t U V fc j V I x fll VOL XI Band concert at -and tomorrow Two bundles of old jofiice for five cents S THIS AND THAT Coming 12vent Uryan Club Aug 28 Mclunliy Club Aug 28 Democratic Primaiy Aug29 Loyal Lejjion Picnic August 29 Democratic Countv Convention Sept 2 AOUW Picnic Sept ember 2 The Democrat next issue Sept 3 J F Caldwell -Sept 4 Old Settlers Jlcunlon Sept 18 19 MWa Picnic J3rownlec September 23 JcnioerntIrCaijcus The democratic voters of Valentine precinct are requested to meet at TJryan club room on Saturday evening August 2 at 730 oclock for the purpose of electing five delegates to xattend the county convention M ClIRISTENSEN Chairman Work for the school house Will we have races in October Where is the school house petition Tas Rav has been Quite ill this -week Croquet sets at cost sons Go to Omaha Sept at C R Wat 1st for -550 -round trip School commences Sept 7 one -week ifrom Monday Bennett Irwin was in town a few hours Sunday the Post tonight papers at this Wheat is turning out 6 to 10 bushels per acre on the table H J Barnes and wife of Rosebud were in town Monday 2sTorden will hav6 a harvest home festival Saturday Aug 29th A larfffi flMnrfmonf nf it PI shall be nftwsfcrtini i t i r Caeapi at o Watsons - - MrsE J Davenport j home from TekSh where she viaited friends W3lNTED BEled hay For now Mrs Yella Dill and daughter Elsie went to Pierre S D yesterday m Ing For Salt A few full blood Brown Leghorn roosters W F A Melten iorf 30 Miss Flora Hamer commenced -school in district o 8 la st Mrs C B Watsdri returned from Ifer visit at Creiglitoh last Friday night Mrs T C Hornby accompanied Ji Pearl Bay to Lead CiVi Sunday night Twenty three bids were made on the new Indian schools atBosbud and Pine Bidge The very best castor machine oil lowest possible price at C B Watson -I Try it and be convinced 29 Bryan Club meeting tomorrow night Come out and join in the pro gram Everybody invited Geo Scbwalm has bought a new meat chopper and willput in a norse power at his slaughter house Miss Pearl Bay returned to her home at Lead S DSunday night af ter visiting friends here a few weieks The second quadrennial convention of democratic club s will be held at St Louis oh September 30 and October 1 John Maxwell is now the ovner of the fine fur overcoat recently belong ing to W A Selden He got it cheap Kemember we do as good 30b wpik as any ofnee along the line We wont do work that does n6t suit you G W Dwincll and wite arid their VisMifrhfAr Mrs D J McMahoh and little girl of Beatrice are in town this week J A Hornback of Sparks was a caller at tbfs office yesterday He says he has the best onion crop in the state J W Evans and family piano and organ timers went from here to Cody Saturday From that place they went b Gordon D Stinard is preparing to move his stock of clothing boots and shoes into the Quigley building on Main street about September 1 Mrs A T White and children re turned from their extended visit among relatives in the eastern par t of the sjtate last Friday night Democratic county convention next Wednesday September 2nd Same date as the Indianapolis convention This is merely a coincidence Rev Sexton preached to fair sized ing Last Friday night three wives re turned to their husbands at this place and in cpnsequence there are at least three happy men in town Perry Lawson has had his barber shop calsomined and cleaned until it us now a rival of the famous Palmer House silver dollar shop Perry is a hustler if he is short A rumor is current to the effect that a gentleman from Pierce and one from St Paul Minnesota were awarded the contract for building the new Agency Hnhnnla rhnj4rmnrjann aufchon l i tic Jackson Brayton have not yet de cided whether their new stone build- two stories high or nofr Work is pfbgrssihg rapidly the side walls beingup about six feet at this writing Dr C A Wells returned to Lead M j arfeiiquire 8f davenport Thacher City S B5 Stinday night but will be N Krfernember tbe primary tiyanadb room Saturday even ing Mark Cyphers was ori the the first of the week but is sick list ail right in Valentine again soon Dr eirs does more business in his line than any other dentist in the state And he does it well too Mr and Mrs J A Fike and family went to Salem Illinois Monday morn ing where they will visit for about a month Mr Fikes mother is serious ly ill at that place and he was called to her bedside Query the cigar maker is doing business at his shop in the Paul build ing and is turning out as good a brand of cigars as can be bought anywhere for the same money Home industry should be patronized Lieut CranVille of the artillery son-in-law of Capt Craigie left this morning for hiS post of duty at Fort ress Monroe Virginia He was ten dered a farewell Teception at Fort Niobrara last evening The sidewalk on north Cherry street needs repairing and needs it at once This is a favorite walk for our people especially those with proclivities which demand quietude and it should he attended to at once B C Fox and T N Burket came up from Lincoln Monday night and went fishing Tuesday No fishing trip is a success without A T White so they coaxed that gentleman away from a 30b of threshing to pilot them among the lakes The veteran hotel man Geo Dwi nell is in town looking for location to start a hotel or restaurant He finds our town quite well