The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, October 01, 1896, Image 3

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A Wheelmans Adventure with art
Adirondack Deer
A young woodsman had a curious ad
Venture the other night in the -wild
jwoods of Morehouseville In the AdI j
irondacks He was riding along the
road on a bicycle His lamp was lit
and the light It threw was powerful
Suddenly In the road ahead a form
loomed up In the light thrown by the
lamp Two turns of the pedals showed
that it was a deer which hearing no
jsound and seeing nothing but the
light had been literally Jacked as
much as ever a deer was jacked from
a boat along a backwoods stream The
sight flabbergasted the young man and
1then bef ore he thought to jump off he
Tilt the deer fair in the side and doubled
lt up In a heap
I Of what followed the young woods
man has no distinct recollection Ho
got mixed up In some way with some
thing For a brief Instant he felt deer
jhide under his hands then something
hit him in the side and he went over
jlnto a ditch among the briars
i By and by he got up and examined
his wheel The handle bars were bent
land some spokes needed straightening
The lamp was dented in several places
but would still show a light the glass
having been untouched When he got
things somewhat straightened out he
began to examine the road There
y -was jl place that looked like a deers
L Tolling place with the Imprints of a
mans hand In the middle A long
mark showed where the deers hoofs
had slipped in the dirt The deer was
not to be seen
tet Chinatown Gave Li Hung Chans
a Royal Reception
The visit of Li Hung Chang to China
town was an event the like of which
was never before known In that famous
quarter of New York City Flags ban
ners and lanterns of all sizes shapes
and colors together with other decora
tions made a gorgeous sight that fair
ly bewildered the eye But In spite of
the great reception he was given by
his countrymen it Is said on the author
ity of one of the largest merchants of
the colony that very few residents of
Chinatown had heard even the name
of the viceroy until they learned that
She was going to visit New York City
The decorations which hung in such
great profusion from every building
and window in the colony were put
out In a purely mechanical way and
expressed no sentiment of loyalty to
their countryman
In China the viceroy goes about his
business without attracting any atten
tion and his name Is not known among
the masses it is said except in large
cities and along the line of navigable
rivers The inland Chinamen know lit
tle about rulers except the local author
ities and if LI Hung Chang went
through China he would not attract
one quarter the attention that was giv
en to his presence in Mott street The
viceroy is only a great man in China
town because he is honored by Ameri
can and the Celestials fell in line and
took their queue from what they
saw and heard
A bride in Montreal appeared at the
altar with her pet canary fastened to
her shoulder by a golden chain During
the marriage ceremony the bird broke
Into song
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed There is eomfort in
the knowledge that so many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dis
ease but simply to a eonstipated condi
tion of the system which the pleasant
family laxative Syrup of Figs prompt
ly removes That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts It is therefore
all important in order to get its bene
ficial effects to note when you pur
chase that you have the genuine article
which is manufactured by the California
Fig Syrup Co only and sold by all rep
utable druggists
If in the enjoyment of good health
and the system is regular then laxa
tives or other remedies are not needed
If afflicted with any actual disease one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians but if in need of a laxative
then one should have the best and with
the well informed everywhere Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
used and gives most general satisfaction
lAte Principal Examiner V S Pension Bureau
3 its in st vrax 15 adjudicating rlaimn ftUy sine
Examination and advice as to Patentability or Inven
tions send for ixvkntobs guide oe How to Get a
PXTXST Patrick OFarrell Washington UCr
CUtthb ITHtKh 11 F1SF FflHX Fa
Best Cough Syrup Testes Good Use H
in lima boia or drnrelsta El
- TUrt JP r
il Y2AW i A V V SW- V A
IOadinfj Fodder Made Easy
Low wagons are a great convenience
greatly lessening labor in filling silos
hauling fodder manure etc A num
ber of low frames to be attached to or
dinary wagons have been illustrated
in these columns during the past year
F N Buckingham of Iowa describes
in American Agriculturist the fodder
loader shown It has been used in
Iowa with very satisfactory results
The timbers a a are the hayrack sup
ports on a
high or low The
loader is attached at b b by means of
a long bolt c is a 2x4 which extends
under the wagon and has a sharp iron
point at d c is attached to the loader
at e e e by means of a long bolt form
ing a hinge joint The shock is laid
crosswise and no matter how large the
shock when the team starts the iron
point d catches in the ground and
