The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, September 17, 1896, Image 2

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ROBERT B GOOD - Editor Prop
Was Given the Option of Death or
Serving in the Cuban Army and
Accepted the Latter Is Hastening
the Crisis Other Items
Tells of the War in Cuba
Omaha Arthur a native
of Scotland has returned to Omaha after
having spent a most eventful two years
of his Jjfe among the Cubans lie went
to Cuba to install some machinery but
was taken prisoner by the insurgents He
and his companions were charged with
being Spanish spies The accusation had
a touch of the ridiculous about it as not
one of them could speak a word of Span
ish The party was given a sort qf court
martial aud given the option of death or
serving in the Cuban army They cculd
do nothing but accept the situation
It is undoubtedly true said Mr Mc
Pherson that the Spaniards take out in
surgent prisoners and shoot them down
but 1 have witnessed deeds of cruelty on
the part of the insurgents that fully
equalled that I have seen them frequent
ly hand over the women ami particularly
the young girls found in the houses thai
were raided to the negro soldiers in the
army who were allowed to do with them
as they pleased The whole island is
wrecked and ruined There are no plan
tations and no ranches Everything has
been destroyed
The Cubans will win continued Mc
Pherson The Spaniards army must
carry everything with them on expedi
tions There are no provisions to be ob
tained in the interior Spain cannot stand
the expense of such warfare
Is Hastening the Crisis
Constantinople To those who have
eyes to see there is more and more evi
dent the approach of a crisis in the affairs
of the decrepit Ottoman Empire Though
the limit has apparently been reached in
the patience of the Euroj ean powers
there is no diminution in the rancor dis
played by the Mussulmans towards the
Armenians and no sign of the relinquish
ment of the Turks contention that the Ar
menians are persistentanddeterminel rev
olutionists and agitators against the sov
ereignty of the Sultan and as such invite
the stringent repressive measures that
have been used against them
Some color has to be admitted to this
contention of the Turks from the fact
that some of the envoys of the powers
have received a circular note from the
Hintchak revolutionary committee de
claring that if the reforms demanded by
the Armenians at the time of the raid by
them upon the Ottoman bank are not
granted theie will be a more serious out
break against the Turkish authorities and
over a much wider areathan was the last
which resulted in the apparently indis
criminate slaughter of Armenians in this
Bessie Littles Murder
Dayton Ohio Although Bessie Lit
tle was murdered over a week ago there
is still intense interest in the case which
is developing into a murder of as much
deliberation as that of Catherine Ging at
Minneapolis and into almost as atro
cious a disposition of the body as that of
Pearl Bryan whose head was never
found Every day evidence is accumulat
ing to show that Albert Frantz deliber
ately drove the girl to an obscure place
along the Stillwater Iliver shot her and
threw her body from the bridge into the
river He told a story of Bessie shooting
herelf while they were riding and that in
fright he threw the body over the bridge
and hastened home He stuck to this
theory since his arrest but the missing
link is a revolver which Frantz admits he
threw into the river with the body Chief
of Police Perrell had the river dredged
and used magnets Crowds line the river
banks while divers are going down and
scouring the bottom of the river If found
the revolver completes the evidence
against Franzt
New Consul at Samoa
Washington The State Department
lias transmitted to Consul General
Churchill at Apia Samoa the formal
papers appointing Lloyd Osborne as vice
and deputy consul general at that place
Osborne is the stepson of the late Robert
Louis Stevenson and was the joint author
with the novelest of several of his latest
works He is an American but has re
sided in Samoa for several years and is
worshiped by the natives of the island
The Advance Up the Nile
Cairo Word has been received from
the front that the Egyptian troops with
the Nile expedition are concentrated at
Fereirg which is only twenty three miles
from the Dervish outpost at Kerma where
the dervishes have been concentrating re
inforcements of cavalry as though with
the intention of making a stand against
the British advance
Big Glass Trust to Combine
Anderson Ind The Indiana window
glass manfacturers have called a meeting
of the Indiana trust the purpose being to
perfect the amalgamation of the eastern
and western trusis All of the thirty one
plants are in the Indiana trust Consol
