The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 01, 1896, Image 6

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    0idTetttine democrat
ROBERT B GOOD- - Editok Pbop
Beautiful Miss HashaganWeds the
Biff Pullblood Indian Model Thun
der Cloud Spending Their Honey
moon in Parts Unknown
Weds a Pullblood Indian
New Yojik One of the most startling
and romantic bits of news ever connected
with the art world leaked out- when it
was learned that Mrs Hattie Hashagan
was married recently to Thunder Cloud
the big Indian who is one of the most
popular and valuable models in the coun
try Miss Hashagan has had a studio on
Fifty -ninth Street for nearly two years
Here she has lived with her mother and
done much good and promising work in
oil water color and wash drawings
From time to time her work has appeared
in the exhibitions She is moreover well
known in artistic circles for her beauty
She is 22 years old fair complexioned
has a head of soft wavy brown hair and
a pair of large brown eyes and dresses
with great elegance Thunder Cloud has
been a familiar figure in the New York
studios for several years nis fine figure
set off with his war paint and string of
bears teeth have made him much sought
after not only in the studios but in the
art schools He is an ideal specimen of
manhood from a physical standpoint
The bride and groom are spending a
honeymoon in parts unknown
Mexican Towns Destroyed
- City of Mexico Telegrams from Ma
zatlan state that the town of Altata has
completely disappeared as a result of the
recenthurricane Every house was de
stroyed burying the inhabitants in their
ruins and the only building left standing
is a portion of the custom house The
hark Elena and schooner Rebecca are
probably lost The town of Elotai was
wiped out of existence only one house re
maining Nineteen people were drowned
there Other towns des troy ed are Te
cuma Escalaras Silado and Ceritas The
inhabitants of all those towns who es
caped death are without food shelter and
clothing and the authorities have taken
immediate measures for their relief It is
rumored that yellow fever has appeared
at Manzanillo
Steamer Ashore
Seattle Wash The Pacific Const
Steamship Companys passenger vessel
Umatilla is ashore at Point Wilson- She
lelt San Francis o 01 Saturday lor Vic
toria and Puget fcound Points with a full
coniplttment of passengers While mak
her way up the St a ts of Fuea during a
dense fog she struck a rock and water
poured Into her hold so quickly that the
steamer ha I to be beached Her hold is
now full oi nater and -the cargo will have
t j be removed before tue extent of dam
age toltie vessalca i b ascertained The
Umataiia lies in au exrStfdcondftonand
in the event of a strong westerly gale
would prove a total lobs All passengers
are reported safe
Condition Is Pitiful
Makseilies There exists a condi
tion of affairs in this city at present
which seems to be a disgrace to Eu
rope and Armenian associations gen
erally throughout the world Sub
sisting upon Government municipal 01
private charity here are 500 Armenians
men women and children young old
healthy and sick who succeeded in escap
ing the bloody massacres at Constantino
ple and who one and all buoyed up by
the hope of being able eventually to reach
the land of freedom the United States
are stranded
Ilaided by Cuban Rebels
DHavaxa The village of San Miguel
del Madron on the road from Havana to
Guines was raided and burned by insur
gents Stores and residences were robbed
and churches destroyed Many men
women and children were stripped of
their clothing and driven out into the
rain and storm in night clothes who
reachedGuanabacq the next morning
seeking refuge
Rain iDam ages Cotton Crop
Austin Texas Reports from all sec
tions -of the state received here indicate
that the cotton crop has been seriously
damaged by the lieavy rains of Friday
night and Saturday Cotton was in full
bloom and hundreds of acres were washed
Asylum Attendant Dismissed
Elgix 111 Owen Carr an attendant
at the asylum charged with beating
James Corke of Rock Falls formerly a
patient whose case is being investigated
has been dismissed from the force
Discounts American Money
Tokoxto Ont Following the ex
ample of McGill University at Montreal
the Toronto University authorities have
decided not to accept American money at
