The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, September 24, 1896, Image 5

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i I
t V
-- I
it Glover Longpinc
A Kike5cwport
foveriior w Silas A Iloteonib
JfeufcfauSt touTiior ltoocrt K aioore
SfiTulavy or State Joel A liper
Tifar irer - J S Hartley
AtUHol Eugenie Moore
tii Laud and Hulldags HenryU KusmiH
At Katicv teneral Arthur S Chmchtll
Sum Inblic Instruction Hewy It Corbet t
iKi II Cere Lincoln
L Omaha
University- J M Hait iAna
K I Hollos Pierce
T MallateAi Kearney
iMJHuJiL Edgar
-Senates VVm V Allen Maditan m
atiurstM uiuann - -
KhpiiseiiUittvm First DIstvlct Jesse 1 Btrodn
niiictikc 1 I AIersr OrtihharTfcird
colIeiVjcjohnFiillertE Fourth EJ Ilei
Urr iStironFlfclJ Win K Andrews HHtlot s
TJIxllt O aiKerfc IlrokenlfeAV
Supreme OTttirt T L iorval Clf JWftce
ILKrisou undHoll assodates -
aiftceutli Judicial District M T SvMcaid
tORuM NV a3 Vestover ltushville
RcnreSettteTive Pitty eeoond District Frank
Kllgon f
SenatorlFourteenth district Heffry
-- -
liver J
Treasutlir 1SP Crabb
Jierkr tb Elliott
Sheriff Jktvibs Strong
Judge FVMWalcott
Otuut Attotiiey -Ed Clarke
Counl SupefliitetKient Lftila Stoncr
Kurvior -Chas Tait
jroBr i - A Lewis
I Kx viertel
Uonirissioinrs - -ft Dunham
M Sullivan
f i 3rseers of HSchways It Han sen and J Ray
nonstable It Towne
Jtiees rf the 1iaice John Dcnn and J M
Assessor Jolft Dunn
S6Wh E Sparks iireewlent C ft
nfertreasarerT C Hornby terk DSLudWig
awl J W Burlecca
aiiirshaLand lVater Comndssioner Jt Towne
chool Distrwfc No 1 F M VVjik ott presidetit
XrVNieholsony Treasurer J
rri J W UuMciah G P CralU and l T Keolej
Imp 0 Ifc Bk
sitting SuIlXnbe No 22 Itnprbved Order Yf
l2tid Men intuits every second and fourth Friday
evening ofcvch mouth at- Davenports -Hall
Visiting brettaen are fraterniJIy invited to be
present at iscouneils of thetribe
J D Algglite of It C II Tltoaipsou Sachem
Minnekaddsa Lodge No 192 A F A M
ineets in reKJ2JT vommunicatiou Saturday even
ing on or oorethe full moan ineatih Montli
y Jiiembers of 6e order In gpod and regYiIarStcriid
lug cordiallysJid f raternallyinviled to attend
W W Tairiivsox Secr
Vwthern Soar Chapter No- 39 Order of the
Eastern Staz meets on second and fourth Tues
dav eveniucs of eah month Hornbys liall
V Sv Thompson Magkie Walcott
secretary Worthy Matron
Thlentina Sodge TOvA O U W meets
rsi and aasl Moirtfay in each anonth
Cart Damas Itec W Holsclaw M W
ValentiueXode N6r i Degree of bonor
holdssregubc irffettingsalrstana third Wednes
dav of teich month
Chxisteiwcn ltee MrsK Sttbinson C of H
i oo
ValentIifTodge No 2951 O O F meets
every Thuray evemngr Visiting brothers cord
ially Hvited to attend ourlneetisgs
- J T Keeley N G
Wesley Holsclaw Sdey
Col WosS Pest No 208 Bpartment -of Ne
braskarcgiar meeting lid and 1th SatuTdays of
each moiitL xt 2 m sliiiqi Comrads from
other f osts ere cordially invited to attend
J W TuCKEii Commander
Jouic 4ukx adjt
Col Wood W It C No lWviregular meeting
2d and ithftaturduys of eaolMuvuth
AiiAtioJuVDvriG Pre
HeleX HiiiNiiv rice
ValentinaCamp No 1751 Modern Wocntmenof
Ameiicayuttsrs second and fourth Wednesday
evenings -mouth at Davenports Half
Visiting neigyhors cordially inked to attend
P F SimoHS Ven Gounsel
J av Spirk Glk
K of P
Cherry Lodge No lf9 Knight of Pythias meets
every Tuesdayvening utDavenpotts Hall
f T Keely G C
Jos PutineoiKK of 11 and S
Arrival snd Departure1 or Mails
Mall east aud west closes at Spm
Rosebud leaves at 800 a m daily except Sun
day and arrives at 50Qp m
Simeon and Qasls leaves
at 700 a in Mondays vVedneBdays and Fri
days and arrises at700 p m Tuesdays and
Ft Niobrara Ieswas daily at700a m and
500 p m arrives at 930a muudTOp m
Kewanee and Sparks arrives Mondays
Wednesdays and Fridays at 500 and
leaves TuesdayslThuTsdays and -Saturdays at
7o am
General delivery open lrom7e a ta to -7-00
p m General dahvery open on Sundays from
to 10 a mtLocfc ooks opendaily tfirm 6 a
an to 830 pm
i VW 3EHALEY PostEiaster
Physician -and Surgeon
3mce at O B AVatsoas Drug Store Prormit
attention given to ail professional calls
Teachers xniination
T he regular montiily Teachers
Exaaaination wilit e held the
thirdSaturday of ea eh month
a4 my Office in the Court House
- Supt of Schools
AHkinds or legal business promptly attended to
J --
i 1 1
Which wll lift Ki Innll Peo
ple forthpir Approval r ilHnp
provnl at the Xexi General
iyctii Study Them
Thefdliowing propOK3l ameHiiments
to tlie Ooastitution of the State of Ne
braska as hereinafter -set forth iu ftiil
are Bubaatted to tls electors of the
