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About The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1896)
V I IV i - J s THE VAL VOL XI THIS AND THAT Comina Events Teachers Association October 11 A li 0uly wood Lake Sept 22 Kcpubliciin lfcilly Sept i Democratic Koprebuntative Convention Sp irks Sept 19 Old Settlers Kcunion Sept 18 19 MV A Picnic ErOwiilec September 23 HelbBob Croquet sets ut cost at C JR sons Just wait until we get some at Valentin Markets Onions per bushel - 50c Potatoes - - 30c Corn 25s Wheat 39c Oats 20c Hogs per cwt 275 Steers 2253 00 Cows 150225 Calve3 per ttn 4c liutter 10c JEggs per doz 10c 29 new sidewalks Shoes made on the 20th century last at T C Hornbys Mr Luce made a 32 business trip to Crookston Tuesday C H Deitrick was down from Crawford Saturday Two bundles of old papers at this oftee for five cents Maine went republican Monday by about 40000 Next Joe Brown Crookstbns liveryman was in town Tuesday Geo Paterson was over from Spring- View on business Tuesday A large assortment of wall paper new styles cheap at C It Watsons Mr and Mrs T C Hornby have re turned from their visit to Lead City John Bishop Hugh Sears and JSazil Hunt were down from Cody Saturday Wanted Baled hay For particu lars enquire of Davenport Thacher Miss Mae OSulltam visited her parents atOeill Saturday and Sun - - thiyr Enoch Flowers spent a couple of days in the city with his family last week A lady was in town Tuesday tak ing subscriptions for the Hastings Orphans Home Geo N Shepherd representing the State Journal blank book department spenT Sunday in town The old settlers -reunion at Sparks tomorrow and next day promises to be a very delightful affair The very best castor machine oil Sawest possible price at C It Watson Try it and be coviuced 39 John N King who has been spend ing a few days in town returned to the brick yard last Monday J R Farris left yesterday morning -for BaDid Citv where he has secured a position on the fence gang Frank Tate who has been working on the reservation returned last Tues day and will start to school soon Charley Sherman will move to town in the near future and will occupy the property vacated by C E Bowring C E Bowring stopped off here last Tuesday to superintend the moving of his family into the Stinard property Geo H Hornby has commenced the -erection of his new- house on Hall street just south of Judge Walcotts - Eight traveling men spent Sunday at The Donoher Thev know where to stop for first class accommodations Wanted Good single driving horse weight about 1000 or 1100 pounds Be at The Donoher Sept 30 B E B Kennedy and wife came up from the ranch Saturday and started for their home in Omaha Sunday morning Mrs J C Northrop is at Harrison Nebr this week she having be en called there by the serious illness of her father Quigleys uew pharmacist F K Brower is making some radical changes in the interior arrangement of the City Drug Store Enoch Flowers and W T Bullis started last Monday morning for the White River where they have some carpenter work to do this falL Bryan club meeting tonight Mr and Mrs Mack Cramer drove through from Creighton last week and are visiting friends here They will return in a week or ten days J O Porter was up from Ainsworlh Saturday visiti ng with his wife at M V Nicholsons They returned home to Ainsworth Monday morning Peter Doyle of Minneapolis who will superintend the construction of the new Indian school on the reserva tion arrived in town Tuesday night Mrs Yivian Lawrie came down from Gordon Sunday afternoon aud went out to her school in District 56 10 miles northwest of town the same evening Wanted to Buy Iron greyborse about 4 years old 15 hands high good knee action carries his head high Enquire at Xortiiwestehn Feed and Sale Stable Mr and Mrs Francis whobave been teaching school on the reservation started for Tacoma Wash Monday morning Mr Francis having been promoted by Uncle Sam Rev J M Bates held services at the Episcopal church Sunday evening but as no announcement of his intention to preach had been made only about twenty five people were present Thos M Huntington and W C Wilhite spent a few hours in town Tuesday They were down from Gor don to help care forJohn Enlow but finding him in gsod hands returned home in the evening Last week while attempting to cap ture Whitehead the man who broke jail at Rushville recently the sheriff of Sheridan county fired three loads of shot into him but the man reached the canyons and escaped At Sparks last Saturday the republi cans of the Fifty second district nomi nated W H Hoi ton of Spring iew for the legislature Mr Ilorton is a stranger to The Democrat and we can find no one who knows hirn The free silver people organized a Bryan Club in Johnstown Saturday night The meeting was somewhat en thusiastic notwithstanding the fact that the crowd was made up of nearly half republicans who -will vote for Mc Kinley Aim worth VSr Journal The Indians are rapidly becoming civilized At Cut Meat station on the reservation Sunday night old Hollow Horn Bear was shot by a fellow Indian on account of some squaw The wound however will not be fatal Joe Potmecil started for Lincoln Tuesday morning to take a laboratory course in the State University togeth er with extra studies at the Lincoln Normal Joe will be sadly missed in the