The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, September 24, 1896, Image 1

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Camilla Event
n arriogtonOct 2
Crookston Teachers association Oct 3
Teachers Association etober n
cJtfecne Oct 17
Sound Jloney Ciubr Sept 25
P Valentine Markets
Onions per bushel 50c
Potatoes 30c
Colli 25s
Wheat 39c
Oats 20c
Hogs per cwt - 275
Steera 2253 00
Cowa 150225
Calves per lb 4c
Butter 10c
Eggs per doz 10c
Harrington Oct 2
It is Prof W F A Meltendorf now
Croquet sets at cost at C K Wat
sons 29
W L Greene speaks here on Octo
ber 17th
Dr Lewis went to Crooks ton this
E J DeBell was over from Kosebud
J R Pee was down from Crookston
M V Nicholson
A ins worth
spent Sunday in
That was a very heavy frost last
Friday night
Frank TJIackf of Rushville was in
town Sunday
W L Enlow of Gordon is in town
at the City Hotel
T C Hornby went to Crookston on
business Tuesday
Shoes made en the 20th century last
at T C Hornbys 32
MissUinnie De Woody visited in
Ainsworth Monday
Two bundles of old papers vat this
office for five cents
Miss Ella Kiester returned from her
Visit east last night -
E C Cole and J S Newell were up
from Cody Tuesday
J -A Saul ts was up from his ranch
Monday on business
C R Watson and Scott Garcelon
spent Sunday at Cody
O W Morey returned from Omaha
last Saturday morning
Daaiel Fowler was up from the
artesian well Tuesday
Arkansaw Bob was up from the
Tanch a short time Tuesday
Miss Iva Davison of Longpine
visited friends here last weelc
Prof A Thompson of Simeon gave
this office a little call Saturday
A large assortment of wall paper
new styles cheap at C R Watsons
Hugh McKeever foreman at the
artesian well was in town Tuesday
Wanted Baled hay For particu
lars enquire of Davenpert Thacher
Miss Sadie Dewey returned to her
home at Wood Lake Tuesday after-
W L Ballard and C A Johnson
were up from Wood Lake on business
Miss Sadie Dewey came in from
Sparks where she had been visiting
Max Viertal and wife were down
from Crookston Tuesday to attend the
republican rally
The very best castor machine oil
lowest possible price at C R Watson
Try it and be convinced 29
Clarence Sageser spent Sunday and
Monday in Bassett and many beards
went unmown those days
J M Hanna republican candidate
for commissioner from the second
district was in town Saturday
E J Davenport and Geo Elliott
accompanied McCall Teft and Cady
to Wood Lake Tuesday afternoon
Prof G W Carson theaffable clerk
inWatsons pharmacy is one of the
many people in Cherry county who
le to read the news
Four cattlemen recently registered
at one of our hotels as hailing from
Sand Hills Hoboken Heaven
and respectively
The Rushville Recorders latest
editor is D L Loofbourow This is
official up to date There may be a
new one by next week
j Prentiss special agent of the-
2few York Life Insurance Company
spent the week in town with the
Companys agent here Chas Sparks
Charles Reece was seen on our
streets today he is engaged in hauling
irvy w mi a contract ac u c iNioorara
which he and his brother-in-law have
We beg our readers indulgence for
the appearance of our paperrthis week
We were unavoidably away a few
days and are consequently behind
Miss Delia Sawyer and brother have
moved into town from Sparks and
will attend school here this winter
They have rented rooms in Judge
Tuckers house on Cherry street
The FEMV has a civil engineer
ing party at work at the Niobrara
bridge and a gang of men will soon be
here to make some extensive repairs
and radical alterations on the same
The Donohor dining room was fur
nished with a supply of fine new chairs
this week This popular hostelry now
has five tables in its dining room and
can accommodate 32 people without
changing the china
D H Thurston will speak before
the Bryan Club at Simeon Saturday
evening September 26 We are told
that Geo Tracewell of Kewanee
will occupy the platform at the same
place on Saturday Oct 3
A E Cady republican nominee for
congress Jack McCall for governor
and Orlando Tefft for lieutenant gov
ernor spoke here Tuesday afternoon
No new arguments were produced and
no converts made for republicanism
Commencing with tomorrow and
continuing until Sunday night the
tenthjannual meeting of the North-
western Baptist Association will be
held at Gordon A very interesting
program for the three days has been
Harrington -OCTOBER 2
An inventors paper says that the
one thing needed in the world is a
bottle which having once been filled
cannot be filled again Thats a hard
problem to solve but we know of
some men who if you once fill em np
youll never attempt to fill again
Perhaps theyd do
Rev Bassett of Norden filled the
pulpit at the Presbyterian church Sun
day morning and evening preaching
to large congregations Services will
