y k yr - K A h f OFFICIAL DIRECTORY STTE TJovcnior Silas Allolcomb j Lleutvouirt Governor IioDcrt 15 Jlourc j secretary oi oiare oei a riper Treasurer J S Bartley Auditor Eugene Moore Com Lands and Buildings Henry C Itussell Attonuvttftaeral Arthur S Churchill 8upfc Public Instruction Henry U Corbet t 9teents UnWeslty Rnthleiitner Kilcore TftstfsU r O It Glover Lou vwsxriyjf j it litre Ijiiichui L Burnlram Omaha JM Halt Alma K P Holmes rirrco TMallaisea Kearney iMJHulL Edgar CONGRESSIONAL Senators Wm V Allen JCadlson John M TTJiurston tfmaua Espresematlvea First DistfatJesse W Strode Lincoln Jtecond D H Mercer Omaha Thud Weo 1 Mcfcejohn Fullerton Fourth B J Hai ar Aurora Filth Wm h Andrews Hastings Hlxtu O K Kern Broken Bow JUDICAL Bur rene Court T LNorval Chief Justice Harrison and Polk associates Fifteenth Judicial District M P Klnkaid ONeill W H WebUverKushvlllo LEGISLATIVE Rerjresentetive Flfty smond District FraufK Seittltor Fourteenth restrict urtr Crawford LANUFKICE Henry G Stew- pine Receiver J vine xevvori COUNTY Treasurer G P Crabb Jlerk Geo ESliott Hheriff AinosSSroug JuiJge w F MWalcoti Owmty Attorney Ed Clarke County Superintendent Lillian Stoncr Surveyor - Ch3 Tait 3roner A Lewis I Max vfcrtel Uommlasiouers M Durham I P Sullrvan JPRECIKCT Overseers ol Highways It Hansen and J Kay ConsUible It Towne Justices of the Peace John Dunn -and J M 3amm Assessor- Johc Dunn VILLAGE Town Hoard E-E-Sparks president C H Cor nell treasurer T C Hornby clerk DSLudwig atid J V Hurleiirh Marshal and Water Commissioner It Towne school District No l F M Walentt -president f M V Nicholson treasurer J C Iettijohn secre ilary J W liurleich G P Crabb and J TKeeley Societies JlMP 0 R M 3ittlng BUHTnbe No 22 Improved Order of ItedMen nieetB every second and fourth Friday evening of each month at Davenports Hall Visiting brethren sire fraternally invited to be present at theicouueils of the tribe J D Wiggins of It C H Tuomnsourichem A F A M MinuekadusaLodge No l2 A F A meets in repulancominunicatlon Saturday even- i ing on or before the full moon iu each month members of theirderin good and i lnccordially and fraternally invited to attend TT JKeelejvW M W W Thokpson Secy 0 E S -Northern Ster Chapter Ka 59 Older -of the 1 Eastern Starccieets on second and fourth Tues- dav evenings cf ea Ji mouth in Hornliys hall - w Thompson M aguik V aioott Worthy Matron A O U TV ValentineiLfldge No 70 A O U VV meets 1 si andiird louday in each month arl Danias Itec W Holsclaw M W D of H Valentine Lodire No Degreed Honor J holds regularjiieetings first and third -day evenings r each mouth M Christeiisearltec Mrs E Eobinsou CofII I O O F Valentine IadgcNoi 205 T O O Fiaieets everj Thursdav evening Vjsiting brothers cord Ji tally avited toiittend ourcieetings J T Keeley G Weslkt Kolsclaw Secv G A R Col Wood -Pest No 208 Department -of regular meet ing lid and batiu toys of each liiontLattM in sliarp Conuads from other lobl sccnlislly invited to aitend 1 Tuoiuu Commander J oiix D tMj T adjt W E C Col Woodsy It C No 179 regular meeting d and 4lh Saturdays of each month asianda LuinviG Pres BLelkx HoiufBY 3ce M W A Valentine Camp No 1751 Modern- Woodmen af America meets second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month ar Davenports HalL Visiting neighbors cordially invitedto attend P F Sim mis Ven Couhsel JwSpirk CJec K of P Cherry LodgeNo 1G9 Knights of Pythias meeH everj luesaa evening at uavenpoits Han J T Keely G C Jos Putmecil Kpf It and S Arrival aj3d Dopartore or Mails Mail east anenwest closes at 8 p m Rosebud leaves at 800 a m daily except Sun day and arrives at 500 p ra Simeon Kennedy and Oasis leaves at 7 00 am Mondays Wednesdays and Fri fdays and arrives at 700 p m Tuesdays and i Saturdays Ft Niobraraleaves daily at700 a m and 500 p m arrives at OfiOa maud 730 p m Kewanee aud Sparks arrives Mondajs Wednesdays and Fridays at 509 pjnand leaves Tuesdays Hiursdays and Saturdays at 7o a m -- General delivery open from 7 a m to 700 p m General deiiverj open on Sundays from i 8 to 10 am Lock boxes opendaily form 6 a rm to 8 30 pm Wr EHALEY Postmaster PROFESSIONAL AD BUSINESS CARDS T C HWYER Physician and Surgeon Office at C R Watson6 Urug Store Prompt artentipn given to