The Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Cherry Co., Neb.) 1896-1898, September 03, 1896, Image 5

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Lieutenant Governor
Secretary or State
Com Lands ind Buildings
Attorney General
Supt Public Instruction
Silas AHolcomb
lioDcrtK Moore
Joel A llper
J S Hartley
Eugene Moore
Henry CBusell
ArtlhirS Churchill
C 11 Gere Lincoln
L Burnhem Omaha
Regents University j J M Halt Alma
1 U IV
Holmes Pierce
illalleu Kearney
Hull Edgar
Senators Wm V Allen Madlbon John M
Thurston Omaha
psprescntutivcs First DisU let Jesse IJ Strode
ildcoln Second D H Meicec Omaha Third
2co I Meiklejolin Fullerton Fourth E J Hai
iTer Aurora Fifth Wm K Andrews Hastings
Sixth 0 31 Kern Broken Bow
Supreme Court T L ICorval Cliifcf Justice
Harrison and Tolk issociates
FifteentM Judicial District M P Kinkaid
ONeilir W II WcstoVcf Kuahvlllc
Keprcsenlcth e Firty second District Frank
Itotlilcutner Kilgorc
Senator Fourteenth District Henri G Stcw
Register 0 It Glover Longpinc Receiver J
A iMKe ewioit
Treasurer G P Crabh
Sheriff Amos Strong
Judge F MWalcotf
County Attorney Ed Clarke
County Superintendent Lillian Stoner
Surveyor Chas Tait
aoroue a- ij js
i l max vierwi
MjOliitnissroners Dunham
1 1 sumvan
Overseers of Highways It Hansen and J Kay
Constable It Tow no
JbKtleus of the Feace Jbbu Dunn- and J M
Assessor- John Dunn
Town Board E E Sparks president C H Cor
nell treasurer T C Hornby clerk D S Ludwig
and J W Burleiirh
Marshal and Water Commissioner 11 lewne
hchool District No 1 F M Wak ott president
MV Sieholson treasurer J C Pettrjohn secre
tary J W Burleigh G P Crabb and 1 T Kecley
Imp 0 JR L
aTttrHBUllTitue No 22 taiproved Outer of
Bed Men meets every vcond and fourth Friday
evening of each month at Davenports Hall
Visiting brethren are fraternally invited to be
at the councils of the tribe
ijivsent I C ol R C H Thompson Sachem
Minnekadhsa Lodge No 192 A F A M
meets in regulaccotinuunicatioii Saturday even
ing on or before the full moon in each month
members of the order in good and regular stand
ing cordially and f raternallv invited to attend
J T Kecley W M
W W TuoMrsoN Seev
0 E S
Northern Star Chapter No D Order of the
Eastern Star meets on second and fourth Tues
day evenings of ea h month m Hornby hall
v w riiomitecu Manie Walcott
Secretary Worthy Matron
ValenUiie Jlodqe No 70 A O U W meets
lsi and 3rd Monday in each month
Carl Dnnut Ree W Holsclaw M W
Valentine Lodge No
Degree of Ilonor
Holds regular meetings first and third Wedncs
lav evening- of each month
jyljhristensen Bee Mrs R Robinson C of II
IO o F
Valentine Lodge No 205 T O O F meets
every Thursday evening Visiting brothers cord
lullvnvitcd touttend our meetings
JT KeelevvNG
WfesKKY TfloEScuvwSeaAv
G A It
Col Wood Pest No 208 Department of Ne
braska regfllar meeting 2d and 4th Saturdays oi
eaoUinoiifli at a um sham Comrads from
other Iosts are cordially invited to attend
J W Tuckkp Commander
John Puxxadjt
Col Wood W K C No 170 regular meeting
2d and 4th Saturdavs of each month
AalAXDA LumviJ Pres
Hjjiij Hqkxhv See
Valentine Camp No 17M Modern Woodmen of
America meets second and fourth Wednesday
evening of each mouth at Davenports Hall
VifUuiigneighbors conlially invited to attend
1 V Sim ns Ven Counsel
J Spirk Clerk
K of P
Chern Lodge No 1C9 Knight of Fvthias meets
every Tuesday evening at Davenports Hall
J T Keely C C
Jos Futniecil K of R and S
ArlVal anclDepartttKe qJT Mails
Mail east and west closes at 8 p m
Rosebud leaves at SW a m daily except Sun
day and arrives at 500 p ni
Simeon Kennedy ahd Oasis leaves
at 700 am Mondays Wednesdays and Fri-
uuys uuu rns at im y in iucsujs aim
Ft Niobrara leaves daily at700 a m and
600 p m arrives at 930aiixtud730 p m
Kewanee and SparJ arrives Mondays
Wednesdays and Frldars at 5oa pm and
leaves Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays at
7o a m
General delivery oen from7S8a m to 70
nw Geueral deilvery opeiiiou Sundays from
frtoi0 ain Ljck boxes opendaily fonn a a
m to 830 pm
W EHALEY Postmaster
Physician and Stwgeon
Olhce at C R Watsons Drug Store Prompt
attentiougivcu to all professional calls
Valkntixk - Neukaska
The regular monthly Teachers
Examination will be held the
tkesed Saturday of each month
ai my office in theCouirtHouse
Supt of Schools
WW --
Attorneyat Law
Allkluds of lcin business promptly attended to
WJUcInvill be Snbnl tcdro tJie Pea
IIc for their Approval or
KlccIon Kturty Them
The following proposed amendments
to the Constitution of the State of Dfe
braskajashereinafterset forth in full
are submitted to the electors of the