sipplied with these necessary business places but will locate here if he can find a room or building tosuit him Are we going to get p vote on the proposition to hond the district for a hew school house or nit The petit ion is dragging along slowly and it seems that all our metmgs andBallot inars and talks and acrimonious debate is to go for naught Shall the matter be allowed to smk ilto innocuous de suetude A O IT W pidic next Wednesday Sept 2 Membet of the lodge and Degree of Honotfwill leavi their hall at 930 a m anproceed to Bristols grove where aqappropriata program will be renderjd Bjing lyour oWn baskets and fesure w brin plenty of i 1 eatables r ING FRIDAY NIGHT Elected Officers Adopted i ti - tion and Transacted Other Business What was Said and lone for Bryan The enthusiasm for Bryan continues to grow as was testified by the crowd wnicn attended tne jsryan tjiuD meet ing last Fridav nieht During the week a transformation I scene naa oeen enacted in ana about the club rooms and the members were little short of speechless in their ad miration of the way in which things had been arranged for their benefit and the benefit of the cause they rep resent j Alog the entire south side of The DEticRAT office high up so it can be Otlr5ilTr raarJ fVio rnilrnart rlarmt 10 a lion nrmrrrAorjifinnc of fVia PrnnlATt nn I warn i zs jzs - t - ii word uuuLvuwuv UUUUOT UlUliimii rlllll HVHII 1 T PEADQUAJtTEES W J JBRYAjNt clot iq letters about two feet high The club room- itjjelf was freshly and thoroughly cleaned while red white and blue bunting was artist tically festooned about the walls A large portrait of W J Bryan was hung in the center of the room at the rear of the presidents chair and plenty of seats were provided for the members The meeting was called to order by Eobert Good who briefly stated that j the object of the gathering was to per- stitutionand permanent organization j was called for and reported as follows AETrCLEI NAME Section 1 The name of this organization shall be the W J Bryan Non Partisan Free Silver Club ARTICLE II OfeJECT Sectioni The object of this organization shall be to disseminate a silver sentiment -a better understanding of the finance of tlie coun try among its members and the people of the county generally and to promote good Citizen stiip by parity of purpose aiidliarmoiwof action and to vorlrfor and secure by efforts the lectionof W J Bryanas our next President ARTICLE III OFFICEES Secfaon 1 The officers of this club shall be a President Vice President Treasurer and three Secretaries AllTICLE IV7GOMMHTEES Sectioni There shall be an Executive Com mittee composed of the officers of the club to arrange all preliminaries of the campaign and to fill vacrncles when such occur It shall be tlie duty of this committee to scale a program for each meetiug AKTICLE V FtJNDS Section i All funds for necessary expenses shallbe raised by voluntary contribution Oiliy v ARTICLE VI RDLfiS Section 1 Roberts Rules of Order Shall gov ern the meetings of the club ARTICLE VII TIME OF MEETINGS Section 1 This club shall meet every Friday evening at 8 oclock and club rooms will be open to visitors at all hours ARTICLE VIII MEMBERSHIP Each member must identify himself with the club by signing the Constitution and accept the principles Set fortli in the same The committee f uther recommended that the temporary organization as ef fected at the last meeting be made permanent as follows President L C Sparks Vice President Robert Good Secretary D H Thurston The constitution calling for three secretaries nominations for the other two were in order and Martin Chris tensen democrat was nominated and elected by acclamation E Vande grift republican was nominated as the the third man but as he is not a resident of Valentine a short discus sion was indulged in Wer the advis ability of electing officers outside the town As the clut is to extend all oyer the county it was decided that Mr Vandegrift was eligible for the office and he was elected by acclama tion and given the power of envoy extraordinary to do missionary work among the republicans G P Craibb was nominated and elected treasurer without opposition Short talks were then called for and llobert GoodTesporided With a few re marks on Bryan as a man T R o Geddisalso responded to a call for a speech i H Thurston was next and gave a very good concise statement of the situation from his point of view which was well received and pronoun ced the best speech of the evening J H Quigley offered a few remarks and then a short discussion was indul ged in over the aims and objects of the club and it was decided to lose no time in getting down to gob solid work at once t A vote of thanks ws tendered to VALENTINE PnhUsheA for Four Years as CHERRY QOUNTY INDEPENDENT DEMOCRAT Martin Christensen for his untiring labor without compensation in m decorating the club room and IELD ito REGULAR MEET the meeting adjourned until Friday Theclub room is open at all hours pxhe day and should become the FajIyipg place foe all persons interested ie the work of organization Literature bearing on the issues of tbetejimpaign will always b3 on hand ancj somebody will be present to enter taTn visitors A visit to Valentine will be incomplete without a call at Bryan headquarters 4A Wod Opportunity 4boufc000 barrels of lime will be requip