be held again one week from Sunday
for his recovery His sister Mrs Mary
Martin and W L Enlow his brother
are at his bedside and Dr Summers
of Omaha is expected to reach here
tonight He is receiving the best
possible care and if nursing will save
him he will recover
Dave Hess called at this office on
Saturday He has just returned from
a years stay in Northwestern Iowa
and says that there has been a tre
mendous political revolution there in
the past few months The country
where he has been staying has here
tofore been strongly republican but
this year Hess says it is four to one
for Bryan Chadron Signal Recorder
The secretary of the board of direct-
ors of the Golden Irrigation District
E BBrain furnishes the following
items of news The assessed valuation
of the real estate in the Golden Irrigar
tion District amounts to 4228662
and the levy is 3 mills on the dollar
It will be an easy matter now for each
individual tax payer to ascertain the
amount of tax he will be asked to pay
providing the U S surpreme court
holds the law to be constitutional
Bassett Eagle
And Everybody JBujsved Himself lm
mensely The Program was Ex
cellent the Sports Good and
Everything First Class
The Sixth Annual Reunion of the
Old Settlers of Cherry and Keya Paha
Counties was held at Sparks last Fri
day and Saturday the 18th and 19th
That is it was supposed to have been
held on those two days but about the
only old settlers outside of those near
Sparks who reuned on Friday were J
C Pettijohn Amos Strong and the ed
itor of this popular weekly But it
wasnt the fault of the people or the
management that there was not more
people present It rained almost all
day Friday a cold penetrating rain
that forbade travel Hence the editors
caretully prepared speech remains to
this day undelivered and the people
of Sparks are to be congratulated
The storm clouds cleared away Fri
day night and Saturday morning was
clear and bright though somewhat
cool and early the crowds began to
come and they kept on coming until
several hundred people were present
The program commenced with a
short talk by Robert Good after the
audience had sang America and he
was followed by D H Thurston who
was in turn succeeded by F M
cott A hot game of football was
played by Norden and Sparks while
the speaking was going on which
resulted in a score of 1 to 0 in favor of
Norden No bones were broken or
lives lost but the editor and one or
two others left the field considerably
the worse for wear
After dinner a game of base ball
was played by Norden and Fort Nio
brara the latter team winning Mr J
A Carroll was to speak on the Causes
of the Present Financial Disturbance
and this speeeh occasioned the
only thing which happened to mar
the success of the reunion Mr1 Car
roll was invited to speak and was giv
en the privilege of choosing his own
subject which he announced a couple
of weeks ago Under these conditions
he took the platform Saturday after
noon but before he had talked ten
minutes he was requested to stop on
the ground that he was making a po
litical speech and politics were tarred
at the reunion Mr Carroll called the
attention of the gentleman who re
quested him to stop to the fact that
partisan literature was being circulated
on the grounds and that a representa
tive of a partisan paper was soliciting
We are informed that the reverend subscriptions for it on the strength of
gentleman contemplates making
ntine his headquarters
J H J G Owens of Minneapolis
arrived in town Tuesday night with a
force of thirty carpenters and were
-taken to the reservation where thev
I will at once commence work on the
new school buildiug Six teams took
them across country they being fur
nished T C Hornby who had the con
tract by J A Hitt
JohnEnlows illness has taken a
serious turn and doubts are entertained
its politics When the question was
put to a vote the audience almost
unanimously requested Mr Carroll to
continue but he didnt The affair is
deeply deplored by men of all parties
and it is hard to say just who is to be
blamed for the insult to Mr Carroll
A bowery dance was given all after
noon and evening and was largely
patronized while a horse race in the
evening wound up the days sports
Taken all in all the reunion was a suc
cess and those who managed the affair
are to be congratulated upon having
everything run so smoothly
The agricultural display was not so
large as it would have been if the
weather had not been so badf but the
specimens exhibited were good enough
to have taken premiums at the State
Fair The blue ribbon was awarded
Thomas Fowler for best piemelon and
display of field eorn while Joseph
Hornback had the best beets A wat
ermelon weighing 44 pounds raised by
E L Hutchinson was the best on ex
hibition aud the chickory and salsify