idation will be effected Oct L
Western Editorial Convention
Denver The second annual conven
tion of the Western Editorial Federation
whose membership embraces twenty one
states west of the Mississippi Eiver
opened in this city Monday There is an
attendance of 500 or COO editors
Rebel j Leaders Shot
Manillc Philippine Island The
leaders of the conspiracy against the
Spanish Government in the province of
Cavite have been shot
Decides to Refund the Debt
Columbus Ohio The stockholders ot
the Columbus Hocking Valley and To
ledo Bailway Company decided at a
special meeting to issue 30000000 4 per
cent gold bonds to refund the debt ofthe
road The proposition was carried by a
unanimous vote
Three Million Marks- Gone
Berlin Herr Oskar Schuster director
of the Sordeule Sher Handels Gesels
chraft has been arrested on the charge of
embezzlement It is reported that the de
falcation amounts to 2 000000 tcr 8000000
marks Other arrests are pending
Brndstreets Review
2new York Bradstreets says The
feeling among jobbers and manufacturers
last week that an improvement in de
mand for seasonable stables was in sight
was evidently well founded for at more
than a dozen centers south and west de
mand is now more active the volume of
sales has increased and the general out
look is much more favorable for business
later in the autumn Notwithstanding
the Labor Day interruption the weeks
volume of business is slightly heavier
several cities reporting larger demand
this week to replenish depleted stocks
than during the two preceding months
notably among jobbers in groceries hard
ware dry goods millinery hats and
shoes The most marked improvement is
at Chicago St Louis St Paul Minneap
olis Pittsburg Charleston and Augusta
although other cities have reported a bet
ter feeling and prospects for a more active
Exports of wheat flour included as
wheat from both coasts of the United
states and from Montreal this week
amount to 8709141 bushels as compared
with 3339000 bushels last week and 1
SIOOOO bushels in the corresponding week
one year ago
Miners Lilcely to Suffer
Washington Information received
at the Treasury Department indicates
that there is likely to be much suffering
among the miners at Cooks Inlet who are
returning from the Alaska gold fields un
less the commercial companies who took
them north provide for their passage
home More than a year ago the depart
ment notified the commercial companies
that thereafter the Government could not
furnish transportation for these mineis
aud that if the companies -took the miners
north they should look out for their re
turn It is said that if all the cutters in
Behring Sea were pressed into service
they could not accommodate more than
120 men There are said to be nearly 1000
of these returning miners now at Cooks
Another Bank Suspends
New Orleans The Bank of Com
merce which everybody thought would
be able to weather the wave of distrust
and suspicion which the recent wreck of
the Union National engendered has been
compelled to close its doors There was
a large crowd outside the bank but every
body was orderly All manner of sur
mises and opinions were freely aired by
the crowd but the sum and substance
seemed to be that the Bank of Commerce
had adopted the only course left to it
There was a lively run on the Peoples
Bank So many people were in line that
it extended clear into the streets The
officials of the Peoples Bank did not
seem to be worried over the run and all
checks for 100 or under were rapidly
Fools Spanish Warships
New York Information has reached
this city that the steamer Three Friends
which left Jacksonville last Friday has
again been successful in landing an ex
pedition in Cuba in spite of the watchful
ness of the Spanish war vessels which
constantly patrol the coast The expedi
tion landed precisely where the Spanish
navy exerls the greatest vigilance on the
coast of Pinar del llio province The
cargo is said to have consisted of 1000
rifles 460000 cartridges n pneumatic
dynamite gun 2000 pounds of dynamite
1000 machetes medical stores and cloth
ing It is thought in Cuba that Maceo
will now attack the trocha in Pinar del
Rio as soon as Gomez moves from the
east upon Havana this autumn
Liiquor Laws Lower Revenues
Indianapolis Ind The executive
committee of the State Liquor League
met here to prepare for the state conven
tion of the league on Sept 17 The con
has prepared a report upon ihe
effects of the Nicholson law showing that
it has driven 700 saloons out of business in
Indiana and caused a corresponding fall
ing off in the school revenue so that in
many counties the school term has been
curtailed all the way from fourteen to
thirty days The report also shows an in
crease in the amount of beer brewed and
