The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, September 10, 1896, Image 1

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S4 CJt
Ctnino Event
Teachers Association Sept VI
BrrauClub Septil
Democratic Kepresentatlarc Convention
8parki 8epc 18
Hose Team meets Sept 14
Old Settlers Keanlo 8ept 18 19
MWA Picnic Brownlee September 23
Thb Dehocrat 1 per year
Croquet sets at cost at C R
Frank Rayeame down from Chad
John Brown is over from the Agency
44 Yesterday was pay day at JFort
We want sidewalks now that school
has commenced
Shoes made en the 20th century last
at T C Hornbys 82
Two bundles of old papers at -this
for five cents
Bob Dyer waa over from Rosebud
the first of the week
F L Brewster of Nbrden was in
-town on business Saturday
Miss Nina Longcor returned Icom
Iher visit to Iowa Saturday night
C C Thompson came in from Haek
erry Late yesterday on business
A large assortment of wall paper
new styleB cheap at C E Watsons
Mrs Logan Barker of Tekamah is
Tisitingdoliiiyes in town this week
Wanted Bated bay For particu
Iara enquire of Dayenport Thacher
Prof Chadey Strickland was to
town a few days during the past week
Jos Kounovsky and wife of Wood
Hake were in Valentine on business
A carload of soap and twenty five
wagons are being issued to the Indians
this vseek
ron this morning for a short visit with j
-old friends
Miss Evelyti Hiisinger returned from
TekMaaU Iftlt week and is visiting j
relatimin town - J
It ii rumored that Alslp Son will
contest theaXvard of the Indian school
cdrftraft to Owen Hill
The very best castor machine oil
lowest possible price at C R Watson
Try it arid baconviuced 29
Some at the Indians who were in
town Mdfcdis night became Tether
noisy TiufdJi rib damage
Wilson he Ainaworth vegetable
man was in town this wedk with a
carload garden truck
Mrs W E Haley is visiting at
ONeill this week She will probably
home Sunday night
licB J Doerfus one of
teachers arrived from
lsmbeaii Wis Tuesday -night
r Carlson received tetters
patent for tneh new automatically
soaping -washboard September I
Mrs Brdwnaeo 74 yars died of
typhoid fever atCrodkston last Friday
morning and was buried Saturday
D C Robinson of Rapid City SD
and Jesse McCallum of Genoa Nebr
registered at The Donoher Monday
W H Wilnsbn and A J Walling
ford were up frbm Kennedy yesterday
-on their homesteads
making final probf
Mrs F K Bhrens and daughter
Anna returnedlast night from their
visit in the southeastern- pdft df the
Miss Marian Hurley of ONeill is
visiting Miss MaeOSullivan fdr a day
or two She goes to Arabia to teach
school Saturday-
J W WhUiahsand wife TetUrhett
frow their Tislfat Omaha Elgin arid
other pointBihthe easterh partDf the
state Monday night
Roland Robertson has returned
from Crookstonand severed his cofc
nectidns withthe geiieral merchandise
firbf -E Mcionaldr
Miss Etta Brown returning from Mt
PteSsant Ibwa last Friday evening
aijtuok her place in theTschool idoihi
he 1 Monday mbrnmg
XI C Saiiher H B Clajp B
Gr I ma John Bntt and L W fendy
among biirmost pleasant caliert
Uu to the past week
Cases Bans Burns
Last night at lOjlS fire in some
mysterious manner started in the livery
barn of II J Case and inside of one
hour thereafter the rbarn with all its
contents was burned to the ground
No cause can be assigned for the
origin of the fire Mr Case having left
the barn not mote than five minutes
before it was discovered
There were in the ban at tbeitime
14 head of horses five buggies harness
blankets aed ether etceteras Of these
but two buggies were saved
Of the houses burned C G Thomp
son of Hacfcherry Lake owned two
A J Wallingford of Kennedy wo
and Reuben Quick Bear of Rosebud
one In addition Mr Wallingford lost
a fine new carriage belonging to a
neighbor of has which be had bor