social circles of Yalentiae where he was at all times a leader Sheriff Strong the first of the week sold two steers belonging to J E Reynolds of Saltillo this state for taxes Dave Hanna bid them in for 51 As the amount of tax due the county was 41 the sale brought enough to pay about half of it after deducting fees Sitting Bull Tribe No 22 Improved Order of Red Men will hold a special session of the tribe Saturday night for the purpose t adopting three pale faces and conferring a number of de grees Council fire will be kindled at the eighth run and all members of the tribe should be at the wigwam at that J time After working for three years on the Republican Dean S Ef ner resigned his position last week and Monday morn ing started for Lincoln where he will take a two years course of study in the Nebraska Wesleyan University Dean leaves behind him many warm friends who while regretting his de parture wish him every success in his school life Monday afternoon a special train of seven cars passed through town carry ing Gen Nelson A Miles W K Vanderbilt and others who are on their way west for a hunting trip The party takes an escort of cavalry and a pack train from Fort Robinson The tram stopped here only long enough for some one of the party to ask if anything had been heard from Maine Something had and it was evidently to 1 the liking of the party ENTINE THREE ARRESTS H J CASE J W STRONG CHAS STEPHENSON Arrested for Stealing Twenty eieJit Kead of Cattle Case Escaped and lias not Yet Been Cap tured Tlie Whole Story IN A NUTSHELL On Sunday night August 23 Mr John Orans a German farmer and small lanchman living on the Niobrara north of the head of the Snake lost 28 head of cattle all unbranded eight head of which had been sold to J W Stetter the week previous Thursday September 10 the cattle were found by W F A Meltendorf in a pasture south of Johnstown Friday September 11 H J Case J W Strong and Chas Stephenson were arrested for stealing and driving off the cattle They gave bonds Monday September 14 the men were placed in jail the bondsmen re fusing to longer remain surety for them r Tuesday September 15 between the hours of 1 and 4 o clock a m Case stole the key from his jailor while that individual was asleep and like the Arab folded his tent and silently stole away He has not yet returned and apparently does not intend to The above is a brief account of the happenings which are just now the chief topics of conversation in and around Valentine - THE full story When Orans reportedjhis loss to the authorities here Sheriff Strong started immediately on a search for the man or men who had stolen the cattle ne searched the country thoroughly but with no success the thieves having had wonderfully good luck in escaping ob servation Finally on Monday Sep tember 7 Sheriff Strong received a letter from W A Wilson of Reige in the German settlement who said that on the Saturday previous he talked with three men in lieorgia who were driving through from Omaha to Bed rock Wyo and that they claimed to have seen a bunch of cattle answering the description of those stolen from Orans about seven miles southwest of Johnstown Thev saw them Wednes day August 26 and the two men who were driving the cattle offered to sell them This letter and a blank warrant was given to W F A Meltendorf who at once started on the trail He rode to the place indicated in the letter and commenced the search For a long time he hunted in vain but at last he -struck the trail and followed it for 10 or 12 miles when lie came in sight of the looked for animals quietly grazing in a pasture Investigation proved that the pasture belonged to a party named Johnson and Mrs Johnson told Meltendorf that the cattle were brought there by Stephenson her father and Strong who said they had been sent there by Case her brother-in-law Meltendorf started for home with the stock and Friday morning warrants were issued and served on Howard J Case Charles Stephenson his father-in-law and John WV Strong a brother of the sheriff Amos Strong J W Tucker was retained by the defense and at the preliminary hearing Friday afternoon examination was waived and the accused weie bound over to the district court by Judge Walcott in the sum of 800 each Bail was furnished by Case and Strong but Saturday Cases bondsmen turned him over to the authorities and he could get no new bond Monday Strongs bondsmen gave him over to the author ities and thus endeth the first chapcer of this little history case escapes Monday the sheriff was called to the south part of the county on business connected with his office and he left the prisoners in care of Geo Hammond as deputy sheriff and then the trouble began All day Monday Case was busily engaged in settling up his busi ness affairs paid his attorney and so on At night he was taken to the jail and went to bed when the other pris oners did and apparently to sleep Hammond seemed to think this was a good example to follow and did like wise only his sleep was real and not feigned Time passed on and daylight icame ana then the guaTd awoke He ft Published for Fonr Years as CHERRY COUNTS INDEPENDENT DEMOCRAT VALENTINE OHERET CO NEBBASKA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 17 1896 might just as weUJhave continued his slumber until breakfast time The in side door of the jail