whisky sold in the state
Fear More Outbreaks
Constantinople Fears are enter
tained here of a renewal of the recent dis
turbances These apprehensions have
caused a panic among the general public
Trade is almost at a standstill and the
lack of money in the Turkish treasury is
a serious feature of the situation Fifteen
army officers who went to the war office
to claim arrears in pay were informed
that there were no funds with which to
pay them The officers thereupon resigned
their commissions and were promptly ar
rested for so doing
Biff Gold Deposits
New York Lazard Freres deposited
370000Oin gold at the sub treasury in
exchange for legal tenders Friday The
steamships Britannic and Fuerst Bis
marck brought 613000 and 53697800 gold
respectively making the aggregate
amount received 523172050 The bank of
British North America will deposit at
the subtfeasury in exchange for legal ten
ders 1000000 in gold received on the
Fuerst Bismarck There was deposited
at the subtreasury up to 215 p m 55000
000 in gold
Hundred Spaniards Killed
Key West Fla The train carrying
troops from Havana which recently ar
rived from Spain going by the way of
Guanajay was attacked near that place
by the insurgents and destroyed The
loss of the Spaniards was 100 men killed
by the bullets of the attacking party
This news was received here from Dr
Charles Mateo Feal a captain in the in
surgent army who passed through here
direct from the insurgent camp on his
way to New York
Famous Model Falls
New York Mrs Catherine L Beach
said to have been the model of Montanas
silver statue which attracted so
much attention at the Columbian
Exposition is at Bellevue hospital
recovering from hysteria brought on by
excessive drinking Despondency over
her failure to secure a theatrical engage
ment drove the woman to threats of sui
cide and then to drink
Passengers on the Majestic
Liverpool The White Star line
steamer Majestic which sails from this
port for New York will take among her
passengers the Earl of Westmeath Baron
Hengel Mueller von Hengervar the Austrian-Hungarian
Minister to the United
States and Prince and Princess Kuspolfc
For a New Gambling Resort
Chicago Alexander D Hannah and
David Hogg wealthy Chieagoans are it
is stated endeavoring to purchase Macki
nac Island at the northern end of Lake
Michigan It is said to be their intention
to snend half amillion dollars or mdre to
make therSorfc similar to Monte Carloi I weeks
Means Much for United States
Seattle Chinese residents of this
city have appointed a committee repre
senting three big Chinese mercantile con
cerns in Seattle to wait upon and pay
their respects to Li Hung Chang upon his
arrival at Vancouver enroute home
Mark Ten Suie who is a representative of
the better class of Chinese says the dis
tinguished viceroys visit means much to
the United States that Li will upon his
return to China begin the construction of
a system comprising no less than 83000
miles of railroad and that iold and silver
mines in a range of mountains extending
for 1500 miles along northern China will
be opened Much iron and machinery to
bcused in developing these enterprises
Mark Ten Suie states that from private
Chinese advices will be purchased in the
United States Mark says that Li pro
poses the publication of a book embracing
his experiences and what he has learned
on his trip upon his return to the flowery
Hill Will Not Accept i
Albany N Y The Democratic pri
mary Wednesday night selected Senator
Hill as a delegates to the state con
vention The delegation consists of
twelve men of whom seven including
Mr Hill are considered gold men but
the entire delegation is instructed to sup
nart Bryan and Sewall
Senator Hill telegraphed the following
10 Norton Chase chairman of the con
I observe in a morning paper that I
have been elected delegate from the Third
Albany district to the state convention
under instructions to vote for the indorse
ment of the Chicago platform and candi
dates This action was taken in opposi
tion to my wishes and judgment as ex
pressed lo you and I decline to accept
ihe election upon the conditions imposed
or upon any conditions which would re
strict my freedom at Buffalo to act in
such manner as I consider best for the in
terests of my party
May Check Gold Drain
London The Evening Standard says
the unexpected raising of the bank rate
by the Bank of England from 2 per cent
to 2j per cent for the first time a change
has taken place since February 1894
foreshadows further gold withdrawals
and created considerable surprise at the
slock exchange As a consequence the
market was all ilat and consols dropped
The Pall Mall Gazette says that unless
the bank has other information a general
knowledge of the situation searcely war
rants the advance in the rate But the