State of -Nebraska to be voted upon
at the general eleotion to be held- Tues
day November 3 A D 1896
A Joint resolution proposing to
amend sections two 2 four 4 and
five 5 of article six 6 of the Consti
tution of the State of NeliraskaiirelaMag
tio number of judges of the supreme
court1 arid their term of office
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legiela
ture of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 That seotlon two 2 of article
nx 6 of- the Constitution of the State
or Nebraska be amended so as to read as fol
Section 2 The supreme court shall until
otherwise provided by law consist of five
6 judges a majority of whom shall be neces
sary to form a quorum or to pronounoa
a decision It shall have original jurisdiction
in cases relating to revenue civil cases in
whiohthe state shall bo a party mandamus
gut warranto habeas corpus and such
appellate jurisdiction as may be provided by
Section 2 That section four CO of article
Bix 0 of the Constitution of the State
of Nebra3ka be amended so as to read as fol
Siotion 4 The judgc3 of the supreme
cdurt shall bereleetfed by thV electors of the
stite at large and thoir term of office ex
cept as hereinafter provided shall bo for
less tlian five 5 years as the
legislature may prescribe
Section 3 That section five 5 of artiee
Hir B of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska be amended to read as follows
Saetioitio At the first general election to
tafHeldm tne -year 1806 there shall be elected
tVro 2 judges of the supremo court one
of whom shall be elocted for a term of
two 2 years one for tha term of four 4
yioars and- at- eaoh goneral election there
after tliere shall be elected one judge of
the supreme court for tho term of five
i years unless otherwise provided by
kvj Provided tHafc the judges of the su
prtfine court liose terms Have nof expiredi
at tlie time of holding the general eleo
tion of 1806 shall continue to hold their
office for the romainJer of the term for
which thoy were respectively commis
Approved March A D 1833
A- jbinfc resolution proposing an
amendment to section thirteen 13i of
article six of the Constitution of the
State- of Nebraska relating to com
pensation of supreme and district court
B- ic resolved by the Legislature of the State
Srction 11 That- section thirteen J3 of
article six Syof tlij Constitution of tile btate
of Nebi a ka be amended so as to read as fol
ih o 13 The judges of the supreme and
dtaia isk courts shall receive tor their services
sufiEconipention as miy be providedby law
Tiiu legislature sliall at its first session
after the adoption of this amendment
three fifth of the members elected to
eai h house concurrimr establish their
oonipsiisation The compensation so es
tablished shall not be changed oftener
thin once in tour vears and in no event unless
two thirds of tlij members elected to
each house of the legislature concur
Approved Mhrcli30A D 1S03
A joint t resolution proposing to
amend sactiou tventm foun 4 of
aetdnlai ft6Dofr rlie Dbnstitutiom of
tlie State of Nebraska relating to com
pensation of the officers of the executive
Be itrcsolvedlandenactedby the Legislature
of the State of Nebraska
Seotion 1- Thic section twentv four 24
of article five of the Constitutio 1 of the
State of Neoraska be amended to read as fol
Section- 24i The officers of the executive
department of the siate government shul
ie eive fur their serviecs ai oumpenatiou
to be ejtablibhul by law whl It shall bo
ueithet nor diminished during the
term lor whch they bhall hive boen com
ipiisioued and they shill not receive to their
own itse any fees costs interests upon pu die
uioneyH m their hands or under their control
perquisites o offiie or oijtc oompen
Jiation and all foes thtifr may hpre
ufttr be payable by law fr services
pet formed br an officer provldel for in
tijis article shall be paid in advance into the
stata treasury The legislature shall at its
firsfese sipn attpr thBadpption of this amend
ment three fuths qf the members elected to
each house of the legislature con
curring establish tlie salaiie3 of the
officers named in this article The corn
pen ation so established shall npt be changed
qfipner than once in four years- and- in no
aveuj unless twothjrds of the members
ltQtqcUtQjeacb house of- tho legislature concur
Approved March 29 A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section one 1 of article six 6 of
ttie Constitution ol the Stateof Nebras
ka relating to judicial power
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legisla
ture of the State of Nebraska