aliprofessional calls AIiENTINE - NKBKASKA Teachers Exainination -The regular montrily Teachers jExamination -will be held the ithird Saturday of each month at my office in the Court House LILLIAN STONER Supt or Schools GLRKE Uklnds ot legal jbsiuess promptly attended to EBBASKA AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION THE STATE lows rninHniTtn OF Which xvill lic Sulrniittcd lotlru Peo ple for tholr Approval t the JViM diunerul Election WJueiy Them ke followmg proposed amcadmentB tCthe Oonatution of the State of Ne braska as hereinafter set forth in fall re submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska to be voted upon -ct the general election to be held Tues day November 8 A D 189G A joint resolution proposing to amend s30tions two 2 four 4 aad r five 5 of article six 6 of the 7 tution cf the State of Nebraska relating to number of judges of the supreme oourt and their term of office Be it resolved and enacted by the Legisla ture of the State of Nebraska Seotioa 1 Tliat section two 3 of article six 5 of the Constitution of the State oT Nebraska be amended so as to read as fol lows Section 2 The Bupreme jourt Bhall until otherwise provided by law consist of tiive 5 judges a majority of whom shall be srr to lorm a -quorum or to pronounce which the state shall be a party mandamus quo warranto hnbeaa corpus and su h anpellate jurisdiction as may be provided by lew 8ection 2 That section four 4 of article six CO of the Constitution of the State otJNeb Section 4 The judges of the supremo court shall be elected by tho electors of the st tte at large and their term of office ex cept aa hereinafter provided shall be for a period of not leaa than five 6 years aa the legislature may prescribe Section 8 That section five i of artico six 6 of the Constitution of the State of Ne braska be amended to read as follows Section 5 At the first general election to ho hold in the year 1896 thore shall be elected two f2i 1nrlirn nf thfi KtinrfniH rnurf mift A joint resolution proposing to amend section twenty four 24 -of article five 5 of the Constitution of the Stato of Nebraska relating to com pensation of the officers of tho executive department Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislature of tliH State of Nebraska Section 1 Thit section twentv four 24 of article five J of the Constitution of tho State of Neoraska be amended to read as fol lows Section 24 Tho officers of the executive department of the state government shall receive for their services a compeusutiou to be established by iaw whi h shall be neither increased nor diminished during tho term for which they shall hive been com missioned and they shnll not receive to thir own use any fees cosia interests upon pu lic moneys in their hands or undor their coutrol perquisites of oifije or other compen sation and all fees that may here after bo payable by Ihw for services performed by an officer provided for in this article shall bo paid in advance into the state treasury The leiislature shall at its kiirst session atter the adoption of this amend ment turee mtns or tue memoors elected to ach house of tho iegislaturo con- ournng establish tho salaries of the officers named in this article The so established shall not be chanced cftener than ouce iu four years and in no event unless two thirds of tho members elected to each house of tho legislature concur herein Approved March 29A D 1895 A joint resolution proposing toamend tsection one 1 of article six 6 of fehe Constitution of the State of Nebras ka relating to judicial power Beit resolved and enacted by the Legisla ture of the Stats of Nebraska Section 1 That section on- 1 of article six 6 of tho Conatitutionxf the State of Nobraskd be amended to i ead as follows Section 1 The judicial power of this state B it rcgolredand euwlaabj the Legislature of tin State of Mra Jka Section 1 Tat auction six 5 article nt 1 o thii Constitution of the State of Ne braska be jinielxdiid to read an follow Section C The right of trial by jury shall remain Inviolate but the lagi Hatura may pro vide thit in civ i action flve sixtlw of the jury mav render a verdict and thu JnsL ilature may nlxoa horize triat by k jury of a im number than twelve men in