directory may see the necessity of ad
vancing the rate to 3 per cent and de
cided that it was best to make the ad
vance by stages in order to avoid danger
of a panic
Five Men Badly Hurt
St Louis One man fatally and four
others seriously injured is the result of an
explosion caused by the careless handling
of gasoline The explosion occurred in
the building occupied by the Mound City
Cleaning and Dyeing Company The in
jured are
James Walker the proprietor
James Vincent a dyer
Harry Roberts collector for Walker
John Meers
Edward Sherry
The men were at work in the cleaning
room at the time of the explosion and
were pouring gasoline from a five gallon
British Trades Congress
Edixburg The British trades union
congress adopted a resolution calling for
the complete remodeling of the British
educational system on a basis to secure
the democratic principle of equality of
opportunity so as to make British chil
dren worthy citizens of a co operative
commonwealth A resolution was adopted
calling on the Government to pass a law
making it compulsory for all municipal
bodies to adopt some scheme of old age
pensious for their employes
Roclcford Messiah Is Married
Minneapolis George J Schwein
furth the Rockford 111 messiah was
married to Mary Ann Tuttle at the
Church of the Redeemer Thursday Eev
Marion D Schuter performing the cere
mony Twelve members of the Church
Triumphant were present aside from the
bridesmaids The sermon was one of
Schweinfurths own creations At the
same time Albert Tefft was married to
Amari Schweinfurth and Will Weldon
w as united to Bertha Olsen
Unlimited Credit Is Given
Madrid The Cortes has adjourned
after unanimously authorizing the Gov
ernment to borrow 5200000000 guaran
teed by the railroads and also unani
mously authorizing the Government to
raise another loan of unlimited amount to
defray the expenses of the campaign
against the insurgents this loan to be
guaranteed by any of the national reve
Make an Appeal for Aid
Lansing Mich The authorities at
Ontonagon have made a second appeal to
Gov Rich for aid to the fire sufferers
They report that but 53000 has been con
tributed in cash and the supply of pro
visions is insufficient for a period longer
than a week Several hundred people
will need shelter and care for ninety days
at least
Barrel of Turpentine Blows Up
Wausau Wis While William Bor
chardt and Wilber Bartel were emptying
a barrel of turpentine in the cellar of W
W Albers drug store a match was lighted
and a terrific explosion followed Before
the lire department could get control of
the flames the entire stock was ruined
Borchart aud Bartel were badly burned
Three Rioters Reported Killed
Ashland Wis Sheriff Archibald has
received a telegram reporting a serious
riot in a Bavarian settlement near the vil
lage of Gladden It is reported that three
men were killed in a riot there The
trouble arose over a school board dispute
Two teachers were thrown out of the
Turk Draws in Horns
London A dispatch from Athens to
the Daily Telegraph says In response
to the note of the powers the Sultan has
now ordered an irade to be published
commanding a summary cessation of the
expulsion of Armenians
Mississippi River Very Low
Burlington Iowa The Mississippi
River is only four inches above the lowest
known stage and in consequence of nu
merous sandbars steamer traffic is almost
suspended All the larger packets have
ceased running
Employment for Yarn Spinners
TAWHPvnp Mass Th TTnner Pafcifio
rtr -
yarn mill and print works have resumed
operations after a shut down of two
This sifFpnts nhniif H000 hands
mww wb --
The State Democracy Held Their
Convention on Friday Last at
Omaha Indorsed the Nominations
Made at Hastings
Democratic State Covention
Presidential Electors
Fred Metz srt Douglas
O W Palm Lancaster
F J Hale Madison
X Piabceki Howard
N O Alberts Clay
S L Kostryze Saline
31 F HarrinKton Holt
J N Campbell Nance
Governor Silas A Holcomb
Lieutenant Governor J E Harris -State
Secretary W F Porter
State Auditor John F Cornell
State Treasurer J N Meserve
Attorney General C J Smyth
State superintendent W R Jackson
Commissioner J V Wolfe
Judges Supreme Court
Long Term William Xeville
Short Term J S Kirkpatrick
University Regent Thomas Kawlings
C J Smyth chairman of the state com
mitte called the Democratic state con
vention to order at Omaha Friday Lee
Herdman secretary lead the call Ed
ward P Smith of Omaha was named as
temporary chairman of the convention
Mr Smith upon taking the chair ad
dressed the convention at some length
The committee on permanent organiza
tion reported in favor of Dr Edwards of
Lincoln for permanent chairman of the
convention but there was a strong senti
ment in the convention that the tem
porary organization be made permanent