StatfoE Nebraska to be voted upon
at the general election to be held1 Tues
day November 3 -A D 1896
A oint resolxition proposing to
ameffti sections tro 2 four 4 and
five of articler six 6 of the Consti
tuticfa of the Stasia of Nebraska relating
to number of judges of the supreme
couf and their term of office
BeAlt resolved and enacted by the
the State of Nebraska
Section 1 That section two 3 of article
ix 6 of the Constitution of tHe State
of Nebraska be attended so as to read as follows-
Section 2 The supremo court shall until
otherwise provided by law consist of five
5judge3 a majority of whom shall be neces
sary to form quorum or to prbnounce
a decision It shall have original jurisdiction
in cases relating to revenue civil cases in
which the state chall be a party mandamus
quo warranto habeas corpus and such
appellate jurisdiction as may be provided by
Section 2 IBtat section four 01 of article
ix 6 of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended so as to redd as fol
Section 4 The judges of the supreme
court shall be elected by trie electors of the
ltate at large and their term of office ex
pept as hereinafter provided shall be for a
period of notiJosa than five 5 yeara as the
lezislaturo may prescribe
Section 8 That section five 5 of article
ix 8 of the Constitution Of the State of Ne
braaka be amended to read a follows
Sections Ait the first general election to
b held in the yoar 1896 there shall be elected
two 2 judges jI the supreme court one
of whom shall be eected for a term of
two C2 yeanS bne for the term of four 4
-years and at each general election there
after there shall ba elected One judge of
the supreme court for the term of five
55 years viinloss otherwise provided by
aw Provided that the judges of the su
preme court whose terms have not expired
at the time of holding the general elec
tion of 1896 shall continue to hold their
office for tfift remainder of the term ifor
which they were respectively commis
Approved Jfarch 29 A D 1895
A joini resolution proposing an
amendinetts to section thirteen 13 of
article six of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska relating to com
pensation of supreme and district court
Be ItTesolved by the Legislature of the State
of Nebraska
Section 1 That section thirteen 13 of
article six 6 of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended so as to read as fol
Bee -13 The judges of the supreme and
district courts shall receive for their services
uch compensation as may be provided bylaw
The legislature shall at its first session
after the adoption of this amendment
three fifths of the members elected to
ach house concurring establish their
compensation The compensation so es
tablished shall not be chnnged oftener
than once in four years and in mo event unioss
tVb thirds of the merKbera elected to
each houfea of the legislature -concur
ApproveMarch SO A D 1S95
A joist resolution proposing to
amend section twenty four 24 -of
article five 5 of the Constitution of
the State of Nebraska relating to com
pensation of the officers of the executive
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislature
of the Stuto of Nebraska
Section 1 That section twentv four 24
of article five o of the Constitutioi of tho
State -of Nooraska be amended to read as -follows
Section 2i Tho officers of the executive
department of the state government shall
receive tor their services a compensation
to be established by law whii h shall bo
either iserrased nor diminished during the
term for wfcich they shall hnve been com
missioned and hoy shall not recivo to their
own use any iees cosis interests upon puolic
moneys in their hands or under their control
perquisites of office or other compen
sation and all foes thnt may here
after be payable hv law for services
fierformed by an officer provided for iu
his article shall -be paid in advance into the
stute treasury The legislature shall at its
first session ntter the adoption of this amend
ment three flfds of the members elected to
each house of the legislature con
curring establish the salaries of tho
officers named in this article The coin
ppnsation o established shall not be changed
oftener than once in four years and in no
event unless two thirds of the members
elected to each house of the legislature concur
Approved Juarch 29 A D 1S95
A joint resolution proposing tonmend
section one 1 of article six 6 of
the Constitution of the State of Nebras
ka relating o judicial power
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legisla