courts inferior to the dis trict court Approved March 23 A D 1805 A joint resolution proposing to amend section one 1 of article -five 5 of the Constitution of Nebraska relat ing to officers of the executive -department Be it resolved and enacted by the Legisla ture of the State of Nebraska Section 1 That section one 1 of ar ticle five 5 of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska bo amended to Toad as fol lows Section 1 The executive department shall consist of a governor lieutenant governor secretary of stats auditor of public accounts treasurer nu orintendout of public in struction attorney general commissioner of public lands and building and three railroad commissioners each ot whom except the said railroad tommis3ioner8 shall hold his office for a term of two years foni the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January after his election and until his successor is elected and qualified Eaih railroad com missioner shall hold his otfice for a terra of three years beginning on the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January atter his election and until his succes sor is elected and qua Hied Providsd however That- at the first general elec tion held after the adoption of this hall be vested iu a supreme court district j aa follows courts county courts justices of the c0nr 6 i T j a J fcjfc w i peace ponce magistrates una in sucn oiner courts inferior to the supreme couit as may ba created by law in which two thirds of the members elected to each house concur Approved March 29 A D 1895 A joint resolution proposing to amend section eleven 11 of article nix election Nebraska relating to increase in num ber -of supreme and district court judges Bo it resolved and enacted by tho Legislature of the State of Nebraska Section L That section eleven 11 of article six 0 of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as fol lows Section 11 The legislature whenever two thirds of the members olected to each house shall concur therein may in or after the year one thousand eight hundred aud ninety seven and not oftener than once in every tour years tnorcaao the number of judges of su preme and district courts and the judical distiic of the state Such districts shall be formed of compact territory and bouuuod by county lines and such in crease or any change in the boundaries of a district shall not vacate the office of any judge Approved March 30 A D 1895 A joint resolution proposing to amend seotion ax 6 of article one 1 of tthe Constitution of the State of Nebraska jrelating to trial byjury adeelMon It shall have oneinal imiadL tion ment ihpro fchall be electett three railroad in os vatronno nivii mw commiionerj one for the period of one iraeka be amended so as to read as year cno tor the period or two years and one for the period ot three yearn inn gov ernor secretary of state auditor of pub- i lie accounts and treasurer shall reside at the capital during their term of otfice they shall keep the public records books I and papers there and shall perform such du ties as may oe requires uy law Approved March 30 A D1S93 A joint resolution proposing to amend section twenty six 26 of ar ticle five 0 of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska limiting the of whom shall he elected for a term of ber of executive State officers two 2 years one for tha term of four 4 yoars and at each genoral election there after there shall be elected one judge of the supreme court for the term of five 5 years unless otherwise provided by law- Provided that the judges of the su preme court whose terms have not expired at the time of holding the general elec tion of 1896 shall continue to hold c thoir office for the remainder of the term for which they were respectively commis sioned Approved Maroh29 A D 1895 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to section thirteen 139 of article six of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska relating to com pensation of supreme and district cozzrt judges Be it resolved by the Legislature of tho State of Nebraska Section 1 That section thirteen 13 of article six 6 of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended so as to read as fol lows Sec 13 The judges