After considerable talk upon the question
Dr Edwards withdrew his name and on
his motion the temporary organization
was made permanent
The conference committee reported that
of the eight names suggested by the Pop
ulist committee for electors these four had
been selectad N O Alberts of Clay S
L Kostryze of Saline M F Harrington
of Holt and J X Campbell of Nance
The committee had submitted to the Pop
ulists a list of Democrats from which
that organization had selected these
names Fred Metz sr of Douglas O W
Palm of Lancaster F J Hale of Madison
and X Piasceki of Howard The con
vention then elected these eight by accla
WII Thompson read the following res
olutions reported by the committee and
they were adopted
We your committee on resolutions beg leave
to report the following
We the Democrats of the state of Nebraska
In convention assembled congratulate the
modesty of the nation upon the honesty cour
age aud sagacity shown in the selection of Will
iam J Bryan and Arthur Sewall as its candidates
for the presidency ana vice presidency of the
United States and the platform adopted and
pledge our united eftort to the support of the
ticket nominated aud our adherence to the
principles in the said platform contained
We heartily indorse the action of those in
charge who have endeavored to secure the union
of forces in favor of the coinage of the two
metals both gold and silver as provided by tho
constitution and whose wise and generous ac
tions ensure the election of our standard bearers
as the next president and vice president of the
United States
We favor and shall use out best endeavors to
secure the adoption of the proposed amendment
to the constitution providing for the election of
railroad commissioners by the direct vote of the
people and the proposed amendment increasing
the number of supreme judges from three to
Ave together with the amendment authorizing
the investment of the public school fund and
other funds held by the state and not otherwise
used or appropriated in bonds as provided by
the proposed amendment
We demand a most rigid and economical ad
ministration of the alfairs of the state and a
strict compliance with the law in reference to
the disposition of the school fund and heartily
indorse the action of Governor Holcomb in his
honest endeavors to save the common schools
the interest on the funds now lying idle in the
treasury or held and used by private individuals
contrary to law and condemn the action of the
Republican Board of Public Lands and Buildings
in refusing to assist the Governor in his noble ef
forts to uphold the law and sustain the rights of
the people
On motion of W H Thompson the con
vention indorsed unanimously the nomi
nations made at Hastings by the Populist
Nominations for attorney general were
then called for and C J Smyth of Doug
las was presented The nomination was
seconded by everybody nearly and it
was about to be made unanimous when a
gentleman from Lancaster called a halt
and nominated Judge A S Tibbetts of
Harvey D Travis of Cass and George
W Shields of Douglas were then placed
in nomination for attorney general Koll
call was ordered but betore it was com
pleted the names of the other candidates
were withdrawn and the nomination of
Mr Smyth was made by accaraation
For regent of the State TJniversi ty the
names of Joseph Oberfelder of Cheyenne
T L Hall of Richardson and Thomas
Rawlings of Dixon were presented The
result of the roll call was Rawlings 248
Hall 276 and Oberfelder 66
Oberfelder withdrew his name before
the second ballot began The result of
the second ballot was Rawlings 320 and
Hall 235 Rawlings being declaredjthe
The usual resolutions instructing the
state central committee to fill vacancies
were adopted and the convention ad
Condition of the Sugar Beet Crop
The beet raisers have had several analy
sis of this years crop made The beets
are ripening slowly and thus far have not
reached the required test of sugar content
and purity Each analysis however
shows an improvement over the last and
it is expected by October 1 the beets will
reach 80 per cent saccearine content and
Carpenter Hurt at Fremont
Louis Hanson a carpenter employed on
the chicory factory at Fremont fell from
a scaffold on the outside of the building
a distance of nearly forty feet He struck
a couple of boards in falling breaking
bot hof them and landed on a pile of loose
earth Ho bones were broken though he
sustained verysevere bruises
Shuhert Citizen Shot
John Oathout of Shubert was return
ing from Omaha overland in company
with a cousin They stopped at Dunbar
where in getting out of the buggy a gun
which he carried was accidentally dis
charged striking him in the breast He
died shortly after the accident
Testing the Occupation Tax
Suit has been brought against about