throws the loader up over the wagon
dropping the fodder on the rack Two
or three shocks can be put on at once
The loader is left on the field Make
of material sufficiently strong to hold
the number of shocks put on each time
Clip the Queens Wings
From long experience in managing an
fjpiary we have come to the conclusion
that clipping the queens wings is a
decided advantage No swarms will
then escape to the woods The owner
can go from home attend church with
out having his mind disturbed with
thoughts of losing swarms in his ab
feence It is better to do this than run
the risk of losing excellent queens and
swarms The bees will never leave for
good if the queen does not accompany
ihem This of course has reference to
first swarms as second swarms may
issue at any time with a young queen
fully fledged like Minerva from the
head of Jove ready for flight and legiti
mate business These latter can also
be prevented by opening the hives after
they have cast swarms examining
carefully the combs and cutting out
all queen cells but one in each hive
If this is done no second swarm will
issue Colmans World
Flootintr Fence
An excellent water fence is shown
herewith Some short cross logs sup
port one two or more lengths of stout
rails that form the bottom of the fence
Holes are bored in these in wThich up-
FS a
WtH t n e Tl fTl 171 H rin n
right stakes are driven to support the
upper rail The lengths of fence are
chained -together The outer log is an
chored up stream and down stream
with sufficient length of chain to per
mit the rising and falling of the fence
This plan is sirlendid for tide water
rivers and good wherever the rise is
not likely to be so sudden as to wash
it away
System on the Farm
In every department of labor the es
sential to success is a systematic meth
od System is especially needed in
farm work because thrift of so many
living things is in the power of the
farmer There should be a regular
hour for feeding stock Animals soon
learn the hour for their meals when
given regularly and are impatient of
delay Bawling bleating or squealing
for an hour before each meal does not
hasten the development of fat in calves
-lambs or pigs At other times the food
is given too soon the animal not being
hungry and not prepared to make the
best use of it There should be a cer
tain hour at which to begin feeding in
the morning and a time at which to
quit feeding at night or rather evening
for we dont believe in feeding after
dark except in the shortest December
days The farmer who feeds his stock
by lantern light during spring and fall
months will be apt to get crops in late
and pick corn till holidays The fam
ily meals should not vary ten minutes
from the specified time neither should
the men ever keep meals waiting Chil
dren should be off to school on time
neither too late or too early They will
be more apt to have their lessons on
time if everything is regular at home
The work is so much easier to do when
every one knows his time and place
ittWlVll L
A v - VKU f OTTR I - I JAU
t few TlS5Pi
life is pleasanter and happy times come
oftener System preserves health for
we know that worry kills more per-
sons than disease
The Van Demon Strawberry
Some years ago an enthusiastic
strawberry grower realizing that a
new strawberry was needed to take
the place of the
Wilson and
Downing as a
fertilizer and at
the same time
prove a healthy
firm market ber
ry sowed a lot
of Crescent
seed crossed by
Captain Jack well tested berry
Sharpless and Crystal City Of these
but two proved valuable one named
the Van Deman and which was a
Capt Jack cross and the Lady Jane
a Sharpless cross The Van Deman
showed signs of superiority the first
season and for several seasons since
has given very satisfactory results in
many extensive commercial berry
fields It has been tested in twenty
seven States and with generally fa
vorable results Farm and Home
Do Away with the Swill Barrel
Because a hog will eat anything is no
reason why it should be either offered
or allowed to eat decayed odorous and
unclean food It is expected that ulti
mately the hog will be eaten by our
selves or some one who would like to
be as squeamish about taking anything
that is unclean Into their systems
There ought to be no such thing as a
swill barrel holding for weeks and
even months a compound of sour milk
dish washings and other refuse from
the kitchen or table There is no rea
son why the daily product of swill
should not be eaten as soon as made
Every days neglect to dispose of it
lessens its value besides the danger
which every neglected swill barrel is
to the health of all in the house or even
in the neighborhood
Poultry Pointers
Buckwheat is fattening when
sparingly is egg producing
Sell the culls as soon as possible in
order to save feed and give more room
Do not set the drinking vessels too
low if you do the fowls will scratch
dirt into them
Let the nests be in a dark place The
hens like it better and are less liable to
acquire the habit of egg eating
Fowls left to select their food doubt
less would take seeds insects and
grass We should come as near as pos
sible supplying these preferences
If your hens lay soft shelled eggs it
is because there is not enough lime in