par from the students across the border
in payment of their fees
Butter Makers to Meet
Elgin III The executive committee
of the National Creamery Butter Makers
Associatien met here and decided to hold
the annual convention at Owatonua
Minn January 20 to 25
Kills in a Pit of Insanity
Peokia 111 In a fit of insanity Miss
Jennie K wig aged 37 years killed her
brothers daughter Grace King nearly 4
monts old by pounding her on the head
with a rock
Explosion of Grease Causes Pire
Bukke Idaho Tigers Miners board
ing house was burned by lire caused by
an explos on of greas causing the death
of one and ser ous injury of many persons
i o iJt J
Busrgy Company in Trouble -
A number of creditors
chief among whom is the Powitzly Col
lins Buggy Company of St Louis have
applied for a receiver for the Capital City
Binrgy Company The claims aggregated
abou t 5fKHto Judge Harvey appointed
the Union Trust Company temporary re
Bank Officials Arrested
New Okleans President William
Nichols and tCashierw John Deblauc of the
Bank of Commerce have beenarrested on
the charge of receiving deposits knowing
tlie bank was insolvent
Robert J Accepts
New Yoiik A match between celebri
ties in the world of trotting horses iepie
senling widely different portions of the
and if it can be
globe is now on the tapis
pulled off will go on record as one of the
notable events in turf annals
In a recent issue of the Chicago Horse
man George M Slatel of Sydney Aus
tralia offered to match his trotter Fritz
record 214 made as a grass track at
Melbourne in March 189G against any
trotting horse in the world for 10000 a
side The challenge has been taken up
by Banker Lewis G Tewksbury of this
city who owns Robert J 201 Mascot
20 Paul 207 and other flyers In
a letter to the Horseman dated the 25th
Mr Tewksbury stated the terms under
which he will take his representative
probably Robert J to Australia start
ing December 1 next the race to take
place in six week after arriving in Syd
ney mile heats best three in five Na
tional Trotting Association rules to gov
ern Mr Tewksbury also makes a coun
ter proposal that if the Australians will
bring their horse to the United States he
can probably be induced to give them
odds of 20000 to 10000 on the event be
sides doubling the allowance they pro
pose for expenses which proposal he
specifies as his estimates of the great
handicap which is placed upon a horse
that travels half around the world and
undergoes a great climatic change Mr
Tewksbury asks that the challenger be
requested to cable his acceptance by No
vember 14 so it may soon be known
whether the battle will take place and
Brotherhood of Carpenters
Cleveland The United Brotherhood
of Carpenters and Joiners restricted the
payment of sick benefits so that in the
future 110 members will be paid such
benefits for a longer period than two
years A resolution was passed in favor
of restricting immigration to 50000 a year
In this connection the Lodge Corliss bill
was approved with a proviso that immi
grants should be distributed by a board of
ten members appointed from the labor
organizations who would see that new
comers were not sent to already over
crowded fields of labor all immigrants
failing to find work within - sixty days to
be sentback to the country they came
An energetic agitation will be started
for the enforcement of the eight hour day
in all localities A bill will be drafted
and introduced in Congress to make the
eight hour day practically operative for
all federal employes direct or indirect
A satisfactory lien law will be offered for
the consideration of all state legislatures
at their next sessions
In Fear of Forest Fires
Superiob Wis Forest fires are
spreading rapidly in this vicinity It is
reported that several valuable tracts of
timber have been destroyed and that there
is great danger of more destruction about
ten miles south of here on the Omaha and
South Shore roads A homesteader and
iiis family were burned out three miles
from the city and came to town with
what few effects they succeeded in saving
nearly dead from fatigue and only half
clothed Other settlers are reported to
have been burned out but without loss of
life and still others are now fighting the
Fatal Shooting at a Cake Walk
Frederick Md Ben Butler a negi 0
aged 23 shot and killed Thomas Carter
and seriously wounded Edward Nelson