ture of the St ato of Nebraska
Section 1 That section on 1 of article six
6 of the Constitution of the State of Nebraska
be amended to read as follows
Section L The judicial power of this state
hall be vested in a supreme court district
court county courts justices of the
pce police magistrates and in such other
court inferior to the supreme coutt as may
be created by- law in which two thirds of
the members elected to each house
concur -
Approved March 29 A D 1893
Be it reeolvod and enacted by the Lejlriktare
of St Ate of Nebraska
SectixiU 1 TVit section six 6 article ottU
1 of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska ba amendd to re id an follows
Section 0 The right of trial by jury ahull
remain inviolate but tho legis ature may pro
vide that in civ i actions of the jury
may render a verdtt ami ths legislature may
nlo uKhorizp trial by jury of a Jess number
thuuvweive men in eouris inferior to thedia
tritt court
Approved March 23 A- D 103
A resolution proposing to
amend section one lo article five 5
of the Constitution of Nebraska relat
ing todfcera of the executive department-
Be it Resolved and enacted by the Legisla
ture orftie Stare of Nebraska
Section 1 That Hection one 1 of ar
ticle fire 5 of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amenilwd to read as fol
Sectton 1 The executfve department shall
consiot of a governor lieutenant governor
secretary of state auditor of public accounts
treastiryr superintendent of public in
struction attorney gtneral commissioner
of public lands and uildincca and three
railroad commissioners each ot whom
excopt the said railroad commissioners
shall hold his office for a term of
twe yirs from the first Thursday after
the first Tuesday in January after
hiijSlection and uStil his successor is
elected and qualified Earh railroad com
missioner shall hold his office for a term of
three years beginning on the first Thursday
aflrar tho first Tuesday in January after
bin election and until his succes
sor is elected and qu iiified Provided
hewover That at the first general elec
tion held after the adoption of this amend
ment there shall be elected three railroad
comminsioner i ode for the period of one
year one for the period of two years and
one for tHe period -Of three years The gov
ernor secretary of stute auditor of pub
lic accounts and treasurer shall reside at
the capital during their term of office
they shall keen the public records books
-and papers thero aud shall perform such du
tie3 as may be requirea Dy luw
Approved March SO A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty six 26 of ar
ticle five o of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska limiting the num
ber of executive state officers
Bo it resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of tho State of Nebraska
Section 1 That section twenty six 26 of
article five 5 of tho Constitution of the
State of Nebraska be amended to read as
Section 23 No other executive state offi
cers except those named in section one 1
of this article shall be created except
by an act of tho legislature which is
concurred in by not less than three fourths
of the members elected to each house
Provided That any office created by an
act of the legislature may be abolished by
the legislature two thirds of ihe mem
bers elected to each house thereof concur
Approved March 30 A D 1893
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section nine 9 of article eight
8 of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska providing for the investment
of the permanent educational funds of
the state
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legisla
ture of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 That soctiou nine 9 of article
eight 8 of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
Section 9 All funds belonging to the state
for educational purposes the interest aad
income whereof only are to be used shall
bedeemel trust funds hold by the state
ansl the stato shall supply all losses there
ofthat may in any manner accrue so that
the same shall remain forever inviolate
and undiminished and shall not be in
vested or loaned except on United -States
or state securities or registered county
bonds or registered school district bonds of
this state and such funds with tha inter
est and income thereof are hereby solemn
ly pledged for the purposes for which they
are granted and set apart and shall not
be transferred to any other fund for other
Provided Tho board created by section
