N U i5jS25ltfg51 41 00 Should tti ite for onr new- line of STATIONERY Isamples The compietest ever- issued Sioux City Newspaper Union M2 Pearl Street Sioux City Iowa Use the Means and Heaven Will Giva You the Blessing Never Neglect A Useful Article Like SAP OLIO mmijMjpigB3B5gM2afcLTgg0 The New Woman 99 The new woman favors economy and she always buys Battle Ax for her sweetheart She knows that a 5 cent piece c Battle Ax is nearly twice as large as a 1 0 cent piece of other nigh grade brands Try it yourself and you will see why Battle Ax is such a popular favorite all over the United States 3 Every one to her taste Uvt s as the old woman saicP V J -S T when she kissed the cow If youd rather do ycur washing and cleaning in a slow labori 4j z ous waVj spending your- j y time and strength in useless S- tiresome ruinous rubbing its nobodys business but yours You are the one that will suffer by it But if you want the easiest quickest most economical way of washing and cleaning then youll have to use Pearline Theres nothing else among things absolutely safe to washes with that can be compared to it Million ss Pearline