their food Feed them grit gravel
oyster shell plaster or ground bone
There is considerable difference be
tween selling eggs for 10 cents and 25
or 30 cents a dozen consequently it will
pay to pack theni in salt Salt is cheap
and packing eggs in it does not destroy
Captain Heaton the well known Eng
lish game fowl enthusiast once paid
500 for a black red game cockerel and
the results proved the purchase to have
been one of the best investments he
ever made The bird formed the
foundation of his now famous flock
Horticultnral Hints
Fresh lime for snails
The nicer the appearance of fruit the
better the price
If plums are to be shipped long dis
tances forward by express
Apples are selling in the State of
New York at 50 cents per barrel
The first year after the tree is plant
ed is the time to prune and shape the
How much did the garden contribute
to the support of the family this sum
Dont haul your fruit to market in a
lumber wagon but use a strong spring1
wagon with a large platform It saves
your fruit from mashing
If you mix windfalls with pickea
fruit they will detract from the fine
qualities of your fruit from the prices
and worst of all from the excellence of
your reputation Keep them separate
If the ants are cutting the leaves off
your fruit trees fasten a wisp of loose
cotton around the stem of the tree be
tween ground and the first branch the
ants tangle in this and cant climb
over it
In packing fruit for shipment no pur
pose is served by ventilation other than
the escape of moisture The contact of
fresh air hastens decay Have the
psckage on the outside as dry as possi
Just after the gathering of fall ap
ples prices are usually low better profit
would be obtained if they could be
held until the early winter months
Let them be sorted and stored in a per
fectly dry room with a very low tem
Dr Fick has shown that winking is
more frequent as the retina becomes
more fatigued and it has been found
that in reading at a distance the num
ber of winks per minute is lS with
electrical illumination 2S with gas
light while with weak illumination
which barely permits reading the
number is 68 per minute
A Jealous Wife Kcsortcd to Little
Trick that Was Well Carried Out
Mrs Pringle had been married Just
six months and would have been bliss
fully happy but she was one of thoso
women who never can let well enougi
alone She was inclined to be jealous
of Mr Pringle and was filled with sur
mises that had no actual foundation
But she decided to set a trap for him
and it never occurred to her that she
might possibly fall iuto it herself
One day when Mr Pringle went home
to dinner his wife handed him a Dote
which she said had been left for him
that morning He opened it and after
scanning it hastily thrust it indiffer
ently into his pocket
Anything important asked his
wife in a tone trembling with excite
No o A business matter that is
You seem well pleased with it sug
gested Mrs Pringle
Mr Pringle laughed He also blush
ed His wife detected evidences of
conscious guilt in the fact that he did
not offer to show her the letter Yes
she thought she had him safely trapped
and the knowledge made her utterly
Mr Pringle read the note over again
on his way to the office
Dear Sir I have often seen and
admired you from a distance and would
be greatly pleased to make your ac
quaintance Meet me this afternoon at 4
at the approach to Belle Isle bridge
I will wear a blue dress and cany a
bunch of pink roses
At the hour specified the woman in
the blue dress was there A man who
was not Mr Pringle walked up to her
I have your note he began but
she turned on him like a fury How
dare jou speak to me I am here to
meet my husband by appointment
I guess not You are here to meet
Mr Pringle who sent me to see what
Wretch If you address another
word to me Ill call for help
Excuse me but if Mr Pringle had
expected to meet his wife I am sure ho
would have come
Mrs Pringle took a passing car and
went home She had changed her dress
and butter wouldnt have melted in her
mouth when Mr Pringle came in She
thinks she has proved her husbandto
be a model of rectitude but she doesnt
know that he spotted Admirer at the
first glimpse of her disguised handwrit
ing Detroit Free Press
An Honest Statesman
Jules Simon the celebrated French
statesman who died not long ago will
ingly endured plain living that he
might indulge high thinking Louis
Napoleon was anxious that Simon
should join the imperial party but
from his chair at the Sorbonne -he
spoke scathingly of the coup detat as
an outrage against liberty His lec
tures were suppressed in consequence
and the honest lecturer had to begin
the battle of life over again as he had
no private fortune Every lecture
room in France was closed to him and
he was compelled to find his audiences
in Belgium
He returned to France in 1861 to es
tablish a number of model lodging
houses for working people with mon
ey that had been contributed for that
purpose The emperor welcomed him
iback and approved the scheme but
hinted to him through the medium of
a friend that any such houses must be
opened under the patronage of the
To this Monsieur Simon replied that
he would do no such thing the money
had been raised without the emperors
aid and he did not propose to give