of the supreme and district courts shall receive for their services such compensation as may be provided by law payable quarterly The legislature shall at its first session after the adoption of this amendment three fifths of tho members elected to eaoh house concurring establish their compensation The compensation so es tablished shall not be changed oftener than ouce in four vears and in no event unrests two thirds of the members elected to eah house of the legislature concur therein Approved March GOA D 1895 Be it resolved and enacted by the Leg islature of the State of Nebraska Section 1 That section twenty six 26 of article five 5 of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as follows Section 26 No other executive state offi cers except those named in section ono 1 of this article shall bo created except by an act of the legislature which is concurred in by not less than three fsurtha of the members elected to each house thereof Provided That any office created by an act of the legislature may be abolished by the legislature two thirds of the mem bers elected to each house thereof concur ring Approved March 80 A D 1893 A joint resolution proposing to amend section nine 9 of artiole eight 8 of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska providing for the investment of the permanent educational funds of the state Be it resolved and enacted by the Legisla ture of the State of Nobraska Section 1 That eeoiioi nine 9 of artiole eight 8 of the Constitution of tho State of Nobiaska be amended to read as fol lows fcection 9 All funis belonging to the state for educational purposes the interest and income whereof only are to be used shall be deemed trust funds held by the state and the state shall supply all losses there of that may in any manner accrue so that the same ehJl forevor inviolate and uudimlnishud and shall not be in vested or loaned except on United Stat 83 or state securities or registered county bonds or registered school district bonds of this state and suA funds with the inter est and income thereof are hereby solemn ly pledged for tho purposes for which they are granted and set apart and shall not be transferred to any other fund for other j uses Provided Tha board created by section 1 of this article is ompowered to sell from J time to time any of the securities belonging to the permanent s dwol fund and invest the proceeds arining therefrom in any of the securities enumerated in this section bear ing a higher rate of interest whenever an opportunity for better investment is pre sented And provided further That when any warrant upon the state treasurer reg ularly is ued iu pursuance of an appropri ation by the legislature and secured by the levy of a tux for its payment shall bo presented to the state treasurer for payment and there shall not bo any monoy in the proper fund to pay such warrant the board created by section 1 of this article mny direct the state arer to pay the amount duo on sui h war rant from moneys in his hands belonging to the permanent school fuud of the state and he shall hold said warrant as an in vestment of hatd permanent school fund Approved March 20 A D 1895 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Nebraska by adding a new section to article twelve 12 constitution to be numbered two 2 relative to the government of cities politan class and the the counties wherein of said section merging of the of the metro government of such cities are located Be it resolved and enacted by the Legis lature of the State of Nebraska Section 1 That article twolve 12 of tha Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended by al din to said article a new sec tion to be numbered section two 2 to read The government of any city of the metropolitan class and the gov ernment of the county in which it is located may bo merged wholly or in part when a proposition so to do has been submitted by authority of law to the voters of such city and county and re ceived the assent of a majority of the votes cast in such city and also a majority of the votes cast in the county exclusive of those cast in such metropolitan city at such i Approved March 29 A D At r t r ojoi uie uonsniEuuon oi cne state oi 1895 A joint