was open wide and the outside door was closed probably- to xrotect the inmates from the chfil nightair and the key which Mr Hammond- had so carefully stowed away in his pocket ere he laid down to rest was calmly sticking in the door Case was gone Why when or where betwent is a mystery lie ought not have done so As soon as Hammond realized that he was keeping guard over one man less than the number placed in his care hex started out to bring him in But he didnt do it He couldnt V now 3ic did it Upon investigating and deliberating it has finally been concluded that Case awoke during the night and finding his jailor asleep quietly stole the key aud left either with or without the knowledge of the other prisoners It would have availed them nothing to escape as it will be hard to convict them of complicity in the theft of the cattle without Case After leaving the jail Case went to the barn where his horses were stabled and took one of them together with a saddle which did not belong to him and from traces left it is supposed that he went to the northeast If he did he may as well come back There is another man connected witli the affair whom we will for convenience sake call John Doe and Case may have gone to join him This is not the first cattle deal these two have been engaged in and prose cuting attorney Ed Clarke feels sure that if they -are apprehended he can convict them Considerable indignation is felt over the escape of Case and Hammond is strongly condemned for allowing his prisoner to get away People think he and the others should have been confined in the steel cage instead ot being allowed to occupy the large room especially as the sheriff had c tioned his deputy to be extra careful while he was gone THEORIES w f V - it win oe rememoereennac the liv ery barn belonging to Case burned down last week together with 14 head of horses There should have been 19 head in the barn at the time The others are not yet accounted for and the theory has been advanced that cer tain parties with whom Case appeared to have had a disagreement early that evening set the barn afire after taking what property they wanted A sub scription paper that was started for the purpose of partially reimbursing Case for his loss has been pigeonholed A friend of Case advances the theory that Case will return in a few days with the man from whom he received the Orans cattle and will then stand trial and endeavor to show his inno cence by proving that he bought the cattle or took them to feed this winter This story sounds queer but we give it in a spirit of fairness This same friend claims that Case can prove his innocence of any complicity in the other cattle deals with which he is said to have been connected it L Bivens has been appointed deputy sheriff by Sheriff Strong and he will in the future have charge of the prisoners Republicans are Active Harry O Tucker and J A Carroll whTaddress the McKinley Club to morrow night on the money question Mr Carroll is a democrat who says he is going to vote for McKinley and the annouueement of this fact should be sufficient to draw a good crowd Next Tuesday September 22 Jack Mc Coll A E Cady and Orlando Tefft together with a greater or less num of smaller lights will expound repub licanism to the multitudes which are expected to assemble here on that occasion This meeting will com mence right after dinner and continue until far into the night and there will be no excuse for anyone to go away hungry for politics There will be plenty and to spare A E Cady will go from here Tuesday and speak at Wood Lake in the evening We want a correspondent in every precinct in Cherry county who will send us the news of his or her locality at least once a month oftener if pos sible We offer inducements to corre spondents Write us about it Who says it cant rain in- Nebraska THIS SORT OF WEATHER Makes one feel like buying w NO 34 XrXr BLANKETS D Of -the OKI Reliable firm of venport Thacher DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best plaee in town to buy fresh fruits and vegetables is at PcttycrewV DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best place in town to buy gro ceries and confectionery is at Pettyerewsf DIDNT YOU KNOW That the best place to trade your produce to trade your produce is at Pettycrews 2 If you didnt try him and you will HERRY QpUNTY QfiMK Valentine Nebraska Every facility extended enstomers consistent with conservative banking Exchange bought and sold Loans upon good security solicited at reasonable rates County depository E SPARKS President CHARLES SPARKS Cashier Who we are CITY DRUG STORE JH QUIGLEY PROP What we are Where we are B C H COKKELSj President DEALEH IN DRUGS PAINTS VARNISHES TOILET SUNDRIES MAIN STREET VALENTINE NEBRASKA ANK OF VALENTINE M F MCMULSOX Cshte Valentine Nebraska A General Hanking Business Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic and Foreign Exchange Correspondents Chemical National Bank New York First National Bank Omana CITIZENS - MEAT MARK ET WILLFITBNISH - Fish G ame Tender Steaks Jney Roasts Dry Salt Meats and the finest line of Smoked Hams and Breakiast Bacon ever sold in town At StettersOId Stand on Main Street GEO 0 SGHWALM PROP THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS WIKES LIQUORS and CIGARS VALENTINE OJ the Choices Brands Nebraska A I