1 of this article is empowered to sell from
time to time any of tho securities belonging
to the permanent school fund and invest
the procseds arising therefrom in any of the
securities enumerated in this section bear
ing a higher rate of interest whenever
an opportunity for better investment is pre
And provided further That when aay
warrant upon the state treasurer rer
ularly uuied in pursuance of an appropri
ation by the legislature and secured by the
levy of a tax for its payment shall
be presented to the state treasurer for
payment and there shall not be any
money in tho proper fund to pay such
warrant the board created by section 1
of this article may direct the state treas
urer to pay the amount due on such war
rant from moneys in his hands belonging
to the permanent school fund of the state
and he shall hold said warrant as an in
vestment of said permanent school fund
Approved March 29 A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska by adding a new
section to article twelve 12 of said
constitution to be numbered section
two 2 relative to the merging of the
government of cities of the metro
politan olass and the government of
the counties wherein such cities are
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 That article twelve 12 of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
amended by adding to said article a new sec
tion to be numbered section two 2 to read
as follows
Section 2 The government of any city of
the metropolitan class and the gov
ernment of the county in which
it is located may be merged wholly
or in part when a proposition so to do has
been submitted by authority of law to the
voters of such city and county and re
ceived the assent of a majority of the
votas cast in such city and also a majority
xul lnc vuoci cusir iu cue uuuat iexciusive
A joint resolution proposing to of those cast in such metropolitan city at such
amend section eleven 11 of article six
pped March s A D1893
6 of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska relating to increase in num
ber of supreme and district court
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislature
of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 That section eleven 11 of
article six 6 of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
Section 11 The legislature whenever two
Ihlrds of the members elected to each house
shall concur therein may in or after the year
cut thousand eight hundred and ninety seven
and not oftener than once in every lour years
increase the number of judges of su
preme and district courts and the judical
eistiic a of the state Such districts shall
be So med of compact territory and
bounued by county lines and such in
crease or any change in the boundaries
ef a district shall not vacate the office of any
Approvfd March 39 A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to section six 6 of article
seven 7 of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska prescribing the
manner in which votes shall be cast
ure of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 Thit section six 6 of v article
seven 7 of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
lows 1
Section 6 All votes shall be by ballot or
such other method as may be prescribed
by law provided the secrecy of voting be
Approved March 29 A D 1S93
A joint resolution proposing to
A resolution to amend
joint proposing -
amend secfcion two 2 of
section six 6 of article one 1 of the
teen 14of Constitution of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska
i State of Nebraska relative to donations
relating tp trial by jury
to works of internal improvement and
Be it npolved and entered by thd Lez
islaturo Ofthe State of Nebraska
Section 1 That section two 2 of article
fourteen 14 ol Uiu constitution ox tue
State of Nebntika be umunded tu read as
Sec 2 No city county town precinct
municipality or other subdivi don of the
state shall ever zs je donation to any
works of internal improvement or
manufactory unlest proposition so to
do Khali have been first submitted to the
qualified electors and ratified ly a two
thirds vote at an election by authority of
law Provided Thnt suVh donations of a
county with tho donations of suca subdi
visions in the aggregute shall not exceed
ten per -cent of the assessed valuation of
such county Provided further That any
city or county may bV a three fourths
vote increase such indebtedness fivo per
cent in addition to such tun per cent and
no bonds- or evidences of indebtedness so
issued shall be valid unless thtt Bums sh tll