SectiDniH 1 of article six
ofnhe ConBtitution of the State -of Nebraska
g e amended to read as follows
Section 1 The judicial power of this state
hall bo vested In a supreme court district
courts county courts justices of the
pare- police magistrates aniLim such other
CjQunaauferior to the supreme coutt as may
be created by law in winch two thirds of
the elected to each house
Approved March 29 A D 1895
A a joint resolution proposing to
amend1 section- eleven ivy of article- sss
6 of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska relating to increase in num
ber of supreme and district court
Be if resolved and enacted by the Legislature
of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 That section eleven 11 of
article six 8 of the Constitution of tho State
of Nebraska bo amended to read as fol
Section lii The legislature whenever two
thirds of the members elected to each house
shall concur therein may in or after the year
one thousand eight hundred and ninety seven
and not oftener than once in evfiryrf our years
increase the nnmbar of judges of su
preme and district courts and the judical
distrio s of the state Such districts shall
ft formed of compact territory and
bouuaed by county lines and such int
rease or any change in- the boundaries
a district shall not vacate the office of any
Approved Maroh 30 A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section six 6 of article one 1 of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska-
ttlating tp trial by jury
Be it resolved and dapeted by the LjdJletrs
of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 Tuat section six 6 article one
1 of the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska be amended to read as follows
Section 0 Tlie right of trial by Jury ahall
remain inviolate but the logiBature may pro
vide thnt in civi actions five sixths of the jury
rtiav render a verdict and the legislature may
also authorize trial by s jury of a less number
than twelve men in courts inferior to the dis
trict court
Approved March 29 A D 1893
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section one 1 of article five 5
pof the Constitution of
ing to officers of the executive depart
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legisla
ture of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 That section one 1 of ar
ticle five V of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
Section Is The executive department shall
consist of a governor lieutenant governor
secretary of state auditor of pubic accounts
treasurer suaorintendent of public in
struction attorney general commissioner
of public lands and buildings and three
railroad commissioners each of whom
except tho uaid railroad commissioners
shall hold his office for a term of
two years f om the first Thursday after
the first Tuesday in January after
his election and until his suocessor is
elected and qualified Ea h railroad com
missioner shall hold his office for a term of
three years beginning on the first Thursday
after the first Tuesday in January after
his election and until his succes
sor is elected and qualified Provided
however That at the firstjjeneral
hold after the adoptibh or this amend
ment there shall be elected three railroad
commissioners one for the period of one
year one for the period of two years and
one for the period of throe years The gov
ernor secretary of state auditor of-
and treasurer- shall reside at
the capital during their term of office
they shall keep the public records books
and papers there and shall perform such du
ties as may be required by law
Approved March30 A D 1893
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty six 26 of ar
ticle five 5 of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska limiting the num
ber of executive state officers
Be it resolved and pnacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 That section twenty six 28 of
article five o of the Constitution of tha
State of Nebraska be amended to read as
i Sfcation No- other executive state offi
cers except tHbse named iu section one 1
of this article shall bo created except
by an act of the legislature which is
concurred iu by not le3S than three fjurths
of the members elected to each house
Provided That any office created by an
act of the legislature may be abolished by
the legislature two thirds of the mem
bers elected to each house thereof concur
Approved March 80- A D 1835
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section nine 9 of article eight