rowed for the trip to Valentine The
balance of the property was owned by
Mr Case and there was no insurance
on same
This loss is very hard on Mr Case
behaving just completed two new
additions to the -bam and the savings
of years was represented in the prop
erty His loss will amount to about
M S Hostetter of Omaha is m
Rev Bassett of Norden filled the
pulpit at the Presbyterian church
Sunday evening He will preach here
svery two weeks m the future
G H Jewett government con
tractor of Arlington was in town
looking after business here and at Fort
Niobrara Sunday and Monday
AJ Wallingford took necessary
steps to organize a school district in
his neighborhood 7 miles north of
Kennedy while in town yesterday
Wanted to Buy Iron grey horse
about 4 years old 15 hands high good
knee actios carries his head high
Enquire at Northwestern Fred
and Sale Stable
Rev 0 t Samsey preached his
frewett sermon at the- MEU church
TSttnday nigjht He went to Ainswortlj
lo attend wnf erence yesterday morn
MIbs Edith Stark commenced teach
ing school at No 12 Harniony dis
trict Moriday This is Miss Starks
first term as teacher she having been
a graduate of tlne High School here
last spring
Joe PotmesH has resigned his posi
tion in Quigleys drugstore and will
go to Lincoln next wek to take a
laboratory course in the State Univer
sity and shorthand and telegraphy at
fthe Lincoln Nfcrmal
County TfeaWer Crabb informs us
that he wilVsobn commence makinar
out the tax fist for iB5 and all delin
quent real estte taxes not paid by
October 1 will be advertised Better
pay up and saVecests
fe queer how things will slip ones
rSind isnt it Now theres L D
Lincoln for instance He is the father
of a new girl Shd has been ever since
Aug 24 anii nobody has said anything
about it Mr Lincoln is lust as proud
bfhe little dneiibw though ashewSTs
ttiree vreeks ago
JACarroll wiil speak on The
Causes of Our Present Financial
Trdiibles at the bid settlers reunion
at ISpaiks Satdfllay September 19
Mr Carroll will handle this subject
frSm a strictly ton- partisan stand-
pdlhtand those who go to HeUr this
ortor wiir receive a rare tfet
Win Steadmdh broughta bunch of
feihdrsup from Pass to Woodlake last
SatUf day andttten ran up to
tirie for a short Vfeit Sutiday and Mon
day He informs rhis paper that It
M Fadiils took 6 Cafsdf steers to mar
ket last weekfrbmhisranch He has
about 3t00 tons of hay put up for
winter feed and every prospect is
good f or the winter
It does ones heart good to ledrn
that atttie Norden harvest hbirie festi
val a couple of weeks -ago cbfn stiilks
8 feet cane 12 feet popcorn 7 feet and
niillet 6 feet high were oh exhibition
while potatoes like sticks of cdfdVbod
cabbages as large as tabs iid onions
which which -weighed 1 Ohiids each
bobbed up sefdnely and turned their
smiling faces to the a3sembled multi
tude irkska is Helrseff dgain
JilliIiedfor TFemv Year gg
He was Greeted by a JNarce Aadiefe
rriaav Nfbt ana Kacerly
jLlgteaed tit by JByrybody
He Made no Vpnvevtu
Hon J L Caldwell of Lincoln ad1
dressed the people of Valentine on the
issues of the day as seen from a re
publican standpoint appearing under
the auspices of the local McKinley and
TTnharf rlnh TTo matt trrRntii hv a
filled to its utmost capacity Standing th Proper use ofheWseeHdo
room however was not at a premium and yifcCaldweUis an expert
The audience was an intelligent one u uaimwna eulogy
but what Nebraska audience is not u 9 arraignment or juage Scott
There was a noticeable lack of farm
ers and country people generally but
this is said to have been due to a lack
of proper advertising not lack of de
sire to hear an eloquent enunciation of
republican doctrine The ladies were
out in force and they composed probr
ably one third of the audience and
their presence added much to the gen