have endorsed thereon a1 certificate aigued
by the secretary and auditor of state
nbowibg that the same is issued pursuant to
AppSbved March 29 A D 1893
I A Piper secretary of state of
the state of Nebraska do Hereby certify
that the foregoing proposed amendments
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska are true and correct copies of
the -original enrolled and -engrossed
bills as passed by the Twenty fourth
session of the legislature of the State
of -Nebraska as- appears fronv said
original bills on file in this officevand
that all and each of said proposed
amendments are submitted to the
qualified voters1 Of the State of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection
at the general election to be held on
Tuesday the 3d day of November A
D 1896
In testimony whereof I have- here
unto set my hand and affixed the great
seal of the State of Nebraska
Done at Lincoln this 17th day of
July in the year of our Lord OneThou
sandfEight Hundred and Ninety Six
of the Independence of the United
States the One Hundred and Twenty
First and of this state the Thirtieth
Secretary of State
Parties having final proof notices in
these columns will receive a marked
copy of the paper which contains
first insertion of same It is the duty
of each claimant to examine their
notice carefully and should there be
any error the fact should be reported
to the land office and to this oilice at
once for correction
Land Oilice at valentine Nebr
Ann it wu f
Notice is also hereby given that the followin g
named settler has Hied notice of his intention
lo make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the Kegister
and Receiver at Valentine Neb on Sept 25th
John J Bothwell of Pullman Nebr
HE No 8753 for Lot 1 ne4wj niieJi Sec
19 Tp 27n It 3w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
contintios residence upon aud cultivation of
said land viz
Geo Il Uioward Joseph Cotton David Hilt
John W Me Adams all ot Pullman Neb also
George H Howard of Pullman Neb
HE No 9171 for the siswJi Sec 20 and ssej
Sec 10 Tp 27n K w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Joseph Cotton David Hilt John J Bothwell
John V McAdamsall of Pullman N eb also
Mary A Pullman of Pullman Neb
H E No 9010 for the sViseS seVisw4 See 10
and neJiiiwld Sec 15 Ti 28n It 3v
She names the followitig witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of said land viz
John J Bothwell David Hilt Chris Nelson
William A Metzgar all of Pullman Nebr also
Lulu E Hilt formerly Lulu E Fen
der of Pullman Neb
T C No 7543 for the rnvJiseJi nswJi seii
SXli Sec 30 Tp 2711 R 35w
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
ui sum iuiiu viz
John J Bothwell George ll Howard John W
McAdams Joseph Cotton all of Pullman Neb
0 Jl GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebraska I
Aug llltll 189G i
Notice is hereby given that Minnie Dodrts for
merly Minnie liwart of Lake City Colorado lias
filed notice of intention to make final proof be
fore the Register or Receiver at his office in Val
entine Nebr on Saturday the 25tk day of Sept
1890 on timber culture application No 7C02
for the snvvH nJJswM of section No 2G in
Township No 27 Range No 29 w
She names as witnesses Robert Lee Willie
Lee John R Lee and Thomas McClean all of
Brownlee Neb
Testimony of claimant Minnie Dodds will be
taken before the Clerk of the District Court of
Hinsdale County at his office in Lake City Colo
rado September 25th 189C
C R GLOVER Registear
iIJS Land Office Valentine Nebr I
August Slst 1896
Notice is hereby given that the following uam
ed settler has iiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Oct 10th
Elsworth P4 DeFrance by Lydia De
France his wife of Pass fvebr
H E No 9170 for the seswJi svrseJi sec
32 Tp 28 Lot 2 swneJi Sec 5 Tp 27 It 29
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of
said land
William Steadman Charles H Tait Wilber A
McNall and Robert M Faddis all of Pass Neb
C R GLOVEU Register
US Land Office Valentine Nebr I
August 21 1896
Notice is hereby given that the
settler has fileu notice of her intention to
make final proof in support of her claim and
that said proof will be made before Register
and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Oct
6th 189G viz
Caroline P Capwell of Pullman Neb
II E No 10153 for the sV neli sjsnwji sec 22
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land
Samuel S McClean John L Roseberry James
Harman Christian Nelson all of Pullman Nebr
C R GLOVER Register
Land Office at Valentine Nebraska J
Aug 22 1896 f