forty business firms by the city attorney
at Falls City for the payment of occupa
tion taxes The matter will be tested to
see if they are compelled to pay
Lincoln Real Estae Man Loses 2 3t
in Council Bluffs
John Strine a real estate man from Lin
coln had a royal good time in Council
Bluffs When the police found him be
vashappily oblivious to the fact that he
still had nearly 50J in casli in hispoefcets
and thathe was in a condition to fall an
easy prey to anything that might come
along An interview with him by the
police authorities disclosed the fact that
he had been robbed of 220 This dis
covery assisted materially in sobering
him up and he told the officers all thathe
could recollect of the fun he had had He
thinks he went to Omaha about Friday
and does not have a very clear idea of
when or how he came across he river
He was taken to tho Ogden House on
Saturday night by parties for whom the
police are looking with a belief that they
will be able to tell something about the
robbery The officers put little credence
in his assertion that he was robbid for
they cannot conceive how any able bodied
conscientious thief would take 2i0 and
leave 491 in the pockets of a man so help
lessly drunk that he did not know
whether he was in Council Bluffs or Yo
kahama Strine is a man between 50 aud
60 years old
Vanderbilt and His Friends Prepar
ing to Slaughter Game
The transportation and escort for the
big hunting party of Vanderbilt Webb
and others was titted up at Fort Robin
son There were forty nine cavalry
horses twenty -one pack mules twenty -two
soldiers and one chief packer They
took the Elkorn to Crawford and trans
fer the train lo the B M at that point
which will take them to Billings Mont
thence on the Northern Pacific to Cinnibar
From there the outfit will march to the
National Park and from there to tho
Jacksons Hole country
County Fair Dates
14 16 Antelope County Nelign
Win Campbell Sec
14 19 Nebraska and Kansas In
terstate Fair Red Cloud
Neb D J Myers Sec
15 18 Cass County Elm wood
15 18 Gaue County Beatrice
15 18 Polk County Osceola S
B Moifett Sec
15 18 Jefferson County Fair-
bury W W Watson Sec
15 18 Hamilton County Aurora
L W Shuman Sec
15 18 Madison County Madison
J L Rynearson Sec
15 18 Saunders Connty Wahoo
L W Gilchrist Sec
15 18 Kearney County Minden
L M Copeland Sec
16 18 Burt County Tekamah
E B Atkinson Sec
16 1S Boone County Albion C
G Barns Sec
22 24 Sheridan County Gordon
H G Lyon Sec
22 25 Nemaha County Auburn
u 2 25 Phelps County Bertrand
22 25 Lancaster County Lin
coln William Foster See
22 25 York County York L D
Stilson Sec
22 25 Valley County Ord J L
Claflin Sec
23 25 Platte County Columbus
24 26 Dundy County
28 30 Stanton County Stanton
29 Oct 2 Otoe County Syracuse
29 Oct
2 Oct
21 -Oct
29 Oct
2 Furnas j County Beaver
2 Richardson County Sa
lem W WAllen Sec
2 Dodge County rremont
W U Haven Sec
2 Butler Grange Butler
Buffalo County D A
Travelpiece Sec
6 9 Red Willow County Mc-
Cook L M Copeland
6 9 Cass County Plattsmouth
7 9 Washington County Blair
F 11 Claridges Sec
14 15 Lincoln County North
13 16 Johnson County Tecum
Texas Fever in Seward
County Attorney J J Thomas of Sew
ard County has written a letter to Gover
nor Holcomb calling attention to the fact
that live head of cattle from Arkansas
have been unloaded at a point near Ger
mantown and are now infected with
Texas fever and quarantined In his let
ter he asked that some veterinarian be
sent to Germantown to look into the mat
ter If shipped out into the state the re
sults are liable to be disastrous The na
tonal quarantine law recently enacted
has not yet gone into effect and will not
until some time in November
Assaults a Prisoner in Court
The trial of Wright Kelly was in prog
ress at Greeley Center for an assault on
the 9-year-old boy of Peter Reifers and
was about concluded when Reifer made
a rush at the defendant with a heavy
chair that would have smashed Kellys
skull had it not been that he was caught
by Attorney Doyle County Attorney
Ganoe and Deputy Sheriff Gaffney lha
court then took the matter of Reifers in
hand and fined him for contempt of court
f Indians Get Drunk and Firht
Prairie Chicken and his wife Indian
got on a drunk near their home on the
reservation near Decatur and it resulted
in quite a serious fight Knives were
used and the old man was cat quite badly
in several places They are both inete -ate
drunkards and are often in troujle
Burglars Blow a Safe
The Union Pacific depot at Yutan was
entered by burglars -They broke open the
tool box securing tools knocked the
knob off the Pacific Express Companys
safe filled the safe with powder and
blew the door entirely off They secured
about 42 in cash
Fremont Workmen Hurt
John Launer and Philip Mowrer while