both colored at a cake walk near Buck
eye Stone Frederick County Sunday
morning About three dozen men and
women had congregated at tie place and
during the evening partook freely of
whisky A fight ensued and Butler was
knocked down and beaten with clubs
ne drew a revolver and began firing pro
misconsly killing Carter and it is
thought latally wounding Nelson
Egyptian Independence Scheme
London The Times Cairo corre
spondent believes there is some truth in
a native report that the Khedive is now
making a tour of Europe incognito and
that he has taken with him a scheme for
Egyptian independence drafted by promi
nent native officials This anti British
intrigue the Times correspondent con
tinues seems very likely since the Khe
dive while professing that the journey is
nonpolitical has had an interview with
M Hanotaux the French minister of for
sign affairs
Under a Cloud
Richmond lnd James W Hender
son a local attorney was arrested here
or embezzling about 1500 of the funds
of Woodward Lodge of Odd Fellows of
which he was the secretary He was re
leased on a bond of 1500 Mr Hender
son is chairman of the Democratic central
committee secretary of the board of city
committee and also of the board of metro
politan police commissioners He was
formerly a member of the Patriarchal
Circle of which he was one of the grand
Dixon White Fight a Draw
New York George Dixon of Boston
nd Tommy White of Chicago fought
twenty rounds to a draw in the Broadway
Aihletic Club in New York Probably
5000 people witnessed the fight which
was unusually fine Each was said
to weigh 125 pounds They were warmly
greeted by their partisans there being
considerable money bet however of 2 to 1
on Dixon
500 Men Given Employment
IIollidaxsburg Pa The fires have
been lighted in the Eleanor Iron Works
of Ilollidaysburg and the Tyrone Iron
Works of Tyrone this county Both
plants will he run on full time day uid
night These industries have been idle
during tho summer Five hundred men
will be given employment
George It Morrison in Jail
Troy N Y County Treasurer George
II Morrison until recently one of the
most influential and pupularnien in Troy
a man in the prime of life and reputed to
be worth 80000 is in jail charged with
the embezzlement of 250000 or all of tne
money belonging to the county -
Smallpox in a Troop Ship
IIavasa The steamship Santiago
rived herefrom Spain Tyith fifty nine offi
cers and 2050 soldiers to -ire-enforce the
Spanish army here- There were several
edses of smallpox on board the steajnen
and she was lumigated before the troops
A Child Killed hy Rats
Baltimore Three big rats attacked
the baby boy
Asher gnawing his face head
and neck
to such an extent that it died in a short
One Thousand Were Killed
Constantinople It now appears
thatljOOO Armenians weije killecL during
the recent massacre atEgih in the Khar
poot district
Back from Liberia
Philadelphia The sir amship VW s
land which arrived hcr J from Livcrf ool
brought back as passengers six of tV 0
ored colonists who went out to Liberia
early in the spring on board t ie J a no s
steamship Laurada They tell 1 orrible
tales of suffering from disease and desti
tution by the unfortunate people wl 0 g av
up their homes in this country to journey
to that distant republic on what appeared
to be liberal offerings of the authorities
there Forty members of the Lauradas
expedition consist ng of 35 people are
already dead while the entire number
taken out previously on the Danish steam
ship Horsa have been carried off by what
is known as Jom Bull feer
When this expedition nas made up it
was represented that each married man
would be given a plot of ground and a
house and other grants were to be given
the single men Strips of land were given
them but no houses and they had no
shelter for months after their arrival
Provisions command high prices and they
cannot be secured by these poor creatures
and there is absolutely no way to earn a
Prison Congress
Milwaukee At the meeting of the
national prison congress here the com
mittee appointed at the last session of the
prison congress to assist in preparing a
history of prison management in the
United States to be presented to the
international prison congress which will
meet in Brussels in 1900 held a meeting
Among those present were Gen II Bin