eral appearance of the assemblage
The remaining two thirds of the audi j
ence were McKinley and Bryan men
the latter turning out in large numbers
but owing to a misunderstanding they
did not attend in a body as originally
Ten pieces of the 12th Infantry bancT
furnished music for the occasionnd
after a couple of seleotions the chair-
man of the meeting Er J Davenport
introduced the orator of the evening
Mr Caldwell is a goodlooking man and
a fairly eloquent talker With bis
long blac coat aud quiet expression
of countenance he might easily be mis
taken for a minister until you heard
his talk He has a habit of shaking
his head when talking which is decid
edly disagreeable to his audienee con
stantly arousing apprehension for the
Realize that these meP were democrats
not protectionists
He tHen grew sarcastic and oh hiv
he did ridicule ttie dollars of
aies We actually felt ashamed of
our daddies and were sorry they eve
hadk dollar Next he eulogizedourl
ijfesent and told how each is as
good as the other and in the next
tehee hedeplored the fact thate now
have hundreds of millions of them m
the treasiiryat Washington depreciat
ing in value every day
Here came a part of his ppeech that
received the condemnation of all who
heard it Although he did not say it
he tried to leave the impression that
silver is redeemable in old He en
tered ubon the grandfloquent when he
he dramatically wavedhis arms in the
air and said Tbe lver dollar is in
a better position ihi the Christian
for it knows that its Redeemer liveth
and is upon tbecaTtJfr After all of
this it was not farpnsing for him to
smash the iritfeVtfatiional agreement
plank of hisowtt platform by declaring
chat all tfoe diVilized natious of the
world cotiH tfoteep the price of silver
Mt tadWft made a very bad break
wiren Ife atLtised the democratic
fcJtm w eateniig to sectionalism fcyi
attempting to array the east against
be west He seemed to forget tbst
Wsf the g o pt for thirty years
waijag the Jbjpody shirt and shrieked
apw southern brigadiers and that
sorttbJng and remained in power
tiripftupftn this plea He forgot
tnafctjie republican party always cat
ere4 to the sectional prejudices of the
ntoasieaand is eyen now denouncing
theigndrant ill bred union destroy
Taken as a whole Mr Caldwell gave
a verygoiBd speech and was liberally
applauded for hfo efforts but he ought
po revise his speech and eliminate the
inconsistencies- noted together with
laree audience Cbrnell Hall beinff I feAe n aition to learning
apd praise of McKinlewere very
After the band had splayed March
ing Through Georgia Judge Tucker
was called for and genteelly roasted
Sjfeje unknown Jersonrwho bad dis
turbed the meeting by whispering and
wound up with his oft iepeated asser
tion tbatiie intended to make a speech
later In the campaign
v J
safety of that necessary portion of his D y senator
nl thi coirw w HA PJae Geo Elliott and Amos
Caldwell ffiuhif S tip to Gordon Friday
times dnring his speech
The first part of Mr Caldwells ora
tion for that is what it was was noth
ing ixz a tirade against Bryan and his
supporters having no excuse for its or
igin but jealousy- Mr Caldwell being a
brother member tT the bar and having
an otece in Ihfc same buihftng with
night and attended the republican
senatorial convention Saturday
George A Eckles of Chadron Was
elected chairman and Geo Elliott
secretary The west end of the dis
trict had nbcahdidate and the east
end was left out by the withdrawal of
Syver lackey ot Ainsworth so the
ma u ftawnart6 delegates ere iiva quandary over who
v o -v -U wdirffTftiabn tfc6 fsiftfi At lust thnv hif
iaUULM nnMni V T J
V7TJ riZ SJ 4pon Dr Win B Ely of Ainsworth
After having delivered himaeif qV r
ail ihe villificatton he had In stock and