raised by JL A Brewer were adjudged
the best H F Barker carried off the
prize for millet and Hornback bobbed
up serenely when carrots were men
tioned The ribbon was pinned to J
M Clarksons squashes and pumpkins
and tied on the Kaffir corn and cab
bages raised by Philo Newman The
buckwheat exhibited by John Grooms
was thought to be the best for flap
jacks and F Fishers tomatoes were
unsurpassed The best turnips and
radishes were exhibited by J M Clark
son and the best onions by A W
Hutchinson On behalf of the gentle
man who had this display in charge
Mr Jas H Sears we wish to thank
Uipse who made it a success bv their
w I
hi- ti
Pnblished for Font Year as
diSpiaysaJso the judges who award
ed the premiums
Heres tSparka and her people and
to the odjsettlera in whose name the
reunion was held They have stayed
by and in the country through years of
Adversity and that they may be the
fitsfTto reap ilie benefits in the pros
perous era now dawning is the- wish of
The Democrat
An Editor Dead
J E B GqjU editor of the Long
pine Republican Journal died at his
home iaLohgpine Tuesday Septem
ber 22 at 9306clock am after an
illness of four weeks Typhoid fever
was the direct cause of his death as
sisted by a complication of other
complaints Deceased wasanont 4
years old at the time of bis death and
leaves a wife and three children fu
neral was held yesterday afternoon un
der the auspices of the IOOF and
Eebekaji lodges JEBashe was
familiarly known was a unique figure
among the newspaper fraternity in
this part ojE the state and a more ex
tended menti6Ynof his life and death
will be made next week
The Crookston Teachers Association-is
postponed until Saturday Oct
31896 Meeting begins at 130 pm
All w are interested in school work
are carnally invitecUto be present
Musie1 ws
How mch of the State Course of
Study is practical in our
country schools F F Gqon
Nature Study W F Morgstfeidge
Primary Geography Emma Marcy
Discussion Lottie Hubbard
The duties of a teacher as defined by
the State School Laws
-Miss Lillian TJ Stoner
Music Misses Helma and Viola
Hcnrd Case Captured
The latfc developments in the Caee
affair sjw that he left here on a horse
blonihg ChasiBullis and the saddle
belonged to a man living south of here
Yesterday Sheriff Strong received word
from North Platte that Case was un
der arrestthere and he started for
that place to bring him back this
morning If seems that Case went
from here to the reservation then
came south probably by way of Johns
town finally winditig up near North
Platte his old home Some one there
recognized him and he was delivered
to tne sheritt of Lincoln county who
nowhas him in charge The John
Doe spoken of lasb week has not yet
been apprehended Case will most
probably be convicted at the next term
of court
Total Tax
The county clerk furnishes us with
the following summary of the total
tax of the county which will be of in
terest to Democrat readers
State 8212 49
County 20683 31
School District 12291 62
School district Bond 1515 16
Valentine Precinct 149 69
v alenhne village 549 65
Valentine Village Bond 641 35
Road Labor Tax 1959 00
xne county tax of rJ068331 is ap
portioned among the various precincts
af follows -
Boiling Springs 652 57
Buffalo Lake 602 94
Cleveland 386 68
DeweyLake 539 25
Ei 31390
Enlow 57651
Georgia 1331s
German 194 62
Gillaspie 666 28
Irwin 638 21
Kennedy 304 56
Kewanee 364 83
Lavaca 487 38
Loup 319 02
Merriman 417 75
Minnechaduza 581 05
Mother Lake 581 36
Nenzel 129 23
Pleasant Hill 52923
Schlagle 32335
Sharpes Ranche 329 52
Sparks 501 07
Steen 267 68
Table 50766
Valentine 1884 11
Wood Lake v 1100 51
FEMVRR 6706 24
Western Union Telegraph 114 95
Wagner Sleeping Car Co 29 08
Wanted Good single driving
horse weight about 1000 or 1100
pounds Be at The Donoher Sept 30
Mokes one feel like biding
ng 35
Cherry Qounty
- Valentine Nebraska
Who we are
What we are
Where we are
Of the Old Reliable Grin o
Davenport Thacher
Thai the best plaee in town to buy fresh
fruits and vegetables is at Petty crews1
f That the best plaee in town to buy
jf ceries and confectionery is at Pettycrews
That the best place to trade your prodticQ
to trade your produce is at Pettycrew s
If you didnt try him and you will
Every facility extended customers consistent with conservative banking
Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable
rates County depository
C H COIiN ELL president M V XXZMQSOX Cathier
Valentine Nebraska
A General Banking Business Tvansmeted
Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange
Correspondentsc Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Ooaha
Fish Game Tender Steakr
Jucy Roasts Dry Salt Meat
and the finest line of Smoke
Hams and Breakiast Bacoi
ever sold in town
At Btett9if801d Stand on Main Street
O the Choicest Brands