kerhoff of Mansfield Ohio and Fred HV
Wines of Springfield 111
Rev S J Barrows of Boston who is
the commissioner appointed by the Gov
ernment to represent the United States at
the international congress was also pre
sent It is proposed to lay before the in
ternational congress a volume giving a
history and account of the present condi
tion of prisons in this country together
with the prison and criminal laws and the
work of prison reform in this country
Fred H Wines delivered an atldress at
a socalled popular meeting which was
held He advocated the necessity of a
more brotherly feeling toward convicts in
working for their reformation He op
posed life and death sentences
Cigarmakers Convention
Detroit President G W Perkins
and many of tho delegates have arrived
here to take part in the twenty first con
vention of the Cigarmakers International
Union It is anticipated the sessions will
continue three weeks with about 275 dele
gates in attendance
The systematically applied strength of
the international body in maintaining
strength when properly and duly ap
proved is a matter of special interest to
Detroit union cigarmakers a majority of
whom have been on a strike for over a
year the strike having resulted in the
establishment of a co operative factory
when unsuccessful otherwise The prin
cipal reform to which the international
union is now devoting itself is the eradi
cation of child labor in the factories
Excitement in Worcester
Worcester Mass Considerable ex
citement has been caused by the fire in the
underwear factary of William H Burns
Co on Salem Square early Sunday
morning Burns is the man who displayed
the red flag of anarchy on the front of
his building with Bryans portrait on it
when the presidential candidate visited
the city last Friday This action caused
a great deal of unfavorable comment An
investigation made by State Fire Marshal
Holt and Chief Engineer Vaughn of the
fire department convinces them that the
gre is of incendiary origin as evidence of
kerosene having been sprinkled around
the room is very manifest
To Have a Cuban Carnival
Cincinnati A Cuban carnival of a
whole week has been arranged to begin
here in Music Hall It will open with a
mass meeting to which all citizens will be
invited Gen A Hickenlooper has been
asked to preside and a list of 200 vice
pi e sidents has been prepared Cuban
representatives at Washington will be
present During the rest of the week
spectacular exhibitions illustrating Cuban
life and showing the cruelties of Spanish
officers and soldiers will be given The
proceeds will be applied to the relief 0
sick and wounded Cuban soldiers
A 7-Year-Old Murderer
Wooster O Thomas Kidd aged 11
the son of V K Kidd of Cleveland was
murdered at Dulton near here by Carl
Mcllheney aged 7 The Kidd boy who
was a cripple was visiting at the Mc
llheney home The boys were left to
gether while the family were at church
and they quarreled Young Kfdd struck
Carl with his crutch The latter procured
his fathers gun and shot Kidd blowing
off the top of his head The young
murderer confessed aud has been placed
under arrest
Chicago Cattle common to prime
350 to 325 hogs shipping grades
300 to 375 sheep fair to choice 200
to 350 wheat No 2 red GGc to U7c
corn No 2 21c to 22c oats No 2 lGc
to 17c rye No 2 34c to 35c butter
choice creamery 14c to lGc eggs fresh
14c to 15e potatoes per bushel 20c to
30c broom corn common short to choice
dwarf 25 to G0 per ton
Indianapolis Cattle shipping 300 to
500 hogs choice light 300 to 350
sheep common to prime 200 to 325
wheat No 2 G3c to G5c corn No 2
white 21c to 23c oats No 2 white lic
to 20c
St Louis Cattle 350 to 473 hogs
300 to 375 wheat No 2 G3c to G7c
corn No 2 yellow 19c to 20c oats
No 2 white lGc to 17c rye No 2 2Sc
to 30c
Cincinnati Cattle 250 to 475 hogs
300 to 375 sheep 250 to 350
wheat No 2 G9c to 71c corn No 2
mixed 23c to 27c oats No 2 mixed 17c
to 19c rye No 2 34c to 3Gc
Detroit Cattle 250 to 475 hogs
300 to 373 sheep 200 to 325
wheat No 2 red 72c to 73c corn No 2
yell624c to 20c oats No 2 white 21c
to 22cf rye 3Gc to 3Sc
f Toledo Wheat No 2 red 70c to 72c
corn No 2 yellow 21c to 23c oats No
2 white aSc to 20c ryeNo 2 37c to 38c
clover seeu7 490 to 5f0
Milwaukee Wheat No 2 spring 64c
to OGpr cornNo 2 21tfto 23c 5ats No
2 white 20c to 21c barley No 2 30c to
34crye No 1 3Gc to 3Sc pork mess