xnausting all the belittfing adjectives
o the dictionary he recovered his head
and proceeded to discuss the finance
question He quoted extracts from
faVhous documents and reeled off std
rlsttcs like a counting machine said
tne country wVis going to the dogs and
ofrarod no remedy but protection
Sound money and de
clared the speaker go hand in hand
Jhrid the sentiment was loudly applaud-
4 To prove this proposition he
Quoted from Jefferson Jackson Ben-
toTiand other statesmen of that time
to prbve that they were all for the
bfd Standard and he didnt seem to
It Teachers Association
v Tae Valentine Teachers Association
will meet at the High School building
Sept 12 at 130 pm All interested
mnisohool work are cordially invited to
meet with us
The following program will be given
How to use new methods
f Prof R H Watson
Current Events Edith M Stark
Teachers Reports
MrsyBelle Hornback
Discussion Mamie Jeffere
The best method of teaching phonics
and orthography Harry O Tucker
The NEA from a teachers sand-
poit Etta Brown
1 Lizzie Crawford Pres
and he wa3 nominated by acclamation
This wks a hapfty selection as the
Doctor is a strong gold man J L
Caldwell spoke at Gordon in the even
rngahd altogether a nice time was
Death of 3 M V aricftblson
morning S ebtember 4
1896 at her home in Valentine of
heart disease and dropy Mrs Mary
Estelle Nicholson aged m years and
6 months
Like a leaf dfopped from a tree in
autumn which faffs uion a rippling
stream and floats ffOm view or like
the shadow from a passing cloud the
soul of thisbOd woman left its earthly
home and went to the palace prepared
for it by the Master Quietly she nad
lived ana uetly she died surrounded
by those who Wed her best All Who
knew hef fdved her and her death
though not unexpected was astiock to
the entire cdtnnuinity
uThe f uneral was held Saturday after
noon at the Methodist church under
the auspldes6f the Order of the East
ern Star the Rev J M Bates df St
Johns Episcopal church conducting
the services The church was filled
with friehds who took this method of
paying a last sad tribute to the de
ceased and the funeral procession was
such aS is seldom seen in Valentine
Jolm Nicholson wife and daughter
Alta and Mrs Rose Porter of Ains
worth and D L Nicholson Of Madison-attended
the funeral
Mary Estelle Sparks was born in
Buchanan Mich Maitth 18 I860 and
resided at that pMce until 1885 Hrben
in company with members Of Iter fam
ily She cairie to Valentine She was
atone time a tea cher in the public
schdols here and in 1889 married M
I V the present cashier of
Mhe rBanlr of Valeritine One child
blessed this rinioh a little girl Estelle
6 years old Mrs N had been ah In
valid or a number of years and but
recently returned from a hospital in
Omaba fche was a 3ister of Eltito
Cbtfrics aud Levi Spuiks of this ptce j
Ifakes one feel lite buying
NO 33
Of theCld Pweliable firm of
Davenport Thagher
That the best plaee in town to buy fresh
fruits and vegetables is at Pettycrews
That the best place in town to buy gro
ceries and confectionery is at Pettycrewa
C a COSttiEUls President
That the best place to trade your produce
to trade your produce is at Petty crews i
If you didnt try him and you will
Qherry Qounty Bank
Valentine Nebraska
Every facility extended customers consistent with ennjervative banking
Exchange boughfrand sold Loans upongqod security solicited at reasonable
rates -County depository -
What we are
Where we are
jr f ivjc8ev vgkur
VateHtine Nebraska
A fxetieral Banking UnsinesH Transacted
Buk and 841 BtoWrlit ttnA Foreign Exchmngc
CorietbfldentsCefttCl Nitioftsl flank Kow Tort Wrtt Katlonal Bank Oaai
Srne Tender Steaks
Jncy Soasts -Dry Salt Meats
andtlie finest line of Smoked
Hams and Bacon
ever sold in town
kt letters Old Stand ilain Street
the Dhoieest Brands