Notice is hereby given - that the following-named
settlor hau filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Robert
Lucas USCCC at Merrimau Nebr on Oct
7th 1896 viz
Thomas Gates of Merriman Neb
HI- No 10155 for tho scjtne iec 29 snw1
s Ali lie sec 2S Tp jgn R M w
He names the following witnesses lo prove
his continuous residence on and cultivation of
said landviz
John Enlow of Gordon Neb Charles H
Jacobsou Egbert Bonucu Joeph A Saults of
R GLOVER Register
IS Land Office al Val iiUne h i
Sfpt rth isim i
Notice is hereby given tlial tiff roPowing
narncd settler In s Iiled of his imVPtini
to make final pi oof in siipprlI bis claim rid
Unit said pnM will maue tyionMiu nvgisu r
and Receiver at Valentine NVb on Oct 20th
Thomas L Lorn as of Mullen Xebr
II K No90 forthe Lotsn 4 and swnwV
See and se4 nej i Sects Tp 7 R v
He names the following witiiessernvprnvp his
continuous residence upon and cull i at ion or
said land viz
Charles Kilirore Hicnnun J PittiitiT of
Mullen Nebr iUn K Stten ami llcnr
EiumiclcoflSiownlce Neb also
Charles Kilgore of Mullen Neb
II R No 9175 for the ueViwM nne1 See
23 liwhuwh sec 24 lp 27 iC5
He names the following witnesses to prove
Ills contfaaous resldciui upon and cultivation
of said land viz
Isaac II Lamas and Thomas H Lomas of
Mullen Nefcr Henry Emmick and Dan li
Steen alo
Isaac Hi Lomas of Mullen Nebr
H ESSS9f6rtheLot2s4andseiinw4 Sec
3 Tp 27 K 02
He names the following witnesses to urove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said laud viz
Henry Emmicl and Dtn E Steen ot Brown
Ice Nebr Sherwin 1 lilieiiger audi Charles
Kilgore of Mullen Neb
U S Land OSlee at Valentine Neb
Sept 11th lSNil
Notice is hereby prcti that Ieter Fried rick
Rabeler of Leigh Neb hasliled notice of in
tention to make final proof heron Register and
Receiver at their oftlco in Valentine Nebr on
Friday the 30tli day ol October 18 on timber
culture application No 770 for the seji Sec ao
Tps5u r u w
He names as witnesses PeU x Reimers
Henry Sclilueter Peter Ricge and -Henry Po
rath all ol Reige Neb
Testimony of claimant Petrwt Friedrick
Rabeler will be taken before the elerk of the
District court at Schuyler Nebr on Saturday
Oct 24 1S
0 II GLOVER Register
AotireTimhry Culture
USLaud Office Valentine Nebraska
September 9th isix f
Complaint having been entered at this oflleo
by Charlos H Jacobsou against Hugh H Mc
Govern for failrre to complv with law as to
timber culture Entry No K5ii dated- June 25th
1890 upon the nj j of seJ4 nesvK seine4
Sec 26 Tp 29 R 37 in Cherry county Nebraska
with a view of cancellation of said entry contes
tant alleging thatthe said Hugh H MccSovern
has failed to break or cause to be broken any
part of said tract and has wholly failetlto culti
vate or cause to he cultivated any iart of said
tract since the date ai his said entry and has
wholly failed to curchis laches to this date
The said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at this office on the 10rli day or October 1h at
10 oclock am to resp Hid aud furnisutestimony
concerning said alleged failure
C It GLOVER Register
Endonis A Jarrettand Cora A Jarrett de
fendants will take notice thnt on the nth day of
September 1896 Patrick Snllivan plaintiff herein
iiled his petition in tin diitricr court of Cherry
count v Nebraska against Eudorus A Jarretfc
and CoraAJanett defendants herein the ob
ject andlprayer of which is to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed by En Jorus A Jarrett and
Cora A Jarrett upon the southwest quarter of
section 34 township 33 range 37 west to secure
the payment of a certain promissory note dated
March 4 1893 for the sum of 510000 due and pay
able in one year from date thereof That there
is now due upon said note and mortgage the
sum of VIISOO for which sum with iiitcretihere
on from this date plaintiff prays for a decree
that defendants be required to pay the same or
that said pi enlists may be sold tt satisfy the
amount found due
You the said Eudorus A Jarrett aim Cora A
Jarrett are required to answer said pelitition on
or belore the 19th day of October A 1 1896
Patrick sullivan
J Wkstky Tuckkii Plaintiff
Plaintiffs Attorney 33
Proposals for fresh vegetables
Headquarters Department of the Platte
Office of the Chief Commissary Omaha Neb
September 1896 Sealed proposals in tripli
cate will be received here until 1 1 oclock nif
central standard time October 9 lS9Gruai then
opened publiclyfor ainilshing and delivery of
such quantities of potatos and onions as may
be required by the Subsistence Department at