575 to 023
Buffalo Cattle
OGJ f6V400
wheat No 2 red
S250 tn hnr s
sheep 200to 375
73c to 74c corn No 2
yellow 29c to 30c oats No 2 white
22c to 24c
New York Cattle 300 to 325 hogs
300 to 450 sheep 200 to 400
wheat No 1 hard 75c to 76c corn No 2
27c to 2Sc oats Np 2 white 20c to 22c
buttercreamery 12c to lGc eggs West
ern 15c to ISc
Factory at Norfolk Begins Opera
tions with Three Hundred and
Fifty Employes Yield Is Large
and of Fine Quality
The Norfolk sugar beet factory has
started receiving beets and each day the
farmers of that locality have been deliv
ering from 250 to 350 wagon loads for
which they received 3 per ton In ad di
tion to those delivered by wagon great
quantities of beets have been brought in
by rail This has been a very favorable
season for sugar beets and they are test
ing very rich in sugar nearly the entire
crop being ripe and ready for market
There are nearly 5000 acres contracted
for this factory and the campaign prom
ises to be a long and profitable one The
factory employs about 800 men All this
helps wonderfully to relieve the hard
times and gives Norfolk quite a busy ap
Western Travelers1 Association
The fourth annual meeting of the
Western Travelers Accident Association
was held in Grand Island last week a
good attendance being present President
Stevens being absent W H Harrison of
Grand Jsaud presided Report of secre
tary A L Sheetz showed a member
ship of 1600 representing forty sates
Out of the 559 members in Nebraska
Omaha has 178 and Lincoln ninety three
During the year 151 accidents were re
ported 121 claims for weekly indemnity
were paid amounting to 1031016 1 if
teen claims were rejected and fifteen
withdrawn Expert Accountant A E
Towlie who was employed by the presi
dent ot the association to audit the ac
counts of the treasurer made a report
showing the receipts of the year amount
ing to 147318 and the disbursements
amounting to 1329441 leaving a cath
balance of 140874
Were Stealing with a Pole
Mr and Mrs Phil Bourgene were placeu
tinder arrest at Hastings on the carge of
robbery and are now lodged in the county
jail The proprietors of the Black Flag
Store have been missing goods almost
daily- The other night a couple of cleiks
were stationed m the rear of the stoe to
await results At about 2 oclock in the
morning they heard a rattling near the
skylight and directly a long pole with a
hook on the end was lowered into the
room and hooked into some goods Four
shots were fired by the clerks The police
were on hand and the Bourgenes who
live above the store were placed under
arrest When their rooms were searched
about 40 vylbrth of slolen goods were
found and it is thought that they havo
more stowed away
Very I ike Mutual Surprise
One day last week when John Byerly
of North Platte returned to his room he
took off his coat laid his watch on the
table opened the closet door to hang his
coat up and ran into the front end of a
loaded revolver in the hands of a burglar
whom he had surprised in tlie room John
immediately disgorged to the extent of a
gold watch and chain and 51 in change
Byerly was then locked in the closet and
the intruder made his escape After he
found that he was alone he made an ahum
and was liberated There is little proba
bility of apprehending the culprit
To Promote Scientific Discussio
A Monday Philosophical Club was or
ganized at Nebraska City The object of
the organization is the discussion of scien
tific and theological quesMons of current
interest The membership is limited to
twenty Itev E T Fleming is president
and Prof C M Dawes secretary The
membership is composed of prominent
professional and business men of the city
Killed While Riding- the Trucks
Doc Stewart a loy about 16 yea
old was killed by a St Joseph and Granu
Island train near llollenburg Ivan He
left Fairbury to visit his mother at llol
lenburg and it is supposed was riding on
the trucks and fell oil He had recently
returned from the State Keform school
and has been stopping with relatives
Large Potato Crop
The potato crop which is one of grow
ing extent and importance in tlie vicinity
of North Loup is now being harvested
and fanners report th t it is much more
promising than was si pp sed a few weeks
smo Arrangemants ne being attempted
to securo special freight rales by a num
ber of large growe