8 of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska providing for tlie investment
of the permanent educational fundyof
the state
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legisla
ture o the Stato of Nebriska
Section 1 That section nine fly of article
eight or the Constitution of the State
of Nebiaska Le amended to read as fol
teection O All funis belonging to the state
for educational pui poses the interest and
income whereof only are to be used j hll
be deemed trust funds hild by the Btate
and the state shill supply all losses there
of that may in any manner accrue so that
the same shall remain forever inviolate
and undiminished and shall not be in
vested or loaned except on United States
or state securities or registered county
bonds or registered school district bonds of
this state and such fuuds with thj inter
est and income thereof are hereby solemnr
Lv tjledtrod for the purposes for whii hthev
grautedl and setc apar6 and shall not
ta ansKjiTeu ro anyotuer tuna ror other
Provided The board created by section
1 of this article is empowered to sell from
time to time any of the securities belonging
to the permanent school fund and invest
the prooeeds arising therefrom in any of the
securities enumerated ih this section bear
ing a higher rate of interest whenever
an opportunity for better investment is pre
And provided further That when any
warrant upon the state treasuier reg
ularly isuied in pursuance of an appropri
ation by the legislature and seoured by fhjB
levy of a tax fon its pavment shall
lip to the state- treasurer for
payment and there shall not be any
money in the proper fund to pay such
warrant the board created by section 1
of this article may direct the state treas
urer to pay the amouut due on su h war
raut from moneys in his hjinds belonging
to the permanent school fund of the state
and ho shall hold said warrant as an in
vestment of -aid permanent school fund
Approved March 29 A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing- an
amendment to the- Constitution of the
State of Nebraska by adding a ne
section to article twelve 12 of said
constitution to- be numbered section
two 2 relative tp the merging of the
government of cities of the metro
politan class and the government of
the counties wherein such oities al
Be it- resolved and enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska
Section 1 That article twelve 12 of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska be
amended by adding to said article a new sec
tion to be numbered section two 2 to read
as follows
Section 2 -The government of any city of
the- metropolitan class and the gov
ernment of the county in which
it is located may be merged wholly
or in part when a proposition so to do has
been submitted byauthority of law to the
voters of suchi city and county and re
ceived the asBent of at majority ofi the
votes cast iu such city and also a majority
of the votes cast in the county exclusive
of those cast in such metropolitan city at such
election -
Approved March 29 A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to section six 6 of article
seven 7 of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska the
manner- im which votes shall be cast
Be it resolved and enacted by the Legislat
ure of the Stato of Nebraska
Section 1 That section six 6 of article
seven 7 of the Constitution of the State
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
Section 6 All votes shall be by ballot or
such other method as may be prescribed
by law provided the secrecy of voting be
Approved March 29 A D 1895
A joint resolution proposing tp
amend section two 2 of article four
teen 14 of tho Constitution of tho
-State of Nebraska relative to donations
tj works of internal- improvement Hnd
Be it resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska
Ssction 1 That sedtion two 2 of articla
fourteen 14 ot the Constitution of the
Stateof Nebra ska be amended to read as
Sw 2 Np city county town precinct
municipality or other subdivision of the
state shall ever wake donations to- any
works of internal improvement or
manufactory unless proposition to
do shall have been first submitted to tHe
qualified electors and ratified by a two
thirds vote at an election by authority of
law Provided That such donations of a
county with the donations pf siCh subdi
visions in the aggregate sliall not exceed
ten per cent of the assessed valuation of
such county f Provided further That any
City or county may by a three fourtha
vote increase such indebtedness five per
cent in addition to such ten por cent and
no bonds or evidences of indebtedness so