Forts Crook Niobiara and Robinson Neb
Forts D A Russell and Washakie Wyo and
Fort Meade- S D Proposals wiU also be re
ceived and opened by the Commissary at Fort
Crook until 11 oclock a m central standard
time October 9 1896 and by Commissaries at
Forts Niobrara Robinson D A Russell Wash
akie and Meade until lOam mountain standard
time each Commissary receivinir nronosals for
his own post only The right is reserved to re
ject any or all proposals in whole or in part
uiaiiK proposals aim spccmcations snowing m
detail the articles and quantities required and
giving lull information a to conditions of con
tract will be furnished on application to am of
tlie above mentioned olliceis FRANK E NYE
Major and CS
Fist ray Aotice
Taken up at my place on the head
of the Minnechaduza 4 miles north of
Kilgore one bull calf blacK and white
spotted about two days old
Geo Coleman
All for a Dime
Send your name and addrees and a
silver dime have your name inserted
in my select mailing lists receive sam
ples of all leading Reform papers and
get by return mail two of the ablest
essays on the financial question in
print Address Jo A Parker Publish
er Louisville Kentucky
The Democrat 1 per year
IVe Wttntejlc to nemembcr
That our train leaves OXeili imme
diately after arrival of train from
Black Hills making a through connec
tion to all points in Xorth eastern
Xebraska and saving three hours time
to Sioux City and beyond and it
dosent cost a cent more
Buy your local tickets to OXeili and
take our line there Fret transfer at
And The Democrat still pursues
the even tenor of its way gaining
friends and subscribers but laying up
no spondulicks If Bryan is elected
and that great financial crash comes
on as predicted by Hanna et al this
paper wont lose much money Xow
is the time to renew
Wanted An Idea oc
Who can think
some simple
thing to pat ot
Protect VOnr ideas thov mnv Tirfnfr rrnn wari th
Write JOHN WEDDEBBtTRN CO Patent Attor
neys Washington D C for their 41800 prise offer
and list of two hundred inventions wanted
mm m enoib
Ecllpso and Fairbanks Wind
mills Towers Tanks Irriga
tion Outfit Hose Bcltln
GrlndersSheHcrsWood Saws
Drive Points Pipe FltUnj s
Brass Roodg and Fairbanks
Standard Scales Prices
low Get the best Send for
Catalo me
- 1102 Farnam St Omaha Nob
gjij vwrTTrrrr3
Below will oefonndtho constitution-
of theXon Partlsun William J Bryan
Club Mhich all wno believe in tua
nrinciples there set fortn are rasfiect
fnllf asked to sign YoucaawohenWp
inMtWclub need not interfere with
voiu connection with any otoac
th constitu
of ti like nature Bend
t hi- blari form at
tion and then sign
the bottom and send to li Gi5pare
President llobert Good Vice- EresU
dent or D H Thnraeon Secretary of-
the Club at Valentiutv
StTtion 1 The name olthto owinlzaUoii Rhatt
be tho AY J
Section l Tlie object ofi this organization
shall b to disseminate asilrer sentiment a
tott -understanding of the finance of the coun
try amoiiK its niembeni audi the peoplo ol the
county Kwierally and toprowte goodcmzeu
srin by purity of purpose and harmoayol action
and to worlc for and secure efforts tho
election ol W 1 Hryan iw ounttext President
Section 1 The oflleers dthlsclub shall ba t
President Vice lr Wentttpasurcr and thre
Section K There sliaU ba an KxecutiyeCom
mittee composed of the fdilDertv ot club
campaign and
to fill vacrncies when sncUi oceur It shall b
thfidutyonhiK committee to scate a program
for each meetiutc
Section 1 All funds for nemssary expenae
shallbe ralsedby voluntary contribution only
Section l -Roberts Rule vati Order 3liallgov
enithe meetings ot tlie cluDi
Section I This club -shall meet every Edday
eveniiiK at 8 oclock and clubnaomBwUl be open
to visitors at all hours
Eachnmmber must identnj UimneU with tha
club by signing the ContitutioinaxuLaccept the
principles set forth in the saran
Tohe ollicers and- members of the
Xon - Partisan Sryan
Club Yalentine Xebnasu
You are hereby autlicirzed to- enroB
me as a member of voua Club and af
fix my name to the eonstUiution of th
Xai u
a x -
Pacific Spm Li
Passenger leaves CNeill 2 Teb
at 1005 a m iianiediately afte ar
rival of fcsaiEi from Black
Hillsr reaching Sioux City at 235 p
ta saving three liours time
Lowest rates Purchase local tickets
to OXeili and selray there
Good Eigs and Careful Drivers
Teams Staeled
At Geo Langs old stand
Bepairing a Specialty
prices Strickly Cash and Low
er than ever
SHOP on Cherry St opposite Langs
old stand
Satisfaction guaranteed
Reasonable ebarges
tfortli Western Line Ib tobesi
to and from the