credit where it was not due There
upon the emperor told the police to
watch him as a dangerous man
At the same time the emperor set
Monsieur Simons old friends who had
bowed to the imperial yoke to tempt
ing him to cast his lot with them The
Empire wanted a man of tact sense
and spirit to undertake the Education
Department A salary of twenty
thousand dollars a year said one
House rent free patronage and per
quisites insinuated another The
chance of doing good put in a third
tempter And the friendship of the
empress who reads all your books and
admires them said a fourth
M Jules Simon was lodging on a fifth
floor The rooms were not large nor
the furniture sumptuous He retorted
with a quiet smile
I attach little importance to forms
I am an advocate of simple freedom
Bring me liberty in any form with the
Orleans princes with the Republic or
even with Napoleon and I am ready to
serve you But I am not a footman
and the ministership you would give
me under a regime such as tnis would
a menial office and nothing more
Dr Eder in the following table gives
the number of drops required to make
a cubic centimeter showing the varia
tions in the size of drops of different
liquids Water 20 hydrochloric acid
20 nitric acid 27 sulphuric acid 28
acetic acid 38 castor oil 44 olive oil
47 oil of turpentine 55 alcohol 62
ther 83
Groom of Experience
Pastor to the lady Wilt thou obey
him and serve him
Groom interrupting Pastah read
that again toe de lady Let her get de
full spression ob dat section bekase
Pa bin married befo Judge
Heartless Girl
Harry You admit you love me then
tvhy do you refuse to marry me
Fannie I will marry you but not
HarryWhen will you marry me
Fannie As soon as Tom and Dick
have proposed Texas Sifter
Trips Undertaken for Healths Bake
Will be rendered more beneflclal and the
fatlsuesoC travel counteracted If the voyager
will take alone with him Hostettera Stom
ach Bitters and use that protective and en
nbirntonIen4rye Jrivigorant and appetizer
regulanyftitnpurltles lii air anu water are
neutrallxetfjr ft and lti a matchless
d nilllser1and remilator of the
stomacb liver
and tiiiyjhla It counteracts malaria rheu
matism andi a tendency to kidney and blad
der ailments v
One of the most remarkable things
about language is the rapidity with
which under certain circumstances- it
changes and under others remains al
most fixed 4
An Antarctic iceberg has been seen
that is twenty miles wide forty miles
in length and eight hundred feet In
Halls Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure Price 75 cents
Silence never shows itself to so great
an advantage as when It is made the
reply to calumny and defamation
I shall recommend Pisos Cure for Con
sumption far and wide Mrs MuIIipnn
Plumstead Kent England Nov 8 1895
The smallest children are nearest
heaven as the smallest planets are
nearest the sun
If not above being tansiht br a man take this good
advice Try Dobbin Electric Soap next M onday It
wont cost much and you will tuen Know lor youratlf
just how good It is Be sure to set no Imitation There
are lots oi them
There is no condition of life that ex
cludes a wise man from discharging
his duty
Mrs WIzjkIowb Soothijtq 8ybup for Children
teething sottens the sums reduces inflammation
allays ram cure triad colic 23 ceuta a bottle
Is fully as important and beneficial aa
spring medicine for at this season thera
is great danger to health in the varying
temperature cold storms malarial germs
and prevalence of fevers and other dis
eases Danger may be avoided by taking
The best In fact the One True Blood PuriUer
Hriorlc Dillc assist Digestion and cure
liUUU llilfr constipation 25 cents
3 Zfc
oi a J 7 PS
Retnores Tan Pimple Freck
le Moth Patches Kaah and
Skin diseasoa and ererjr
r S T a Jk 3fc 1
Ian on beauty and
denes detection It
baa stood the teit ot
Vi7 years and is so
narmieft we Uc it
to be sure It Is prop
erly made Accept
n o counterfeit o t
similar name Dr
L A Say ro said to a
lady of tbe baut tor
a patient i As you
ladl will use them
I recommend Gou
rauda Cream as the
least harmful of all
RR L the Skin prepara
I y i 3v tlons For safe by
w BW X all Druggists and
Fancy -Goods Deal
en In the United States Canadas and Europe
FERD T HOPKINS Prour 37 Great Jones Street N Y
It is mans ideal tobacco It protects his
purse from higii prices It protects his
health from the effects of injurious tobacco
Its the biggest and best there is nothing
less7 nothing more
An investment of 5 cents will prove
this story
40 00
V Protection I
If you want protection buy Battle Ax
One Cup
One Cent
Less than a cent hi fact and all Cocoa
pure Cocoa no chemicals That describes
Walter Baker Cos Breakfast Cocoa
WALTER BAKER CO Limited - Dorchester flass
Economical Safe Cleanly Kella
blo Simple Ayailable for Grain
Eleyators Creameries Cider
Mills Printing Offices Grinding
Mills Ventilating Pans Dyna
mos Laundries Smal Factories
Foundries Machine Shops etc
Will run natural gas arti
ficial gas gasoline or kerosene as
fuel Always ready for work re
quires no attention Send for de
scriptive circular and state your
Chicago Newspaper Union
213 Pearl Street
Sioux City Iowa
Thoughtless Folks Have the flardestf
Work but Quick Witted V
People Use