issued shall be valid unless tlv same sliull
have endorsed thereon a certificate signed
by the secretary and auditor of atate
showing that the same is issued pursuant to
Approved March 29 A D 1895
I X A Piper secretary of state of
the state of Nebraska do hereby certify
that the foregoingpruposed amendments
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska are true and correct copies of
the original enrolled and engrossed
Bills as passed by the Twenty fourth
session of the legislature of the State
of Nebraska as appears from said
original bills on file in this office and
that all and each of said proposed
amendments are submitted to the
qualified voters of the State of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection
at the general election to be held on
Tuesday the 8d day of November A
D 1896
In testimony- wHereof I have here
unto set my hand and affixed the great
seal of the State of Nebraska
Done at Lincoln this J 7th day of
July in the year- of our Lord1 One Thou
sand Iliiglit Hundred ari Ninety Six
of the Independence of the United
States the One Hundred and Twenty
First and of this state the Thirtieth
Secretary of State
Parties having final proof notices in
these columns will receive a marked
copy ofi the paper which contains
first insertion of same It is the duty
of each claimant to examine their
notice carefully and should there be
any error the fact should be reported
to the land oilice and to this office at
once for correction
U S Lund Office Valentine Xehr I
Inly i l 18KJf
Notice is lieiebv riven that Laura R Young
formerly Laura E iisliop ol Belle Iourche S 1
has tiled notice ol intention to liiuki fimil proof
before Kegistermul Kecmer at their oftiue in
Valentine Nebr on Saturday the lLth day ol
Sept lSDii on timber culture application No
7750 ror tlie w ue1 and wiseh Sec 2 To 01 n
11 ii w
He tinmen as witnesses George Shadbolt
George Seager and John Bishop ot Cody Neb
Bazi Hunt of Merriinan Neb
Testimony of Claimant Laura E Young for
meily Laura E Bishop will be taken before the
Clerk of trie District Courfbf Jluttecbunty South
Dakota at llclle Fourche Sept nth 18UC
CJi LOVlilt Register
Land OHice Valentine Ntb
August 10thl89fi
Notice is hereby gi en that the
settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof m support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Uegister and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Sept 19
Pearl O Porter of Woodlake Xebr
H K No 10152 for the siSse1 seisv Sec 00
and neJineJi Sec 3J Tp 20 ll 2Gv
He names the following witnesses to prove her
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
David Hauna James M Hanna Charles A
Barnes John Dale all of Woodlake Nebr
C KGLOVEK Uegister
U S LaiuJ Olllce Valentine Nebr
August 13th 18 f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof iu support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before the Uegister
and lleceiver at Valentine Neb on Sept 18th
lSWJ vy
John E Hendricks of Cody Nebr
II E No 3413 for the mine and sline Sec
27 Tp 35 K 34w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Fied Iltose JoSeph A itose Albert C
Kiemenschneider Frank L Reed all of Cody
Neb C 11 GLO VEK Register
Land Office ati valentine Nebr
Aug 17 189C
Notice is also hereby given that the followin g
named settler has filed notiee of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof ill be made before the Register
and Receiver at Valentine Neb on Sept 25th
1S9G viz
John J Bothwell of Pullman Nebr
HE No 8755 for Lot 1 neJ4uw uMneJ i Sec
19 Tp 27n R 3Cw
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuos residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Geo H Howard Joseph Cotton Dad Hilt
John W McAdams all ot Pullman Neb also
George H Howard of Pullman Neb
HE No 9171 for the sswJi Sec 20 and sVSse
Sec 19 Tp 2711 R 3G w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said landviz
JosephCotton David Hilt John J Bothwell
John W Me Adams all of Pullman Neb also
Mary A Pullman of Pullman Neb
H E No 9919 for the sV4se seJswJ4 Sec 10
and nejinw Sec 15 T 28n R 3fiv
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon aud cultivation
of said land viz -
John J Bothwell Davidi Hilt Chris- Nelson
William A Metzgar all ofPulnnan Nebr also
Lulu E Hilt formerly Lulu E Pen
der of Pullman Neb
T C No 7545 for the nwjseK nswJ4 sej
sw Sec 30 Tn 27n R35w
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz
John J Bothwell George II Howard John W
McAdams Joseph Cotton all of Pullman Neb
C It GLOVER Register
Notice Timber Vulture