resolution proposing an amendment to section six6 of article seven 7 of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska prescribing the manner in -which votes shall be cast Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislat ure of the State of Nobraska Section 1 Tint section six 6 of article seven 7 of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska be amended to read as fol lows Section 6 All votes shill be by ballot or such other method as may be prescribed by law provided tho secrecy of voting be preserved Approved March 29 A D 1895 A joint resolution proposing to amend section two2of article four teen 14 of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska relative to donations to works of internal imorovemeut and cianufacfories Bd it rtMolved and enacird by ijliitnri of State of Nebraska faction l uiiat aecriou iwo v- w rnu fourteen 10 of the Constitution of tha State of Nebraska ba amended to Mad aa folio Sac 3 No city county town precinct munioiuality or other subdivision of the state uhall ever vrike donation to any Tvorlci cf internal fmprovemeut or manufactory unlerf a proposition so to do shall have been first submitted to the qualified electors and ratified by a two thirds vote at an election by authority of law provided That such dotations of a county with the donations of such subdi visions in the aggregate shall not exoaed ten per cent of the assessed valuation of Buch county Provided further That any city or county may by a three fourth vote increase such indebtedness five per cent in addition to such ten per cent and no bonds or evidences of indebtednesB so issued shall be valid unless the same shall have endorsed therson a certificate sicned by the secretary and auditor of Mate bowing that the same is issued pursuant to law Approved March 29 A D 189G I J A Piper secretary of stats of the state of Nebraska do hereby certify that he foregoing proposed amendments to the Constitution of the State of Ne braska are true and corrects copies of the original enrolled and engrossed bills as passed by the Twenty fourth session of the legislature of the State of Nebraska as appears from said original bills- on file in this office and that all and each of said proposed amendments are submitted to the qualified voters of the State of JNe braskafor their adoption or rejection at the general election to be held on Tuesday the 8d day of November A B 1890 In testimony -whereof I have here unto set my hand and affixed the great seal of the State of Nebraska Done at Lincoln this 17th day of July in the year ot our Lord One Thou sand Eight Hundred and Ninety Six of the Independence of the United StateB the Ono Hundred and Twenty Krat and of this state the Thirtieth Seal J A PIPER Secretary of State A LESSON Some ON THE BULLFROG Interesting- Facto About the De spised Batrachlan The large round eye of the bullfrog is peculiar in some respects for if we tickle its corneal surface with soma light object as a straw it will be noticed that the thick upper lid cov ered as it is by the common integu ments has very little movement while on the other hand -as the animal rotates its eyeball inward and beneath this- there at the same time pusses up over the organ the thinner somewhat transpar eit lower eyelid This shield entire ly covering the ball as it does reminds one of the structure seen in birds and called the nictitating- membrane As soon as the irritation is withdrawn the animal again opens his eye which by the way with its truly beautiful iris is in my opinion one of the most elegant structures seen in nature Posterior to and below we meet with a flat oval area also covered by the sltin which is the tympanum of the ear Ono might possibly mistake this for a thin ilat bone in the skin but this latter -tissue in frogs is perfectly smooth and is completely devoid of either scales or osseous platea There is an American genus of frogs however Ceratophrys a few representatives of which form an exception to this rule If we puncture the eardrum in the frog it will he found that a fine pigs bristle may be pussed by a natural passage through the open ing made into the mouth Tt go s through the eustachian tubo a canal which is also present in man