Hughey Jackson Owns Hi Guilt
Hughey Jackson the man who held up
John Beverly in his room at North Platte
Thursday night has been apprehended
Beyerlys watch was found on his person
and he admits his guilt of this charge bur
denies all connection wi h the burglary of
Einsteins clothing or He says that
the livery mans team goi away from him
Injured on the Hace Track 0
Charlie Perfect ot Wilsonville was seri
ously injured on the race track attla
place After the leaders in the horse
race went by he ran out on the track ami
was run into by one of those behind
knocking him down and cutting his fore
head open
Charged with Horse Stealing
D W llulbert was arrested at Goiring
on a charge of horse stealing and bound
over to the district court in the sum of
foOO bonds The Live Stock Association
is said to be behind the prosecution and
lo be sanguine of conviction
Sibleys New Church
The 11000 new Methodist church at
Sibley was crowded Sunday at the dedi
silion services conducted by Dr Ives of
Auburn N Y To complete payment f
h j church over 2500 was subscribed at
die service
Divorced Couple TVtd Again
Mr and Mrs O T Lytle of Grafton
who were divorced about a year ago went
lo York and were remarried
Two Indians Badly Cut
West Point John an lntian and his
squaw were badly cut about the head and
ace at Lyons by another Indian
Diphtheria Interferes with School
The Shelby public school opened the
23lh Because of diphtheria and measles
Miescool wa three weeks late iu starting
Somedj tewuitry schools havejalsii re
nin in elL closed owing to contagiousdis
ase i
For Selling mortgaged Property
IJV Hawkins was arrested by the
shenttnt Nebraska City on the charge of
inongaiieu property uavm xait
I claims to have a inoi tira o 011 a horse
which liawtcius transferred 10 ti resident j
of lovva i
Has Paid 3000000 in Ten 2 cars fo
Something He Did Not Get
The Naval Department has at least
opened its eyes to an evil of long standing
and a reform may be looked for It is in
the matter of paying premiums to new
warships for increased speed Within
the past ten years about 30QO00O has
been paid in this way yet there has
been but little advance in the matter of
speed Vessels would make speed records
on their trial trips and receive the bonus
but when put into service they could not
maintain their records Of the 3600000
about two thirds has gone to the Cramps
of Philadelphia
When we began the building- of the
new navy it was thought desirable be
cause of the untried capabilities of Ameri
can builders to offer them generous in
ducements to improve their plants and
put forth their best efforts The premium
was decided upon but it was not the
speed bonus of to day The earlier ships
were contracted for on the plan of a
premium for increased units of horse
power Under this system were built the
Yorktown Petrel Concord Bennington
Charleston Newark and Baltimore
With the exception of the Baltimore
which earned a horse power premium of
106442 the contractors earned but lit
tle It was the Baltimores big horse
power bonus which determined the Navy
Department to change the system and
future contracts embraced a provision
for speed premiums alone These offers
were more than liberal They began with
the Philadelphia and San Francisco at
the rate of 25000 per quarter knot in
excess of the contract requirement of 19
knots Under this both vessels earned a
bonus for their builders of 100000
they having made 20 knots on their re
spective trials When the New York
Columbia Minneapolis and Olympia were
contracted for the offered premium was
increased to 30000 per quarter knot
over 20 knots The Cramps built the
ships and made them go very fast on their
trials the Columbia earning 350000 and
the Minneapolis 414G00 This last
prize opened the eyes of the department
and thereafter the offers of premiums
were very much reduced and in the later
contracts for battleships and gunboats
they have been withdrawn altogether
The great prize of 350000 just won by
the Brooklyn is the last of the big pre
miums There are now only four ships
under construction that are to pay pre
miums for speed the battleship Iowa and
the three gunboats building at Newport
News The rate on these last however
is much lower The Iowa is to receive
50000 for each quarter knot excess but
the guboats will only get 5000 At this