in the construction of the Iar diausboolatJioseitjud and as much more at Pine Ridge Besides large quantities are used at Fqrt Niobrara and in town The bills argued town abound in stone which we are inform ed will make a superior quality of lime when burned ithas been test ed and found suitable for the purpose Here is a chance for somfi man with enterprise to lay a foundation for a good income Not much capital would be required to develop tis pro duct of Cherry county and we would like tosee some man take hold of it TIT VT C Officers Tlie Woman s Christian Temperance IJniob met with Mrs Geo Hornby Tuesday afternoon and elected officers for the ensuing year as follows - Presiaent Mrs Effie Anderson feet a permanent organizatioQ pfthej Jice resvGiit Lira J AY Callen Bryan Ckb f omjtiee 0n recording Mrs L Vachon Corfesponamg secy Ml CrlOYer treasurer Mrs W A Pettycrew Superintendent of Evangelistic work Mrs C E Glover Superintendent of mothers meet ings Mrs Helen Hornby Superintendent of Kress work Mrs Q W Morey Superintendent of parlor meetings Mrs J G Norttirop - - Well Reserved ttafijpliuients The following letter to officers at Fort Niobfara explains itself and speaks volumes for Col Andrews and the other officers bf the Twelfth In fantry and is the result of the recent visit ot Gen XGppinger to the Post The General commanding the De partment requests me to convey to you his satisfaction at the condition of Fort Niobrara as he found it at his recent inspection The Post was in Capital order the Garrison in fine for m the men well set up a marked improvement in go snap and drill- highly creditable to Col Andrews and to the other officers concerned The condition of the Quartermasters Department transportation stables and store houses was specially credit able to 1st Lieut D E McCarthy E C M 12th Infantrv l Xiiterary Snccess The entertainment given by the ladies at the Methodist church Satur day evening was a splendid one and deserves to go down in the social his tory of the church as one of the most successful literary events ever conduct ed under its auspices Miss Hedricks recitations were tlie leading features of the evening and she fullfiled every expectation in itie manner in which she acquitted herself She is a re markably fluent speaker her voice tbeing clear and distinct and her repertoire embraces selections of wide range pathetic humorous drafhatic semtimehtal and dialect The support given Miss Hedrick by our local talent was splendid and al most eclipsed the efforts of the star Mr Mast and Mr Fred Kave being the especial favorites of the audience Messrs iNave and Mast cannot com plain of the reception given them by our people the applause which fol lowed the duet No Hope Beyond lasting several minutes Each hi these gentlemen also sahg a solo Mrs j A Carroll f avoiren the audi ence with one of heT rest silecfciotis and responded to ah enthusiastic en core as did also Miss Tess bSflllivan Mrs Nave Miss Greislrihgerj Mrs Wellford and Miss EdrlS MacDonald furnished the accoiiipaniments fdr the various singers The net receipts for the evening were between twhfcy five and thirty dollars and will ire applied bn the ministers salary The DkM ofcKAT 1 per ycaf VALENTINE QHffBBY CO pBffAj3KA THURSDAY ATJGfTTST W 1896 MissTess OSuIhvan returned to OXeill this morning after a very pleas ant visit here with her sister The Red Front has just received a line of school shoes which they adv er tise in this issue of The De jhocrat There isnt a better hotel in North western Nebraska than the Donoher This is authentic well vouched for and final BRYAN CLUB the LQNG mm it k L 1 Mflr vJW S V Wxlfy7Bm B ifB if n JT7 r u itJdi x Davenport - - NO 81 V AND THE SHORT Of successful advertisino J o - MTrTrTHTT3rT3T 9 J JLJXJIVJEIIJ Why do sq many people go to Wr A PTTYQREW for GROCERS CONFECTIONERY m FRUIT Why because he sells the freshest at the lowest prices- Try him- A LOT OF NICE FRESH CRAB APPLES Just Received Qherry Qouhty Valentine Nebraska C aeoBNESslstresiaetot B ANK nowadays are flip willingness andr ability of the merchant to sell ale n as cIieap as his competitors ao ana SjQjie tiung3 ior les3f As a general rule eyei y merchant has a leader We hayp strayed off the beaten path this -week and do not ocr anything special but every article n ojir ptore takes the position of a leader Groceries Pry Goods Shoes ats Bar gains in everything ft Thacher yery facility extended customers consistent with conservativ Banking IWWMMfUU WWUgUU MM WW4V4 AWfc4U MUU gVUW dU U 144 V J ftO Ui wiVU Ab lWl3VUWWlU tates County depository E SPARKS President CHEES SPARKS r LIKE FRIENDS Drugs should be chosen witli carev and should always treated right if you wish to obtain good from them You can get the right kind at QUICLEYS - DRUG STORE BANK OF VALENTINE ill i - vr i i i M V NICHOLSON Cashier Valentin Nebraska A General Hanking Business Transacted Buys and Sells Domestic and Woreign Exchange Oonf espohdents iChemical National Bank- New f If at National Bank Omana GlTiZENS - MEAT MARKET - WILL FURNISH - Fish Grane Tender Steaks Jucy Roasts Dry Salt Meats and the finest line of Smoked Hams and Breakiast Bacon ever sold in town At StettaOld Stand on Main Btrest CEO t 8GHWALM PROP THE PALACE SALOON HEADQUARTERS WINES LIQTJ0B3 and OIGARS I VALENTINE OJ the Choicest brands Nebraska Si I