and other vertebrates permitting as it docs the vibrations of the tympanum The fact that the frog is devoid of any neck that its spine makes a hump near the middle of its back the characters of its two pairs of limbs and other external features are all too well known to the intelligent observer and reader to re quire special description here E IV Shufeldt in Appletons -Popular Science Monthly Beuf Balls The beef balls and chopped meat that are so often prescribed for invalid diet may be improved for well persons by occasionally seasoning them with chopped almonds or -with pine nuts in the proportion of two tablespoonfuls to the half pound Season the balls with paprika salt and if you like it a teaspoonful of onion juice Instead of being broiled these balls niay be browned in very hot butter and served with a brown sauce The cooking may be done in a shallow saucepan or in a chafing dish N T Post Antiquity of Precious stones Gems were not cut until the 16th or 17th century being used in the rough before that period As early as 2400 jears before Christ precious stones were used as ornaments and more gems were cut during the Roman empire than dur ing any other period Later Venice and Genoa became the great gem markets of the worldand upon the discovery of the new world its supply was called upon to furnish the old world The prehis toric races of the new world made great use of pearls and someof thefinest seen are yet to lie found in the continent discovered by Columbus India was the first country to produce diamonds the finest precious stones and at one time as man3 as 6000 men were employed in the Golconda mines It has always been a remarkable fact that the so called conservatism of the world in theinatter of diamonds condemns new diamond i fields and their products Amsterdam represents about one third of the trade in diamonds Chicago Chronicle Baked Rhubarb Peel and cut into two inch lengths three bunches of rhubarb Dredge with flour and put in a baking dish with one large cupful of sugar sprinkled over it Bake in a moderate oven three quarters of an hour N Y Ledger Xil4Z3ZB SUBSCRIBE FOR THE WORLD HERALD THE GREAT FREE SILVER ADVOCATE DAILY SG00 per year 50c i month SEMI WEEKLY 100 per vcar in advance VVWTWWWWVWvyfvfS Subscnptiona will be received by the Dkmocrat or they nmy be sent to th publishers direct Address WORLD HEP A LD Omaha Heir FINAL PROOF NOTICES Parties having final proof notices in these columns will receive a marked copy of the tpaper which contains first insertion of same It is the duly of each claimant to examine their notice carefully and should there be any error the fact should be reported to the land oflice and to this ollicc at once for correction U S Land Offlce at Valentine Neb i Sept i2tli ish f Notice is hereby ijiveii that the following named settler hs iiled notice of his internum to make tlnal proof in support of hb claim jii1 that said prowl will be made before the Registrr aud Itecciverat Valentine Neb on Oct 2ith 180Gvi Thomas L Lomas of Mullen Nebr H E No 8890 for the Lots 4 aud snJnwH Sec 2 and sc ne Sec To z 1C 2 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of suit liiirl viz Charles Kilgore Sherman Iitteiifier of Mullen Nebr Dan E Steen and licnrj Emmick of Brownlee Neb also Charles Kilgore of Mullen Sreb H E No 9175 for the iieinvH nnuH Sec 28 iroMnwii sec 24 Tp 27 It 32 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivatiou of said laud viz Isaac H Lontas and Thomas H Lomas of Mullen Nebr Henry Emmick and Dan E Steen also Isaac H Lomas of Mullen Xebr II K 8889fortheLot24andseJimvj4 Sec TP 27 B ffij He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Henry Emmick and Dan E Steen ol Urowu lee Nebr Sherwiu J lMttenger and Charles Kilgore of Mullen Neb C It ULOVEIJ Itegi ter 15 S Land Oilice at Valentine Neb I Sept nth ism f Notice is hereby given that Teti r Fncdriei Itabeler of Leigh Neb has filed notice of in tention to make final proof before Register and Iteceiver at their office in Valentine Nebr on Friday the 30th day of October isnG on timber cultui e application No 7703 for the se i Sec 3 Tp 35n r 3t w He names as witnesses Peter Ueimers Henry Schlueter Peter liicge and Henry Po rath all of Keige Neb