rate the possible prizes will not he great
though the Iowa may earn 100000 The
Kearsarge and Kentucky battleships
are to receive no speed premiums nor are
the three additional battleships author
ized by the next Congress On the con
trary they are to forfeit 25000 for
every quarter knot under 16
Prices Have Advanced Steadily and
Speculation Is Kevivinar
Within fifteen days the price of wheat
in Chicago has advanced 10 cents and
there is more buying as prices work
higher For five consecutive days there
has been an advance above the closing
figures of the previous day and last
week the advance was 7 cents This
has brought about a more confident feel
ing in everything in the way of grain and
provisions and the despondent feeling
that has prevailed for two months is fast
disapearjng Speculation is broadening
and the fanner is receiving the benefit
The market Friday was a daisy The
wise traders who thought G5 cents for
December was high water mark and sold
out their long wheat at a fair profit as
well as the short seller who has been
feeling for the top to get out a line
thought they had a cinch and played for
a break They got it as December sold
from Go1 cents to G4 cents Then the
situation changed and the early sellers
suddenly wanted their wheat back It
was an ordinary market up to midday
but in the last hour the price advanced
steadily After the close sales were made
at 67 cents Fifteen days ago at 57
cents it had no friends Now it has an
abundance of them
The feature of the advance is that pries
all over the world are moving up as fast
as they do in Chicago and the cash wheat
is being taken by millers and exporters
faster than at any time in yeors There
is no manipulation but simply a supply
and demand market
A coterie of big traders are arrayed on
the bull side who have great confidence
in the future of values They are John
Cudahy W R Linn and W T Baker
They bought wheat because thpy believed
it cheap and W T Baker docs not hesi
tate to say that he believe 3 it will sell at
1 before another crop is raised Supplies
are well adjusted to requirements and
America for once holds the key to tho
situation and can dictate prices to for
Sparks from the Wires
The noted outlaw and murderer Bart
Thrasher and his pal Doc Panther last
of the successors of Rube Burrows were
killed near Horse Creek Walker County
Ala by Deputy Sheriffs Cole and Ball
of Birmingham
The marriage of Miss Olive Bagley
fourth daughter of the late ex Gov John
I Bagley to Stedman Buttrick a young
banker and broker of Boston whose home
is in Concord Mass was solemnized at
the home of the brides mother in Detroit
Judge Baker of the United States
Court at Indianapolis gave his decision
in the famous case of the Indianapolis
Water Company against the American
Strawboard Company for pollution of
White River He found against the Straw
board company and fined it 250
Information was received at Sedalia
Mo of the appointment of James C
Thompsbn the defaulting and absconding
cashier of the defunct First National
Bank of Sedalia as tie and wood inspec
tor for the Mexican Central Railroad
with headquarters in the City of Mexico
Over one half of the twenty four toll
gates in Anderson County Kentucky
were destroyed by regularly QrganizeG
bands of lawless advocates of free turn
pikes The keepers were warned that an
attempt to collectany more toll would be
a warrant for a hanging
Rev James B Morrison of Laconia
N H committed suicide by inhaling gas
in the Revere House Boston Mass Mr
Morrison left Laconia recently on account
of charges about to be presented against
him for immoral conduct He had been
pastor of the Unitarian Church in La-
conia for the past six years
- x
Progress of the Strujjsle for the
Championship from Its Bejrinnins
Last April Prognostications for
Next Season
How They Stand
1896 Clubs 1S95
1 69S Baltimore 669 1
2 C25 Cleveland 64G 2
3 606 Cincinnati 508 8
4 565 Boston 542 6
5 555 Chicago 554 4
G 512 Pittsburg 538 7
7 489 New York 504 9-
8 477 Philadelphia 595 3-
9 443 Washington 336 10
9 443 Brooklyn 542 5
11 308 StLouis 298 11
12 290 Louisville 267 12
Tie for njnth place
The season just ended has not been as
prosperous with professional baseball as
the two or three seasons preceding This
is on account of the hard times It is in
evidenced clearly from the fact that fewer
of the minor leagues have pulled through