Laud Office at Valentine Nebr 1
August 4th 1896 f
Complaint having beenentered at this office
bv Jacob Klein aganisftiTohn a Flack for fail
ure to comply swlth law as to timber culture
entry No 8441 dated October 23 1890 upon the
sViney and eSnwM Sec lo Tp 29 R 29 iu
Cllerrv county Nebraska with a -view to the
cancellation of said entry contestant alleging
that the said John A Flack has wholly failed to
break or caiteetobe broken any part of said
tract and has wholly failed to plant or cause to
be planted any part of said tract iu trees tree
seeds or cuttings since the date oi his said entry
and has wholly failed to cure his laches to this
date The said parties are herebysnmmoned to
appear at this olhce on the 10th day or Septem
bei 1MG at 10 oclock a m to respond and fur
nish testimony coucerniuc said alleged failure
CTRGj0 VER Register
C J Lant Orricr Vnpntne Neb t
Notice ishereby given that Daniel Igsm of
wnat Cheer Iowa iias filed notice of Intention
to make final proof before Register and Recei
ver at tlirir office in Valentine Neb on Satur
day the J2th dny or Sept 1890 on timber cnlture
application No 74fC fsr the sw4 SeclTpru u
He names as Avitnosses Mieheal McLaughlin
James Smith of Valentine Michael Kcnnealey
and Bartlett White of Crookston Neb
Testimony of claimant Daniel Egan will be
taken before the ei8rkof the District Court nt
Sigourue Keokuk county Iowa Sept 5th 189C
C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebraska
July 23 189G f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice ofi his intention
to make final proof in suppoitof his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at Valentine Nebraska on Sept 9th
189G viz
Andrew J Wallingford of Kennedy
H E 882jfor the heJi Sec 9 Tp 30 n R 31 w
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
William n Wilkinson Milton Dunham and
Nelson S Rowley of Kennedy Neb Willard S
of Simeon Nebr also
William II Wilknsion of Kennedy
II E 8819 for the sJinwJi nsv Sec 52 Tp 30
n R 30 w
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upoH and cultivation
of said land viz
Andrew J Wallingford Milton Dunham and
Nelson S Rowley ot Kennedy Nebr willard S
Morgareidge of Simeoni Nebr
C R GLOVER Register
U S Land Office Valentine Nebraska I
Aug 19th 139C
Notice is hereby given that Minniu Dodds for
merly Minnie Ewarl of Lake City Colorado has
filodnotice of intention to make final proof be
fore the Register or Receiver at his office in Val
entine Nebr on Saturday the 25tk day of Sept
1890 on timber culture application No 7C02
for the s4nw4 nyssH of section No 20 In
Township No 27 Range No 29 w
She names as witnesses Robert Lee Willie
Lee John R Lee aud Thomas McCIean all of
Brownlee Neb
Testimony of claimant Minnic Dodds will be
taken before the Clerk of the District Court of
Hinsdale County at his olhce in Lake City Colo
rado September 25th 1890
C R GLOVER Uegistesr
US Land OHice Valentine Nebr I
August 2Ist 18W J
Notice is hereby
ed settler has filed notice of his Intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at Aalentine Nebr on Oct 10th
1890 viz
Elsworth P DeFrance by Lydia De
Prance his wife of Pass Nebr
H E No 9170 for the seswfi swisej i sec
32Tp28 Lot 2 sw4neM Sec 5 Tp 27 UK
He names the following watnesses In vmve his
continuous residence upon anil cultivation of
said land
William Steadman Charles II Tait Wilber A
McNall and Robert M Faddis all of Pass Neb
C K GLOVER Register
US Lund Office Valentine Nebr
August 21 1890
Notice is hereby given that the
has filed notice ok her- intention to
make linalproof in support of her claim and
that said jiroof will be made before Register
and Receiver at Valentine Nebr on Oct
Gth 189G vu
Caroline P Capwell of Pullman Neb
II E No 10153 for the sne simvji sec 22
Sheiiames Hie following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land
Samuel S McCIean John L RosebemyJames
Hamuli Christian Nelson all of Pullman Nebr
C R GLOVKR Register
Land OHice at Valentine Nebraska i
Allg22189K 1
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has flled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before Robert
Lucas USCCC at Merriinan Nebr on Oct
7th 1890 viz
Thomas Gates of Merriman Neb
HE No 10155 for the scHncV sec 29 sSnwJ
svJ4 neJ4 sec 28 Tp 29n K 30 w
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence on aud cultivation of
said land viz
JomrlJulow of Gordon Neb Charles II
Jacobson Egbert Bonner Joeph A Saults of
Pullman Nebr
CR GLOVER Register
Wanted An Idea
Who can think
of somcalmDto
Protect yourldeas they may bring you wealth