at work plastering the Catholic Church at
Fremont fell from the staging to the floor
below Both were quite badly bruise I
and Launers leg broken
Madison County Old Settlers
A Madison County farmers and old set
tlers picnic was held at Battle Creek It
was a grand affair Nearly all parts of
the county were represented Colonel
Simpson of Norfolk delivered an address
on farming followed by singing speak
ing and dancing by the young folks
Burglars Raid a Store at Stella
Burglars affected an entrance into W
R Wyatts store at Stella by cutting a
panel from the back door and carried
away about 40 worth of clothing and
several dollars in cash
Youns Agriculturist Said to Have
Loved Another Girl Whom He at
Once Married Suspicion Js Aroused
and Hia Arrest Follows
Murder Mystery in Iowa
James Paul is a young farmer just 28
years old who lives when at home in a
near cottage on a picturesque spot the-
the death of the two women and the sub
sequent behavior of the man who should
have been protector point to him as be
ing the one responsible for the sudden
death of both But if he is convicted it
must be by circumstantial evidence or his
James Paui might be called good-looking
His hair is light and his eyes are
blue He has the appearance of an honest
man He has resided in the county five
years and has many acquaintances who
were shocked beyond measure when he
was arrested charged with the double
murder Pauls wife died under suspi
cious circumstances on the 3d of July On
the night of the 4th he was enjoying life
at a country dance where his partner of
the evening was the one he made his wife
two weeks after
ward Before the
marriage ceremony
however there was
an obstacle appar
ently in the way The J
ueioiiuuis Buy it was
the grandmother of
Mrs Paul His wife
before her death had
been the joy and
pride of Grandma
Dulin as she was
called and it was
folly to think she would ever give her
consent to the marriage of her grandson-in-law
so soon after the death of her
The story the neighbors tell and they
told it under oath before the Grand Jury
is that Saturday afternoon after the deaths
of his wife Paul was with Grandma
Dulin They talked about the death of
his wife and how lonesome he would be
without her The noon hour came and the
old lady feeble as she was moved herself
around and prepared dinner for the two
Paul was with her in the kitchen and she
had his sympathy They partook of the
meal Jim this tea doesnt taste right
she said There is a bitter taste to it
that I dont like I cant drink any more
of c She had only finished a half of the
cup but two days afterward she died in
spasms Pauls arrest followed and then
commenced the unraveling of the chain
of circumstances which makes the outlook
gloomy for the accused He was brought
to the Webster City jail where he has
since maintained a discreet silence He
only denies his guilt and insists his wife
and her grandmother died from natural
Paul was hardly placed safely behind
the bars before the proper officers com
menced gathering evidence The remains
of his wife had been laid to rest in a cem
etery in Webster County onlya few miles
from her former home This wa3 done in
accordance with her expressed wishes in
life The remains of Grandma Dulin
were interred in Hamilton County Both
the bodies were exhumed The stomachs
were sent to State Chemist Floyd Davis
at Des Moines for analysis In a few
days word came from Des Moines that
unmistakable signs of strychnine poison
ing had been found
Professional Gossips in China
Professional gossips are common in
China Most of them are elderly wom
en who have regular patrons of the fe
male sex whose houses they -visit and
whom they entertain by narrating the
news and scandal of the day They thus
earn about enough to maintain them in
a life of laziness
Oleo Imported ty England
The United Kingdom imports 300
000 worth of margarine each week
r C
other side of Homer
ten miles from Web 1
stvr City He is now
in jail charged with
murdering his wife
and her grandmotherj
by administering poi
Last Fourth o f
July eve the young -woman
whom Paul
led to the altar six years ago died On
the night of Independence day he attend j
ed a patriotic dance at which he was
the escort of Miss Hartman to whom forf
months he had been paying devoted atten 1
tion The following Sunday morning
Grandma Dulin Mrs Pauls grand
mother and for the week since his wifesi
death his housekeeper was dead too
The old woman was buried and about ai
week later the widower and Miss Hart
man were married Then Paul was
rested charged with double murder HisJ
bride of a week went back to her home 1
to live with her parents and now de-
nounces the accused
Such is the outline of the Paul mys
tery which promises to be most sensa
tional The circumstances surrounding