the entire season As far as the Nation
al League is concerned the attendance
in the aggregate has been smaller than
last year The conditions of the race
have been responsible for this to a large
degree For instance the clubs in good
baseball towns like New York Brooklyn
Philadelphia and Boston have never been
in it as far as the championship was con
cerned for any length of time while last
year nine clubs were fighting it out until
near the close of the season
The business of the Chicago club said
President Hart has fallen off both at
home and abroad this season as compared
with last the greatest falling off being
in the away-from-home games caused
by the reasons just stated The attend
ance at home has been less than last year
because we have had poorer attractions
on holidays Saturdays and Sundays and
also because the team was a greater num
ber of games away from the pennant al
though occupying the same relative posi
tion in the championship table as last
To prognosticate the performance for a
coming season is a hard task It is impos
sible to foretell what will be the condition
of the men when they show np for work
4111 mc aymi xuk uest pucners 01 one
season may be the poorest of the next
The heavy batsmen of 189G may be the
weak batsmen in 1897
Multiplicity of Presidential Nomina
tions May Lead to Confnsion
Says a Washington correspondent
There are now eight presidential tickets
in the field Some of the tickets are du
plications Nevertheless they were nom
inated by separate national conventions
duly called and in some States as for
instance in Ohio and Illinois where
State legislation controls the method of
printing the tickets for presidential elec
tors this multiplicity of tickets is likely
to cause confusion In the order of their
nomination the tickets are as follows
Prohibitionist Nominated at Pittsburg
May 27
For President Joshua Levering of
For Vice President Hale Johnson of
National Party Free silver woman suf
frage off shoot of the regular prohibi
tionists nominated at Pittsburg May 28
For President Charles E Bentley of
For Vice President James Haywood
Southgate of North Carolina
Republican Nominated at St Louis
June IS
For PresidentWilliam McKinley of
For Vice President Garret Augustus
Hobart of New Jersey
Socialist Labor Nominated at New
York July 4
For President Charles H Matchett
of New York
For Vice President Matthew Magnire
of New Jersey
Democratic Party Nominated at Chi
cago July 10 and 11
For President William Jennings Bry
an of Nebraska
For Vice President Arthur Sewall of
Silverites Nominated at St Louis
July 24
For President William Jennings Bry
an of Nebraska
For Vice President Arthur Sewall of
Peoples Party Nominated at St
Louis July 24 and 25
For President William Jennings Bry
an of Nebraska
For Vice President Thomas E Wat
son of Georgia
National Democratic Party Nominated
at Indianapolis Sept 3
For President John McAuley Palmer
of Illinois
For Vice President Simon Bolivar
Buckner of Kentucky
Judce Payne Appoints a Receiver for
Iowa Farmers Trust Company
The bill for the appointment of a re
ceiver for the Farmers Trust Company
of Iowa which has been the subject of
much litigation was filed with the Supe
rior Court at Chicago Thursday The
claimants were Julia C Rogers Caroline
M Hobbs Frank F Holmes Emil Wall
ber guardians of the Schoff estate ana
others who are owners of the bonds and
stock of the company Judge Payne ap
pointed a title guarantee and a trust
company receiver
The company was incorporated in Iowa
with a capital stock of 1000000 and its
principal business has been to loan mon
ey on farm lands The bill of the com
plainants alleges that Rockwell Sayer
has been president of the company since
its formation and the claimants say he
has managed the business mainly for his
own profit
What is believed to be a genuine case
of leprosy was accidentally discovered in
the waiting room at Bellevue Hospital
New York The supposed victim was
quickly transferred to the Willard Barker
Hospital He is George Fleming 40
years old a homeless German baker He
has been sleeping in charity houses and
according to his story he has been afflict
ed for ten years
Richard Williams ex Chinese customs
inspector at San Francisco convicted of
fextortion has been sentenced to six
years imprisonment and fined 100000