Testimony of claimant Peter Friedrick Itabeler will be taken before the clerk of the District court at Schuyler Nebr on Saturday Oct 2 1 ISM Ci OLOVER Kegister Notice Tlmbrr Culture U- S laud Oflice Valentine Nebraska i September 9th 13DG f Complaint having been entered at this otlice bv Charles H Jacobson against Hugh II Mc Govern for failure to comply with law as to timber culture Entry No MGl dated June 2Tith 1890 upon the n4 of sei ne4swh seHnei Sec 2G Tp 29 It 37 in Cherry county Nebraska with a view of cancellation of said entry contes tant alleging that the said Hugh H Mcoovern has failed to break or cause to be brokeu any part of said tract and has wholly failed to culti vate or cause to bo cultivated any part of said tract since the date of his said entry and has wholly failed to cure his laches to ths date The said parties are hereby summoned to appear at this otlice on the 10th day of October 18 at 10 oclock am to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure C It GLOVER Reeistcr EndorusAJarrcttandCora A Jarrett de fendants will take notice that on the nth day of September ISSfi Patrick Stillivaii plamtilf herein tiled his petition in the district court of Cherry countv Nebraska against Endorus A Jarrett and bra A Jarrett defendants herein the ob ject andfprayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by En donis A Jarrett and Cora A Jarrett upon the southwest quarter of section 34 township 33 range 37 west to securr I he payment of a certain promissory note dated March 4 1893 for the sum of 10000 due and pay-able-in one vear from date thereof That there is now due upon said note aud - mortgage the sum of 11500 for which sum with interest there on from this date plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due You the said Endorus A Jarrett and Cora A Jarrett are required to answer said pctititioa on or before the 19th day of October A D 1896 PATRICK SULLIVAN J Weslev Tuckkr Plaintiff Plaintiffs Attorney 33 Etttray Notice Taken up at my place on the head of the Minnechaduza 4 miles north of Kilgore one bull calf blacK and white spotted about two days old Geo CoLE3fAN P F SIMONS PROPRIETOR OF DRAY LINE NO I Satisfaction guaranteed Eeasonable charges PACM 1UC CMC HFC rfSKMia iswsP ti Roj and wood i liiiO i w iffiro OF ALL KINDS 5timia STEAM PUMPS - Eclipse and Fairbanks Wind mills -Towers Tanks Irriga tion Outfits Hose Beltinj GrInderiShcllcr8Wood Saws Drive Points Pipe Fittings Brass Roods and Fairbantts Standard Scales Prices low Get the best Send tor Catalogue rASRSANKS N20RSE CO H02 Farnam St Omaha Neb Wanted -An Idea VTho can think Of UWn Rlmntn imcgiopaxojw 1 Protect your fdw they may brins you wealth 1 Writn Ji rOHN WKDDEBBUEN CO Patent cars Washington D ana f tn 1 Pm - nffmi I it of two tuadrsd laveatloas wasd 1 Paging SlfpRi Use Passenger leave- Oifeill Neb at 1005 a m immediately after ar rival of train from Black jinils reaching Smut City at 235 p m saving three hours time Lowest rates Pin chase local tickets to OXeiH and refeuy there SMYSER VINCENT OF- LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLE Good ILiiis and Careful Drivers Tisaxs Staklkd f At Oeo Langs ofcl stand VAIENTINK - - AKJJBASK OKLANDER BLACKSMITH am WAQONMAKER Repairing a Specialty Prices Stride i v Cash and Low er than ever SHOP on Chen v St opposite Langs old stand ELKHORN RAILROAD Kortli Westcra Line1 is to best to and froiu the SUGAR BEET FIELD OF NORTH NEBRASKA THE i CHICAGO CHRONICLE m i THE DEKOGRATIG 1LT of the Northwest Will be sent postpaid t arjr addre8 six days a wk far one ymar for FOUR DOLLARS The Ohronlole Is the moat oonspfouous newspaper auo os8 f tho day the dally cir culation exceed Ins 76000 copies and the Sunday olrou latlon exoeedIngJOOrOOO cop ies It is a first class newa paperof 12 and 16 pages Sun day 4Q to 43 pages and Is a Btanch supporter of sound democratic principles Baily wcesi Sunday 1 year 4C8 DaHy and 3iaday 1 year 800 Dstiy 6 trotih8 campaign ediUaa 2U00 Dily and Sinrfay 6 m jnlhs 300 Daily 2 waaths 100 Daily ant Sinday 2 months 140 Daily 1 coilh 50 DaHy and Sanday 1 month 75 Sunday year 200 Saturday yozr 100 Sample copies froo on appli cation Address THE CHICAGO CHRONICLE iC lCG Washington tr Qhloago W