neys Washington D C for their 1800 prize offer
and list of two huaOsed Inventions wanted
Pacific Short Line
Passenger leavesONeill Neb
at 1005 a m immediately after
rival of train from Black
Hills reaching Sioux City at 235 p
m saving- three hours time
Lowest rates Purchase local tickets
to ONeill and rebuy there
Satisf acttorr guaranteed
Eeasonable charges
Good Kigs and Careful Drivers
Teams Stabled
At Geo Langs old stand
Repairing a Specialty
Prices Strickly Cash and Low
er tb an ever
SHOE oil Cherry St opposite Langs
old stand
Below will oe found the constitution
or the Non Partisan William t Bryan
Club which till who belfere In the
principles there set forth are respect-
fully asked to sign Your membership
in this club need not interfere wltb
your connection with any other clpb
of a like nature Bead the constitu
tion and then sign the- blank form at
the bottom and send to L r Sparks
President Bobert Good Vice Presi
dent or D H Thurseon Secretary of
the Club at Valentine
Section 1 Tlie namo of this organization shaiS
Be the W J liryan Non Partlsan Freo Sliver
Section l The object of this organization
sliall be to disseminate a silver sentiment a
batter understanding of the finance of the-country
among its members and the people of tbe
county generally and to promote good citlzen
anipby purity of purpose and harmony ctactloo
and to work for and secure by honest efforts the
election or W J Bryan as our next President
Section- n The otilcersofthlacliilsha boe
President Vice President Treasurer and thre6
Section 1 There nliall be an Executive Com
mittee composed of the officers of the- clubtto
arrange nil preliminaries of tlie campaign and
to fill vacrncles when such- occur It shall bo
the duty of this committee to scale a program
fun each meeting
Section lAIlfundH for necessary expense
shall be raised by voluntary conrributionanly
Section 1 Roberts Rules of Order shall gov
ern the meetings- of the clubi
Section l This club shall meet every Friday
evening at 8 oclock and club rooms wIlLbe open
to visitors at all hours
Each member must identify himself with the
club bv signing the Constitution aud accept the
pruiciptes set forth iu the same
To tlie officers and5 menvbers of the
Non - Partisan William T Bryan
Club Val ntine Nebraska
You are hereby authorized to- enroll
me as a member of yiur Club and af
fix ray nanie to the constitution of th
same BespcctfuH yv
Nam V
Lostufiice Address
State Con FcntfQj
A delegate convention of the democrats of
of Nebraska i hereby called to meet la
Omaha on Friday September- A J0Caa
10 am for the purpose of nominating the fol
lowing candidates Efcht electors for the
etlices of president and vice president govern
or lieutenant governor secretary of state
aadifconof public accounts treasures
tendent of publift instruction attorney genera
commissioner of public lauds and buildings re
gent of tlie state university to fill vacancy and
two judges of the supreme court contingent
upon the adoption of the constitutional amend
ment and for the transaction of any other
business that max properly ooine befoce It
We invite all democratic citizens of state
without respect to past political associations or
differences to unite in sending delegates to the
The basis of representaHw is one- dclpgfce
for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof cast
for Hon W J Bryan at the general election in
1894 each county however to lave at least oas
Cherry and neighboring counties are entitled
to delagajtfis as follows
Brown 2 KeyaTaha 1
Cherry 3 Rock 2
Dawes 7 Shepidaui T
By order of the democratic state central corns
CJ SMYTH Chairman
LEE HER DM AN Secretary
Democrat Conjcressionar Convcntftn
A delegate convention of the democrats of the
Sixtli congressional district of Nebraska is
hereby called to meet in Chadron on Tuesday
September 13 AD 189C at 2 pm for the pur
pose of nominating a candidate for congress and
forthe taaasactumof such other bustaes as
may properly ASocmoerats ol
the district without respect to- past poStlcal as
sociations or differences are invited to unite- to
sending delegates to thi3 conventiou
The number of delegates to which each county
is entitled isi
Banner l Howard
Blaine A KejaPaha z
Boyd 5 Keith 2
Box Butte 5 Xiraball 3
Brown- 2 Lincoln G
Buffalo 14 Loan 1
Chevenne 3 Loup J
Cherry 5 McPherson J
Custir 9 Rock JH
Dakota 7 ScottsBlufE l
Dawes T Sheridan 7
Dawson 7 Sioux 2
Deuel 2 Sherman 4
Dixon 0 Thomas 1
Garfield 1 Valley -A
Graut l - 1
Greeley 6
Hooker r Total 140
Holt 10
By order- o tlie democratic
Iforth Western Line i to best
to and from the